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  • 주제별성경대사전 Мод APK 3.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    주제별성경대사전 Мод APK 3.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]



    편저자 이병철 목사

    * 성경 - 성경전서개역개정판을 사용하였으며, 예배용으로 찾기 편하게 구성하였습니다. 단어(성구사전) 검색, 복사, 메모 등의 기능이 있습니다.
    * 주제별성경사전 - 제목검색, 즐겨찾기, 복사, 메모, 이메일 보내기 기능이 있습니다.

    주제별성경대사전은 성구들을 주제별로 체계적으로 분류한 것입니다. 일반 성구사전은 단지 성경에서 선택한 주제와 동일하게 표기된 단어만을 제공함으로써 독자들이 그 해당 성구를 찾아 참고할 수 있게 하였습니다.

    그러나 주제별성경사전은 다수의 주제에 따라 성경에 나와 있는 주제와 동일하게 표기된 단어 뿐만 아니라 동일한 뜻이나 내용이면 모두 취급하여 체계적으로 분류이며, 성경에 언급되지 않은 주제도 제시하여 관련성구들을 찾을 수 있게 하였습니다.

    이 주제별성경대사전은 각종 주제별성경사전, 각종 성경사전, 각종 성구사전, 각종 성경주적, 성경원어 및 신학사전 등 수 많은 참고자료를 사용하여 완벽한 주제별성경사전을 만들려고 노력하였습니다.

    주제별성경대사전의 특징은
    (1) 약 7,000 이상의 대주제 아래 100,000 소주제로 분류, 300,000 성구를 수록했습니다.
    (2) 성경에 나타난 모든 인명, 지명, 사물, 사건, 역사, 지리, 기후, 사회제도, 제사의식, 동물, 식물, 광물 등 그 해당 성구를 제시하여 체계적으로 정리한 것으로, 성경이 각 주제의 내용을 해석해 주는 주제별성경사전의 역할을 합니다.
    (3) 목회자와 성경교사들은 수 많은 주제에 관한 유용한 설교의 윤곽과 초교를 그대로 얻을 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 설교를 위한 풍부한 자료를 포함하고 있어서 주제별설교준비사전의 역할을 하며, 모든 기독교인들의 신앙지침서로 활용할 수 있습니다. 특히 가정예배, 심방예배, 수요예배를 위한 설교사전으로 적합합니다.
    (4) 또한 많은 예증을 제시하여 설교의 예화자료로 사용하도록 함으로서 성경이 제시하는 예화사전의 역할를 합니다.
    (5) 선택한 주제에 대한 성경의 전체의 내용을 거의 파악할 수 있기 때문에 설교는 물론, 기독교 저술가의 집필자료, 성경교사의 성경교재 작성을 위한 자료, 신학논문 작성을 위한 자료, 성경학도의 성경연구서로 활용할 수 있습니다.
    (6) 주제별성경대전은 4x6배판(800p 기준) 약10권가량의 분량입니다.

    *본 제품에 사용한 '성경전서 개역개정판'의 저작권은 재단법인 대한성서공회 소유이며 재단법인 대한성서공회의 허락을 받고 사용하였음.

    E-mail: [email protected]
    [email protected]

    개발자 연락처 :
    * 브니엘성경연구소 http//www.bniel.net 전화 02-2683-3596
  • ПТЭ ЭСС + ПТБ при эксплуатации Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    ПТЭ ЭСС + ПТБ при эксплуатации Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Rules for technical operation of power stations and networks (PTESS)

    From October 4, 2022 N 1070
    (effective from 03/06/2023)
    Instead of those approved on June 19, 2003 No. 229

    Establish requirements for the operation of electrical energy production facilities and power grid facilities.

    Safety rules for the operation of thermal mechanical equipment of power plants and heating networks RD 34.03.201-97

    Approved 04/03/1997
    (as amended by Amendments and Additions No. 1/98 dated June 24, 1998,
    Amendments and additions No. 2/98 dated 08.10.1998,
    Amendments and additions N 1/2000 dated 02/22/2000)

    The requirements for organizing the safety of work during operation, repair, adjustment and testing of thermal power, mechanical, water treatment equipment, water supply systems, thermal automation devices and measurements of fuel transport, boiler houses, turbine and chemical shops of existing and reconstructed power plants, heating networks, heating points are set out and heating boiler houses.

    Unofficial publication

    Application features: search, bookmarks, size settings, font color and background.
  • قصص الانبياء - النسخة الكاملة Мод APK 1.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    قصص الانبياء - النسخة الكاملة Мод APK 1.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    * Version cam for the application of the stories of the Prophets
    * best islamic apps for Android devices !
    * Easy to read and arranged an amazing way!

                 )nhn you offer the best Algoss( Surah Yusuf verse 3

    This application was created to be the Encyclopedia of the stories of the prophets from the Quran and Sunnah, as it includes all of the stories of God Anibae they are in chronological order:

    Adam, peace be upon him, Sheth peace be upon him, Idris peace be upon him, Noah, Hood peace be upon him, in favor of peace be upon him, Abraham, Lot peace be upon him, Ismail peace be upon him, Isaac peace be upon him, Jacob peace be upon him, peace be upon him, Ayoub him peace, Zulkifli peace be upon him, Younis peace be upon him, Shoaib peace be upon him, the prophets of the people of the village, Moses, Aaron, peace be upon him, Joshua son of Nun, peace be upon him, David peace be upon him, Solomon peace be upon him, Elias peace be upon him, Elisha, peace be upon him, Uzair peace be upon him, Zakaria peace be upon him, Yahya peace be upon him, Jesus, Muhammad Prayer And peace.

    A great program detailing the stories and precise detail as he does not need the Internet.

    Application of brilliant features:

    * Easy to read as you want
    * Includes stories of the prophets in chronological order
    * Includes the voice of the Holy Quran recitations senior Senate
    * Includes lessons and lectures
    * Easy browsing interface
    * A constantly
    * Aki_h yourself!

    Features full version:

    * Clean application completely advertising.
    * Includes all the stories of the prophets, video and sound super fast
    * Includes stories of the prophets sound audio super fast

    ** will soon be added the possibility to download music, videos listen and watch without Internet.

    Note: Before you download the full version you can experience the free version.
  • دیکشنری آلمانی به فارسی Мод APK 5.0.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    دیکشنری آلمانی به فارسی Мод APK 5.0.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    لا Completely free and ونNo need for internet to search for words (completely offline)

    German translation into Persian
    بهPersian translation into German
    راهWith English translation
    ❤️‍ German translator with a camera (take a photo of the text and see its translation)
    انسانی Human pronunciation of German words without the need to install additional program and internet connection (completely offline)
    دانشجویان For students, travelers, businessmen, and German translators
    تخصصی A specialized and widely used database with more than 105,000 German-Persian and Persian-German words
    ❤️‍ Existence of grammatical explanations for German words (verb, adjective, noun, preposition, etc.)
    ❤️‍ High speed compared to low volume program in dictionary search and execution
    ❤️‍ Existence of word history with the ability to store the last 500 words
    ساده Very simple and functional user interface
    ❤️‍ Ability to adjust the size of words (fonts) for each device
    زیبا Very beautiful and exclusive design for running on tablets
    ❤️‍ Support for Android version 4 and above
    ❤️‍ Fully professional and accurate for teaching German 2021

    برنامهFull description of the program:
    The German word dictionary is a bilingual program that will help you translate and search words without the need for the Internet and with its very practical and complete resources.
    This program has been carefully prepared for German language students, travelers and Iranian businessmen, and great care has been taken in choosing the words of this dictionary.

    هوشمندA smart dictionary:
    The word dictionary is completely smart and recognizes the pronunciation and language of the word without the need to change the device settings. All you have to do is search for a word in Persian or Latin letters to see your search result in the shortest possible time. .

    انسانی Human word in German:
    You can easily hear the words with German pronunciation without changing the pronunciation of the device and installing additional programs.
    If you wish, you can use the ability to download natural human voices (male and female) and enjoy the pronunciation of words with a German accent.

    کمLow volume and high speed:
    This glossary uses new programming technologies to reduce the size of the program to the minimum possible and occupy less space of the device memory without damaging the program vocabulary.
    Speed ​​of execution and search is one of the most important features of this glossary because using the special encryption used in the glossary, you can run and search this glossary faster than any other program.

    ⭐Application words:
    German to Persian words This program with more than 200 thousand words, is the most complete words available among all its similar programs.
    This collection, with more than 150,000 German words, has been collected from important sources of German translation and similar collections online for you dear ones.
    In the German-Persian dictionary section, more than 50,000 words with German grammar are provided, which if you have grammatical explanations, you can see it in the program.
    In these words, several translations are provided for each German word so that you can choose the best translation according to the position of the desired word.
    Persian to German Dictionary This program with more than 50,000 Persian to German words will help you translate a Persian word into German.

    برنامهApp environment:
    Simple and practical environment is also a feature of this glossary, you can choose the background color and type of program font according to your interest in the program menu and settings section and adjust the program font size to your device, in The program environment is designed for long-term studies to prevent the device screen from turning off.
    In this program, we have prepared examples of writing pens in both German and Persian for you to get acquainted with how to write it if you wish. In this section, we have made every effort to provide you with the best program with the most beautiful user interface.

    ماتHistory of words:
    With a history of search terms, you can access and review the last 200 words you searched.
  • Мультиварка Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Мультиварка Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    We bring you the most beautiful unique application
    with step by step pictures - recipes for multivarka *. Cookbook on your tablet and phone!
          Multivarka - multifunctional home or professional kitchen appliance with program management, designed for cooking in the automatic mode. The main advantage multivarka - is automation of the process of preparation, release the user time, and with our recipes you greatly simplify the process of cooking and sdelat your diet tastier.

    ★★★ first section of our application will help you choose from the available RECIPE Ingredients ★★★
         You choose the ingredients that you have in stock, and the program will select your own recipes

    ★★★ The second section presents all the recipes ALPHABETICAL ★★★
             In this section, there is a handy search that allows you to instantly search for your recipe

    ★★★ In the trade share recipes categorize ★★★
        special attention is paid to:
            • Recipes for Kids
            • diet recipes

    ★★★ The fourth section of our application is a guide in e additives ★★★
    At your disposal is one of the most comprehensive and advanced database on food additives, which contains an objective and comprehensive information, namely:
    - The code names and options
    - Degree to which the additive
    - Full Description
    All information is stored in your device and does not require an internet connection.
    We hope our app will help you avoid hazards when choosing foods. We wish you good health.
    Attention! The information provided in the application, has a purely informative nature. The right choice and responsibility for the consequences is yours!

    * Not less than 50% of recipes with photos - instructions
  • (주)낱말 - 표준국어대사전 - 유의어 + 한자 Мод APK 1.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    (주)낱말 - 표준국어대사전 - 유의어 + 한자 Мод APK 1.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    [Purchase guide]
    I appreciate your DB will be downloaded by the Wi-Fi environment, if a problem occurs during download
    Please install again after deletion.

