Дома / Приложение
  • Al-Moazin Lite (Prayer Times) Мод APK 3.0.885 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Al-Moazin Lite (Prayer Times) Мод APK 3.0.885 [Unlocked]


    Aplicația pentru orele de rugăciune Al-Moazin este un însoțitor obligatoriu pentru toți musulmanii. Cu Al-Moazin, nu vei rata din nou Salat, chiar dacă ai călătorit într-o țară cu totul nouă.

    Funcția de integrare GPS vă va ajuta să obțineți ore precise de rugăciune oriunde vă aflați pe pământ!

    Nu mai trebuie să ceri nimănui direcția Qibla. cu funcția de integrare a busolă digitală, Al-Moazin vă va arăta direcția exactă cu precizie.

    Aplicația este echipată cu un calendar Hijri pentru a putea afișa și verifica datele în Hijri sau pentru a converti Hijri în date gregoriene și invers.

    Funcția Urmăriți-mă va iniția o actualizare automată a locației atunci când călătoriți sau schimbați locația.

    Seturi multiple de notificări legate de orele de rugăciune pentru a planifica orice acțiuni de care aveți nevoie legate de orele de rugăciune înainte sau după. (Suport complet numai în versiunea plătită)

    Lista de caracteristici:
    * Orele de rugăciune islamice cu diferite metode de calcul:
    - Umm al-Qura, Makkah
    - Autoritatea Egipteană de Supraveghere Generală
    - Universitatea de Științe Islamice, Karachi
    - Societatea Islamică din America de Nord
    - Liga Mondială Musulmană
    - Iraqi Sunni Endowment (disponibil pentru descărcare pentru orașele irakiene)
    * Calendar Hijri și capacitatea de a-l corecta manual în funcție de observarea Hilal.
    * Direcția Qiblah bazată pe capabilitățile busolei telefonului
    * Urmărește-mă, actualizează automat ora de rugăciune în timp ce călătorești folosind capabilitățile mobile wireless.
    * Notificare Fajr de trezire, suplimentară la notificările implicite setate înainte și după rugăciuni. (Numai versiunea plătită)
    * Urmărește modul sonerie al telefonului, care face ca notificările Azan să fie redate ca audio, vizuale sau vibrații.
    * Avertizare vizuală pentru timpul rămas înainte de următoarea rugăciune, folosind un widget simplu.
    Este disponibilă o aplicație însoțitoare pentru Wear OS:
    Aplicația însoțitoare partajează aceleași setări ale telefonului dvs. mobil.
    Aplicația însoțitoare include o placă pentru a afișa orele de rugăciune de astăzi.
  • A Soft Murmur Мод APK 2.1.1 [Unlocked] 3.8

    A Soft Murmur Мод APK 2.1.1 [Unlocked]


    Find the perfect mix of background noise to help you relax, study, work or sleep. A Soft Murmur is the perfect productivity app to help you wash away distractions.

    For any problems or support, please email [email protected]

    Upgrade to Marshmallow 6.0.1

    Android Marshmallow 6.0.0 has problems when all sounds are unlocked. This is fixed in Marshmallow 6.0.1. If your device is on 6.0.0 and cannot upgrade to 6.0.1 it might be a good idea not to unlock all the sounds.

    If you need help with any problems, please contact me at [email protected]

    Fully Offline

    Download once, listen whenever and where you like. All sounds are stored locally and there are no ads or other network requests.

    Smooth Gapless Playback

    Other ambient sound apps have annoying gaps or clicks when the player reaches the end of a track and loops back to the beginning. A Soft Murmur plays totally seamless and uninterrupted audio so it never interrupts your focus.

    Background audio

    A Soft Murmur will play sounds until you tell it to stop - listen while you browse the internet or listen to music.


    Mix together 10 ambient sounds:

    • Rainfall
    • Thunder
    • Waves
    • Gusting wind
    • Crackling fireplace*
    • Birdsong*
    • Crickets*
    • Coffee shop*
    • Singing bowl*
    • White noise*

    * These six sounds are unlocked with a single in-app purchase


    When you activate the Meander function, the app gently increases or decreases the volume of each active sound, creating gentle rolling waves of sound that are never the same twice.


    Set A Soft Murmur to fade gently to silence to help you drift into sleep, or set a timer to start or stop playing after a custom length of time. Timers run in the background, even if you user other apps, and show the time left in the notification area. Use timers to transform A Soft Murmur into a versatile productivity app.


    Save your favorite mixes and give them names. Switch easily between them whenever you like.


    A Soft Murmur lets you share your mixes with friends using Facebook Messenger, Twitter, SMS and hundreds of other apps. If your friend has A Soft Murmur installed they can open your mix in the app. If they don't, they can listen to your mix online.

  • My daily horoscope PRO Мод APK 1.0.6 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.8

    My daily horoscope PRO Мод APK 1.0.6 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    પ્રેમ, કાર્ય, કુટુંબ. તમારી જન્માક્ષર 2023 માં વર્ષના તમામ હાઇલાઇટ્સ શોધો!

    પ્રતિક તરીકે વલણ સાથે દરરોજ તમારી પ્રેમ કુંડળી મફતમાં વાંચો. કામ અને અભ્યાસ માટે તમારી દૈનિક જન્માક્ષર વાંચો.

    તમારા મિત્રો અને પરિવારજનોની કુંડળી વાંચવા માટે તેમની પ્રોફાઇલ બનાવો.

    તમામ રાશિચક્રના ચિહ્નો અને તેમના 3 ચિહ્નો માટે વિગતવાર જ્યોતિષીય આગાહીઓ ઉપલબ્ધ છે

    ♈ મેષ
    ♉ વૃષભ
    ♊ મિથુન
    ♋ કેન્સર
    ♌ સિંહ
    ♍ કન્યા
    ♎ તુલા
    ♏ વૃશ્ચિક
    ♐ ધનુરાશિ
    ♑ મકર
    ♒ કુંભ
    ♓ મીન

    વિનંતી કરેલ સમયે દૈનિક પુશ સંદેશ તરીકે તમારી અથવા તમારા મિત્રોની જન્માક્ષર મેળવો!

    ★ સામગ્રી દરેક લોંચ વખતે ડાઉનલોડ થતી નથી પરંતુ માત્ર જરૂરિયાત મુજબ
    ★ 7 દિવસનું જન્માક્ષર
    ★ તમારા ચિહ્નની ગણતરી કરો
    ★ બહુવિધ ભાષા
    ★ જાહેરાત દૂર કરવા માટે વિકલ્પ ઉમેર્યો
  • Relax Ocean: sleep sounds Мод APK 5.2.2 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Relax Ocean: sleep sounds Мод APK 5.2.2 [Unlocked]


    Relaxați-vă cu cele mai bune sunete ale oceanului. Adormi mai repede și dormi mai bine!

    Ideal pentru relaxare, somn, meditație, concentrare sau dacă aveți probleme cu tinitus (țiuit urechi).

    Aplicația redă diferite sunete ale oceanului, sunetele redate în acest fel sunt cunoscute și sub numele de zgomot alb.
    Zgomotul alb are efecte benefice asupra corpului si mintii deoarece, acoperind zgomotul mediului extern, favorizeaza relaxarea si concentrarea.

    Puteți seta temporizatorul și puteți pune aplicația în fundal sau puteți opri ecranul. La sfârșitul timpului, sunetul se estompează ușor, iar aplicația se închide de la sine. Deci, nu trebuie să vă faceți griji cu privire la închiderea aplicației dacă adormi.

    Ai probleme cu somnul? Această aplicație vă ajută să dormiți blocând distracția. Acum poți să dormi mai repede și să dormi mai bine!
    Poți să-ți iei rămas bun de la insomnie! Îmbunătățește-ți viața!

    Folosește-l după o zi stresantă pentru a-ți recăpăta pacea interioară. Intră în oaza ta de calm.

    *** Caracteristicile aplicației ***

    - 35+ sunete perfect bucle
    - sistem de cronometru care estompează încet sunetul
    - auto-pause sunete la apelul primit
    - controale de volum
    - meniu rapid
    - utilizarea în fundal și cu alte aplicații
    - nu este nevoie de streaming pentru redare (nu este necesară conexiune de date)
    - întrerupeți și redați sunete

    *** Lista de sunete ***

    - Marea calmă
    - Plaja tropicala
    - Plajă cu pietriș
    - Farul
    - Spuma valurilor
    - Caiac în atol
    - Vila deasupra apei
    - Valuri printre stânci
    - Ocean furtunos
    - Faleza
    - Valuri pe dig
    - Pescuitul de noapte
    - Port de pescuit vechi
    - Valuri sub apă
    - Marea de noapte cu greieri
    - Platformă antică de pescuit
    - Urme de pași pe țărm
    - Atmosfera de marina
    - Barca de pescuit
    - Navă de marfă
    - Submarin
    - Barcă cu pânze
    - Barcă cu vâsle
    - Navă de croazieră
    - Iaht
    - Marea calmă la apus
    - Fundul mării
    - Coasta Mediteranei
    - Delfinii
    - Valurile oceanului și pescărușii
    - Plimbare pe țărm
    - Recif de corali
    - Marea tropicală
    - Bungalou pe litoral
    - Muzică și valuri oceanice

    *** Note de utilizare ***

    Pentru o experiență mai bună, vă recomand să folosiți căști sau căști pentru a asculta sunetele relaxante.
    Puteți utiliza aplicația în fundal și cu alte aplicații.

    *** Note despre permisiuni ***

    - ID dispozitiv și informații despre apel (citește starea și identitatea telefonului)
    Folosit pentru a opri sunetul la apelul primit și pentru a reda din nou la sfârșitul apelului.

    - Achiziții în aplicație
    Folosit la achiziționarea versiunii premium.

    - Preveniți telefonul să doarmă
    Folosit pentru a menține în viață aplicația atunci când închideți ecranul sau când utilizați alte aplicații.

    - Acces complet la rețea și vizualizați conexiunile de rețea
    Folosit pentru a verifica achizițiile și pentru a afișa anunțuri.
  • Relax Mountain: sleep sounds Мод APK 4.2.2 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Relax Mountain: sleep sounds Мод APK 4.2.2 [Unlocked]


    Thư giãn với những âm thanh tốt nhất của ngọn núi. Rơi vào giấc ngủ nhanh hơn và ngủ tốt hơn!

    Lý tưởng để thư giãn, ngủ, thiền định, tập trung, hoặc nếu bạn có vấn đề với chứng ù tai (tai chuông).

    Các ứng dụng âm thanh khác nhau của ngọn núi, những âm thanh chơi theo cách này cũng được biết đến như là tiếng ồn trắng.
    Tiếng ồn trắng có tác dụng có lợi trên cơ thể và tâm trí, vì, bao gồm tiếng ồn của môi trường bên ngoài, thúc đẩy thư giãn và tập trung.

    Bạn có thể thiết lập bộ đếm thời gian và đặt ứng dụng của bạn trong nền hoặc tắt màn hình. Vào cuối thời gian, âm thanh mờ nhẹ nhàng và các ứng dụng đóng của chính nó. Vì vậy, bạn không cần phải lo lắng về việc đóng ứng dụng nếu bạn rơi vào giấc ngủ.

