Дома / Приложение
  • Geometry Formulas Pro Мод APK 1.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Geometry Formulas Pro Мод APK 1.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This is an Ad-free version of Geometry Formulas.

    Please consider purchasing the app to support the developers.

    Get all the Geometry formulas and concepts on your phone. This app is particularly designed to help students to check out the geometry formulas and concepts, just in few taps. The app is particularly designed to consume the least memory and processing capability.

    The concepts include:
    (A) Basic Properties
    (B) Angle Properties
    (C) Triangle Properties
    (D) Quadrilaterals
    (E) Polygon Formulas
    (F) Circle Properties,
    (G) Coordinate Geometry, and more importantly
  • IELTS Skills - Complete Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    IELTS Skills - Complete Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The IELTS Skills app provides exam practice exercises and interactive tasks to help you develop the skills you will need to do well at IELTS.

    ► Written by Sam McCarter, the author of the best selling Ready for IELTS and Tips for IELTS.
    ► A wide range of innovative and interactive exercises that help you work on the essential skills needed for the IELTS exam.
    ► Each skill is explained and comes with examples and an interactive exercise.
    ► Practise answering a full range of question types that you can expect to find in the IELTS exam.
    ► A detailed overview of the exam.
    ► Score yourself on the interactive Can Do statement section.
  • IR Spec Check Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    IR Spec Check Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    IR Spec Check is designed for organic chemists and students to quickly analyze absorbance peaks from an infrared spectroscopy graph. IR Spec Check recognizes over 75 organic molecule absorbance frequencies and matches frequencies with possible R-groups. IR Spec Check's ranking system displays R-Groups based on how accurately your peak falls into the frequency ranges of each result.
    Using IR Spec Check is easy! Just enter a wavenumber (cm⁻¹) and hit 'Search'. The icon for each result shows what bond is responsible for the absorbance. The text displays what type of R-group is absorbing at the frequency. Click on the row to load the page in Wikipedia.

    This app does not collect any information about the user, and the only permission that is required is internet connectivity to load the Wikipedia pages of molecules.

    Created by Marzloff Media and adapted for Android by Logan Munro
    Check out IR Spec Check on the Apple App store as well!
  • AQA Biology Year 1 & AS Мод APK 1.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    AQA Biology Year 1 & AS Мод APK 1.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    AQA Biology Year 1 & AS Android:

    Written by renowned author Neil Roberts this Illuminate Science Study Guide for AQA A Level Biology Year 1 & AS is ideal for studying on the go.

    • Flash cards summarise all the essential knowledge
    • Drill deeper for more detailed revision notes as well as exam advice
    • Quizzes and challenges test and reinforce knowledge and understanding
    • Definitions for key terms can be accessed as you read the content
    • Exam-style questions help further consolidate study and practise for the exams
    • Contains as much information as a printed study guide but much more interactive

    Change the way you study – wherever you want, whenever you want.
  • Pepi Tree Мод APK 1.0.10 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 2.1

    Pepi Tree Мод APK 1.0.10 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Pepi Tree is an educational activity for the whole family, where children explore tree-dwelling animals and their habitat in a fun way.

    Sometimes you run out of time to explore nature in a forest or a park with your toddler? No worries, Pepi Tree will help to learn about the ecosystem of a forest tree!

    This educational activity is focused on a tree as an ecosystem or simply as a home for different animals. Play with the little ones and explore cute hand-drawn and animated characters: a little caterpillar, a spiny hedgehog, a long-legged spider, a friendly squirrel family, a cute owl and a lovely mole.

    All animals live on a separate floors of the forest tree and offers six different mini toddler games. While playing different levels, children will get to know many fun facts about nature, forest ecosystem and inhabitants, such as caterpillar, hedgehog, mole, owl, squirrel and others: what they look like, what they eat and how they get their food, when they sleep, where exactly they live - in the branches, on the leaves or under the ground, and much more.

    Key features:
    • More than 20 cute hand-drawn characters: caterpillar, hedgehog, mole, owl, squirrel family and others;
    • Educational activity for children and the whole family.
    • 6 different mini educational games with multiple levels for your toddler;
    • 6 original music tracks;
    • Beautiful nature illustrations and animations;
    • No rules, win or lose situations;
    • Recommended age for little players: from 2 to 6 years.
  • Learn and play. Italian + Мод APK 5.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Learn and play. Italian + Мод APK 5.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This engaging game of skill is a mobile tutor for self-study of vocabulary and phonetics on the beginner's (elementary, basic) level. The word list includes words from various topics used in everyday life. This self-teaching game helps to learn productively correct pronunciation and spelling through visual and audio support.
    The game consists of several stages so that the learning process is more efficient:
    • Training – learning the alphabet, parts of speech, such as nouns, adjectives, verbs with phonetic transcription through flashcards and sound accompaniment.
    • Language quiz – testing of the knowledge of the words happens through fun and simple games:
    1. Reading and association: choosing the right word for the picture.
    2. Visualization: choosing the dynamic moving images for the words.
    3. Spelling test: writing words and spell check.
    Simple interface, HD tablet support, graphic themed photos and high quality voice work by native speaker improve listening comprehension and allow concentrating on the training material. This ensures quick and efficient learning process.
    With this interesting and entertaining game you or your child will be able to add new words from scratch to their vocabulary through playing. The vocabulary is the foundation for good oral and writing skills. Interactive (adaptive) teaching is an easy and accessible way to study foreign language effectively.
    For kids, this course is not only a fast and easy way to learn to speak and write, but is also a way to build upon the knowledge acquired at school or kindergarten. Parents can use this app as preschool lessons by method of Glenn Doman for their babies.
    It includes the translation of words more than 10 languages.
    This is practically an illustrated dictionary and exercises for learning Italian that helps beginners and children to learn Italian words through playing.
  • MePlayer Pro Learning English Мод APK 11.0.230 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    MePlayer Pro Learning English Мод APK 11.0.230 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Nauka angielskiego podczas oglądania filmów!
    Odtwarzanie filmów w widoku pionowym - obejrzeć film i przeczytać napisów skrypt na raz!
    MePlayer Movie to odtwarzacz filmów do nauki języka angielskiego, który obsługuje / SMI i SRT napisy.

    Cały napisów skrypt może być odczytany przez przewijanie, aby można było uczyć się angielskiego podczas oglądania filmu. Słowa można znaleźć w słowniku poprzez kliknięcie na nich.

    Można uczyć się angielskiego z łatwością podczas oglądania filmu z automatycznym inteligentnego odtwarzania i powtarzania.

    Podobnie jak w zwykłych odtwarzaczach wideo, można użyć tego programu do oglądania filmów wygodnie.

    ==== Ustawienia Przed-Playing ====

    Umieść plik z filmem i jego pliku z napisami w tym samym folderze urządzenia.
    To na ogół zapewnia MP4 i AVI. Plik powinien mieć format, który rozgrywany jest w samym telefonie.
    Dla bezbłędnej gry, zalecamy kodować pliki MP4. Napisy powinny być w SMI lub plik SRT formatach.

    ==== ==== Wskazówki dotyczące użytkowania

    1. Uruchom MePlayer Film i wybierz element do gry z listy odtwarzania.

    2. przewijanie do tyłu, pauza / play i szybkie funkcje Forward: Play przycisków wyświetlanego filmu.
    - Rewind: Powraca do ostatniego napisów punktu wyjścia.
    - Pauza / Odtwarzanie: Wyświetla menu sterowania.
    - Fast Forward: Przejście do następnego punktu początkowego napisów.

    3. Przewiń listę i znaleźć część, którą chcesz zobaczyć z napisów skryptu. Odtwarzanie rozpocznie się od tego punktu poprzez dotknięcie części.