    [About Us]

    Korea's largest Thesaurus Dictionary published
    (Search service provided by the www.wordnet.co.kr)
    - A wide pool around 7 Korean Thesaurus Dictionary (The thesaurus with 100,000 heading 2 million, 2009)
    - Including a large pool of Korean dialect dictionaries published five kinds of relevant Thesaurus (2010)

    Book difficulty analyzers only domestic development (patented in 2006)

    Reading support level custom system development (2005)
    To measure reading ability and difficulty of the individual books of scientific and objective as a development system that can perform a custom level reading

    Korean macro thesaurus development (2006, 20 million words, 3800 concept (concept) scale)

    English reading skills assessment E-LQ release (2011)

    - Develop Hangul merit Prime Minister Award (2010)
    - Publication Ethics Commission Special Award (2010)

    Dictionary Introduction]

    Features of the National Institute of the Korean Language "Standard Korean Dictionary" (revised edition)

    Compilation period 8 years, more than 500 workers participated, 11.2 billion won in the Budget / myeongsilgonghi most authoritative Korean Dictionary. The outcome of intensive language study with 100 years one of the first countries directly compiled a dictionary. Which is the standard 'norm' dictionary.

    - The dictionary ideas about 510,000 of heading up to
    - The vast terminology and accept the latest information of 19 million words
    - Hangul spelling, standard language regulations, foreign words, such as applying the principle of current literary conventions Regulation
    - The old saying, dialect, bukhaneo, wear, etc. can check various Korean
    - Provide leverage example, pronunciation, and etymology information with details
    - Irregular / rules change more information about the company and the noun

     "Standard Korean Dictionary (week) the words" Product Features

    - The latest edition of the "Standard Korean Dictionary" in 2014 with amendments.
    - A variety of advanced search features: Wildcard search function available
    - Take advantage of pre-revolutionary four species (synonyms / antonyms / Chinese / reverse) and embraces "standard language Dictionary": integration of search functions take advantage of pre-revolutionary.
    - Search History provides: Enhanced Learning
    - Provide for simultaneous iPhone & Android OS
    - New design and enhanced readability
  • 中日・日中辞典 公式アプリ|ビッグローブ辞書 Мод APK 1.0.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    中日・日中辞典 公式アプリ|ビッグローブ辞書 Мод APK 1.0.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    [Overview of the app]
    Shogakukan Chinese-Japanese / Japanese-Chinese Dictionary Official App | The Big Robe Dictionary is Japan's largest and most detailed collection of 90,000 items, with 13,500 parent characters, 100,000 words, and 90,000 examples. , Example 150,000 "Japanese-Chinese dictionary", an offline electronic dictionary app that sets about 16,000 native voices not found in books.

    Books total 14,630 yen → App 4,040 yen (72% off books)

    [App store highest ranking]
    ・ App Store dictionary / dictionary top sales 2nd place
    ・ Google Play Books & Literature Top 2 in sales
    ・ Google Play Books & Literature Top 1 new paid

    The "Chinese-Japanese Dictionary" and "Japanese-Chinese Dictionary" co-edited by Shogakukan and the China Business Seal Museum have gained long-standing trust as the standard for Chinese dictionaries, featuring an overwhelming number of words and lively examples. It is one of the leading Chinese dictionaries in Japan.
    From beginners to researchers, you can use it according to your learning progress.

    For tablets such as Nexus7, please try "Chinese-Japanese / Japanese-Chinese dictionary" that can be used like an electronic dictionary in landscape (horizontal direction).
    After installation, you can use it offline with confidence without connecting to the Internet.
    Quick to use and convenient to carry! It is also effective for learning the gap time for commuting to work or school!

    [1] Make Chinese beautiful. Easy to see and read
    On the dictionary page, pinyin is written in all translated words in consideration of beginners. We are particular about the margins and line spacing, and express the beauty unique to the Chinese dictionary app. The font size can also be adjusted!

    Search is unique to BIGLOBE dictionary! The meaning is displayed as a digest next to the heading word, and the search result also highlights the matching part of the search word.

    [2] Easily find the words you want to look up. Search & audio playback
    "Incremental search", "forward / backward / exact match", "heading / example" that allows you to narrow down search candidates while checking the number of cases in real time from both Chinese-Japanese and Japanese-Chinese dictionaries each time you enter the word you want to search. , And "Maybe search" that displays similar words even if the spelling is ambiguous, etc. are realized.

    ◆ Pinyin search
    Enter the Chinese characters of "Chinese-Japanese search" with pinyin to search.
    If you want to specify the tone, enter it with a tone number from 0 to 4.

    ◆ Headword search
    ・ For Chinese-Japanese search, enter Chinese or pinyin in the search field and search from the Chinese-Japanese dictionary.
    ・ For Japanese-Chinese search, enter Japanese and search from the Japanese-Chinese dictionary.
    * Japanese supports hiragana, katakana, and kanji.
    * Chinese supports Simplified and Traditional Chinese.

    ◆ Example search
    ・ Search from about 210,000 items in Chinese, pinyin, or Japanese from the Chinese-Japanese dictionary and the Japanese-Chinese dictionary.
    You can improve your Chinese ability by touching many example sentences from composition to practice.

    ◆ Tap to search
    With the BIGLOBE dictionary, you can simply put your finger on the word you are interested in in the dictionary and follow the words one after another without stopping thinking.

    ◆ Handwritten search
    If you don't know how to read kanji, you can search for the characters you wrote with your finger using a handwriting input application (Google Pinyin input, etc.) made by another company.

    ◆ Other searches
    ・ Search within the page
    ・ Display history

    ◆ Audio playback
    ・ Includes native voice of about 16,000 important words

    [3] Looking back and learning with "bookmarks" and "history"
    "Bookmark" when you want to mark the dictionary page. You can categorize them into folders of your choice.
    The app automatically records the words once displayed in the "display history", and you can also check the number of impressions so you can look back.
    We also provide a "search history" that allows you to quickly re-search past search terms.

    [4] Copy and paste
    Words and sentences can be quoted in emails and memos, so they can be easily shared.

    [5] Dictionary app that can be used offline
    If you install it on your device, you can use it without connecting to the Internet. It is an electronic dictionary application that can be used quickly and is convenient to carry.

    [6] Extensive appendix
    You can also read many columns and illustrations such as popular wording explanations, cultural background columns, and conversational expressions by scene in the book version.
    ・ Main Chinese names / place names
    ・ Related articles
    ・ In the Japanese culture introduction column, we will introduce the unique culture of Japan in two languages, Japan and China.
    ・ A column of conversational expressions that are immediately useful for each scene / function
    ・ Major names in the world / place names / currency names / companies / brand names / literature / music works
    ・ In the action verb column, the difficult usage of action verbs is explained briefly with illustrations and sentences.

    Enjoy encountering new fields of Chinese with themed appendices

    ◎ Chinese-Japanese Dictionary 2nd Edition
    Since Shogakukan and Commercial Press are jointly edited, it contains lively new words and examples.
    It contains 13,500 parent characters (kanji for headings), 100,000 words, and 90,000 examples that overwhelm the books, and can be used by beginners to researchers according to their learning proficiency.
    We pursued the convenience of learners by classifying and displaying important words in three stages with reference to various textbooks and tests.

    ◎ Japanese-Chinese Dictionary 2nd Edition
    Since Shogakukan and Commercial Press are jointly edited, it contains lively new words and examples.
    A Japanese-Chinese dictionary that brings together the wisdom of researchers from both Japan and China. Heading items that match the times and highly practical examples are carefully selected and recorded. Approximately 90,000 of the largest recorded words in Japan, 150,000 highly practical examples. A large collection of new words such as computers, science and technology, and current affairs terms.
    * Some of the book version's appendices, photos, figures, and tables are not included.

    The "Frequently Asked Questions" is posted below in the BIGLOBE dictionary app.
    If you have any questions, please check here.

    [About the inquiry window]
    For Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and large consecutive holiday seasons (GW, summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, etc.), our inquiry counter will be closed.

    Inquiries received during the above period will be answered in sequence after the next business day.
    Thank you for your understanding.

    [Operating company]
    ・ BIGLOBE Co., Ltd.
  • 통독성경(개역개정) Мод APK 3.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    통독성경(개역개정) Мод APK 3.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ★ NIV Bible unification of Korea's best actors of 'Seo Hye Jeong actors'
    ★ available audio sources without 3G connectivity

    'X-File', the 'Arcade & Action "nation's best known actors, etc., Seo Hye Jeong voice is read through a NIV Audio Bible.

    • Content Configuration
      - Hangul Bible (NIV)
      - Audio Bible (NIV)
      - Word of the day that is updated daily
      - Lord's Prayer, the Apostles' Creed, gyodokmun, the Ten Commandments

    • Key Features
      - Auto Save: Save the last part read automatically at the end of application
      - Bookmarks: Bookmark function unit section provides
      - Highlight features: Text can be displayed to check
      - Memo Management: Chapter unit offers features notes
      - Preferences: font size, line spacing, paragraph spacing, and two kinds of themes can be applied
      - Search function: the biblical text

    • Copyright Information
      - Hangul Bible King James Version of the Bible Society for the rights that

    • Cautions
      - About 1GB of free space is needed for the application installed, please install haohni Please ensure the free memory on your device before installing apps.

    Questions and comments regarding the application, please use the contact us and we will assist Sacred Heart seonguikkeot [email protected].
  • Справочник лекарственных трав+ Мод APK 2.96 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Справочник лекарственных трав+ Мод APK 2.96 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This directory of medicinal plants and herbs (herbalist), which contains about 1,000 names. It contains information about the collection and preparation of the active ingredient, the medicinal properties, the use and side effects. Reference works in offline mode and does not require an Internet connection to work.
    The database will be loaded when you first start. Use the wi-fi connection.

    Key features:
    1. History - every article you ever viewed is stored in history.
    2. Favorites - you can add an article to your favorites list by clicking "star" icon.
    3. Managing History and Favorites lists - you can edit those lists or clear them.
    4. Various Settings - you may change the font and theme (choose one of the color themes).
    5. Widget "Random page of the day." To see the widget in the list, the application must be installed to phone memory (reference may be installed anywhere).
  • 聖經.粵語聆聽版.新舊約全書(下載版) Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    聖經.粵語聆聽版.新舊約全書(下載版) Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    When using it for the first time, please download the sound track from the menu first

    Listen to God's word──
    From Genesis to Revelation, it only takes 88 hours;
    Exquisitely paired with original music to interpret the solemnity, excitement, joy, and sorrow in the Bible...
    ──Help you know God better!

    Organization profile:
    Vision: "The Bible is preached to every household, and salvation comes to the world."

    The Chinese Bible Society Co., Ltd. is an organization that transcends denominational boundaries and is committed to promoting Chinese Bible ministry in the 21st century. We combine Bible publishing with missionary concepts, and provide different media and types of Bibles and Bible materials to Chinese readers around the world, allowing believers and non-believers to know God from the Bible, so as to prepare people's hearts to accept invitations from churches and believers. , enter into eternal life.