    Bạn có gặp khó khăn khi đi ngủ? Ứng dụng này giúp bạn ngủ bằng cách ngăn chặn phiền nhiễu. Bây giờ bạn có giấc ngủ nhanh hơn và có thể ngủ tốt hơn!
    Bạn có thể nói lời tạm biệt với chứng mất ngủ của bạn! Cải thiện cuộc sống của bạn!

    Sử dụng nó sau một ngày căng thẳng để lấy lại sự bình an nội tâm của bạn. Đi vào ốc đảo của bạn bình tĩnh.

    *** Ứng dụng tính năng ***

    - 12 + âm thanh hoàn hảo looped
    - Hệ thống hẹn giờ mà từ từ mất dần âm thanh ra
    - Tự động tạm dừng, âm thanh vào cuộc gọi đến
    - Điều khiển âm lượng
    - Menu nhanh
    - Sử dụng trong nền và với các ứng dụng khác
    - Không có tuyến là cần thiết để phát lại (không cần kết nối dữ liệu)
    - Tạm dừng và chơi âm thanh

    *** Danh sách âm thanh ***

    - Lò sưởi
    - Gió ở độ cao
    - Thác
    - Chuông trong làng
    - Chăn thả bò
    - Raging torrent
    - Bão tuyết
    - Chăn thả cừu
    - Brook
    - Đi bộ trong tuyết
    - Âm thanh của đêm
    - Chim trong rừng thông

    *** ghi chú *** Cách sử dụng

    Đối với một trải nghiệm tốt hơn, tôi khuyên bạn nên sử dụng tai nghe hoặc tai nghe để nghe âm thanh thư giãn.
    Bạn có thể sử dụng các ứng dụng trong nền và với các ứng dụng khác.

    *** Ghi chú về quyền ***

    - ID thiết bị thông tin cuộc gọi (đọc trạng thái và nhận dạng điện thoại)
    Được sử dụng để ngăn chặn âm thanh vào cuộc gọi đến và chơi một lần nữa vào cuối của cuộc gọi.

    - Mua hàng trong ứng dụng
    Được sử dụng trong việc mua các phiên bản cao cấp.

    - Ngăn chặn điện thoại từ ngủ
    Được sử dụng để giữ cho sống động ứng dụng khi bạn tắt màn hình hoặc trong khi sử dụng các ứng dụng khác.

    - Truy cập vào mạng và xem các kết nối mạng
    Được sử dụng để xác minh việc mua bán và hiển thị quảng cáo.
  • Relax Water: sleep, meditation Мод APK 4.3.0 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Relax Water: sleep, meditation Мод APK 4.3.0 [Unlocked]


    Âm thanh đặc biệt của nước kèm theo Gong Bath* hoặc bát Tây Tạng sẽ khiến bạn sống một cuộc hành trình đầy cảm xúc tuyệt vời trong bầu không khí huyền diệu.

    Những rung động của cồng chiêng hay bát Tây Tạng sẽ đưa bạn vào trạng thái thư giãn sâu.
    Chắc chắn sẽ có hiệu ứng thư giãn và niết bàn!

    Lý tưởng để thư giãn, ngủ, thiền, tập trung hoặc nếu bạn gặp vấn đề với chứng ù tai (ù tai).

    Bạn chỉ có thể chọn âm thanh xung quanh, chỉ tiếng bát Công/Tây Tạng hoặc sức mạnh tổng hợp của cả hai.

    Và nhờ có bộ đếm thời gian, bạn không phải lo lắng về việc đóng ứng dụng. Khi đặt thời gian, âm thanh sẽ nhỏ dần và ứng dụng sẽ tự đóng.


    4 loại cồng chiêng:

    ★ Bát chiêng và bát Tây Tạng
    ★ Bát pha lê
    ★ Bát Tây Tạng
    ★ Bát Tây Tạng lớn


    36 kịch bản huyền bí của âm thanh nước:

    ★ Đài phun nước
    ★ Mưa trong vườn thiền
    ★ Luồng
    ★ Đại dương
    ★ Mưa
    ★ Thác nước
    ★ Đáy biển
    ★ đài phun nước thiền
    ★ Shishi odoshi (đài phun nước Nhật Bản)
    ★ Trung tâm chăm sóc sức khỏe
    ★ Hang băng
    ★ Hồ
    ★ Sông
    ★ Rừng nhiệt đới
    ★ Dòng suối đóng băng
    ★ Mưa trên cỏ
    ★ Lều dưới mưa
    ★ Giọt từ lá
    ★ Mưa trên cửa sổ
    ★ Bể sục
    ★ Tắm
    ★ tia nước
    ★ Bể bơi trong nhà
    ★ vườn Nhật Bản
    ★ Hoa sen
    ★ Hang nước
    ★ Vách đá
    ★ Nguồn núi
    ★ Thủy cung
    ★ Đài phun nước bằng tre
    ★ Nhà máy nước
    ★ Thác Niagara
    ★ Đài phun nước trong công viên
    ★ Torrent
    ★ Tuyết tan
    ★ Trà đạo

    Đi vào ốc đảo hòa bình của bạn!


    * Tắm Công là gì?

    Tắm chiêng là một trải nghiệm thư giãn và hạnh phúc. Trong khi tắm chiêng, bạn được tắm trong sóng âm. Những âm thanh phát ra từ cồng chiêng khiến não bộ con người khó theo dõi và rất có thể bạn sẽ chìm vào trạng thái thiền định sâu sắc. Tắm chiêng có tác dụng giảm đau, căng thẳng hay giải quyết các vấn đề cá nhân rất tốt, nó có xu hướng đưa con người đến trạng thái hỷ lạc thường có thể kéo dài nhiều ngày.


    *** Ghi chú sử dụng ***

    Để có trải nghiệm tốt hơn, tôi khuyên bạn nên sử dụng tai nghe hoặc tai nghe nhét tai để nghe những âm thanh thư giãn.
    Bạn có thể sử dụng ứng dụng ở chế độ nền và với các ứng dụng khác.
  • Assistant – Your Voice Aide Мод APK 3.3.46 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Assistant – Your Voice Aide Мод APK 3.3.46 [Unlocked]


    Assistant is a virtual secretary (and staff) who will meet all our needs through voice commands, providing its user with all the information that you need in each moment, whatever it may be.

    'I Want coffee', I say to the microphone of the terminal. And automatically, the Assistant responds that it is able to meet all of the cafes near my position, being able to mark them on a map for me, and even guide me through voice commands directly to the door of the establishment.

    In the same way, if I ask this assistant virtual what can it do for me, I reply that it is capable of, for example, to update my status on Facebook with the message that I tell you, you tell me what time to do in the street, or simply find me any type of information in Wikipedia.

    The customization options of the Assistant, which in reality are somewhat scarce, allow us to choose between two pictures of maids different (although we can also see a simple microphone), and choose if you want it on a neutral background or on our 'theme'.

    Assistant is a very useful tool for any user, because that will allow you to have a source of information, a calendar, and much more, always available on the screen of your mobile phone. In addition, in the event that there is a lot of noise and we cannot speak, we will always write any thing you want. By Andrés López
  • Diary with lock password Мод APK 3.2.0 [Full] 3.5

    Diary with lock password Мод APK 3.2.0 [Full]


    Handy Diary is a private diary with a secure lock password that allows you to protect your daily thoughts. All your secrets, your dreams and your memories can be organized and managed in this free app. You can fully customize the app: change the colors, the wallpapers and the font!


    Secure lock and password
    - Enable the lock to protect your secrets
    - Add a security question to retrieve the password
    - Possibility to add an email address to reset the password if forgotten
    - The lock is activated as soon as you leave the app, no need to logout

    Data backup and synchronization
    - Manual backup with DropBox

    Management of the notes
    You can visualize your private notes using several screens:

    1) Daily screen to manage your entries:

    - Create, modify or delete every entry
    - Give a rating to your entry using 5 stars
    - Add an emotion or a mood to describe your day
    - Enter several entries for a single day
    - Organize your entries using categories
    - Add photos to your journal
    - Share your entries by email
    - Add many emojis to your secrets
    - dozens of emojis are available in Handy Diary
    - on recent Android phones, additional emojis are also available
    - you can also add new emojis by downloading an emoji keyboard from Google Play

    2) Monthly screen to quickly browse your entries:
    - Browse every month
    - Search for a specific month

    3) Search screen with several filters:
    - Filter by emotion or by mood
    - Filter by category
    - Filter by rating
    - Search keywords among all the notes

    Advanced customization
    You can fully modify the appearance of your private diary:
    - Change the theme (20 themes available)
    - Change the background photo or background color
    - Modify the font size and the font color

    You can also:
    - Change the language
    - Add daily reminders
    - Activate the tutorial


    In-app purchases are also available to let you fully enjoy your journal. The following options are available in several different packages:

    - Remove the ads
    - Possibility to add custom backgrounds. You can add your own photos on the 4 main screens of the app:
    - Locking screen (password screen)
    - Daily screen
    - Monthly screen
    - Search screen
    - Visualize your journal statistics
    - Export the full diary in HTML format


    We are constantly working on improving our diary to keep your secrets secure and enjoyable! The notes are becoming more and more customizable to let you modify your diary according to your dreams.
    We actively follow your suggestions and we hope the next updates will please everybody!


    If you have any problems or suggestions about our diary, please use the help from the app or email us to [email protected]. We will reply as soon as possible.
  • Music Alarm Мод APK 1.0.4 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Music Alarm Мод APK 1.0.4 [Unlocked]


    Music Alarm is an application that combine an alarm clock and music player.

    With Music Alarm, now you can listen to your favorite music instead of a boring alarm sound.

    Listen to your favorite music
    The main feature of Music Alarm is that you can listen to your favorite music instead of a boring alarm sound.

    Add Multiple alarms
    With Music Alarm, you can add multiple alarms for your tasks.

    Set repeated alarm
    Play your alarm every monday, thursday, weekdays, etc.

    Fade in Feature
    Turn up the volume smoothly, so you will not be surprised by the alarm.

    Multiple themes
    Choose between dark or light theme based on your taste.

    If you have any question or suggestion, please contact us at [email protected].
  • Forks Plant-Based Recipes Мод APK 1.0.2 [Paid for free] 3.8

    Forks Plant-Based Recipes Мод APK 1.0.2 [Paid for free]


    This is the essential recipe app from the makers of the critically-acclaimed film Forks Over Knives. Discover over 600 hearty and decadent meals from over 50 leading chefs, with new recipes added weekly (at no additional cost!).

    Every recipe fits the whole-food, plant-based lifestyle that a growing number of health professionals recognize can help stave off and even reverse chronic ailments like heart disease and type 2 diabetes.


    - Over 600 (and growing) great-tasting, whole-food, plant-based recipes
    - New recipes added weekly (at no additional cost)
    - Beautiful high-resolution photography
    - Find and prepare your favorite recipes with ease
    - Preparation made simple with step-by-step instructions
    - For each step, see the ingredients you need with just a tap
    - Convenient shopping list for the grocery items you need to pick up
    - Landscape mode for viewing recipes full-screen, with step-by-step instructions
    - Contributions from over 50 leading chefs.
    - Tips on the plant-based lifestyle

    If you enjoy using the Forks Over Knives app, please take a moment to leave us a nice review. It really helps!