    4. Powtórka: powtórzenie zdania automatycznie tyle razy, ile wybrałeś.
    - Inteligentny Powtórka: Automatycznie decyduje liczba powtórek uwzględnieniem trudności w zdaniu.
    - Sekcja Powtórka: Zapewnia wygodne powtórki przekroju o zdaniach.

    5. Powtórz: automatycznie pauzuje po graniu jedno zdanie przed odtwarzaniem następne zdanie. Podczas przerwy, można odczytać napisów lub praktyka mówienia. Jeżeli urządzenie jest ustawione na TTS (Text To Speech), podtytuł będzie odczytywany przez TTS.

    6. Wybór napisów: Korean / English / można wybrać wszystkie napisy.

    7. widoku poziomego <-> Pionowe Widok: Film można odtwarzać na całej stronie wybierając widoku poziomego.

    8. Dźwięk Odtwarzanie: Po rzuceniu odtwarzanie filmu (klikając przycisk Wstecz), tylko dźwięk z filmu mogą być odtwarzane jak za pomocą odtwarzacza MP3.

    9. Słownik: Dotykając delikatnie napisów z obrazem filmowym albo przez długie kliknięcie napisów od dolnej skrypt zostanie wyświetlona lista wyrazów. Po wybraniu słowo do wyszukiwania, słowo zostanie pokazany w słowniku.
    - Lista poszukiwanych słów mogą być stosowane jako listy słownictwa.
    - Usuń wyszukiwane słowa: długie kliknięcie słowa usunąć.
    - TTS wsparcie wymowa: Jeśli nie słychać dźwięku, należy ustawić w opcjach telefonu.

    10. Otoczenie: Resume Play, słownik Selection, widoku poziomego / pionowego Zobacz i inne szczegóły można ustawić.

    11. Kontrola prędkości odtwarzania: powyżej Android6.0, format MP4

    ==== ==== Obsługiwane funkcje
    , Zobacz SMI SRT lub napisy: Automatycznie przewijane jak film zostanie odtworzony.
    , One-touch nawigacji: Przewijanie do tyłu, odtwarzanie / pauza i do przodu poprzez dotknięcie obszaru wyświetlania filmu.
    , napisy Nawigacja
    , Zdanie Powtórka / Inteligentne Zdanie Powtórka / Sekcja Powtórka
    , Powtarzać
    , Funkcja Dictionary (Zapewnia różnych języków na świecie z słowniku Google).
    , Wsparcie dla TTS wymowy zdań napisów i słownik
    , Szukano Word List (Lista Słownictwo)
    , Filmy w widoku poziomego / pionowego View (Odtwarzanie w widoku pionowego)
    , Odtwarza film w formacie MP3
    , Ciąg dalszy Odtwarzanie z ostatniego miejsca zatrzymania odtwarzania
    , Ciąg dalszy play
    , Dostosowanie napisów Sync
    , Słuchaj napisów z TTS
    , Sekcja Powtórka dla wybranych jednostek napisów
    , obsługuje ColorDict

    ** Ta aplikacja nie ma żadnych filmów.
  • Mnemonic Generator Мод APK 1.5.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Mnemonic Generator Мод APK 1.5.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Mnemonic Generator tworzy łatwe do zapamiętania zdań w oparciu o rzeczy, które chcesz zapamiętać.

    Jakie mnemoniki?
    Mentalne mnemoniki są po prostu "haki" Twój mózg może wykorzystać do łatwego przechowywania i przywoływania informacji. Na przykład, powiedzmy, że chcesz zapamiętać kolory tęczy: czerwony, pomarańczowy, żółty, zielony, niebieski, indygo i fioletowy. Wejście to pod Mnemonic Generator, a otrzymasz:

    Ruthless posłuszny Młodzi wypatroszony apa Irlandczycy ustnie.

    Bardziej absurdalne i surrealistyczne dźwięki zdań, tym lepiej! Teraz zamiast próbować przypomnieć, który kolor jest po żółtym lub niebieskim, można wyobrazić jakąś Ruthless posłuszny Youths patroszenie oszołomiony Irlandczyków i użyć pierwszej litery każdego słowa jako wskazówkę na prawdziwe słowa (np. Ruthless oznacza czerwony i Posłuszny oznacza pomarańczowy).

    Mnemonic Generator zapewnia natychmiastowy inspirację dla swoich mnemoników tworząc wyraziste, łatwe do zapamiętania zdań, które są również poprawne gramatycznie. Użyj wygenerowane mnemoniki jak jest, albo jako punkt wyjścia do własnych spersonalizowanych mnemotechniki.

    - Dowiedz się więcej skutecznie i ace egzaminy
    - Zaskocz swoich znajomych z wyczynów pamięci
    - Zachowaj todos, numery telefonów, list zakupów i innych informacji w zasięgu ręki
  • Greek and Latin Roots Pro Мод APK 1.7 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Greek and Latin Roots Pro Мод APK 1.7 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    A number of English words have Greek and Latin roots. An understanding of the commonly used roots will help you to easily guess and remember the meaning of new words and substantially strengthen your vocabulary.

    This application enables you to learn a list of commonly used root words, their meanings and some examples of words that was formed from the root words. You also can look up for the roots of a word.

    - Over 5500 words, 711 Latin roots and 258 Greeks roots.
    - 33 multiple choice quizzes
    - Each word has definition and examples from various online news
    - Material Design user interface.
    - No ads
  • 英単語ターゲット1900公式アプリ |  ビッグローブ英単語 Мод APK 1.0.7 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    英単語ターゲット1900公式アプリ | ビッグローブ英単語 Мод APK 1.0.7 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    English word target 1900 official app is one of the target series that has exceeded 15 million copies in English words and idioms.
    This is Google Play's best-selling English word app that mainly consists of voice playback, listening, and testing in the popular "English word target 1900 5th edition" as a collection of English words for university entrance exams.
    The big robe app was introduced on TV and magazines. Effective when aligned with the English Idiom Target 1000 3rd Edition!
    You can also learn to listen to the audio while commuting to school or work or before going to bed.

    Book 1,100 yen → App 660 yen (40% off books)
    * Mobile carrier usage fees and payments are possible! You don't have to have a card.

    [App store highest ranking]
    ・ Google Play Education Top 1 paid
    ・ Google Play Education Top sales
    ・ Google Play Education No. 1 in new paid

    [Important] List of models whose operation has been confirmed by manufacturer
    * Please check if your device is a model that has been confirmed to work with the app.
    Approximately 200 items have been verified for operation on the actual machine.
    * You can download it even on non-target models, but the operation may not be stable.
    * Terminals whose operation has been confirmed are being added one by one.

    English word target 1900 official app is "English word book (voice playback)" that hides Japanese / English, "test" of practical training, "overcome weaknesses" that the app remembers and reviews one's weaknesses, "this If you decide to "learn 1900 English words by the day!", We will support the progress of learning based on the number of words you remember every day, and you can check the progress on the graph.
    Furthermore, the app can retest only the English words that you are not good at in the test and overcome your weaknesses. Rest assured that you can back up your hard-learned history!
    In addition, customers who have "Wisdom English-Japanese / Japanese-English Dictionary", "Genius English-Japanese / Japanese-English Dictionary", "Obunsha Aurex English-Japanese / Japanese-English Dictionary", etc. can also search by tracing the word.

    ◆ English word target 1900 official app is amazing here
    ・ The English word book is a memorization that hides Japanese and English
    ・ English word test (English → Japanese, Japanese → English)
    ・ 4-choice fill-in-the-blank English word test
    ・ Improve your listening skills by listening to all English words and example sentences
    ・ Overcome weaknesses and overcome weak English words
    ・ The app supports learning plans! Sustaining motivation
    ・ Reliable with backup of learning history
    ・ Search by English word / Japanese, NO in order of appearance

    [Overview of App]
    The English word target 1900 official app is organized into 19 sections for every 100 words in the order of appearance, with 1,900 English words and example sentences carefully selected based on Obunsha's original university entrance examination data analysis.
    Each section can be learned by three-step learning based on the "one word one meaning" principle that remembers the central meaning. The example sentences that link to the long sentences of the university entrance examination will naturally improve your reading comprehension.