    To learn more about our ministry, please visit https://www.chinesebible.org.hk

    If you have any questions or comments about this software, please email to [email protected].
  • Промбезопасность. Тест+ Мод APK 1.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Промбезопасность. Тест+ Мод APK 1.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    An application to help those who are to be certified in Rostekhnadzor on industrial safety.
    The program presents in the "Test" format and in the "Question-Answer" format answers on the main provisions and questions of the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities".

    Test - question + 3 answer choices.
    Choose a question to which you want to get an answer - one click and you see the answer!
    Questions are grouped by topics of the Federal Law.

    The application does not need to connect to the Internet!
    Always on your mobile device answers to your questions!

    The author of the project hopes that the application will be useful for you!
    Leave your feedback and comments
  • Справочник водителя Мод APK 1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Справочник водителя Мод APK 1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Vehicle - a complicated mechanism, which consists of a plurality of parts. Nowadays there are an incredibly large number of brands and models of machines with different appearance, body types, purpose and so on.

    In this app you will find all necessary information about the device and maintenance of the car, as well as how to embellish

    Topics covered:
       - Engine device and its components;
       - Car Transmission;
       - Suspension and steering;
       - Brake system;
       - Electrical;
       - Maintenance and repair of the engine;
       - The fuel injection system;
       - Gasoline, automotive oils and chemicals;
       - Body. Design and operation;
       - Wheels and tires;

       - Salon;
       - Car Audio;
       - Engine;
       - Bodies;
       - Boxes and suspension;
       - Brake system and the exhaust system ....
  • 現代スペイン語辞典・和西辞典 改訂版 Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    現代スペイン語辞典・和西辞典 改訂版 Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The best-rated Western-Japanese/Japanese-Western dictionary!
    The app version is now available with enhanced functions!

    ■ Dictionary content information ■
    ・"Modern Spanish Dictionary/Japanese-Spanish Dictionary, Revised Edition" is a set dictionary that includes "Modern Spanish Dictionary, Revised Edition" and "Japanese-Spanish Dictionary, Revised Edition."

    ・"Modern Spanish Dictionary Revised Edition" is a Western-Japanese dictionary that allows you to understand Spanish more accurately and in detail.
    ・Contains approximately 45,000 items.
    ・The content is suitable for beginners, and is especially recommended for university foreign language curriculum.
    ・Contains many Latin American expressions and the latest terminology.
    ・We don't just look for translations, we also provide detailed explanations of nuances, usage, and cultural background.
    -In addition to adopting a new alphabet arrangement, a detailed grammar explanation is included as an appendix.
    ・A large number of audio pronunciations by native speakers are also included.

    ・"Japanese-Spanish Dictionary Revised Edition" is a Japanese-Spanish dictionary that is useful for everyone from beginner learners to travelers and businessmen.
    ・Contains approximately 35,000 items.
    ・Uses natural Spanish spoken by native speakers, with plenty of example sentences and detailed Latin American language.
    ・A comprehensive appendix is ​​also included.

    ■ Power up the features of dictionary content with app functions! ■
    - Equipped with a "(simple) verb conjugation search" function that corresponds to the characteristics of Spanish!
    You can use the conjugated form of the verb as a search keyword to find the original form of the headword.
    In addition, automatic conversion of conjugated forms and re-search options have been added to other keyword search conditions!
    ・Scroll display of headwords side by side! Equipped with a "touch panel search" function.
    It can be used as a heading index for the Western-Japanese dictionary and the Japanese-Spanish dictionary, and also includes appendices.

    ■ Complete search function! ■
    ・Automatic search every time you enter a keyword. Instantly update search results with "Incremental Search".
    - Search keyword input is of course also supported by voice input.
    - Match conditions for search keywords can be specified in detail, such as "starting match" or "suffix matching". Instantly re-search even when conditions change.
    - You can use "Full text search" to search the text of all items in almost all dictionaries.
    ・It is possible to search within the text of the dictionary entry you are currently reading.
    - Automatically records the history of entered keywords and displayed items. Re-entering and re-displaying is easy.

    ■ Since it is an app, you can share operations with other apps! ■
    ・Supports basic Android operation "Share"! It is possible to have the dictionary browser search for text selected in another app.
    - You can freely specify the dictionary you want to search using "Shared" from among the dictionary apps you already have.
    ・Contrary to "Share", you can search the web using the text of the dictionary entry. Of course, you can also search in dictionary apps.

    ■ Customize the text to make it easier to read! ■
    - Font size can be set in detail for text in dictionary entries.
    - Equipped with a dark theme type display mode (black background + white text) that is less tiring on the eyes.
    -Of course, you can also change the item size using touch operations.

    ■ Register important information as a bookmark! ■
    -You can register bookmarks to dictionary items at any time.
    - Bookmarks can be divided into 10 color patterns and memo text can be set.
    - The bookmark list screen is equipped with a filter function that displays only bookmarks of a specific color.
    - The display order on the bookmark list screen can be sorted by registration date, item order, etc.

    ■ Strong cooperation between dictionary series! ■
    - You can freely group dictionary series and search them all at once.
    ・In the group dictionary search result list, you can jump to the beginning of each member's dictionary.
    ・Duplicate is also OK! One dictionary can be registered as a member of various groups at the same time.
    ・Of course, the bookmarks of the group dictionary can be displayed all at once.
    -You can immediately search in another dictionary using the text of the displayed dictionary item.

    ■ Equipped with convenient additional/expanded functions! ■
    - You can have the text of dictionary entries read out loud with synthesized voice.

    ■ No need to connect to the internet after preparations are complete! ■
    - All data required by the dictionary is saved within the app.
    ・After installation and preparation for use, it can be used completely offline.

    ■ Update history [Latest version 2.01] ■
    - We have significantly revised the acquisition and management of dictionary data.
    - The auxiliary (dictionary browser) app used in conjunction with the dictionary app has been switched to a new, separate app.

    ■ Regarding handwritten input function ■
    ・The handwriting input function “Rakuhira” that was built into the dictionary browser app is
    Due to development issues at the function provider, we are no longer able to provide this service in the future.
    We apologize for the inconvenience, but please consider using the "GBoard-Google Keyboard" app instead.

    ■ Notes ■
    - To use this app, you will need a free auxiliary app to search and display the LogoVista electronic dictionary series.
    When launching the app, if the existence of the auxiliary app cannot be confirmed, an option to move to Google Play will be displayed.
    Please obtain "LogoVista Electronic Dictionary Viewing Browser Ver.2 for Android" from Google Play.
    ・To use the text reading function using synthesized voice, you need to install the separate free "Google Text-to-Speech" app.
    -If you have any questions about our products, please contact us at the address below.
     [email protected]

    ■ About saving data to external storage (external SD card) ■
    ・You can save some of the dictionary app data to external storage (external SD card).
    *There are precautions such as conditions for use. For more information, please check Q8 from our Q&A page below.

    ■ Operating environment ■
    ・Android OS 6.0 to 13.0
    *The operating environment is the latest version released. If you are using an earlier version, the terms may be different.

    ■ About Chromebook compatible models
    To use the LogoVista electronic dictionary series for Android app on your Chromebook, you need a Chromebook that supports Google Play (Android app).

    ■ Operation not guaranteed ■
    ・Android OS 1.0 to 5.1.1
    ・Android device equipped with a non-ARM CPU
    ・“Go Edition” version of each Android OS

    ■Developer/Distributor ■
    Logovista Co., Ltd. https://www.logovista.co.jp/

    ■ Content publisher ■
    Hakusuisha Co., Ltd.
  • Калорийность продуктов Мод APK 2.96 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Калорийность продуктов Мод APK 2.96 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Это Справочник Калорийности Продуктов - Анализируй то, что ты ешь! Здесь представлена одна из самых полных таблиц калорийности продуктов питания. Все данные указаны на 100 грамм продукта. Поможет составить правильный рацион питания, рассчитать количество съеденных калорий. Незаменим, если Вы на диете. Справочник работает в режиме ОФФЛАЙН и не требует интернет-соединения для работы.

    Информация предоставлена сайтом Calorizator.ru

    База данных будет загружена при первом запуске. Используйте wi-fi соединение.

    Основные особенности:
    1. История – каждая статья, которую вы когда-либо просматривали, сохраняется в истории.
    2. Избранное – вы можете добавить статью в список избранного, нажав иконку “звездочка”.
    3. Управление списками Истории и Избранного – вы можете редактировать эти списки или очистить их.
    4. Различные настройки – вы можете менять шрифт и тему (выбрать одну из цветовых тем).
    5. Виджет “Случайная статья дня”. Чтобы увидеть виджет в списке, приложение должно быть установлено в память телефона (база данных может быть установлена куда угодно).
  • Справочник сварщика Мод APK 3.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Справочник сварщика Мод APK 3.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Если Вы считаете себя специалистом сварочного производства, то это приложение Вам скачивать Не надо! Рассчитано для людей, которые хотят научиться сварке. Содержит текстовые справочные материалы по ручной дуговой, ручной аргоно-дуговой, газовой сварке, резке, пайки, полуавтоматической сварки, присадочных материалов для сварки, электродов, и их аналоги зарубежного производства. Прокладка, опрессовка, назначение, маркировка трубопроводов,
    Марки стали, назначение, аналоги. Виды, возникновение и устранение сварочных дефектов. Подключение, последовательность, неисправности сварочного оборудования и их устранение. Настройка оборудования. Обозначения сварочных швов, подготовка к работам, инструмент и назначение, последовательность и сварка конструкций и трубопроводов. Легирующие элементы металлов, газы и их назначение, баллоны для газов; их цвет, назначение, применение. Некоторые ГОСТы и многое другое...
    Вся информация из приложения имеется в библиотеке бесплатно.
  • زنزانة‎ Мод APK 1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    زنزانة‎ Мод APK 1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    La aplicación de una célula libro de Sheikh Dr. / Salman bin Fahd retorno de aplicaciones distintas, que reunió a los contenidos que aborda los temas de la vida, las costumbres y la gente mira con un estilo contemporáneo valor discreto, ventajas múltiples aplicaciones, el uso Ksholh, diseño elegante, y los ajustes de control de la fuente, el color, y la propiedad Encuentra, manteniendo referencias, y la posibilidad de un nuevo seguimiento Sheikh a través de las páginas de sociales, y otras características que dan a la aplicación y el valor real de la tecnología moderna en el mundo de las aplicaciones.


    - Se ha fijado en la versión 5.0-6.0.
  • История России. Даты и события Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    История России. Даты и события Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Guide to the History of Russia.
    A full list of dates and events of Russian history ...
    for both students and students of higher educational institutions.