    If you have suggestions about how the app could be improved, please email us at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you.
  • GPSme - GPS locator for your family Мод APK 3.6.1 [Premium] 3.7

    GPSme - GPS locator for your family Мод APK 3.6.1 [Premium]


    GPSme locator is a simple application that allows you to see the location of your children!
    GPSme is a transparent and safe app. Personal safety app for parental monitoring lets you know your children are safe, even when they're far away! It's FREE!

    The app helps the family to stay connected, and in case of emergency, the child can send an alarm to parents.

    Location via BlackBox is the Premium feature will record geodata when Internet is off.
    You can see children's movement history even they have to disabled the Internet on phones.

    Add your kids to your private account. Only you will see them on your map!

    Browse your child's location history for today and yesterday on your private map. Receive automated alerts for child safety when your kids arrive home or school, or any places you set.

    In Premium version, enable Blackbox feature on child's phone - you will know where your child were when Internet was off on his or her phone. Send a loud signal to the child's phone if they left the phone in a backpack or turn on silent mode and does not hear the call.

    Children often lose phones. Search with GPSme for a lost or stolen phone!
    Get alerts when the kid's phone battery is low, so you can remind your child to charge the phone. Your child can use the SOS button to send an alert to help in case of emergency. Parents will receive loud notification and will see one on the map.

    Navigate to your child location. Set up Dangerous zones to receive alerts when your children enter them. Make sure that the child does not visit dangerous places.

    GPSme tracker has intelligent battery consumption, so it only uses 1-7% of the battery during the day. Your child will always be in touch!
    You no longer have to bother your child with “Where are you?” calls or texts - you will see him or her on your private map. Turn on “child mode without map” and nobody can see movement history on kid's phone.

    Finding your kids

    Our app is for child safety and parental control only. The app cannot be installed on the phone secretly, the use is available only with the explicit consent of the child. Personal data is stored in strict accordance with legislation and Private Policies.

    In order to work properly, app need a few permissions:
    Don't worry - when you create an account, we help you through this quick and easy process.
    Location access - to see your child on shared, private map. This setting allows us to show child's location accurately and quickly
    Access to the camera and photo - to install the child's avatar

    To provide precise coordinates, the phone must have Location service enabled. Enabled Wi-Fi increases accuracy to 30-100 feet and works indoors. GPS location has accuracy of 30-150 feet, only outdoors.

    When GPS tracking and Wi-Fi location are turned off or not available, GPSme family locator determines phone's location by LBS coordinates of GSM towers with 300-5000 feet accuracy.

    If you need assistance with setting up the app or have questions/ suggestions, you can reach our tech support directly from the Help section in the app. Or email us at [email protected].

    Upgrade to Premium and get: Blackbox Flight recorder let you record route when Internet is not available; Unlimited number of Places (only 2 Places can be set in the free version); 2 weeks of location history (instead of 2 days). There are no ads in Premium.
  • iPray: Prayer Times & Qibla Мод APK 2.7.4 [Unlocked] 3.7

    iPray: Prayer Times & Qibla Мод APK 2.7.4 [Unlocked]


    iPray je krásný, moderní, zdarma ke stažení a plně podporuje systém Android Pie, což znamená, že je bezpečný a optimalizován pro baterii.

    iPray nabízí krásně ručně vytvořené rozhraní s oběma hodinami Prayer Times a kompasem Qibla zobrazenými na stejné obrazovce - bez přepínání mezi obrazovkami a striktně Žádné reklamy , Žádné spam a Žádné skryté náklady . iPray vám dává přesné časování a azanové výstrahy bez ohledu na to, kde jste ve světě, a "pracuje" mimo krabici s požadovanou nulovou konfigurací .

    OFFLINE TIME OF PRAYER (أوقات الصلاة)
    • Není požadováno síťové připojení, modlitební časy se počítají offline
    • islámské modlitební časy pro jakékoli místo po celém světě
    • Jednoduché čtení displeje s informacemi o heads-upu o aktuální ostré modlitbě (buď právě aktivní modlitba nebo další v případě, že se brzy začíná). Mezi modlitby patří: Fajr, Sunrise / Salat al Doha, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, Isha a Qiyam
    • Barevně kódovaný displej, který zobrazuje průběh aktuální modlitby. Závažnost začíná žlutou, oranžovou, červenou a jasně červenou barvou, což svědčí o tom, že současná modlitba se chystá odjet, takže se modlete, pokud jste se již nemodlili.

    • Upozornění na inteligentní stavové lišty, které nejen že vám ukáže, co je nejdůležitější (uplynulý čas modlitby, nebo uplynulá doba modlitby), ale i během dne se chytře sníží, takže je mimo vaši cestu a propaguje se, když je modlitba vzdálena 30 minut. Vaše uzamčená obrazovka vám automaticky ukáže další modlitební informace, pokud se jedná o 30 minut.
    • Volitelné připomenutí o délce 15 minut, které vám připomínají jemný zvuk zaklepání, že se modlitba chystá začít.
    • Snadné přepínání výstrah z hlavní obrazovky. Podržením klepnutí zobrazíte další možnosti.

    měsíční časový rozvrh
    • Jednoduše otočte zařízení pro zobrazení měsíčních časů; také přístupné z hlavní nabídky.
    • Hijri datum a modlitby časování pro všechny modlitby (včetně Qiyam)
    • Přejděte dolů, abyste automaticky viděli časování pro následující měsíc.

    QIBLA COMPASS (القبلة)
    • Jednoduchý kompas, který je vždy zapnutý. V okamžiku, kdy spustíte iPray, je kompas připraven, aby vám ukázal cestu.
    • Režim lokátoru Qiblah na celou obrazovku s více informacemi o úhlu a vzdálenosti k Mecce
    • V případě, že vaše zařízení nepodporuje zabudovaný magnetometr (nebo jej chcete vizuálně ověřit), je součástí volitelného kompasu mapy.

    • Bez ohledu na to, kdy spustíte iPray, budete vždycky přivítáni novou scenérií.
    • Oslavy, které jsou viditelné během dnů Eid.

    • Snadno zjistit, kdy jsou důležité události hijského kalendářního roku (هجري), včetně Ramadánu, Eid-ul-Fitra a Eid-ul-Adha

    • Ačkoli naše upozornění na inteligentní upozornění bude sloužit účelu jakéhokoli widgetu, iPray je dodáván s různými zjednodušujícími widgety, aby viděli na modlitebních hodinách na pracovní ploše.
    • Widgety pro každodenní nebo současnou modlitbu, stejně jako transparentní widget
    • Widget, který zobrazuje tabulku plných prací pro den

    • iPray umožňuje změnit všechny aspekty použité metody výpočtu.
    • Upravte individuální časy salátu přidáním / odečítáním minut, pokud si přejete přizpůsobit časování z místního masjidu
    • Automatické úpravy času pro místa ve vysokých zeměpisných šířkách (UK, Dánsko, Kanada atd.)
    • Algoritmus detekce Fajr a Isha může být konfigurován tak, aby byl: Jeden sedmý, Úhel založený, Jeden sedmý Medián a časy založené na středu noci.
    • Přepínání mezi Sunrise a Salah-al-Doha
    • Zahrnuje aktualizace stavové lišty pro všechny modlitby, včetně Qiyam al layl (Tahajjad modlitba)
    • Různé Azány (أذان) a možnosti pro každý namaz
    • Vyberte vlastní Adhan (أذان) nebo jiný soubor Audio / MP3
    • dua (prosba) po Azanu

    • Navržen pro telefony i tablety
    • Aktualizace pro práci s zařízeními bez služeb Google Play

    Podívejte se dál, zjistili jste, že pro muslimy je jediný modlitební čas, který to všechno dělá.

    Twitter: @ iPraySupport
  • Dress Up Game For Teen Girls Мод APK 2.0 3.9

    Dress Up Game For Teen Girls Мод APK 2.0


    All teenage girls get ready for the most exciting fashion game you've ever played! A cool new makeup and dress up game is finally here to take you to a magical world of style and fashion and fill your free time with absolute fun and entertainment! Available as a totally free app, Dress Up Game For Teen Girls is simply a must have for all of you who are in love in fashion! Wait no longer – download it right now and enjoy every minute of playing!

    - Dress up your special girl in a stylish fancy manner!
    - Choose from a number of fabulous hairstyles!
    - Combine different items of clothing to create a perfect outfit in various models and colors!
    - More than 400 stylish clothing items with more than 25000 possible combinations!
    - Add accessories to round up her final look - sparkling jewelry, trendy purses, fashion sunglasses!
    - Pick the background you like most!
    - Customize, rotate, zoom in or zoom out the animated girl!
    - Take a photo of your masterpiece and don't forget to share it on all social networks!

    Have you wondered what it would feel like to be a personal stylist, a makeup artist or maybe a fashion designer? If you're a teenage girl who follows latest fashion trends and you like to try out different looks and clothing outfits, you're at the right place. Experiment with different colors and textures in order to find a perfect combination for your model. You will surely find this new fashion dress up game so much exciting and fun to play. By downloading one of the top trending teenage “dress up games” free you'll get the chance to fully express your creativity and your sense of style and fashion. Dress up your model and prove your friends you can be the best fashion stylist!

    Get Dress Up Game For Teen Girls, a free app for mobile phones and tablets and meet a super model who needs your assistance in makeup, hairstyles and “dressing up”. Choose one of the fabulous makeup looks that would suit her best, pick her hair color and a trendy hairstyle and you've done half of the job. Bear in mind she's a very chic girl and she has to look according to the latest fashion trends. Lots of stylish clothing items are available for you in this cool dress up game for girls. In the end, add some sparkling jewelry and other accessories and your girl is ready for the photo shoot. Take a photo of the fantastic creations you've made and share them with your friends via social networks. Get the free fashion game for teenage girls that will never stop entertaining you! Princess dress up or casual outfits – the choice is all yours! You can get so many ideas for your everyday look and special occasion outfits. Party dress up, classy elegant gowns for the red carpet – it's all up to you, find the way to style her up the best as you can and to make her look like a celebrity. Join the community of our loyal users and enjoy being the most popular in your group of friends. Wedding dress up ideas are coming your way!

    Unlike other dressup and makeup apps for girls, this one will simply exceed all your expectations since it has a variety of options. Excellent HD graphics, a great choice of fashionable clothes, hairstyles, makeup and accessories and unlimited ways to have fun styling up and dressing up girls make this teenage dress up game one of a kind. A free app that offers you the best combination of "fashion games" for girls you could have! Do you have what it takes to become a top stylist? Dress Up Game For Teen Girls is just a click away from you, just download the free app and spend hours of fun playing!
  • Home Design 3D Outdoor/Garden Мод APK 4.0.2 [Paid for free][Unlocked] 3.2

    Home Design 3D Outdoor/Garden Мод APK 4.0.2 [Paid for free][Unlocked]


    બનાવો, ડિઝાઇન કરો, ફર્નિશ કરો અને તમારા ગાર્ડનને સરળતાથી સજાવો અને વિશ્વભરમાં 80 મિલિયન વપરાશકર્તાઓ કરતાં વધુ સમુદાય સાથે તેને શેર કરો!

    હવે તમારા મલ્ટી લેવલ ગાર્ડન બનાવો!