    ◆ 800 basic words that always appear in the exam
    The most important English words that are essential for examinees. Don't let your guard down even if you remember English words, check them properly and make them perfect.
    ◆ 700 important words that always appear in the exam
    The core of university entrance exams! Thoroughly learn important English words that appear frequently.
    ◆ Difficult words that make a difference here 400
    Difficult English words that are useful in case of emergency. Recorded example sentences in short phrases so that you can study at a good tempo. Make sure you remember and make a difference to your rivals!

    [1] Memorize with an English word book and master it completely
    Instead of the red cell sheet attached to the book, you can hide "Japanese" and "English" in the app and freely select the settings so that you can easily memorize.
    It is possible to set automatic pronunciation playback and automatic reading "ON / OFF".
    Carefully select English words and example sentences that frequently appear in entrance exams, and naturally learn how to use English words in sentences. You can listen to English and improve your listening skills.

    [2] Learn by repeating English word test and weakness check
    The time limit can be set for every 20 questions, and you will get used to the answers within the time.
    ◆ Word test (English ⇒ Japanese & Japanese ⇒ English)
    Answer the meaning from 4 options. You can study according to your level

    ◆ Fill-in-the-blank test
    Answer the appropriate words from 4 options to complete the example sentence. You can acquire practical English expressions by imagining and learning the usage scene.

    [3] Overcoming weaknesses
    Only an app that allows you to find English words that you are not good at. There are no shortcuts to learning English, but there is no doubt that the app will make learning English effective.

    ・ The problem that I made a mistake in the test
    It is OK if you answer correctly in 2 times. If you make a mistake more than 3 times, the problem will be saved automatically. Know your weaknesses and retest.
    ・ Checked words / example sentences
    Check and save English words that are difficult to remember and example sentences that interest you. You can create your own English word book

    [4] Leave learning progress management to the app
    "Learn 1900 English words by this day!" If you register your goals in the app, you can check the number of acquired words and progress of English words in a graph, and your motivation will improve.

    [5] Back up learning history
    Rest assured that data can be restored by any chance

    [6] Convenient search function
    You can search for English words in Japanese, English, and NO in order of appearance. Combined use of books is also effective

    [Supported OS]
    ・ Android 2.2 or higher
    * When the data is started for the first time, it will guide you to download the data in the background and automatically save it to your device. Downloading is completed efficiently while performing other operations without occupying the screen (Wi-Fi recommended). Dictionary app can be used without voice

    The "Frequently Asked Questions" is posted below in the BIGLOBE dictionary app.
    If you have any questions, please check here.

    [About the inquiry window]
    For Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and large consecutive holiday seasons (GW, summer vacation, year-end and New Year holidays, etc.), our inquiry counter will be closed.

    Inquiries received during the above period will be answered in sequence after the next business day.
    Thank you for your understanding.

    [Operating company]
    ・ BIGLOBE Co., Ltd.
  • Human World for Kids Мод APK 6.5.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Human World for Kids Мод APK 6.5.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    “The Human World for Kids” - an educational game for children ages 2-4 from the series "Kids Learn Words".

    Together with your child, look at bright, colorful flashcards from the "human world" accompanied by sounds, learn the names of these man-made objects, and listen to the sounds they make!

    After the child has looked through all the flashcards, he or she can take a fun quiz to see how many of the words he or she has learned. Regardless of the number of correct answers given, and of stars earned, the child's developing skills will be fostered by enthusiastic applause and floating balloons!

    The educational flashcards for kids are divided into the following categories: “Cars and Transport”, “Professions”, “Buildings”, “Musical Instruments”, “Tools”, “Furniture”, “Kitchen Tools” and “Clothing and shoes”.

    One important distinction makes this educational app stand out from the rest: instead of drawings, which are not always easy to identify as a real object, the child will see bright, beautiful and fun-spirited photographs. This will allow the child to “see” each object as it actually appears in the real world, while allowing the parent to tell the child more about this object.

    Does the youngster have an older brother or sister in grade school? They can also use this educational game! In addition to English, this app also supports the Spanish, German and many other languages.

    While playing with the educational flashcards in a foreign language, a school-age child can effortlessly learn many new words with which to surprise their teachers and classmates. An A+ is guaranteed!

    The youngster does not need to be able to read in order to use this educational app. The simple interface and spoken clues allow even the youngest of children to play and learn independently.

    Experience has shown that children love to look through a series of colorful pictures with sounds, and they will ask to see them again and again. According to Glenn Doman, an American physical therapist and the founder of The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, participating in these kinds of educational activities (for 5-10 minutes a day) stimulates the development of various regions in the brain. As a result, the child's photographic memory takes shape, the child develops much faster than his or her peers, and, beginning at infancy, the child gains access to a world of encyclopedic knowledge.

    The main point, in which Doman is undoubtedly correct, is that the younger a child, the more easily he or she can absorb new knowledge. It's important to make use of this ability while it's available!

    The app can be used as a supplementary teaching aid in foreign language instruction. Supported languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Russian, Polish, Ukrainian.
  • Shapes - La Geometría 3D Мод APK 2.2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Shapes - La Geometría 3D Мод APK 2.2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Discover a fascinating world of 3D shapes like prisms, pyramids, solids of revolution and Platonic solids. Start from the simplest and gradually explore the most complex ones. Build solids from scratch with a new Nets Creator mode and discover hundreds of unique net combinations.

    'Shapes' uses the power of mobile devices to enhance teacher capabilities and provide possibilities to show things that cannot be shown with physical tools. It can help to create interest and enthusiasm in school mathematics classes at all levels.

    The app was verified and approved by the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan. It was specifically prepared to support the teacher in the classroom, but can also be used as a tool for self-study. From now on there is a save and print option available for each net so that the kids can explore solids outside the app and improve their manual skills as well.

    'Shapes' features:

    - Select 27 unique shapes
    - Choose from a variety of prisms, pyramids, Platonic solids and solids of revolution
    - Unfold shapes into different net combinations
    - Learn about the number of faces, edges and vertices for each solid
    - Build solids from scratch in Nets Creator mode
    - Explore transparent surfaces mode
    - Highlight the vertices and edges
    - Color selected elements
    - Use simple gesture control
    - Rotate the shapes in any direction
    - Zoom in and out by pinch and spread gestures
    - Align to the basic position by double tap
    - Save, print, cut and fold a chosen net

    Note: SHAPES does not contain advertising, in-app purchases or any other downloadable content.

    The app is available in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Danish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Finnish, Swedish and Dutch.

    If having any suggestions you can reach us at: [email protected]

    For more information, please visit our website: http://www.shapes.learnteachexplore.com

    Geometry is perhaps the most elementary of the sciences that enable man, by purely intellectual processes, to make predictions (based on observation) about physical world. - H. M. S. Coxeter
  • Spanish Class Мод APK 6.19 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Spanish Class Мод APK 6.19 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Gain a mastery of Spanish!

    Spanish Class offers a complete offline Spanish course, together with interactive verb, vocabulary, grammar and listening exercises. All words and phrases are available to listen to as well.
    Great support when you learn Spanish. Easy to practice your verb conjugations, vocabulary, grammar and phrases with.

    This course covers the following content:
    * All tenses, with all irregular verb forms highlighted
    * 4000+ words, sorted into different categories such as food, transport and vacation
    * 40 grammar articles, covering all Spanish Grammar
    * 200 useful phrases

    And the following features:
    * Highly customizable exercises on all of the above, with a fun awards system which makes practicing fun, with separate awards for the vocabulary, verbs, grammar, listening and speaking exercises.
    * Keeping track of your progress by saving statistics and summaries of all done exercises, together with errors made.