    - Key dates and facts from the history of Russia
    - Chronology of World War I.
    - Chronology of World War II.
    - Dates of the kings, princes and presidents

    - The lack of advertising
    - Light weight applications, only 220 KB.
    (Due to the lack of advertising, the application takes ten times less space)
  • (주)낱말 - 우리말 유의어 사전 Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    (주)낱말 - 우리말 유의어 사전 Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The thesaurus of synonyms largest secured the most centered vocabulary that can be used in real life **** ****

    - Pre-large: Thesaurus of securing the largest possible number of synonyms around the vocabulary that can be used in real life (heading 260000)

    - Difficulty dictionary: a vocabulary difficulty settings only prior

    - Semantic network dictionary: correlation of the extended 2 car around the meaning of the word in the form of semantic network dictionary Heading one

    - Basic Vocabulary: Vocabulary of basic vocabulary + regular training period (1, 2, 3 Ratings)
    Intermediate words: after puberty words (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 grade) the rapid growth phase of the point
    Advanced words: the growth stage of the point of specialized advanced vocabulary (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 rating)

    *** Level 1 (basic vocabulary)
    Level 2 ** (formal education prior vocabulary)
    * 3 Ratings (Primary education vocabulary)

    No display
    - 4 Stars (after puberty growth stage vocabulary)
    - 5 Stars (intellectual growth stage vocabulary)
    6 Ratings (nomenclature extended vocabulary)
    - 7 ratings (high Nomenclature, low-frequency words)

    ● Thesaurus Dictionary of the largest domestic publishing (in www.wordnet.co.kr search service provider)
    ■ large pool of Korean Thesaurus Dictionary (2009): All seven (100,000 headwords and 2,000,000 synonyms more)
    ■ Offers a wide pool of Korean dialect dictionary thesaurus contains five kinds of publication (2010)
    ● Development of the Book of difficulty analyzer only domestic (Patent 2006)
    ● Custom level reading support system development (2005): Development of a system with a customized reading level scientific and objective measures of individual reading ability and difficulty of the book can be done
    ● Korean macro thesaurus development (in 2006 20 million words, 3800 Concept (concept) scale)
    ● Awards
    Hangul development ■ Prime Minister's Merit Award (2010)
    ■ Publication Ethics Council Special Award (2010)
  • 広辞苑第六版(岩波書店)<串刺し非対応> Мод APK 3.1.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    広辞苑第六版(岩波書店)<串刺し非対応> Мод APK 3.1.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    *** ** * ** *** ** * ** *** ** * ** *** ** * ** ***
    [Important] What to do if the app does not start
    Please try the procedure in Q3 on the following page
    *** ** * ** *** ** * ** *** ** * ** *** ** * ** ***

    【please note! ] This app does not support mutual skewer search with other ONE SWING apps!

    We have launched a new 7th edition migration version. From the 12th, the new price has been added. Please purchase the new 7th edition as soon as possible. Kojien is created from the contents of the 6th edition DVD version.

    ■ Features
    Completely recorded the latest book version of trust, "Kojien 6th Edition", which has been greatly revised.
    A total of 240,000 items have been recorded, with 10,000 new items added as Japanese that reflects the changes in society and life.
    Contains a wealth of multimedia data as content unique to the electronic version.
    Contains photos of people, incidents, life, customs, performing arts, etc. from flora and fauna, geography, nature, videos of events, festivals, sumo wrestling rules, nature, world heritage sites, classical music, Japanese folk songs, birdsongs, etc. I did.
    In addition, a variety of search functions unique to the electronic version have been realized.
    You can use the contents of "Kojien 6th Edition DVD-ROM Edition" that makes the best use of the characteristics of the media.

    ■ Multimedia data
    Illustrations: 7700 points Animals, plants, geography, maps, people, incidents, tools, equipment, life, customs, performing arts, science, architecture, design
    160 points Events / festivals Nature / Other Sumo rules Special natural monuments World heritage events
    231 points 84 kinds of bird songs, 100 classical music songs, 47 Japanese folk songs
    100 points

    ■ Basic usage
    ・ Headword search
    You can search by "starting match", "exact match", "partial match", and "last match" by entering the work name and person name from the upper right of the screen.

    ■ Equipped with triple browser
    Equipped with 3 modes of "user interface" from smartphone 3 inch to tablet 10 inch.
    You can choose an easy-to-use operation environment.

    ■ Basic usage
    ・ Headword search
    Enter words and letters from the upper right of the screen and "match prefix"
    Search by "exact match", "partial match", "end match"
    I can.

    ■ Supports mutual skewered search with multiple ONE SWING apps.

    ■ Cooperation with Wikipedia Japanese (online dictionary)
    Wikipedia Japanese version of the online dictionary that can be used for free is also included
    Can be the target of batch search

    ■ About the search engine "ONESWING"
    This application uses a dictionary search library equipped with high-speed and abundant search functions.

    ■ Recommendation of handwriting input
    We recommend "mazec (J) for Android", which is a handwritten Japanese input method provided by (7 Knowledge Corporation) on the Android Market.
    Unlike conventional handwriting input, continuous input is possible.
    The dictionary is extensive, so you can operate it smoothly.
    * For details, go to Android Market> Tools> mazec.

    ■ Support information
    For inquiries after purchasing this product, please contact the "ONE SWING Support Center".
    * Please contact the publisher for information on dictionary content.

    ■ ONE SWING Support Center
    Reception hours 365 days a year
    Reception site: https://www.oneswing.net/
    We accept inquiries from the "Inquiries" page at the top of the site.
    * We do not make inquiries by phone. Thank you for your understanding.

    ■ Required memory size
    At the time of installation: about 800MB
    When using: 2MB or more

    ■ Memory management
    The app (search engine + browser) is installed in the app area of ​​the main unit. (About 2MB)
    Books and dictionaries are installed on the microSDHC card or the built-in data area. (About 1.6GB)
    Note) * To replace the microSDHC, select "Content Download" from the "Menu Button" and you will need to download the book / dictionary data again.

    ■ How to download contents
    1. 1. Launch the application.
    2. The inquiry dialog about downloading the contents is displayed at the first startup. Select "Yes".
    3. 3. A dialog for confirming the Wi-Fi connection and battery level is displayed. Select "OK".

    * Kojien 6th edition has a large dictionary data of 800MB and times out on mobile line 3G.
    And the download cannot be completed.
    Please be sure to download via Wi-Fi.

    ★ Please download via Wi-Fi ★
    * Please use Wi-Fi. (If the optical line is 100M, it is 1/6 of the 3G line)
    * It is recommended to connect the charging cable so that the battery does not run out during downloading.
    * Download time: Approximately 60 minutes (when using 3G line)
    4. Select the "Start" button.
    5. Use the back key on the main unit to go back.
  • ПТЭ железных дорог РФ Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    ПТЭ железных дорог РФ Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Правила технической эксплуатации железных дорог Российской Федерации (ПТЭ ЖД РФ) утверждены приказом Министра транспорта РФ И.Е.Левитина N 286 от 21 декабря 2010 г.

    В ред. Приказов Минтранса России от 04.06.2012 N 162, от 30.03.2015 N 57, от 09.11.2015 N 330, от 25.12.2015 N 382, от 01.09.2016 N 257, от 03.06.2016 N 145, от 30.01.2018 г. N 36, от 9.02.2018 г. N 54

    Включает приложения к ПТЭ № 1-6, 9, 10 (не включает ИСИ и ИДП).

  • Электроника Это просто Мод APK 1.7 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Электроника Это просто Мод APK 1.7 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The most complete and constantly updated app for electronics and Elektrikov.V app covers all topics concerning electronics and elektriki.Fizicheskie laws, radio physics, the Law of Joule, Ohm's law, Hall effect, diodes and transistors, and other useful veschi.Spravochniki Electricians Questions & answers Lectures on elektrotehnike.Remont TVs and mobile telefonov.Elektroskhemy.Kontrollery. The app is the best of its kind programm.Dobavleny article about the device and repair the house wiring, sockets and switches, wires and kabeli..Sovety elektrika.Prakticheskie electrical installation skills.
    And of course a lot of theory on the basics of electrical engineering, which are painted not only the laws of Ohm and Kirgofa ... Constant updates with the wishes of the client application makes the best of its kind.
  • 디럭스성경찬송 Мод APK 3.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    디럭스성경찬송 Мод APK 3.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Most Bible translations in Korea ★ (9 types)
    ★ Tablet compatible with all Android devices (except some models)
    Audio Drama Bible and hymns source that is stored on the smartphone ★

    Deluxe Bible Christian hymns in worship, the most basic content of the Bible and hymns, composed of powerful features, is a classic application. Consists of the use of the features of the Android UI is compatible on most handsets. Also, the sound that you can hear the audio Bible and hymn 'Download' support without an internet connection, anytime, anywhere willingly available.
    Smartphone worship ... Get started with hymns and Bible Deluxe :)

    NIV Bible drama the voice of more than 60 recordings for Anyone in the Bible can be understood easily. In addition, the Audio Bible NIV1984 that will help you study English and to the sound of classical choir consisting the new hymns source high-level

    • Configuring Content
      English Bible: NIV, Then Hangul
      - English Bible: NIV 2011, NIV 1984, KJV, ASV
      Chinese Simplified - Chinese Bible:
      - Original Bible: Hebrew, Greek,
      English Audio Bible: NIV Bible drama recorded voice of more than 60
      Audio Bible - English: male voice actor NIV1984, Audio Bible
      77 - hymn sheet music the unified been excluded from the new hymn 645 + new hymns hymns (722 total)
      - Psalm 722 songs source source:
      Bible Dictionary: dictionary (12,000 words), English-Korean dictionary (62,500 words)
      - Today's Word is updated daily.
      Appendix: the Lord's Prayer, the Apostles' Creed, the Ten Commandments.

    • Key Features
      Bible to visit a chapter, section lists, tables, and consonant Find quickly: Find the Quick Search functionality is supported.
      Compared to cutting up the - translations band features two translations, and can be read.
      -: Biblical text search, keyword input translations by Bible verses that contain the keyword to find. Search results list, the right bundle is marked by more convenient, you can go to find the phrase you want.
      Highlights: Five color support, and to highlight cutting.
      -Section units Bookmark: Bookmark Bookmark and Bible verses to save the list to make it easy to find clean.
      Notes: Unit Section generous, you can take notes.
      And the color of the background of the 'dark-colored' preferences will be more easy to read the Bible at night.
      - Hymn sheet music scores and high-resolution, zoom-in, zoom-out available.
      You can search hymns - hymns the Hymn Search: chapter, title, lyrics, and a unified basis.
      Copy and share the word of the day are updated daily Today's Word: gracious words, you can share it with the people around you.
      Download Audio Bible and hymns sound can be saved on your smartphone, without an Internet connection to any audio source can be heard.

    • Supports resolutions
      Available on all Android handsets (except for some models)

    • Copyright information
      - The copyright of the English Bible (King James Version) Bible Society for
      Copyright NIV Bible Biblica

    • Note use
    The Bible and hymn would recommend that you use the "Download" from the menu, then Download all of the source. Download all the content you can use it without having to worry about connecting to the Internet from a WiFi environment. LTE/3G network when the download excessive fees may be charged, depending on the plan that is joined to the carrier, please note you. Need space (2GB)
    Also, you do not have a full download from the Download menu, all content stored in the internal memory, so after playing streaming once, twice starting play can be used without an Internet connection.