    ગોલ્ડ વર્ઝન સાથે માળની અમર્યાદિત સંખ્યા (તમારા ઉપકરણની ક્ષમતા પર આધાર રાખે છે)

    -મફત સંસ્કરણ-
    આ મફત સંસ્કરણમાં, તમે એપ્લિકેશનની કાર્યક્ષમતા ચકાસી શકો છો અને તેની શક્યતાઓનું અન્વેષણ કરી શકો છો.
    સાવચેત રહો, કાર્ય બચાવો આ મફત સંસ્કરણમાં શામેલ નથી!
    જો કે, બનાવેલ પ્રોજેક્ટ્સ સીધા જ એપ્લિકેશનમાં ખરીદી દ્વારા બચાવી શકાય છે.

    તેના નવા 3 ડી રેન્ડરિંગ સાથે, હોમ ડિઝાઇન 3 ડી આઉટડોર/ગાર્ડન તમને તમારા ડિઝાઇન સપના ઝડપથી અને સરળતાથી પૂરા કરવામાં મદદ કરશે, તમારો વિચાર ગમે તે હોય: તમારા બગીચાને ડિઝાઇન કરો, તમારી આદર્શ આઉટડોર જગ્યા સાથે આવો, એક પ્લે એરિયા બનાવો, તમારા ઓપન-એર વેડિંગનું આયોજન કરો. અને વધુ!

    - ફક્ત થોડા પગલાંઓમાં તમારા સપનાનો પ્રોજેક્ટ બનાવો!
    - સરળ, ઝડપી અને શક્તિશાળી.
    - અત્યંત અર્ગનોમિક્સ વપરાશકર્તા અનુભવ માટે સાહજિક ઇન્ટરફેસ.
    - તમારા વાડના ચોક્કસ પરિમાણોનો ઉપયોગ કરીને તમારો બગીચો બનાવો. જમીન પરના વિવિધ વિસ્તારોને ચિહ્નિત કરો અને તમારા ઘરનો સમાવેશ કરો.
    - ફક્ત 2D અથવા 3D વસ્તુઓ ખેંચો અને છોડો. તમારી જરૂરિયાતોને પહોંચી વળવા માટે ફક્ત પરિમાણોને સંપાદિત કરો.
    - આઉટડોર ડિઝાઇનને અનુરૂપ 100 થી વધુ વસ્તુઓ સાથે, તમારી પાસે તમામ શૈલીઓમાં પસંદ કરવા માટે વિશાળ શ્રેણી હશે: બગીચો ફર્નિચર, વૃક્ષો, ફૂલો, સ્વિમિંગ પુલ, ગ્રીનહાઉસ, વાડ, વગેરે.
    - પરિણામ 3D માં તરત જુઓ.
    - તેને અનન્ય બનાવો! તમારા પોતાના વ્યક્તિગત પ્રોજેક્ટ માટે હજારો વિવિધ ટેક્સચરમાંથી પસંદ કરો!
    - કેન્સલ/રિસ્ટોર ફીચર માટે આભાર વધુ ભૂલો નહીં!
  • Sand Excavator Simulator 3D - Sand Truck Simulator Мод APK 1.0.9 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Sand Excavator Simulator 3D - Sand Truck Simulator Мод APK 1.0.9 [Unlocked]


    - Sand Excavator Simulator 3D Sand Truck Driving

    Time to put that hat on and act as a heavy sand excavator operator to in this loader simulator game. Think about lifting debris in a construction city with your backhoe. Driving a sand excavator machine is now a great fun experience for everyone in Sand Excavator Simulator 3D -Sand Truck Driving Games.

    Sand Excavator Simulator 3D is a complete loader simulator treat for the lovers of excavator games. In this crane parking game the heavy sand excavator is operated by using different excavator machine animations. You will be involved in a series of crane simulator mechanics handling of the sand transporter. This awesome sand transporter game will change your mind about other bulldozer simulator and digger games. So download this digger simulator if construction worker games are getting too difficult to play!
    Best Sand Excavator Simulator 3D Sand Truck Driving
    Unlike other crane parking and excavator games, you will enjoy the awesome fun associated with similar heavy cranes, bulldozer simulator and loader games animations and sounds. Meanwhile you can act as if you are playing one of ultimate loader games involving a sand excavator digger simulator. Add another achievement to your list being a construction worker!

    Key Features of Sand Excavator Simulator 3D Sand Truck Driving

    - 10 realistic sand excavator transporter levels.
    - Awesome sand crane simulator environment.
    - Exciting heavy sand excavator simulation.
    - Challenging time limited digging games.
    - Smooth realistic gameplay.
    - Optimized graphics sand excavator truck driving

    Download Sand Excavator Simulator 3D Truck Driving now to add to digging games in your mobile device for a great backhoe driving experience in a construction city among digger games.

    3Dee Space is a powerhouse for delivering top notch simulation games. Don't hesitate to reach us out for any feedback or suggestions.

    Believe it and visit:

    Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/3deespace
  • MoodCast Diary - Mood Tracker Мод APK 1.0.22 [Premium] 3.5

    MoodCast Diary - Mood Tracker Мод APK 1.0.22 [Premium]


    Keep track of your daily mood & activities effortlessly and intelligently, find patterns and build new habits.

    - Track mood effortlessly
    Keep track of your daily mood and routines effortlessly by adding notes, mood and activities.

    - Collect data from social networks & apps
    MoodCast fills in the blanks by automatically collect your activities on social networks and apps.

    - Smart mood prediction
    Predict mood as you write in editor and in activities collected from social networks & apps using Artificial Intelligence (AI).

    - Find patterns & build new habits
    With more entries, useful statistics can identify new and emerging patterns in life. By recognising the patterns, you can work on changing old habits with brand new ones.

  • Scan Halal Мод APK 4.2 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Scan Halal Мод APK 4.2 [Unlocked]


    สแกนฮาลาลเป็นองค์กรที่ใหญ่ที่สุดอาหารฮาลาลที่นำความโปร่งใสให้กับอุตสาหกรรมอาหารฮาลาลและการให้ข้อมูลที่มีคุณค่าและจำเป็นมากพร้อมที่ปลายนิ้วของพวกเขาที่จะทำให้ทราบดีกว่าเลือกอาหารฮาลาล สแกนฮาลาลเกิดขึ้นมาจากความไม่พอใจกับการอ่านผ่านทุกคำพูดนานยากที่จะออกเสียงเวลาส่วนผสมที่เราหลายคนมุสลิมต่อสู้กับการบริโภคทุกวัน

    เราจัดการกับสิ่งที่ซับซ้อนเพื่อให้คุณไม่ต้อง เพียงแค่สแกนบาร์โค้ด (UPC / EAN) ของผลิตภัณฑ์ที่คุณต้องการที่จะบริโภคและภายในไม่กี่วินาทีสลาย App จะของเราแหล่งที่มาของส่วนผสม (พืชสัตว์สังเคราะห์ ฯลฯ ) และแสดงสถานะฮาลาล บริการของแอปของเราเป็นที่เชื่อถือโดยนับล้านของชาวมุสลิมและผู้บริโภคฮาลาลอื่น ๆ ที่พึ่งพาการสแกนฮาลาลในชีวิตประจำวัน

    ทำโดยทีมงานที่ scanhalal.org มีจำนวนมากของการทำงานที่จะไปในเบื้องหลังคือการทำงานตลอดเวลาที่สแกนฮาลาลเพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าสิ่งที่จะทำงานได้อย่างราบรื่น เรามีทีมงานเทคโนโลยีอาหารโภชนาการและผู้สอบบัญชีมีความเข้าใจที่ดีในเรื่องอาหารและความมั่งคั่งของประสบการณ์ในอุตสาหกรรมที่ทำงานอย่างไม่มีที่สิ้นสุดที่จะให้บริการทั้งในชุมชนมุสลิมและอุตสาหกรรมการรับรองฮาลาล

    ต้องการเรียนรู้เพิ่มเติมคุณยังสามารถเยี่ยมชม scanhalal.org

    app นี้ขณะนี้สนับสนุน U.S.A และแคนาดาผลิตภัณฑ์
    U.K, ฝรั่งเศส, เยอรมนีและการเปิดตัวเร็ว ๆ นี้!
  • Love Pattern Lockscreen Pro Мод APK 1.2.0 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Love Pattern Lockscreen Pro Мод APK 1.2.0 [Unlocked]


    Please using the free version to ensure your device is compatible with this app. Thanks

    'Love Pattern Lock Screen Pro' is one of the best parallax effect pattern locker with your lover's photo.
    With this pattern screen lock you can set pattern password to enhance your phone security, and put your lover's photo into the beatiful hearts.
    This Parallax Pattern lockscreen is the best choice for who are getting bored of his/her default launcher lockscreen.


    ★ Beautiful Retina HD Wallpaper ,cool looks and nice graphical interface.
    ★ Custom background from gallery.
    ★ Replace each heart node by your own photo(your lover, friends and family members etc.)
    ★ Consume less memory and battery.
    ★ Display real time clock and date.
    ★ Disable HOME/MENU/BACK key in Pattern Lockscreen, so no one can access your phone without right password.
    ★ Security : easy to set pattern password to enhance your phone security.
    ★ Custom love text at bottom screen

    Please email us if your device is not supported, we will try our best to support it.
    If you love this locker application, please give 5 stars to encourage developers. Thanks for your choice.

  • Sober Time - Sober Day Counter Мод APK 3.08 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Sober Time - Sober Day Counter Мод APK 3.08 [Unlocked]


    Sober Time เป็นตัวนับวันที่เงียบขรึม ชุมชนที่มีชีวิตชีวาและบันทึกประจำวันที่ติดตามระยะเวลาที่คุณสะอาดและมีสติ

    เริ่มต้นหรือเดินทางต่อไปเพื่อการฟื้นฟูอย่างมีสติ: ตัวนับวันที่มีสติของ Sober Time ช่วยให้ผู้ติดยาเสพติดหลายพันคนที่ฟื้นตัวจากการเสพติดร้ายแรง เช่น สารเสพติด โรคพิษสุราเรื้อรัง การใช้ยาเสพติด การสูบบุหรี่ หรือการทำร้ายตัวเอง

    ✔ ตัวนับวันที่เงียบขรึมและตัวติดตามความสุขุม
    ✔ ติดตามการเสพติดได้ไม่จำกัด
    ✔ วารสารการกู้คืนการติดยาเสพติด แรงบันดาลใจจาก AA, NA

    เหตุใดแอป Sober Time จึงใช้งานได้
    ความสุขุมต้องการแรงจูงใจและการสนับสนุน คุณจะมีแรงบันดาลใจอยู่เสมอด้วยข้อความรายวัน เป้าหมาย และการเฝ้าดูการตอบโต้ความสุขุมของคุณ ชุมชนที่เงียบขรึมของเรามอบการเชื่อมต่อของมนุษย์ ช่วยให้คุณสามารถแบ่งปันและเรียนรู้จากผู้คนที่ใช้เวลาหลายปีหรือหลายทศวรรษบนนาฬิกาที่มีความสุขของพวกเขา
    แอพที่เงียบขรึมนี้เป็นเพื่อนร่วมทางที่เงียบขรึมส่วนตัวของคุณ มันจะไปทุกที่ที่คุณไปและรักษาตัวนับเวลาสะอาดของคุณให้อยู่ใกล้ใจ