    The first strength of this app is the extended content. No other Spanish course app offers this much for the same price.
    The other strength lies in its fun, addictive and useful exercises.

    The app also contains a fun speaking exercise, which should not be taken very seriously as it is now Also, although basic voices are included, it is also possible to enable additional higher quality voices from within the app, but these have to be bought first from the third party company Svox.

    If you are serious about learning Spanish, this app is for you.
  • MoStella Gold Мод APK 1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    MoStella Gold Мод APK 1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Take polyhedra with you everywhere you go! Rotate them in 3D, explode their faces apart, see their duals and morph polyhedra into their duals in a couple of different ways. Show information such as face, edge and vertex counts, and where available a link to online photographs of paper models made by Robert Webb. A must for fans of polyhedra or sacred geometry.

    Includes the following polyhedron categories:

    - Platonic Solids: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron.
    - Kepler-Poinsot: the 4 non-convex regular polyhedra.
    - Archimedean Solids: the 13 convex but not regular uniform polyhedra.
    - Uniform Polyhedra: the remaining 54 non-prismatic non-convex uniform polyhedra.
    - Prisms & Antiprisms: a collection of uniform prisms and antiprisms.
    - Johnson Solids: 92 non-uniform convex polyhedra with regular faces.
    - Near Misses: a collection of polyhedra that almost qualify as Johnson solids.
    - Stewart Toroids: non-convex polyhedra with regular faces and holes.
    - Compounds: over 80 interesting compounds of polyhedra.
    - The 59 Icosahedra: classic collection of stellations of the icosahedron from the book of the same name by Coxeter et. al.
    - Stellations: more interesting stellations of other polyhedra.
    - Geodesic Spheres: some nice polyhedral approximations to the sphere.
    - Waterman Polyhedra: up to root 50.
    - and more!

    MoStella Gold adds hundreds of other polyhedra including Johnson solids, near misses, stellations, compounds, geodesic spheres, Stewart toroids, etc.

    Mark polyhedra as favourites for quick access.

    Admire beautiful geometric shapes wherever you go with MoStella!

    A great companion for my desk top program Stella. Stella has many more features, such as creating your own stellations, facetings and other polyhedra, and generating nets which you can print to build your own paper models. http://www.software3d.com/Stella.php
  • Learn Japanese Phrasebook Pro Мод APK 0.6.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Learn Japanese Phrasebook Pro Мод APK 0.6.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Start learning japanese easily with this Phrasebook that helps you to memorize and practice phrases and vocabulary.

    * Native japanese pronuntiations
    * Configure your own list of vocabulary
    * Options and writing exercises
    * Practice to write hiragana, katakana and kanji
    * No internet connection needed
    * Ads free

    The current version contains:
    * Hiragana & Katakana
    * Introductions
    * Learning japanese
    * Everyday conversation
    * Directions
    * Food and drink
    * Numbers
    * Time and dates
    * Family
    * Shopping
    * Accommodation
    * Going out
    * Emergency
  • (2016)Word Master EBS 파이널 1200 Мод APK 1.01 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    (2016)Word Master EBS 파이널 1200 Мод APK 1.01 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Master the EBS core English words conveniently and efficiently in time to prepare for the 2017 school year!

    Analyzing the total volume of the textbooks related to the SAT and the EBS SAT, we list 30 core vocabularies.
    You can also study examples of EBS variants using sentences in the EBS print.

    WordMaster You can learn vocabulary efficiently and easily in the same form as the SAT 2000 application.
    The word is fear for those who do not know it, and pleasure for those who know it. Now enjoy the pleasure through Word Master EBS Finals.

    [Word Master EBS Final App Features]
    1. Word Card: Word Master's unique 'Yes, I Know' learning method eliminates the boredom of simple memorization, adding tension and fun. You can learn more about a variety of meanings, examples, synonyms, antonyms, and related words.

    2. Vocabulary: A word memorization specialized in word master! Depending on the learning results of the word card, you can learn more about words separated by 'I do not Know' and 'I Know'. You can memorize the meaning of a word by looking at it or seeing it.

    3. Voice memorization: You can listen to the correct pronunciation by listening to the native speaker voice of 1350 words, and you can learn and memorize repeatedly. You can also practice your listening skills through listening settings.

    4. Matching / Words: Memorized words can be checked and reviewed by word tests.

    5. Refresh Reminder / Random Setting: You can test the correct word at the time you want by following the reminder for the next day. You can also learn words in random order with random settings.

    [Permission Related]
    The company does not collect and store personal information separately, and in order to provide services when installing ETOOS APP, it needs to have call status information value, camera function right on mobile phone, recording function right on mobile phone, photo, media and file access right .
    If your device is under Android 5.9, you will not be able to accept the opt-in and revoke functions.
  • Aedict Reader Popup Мод APK 1.3.13 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Aedict Reader Popup Мод APK 1.3.13 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Imagine yourself opening a Japanese web page in your favourite browser, or reading a Japanese novel in your favourite book reader. Suddenly, you encounter an unfamiliar kanji. No longer do you need to navigate your phone to the dictionary app, to translate that pesky kanji - just copy a Japanese sentence to a clipboard and watch a floating window as it pops up and analyses the copied text. The window floats over the browser/reader, allowing you to quickly look up unfamiliar kanji and then to continue reading, without being disturbed by switching to a translator app.

    IF THE POPUP IS NOT SHOWN: some phones have built-in security mechanisms, preventing apps to create system-wide popup windows. For example some Huawei and Xiaomi phones. Please read http://aedict.eu/reader/faq.html for more details.

    WARNING: Requires Aedict3 to be installed on the device. The Reader's integrated KanjiPad requires the Aedict KanjiPad Ext application to be installed on the device.

    The app is in its infancy, please kindly mail me your feedback to further improve the app.
  • Graph 89 - (with TI84 support) Мод APK 1.1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Graph 89 - (with TI84 support) Мод APK 1.1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Graph 89 is an emulator for the TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus Second Edition, TI-84 Plus, TI-84 Plus Second Edition, TI89, TI89 Titanium, TI92 Plus and Voyage 200 calculators.

    *Please remember to read the ROM section below before downloading this application!

    It will turn your phone or tablet into an exact replica of your calculator. The emulator will provide the same functionality and generate the same results as your real calculator. Being ported to Android means that it will always fit in your pocket, have a backlight, be rechargeable and also run faster.
    You would be able to install applications by copying the App file to the internal memory of your phone, pressing the 'Back' button and selecting 'Install Application/Send File'.

    Graph89 would be great tool for math, science and engineering courses in high school, college and beyond. Some of these calculators feature Computer Algebra System (CAS) having the capability to simplify and symbolically solve mathematical expressions.

    Graph89 combines two powerful emulation engines which make it the only app in the Android Play Store to support the full range of TI graphing calculators.
    1) TiEmu - http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tiemu providing support for the Motorola 68K family: TI89, TI89 Titanium, TI92 Plus, Voyage 200
    2) TilEm - http://lpg.ticalc.org/prj_tilem providing support for the Z80 family: TI 83, TI 83+, TI 83+ SE, TI 84+, TI 84+ SE

    !!! IMPORTANT !!!