    Questions and suggestions regarding the use of the application, please contact appbank.co.ltd @ gmail.com Sacred Heart heart will be happy to assist.
  • 동아 현대활용옥편 Мод APK 1.2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    동아 현대활용옥편 Мод APK 1.2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ▶ Prime's massive upgrade! ◀

    1. Dictionary Widget: Search immediately without running the dictionary! The set word is exposed everytime on the widget and leads to memorizing words!
    2. Backup (PC and dropbox) function: If you back up your learning history (wordbook, search history, etc.), you can restore it at any time!
    3. Improved wordbook: select, move, delete, or set widget exposure by word or word! Color classification by wordbook (possible to check the location of the saved word)!
    4. Word-by-word memo insertion: Make memo learning more closely (even pasting text)!
    5. Improved usability that actively reflects the needs of users: Improved memorization mode (selecting the default exposure surface and selecting the starting position, deleting words in memorized word memory mode) / Improved keyboard settings (set in the most recently searched language) / Headword and Highlighter even in memorization mode!
    6. Various personalized setting functions added: Delete previous search on / off, screen slip prevention on / off, spelling input Simultaneous meaning screen VIEW setting added!
    7. URL Scheme Open
    -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------

    No. 1 market share, No. 1 brand awareness, No. 1 offline dictionary!
    Meet UI / UX utilizing the sensibility of a paper dictionary and the “Modern Utilization Jade” application with convenient functions.
    Dong-A Publishing is provided by professional librarians and the best professional librarians.

    ☆ Best Dictionary ★★★★★
    ▶ Selected headwords of 7,000 Chinese characters and 30,000 vocabulary words!
    ▶ You can search not only in Chinese characters, but also in Chinese characters and ancient Chinese words.
    -Maximize the convenience of learners by recording the source and language of the language as well as reading and reading!
    -Includes various transfers to double your Chinese character skills!
    -For each Chinese character, Chinese Pinyin, Japanese phonology, and domain words are presented!
    -Chamber of Commerce / Chinese Character Proficiency Test Present Chinese characters by water supply!

    ☆ Excellent Features ★★★★★★
    ▶ [Offline available] Once downloaded, it can be used anytime, anywhere without Wi-Fi or communication
    ▶ [Convenient screen splitting] Enter search terms and check the search content on one screen
    ▶ [Strong Search Method] You can search in a variety of ways, such as solo, cracking, watering (Korean Literature / Chamber of Commerce), general planning, etc.
    ▶ [Highlight] Check the highlighter for important / review contents!
    ▶ [Various user settings] Customizable settings such as the number of search records and font sizes
    -[Convenient jump function] If you touch a question in the main text, it will go to the corresponding title immediately
    -[Wordbook, memorization mode] Create and manage your own vocabulary indefinitely (word list can be sorted by date / canada, memorized vocabulary can be managed separately), memorization mode using flashcard
    -[Save History] Search and save the searched word as a list
    -[Update service] Continuous update service
    -[UI considering users] Comfortable, clean, intuitive design and usability

    ※ Precautions
    -It is a product developed separately from ios Donga Hyundai Utility Building, so please refer to it before purchasing.
    -Data download is essential for the first use, and charges may be charged when using wireless data, so downloading via Wi-Fi is recommended. (Around 3 minutes)
    -Please note that this product may be difficult to use smoothly under OS 4.0 or lower.

    [Customer Support]
    [email protected]

    ※ This service can be refunded only within 7 days of purchase and only when not in use.
    ※ Payment cancellation is subject to the store's policy and is applied according to the method set by each store company.
    ※ This product was developed based on universalized devices, so it may not be optimized for certain devices.
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    "พระคัมภีร์อิเล็กทรอนิกส์ (เวอร์ชันการกู้คืน)" ประกอบด้วยธีม โครงร่าง การแนะนำหนังสือ พระคัมภีร์ คำอธิบายประกอบ ลูกปัด และแผนภูมิของพันธสัญญาใหม่และเก่าของจีนตัวเต็มและตัวย่อของเวอร์ชันการกู้คืน จัดพิมพ์โดยร้านหนังสือ Gospel Bookstore ของไต้หวัน และสามารถอ่านได้ใน เวอร์ชันภาษาจีนกลางแบบดั้งเดิมและแบบประยุกต์ และพันธสัญญาใหม่และพันธสัญญาเดิมภาษาอังกฤษ ข้อพระคัมภีร์พันธสัญญาใหม่และเก่า เช่น พันธสัญญาเวอร์ชันกู้คืน เวอร์ชันคิงเจมส์ การแปลภาษาอังกฤษดาร์บี้ใหม่ และเวอร์ชันการกู้คืนภาษาเกาหลี ซอฟต์แวร์นี้ออกแบบมาสำหรับสมาร์ทโฟน แท็บเล็ต และ Wear OS ระบบ Android มีฟังก์ชันต่างๆ เช่น การอ่าน บุ๊กมาร์ก การค้นหา ทรัพยากร และการตั้งค่า (โปรดดูคำอธิบายฟังก์ชันสำหรับรายละเอียด) เราก็สามารถมีโอกาสได้มากขึ้นโดยประกอบด้วยความจริงอันศักดิ์สิทธิ์


    1. ประกอบด้วยหัวข้อ โครงร่าง การแนะนำหนังสือ พระคัมภีร์ บันทึก ลูกปัด และแผนภูมิการฟื้นฟูพันธสัญญาเดิมและพันธสัญญาใหม่ในภาษาจีนตัวเต็มและภาษาจีนตัวย่อ
    2. แต่ละข้อมีไฮเปอร์ลิงก์ไปยังคำอธิบายที่เกี่ยวข้อง (มากกว่า 15,000 รายการ) และลูกปัด (มากกว่า 26,000 รายการ) คำอธิบายประกอบแต่ละรายการและแต่ละลูกปัดสามารถเชื่อมโยงเพื่อแสดงพระคัมภีร์ที่ยกมา
    3. คุณสามารถอ่านพระคัมภีร์เวอร์ชันการกู้คืนพันธสัญญาใหม่และเก่าภาษาอังกฤษได้ (พระคัมภีร์นี้เป็นลิขสิทธิ์ของ Living Stream Ministry)
    4. คุณอาจอ้างถึงเวอร์ชันการกู้คืนพันธสัญญาเก่าและใหม่ภาษาเกาหลี
    5. คุณสามารถอ่านพันธสัญญาเดิมและพันธสัญญาใหม่ในภาษาอังกฤษ Darby New Translation
    6. โปรดดูคำแปลของ Imperial English
    7. คุณสามารถอ่านพันธสัญญาใหม่และเก่าได้ในภาษาจีนกลางและตัวย่อ
    8. รวมเสียงพระคัมภีร์ 1,189 บท โครงร่างเล่ม 66 เล่ม และคำอธิบายประกอบ 28 บทสำหรับการอ่านออกเสียง
    9. รวมพจนานุกรมค้นหา 5,263 พจนานุกรมและคำอธิบายประกอบที่สำคัญ 28 รายการ
    10. บูรณาการ "คู่มือการอ่านพระคัมภีร์" และตารางการอ่านพระคัมภีร์ปีละครั้ง
    11. บูรณาการ "ตำราการกู้คืนพันธสัญญาใหม่และเก่าและตารางการตีความอรรถกถา" (ทุก ๆ สองปี)
    12. รวม "1,000 ข้อพระคัมภีร์ที่เลือก" เป็นอุปกรณ์เดสก์ท็อป


    แอพ Electronic Bible (เวอร์ชันที่กู้คืน) รองรับท่าทางการสัมผัสบนหน้าจอที่หลากหลาย รวมถึงท่าทางเจ็ดแบบต่อไปนี้: "คลิก" "ปัดขึ้นและลง" "ปัดไปทางซ้ายและขวา" "กดแบบยาว" "กดแบบยาวและสไลด์ซ้าย ", "ลากกดค้างไว้", "บีบนิ้วเพื่อซูม" และการดำเนินการอื่นๆ "คลิก" เพื่อเลือกหนังสือ คำอธิบายประกอบ ลูกปัด ปุ่มบันทึกการอ่าน หรือเล่นเสียงพระคัมภีร์ "ปัดขึ้นและลง" เพื่ออ่านทั้งบท คำอธิบายประกอบ ประคำ ฯลฯ หรือควบคุมด้านขวาเพื่อจัดทำดัชนีข้อพระคัมภีร์ที่ระบุอย่างรวดเร็ว "ปัดไปทางซ้ายหรือขวา" เพื่อสลับระหว่างการอ่านบทก่อนหน้าและบทถัดไปของพระคัมภีร์ เปรียบเทียบข้อก่อนหน้าและถัดไปกับคำแปล บันทึกอธิบายก่อนและหลัง และลูกปัดก่อนและหลัง "กดแบบยาว" สามารถเปิดฟังก์ชันที่เกี่ยวข้องกับแผงควบคุม เช่น การแชร์เนื้อหา การสร้างภาพ การเปรียบเทียบการแปล การทำเครื่องหมายบุ๊กมาร์ก การคัดลอกข้อความ ฯลฯ "กดค้างไว้แล้วปัดไปทางซ้าย" เพื่อลบบุ๊กมาร์ก บันทึก และคำแปลเปรียบเทียบ "กดค้างไว้แล้วลาก" สามารถปรับลำดับของคำแปลที่เปรียบเทียบได้ "บีบเพื่อซูม" ช่วยให้คุณสามารถปรับขนาดการแสดงแบบอักษรบนหน้าจอได้โดยตรง (อัตราส่วนการขยายจะแสดงที่กึ่งกลางของหน้าจอ เช่น: 1.2 หมายความว่าแบบอักษรที่ขยายใหญ่ขึ้นหนึ่งหรือสองเท่าของขนาดเริ่มต้น) .