    รับความช่วยเหลือเกี่ยวกับการเสพติดของคุณ Sober Time เป็นแอปที่เงียบขรึมซึ่งมีชุมชนเฉพาะที่พูดคุยเรื่องความมีสติ ตั้งแต่การดื่มไปจนถึงการทำร้ายตัวเอง อ่านเรื่องราวของผู้อื่น ถามคำถาม แบ่งปันความสุขุมของคุณ หรือเพียงหารือเกี่ยวกับชีวิตในการฟื้นฟู สมาชิกหลายพันคนให้คำแนะนำอันมีค่าเกี่ยวกับวิธีหยุดดื่มหรือฟื้นตัวจากการทำร้ายตัวเอง
    นอกจากการนับเวลาสะอาดแล้ว การฟื้นตัวอย่างมีสติยังเป็นหัวใจหลักของชุมชนของเรา ทุกคนสามารถเข้าร่วมและแบ่งปันได้ ดูสิ่งที่คนอื่นพูดเกี่ยวกับหัวข้อต่างๆ เช่น การดื่มสุราและโรคพิษสุราเรื้อรัง การใช้สารเสพติด หรือยาเสพติด เพิ่มเรื่องราวของคุณเองและกระจายความสุขุม
    พูดคุยเรื่องต่างๆ เช่น เครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ สารเสพติด หรือเพียงแค่แบ่งปันเรื่องไร้สาระของคุณ การประชุม AA นั้นทรงพลัง แต่คุณต้องมีชุมชนฟื้นฟูการติดยาเสพติดที่คุณสามารถเข้าถึงได้ตลอดเวลา

    ✔ ติดตามการฟื้นตัวของการติดยาเสพติดโดยการตั้งค่านาฬิกาความสุขุม
    ✔ ทำงานเพื่อบรรลุเป้าหมายคลีนไทม์ในตัวหรือกำหนดเป้าหมายของคุณเอง
    ✔ ติดตามสถิติ การใช้จ่าย และการออมจากการติดยาที่คุณพยายามจะเลิก
    ✔ สรุปช่วงเวลาที่คุณไม่เมาจากแอลกอฮอล์หรือทำร้ายตัวเอง
    ✔ ดูว่าคุณได้ประหยัดเงินไปเท่าไหร่ในการฟื้นฟูการติดยาเสพติด

    ✔ การแจ้งเตือนรายวันช่วยให้คุณอยู่ในเส้นทางแห่งการฟื้นตัวอย่างมีสติ
    ✔ การแจ้งเตือนเมื่อคุณบรรลุเป้าหมายตัวนับเวลาที่สะอาด
    ✔ พูดคุยเกี่ยวกับการติดแอลกอฮอล์หรือยาเสพติดในสภาพแวดล้อมชุมชนที่ปลอดภัยและหยุดดื่ม
    ✔ ใช้ความก้าวหน้าในนาฬิกาสงบสติอารมณ์ของคุณเป็นแรงจูงใจเมื่อสิ่งต่างๆ ยากลำบาก

    ✔ ปรับแต่งการเสพติดแต่ละครั้งด้วยตัวนับความสุขุม พื้นหลัง ไอคอน และส่วนหัว
    ✔ ติดตามการเสพติดใดๆ ในนาฬิกาควบคุมสติ: ยาเสพติด เครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ สารเสพติด การทำร้ายตัวเอง บุหรี่ (สิ่งที่ร้ายแรงน้อยกว่า เช่น อาหารจานด่วนหรือทีวี)

    Sober Time ช่วยให้คุณติดตามความสุขุมและมีแรงบันดาลใจอยู่เสมอ เลิกดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ (หากคุณเป็นโรคพิษสุราเรื้อรัง) การสูบบุหรี่ การทำร้ายตัวเอง หรือการเสพติดอื่นๆ มีตัวเลือกการแสดงผลหลายแบบ นาฬิกาและเคาน์เตอร์สงบสติอารมณ์อันทรงพลัง ข้อความที่ปรับแต่งได้ และความสามารถในการโทรหาผู้สนับสนุนของคุณ
    คุณสามารถใช้มันเพื่อเลิกสูบบุหรี่หรือเลิกดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ได้ หยุดสูบบุหรี่โดยการติดตามว่าคุณสะอาดจากการสูบบุหรี่มานานแค่ไหน
    เป้าหมายหลักของ Sober Time คือการช่วยฟื้นฟูผู้ติดยาเสพติดที่ไม่ระบุชื่อและผู้ติดสุราให้หายจากการติดหรือหยุดดื่ม โดยส่วนใหญ่มักใช้เพื่อติดตามว่าผู้ติดยาเสพติดเลิกดื่มมานานแค่ไหน ปราศจากยาเสพติด ยาเสพติด การสูบบุหรี่ หรือการเสพติดอื่นๆ

    ใช้เวลาอย่างมีสติเพื่อควบคุมการเสพติดของคุณ ฟื้นฟูและรักษาความสงบเสงี่ยม!
  • Four Streams Мод APK 1.10.1 [Subscribed] 3.9

    Four Streams Мод APK 1.10.1 [Subscribed]


    What's New/ Version History

    Introducing Unique Identity Assessments! We've partnered with one of the top “brain labs” in the world to bring organizations and individuals a depth of understanding and awareness that supercharges growth strategies!


    R|Tribe is a company that offers people-focused integrated software + on-demand consulting solutions. Our first product offering is "Four Streams."

    For over a decade, we have developed and implemented our scientifically-driven methodology in corporate environments. The Four Streams methodology has been successfully implemented in organizations of all sizes, using our assessment tools + our highly specialized Personal Growth Consultants to bring work-life balance to the members of an organization.

    Four Streams provides leadership with a data-informed integrated approach to hiring, retaining, and growing talent. For current talent and potential hires, we provide tools that enable:

    • Understanding via a unique identity profile
    • Insights via a growth awareness evaluation
    • Action via development of a personal growth journey

    Every step of a person's journey is supported through 24/7 access to on-demand Growth Consultants. The result -- highly engaged and aligned talent that produces a flourishing and successful organization.


  • Galaxy Tarot Pro Мод APK 3.205 [Patched] 3.5

    Galaxy Tarot Pro Мод APK 3.205 [Patched]


    Imagine...connecting with your inner wisdom
    and finding crystal clear answers,
    a comforted heart, and a calm mind.

    Imagine doing that instantly, any time, any place.

    Welcome to Galaxy Tarot. An Oracle for the 21st Century.

    ★☆ Voted Tarot Professionals 'Best Tarot App' Tarosophist Awards 2013 ☆★

    *** Award-Winning Tarot Card Reader & Tarot Encyclopedia ***

    Pull Tarot cards, do your own Tarot readings and learn all about Tarot Cards!

    Whether you're brand new to Tarot cards or an experienced professional, Galaxy Tarot is made to guide and delight you!


    - gorgeous images from the classic 1909 Tarot deck like you've never seen them before. looks beautiful on phones and tablets.

    - Seven stunning application themes, featuring high definition backgrounds and interchangeable card backs.

    - Card of the Day widget and notification

    - share images, cards and readings using Facebook, Instagram, Evernote, Dropbox, email, and more

    - ad free


    - 26 spreads to choose from. Tarot spreads for most of life's questions.

    - interpretations from Galaxy Tone and A.E. Waite's "Pictorial Key to the Tarot"

    - reversed card option including reversed keywords and interpretations

    - add your own card meaning notes to each card

    - unique spread analyzer that helps you understand the patterns in your reading

    - option to select cards to place in your spreads


    - Journal to save your readings and personal notes

    - Card of the Day journal including optional autosave

    - Journal statistics show patterns in your readings


    - encyclopedia of tarot card correspondences and attributions. includes: astrology, elements, numerology, chakras, colors, symbols, crystals, runes, iching, and more


    Whether your wondering about love, money, career, family, or just about living a more fulfilling life, Galaxy Tarot can help you!

    Basic Spreads
    - One Card
    - Past, Present, Future
    - Two Card
    - Four Card General Spread
    - Relationship
    - Celtic Cross

    Galaxy Tone Spreads
    - Truth Spread
    - The Very Bad Day Spread
    - Galaxy Spiral Spread
    - Shooting Arrow Spread
    - Week Spread
    - Galaxy Relationship Spread
    - Galaxy Horseshoe Spread

    Classic Spreads
    - What Should I Do? Spread
    - Chakras
    - Houses of Astrology
    - Horseshoe Spread
    - Qabalistic Tree of Life
    - Reflection on the Year
    - World Tree
    - Element Spread
    - Choice Spread
    - Story Spread

  • Scarf Fashion Designer Мод APK 1.8 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Scarf Fashion Designer Мод APK 1.8 [Unlocked]


    Design your style with the best scarf tying guide!

    FASHIONABLE: Excellent collection of scarf knots for classy outfits!
    STYLISH: Trendy scarf looks for men and women in a scarf look book!
    ELEGANT: Make your clothes elegant and look more exciting!

    This app is an illustrative step-by-step guide on tying a scarf:
    • each knot is presented in a series of well illustrated steps with big pictures and clear instructive schemes.
    • descriptions advise which type of the scarf knot fits this or that outwear, say, which scarf knot is good for business and which for casual wear.

    It is always small details that bring a French chic to an outfit. Scarves can make you look different if you know how to wear them. Make your clothes elegant with our guide. Wherever you go - on a date, to the office or to the beach - you can pick the best style out of the richest collection ever!
  • Lucky Directions Feng Shui Мод APK 3.11 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Lucky Directions Feng Shui Мод APK 3.11 [Unlocked]


    Something missing from this app? Let us know!

    **This app uses your devices internal compass, please ensure it has one. Magnetic/metal cases will effect the compass performance.**

    Imagine going to that business lunch and knowing which chair to choose to give you best chance of winning the deal or getting the job. Use the Best Study Compass to enhance your skills and knowledge. Use the Best Sleep Compass to figure out which direction is the best one for your bed, for both you and your partner.

    The Lucky Directions Compass is 9 compasses in 1!

    Now includes:

    - Bagua Compass
    - Lucky Directions (Using your personal Kua Number)
    - Best Sleep Direction (can show two people at the same time to find the best position for you and your partner)
    - Best Negotiate Direction
    - Best Study Direction
    - Best Romance Direction (for one or two)
    - Best Meditate Direction
    - Best Exercise Direction
    - Best Work Direction

    Set up your office, bedroom or whole house to help you live the life you want!

    Lucky Directions uses the ancient Compass Feng Shui School to calculate the right direction to enhance any area of your life using the bagua - the feng shui energy map and your personal Kua Number.

    Calculate Kua's for all the people important in your life and switch between each user.

    Some compasses, like the Best Sleep Compass allow you to choose two people to see what is the best direction for both partners.

    Easily tell which direction you are facing so you can enhance areas of your life that you want to improve including:

    - Wealth, Prosperity and Self- Worth
    - Fame, Reputation and Social Life
    - Marriage, Relationships and Partnerships
    - Health, Family and Community
    - Good Fortune Center
    - Children, Creativity and Entertainment
    - Wisdom, Self-knowledge and Rest
    - Career, Life Mission and Individuality
    - Helpful People, Spiritual Life and Travel

    Use Lucky Directions to find your Kua number. You can then use the Kua compass to find your personal lucky and unlucky directions.

    The Lucky Directions:

    Sheng Chi - Prosperity Direction
    Tien Yi - Health Direction
    Nien Yen - Romance Direction
    Fu- Wei - Personal Growth Direction

    The Unlucky Directions

    Huo Hai - Bad Luck Direction
    Wu Gui - Five Ghosts Direction
    Liu Sha - Six Killings Direction
    Jueh Ming - Total Loss Direction

    Set up multiple users so you can save your family members Kua numbers as well.