    Emulators are computer software which simulate a specific hardware. In order for the emulator to do anything useful it needs some software to run. The software that runs in your calculator (ROM) is copyrighted by TI, and as such, it can not be distributed by Graph89 or any other emulator for that fact.
    This means that you will have to provide the ROM file yourself by extracting it from your own calculator. Transfer it to your phone, and then tell Graph89 where to find it. To extract the ROM you can follow the instructions from http://www.ticalc.org/programming/emulators/romdump.html and by using TiLPII from http://sourceforge.net/projects/tilp/files Google and youtube are also great sources of tutorials and help.
    Wabbitemu http://wabbit.codeplex.com/ is also a great tool for extracting the ROM from your TI83/TI84

    Supported ROM files:
    TI89, TI89 Titanium, TI92 Plus and Voyage 200:
    *.rom, *.89u, *.v2u, *.9xu, *.tib
    TI83 Plus, TI83 Plus SE, TI84 Plus and TI84 Plus SE:
    *.rom, *.8Xu

    Firmware updates (*.89u, 9xu, *.v2u, *.8Xu) which are normally used to restore the operating system of your calculator can also be used as a ROM image.

    Needless to say, you will be very disappointed if you purchase Graph89 without having the ROM file ready. You will just see some instructions and a blank screen.

    Graph89 needs permission to look at your Android Account in order to generate a unique ID shown under F1/About. This works only for TI89/V200. Note that there is no internet connection required for this App.

    TiEmu, TilEm and Graph89 have been developed independently of Texas Instruments and are not affiliated with TI.
    Texas Instruments and TI are trademarks of Texas Instruments Incorporated.

    Revision History:

    An 8Xu (firmware update) file can now be used as a ROM for TI84+, TI84+SE, TI83+ and TI83+SE

    Added support for: TI-83, TI-83 Plus, TI-83 Plus SE, TI-84 Plus and TI-84 Plus Second Edition using the TilEm2.00 engine.

    Bug fixes on 'State Save' and 'Out of Memory' errors on some older phones.

    Backup Manager
    Dot Matrix LCD simulation
    Click Screen to Zoom
    Reset RAM

    Landscape mode for TI89, TI89T
    TI92+ skin
    Bug fixes

    Emulates Voyage 200 and TI92 Plus
    Multiple calculator instances
    Take screenshots
    Generate an ID under F1/About
    Sync clock
    Acoustic feedback on keypress
    Automatic overclock
    Grayscale support
    Send group files (*.89g, *.tig)
    Receive files, (var-link/F4/F3/send)
    Performance improvements
    Customizable LCD colors
  • iMatemáticas™ Pro Мод APK 3.14159265 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    iMatemáticas™ Pro Мод APK 3.14159265 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    iMatemáticas es tu profesor personal de matemáticas. Miles de estudiantes utilizan esta aplicación todos los días, y es la única que incluye todo lo que necesitas para aprobar con éxito tus exámenes.

    “Una de las 10 mejores aplicaciones para la escuela" (Wired.it)
    "La revisión de fórmulas y teoremas siempre al alcance de tus manos” (Macitynet)

    • Aprender rápidamente con más de 70 temas gracias a explicaciones simples y claras.
    • Repetir fácilmente fórmulas, teoremas, definiciones y propiedades gracias a efectivas síntesis.
    • Practicar con varios cálculos interactivos que encontrarás en algunos temas.
    • Encontrar rápidamente los temas que te interesan gracias al algoritmo de búsqueda avanzada.
    • Guardar tus argumentos favoritos para tenerlos siempre al alcance de la mano.
    • Agregar notas personales a los temas para recordar alguna cosa.
    • Resolver los ejercicios con algunas herramientas tales como Calculadora avanzada, Aproximación de fracciones y Resolución de ecuaciones
    • Descarga la aplicación ahora y prueba gratis la versión Pro que te ofrece todas las funciones más avanzadas por algunos días.

    • Obtienes más temas, más de 120, incluidos los temas que incorporaremos en el futuro.
    • Obtienes cálculos interactivos con opciones múltiples para practicar y obtener una calificación sobre tu nivel de preparación.
    • Descubres cada paso de los Ejemplos resueltos que te ayudan a comprender los métodos para resolver problemas correctamente.
    • Obtienes las herramientas avanzadas tales como la Calculadora gráfica, Resolución de sistemas, Resolución de matrices 3x3 y el Glosario de Matemáticas.
    • Descubre los Consejos y Trucos que son curiosidades sobre un tema o trucos para resolver problemas más rápido.

    ¿Tienes preguntas, problemas o comentarios? Contáctanos en: [email protected]
  • Italian Verbs Pro Мод APK 14138 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Italian Verbs Pro Мод APK 14138 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Browse and search the conjugations of over 700 Italian verbs.

    Ideal for Italian students and learners of all levels and as a companion for trips to Italy and other Italian speaking countries.

    •Small size
    •Works off-line
    •Verb-forms and translations searchable
    •Search with Wildcards
    •Grammar section
    •All tenses (including composite tenses)
    •Voice output (via Android's TTS, see below)
    •Multiple color themes
    •Move to SD card
    •Mark favorites
    •Optimized for Tablets

    Also available:
    •Companion App: Verb Conjugation Trainer
    •English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish language apps

    Learn and practice Italian verb conjugations with this handy study aid.
  • GENKI Kanji Cards for 2nd Ed. Мод APK 1.1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    GENKI Kanji Cards for 2nd Ed. Мод APK 1.1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    NOTE: This is for the 2nd edition of GENKI. If you are using the 3rd edition of GENKI books, please purchase the app "GENKI Kanji for 3rd Ed."

    Learn basic kanji through kanji words:
    GENKI Kanji Cards is a digital card app that helps users become able to recognize 317 basic kanji by studying more than 1,100 kanji words at their own pace!

    This is the second official app to be released for “GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese,” a best-selling series of Japanese learning materials boasting more than 1.2 million copies sold.

    ◆ Users can view the cards as they like, enabling them to study at their own pace.
    ◆ By repeating a process of memorization and self-checking, learners can master readings of kanji words and recognition of basic kanji.
    ◆ Cards already mastered are progressively removed from the card deck, so users can concentrate on just the kanji that challenge them, making for a more efficient approach to learning.

    Study methods and functions
    ◇ “MyDeck” allows users to view the cards over and over, so they can take their time learning.
    ・Users memorize the kanji by freely displaying or hiding each card's kanji word or reading.
    ・The cards in MyDeck can be shuffled.
    ・Basic information on the target kanji is provided on the back of each card.
    ・Fun illustrations and mnemonic hints help users to better retain the kanji studied.
    (The illustrations and hints are taken from the very popular learning resource “Kanji Look and Learn.”)
    ・The stroke order of each kanji is shown with animation.

    ◇ “Check” helps learners to track their mastery.
    ・Users check their understanding of the cards studied and sort them into those mastered and those not yet retained.
    ・Retention can be checked by going from Reading to Kanji, or vice-versa.
    ・The cards already mastered are taken out of the set, leaving behind just those that still need to be worked on.

    ◇ “List” displays a list of all the words and kanji covered by the app so that users can see their progress and review them.
    ・In the lists arranged in lesson order, a-i-u-e-o order, or alphabetical order, checkmarks are automatically placed next to words that have been mastered. The cards can be displayed from the list entries, enabling quick review.
    ・Kanji information on the cards can be displayed from the entries in the On/Kun list.

    ○This app is based on the kanji and kanji words learned in the second edition of GENKI.
    ○It functions the same as the iPhone version of GENKI Kanji Cards.
    ○The stroke order animations may not run properly on some devices/platforms. If this occurs, try restarting your device.
    ○Ads: The app does not display any ads that might interfere with learning.
    ○GENKI Vocab Cards, another Android app based on the GENKI textbook, is also available.

    Developed by the GENKI App Team, Guild Inc.
  • Planet Finder + Мод APK 4.54 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Planet Finder + Мод APK 4.54 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Planet Finder + is an astronomy application that you can use to show exactly what you see when you look up at the sky. You just need to open the application and point it to the sky.

    It allows you to spot the planets as well as stars, constellations, and galaxies.

    You can choose different viewpoints:
    Planetarium - this is the most user-friendly view where you just point your device to the sky in order to see the planets, stars, constellations, and galaxies.