    1. การอ่าน:
    1. ข้ามไปที่การเลือกหนังสือ (มีสองวิธี: ตัวย่อและปริมาตร)
    2. การแสดงแผนภูมิ (9 แผนภูมิ)
    3. การเลือกการแปล (8 การแปล)
    บันทึกการอ่านพระคัมภีร์ 4 รายการ (บันทึกในระบบคลาวด์)
    5. ดัชนีด่วน (แสดงลอยทางด้านขวาของการอ่านพระคัมภีร์)
    6. การแชร์พระคัมภีร์ (กดค้างเพื่อเลือกข้อ คุณสามารถแชร์ผ่านอีเมล ไลน์ WeChat)
    7. การสร้างรูปภาพ (พระคัมภีร์เล่มเดียวจับคู่กับรูปภาพ 22 ชนิด สามารถเลือกรูปภาพจากอัลบั้มได้ด้วย)
    8. การเปรียบเทียบคำแปล (สามารถเปรียบเทียบระหว่างภาษาจีนและภาษาอังกฤษได้ สามารถแก้ไขได้เพื่อเพิ่มหรือลดคำแปล และเลื่อนไปทางซ้ายหรือขวาเพื่อสลับระหว่างส่วนก่อนหน้าและถัดไป)

    ★ขั้นตอนการดำเนินการ: ใช้นิ้วกดข้อหนึ่งค้างไว้ จากนั้นเลือก "เปรียบเทียบ" เพื่อแสดงข้อจากการแปลหลายฉบับ กด "แก้ไข" เพื่อปัดไปทางซ้ายเพิ่มเติมเพื่อยกเลิกการแปลที่ระบุ หรือกดค้างไว้เพื่อดึงขึ้น หรือกดค้างไว้เพื่อดึงลงเพื่อเรียงลำดับระหว่างการแปล ปัดไปทางซ้ายหรือขวาเพื่อสลับระหว่างพระคัมภีร์ต่างๆ (แอปนี้จะบันทึกการตั้งค่าส่วนตัวของคุณสำหรับคุณ)

    9. ทำเครื่องหมายบุ๊กมาร์ก (กดค้างเพื่อเลือกข้อ จากนั้นกดไอคอนบุ๊กมาร์กเพื่อทำเครื่องหมายบุ๊กมาร์ก กดอีกครั้งเพื่อยกเลิกเครื่องหมาย)
    10 สำเนาข้อ (กดไอคอนคัดลอกเพื่อคัดลอกทั้งข้อ กดไอคอนค้างไว้เพื่อแก้ไขช่วงที่คัดลอก)
    การอ่าน AI 11 แบบ (สามารถเปลี่ยนอักขระต่างๆ เพื่ออ่านพระคัมภีร์ คำอธิบายประกอบ และลูกปัดทั้งหมดได้)
    12 การอ่านสด
    บทที่ a1189 คัมภีร์
    โครงร่างปริมาณ b66
    c 28 หมายเหตุสำคัญ
    13 การซูมแบบอักษร (แยกสองนิ้วออกจากกันหรือชิดกันเพื่อขยายหรือลดขนาดแบบอักษร)
    14. การสลับหน้า (ปัดไปทางซ้ายและขวาเพื่อสลับระหว่างบทก่อนหน้าและบทถัดไป คำอธิบายประกอบ ลูกปัด)
    15. วาดเส้นและจดบันทึก (กดค้างเพื่อเลือกท่อนเพื่อเลือกสีที่จะวาดเส้นหรือป้อนข้อความเพื่อแก้ไขบันทึก)

    2. บุ๊กมาร์ก:
    1 รายการบุ๊กมาร์ก
    2 ค้นหาบุ๊กมาร์ก
    3. รายการบันทึก
    4. ค้นหาบันทึก
    5. สถิติการอ่านการอ่าน
    6. ประวัติการเรียกดู
    7. ค้นหาบันทึก

    3. ค้นหา: (รองรับการค้นหาแบบหลายสตริงโดยคั่นด้วยช่องว่างครึ่งหนึ่ง)
    1. ค้นหาสตริง
    ก. หัวข้อ
    ข โครงร่าง
    c พระคัมภีร์ (ค่าเริ่มต้น)
    2. การตั้งค่าขอบเขต
    ก. พระคัมภีร์ทั้งหมด
    ข พันธสัญญาเดิม
    จ. หนังสือของศาสดาพยากรณ์
    ฉ พันธสัญญาใหม่
    ฉัน หนังสือคำพยากรณ์
    3. การแปลที่กำหนด

    1 ความก้าวหน้าในการอ่านพระคัมภีร์:
    ก. อ่านพระคัมภีร์ปีละครั้ง (นับจาก 1/1 หรือวันเดียวกัน)
    ข. อ่านพระคัมภีร์ทุกๆ สองปี (นับจาก 1/1 หรือวันเดียวกัน)
    ค. อ่านพระคัมภีร์ทุกๆ สี่เดือน (นับจาก 1/1 หรือวันเดียวกัน)
    dอ่านพระคัมภีร์หนึ่งครั้งในหกเดือน (นับจาก 1/1 หรือวันเดียวกัน)
    2. หมายเหตุสำคัญ (28)
    3. ค้นหาพจนานุกรม (5,263 รายการ)
    4. แหล่งข้อมูลออนไลน์ (รวมถึงการศึกษาชีวิต การอ่านพระกิตติคุณ ความงามของภาพและเสียง การซื้อหนังสือออนไลน์ การถ่ายทอดสดออนไลน์ ชมรมการอ่านออนไลน์ การบริการลูกค้าออนไลน์)

    5 การตั้งค่า:
    1. ออกจากระบบบัญชี (บันทึกขีดเส้นใต้ส่วนตัว บันทึก บุ๊กมาร์ก ความคืบหน้าในการอ่าน เวลาแจ้งเตือน และจำนวนการชำระเงินสะสม)
    a รองรับการเข้าสู่ระบบ Facebook
    bรองรับการเข้าสู่ระบบ Google
    c รองรับการเข้าสู่ระบบอีเมล
    2. การซิงโครไนซ์ข้อมูล (ดาวน์โหลดขีดเส้นใต้ส่วนตัว บันทึก บุ๊กมาร์ก ความคืบหน้าในการอ่าน เวลาแจ้งเตือน และยอดการชำระเงินสะสมจากคลาวด์ไปยังอุปกรณ์พกพาอีกครั้ง)
    3. การสลับฉาก
    สีเบจ (สีน้ำตาล)
    ข อควาบลู
    d หนังสือพิมพ์สีเทา
    e มืดในเวลากลางคืน (ค่าเริ่มต้น)
    3. การเลือกแบบอักษร
    b รูปแบบรายละเอียดใหม่
     สคริปต์ปกติมาตรฐาน
    สัญกรณ์สัทอักษรสไตล์ eZhong Ming
    4. ขนาดตัวอักษร (ใช้ขนาดระบบ)
    5. การแปลเชิงเปรียบเทียบ (เวอร์ชันการบูรณะภาษาอังกฤษเริ่มต้น)
    6. การอ่านตัวอักษร (รองรับภาษาจีนตัวเต็ม จีนตัวย่อ อังกฤษ และเกาหลี)
    7. การตั้งค่าการแสดงผล
    การแสดงเค้าร่าง (เปิดใช้งานตามค่าเริ่มต้น)
    bการแสดงหมายเลขหมายเหตุ (เปิดใช้งานตามค่าเริ่มต้น)
    จอแสดงผลแบบลูกปัด (เปิดโดยค่าเริ่มต้น)
    8. การอ่านแนวนอน (เปิดใช้งานโดยค่าเริ่มต้น)
    9. การแจ้งเตือนรายวัน (เปิดใช้งานตามค่าเริ่มต้น)
    10 เวลาแจ้งเตือน (ค่าเริ่มต้น 6:00)
    11 เกี่ยวกับคำอธิบาย (คำนำ บทนำสั้น ๆ ความเข้าใจเพิ่มเติม)
    12. แอปประเมินผล
    13. ติดต่อเรา
    อัปเดตเวอร์ชัน 14
    15 รายการแจ้งเตือน
    16. การแชร์ซอฟต์แวร์
    17. ชำระเงินฟรี ($US1.99~$US99.99)

    6. อื่นๆ:
    1 การแจ้งเตือนแบบพุช
    2. Deep Link (เช่น คลิก URL แบบสั้นบนโทรศัพท์มือถือของคุณเพื่อเปิดแอป e-Bible โดยตรงเพื่ออ่าน 2 ทิโมธี 1:10 https://bible.pse.is/30010)
    3. โปรแกรมเบ็ดเตล็ดบนเดสก์ท็อป (เคล็ดลับ: กดเดสก์ท็อปค้างไว้เพื่อเลือกโปรแกรมเบ็ดเตล็ด ค้นหา e-Bible แล้วลากไปที่เดสก์ท็อป)
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    ● App Awards Korea 2015 Medical Education Division Grand Prize!
    The'Korean Medical Dictionary' app is hosted by the Digital Chosun Ilbo and sponsored by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, the Chosun Ilbo, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Korea Creative Content Agency, and the Korea Information and Communication Industry Promotion Agency. It was awarded the grand prize in the category.

    ● Korea's first “Korean medical dictionary”
    ● Korean Medical Association 5th edition of medical terms applied, Korean and Chinese terms

    ● Dictionary app first! Headword continuous view function
    ● Front, rear, similar, complete search function for the first time in Korean dictionary app

    All headwords from Edu Factory's'Korean Medical Dictionary','Medical Glossary' and'Medical Abbreviation Dictionary' are all loaded into one app, the first Korean medical dictionary in Korea
    -Over 190,000 headwords in the Medical Dictionary
    -Over 50,000 medical terms
    -Over 5,000 medical abbreviations

    "first! Best! function"
    ● Supports easy vocabulary backup and restore function
    ● Support jump function and Wikipedia jump function in dictionary

    I. Introduction
    -This Korean Medical Dictionary is a specialized medical dictionary containing about 200,000 words such as anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, biochemistry, histology, veterinary medicine, biology, nursing, physical therapy, and radiology. It provides detailed and in-depth commentary and analysis from an integrated perspective.

    -The medical terminology (5th edition) of the Medical Terminology Committee of the Korean Medical Association is applied, and new terms that have never been made in Korean are included.

    -Subheading control according to headwords Search by subject has been facilitated by notation by group, and learning effects have been enhanced by linking the latest medical abbreviations and abbreviations by department.

    -By adding new terms and phrases together, we have prevented confusion and maximized understanding of Korean terms. In addition, essential medical terms selected by the Medical Terminology Committee of the Korean Medical Association are marked in red to prepare for national examinations.

    Ⅱ. program
    1. The first Korean medical dictionary in Korea
    2. The first headword continuous view function in Korea
    3. Real-time word search function and 3 dictionaries integrated
    4. Forward, backward, similar, full search support
    5. Support jump function and Wikipedia jump function in dictionary for all headwords
    6. Multiple wordbook creation and backup restoration function
    -Create as many vocabulary books as you need
    -Add, delete, and sort headwords
    -Wordbook backup and restore

    * Customer inquiry
    Email: [email protected] / Website: www.daolsoft.com / Phone: 02-3473-8703

    Development and sales: Daolsoft
  • 바이블렉스 성경본문해석사전 Мод APK 2.7 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    바이블렉스 성경본문해석사전 Мод APK 2.7 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    바이블렉스는 한글성경전서(개역과 개역개정성경)와 성경본문해석사전으로 구성되었습니다.

    * 성경부분은 개역성경과 개역개정성경을 장착하여 읽으며, 각 성경에서 단어 및 성구를 찾는 검색 기능을 두었습니다. 예배 및 성경 공부용으로 사용하면 좋을 것입니다.

    * 성경본문해석사전은 바이블렉스 9.0의 주요부분인 성경본문원어사전을 옮겨 놓은 것입니다. 코드번호, 제목 단어 검색과 복사, 메모, 즐겨찾기, 설정 등의 기능이 있으며, 이메일로 PC 로 보내어 작업할 수 있습니다. 제목 검색에서는 검색하는 단어와 성구가 나오며, 각 단어의 사전을 확인할 수 있습니다(바이블렉스 9.0에는 없음). 본문검색에는 해당 단어가 사용된 모든 사전을 열람할 수 있습니다.