    Lucky Directions makes it easy to change your space and possibly your life!

    Is there something missing from this app that you would like to see? Contact us and let us know!

    ****IMPORTANT: To use, hold your Android device flat and use just like a real compass. Your device must have a magnetic sensor inside to read earth magnetic field. Please realize that if your device does not have magnetic sensor, Lucky Directions and any other compass app will not work. A magnetic case can effect the working of the compass as well.!****
  • Espresso Coffee Guide Мод APK 1.5.0 3.8

    Espresso Coffee Guide Мод APK 1.5.0


    Espresso Coffee Guide for coffee lovers!

    Espresso Coffee Guide includes delicious espresso recipes, latte recipes and cappuccino recipes for the espresso coffee lover!

    - List of coffee recipes
    - Swiping between coffee recipe detail pages
    - Informative graphics with layer guides
    - Instructions and other information

    Thanks Lokesh Dhakar for the illustrations!
  • اذكاري - طمئن قلبك بذكر الله Мод APK 1.9.5 [Unlocked] 3.8

    اذكاري - طمئن قلبك بذكر الله Мод APK 1.9.5 [Unlocked]


    The best way to remind you of the dhikr is the way you least expect it...so let the dhikr remind you

    Dhikr Azkari is an Islamic application designed to help you never forget to remember Allah, in your own way!

    * The dhikr, supplication, or verse appears while browsing the Internet or any social networking program such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram without disturbing you
    * The dhikr, supplication, or verse appears during conversation with friends on WhatsApp, Line, Viber, Facebook, Tango and others
    The dhikr, supplication, or verse appears while watching photos or videos, and even while playing on your mobile phone
    The dhikr, supplication, or verse appears in the poems in a smooth, simple, and short period to remind you of the remembrance of God

    Remembrance is an application for all Muslims in which there are options that help you to customize the appearance of remembrances, supplications, verses and hadiths, the form of remembrances appearing, the size of the dhikr font, and the duration of the dhikr notifications on your screen, to suit your taste and fit the size of your mobile

    Works without internet

    Characteristics and features of the application of remembrances and supplications "Remembrances":

    ★ daily remembrances of the Muslim: morning remembrances, evening remembrances, sleep remembrances and other remembrances of the day and night
    ★ Alert for the times of morning remembrances, evening remembrances, sleep remembrances with a simple notice that can be postponed or from it. Entering the Muslim remembrance application
    ★ Surat Al-Mulk, Surat Al-Kahf, Surat Al-Isra, Surat Al-Hadid, Surah Al-Rahman, Surah Yasin, and many other Surahs from the Holy Quran that every Muslim needs daily
    ★ Notice on Friday to remind you of Surat Al-Kahf and prayers upon the Prophet and supplications
    ★ Remembrance messages to receive daily remembrances, supplications, hadiths and Quranic verses
    ★ The ability to customize the smart notification to change the location of the appearance of the dhikr or supplication
    ★ smart electronic rosary! You will remember where you were with the daily roses
    ★ Remembrances, supplications, hadiths and Quranic verses appear on the screen for a few seconds, so that you will never forget to mention God
    ★ The ability to add your own remembrances and supplications for easy access
    ★ Possibility to control how long the notification appears on the screen
    ★ Night mode to read the Qur'an and remembrances in case you are in a dark place
    ★ You can design the male notice yourself by changing the background color of the male notice, the size and shape of the male's font..and more..
    ★ And more great features are waiting for you to discover in the Azkari program...

    Spread it to get paid

    ☆ Remembrance program needs the ability to read and write on the memory ball, to read and memorize the combined supplications or remembrances that you will add yourself to the existing supplications or remembrances.
    ☆ Athkari program needs the validity of the application started with the start or after restarting your phone or tablet, to activate the application after restarting it
    ☆ The Azkar program needs internet validity because the program contains Google ads that support me financially for more updates, God willing only.

    Thank you for using Remembrance Program

    "Athkari" Islamic app for all Muslims, the daily needed application for all Muslims around the world.

    Athkari has been designed to help you to never forget mentioning Allah and on your customized way.

    You can customize every single details about the islamic zikir notification message, including the thikir background and stroke color, azkar notification font size, azkar notification animation, when to show the zikir notification and the occurrence of the azkar appearance.

    While you are browsing Internet, reading news, chatting or whatever you are doing on your mobile, Azkari will display the notification smoothly to remind you with Athkar, Duas, Ayah, Suran, or Hadith (Athkar), on your personally customized way..

    Please share Azkari app as much as you can... let Thikr reach all muslims around the world.

    Features of Azkari for Muslims:
    ★ Morning Athkar, Evening Zikir, and Sleep Athkar
    ★ Notification for Sabah Athkar, Evening Athkar, and Sleep Zikirs
    ★ Athkar will show up automatically, and periodically to remind you to mention allah with Dua, Hadith, Surah, Ayah, or Zikir.
    ★ You can add your own Athkars that you want it to show up in the notification
    ★ you can choose when to display the Islamic Zikir, Dua, Hadith, or Ayah's notification
    ★ you can change the Athkar's notification background color
    ★ you can change the Athkar's notification stroke color
    ★ you can change the Athkar's notification font color and size
    ★ You can adjust the animation of showing the Islamic Athkar's notification
    ★ Android Material Design
    ★ FREE
  • AstroTab Pro Мод APK 2.2.2 [Patched] 3.6

    AstroTab Pro Мод APK 2.2.2 [Patched]


    AstroTab is an application of astrology. But not something you can find in the newpaper! Completely customized, it maps the sky at the birth, an essential tool for any real astrologer.

    Using sophisticated astronomical calculations, AstroTab calculate independently not only your sign (where is the sun at your birth) but also the position of the Moon, Ascendant, of all the planets of the solar system. Because your personality is much richer than single sign of the zodiac.

    AstroTab is intended for modern astrologers who want to build chart quickly, and anyone wishing to discover this ancient knowledge. As such, we included explanations and a glossary for educational purpose.

    This version is an evolution of the basic astrotab, here is the added feature compared to basic astrotab:
    - Lunar nodes mean and exact computation
    - asteroids (chiron,ceres,etc..).
    - Black moon mean and exact
    - sidereal ephemeris
    - planet list customization
    - housing system customization

    For full satisfaction, we decided to involve AstroTab users to the subsequent developments. To do this, visit the website http://www.zodiacomputing.com/, to post your comments and suggestions.
  • Journal with password Мод APK 3.2.0 [Full] 3.7

    Journal with password Мод APK 3.2.0 [Full]


    Handy Journal is a private journal with a secure lock password that allows you to protect your daily thoughts. All your secrets, your dreams and your memories can be organized and managed in this free app. You can fully customize the app: change the colors, the wallpapers and the font!


    Secure lock and password
    - Enable the lock to protect your secrets
    - Add a security question to retrieve the password
    - Possibility to add an email address to reset the password if forgotten
    - The lock is activated as soon as you leave the app, no need to logout

    Data backup and synchronization
    - Manual backup with DropBox

    Management of the notes
    You can visualize your private notes using several screens:

    1) Daily screen to manage your entries:

    - Create, modify or delete every entry
    - Give a rating to your entry using 5 stars
    - Add an emotion or a mood to describe your day
    - Enter several entries for a single day
    - Organize your entries using categories
    - Add photos to your journal
    - Share your entries by email
    - Add many emojis to your secrets
    - dozens of emojis are available
    - on recent Android phones, additional emojis are also available
    - you can also add new emojis by downloading an emoji keyboard from Google Play

    2) Monthly screen to quickly browse your entries:
    - Browse every month
    - Search for a specific month

    3) Search screen with several filters:
    - Filter by emotion or by mood
    - Filter by category
    - Filter by rating
    - Search keywords among all the notes

    Advanced customization
    You can fully modify the appearance of your private journal:
    - Change the theme (20 themes available)
    - Change the background photo or background color
    - Modify the font size and the font color

    You can also:
    - Change the language
    - Add daily reminders
    - Activate the tutorial


    In-app purchases are also available to let you fully enjoy your journal. The following options are available in several different packages:

    - Remove the ads
    - Possibility to add custom backgrounds. You can add your own photos on the 4 main screens of the app:
    - Locking screen (password screen)
    - Daily screen
    - Monthly screen
    - Search screen
    - Visualize your journal statistics
    - Export the full journal in HTML format


    We are constantly working on improving our journal to keep your secrets secure and enjoyable! The notes are becoming more and more customizable to let you modify your journal according to your dreams.
    We actively follow your suggestions and we hope the next updates will please everybody!


    If you have any problems or suggestions about our journal, please use the help from the app or email us to [email protected]. We will reply as soon as possible.
  • Victory Мод APK 1.16 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Victory Мод APK 1.16 [Unlocked]


    The fight for freedom from pornography is a battle you can win. But, every battle needs a plan. The Victory app provides a strategic battle plan for liberty in the struggle against pornography.

    Through the app, you have immediate access to the time-tested wisdom of Matt Fradd and Mark Hart and inspiring quotes that will keep you motivated daily. Most importantly, the app includes an easy-to-use daily tracker that will help you to understand your triggers and pitfalls, analyze them, and fight to overcome the onslaught of pornography.

    This battle can be won! Let this Victory app aid you in the fight.
  • Morning Kit Мод APK 6.0.6 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Morning Kit Мод APK 6.0.6 [Unlocked]


    Morning Kit: Alarm + Info Panels
    Let's save 5 minutes every morning!

    Morning Kit is a smart alarm application that displays all the important information that you need to start your day.

    With Morning Kit, you can quickly see your schedule, today's weather, news headlines, the time all around the world, exchange rates, inspirational quotes and much more, all from just one application!

    You can customize information panels to suit your lifestyle, and change background themes as you like - from your favorite photos to transparent or mirror mode.

    Save time and start your day smarter with Morning Kit!


    Alarm functions: MP3 music, Ringtone, Vibration, Morning Kit Music, Swipe to delete alarms

    Info Panel functions: More than 10 info panels including Weather, Photo Frame, News, World Clock, Calendar, Date, Date Countdown, Quotes, Flickr, Memo, Exchange Rates, Cat (more info panels in future updates)

    Weather: Current location, Current Local Time, Highest/Lowest Temperature, Celsius/ Fahrenheit

    Calendar: Sync all your calendars in one convenient location & Check your schedule & Support Google calendar too.

    Photo Frame: Create a slide show with your beautiful photos

    News: See all the important headlines in one place

    World Clock: Local Time (in different cities), Analog/Digital Clock Type, AM/PM/24-hour format, Today/yesterday indication

    Date: Solar / Lunar Calendar

    Quotes: Famous quotes in English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese and Korean, Copy to your notes

    Date Countdown: Count the number of days to any date

    Flickr: Search and display pictures based upon Keyword, Color and Greyscale Mode

    Memo: Notepad

    Exchange rates: Exchange rates for more than 50 currencies

    Cat: Pixel cat animation and small talks

    Background themes: Water Lily, Pastel Green, Cool Navy, Mint Pink, Basic white, Gray, Transparent (real-time background theme), Mirror, and Photo (from photo library)

    Panel matrix: 2x2 or 2x3 Slots

    Available in English, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Japanese, Russian, German, French, Spanish and Korean

    Morning Kit supports smartphones, 7" and 10" tablets

    Morning Kit is compatible with Galaxy S7 & GalaxyS7 edge & LG G5

    Recommended Best Travel App and Best Life Easy App

    Weather update might be slow when network traffic is heavy. Please refresh or restart the application after 1-2 minutes.