    Astronomy Compass - this is the most efficient view to discover where the planets, brightest stars or galaxies are located around you.

    Solar system simulator - this is the view to get a feel for our solar system, its dimensions and your orientation within it.

    In all the different views you can use a player interface to check past and future positions of the celestials.

    You can explore:
    Most of the planets and their moons in a 3D simulator.
    (For Jupiter and Saturn you can check the real time postion of their moons.
    For the Sun you get information about it's current number of sunspots.)

    The rise, set and transit times of celestials.

    The structure of the Milkyway (the Milkyway arms, the center, the inner bulge, and bar)

    You can configure:
    MySky - a set of 10 celestials that are displayed in the Planetarium view and the Astronomy Compass view. This allows you to find and display all known celestial bodies that mankind has discovered.

    You can enable:
    Your camera in the planetarium view. (Augmented reality feature)

    You can share:
    A screenshot from the planetarium view.

    It's extremely easy! Just launch the application to obtain an instant overview of the planets surrounding you. You're in a geocentric position in the middle of the screen, on Earth, and the planets are being displayed around you. If a planet is above the Compass Ring and is highlighted, it's visible. If the planet is below the Compass Ring, towards the center of the Earth, it is shadowed and below your horizon. The same applies to all the other celestial types. Activate your starcraft engines and quickly travel around in the universe.

    Planet Finder + comes with an advanced Augmented Reality Camera: Just point your phone to the sky and Planet Finder + will instantly switch to Augmented Reality Mode. Spot planets, stars, and constellations through your mobile camera, take a snapshot and share via Facebook, email, twitter or MMS!

    Interact with the Augmented Reality View by activating its Player. Play, pause, rewind and fast forward the Solar System. This will render the trajectories of the planets and the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.

    You can also track planets, stars, constellations, and galaxies. Just follow the direction of the arrows and you'll spot your object in seconds!

    Switch back to 2D Compass or Text View by lowering your mobile phone. Get more detailed information by touching a celestial item in the text list. (for instance its rise/transit/set times)

    Hit the Solar system simulator 3d icon to switch to a 3d heliocentric view of the solar system. Switch between real and boosted sizes and get amazed by it's gigantic proportions. Switch between inner, outer and full solar system views and navigate to a planet by using the search function.

    Single tap the 3D Planet for a detailed 3D view of its texture and its moons.
  • Doodle Patterns Мод APK 1.30 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Doodle Patterns Мод APK 1.30 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Doodle Patterns is a quick reference guide for doodlers. Includes over 100 tangle patterns with step-by-step instructions for drawing them.

    Whether you're looking for inspiration or want to learn something new this app means you'll always have a library of zentangle patterns in your pocket.

    Take it easy and focus your mind as you doodle with these simple repetitive designs.
  • Prüfung MFA Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Prüfung MFA Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The European Audit app contains 145 selected medical assistant exam questions that can be answered either in practice mode or test mode.

    Practice mode:
    It can be practiced either all or selected questions topics. The questions are repeated at various intervals. Correctly answered questions appear after rare, frequently answered incorrectly (paper box principle). Preferred issues can be bookmarked and practiced separately. During practice of their own learning status is indicated by a learning-O-Meter. Statistics on the current learning progress can be accessed anytime.

    Test Mode:
    25 random questions selected from a pool of questions that must be answered within 30 minutes. At the end, we learn whether the test passed.
  • Connie reading game 1st grade Мод APK 1.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Connie reading game 1st grade Мод APK 1.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This app contains three entertaining educational games for learning how to read and spell with capital and small letters in German language.

    1. Alphabet soup
    Look for the right alphabet noodles in an alphabet soup. Each capital letter corresponds to a small letter. Can you find the right ones?

    2. Front-Middle-Back
    Find out in which part of words certain letters appear. Does the letter “F” appear in the front, in the middle or in the back of the word “frog”?

    3. Reading machine
    Use the reading machine in order to improve your reading skills! Choose the length of your words and match them with the right pictures.

    All of these games are verified by educators. Funny animations increase your kids' joy in learning.


    We are always interested in improving our apps. Please send us your feedback to [email protected]. Thank you!
  • Le Robert Easy English Мод APK 3.14 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Le Robert Easy English Мод APK 3.14 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Easy English combines 4 apps in 1, allowing you to practise English daily, wherever you are and at your own pace:

    - A dictionary to translate any word
    - A grammar guide to improve your knowledge
    - A communication guide to help you express yourself in any situation
    - Exercises to perfect your English while having fun

    These practical and complementary modules can be used individually according to your needs.

    Bilingual English-French Dictionary


    Comprehensive: more than 11,500 entries and 24,000 translations.
    Ease of navigation: search history, list of favourite words and a multisearch function (wildcards, similar words, full text search and anagrams).

    Bonus features: English pronunciation, 20,000 words in context and more than 4,000 notes on usage, language pitfalls, false friends, difficult constructions and differences between British and American English.

    Grammar and communication


    Test your knowledge or gain a solid foundation in English: 87 grammar pages with examples, and 24 themed pages with hundreds of expressions and phrases.

    Practice exercises


    More than 1,000 questions within 90 exercises covering grammar and vocabulary.
    Quizzes: test your memory for vocabulary and false friends.
    Bonus features: answer correction and scoring.
  • Hands-On Equations 1 Мод APK 1.6 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Hands-On Equations 1 Мод APK 1.6 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Teach your children the joys of algebra with Hands-On Equations 1, the algebra app for children as young as eight and adults of all ages!

    Algebra can be tricky to master, but with the help of the Hands-On Equations 1 app, equations such as 4x+2=3x+9 and 2(3x+1) = 2x + 14 become child's play! Using physical game pieces, the original Hands-On Equations program has already helped more than a million young students in the United States gain confidence with algebra. Now that same, proven method is available virtually in the palm of your hand.

    The app works like this –
    • An expert instructional video introduces each lesson. It is essential to watch this video!
    • Success with the two practice problems enables the app user to access the ten lesson exercises.
    •The unknown x variable is represented by a blue pawn on the digital screen while the constants by number cubes.
    •In Lesson 1 the icons do not move. The student uses thinking or "guess and check" to solve the equations.
    •Beginning with Lesson 2, the student places the game pieces on the balance scale to represent the two sides of the equation.
    •Starting with Lesson 3, the student simplifies the equations by performing "legal moves" with the pawn and beginning with Lesson 4, legal moves with the cubes.
    •The student verifies his/her solution by resetting the problem to conduct the check.
    •Feedback is provided to the student in the check phase of the problem.
    •Simple touch features are used to move the pieces around.
    •An intuitive and attractive user interface makes the app easy to use.
    • More than 80 equations to solve!
    •Supports multiple users while keeping track of the problems solved by each user

    Hands-On Equations is the ideal first introduction to algebra for elementary and middle school students. Not only will these students have FUN and be fascinated with the program, but their self-esteem will be dramatically enhanced as they experience success with sophisticated-looking algebraic equations.

    Older students who need help with algebra will also benefit from Hands-On Equations. the first time, these students may understand key concepts of algebra that have held them back.
    For more information on Hands-On Equations, visit htFortps://www.borenson.com.

    For app support, send an email to [email protected].
  • Hands-On Equations 2 Мод APK 1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Hands-On Equations 2 Мод APK 1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Ta aplikacja jest przeznaczony dla studentów, którzy ukończyli już poziomu 1 praktyczne równań.

    Na poziomie 2, student uczy się rozwiązywać równania z udziałem białego pionka - którego nazwa to „gwiazda” - jak również niebieski pionek i czerwone kostki.

    Biały pionek jest nieznany jak niebieskim pionkiem. Wartość biały pionek jest przeciwieństwem tego niebieskiego pionkiem. W związku z tym, gdy x = 3, gwiazda = -3.