    이 사전은 한글성경(개역,개역개정)에 나오는 모든 단어, 심지어 전치사, 불변화사, 접속사, 관사 까지도 원어의 의미를 따라 해석, 설명합니다.
    그리고 성경을 읽으면서 그 해당 단어를 클릭 그 의미를 확인할 수 있으며, 개역성경과 개역개정성경을 대조 연구할 수 있습니다.

    그러므로 이 사전은 성경말씀의 정확한 해석과 이해, 깊이 있는 성경연구와 설교, 그리고 성경큐티를 위한 필수참고서입니다.

    이 성경원어해석사전은
    (1) 단어의 어원과 고전 문헌에 나타난 모든 의미나 용법을 찾아 제시하였고,

    (2) 그 단어가 구약 70인역본을 통과하면서 얻은 의미를 소개했습니다.

    (3) 이러한 과정으로 신약성경에 나타난 그 단어의 의미를 보다 정확히 밝혀, 해당 구절에서 그 단어가 어떠한 의미를 나타내는지를 제시하고 주석했습니다.
    바이블렉스의 구약편은 신약편과 유사한 패턴으로 구성되었습니다.

    이 사전(신구약)은
    (1) 원어신학사전(G.Kittel, G.Friedrich's TDNT, L.Coenen, C.Brown's DNTT, H.Balz's EDNT, C.Spicq's TLNT, W.E.Vine's EDNTW, R.L.Harris's TWOT, W.A.VanGemeren's DOTTE 등),

    (2) 성경원어주석(ICC, WBC, R.C.H.Lenski, A.T.Robertson, Bengel, Keil & Delitzsch, SONCINO BOOKS OF THE BIBLE 등),

    (3) 원어단어사전(J.H.Thayer; Walter Bauer, BDB, KB, Gesenius 등의 Lexicon) 등을 참고하여 종합, 분류, 정리하였습니다.
    따라서 단어의 의미, 신학적, 주석적 의미를 동시에 볼 수 있으며, 인명, 지명 등 성경백과사전의 역할도 합니다.

    이제 이 스마트폰 어플 성경본문해석사전을 통하여 어느 곳에서나 설교, 성경공부, 큐티를 위한 자료를 준비할 수 있어 기쁩니다. 하늘에는 영광, 땅에는 평화!

    * 브니엘성경연구소에서 출시한 어플.
    1. 주제별성경대사전,
    2. 성경강해(주기도,팔복,야곱의 예언),
    3. 맥클라렌의 창세기 강해

    * 저작권 정보
    - 개역개정/개역한글판성경의 저작권은 (재)대한성서공회에 있음
    - 성경본문사전의 저작권은 브니엘성경연구소에 있음
    개발자 연락처 :
    * 브니엘성경연구소 http//www.bniel.net 전화 02-2683-3596
  • دیکشنری فرانسه به فارسی Мод APK 4.0.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    دیکشنری فرانسه به فارسی Мод APK 4.0.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    and ونNo need for internet to search for words (completely offline)

    French to Persian translation
    فارسیPersian translation into French
    With English translation
    ❤️‍ French translator with a camera (take a photo of the text and see its translation)
    انسانی Human pronunciation of French words without the need to install additional program and internet connection (completely offline)
    تخصصی A specialized and widely used database with more than 105,000 French to Persian and Persian to French words
    ❤️‍ Existence of grammatical explanations for French words (verb, adjective, noun, preposition, etc.)
    ❤️‍ High speed compared to low volume program in dictionary search and execution
    ❤️‍ Existence of word history with the ability to store the last 500 words
    ساده Very simple and functional user interface
    ❤️‍ Ability to adjust the size of words (fonts) for each device
    زیبا Very beautiful and exclusive design to run on tablets
    ❤️‍ Support for Android version 4 and above
    ❤️‍ Completely professional and accurate for teaching French 2021

    برنامهFull description of the program:
    The French word dictionary is a bilingual program that will help you translate and search words without the need for the Internet and with its very practical and complete resources.
    This program has been carefully prepared for French language students, travelers and Iranian businessmen, and great care has been taken in choosing the words of this dictionary.

    هوشمندA smart dictionary:
    The word dictionary is completely smart and recognizes the pronunciation and language of the desired word without the need to change the device settings. All you have to do is search for a word in Persian or Latin letters to see your search result in the shortest possible time. .

    انسانی Human speech in French:
    You can simply listen to the words with a French pronunciation without changing the pronunciation of the device and installing additional programs.
    If you wish, you can use the ability to download the natural human voice (male and female) and enjoy the pronunciation of words with a French accent.

    کمLow volume and high speed:
    This glossary uses new programming technologies to reduce the volume of the program to the minimum possible and occupy less space of the device memory without damaging the words of the program.
    Speed ​​of execution and search is one of the most important features of this dictionary because using the special encryption used in the program, you can run and search this dictionary faster than any other program.

    ⭐Application words:
    French to Persian words This program with more than 140 thousand words, is the most complete words available among all its similar programs.
    This collection has been collected with more than 100,000 French words from important sources of French translation and similar collections online for you dear ones.
    In the French-Persian dictionary section, more than 40,000 words are provided along with the French grammar, which if you have grammatical explanations, you can see it in the program.
    In these words, several translations are provided for each French word so that you can choose the best translation according to the position of the desired word.
    Persian to French Dictionary This program with more than 50,000 Persian to French words will help you translate a Persian word into French.

    برنامهApp environment:
    Simple and practical environment is also a feature of this dictionary, you can select the background color and type of program font according to your interest in the program menu and settings section and adjust the program font size to your device, in The program environment is designed as an option for long studies to prevent the device screen from turning off.
    In this program, we have prepared examples of writing pens in both French and Persian for you to get acquainted with how to write it. In this section, we have made every effort to provide you with the best program with the most beautiful user interface.

    ماتHistory of words:
    Despite the history of the searched words, you can access and review the last two hundred words you searched for.
  • プライム日韓韓日辞書 Мод APK 2.0.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    プライム日韓韓日辞書 Мод APK 2.0.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ★ pronoun of the Republic of Korea Japanese dictionary that Japan Society has recommended! ★
    Please try to meet its honor fame of prime Japanese dictionary in Aitiyunzu I just applications.

    ☆ configuration and features ★★★★★
    - The latest version prime CJK Dictionary which was significantly recorded neologisms
    - Famous prime Date Korean dictionary in a concise clear scapegoat language of practical modern language center
    - Rich title language, clear semantics and appropriate examples to explain the exact uses of modern Japanese
    - A variety of tolerance representation that can be full use of modern Japanese accurately
    - Read on to write and everyday language needed to say, neologisms, foreign words aggregation

    ☆ program features ★★★★★
    - Possible jump that leads the word another or block set
    - Patrimony is good furigana notation
    - Word field basic + memorize field function
    - Word field by date, Degree by organizing function
    - The colored pencil check for critical / review required content!
    - Diverse user custom settings possible
  • 프라임 중한사전 Мод APK 2.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    프라임 중한사전 Мод APK 2.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ▶ Prime's own major upgrade! ◀
    1. Dictionary widget: You can search right away without running the dictionary! The words you set are exposed everytime on the widget and connect to memorizing words!
    2. Backup (PC and dropbox) function: If you back up your learning records (wordbook, search history, etc.), you can restore them at any time!
    3. Vocabulary improvement: You can select, move, delete, and set widget exposure by all or by word! Color-coded for each wordbook (you can check the location of the saved word)!
    4. Insert word-by-word notes: Make language learning more detailed by writing notes (even text can be pasted)!
    5. Usability improvement that actively reflects the user's needs: improvement of memorization mode (selection of basic exposure surface and start location, word can be deleted in memorization mode of memorized word book) / improvement of keyboard setting (set in the most recently searched language) / headword and Implementation of highlighter in memorization mode!
    6. Various personal customization functions added: Delete previous search words on/off, screen slip prevention on/off, spell input simultaneous meaning screen VIEW settings added!
    7. Open URL Scheme

    ☆ Best Dictionary ★★★★★
    ▶ 147,000 carefully selected headwords! (Added more than 6,000 new words carefully selected by Sangmuin Seogwan (商務引書官)
    ▶ A combination dictionary with Korean words added to the title by selecting 簡化字總表 as the representative character of the title, which was promulgated by the Chinese language 言文字工作委員hoe!

    ☆ Outstanding Features ★★★★★
    ▶[Offline available] Once downloaded, it can be used anytime, anywhere without Wi-Fi or communication
    ▶[Convenient screen division] Check the search contents on one screen at the same time as you enter a search word
    ▶[Powerful Search Method] Search using various methods such as Korean Chinese consonants, pinyin tones, number of copies, and total number of strokes
    ▶[Highlight] Check highlighter for important/reviewed content!
    ▶[Various user settings] Customizable settings such as number of search records, screen division selection, font size, example text color, memorization mode speed adjustment, etc.

    ※ caution
    - It contains only Chinese-Korean content, not Chinese-Korean-Chinese content, and it was developed separately from the ios prime Chinese-Korean dictionary, so please refer to it before purchasing.
    - Pronunciation is not provided in this dictionary.
    - One-time data download is essential for first use, and Wi-Fi download is recommended as charges may apply when using wireless data. (about 3 minutes)
    - Please note that this product may not be able to be used smoothly on OS 4.0 or lower versions.

    [Customer Support]
    [email protected]

    ※ This service can be refunded within 7 days of purchase and only when unused.
    ※ Whether payment can be canceled depends on the store's policy and is applied according to the method set by each store company.
    ※ Since this product was developed based on generalized devices, it may not be optimized for specific devices.
  • 친일인명사전 Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    친일인명사전 Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    친일인명사전은 일제의 조선 침략을 지지 찬양하고 민족의 독립을 방해 혹은 지연시키며 각종 수탈행위와 강제동원에 앞장서는 등, 일제의 식민통치와 침략전쟁에 협력한 자들의 행적을 기록한 인물사전입니다. 판매수익금은 민족문제연구소가 추진하는 역사정의실천 시민역사관 건립기금으로 적립됩니다.

    《 메뉴별 기능설명 》
    1. 통합검색기능(검색어 입력방식)
    ▶ 인명/분야/출생년도/출신지역을 통합하여 내용검색
    2. 인명검색기능(브라우징 검색방식)
    ▶ 인명검색-자음검색-검색결과-상세검색
    3. 분야별검색기능(브라우징 검색방식)
    ▶ 분야검색-종교/직업/활동지역검색-검색결과-상세검색
    4. 출생년도 검색기능(브라우징 검색방식)
    ▶ 출생년도검색-출생년 10년단위로 검색 –검색결과-상세검색
    5. 출신지역검색기능(브라우징 검색방식)
    ▶ 출신지역검색-출신도검색-출신부군검색-검색결과-상세검색
    6. 발간사
    ▶ 친일인명사전 발간사 / 기념사 / 서문 수록
    7. 수록기준
    ▶ 친일인명사전 수록기준 및 해설 수록
    8. 확대 및 축소 아이콘
    ▶ 검색내용/ 발간사/ 수록기준에서 내용 검색 시 상단바의 확대 및 축소
    ▶ 아이콘을 이용하여 X 1.5 확대 및 축소가 가능
    개발자 연락처 :
    민연(주) 청파로47다길 27(청파동2가 서현빌딩)
    용산구, 서울특별시 04310
    South Korea 1088118666 2018-서울용산-0063 본인직접신고
  • 成語辭典進階版 Мод APK 3.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    成語辭典進階版 Мод APK 3.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    With positive body can be edited offline use kanji idiom dictionary (Advanced Edition).
    ★ Advanced Edition provides documentary evidence, identification, usage, and more.
    ★ Anglais Chinese (Traditional Chinese characters, converted from non-simplified).
    ★ contains a total of entries twenty-two thousand thousand, of which five thousand of text entry, I was appendix entry.
    ★ Each entry includes definition, source, Pinyin, Zhuyin, reference words, synonyms, antonyms, documentary evidence, identification, usage and so on.
    ★ text entry also includes the content is very rich and Code Source Code Source description.
    ★ support Chinese characters, wildcard? , Phonetic alphabet search.
    ★ do not connect to the Internet anytime, anywhere use.
    ★ database can be transferred to the SD card.