    Morning Kit app is designed and developed by Yooii Studios - Team of World Movies, Mouse Kit, News Kit and Swish.
  • Zad | Arabic Mood Quotes Мод APK 1.7.2 [Premium] 3.5

    Zad | Arabic Mood Quotes Мод APK 1.7.2 [Premium]


    Zad (زاد)
    App acts as your priceless emotion assistant by serving you hekma ( hikam ) quotes & life lessons based on your current mood .

    Famous quotes , malcolm x quotes ,
    Meaningful quotes and meaningful sayings by wisemen leaders like Omar Ebn Elkhatab , Abu Bakr , ali ezzat begovic ,
    Wise like helen keller , barack obama quotees
    Sports quotes from usain bolt , Michael Phillips , muhammad ali , michael schumacher ,
    Actors Quotes from marilyn monroe charlie chaplin , charles chaplin ,
    Artist Quotes from leonardo da vinci , Zaha Hadid
    It will notify you with morning quotes and night quotes , evening quotes

    Zad's main goal is to enrich the Arabic content on the web (especially mobile) by not just serving its users with personalized hand-crafted quotes but by also allowing them to contribute and improve its database.

    Zad's users can contribute to the app by sending their quotes to the app directly or by attending nearby events where they can read and buy new books featured by partner bookstores and engage directly with both the book authors and app developers and get rewards for their contributions.

    Which boosts Zad's goal in spreading the culture of reading and contributing throughout the Arab world.
    All of the app's effort is packaged in a beautiful user interface that is personalized and pixel-crafted in an unprecedented way in the Arab world.

    Zad app is a collection of a great number of carefully hand picked quotes from many different people. It contains sayings by philosophers, writers, spiritual thinkers and other great minds whose brilliant words inspired many human beings.
    The app can bring quotes suitable for you mood.
    It also has a widget to display quotes on your home screen.

    Facebook: fb.com/appZad
    Twitter: twitter.com/appZad
    Google Plus: google.com/+appzad

    Or you can Email us: [email protected]

    Stay well.
  • Al-Quran (Pro) Мод APK 3.0.7 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.8

    Al-Quran (Pro) Мод APK 3.0.7 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Al-Quran has an elegant style and exclusive benefits, including:
    1- Othomani font similar to that of the printed Quran
    2- There are two options for browsing the Quran by Suras or by Ajzaa
    3- There are three ways to browse:
    A- By scrolling up
    B- By paging
    C- By Al-Quran TV
    4- Display the meanings of difficult words by clicking on them
    5- Zoom in and out the font to suit the eye and the size of the mobile or tablet
    6- Bookmark Ayah to be restore later
    7- Searching for every word or part of it in the entire Holy Quran or in a specific surah
    8- Open directly and automatically to the last reading position
    9- Setting the backlight on of the mobile phone / tablet
    10- Choose the application interface language
    11- Activate the night mode
    12- Placing or removing a graphical background behind the Quran text
    13- Choose between multiple themes for the application
    14- For Al-Quran TV , you can choose a suitable animated background
    15- Change the color of the Quranic text
    16- Setting border for the Quran text and choosing its color
    17- Making the Quran text bold or not
    18- Choosing a specific reciter from among several
    A- Abd al-Basit Abd al-Samad
    B- Muhammad Siddiq Al-Minshawi
    C- The Quran that teaches Al-Mashawi
    D- Mahmoud Khalil Al-Hosary
    E- Mahmoud Khalil Al-Hosary (Egyptian Radio version)
    F- Mustafa Ismail
    G- Wadih Al-Yamani
    H- Nasser Al-Qatami
    I- Faris Abbad
    J- Mishary Rashid Al-Afasy
    K- Muhammad Jibril
    L- Maher Al-Moaikli
    M- Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais
    N- Ahmed bin Ali Al-Ajmi
    O- Saad Al-Ghamdi
    P- Yasser Al-Dossary
    19- Repetition of the surah, the Joza, Hezb, or the quarter Hezb
    20- Repeating an Ayah or more
    21- Selection of Ayah or more for repetition or Tafsir
    22- Display a wide range of Tafsir, including:
    A- tfsyr almntkhb fy tfsyr alqran
    B- tfsyr alkshaf 'en hqa'eq altnzyl w'eywn alaqawyl fy wjwh altawyl
    C- tfsyr mfatyh alghyb aw altfsyr alkbyr llemam alrazy
    D- tfsyr aljam'e lahkam alqran aw tfsyr alqrtby
    E- tfsyr anwar altnzyl wasrar altawyl
    F- tfsyr alqran al'ezym labn kthyr
    G- tfsyr aljlalyn
    H- tfsyr fth alqdyr llshwkany
    I- tfsyr alqran llfyrwz abady
    J- tfsyr bhr al'elwm llsmrqndy
    K- tfsyr alnkt wal'eywn llmawrdy
    L- tfsyr m'ealm altnzyl llbghwy
    M- tfsyr almhrr alwjyz fy tfsyr alktab al'ezyz labn 'etyh
    N- tfsyr zad almsyr fy 'elm altfsyr labn aljwzy
    O- tfsyr alqran labn 'ebd alslam
    P- tfsyr mdark altnzyl whqa'eq altawyl llnsfy
    Q- tfsyr lbab altawyl fy m'eany altnzyl llemam alkhazn
    R- tfsyr abn 'erfh
    S- tfsyr ghra'eb alqran wrgha'eb alfrqan llnysabwry
    T- tfsyr aljwahr alhsan fy tfsyr alqran llth'ealby
    U- tfsyr allbab fy 'elwm alktab labn 'eadl
    V- tfsyr nzm aldr fy tnasb alayat walswr llbqa'ey
    W- tfsyr aldr almnthwr fy altfsyr balmathwr llsywty
    X- tfsyr ershad al'eql alslym ela mzaya alqran alkrym laby ms'ewd
    Y- tfsyr alqran lltstry
    Z- tfsyr hqa'eq altfsyr llslmy
    AA- tfsyr lta'ef alesharat llqshyry
    BB- tfsyr 'era'es albyan fy hqa'eq alqran llbqly
    CC- tfsyr alqran labn 'erby
    DD- tfsyr rwh albyan fy tfsyr alqran lasma'eyl hqy
    EE- jtfsyr albhr almdyd fy tfsyr alqran almjyd labn 'ejybh
    23- You can download "add-ons" attached to the application to download animated background for Quran TV and Tafsirs
    24- The ability to know the syntax of any word in the Noble Quran by clicking on it
  • Lucidity ― Lucid Dream Journal Мод APK 2.1.3 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Lucidity ― Lucid Dream Journal Мод APK 2.1.3 [Unlocked]


    Experience your first lucid dream tonight!
    Keep a dream journal with personal AI dream interpretation, Lucid Dreaming guides and trackers, reminders and dream readers, and the most powerful dream statistics!

    Lucidity is the only dream journal that is completely private: your dreams stay on your phone or in your personal cloud. We never see them. Your data, your control.

    Lucidity is more than just a dream journal—it's your personal gateway to understanding the hidden depths of your mind. Whether you're a curious beginner or an experienced lucid dreamer, our app provides the tools you need to explore, analyze, and harness the power of your dreams.

    ◆ See how it works!

    1. Write a dream
    2. Lucidity finds Themes, people, places, emotions, etc. with dream analysis
    3. You get an interpretation of the meaning of your dream with different AI interpretations (Jungian, Freudian, emotional, etc.)
    4. Connect Themes, find out which friends & family you dream about the most, and discover interesting patterns and trends with our charts, statistics and insights!

    ◆ Key Features:

    1. Advanced Dream Journal
    * Easily record and organize your dreams with our intuitive interface
    * Add detailed properties to each entry for comprehensive dream analysis: lucidity, nightmare, sleep paralysis, characters, places, …
    * Secure your private thoughts with PIN code protection
    2. AI-Powered Dream Interpretation
    * Unlock personal insights with cutting-edge AI analysis
    * Explore Freudian, Jungian, and emotional interpretations of your dreams
    * Identify recurring themes, symbols, and emotions
    3. Lucid Dreaming Toolkit
    * Learn techniques to achieve and maintain lucid dreams
    * Set reminders for reality checks throughout the day
    * Track your progress and improve your lucid dreaming skills
    4. In-Depth Dream Analysis & Statistics
    * Visualize your dream patterns with interactive charts and statistics
    * Gain insights into your emotional landscape through detailed analytics
    * Uncover hidden connections in your dream history
    5. Dream Learn Center
    * Access information about dreams, sleep, consciousness, and lucid dreams
    * Join a community of fellow dream enthusiasts and share experiences
    6. And all the other essentials
    * PIN protection for privacy and security
    * Backup to your phone and Google Drive
    * Export your dream journal to PDF, text, and other formats

    ◆ Our core values:

    - Privacy: Lucidity does not see your dreams. They stay on your phone or in your private cloud.
    - Offline-first: works without internet connection for a fast and easy interface!
    - User-first: we listen carefully your customer feedback. Join our Discord, send us an email, connect on Whatsapp, X, or Instagram! We usually respond in less than 8 hours.

    ◆ Why Choose Lucidity?

    * Comprehensive: From basic journaling to advanced AI interpretation, we've got all your dream exploration needs covered.
    * Advanced, Smart, and Powerful: we use cutting-edge technology for analyzing your dreams and we are always innovating to offer you the best analyses and tools!
    * User-Friendly: Our fast and intuitive design makes dream journaling a breeze, even for beginners.
    * Private & Secure: Your dreams are personal. We built Lucidity from the ground up with privacy and security in mind. Your dreams stay on your phone and Lucidity does not see them, share them, or sell them. We also have a PIN / password protection for extra privacy.

    Download Lucidity today and start understanding your dreams!
  • Stop M Мод APK 1.8 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Stop M Мод APK 1.8 [Unlocked]


    Stop M application is help you to control your masturbation addiction. This application will help you to identify the main reason behind your masturbation habit.

    Stop M app will motivates you to fight with your masturbation addiction. This app give you 30 days without masturbation challenge to complete. This app will take you from journey of chicken to lion.

    You just have to enter your daily masturbation details in this app honestly. Believe me this app will change your life.

    You can see previous records of your masturbation. You can analyse all your masturbation data according to time period. This will help you to understand, main reason behind your masturbation addiction.

    You can chat with other community members.

    This application also provide you lot of information and motivation which help you to overcome from masturbation addiction.
  • Vastu eBook Мод APK 1.18 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Vastu eBook Мод APK 1.18 [Unlocked]


    Vastu Shastra is the ancient science of architecture and construction.

    Based on the texts found in Indian sub-continent, the design, layout, measurements, ground preparation, space arrangement and spatial geometry of all buildings, apartments and business units are done so as to get happiness and prosperity. The designs are intended to integrate architecture with nature, the relative functions of various parts of the structure, and ancient beliefs utilizing geometric patterns (yantra), symmetry and directional alignment.