    Ponieważ ich suma wynosi zero, gdy biały pionek i niebieski pionek wystąpić razem na tej samej stronie skali mogą być usunięte bez wpływu na równowagę.

    Oznaczenie stosowane do białego pionem jest litery X, z poprzeczką przez nią. Ma nazwę „gwiazda”, ponieważ wygląda jak gwiazda. Później w programie uczniowie uczą się rozpoznawać „(-x)” jako inna nazwa gwiazdy.

    Na poziomie 2 studentów nauczyć rozwiązania równań, takich jak (- 4x + x) = 1 + 2x + 5 i 2x - (- x) = 12.

    Wprowadzenie wideo jest dla każdej lekcji. (Patrz przykładowy YouTube wideo w http://youtu.be/VFYQ47EAqZw.) Każde wprowadzenie wideo jest po dwóch przykładach i dziesięć ćwiczeń. Istotne jest dla studentów, aby obejrzeć wideo lekcji przed przystąpieniem przykłady i ćwiczenia dla tej lekcji.

    Hands-on Równania to idealne wprowadzenie do algebry dla szkół podstawowych i gimnazjalistów. Nie tylko studenci bawić i być zafascynowany programem, ich poczucie własnej wartości będzie znacznie zwiększona, ponieważ doświadczają sukces wyrafinowanych równań algebraicznych.

    Licealiści walczą z algebry prawdopodobnie doświadczyć sukcesu i zrozumienia po raz pierwszy, jak oni pracują z tej aplikacji.

    Instrukcja wideo dla każdej lekcji pozwoli użytkownikowi do kontynuowania sukcesu i zadowolenia mieli z aplikacji Level 1, jak rozwiązać jeszcze trudniejsze równania!

    Więcej informacji na temat praktycznych równań można znaleźć na www.borenson.com i na YouTube.
  • Dutch in a Month:Express cou Мод APK 1.27 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Dutch in a Month:Express cou Мод APK 1.27 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Our application is a great chance to learn the basis of the foreign language fast and effectively.

    Unique study method. No more grinding repetitive words translation that will slip your mind soon.

    You're supposed to figure out the meaning like children learn to speak. They link what they hear with what they see and learn the meaning of each word or phrase comparing the differences between actions or things.

    Nail down the knowledge that you grasp with the help of writing tasks.

    The full version offers:
    - 30 lessons with increasing difficulty levels
    - 1800 words and phrases voiced by male and female native narrators
    - over 1500 colorful images

    There is a free version to try before you buy. It contains 3 lessons: from the beginning, middle and the end of the course. They are given to show the method and the course level that we offer

    About 5 million people all over the world have already chosen our application as a fair companion. Give it a try too!

    **Check out FAQ if you encounter any issues: http://learnlikekids.com/taxonomy/term/4 **
  • Polizei Einstellungstest Мод APK 1.11 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Polizei Einstellungstest Мод APK 1.11 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The quick preparation for the aptitude test / training test for training with the police: test coach compact - for a preparation in a short time.


    • Over 450 selected tasks for quick, targeted preparation

    • All typical test areas: general knowledge, subject-related knowledge, language proficiency, mathematics, logic, visual thinking, memory, concentration, orientation

    • Editing tips and solutions: This is how you "crack" the different task types

    • Direct evaluation: Comfortable result overview, detailed explanations of each task

    • Easy navigation: Start directly in the preparation - no laborious incorporation necessary

    • Test Mode: Simulate the test as "in real" - the clock is running

    • Works offline too - no internet connection required

    Combat exam stress and nerve flutter with the test trainer compact. Download now and get started right away!
  • Note Trainer (Sight Reading) Мод APK 1.06 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Note Trainer (Sight Reading) Мод APK 1.06 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ***PLEASE NOTE*** Note Trainer Lite is the latest version. Please upgrade within Lite to access the latest features!

    Make sight reading practice fun!

    Move away from rote memorization techniques and learn how to read music notes in a natural and engaging way. Note Trainer is a fun game that teaches you to recognize music notes through sight reading practice. The Note Trainer game increases in speed and difficulty over time so that you can truly learn to read music effortlessly. Sight reading practice has been shown to be very effective in helping people learn how to read sheet music. In fact, 86% of piano teachers rate sight-reading as a highly important skill.

    Note Trainer replaces traditional music flash cards and was developed in collaboration with a distinguished award-winning member of the North American Music Teachers Association and in consultation with a touring member of the Canadian National Youth Orchestra and soloist for the Hamilton Symphony.

    * Sight reading practice for 3+ octaves of music notes between treble and bass from A1 to C5
    * Great for those who want to learn to read music as well as those challenging themselves to increase the speed at which they can read piano sheet music
    * Practice mode (option to turn on or off note labels and labels on piano as you learn how to read music notes)
    * Game mode to challenge your skills at an increasing difficulty levels
    * Treble clef and Bass clef modes including flats and sharps
    * Track your scores and see when you've exceeded your personal best
    * Achievements and badges to measure progress in sight reading
    * Full statistics to show where you are making mistakes and note reading accuracy
    * Great for learning how to read piano sheet music as well as sheet music for other instruments
    * This version of Note Trainer is ad-free
  • Memorize Quran (Full Edition) Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Memorize Quran (Full Edition) Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Memorice Corán apunta en ayudarle a aprender fácilmente el Corán de memoria, con diferentes métodos como la creación de perfiles, un indicador de progreso, hacer una pausa entre estrofas recitadas y mucho más!

    *** Características ***
    - Corto-Breaks después de la recitación de repetir el verso
    - Listas de reproducción fácilmente creatable para centrarse en los versículos específicos
    - Múltiples perfiles de usuario con los avatares y nombres
    - Memorización Indicador de progreso
    - Super-Fast Es accesible Suras y versos
    - Audio de alta calidad recitada por el jeque Al-Mishary Afasy
    - Aprobado Tipo Uthmani Fuente
    - Soporta multitarea
    - Gráficos de alta calidad

    Memorizar el Corán ha sido creado por dedicados y honestos los musulmanes, por lo tanto a prueba la calidad y verificado para evitar errores y equivocaciones. Still - errar es humano - si usted encuentra algún error o equivocación que nos perdimos, le rogamos que informe a nosotros utilizando el botón de correo superior o ponerse en contacto con nosotros a través de nuestro sitio web.

    No dude en contactar con nosotros si tiene alguna pregunta o sugerencia!

    Memorice Corán para niños y adultos
  • Video Touch - Birds Мод APK 2.34 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Video Touch - Birds Мод APK 2.34 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    48 HD video clips of wild birds

    * Dubbing in English.
    * 48 video clips of wild birds.
    * 4 rotating videos for each bird.
    * Works together with the other "Video Touch" apps.

    Great 48 videos to entertain and educate your child! When choosing one of the birds (parrots, peacocks, penguins, etc.), your child will watch 10-20 seconds video clips. For example - a funny flock of flamingos honking to each other, a pair of storks building a large stick nest, a majestic bald eagle soaring through the sky. Each bird rotates through 4 separate videos with each tap from your child. Perfect and simple!

    Download this precious app for your little one, it will teach them a lot and your child will just think it's fun!
  • Graphing Calculator | Solve| Derivatives Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Graphing Calculator | Solve| Derivatives Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    This app will be depreciated before November 2020.
    It is now replaced with the following Graphing Calculator (recommended)


    A Graphing Calculator with the most graphing capability for Android. In addition to functions, this Graphing Calculator is capable of graphing parametric equations and point sets using the Cartesian or polar coordinate systems.Furthermore, calculating x-intercepts, intersections, symbolic derivatives, definite integral, area, arc length, and curve fitting through a set of points, can all be easily performed by using this calculator as described below.

    NOTE: To graph the expression in focus press the ‘graph' button. To graph one or more selected expressions simultaneously, press the ‘Graph' (capitalized) button.