    Program capacity is due to 15M, if the download process is relatively slow, please be patient, the phone should also leave enough space for the installation.

    If you are found to be normal to use this App, please feel free to send mail to the author (Google Play display page has e-mail address), the problems encountered on the model used, the system version feedback to developers, we will promptly deal .

    - Search Example:
    1 Search for "no", it will not find all words containing headwords.
    (2) search for "days?" Will find all the words beginning with bully head, searching for "? Heaven" will find all words ending with bully head.
    3 Search "no? Do not?" Will find all having "no ... no ..." structure headwords.
    4 Search for the letter "t" will find the first character initials of t headwords.
    5 do not enter a keyword and press search button, it will list a random word head.

    Idiom is the crystallization of the Chinese language, contains the ancient philosophy of life, life wisdom. Learn idioms, heritage of Chinese civilization is the responsibility of our contemporary.

    If you believe that the application of slight value, please review star, rushed to help the forefront of educational charts, to allow more people to use.

    Android platform is the best Traditional Chinese idiom dictionary (dictionary, Chinese idioms), is to help you learn more about Chinese allusions and broaden their knowledge of good assistant.

    This software can also be connected to the "national language dictionary" does not recognize Chinese characters can always check.
  • Turkish Dictionary-Pro Offline Мод APK 1.0.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Turkish Dictionary-Pro Offline Мод APK 1.0.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Application is a Turkish dictionary that can work without internet.
    The Turkish dictionary was compiled from TDK (Turkish Language Institute) site of the database
    87,621 records were compiled from the current TDK dictionary.
    There are 3.006 phrases.
    There are 9,692 people with the meaning, root and gender characteristics.
      There are 591 definitions related to Language Information.
    There are about 10,000 kelimin word roots.
    All tick marks have definitions, uses and examples.
    I have a section on spelling and bookmark rules.

    1-Instant results with a quick search,
    2-Send results by sharing with mail, sms, whatapp, note etc. applications,
    3-Practical interface,
    4-Create favorites,
    5-Search history
    6-Caller can arrange the board,
    Have many features.

    Please comment on the application.

    Your comments will help me a lot to make things better for you.

    Keyword: dictionary, türkçe, tdk
  • 48 Enochian Calls or Keys App Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    48 Enochian Calls or Keys App Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    In Elizabethan England, in the late 1500s, Dr. John Dee, along with his seer Edward Kelley, recorded a so-called "angelic language" that has since become known as Enochian. Dee wrote extensively about the language, even supplying translations of certain revealed mystical texts. A central revelation of these works are the 48 Calls, commonly known as the Enochian Keys. Dee believed that these 48 keys corresponded to the 49 magic squares in his book "Liber Loagaeth", and that these could be used to “open the 49 Gates of Wisdom / Understanding”. This app includes the 48 Calls or Keys with the original Enochian words, as well as Aleister Crowley's phonetic version for easy recitation, and John Dee's Elizabethan English translation for understanding the meaning of the Calls. Very convenient for the practicing magician!

    What is Enochian magic?
    Enochian magic is a system of ceremonial magick based on the 16th-century writings of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley, who claimed that their sources, including the revealed Enochian language and Keys, were delivered to them directly by various angels.

    NO ads!!! Works offline too!

    Thank you very much for downloading - your purchase will help to support the development of many educational and enlightening apps for years to come!

    Legal Disclaimers: This app is for informational purposes only. The developer, publisher, and copyright holder are not liable for any damages or losses that may result from downloading or using this app. The views and opinions expressed within the content are those of the author and not necessarily those of the developer or publisher. App design, APK, and graphical interface are © The Treasure Trove, Inc. and may not be reproduced without express written permission.
  • Linux Reference Pro Мод APK 1.2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Linux Reference Pro Мод APK 1.2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Linux Reference Pro is a handy reference app to help you learn Linux on the go. Universal application, runs on both mobile device & tablet.

    * NEW: Use swipe gestures to switch between different topics
    * View content offline
    * No Ads
    * Test your knowledge with quiz (more question will be added soon)
    * Easily zoom in or out to view images
    * Change the font size to read easily, either on mobile phone or tablet
    * No permissions required
    * Internet connection not required

    Quiz Features
    ★Test your knowledge
    ★Questions test your understanding of the commands
    ★Questions can be flagged for later review while the quiz is in progress
    ★Correct answer, along with the explanation is displayed for each question once the quiz is over. User answers are also displayed
    ★Questions that are left unanswered do not reveal correct answers

    Feel free to give us your feedback/suggestions at [email protected].

    If you face any problems, let us know. Please avoid leaving negative feedback in the comments.

    NOTE: Text size changing feature is not available on Android 3.2 and below versions. Therefore, the corresponding icons won't show up on these versions.
  • 賽微隨身典 - 繁中 Мод APK 2.1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    賽微隨身典 - 繁中 Мод APK 2.1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Cyberon Talking Dictionary is the most popular mobile phone pronunciation dictionary contains over 110,000 and practical, the British and Chinese word, phrase, contractions, pronounced with high-tech speech synthesis technology to provide such life-like smooth, natural English pronunciation, so that the embodiment of the full range of mobile two-way dictionary in English.

    **User has to connect the internet for the license checking at the first time who launch the application(including after updating), once the authorization is completed, the application could be used offline, if any questions, please kindly contact with [email protected].

    Features and Benefits:

    *Add “Reading function of example sentences.”

    1. English-Chinese dictionary
    2. Unlimited cross-check English and Chinese
    3. All English words can be pronounced by Cyberon text-to speech technique.
    4. Adjustable pronunciation speed, repeat pronunciation, ease of learning to listen
    5. Provides that the search function with copy
    6. Queries recently saved automatically records can be quickly re-inspection
    7. Support "Bookmark Search" function to facilitate the re-visit review
    8. Grammer judgement automatically (ex: families → family)
    9. Provide reading function of example sentence
  • Fretter - Chords Мод APK 2.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Fretter - Chords Мод APK 2.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


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  • Strong's Concordance with KJV Мод APK 7.16.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Strong's Concordance with KJV Мод APK 7.16.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    James Strong, former professor of exegetical theology at Drew Theological Seminary, spent more than thirty-five years preparing his landmark concordance. First published in 1890 with the help of more than one hundred colleagues, Strong's remains the most widely used concordance and dictionary of Bible words from the King James Version of the Bible.

    For over a century, Thayer's has been lauded as one of the best New Testament lexicons available. Both accessible and thorough, it is a work suited for the student of New Testament Greek. Thayer's provides dictionary definitions for each word and relates each word to its New Testament usage and categorizes its nuances of meaning. Its exhaustive coverage of New Testament Greek words, as well as its extensive quotation of extra-biblical word usage and the wealth of background sources consulted and quoted, render Thayer's an invaluable resource.

    A trio of eminent Old Testament scholars--Francis Brown, R. Driver, and Charles Briggs--spent over twenty years researching, writing, and preparing "The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon." Since it first appeared in the early part of the twentieth century, BDB has been considered the finest and most comprehensive Hebrew lexicon available to the English-speaking student.

    This updated edition of Strong's Exhaustive Concordance takes James Strong's monumental work and updates it to be even more useful to the modern reader. It maintains all of the features that have made Strong's indispensable for over 100 years:
    - Allows the reader to easily find all biblical occurrences of a word in the King James Version
    - Points the reader to the underlying Hebrew and Greek words
    - Uses the Strong's numbering system which is used in many of the new study tools of today
    - Includes New Testament Thayer's Greek definitions and Old Testament Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew definitions

    And adds new features that make it even more useful:
    - Updated and improved Hebrew and Greek dictionaries tie each word to the Greek or Hebrew root
    - Discover the Hebrew and Greek words underlying the KJV English using the Strong's numbering system
    - Use the updated Hebrew and Greek dictionaries to find brief definitions of each word of the original languages

    Go beyond mere searches for lost verses and hone your skills by utilizing this tool's more advanced features.

    Find every occurrence of any word in the King James Version Bible. Only the words not likely to be used in locating a passage have been eliminated (words such as should, those, and when) or condensed to include only the important occurrences (words such as bring, day, and might).

    Students of the Bible utilize the wealth of resources offered in Strong's ranging from doing word and thematic studies to probing the deeper meanings embedded in the original languages of the Bible.
  • Fleurs en poche Мод APK 1.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Fleurs en poche Мод APK 1.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


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    Нет необходимости в подключении к Интернету. Все фотографии включены в программу. Таким образом, вы можете использовать Fleurs en poche во время прогулок по сельской местности, даже если сеть недоступна.

    Обратите внимание, что цветы, представленные в этом путеводителе, почти все присутствуют во Франции, большинство из них также можно найти в странах Западной Европы вокруг Франции. (см. карты распространения)

    Резюме возможностей:
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    - Иллюстрированный глоссарий для лучшего понимания терминов, используемых в описаниях.
    - Отображение в виде списков по имени, латинскому имени или фамилии и имени.
    - Поиск по слову (имени или латинскому названию) прямо с главного экрана.
    - Списки цветов по видам (французский или латинский) или семействам (французский или латинский).
    - Точное описание для каждого вида с указанием основных параметров (размер, размер цветка или соцветия, цвет, период цветения, высота над уровнем моря, токсичность и т. д.).
    - Список любимых цветов
    - Перечислите «блокнот» для записи своих наблюдений
    - Карты распространения
    - Экологические показатели Элленберга

    В любой момент вы можете просмотреть всех представителей определенного рода или семейства с помощью кнопок под изображением.

    Чтобы быть максимально эффективными на таком маленьком экране, фотографии, представленные для каждого вида, были оптимизированы, чтобы каждый раз показывать крупным планом хотя бы одно соцветие и один лист, характерный для этого вида.

    Предупреждение ! Несмотря на все меры предосторожности, предпринятые при разработке этого программного обеспечения, ошибки могли проскальзывать случайно. Если вы заметили ошибку, вы можете связаться с нами, используя контактный адрес, который вы найдете на www.antiopa.info или в программном обеспечении.


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