    This app on 'Prefect Vastu' helps you in teaching key aspects of Vastu. The contents and study pages are designed in such a way for any person to understand the basic principles behind the Vastu so that you can do certain simple modifications in your home or office so as to improve prosperity.

    Please go through all the pages in our application, get a clean understanding of Vastu. Try to optimize/adjust your building construction plan in maximizing the benefits you get from Sunlight, Air, Heat-energy as well magnetic field of the earth by applying simple principles of Vastu.

    Features in this app include
    - Vastu magnetic compass that shows direction and corners like Agni, Eeshanya, Nairuthi, Vaayu
    - Automated speech that reads the text contents
  • 100000+ SMS Messages Мод APK 1.1.0 [Unlocked] 3.6

    100000+ SMS Messages Мод APK 1.1.0 [Unlocked]


    100000+ SMS-berichten is een gratis applicatie waarmee u de meest recente verbazingwekkende en geweldige SMS-collecties ter wereld kunt krijgen.

    100000+ SMS-berichten bevatten duizenden berichten die u kunnen helpen uw zelf goed te uiten.

    Berichten zijn onderverdeeld in een reeks labels om u te helpen uw gewenste bericht snel en gemakkelijk te vinden.

    100000+ SMS-berichten bevatten nu:
    * Liefde SMS
    * Awesome SM
    * Middag SMS
    * Boze sms
    * Verjaardag SMS
    * Ramadan SMS
    * Eid Mubarak SMS
    * Kerst SMS
    * Cool SMS
    * Beroemdheden SMS
    * Avond SMS
    * Examens SMS
    * Vriendschap SMS
    en meer categorieën worden achtereenvolgens toegevoegd.

    Met meer dan 100000 sms-berichten U kunt het bericht kiezen dat uw huidige stemming weerspiegelt en het gemakkelijk via sms-berichtenservice naar uw contactpersoon verzenden.

    Ook kunt u eenvoudig uw favoriete berichten delen met uw vrienden en familie op uw sociale accounts zoals Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, ... etc.

    We hebben de applicatie zo ontworpen dat deze heel gemakkelijk te gebruiken is, maar als je niet weet hoe je de applicatie moet gebruiken, kun je vanuit het zijmenu van de applicatie naar de pagina gaan.

    Eindelijk hopen we dat je deze applicatie leuk vindt. Als u het nuttig voor u vindt, beoordeel het dan en deel het met uw vrienden. En als u een probleem ondervindt met de toepassing, neem dan contact met ons op en wij zullen u helpen het probleem zo snel mogelijk op te lossen. Aarzel ook niet om contact met ons op te nemen als u een suggestie heeft om deze applicatie te ontwikkelen.

    Dank je
  • Quote It - Motivational Quotes Мод APK 1.13 [Premium] 3.9

    Quote It - Motivational Quotes Мод APK 1.13 [Premium]


    Find inspiration, wisdom and daily motivation. Discover inspirational quotes, create breathtaking wallpapers and share them with the world.
    Quote It is designed naturally. Scroll through thousands of beautiful quotes, edit them just the way you like with the quote maker, and share it with friends and family.

    Scroll through thousands of positive quotes and sayings
    Find motivation: Search quotes by category or keyword
    Daily quotes free: Get the quote of the day every morning

    Turn wisdom from your motivational quotes into full page wallpaper images for more inspiration
    Make it your own with the wallpaper quote designer and quote maker
    Choose from a huge selection of scenic backgrounds or upload your own
    Design positive quotes by writing and adding your own to the list
    The powerful quote maker lets you add text to photos to create your own inspirational quotes
    Create or edit photo text

    Share your quote maker words of wisdom directly to social media
    Share love with each morning's quote of the day
    Your next social media status can be found in our daily quotes for free

    Read through thousands of quotes and sayings
    Create love quotes with the quote maker & quote designer
    Wallpaper creator with hundreds of positive backgrounds and options
    Daily quotes filled with words of wisdom and motivation
    Beautiful backgrounds & wallpapers
    Use your own photo text and backgrounds

    Wake up to motivation
    Discover daily motivation in a motivational saying every morning with the quote of the day. Open it up, read today's positive saying and make a quote. Everyone gets a different quote of the day, so make sure to share yours.

    Save what inspires you
    Love a piece of wisdom that really inspires you? Save it! Just hit the save button below any of the daily quotes and it will be saved. Any daily quotes that are opened in the quote maker are also automatically saved.
    Add text to photos to create your own positive quote of the day. You can also download the image directly to your image gallery if you'd like to keep a copy. If you make quotes yourself, they are also saved.

    Uniquely yours
    Stand out with your motivational quotes. With so many options to choose from, you can confidently make a unique quote wallpaper that no one else has. Design the quote of the day or find one by scrolling. Add text to photos. Let your creative juices flow and design to your heart's content!

    Quote Maker & Quote Reader
    Quote It gives you the power to design amazing backgrounds and wallpapers the way you want to, and it lets you browse through thousands of motivational quotes. Keep scrolling for as long as you like; there are always more inspirational quotes waiting!
    Not sure how to design or create your love quotes? Don't worry! Quote It automatically generates all the inspirational quotes for you.
    Carry on where you left off. You'll be returned to the last saying you read when you open the app again. You'll always have fresh quotes and sayings filled with wisdom to read and create.

    Online Backgrounds
    Quote It integrates with the cloud to get motivational, scenic backgrounds. You'll always have a fresh set of backgrounds to use. Design quotes with style and beauty. Although Quote It has its own built in images, this integration allows you to pick from a huge selection with hundreds of backgrounds in the quote creator.
    Make quotes with these backgrounds to have unique, inspirational quotes and wallpapers that you can share with the world.
  • Rounded Corner Мод APK 1.20 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Rounded Corner Мод APK 1.20 [Unlocked]


    Rounded Corner adds sexy rounded corners to your screen, like the corners in new LG flagship (G6), new Samsung (S8).

    This app offers many settings which allow you adjusting the corner's radius, corner color, as well as specifying which corners to enable you to round.

    Some features:
    - Change style of corners as decoration
    - Change settings for each app on your phone
    - Free to change size of corners
    - Change color to match with your phone cover
    - Option rounded over status bar, navigation bar
    - Quick settings from notification

    • Internet - used for advertisements
    • System overlay - used for draw over apps
    • Billing - used for in app billing products

    Just download Rounded Corner and give your screen a new look!

    For Samsung device: To prevent the app stoped by itself:
    System Settings > Device Maintenance > Battery > Unmonitored apps > Add apps > checked Rounded Corner

    For Oppo device: To prevent the app stoped by itself:
    Security Center > Battery > Enable Smart power-saving mode > Power-saving app control and management > Add apps > checked Rounded Corner

    For Xiaomi smartphone: need manually grant "Draw over other apps" permission (Go to Setting > Installed apps > Rounded Corner > Permission manager > Display pop-up window > "Allow").
    To prevent the app turn off when clear RAM: Go to Security Tab -Permission-Auto-start management - Add auto-start apps, checked Rounded Corner

    For Huawei smartphone: Open Phone Manager apps (or Settings app) -> Permission Manager -> choose Applications tab -> select Rounded Corner -> enable Draw over other apps

    “This app uses Accessibility services.”

    Like & share us on:
    G+: https://plus.google.com/communities/100796953080923703273
    FB: https://facebook.com/thteamsoft

    Support us: Please help us make Rounded Corner available in your language and get Premium version of this app. Contact us by post to G+ or email to [email protected]

    Or contribute via link:

    Language support:
    - Vietnamese (Tuan Nguyen :))
    - English
    - Polish (Dawid Wąsowski)
    - Spanish (izombiev)
    - Bahasa Indonesia (Prasetya Totti Psychadelic)
    - Arabic
    - Chinese simplified (Chengming Wang)
    - Greek (Chris Mits)
    - Italian (Pezone Pietro)
    - Slovak (Michal Tar)
    - Czech (Michal Tar)
  • My Horoscope Мод APK 5.5.3 [Unlocked] 3.5

    My Horoscope Мод APK 5.5.3 [Unlocked]


    તમામ રાશિચક્રના ચિહ્નો અને તેમના 3 દશકો માટે વિગતવાર જ્યોતિષીય આગાહીઓ ઉપલબ્ધ છે

    ♈ મેષ
    ♉ વૃષભ
    ♊ મિથુન
    ♋ કેન્સર
    ♌ સિંહ
    ♍ કન્યા
    ♎ તુલા
    ♏ વૃશ્ચિક
    ♐ ધનુરાશિ
    ♑ મકર
    ♒ કુંભ
    ♓ મીન

    વિનંતી કરેલ સમયે દૈનિક પુશ સંદેશ તરીકે તમારી અથવા તમારા મિત્રોની જન્માક્ષર મેળવો!

    ★ સામગ્રી દરેક લોંચ વખતે ડાઉનલોડ થતી નથી પરંતુ માત્ર જરૂરિયાત મુજબ
    ★ 7 દિવસનું જન્માક્ષર
    ★ તમારા ચિહ્નની ગણતરી કરો
    ★ બહુવિધ ભાષા
    ★ જાહેરાત દૂર કરવા માટે વિકલ્પ ઉમેર્યો
  • Adithya Мод APK 1.11 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Adithya Мод APK 1.11 [Unlocked]


    Adithya is an app for astrologers who practice vedic astrology(Indian system). It gives almost all calculations required for an astrologer. This app also gives prashna ganitha, required for AshtaMangala Prashna which is practiced mostly in South India. Kannada, English, Malayalam and Hindi languages are available in single app. South Indian and North Indian style of kundli also available.

    Key Features :

    - Simple and user friendly user interface optimized for Android devices.
    - Large city data base with accurate latitude, longitude, timezone with facility to add custom city data.
    - Sidereal planetary longitudes along with nakshatra and pada with retrograde info.
    - Sunrise and sunset details with both upper limb and center limb theories.
    -Rasi, Navamsa and Bhava Kundli with both South Indian and North Indian styles.
    -Bhava sandhi positions.
    -Panchanga with thithi, vara, nakshatra, yoga and karana at the time of birth.
    -Dasa bhukti ending dates.
    -Shadvarga lords D3, D2, D9, d30, D12, D1 (according to Varaha Mihira's Brihajjathaka method).
    -Ashtavarga bindu sankhya for 7 planets with sarvashtaka varga.
    -Trisphuta, Chatusphuta, Pancha sphuta, Prana sphuta , Deha sphuta, Mrityu sphuta and Sookshma trisphuta (required for Ashtamangala prashnam) .
    -Dhooma, Vyatipata, Parivesha, Indrachapa and Upaketu positions.

    Free version gives only limited results.
  • MIUI Launcher Мод APK 1.0.5 [Unlocked] 3.6

    MIUI Launcher Мод APK 1.0.5 [Unlocked]


    MIUI Launcher is a stylish, smart, slim & personalized home screen replacement App for your Android phone.

    • No App Drawer: All Apps will be added on the desktop, you can start them directly without the app drawer;
    • Themes: Support thousands of icon themes on the Play Store, support icon size customization and edit icon for every app;
    • Easy to use: Deleting apps and moving apps around is much easier;
    • Gestures:You can setup lots of gestures: swipe up, swipe donw and home button actions;
    • Personalization: Change desktop grid, infinite scrolling, show or hide search bar, customize folder preview, and lots of other options!

    MIUI Launcher is deeply convinced that your support has driven development.
    You say awesome, we say thank you.


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