    This truly integrated Scientific/Graphing Calculator features graphing capabilities offered by no other graphing calculators and its advanced, user-friendly interface makes graphing and calculations as intuitive as possible.

    • Calculate all the x-intercepts of the graph of a function on an interval with a single click.

    • Calculate the points of intersection of the graphs of two functions.

    • Calculate symbolic derivatives of functions and parametric equations and graph them.

    • Calculate definite integral, area under (or enclosed by) the graphs of functions (or parametric curves) and arc length in both the Cartesian and polar cases.

    • It is the only Graphing Calculator capable of finding and graphing the polynomial of the least degree passing through a set of points. In addition, you can use this Scientific Calculator to find and graph the best line (linear regression line) that fits a set of points according to Gauss' Least Squares Criteria.

    Other Features

    • This Scientific Calculator is also capable of calculating complex numbers in standard, polar or any other forms.

    • The Calculator can display a table of values for functions and parametric equations even with complex expressions.

    • The Calculator can display the result in scientific, engineering and fixed point notations.

    • Calculate relevant expressions in degrees or radians mode.

    • Apart from standard functions, this Graphing Calculator is equipped with Γ and Ψ functions.

    •The Calculator also comes with an easy-to-use units converter (Time, Mass, Length, Velocity, and many more), and list of constants from various fields of sciences which can be used in your calculations.

    3. Available functions

    • Basic algebraic operations
    • Power functions, x^r and E(x)
    • Trigonometric functions and their inverses
    • Hyperbolic functions and their inverses
    • Exponential, e^x and exp(x), and logarithmic functions
    • Factorial, the Gamma, Γ, and Psi, Ψ, functions
    •Absolute value and step functions, round, floor, ceil

    Satisfaction Guaranteed – 100% Refund: If you are not satisfied with your purchase you can request a full refund by emailing the developer (just write "Refund", and state your purchase number and date of purchase) within a week from the time of the purchase. A full refund will be asked to be issued by Google Wallet once your email is received.
  • CAE Academy 2020 - for the C1 Мод APK 1.0.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    CAE Academy 2020 - for the C1 Мод APK 1.0.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The CAE is a challenging exam, and the Use of English section is the most difficult part. Students often tell us they feel unprepared for it.

    That's why we have worked with a top CAE teacher to create CAE Academy, which has more test practice questions than any other app, website or textbook. Our mission is to help you pass this important exam with the highest possible marks.


    CAE Academy is for students preparing for the Use of English section of the CAE. It contains 36 exam-style texts with over 1,000 individual assessments and closely replicates the CAE exam experience.

    The best designed and most comprehensive CAE app available.
    • Use of English parts 1–4
    • Over 1,000 individual assessments
    • Expert-reviewed exam-style exercises
    • Timed exam simulations
    • No ads!
    • No internet connection required - use it on the bus!
  • Commercial Pilot Airplane Мод APK 1.3.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Commercial Pilot Airplane Мод APK 1.3.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    RideReady will help make you confident and ready for your FAA Commercial Pilot Airplane Practical Test / Checkride (that combination of flight test and oral quizzing that you will need to pass in order to receive a commercial pilot certificate) and allow you to impress the examiner with your knowledge of relevant knowledge areas as per the Practical Test Standards and current FAA practices and recommendations.

    RideReady is fully compatible with FAA ACS (Airman Certification Standards) checkrides and our editorial team will work to keep it up to date with ACS as ACS further evolves.

    For the FAA Commercial Pilot Airplane practical test, topics covered include advanced aerodynamics, weather, instrumentation, complex aircraft systems, charts and navigation, avionics, procedures, flight planning, commercial regulations, FAA emphasis areas, weight and balance, and much more.

    RideReady features more questions than oral exam prep booklets thus helping you be more prepared for a wide variety of realistic questions. Additionally, RideReady's content is also more illustrated and our explanations more detailed to really help you understand the material.

    Our RideReady app can offer you speed, power, availability, and flexibility that no book or DVD can. For example, you can tell RideReady which aircraft you fly (from a list of common training aircraft) and RideReady will ask you questions on its systems and operations - just like a real examiner will. Remember: while books are out of date from the moment they're printed, updates are FREE FOR LIFE, meaning that you can get the most up to date quickly and easily through the built-in update mechanism.

    Please note that after downloading this app, the app will need to check for updated data from our servers.

    RideReady is the smart pilot's secret to checkride success!


    * Realistic Checkride Questions - Hundreds upon hundreds of realistic memory, analysis, and scenario type questions taken from practical test exit interviews, key FAA documents, and the combined experience of our editorial team of pilot examiners and flight instructors.
    * Unlimited Study and Practice - At your own pace, on your own schedule
    * Free Lifetime Updates. Get acquainted with the material weeks or months before your checkride, study hard in the days leading up to it, and then brush up years afterwards.
    * Hundreds of Charts and Figures - Illustrate key points and help you learn
    * Aircraft-specific information - Includes questions specific to common training aircraft types (just like your examiner will ask) plus the ability to customize values and add your own custom aircraft. Built-in aircraft in this title: Cessna 150, Cessna 152, Cessna 172N/RG/SP, Diamond Katana, Piper Warrior II, Piper Arrow II.
    * Current and valid for right now - As soon as you purchase and install this app, use the built-in update feature to get the latest and greatest content that we offer in mere moments. We regularly update the content to keep up with changes in practical test standards, FAA emphasis areas, and aviation technology.
    * Thousands of Success Stories - Every year, thousands of pilots use RideReady to learn or brush up the material to make them confident and ready to pass their FAA checkrides. We invite you to be next!

    Make sure you are looking at the right app for you!

    * This is FAA Practical Test (checkride oral exam) preparation for AIRPLANE PILOTS.
    * This is NOT FAA written (knowledge) test preparation. If you want FAA written (knowledge) test preparation, check out our GroundSchool FAA line of products. Many pilots buy both RideReady and our GroundSchool-FAA apps as they work well together.
    * Again, this title is for AIRPLANE PILOTS ONLY. This is NOT preparation materials for helicopter, glider, gyroplane, hot air balloon, or other pilots. We have other RideReady titles for different aircraft types, but this one is for AIRPLANE PILOTS ONLY as it contains much information particular to airplanes.
  • Arloon Geometry Мод APK 1.3.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Arloon Geometry Мод APK 1.3.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    A fascinating way to discover the world of geometry! This app features 3D models with Augmented Reality for most geometric shapes. By directly interacting with the figures, your students will improve their spatial visualization.


    Geometry classes like never before:

    ● View geometric shapes from all angles and see their sides unfold into flat figures. Geometry combines conceptual content (definitions and characteristics) with procedural content (applying formulae and calculus).

    ● Curricular content and exercises to:
    - Study prisms, regular polyhedra, bodies of revolution, pyramids
    - List their properties and the formulae that define their area and volume
    - Compare and identify objects in the environment with geometric shapes using Augmented Reality
    - Develop spatial imagination by observing 3D and flat models
    - Interact and discover each formula step by step
    - Work through exercises to practise what has been learned: guess the geometric shape, confirm characteristics and calculate area and volume

    ● The content of this application for students from 11 years of age is completely curricular. Content is available in English and Spanish. Hundreds of schools around the world are already learning with ARLOON!

    ● Learning Outcomes:
    - Cognitive Development
    - Critical Thinking
    - Engagement and Usability
    - Creative Development
    - Life Skills
    - Academic Relevance

    ● Acquisition of 21st-century skills:
    - Scientific: geometry terms and definitions
    - Mathematical: geometric shapes, area and volume
    - Digital: studying with new technology
    - Learning to learn: experimenting and actively searching for answers to promote self-learning
    - Artistic: developing spatial imagination and the capacity for abstraction specific to geometry
    - Linguistic: building multilingual vocabulary (English and Spanish)
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