Дома / Приложение
  • Medical Calculators Мод APK [Unlocked] 3.7

    Medical Calculators Мод APK [Unlocked]

    1. Cea mai simplă, convenabilă și rapidă interfață cu utilizatorul.
    2. Se calculează automat la introducerea completă a datelor.
    3. Conversia automată a unității și salvarea unității implicite.
    4. Referință inclusă.
    5. Funcția de căutare
    6. Funcția de căutare și comutare în calculator (numai pentru versiunea completă)
    7. Memoria rezultatului pe telefon.
    8. Toate calculatoarele enumerate mai jos:

    Intervalul anionic
    Calciu corectat pentru hipoalbuminemie
    Hemodializă - Kt / V (Daugirdas) și URR
    Raport de reducere a ureei (URR)
    Scor ABCD2 (risc de accident vascular cerebral pentru TIA)
    Număr absolut de neutrofile (ANC)
    Scorul Alvarado pentru apendicita acută
    Gradientul arterial alveolar
    Analiza stării acid-bazice din sânge
    Scorul APACHE II
    Scorul Apgar
    Indicele Barthel
    Rata metabolică bazală - BMR (Formula Mifflin - St Jeor)
    Deficitul de bicarbonat (HCO3-)
    Indicele masei corporale și greutatea corporală ideală
    Suprafața corpului (Du Bois)
    Clasificarea arsurilor
    Scor CHA2DS2-VASc (risc de accident vascular cerebral)
    Scorul Child-Pugh (ciroză hepatică)
    Evaluarea clinică a demenței (CDR)
    Scorul infecției pulmonare clinice (CPIS) pentru pneumonia asociată cu ventilatorul (VAP)
    Calciu corectat prin proteine ​​totale
    Interval QT corectat (formula lui Bazett)
    Clearance Creatinine (CCr) Cockcroft-Gault
    Scorul de severitate al pneumoniei CURB-65
    Criterii de diagnostic pentru boala Kawasaki
    Regula de diagnostic pentru artrita gută acută
    Diferențierea repolarizării timpurii de STEMI anterioare subtile
    Data estimată de livrare (EDD)
    Excreția fracționată de sodiu (FENa)
    Criterii Framingham pentru insuficiența cardiacă congestivă
    Deficitul de apă liber în hipernatremie
    Ecuația Friedwald (estimează colesterolul LDL)
    Ecuația Ganzoni (Deficitul total de fier)
    GFR (MDRD) și stadiul CKD
    Stadiul GFR, CKD (calculat de CCr Cockcroft-Gault și BSA)
    Glasgow Coma Scale - GCS
    Scorul Glasgow-Blatchford (pentru sângerări GI superioare)
    Scor HAS-BLED pentru risc major de sângerare
    HbA1c și glucoza medie estimată
    Scorul INIMĂ pentru stratificarea riscului de durere toracică ED
    Ecuația Henderson-Hasselbalch (pH)
    Scorul de gravitate a prejudiciului (ISS)
    Clasa Killip (pentru infarct miocardic acut)
    Criterii Kocher pentru artrita septică
    Criteriul luminii, revărsarea pleurală
    Lichid de întreținere
    Scorul indicelui de risc MASCC pentru neutropenia febrilă
    Presiunea arterială medie - MAP
    Scorul MELD (model pentru boala hepatică în stadiul final) (pentru vârsta ≥12)
    Examinarea mini-mentală a stării (MMSE)
    Scorul Centor modificat (scorul de durere în gât)
    Criterii modificate de endocardită infecțioasă Duke
    Scala Rankin modificată - MRS
    Scor Murray pentru leziuni pulmonare acute
    NPUAP Etape de vătămare prin presiune
    Clasa NYHA (insuficiență cardiacă)
    Indicele de oxigenare
    Corecția nivelului de fenitoină pentru insuficiență renală / hipoalbuminemie
    Indicele de severitate a pneumoniei (PSI)
    Diagnosticul ghidat de procalcitonină (PCT) și administrarea antibioticelor
    Indicele de severitate a embolismului pulmonar (PESI)
    Criteriile lui Ranson, Mortalitatea pancreatitei
    Scorul revizuit de la Geneva pentru prezicerea probabilității de embolie pulmonară
    Scorul revizuit al traumei (RTS)
    Osmolalitatea serică
    SIRS Criterii
    Rata de corecție a sodiului (Na) în hipernatremie (formula Adrogue)
    Rata de corecție a sodiului (Na) în hiponatremie
    Scor SOFA (Sepsis-related Organ Failure Assessment)
    Scorul de risc TIMI (pentru ACS, angina instabilă, NSTEMI)
    Scorul de risc TIMI (pentru STEMI)
    Gradient K transtubular (TTKG)
    Scorul gravității traumei și a leziunilor (TRISS)
    Criteriile lui Wells pentru tromboza venoasă profundă (TVP)
    Regula Wells pentru prezicerea probabilității de embolie pulmonară
    Criterii West Haven (grade de encefalopatie hepatică)
  • Poisoning and Drug Overdose Мод APK 8.0.239 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Poisoning and Drug Overdose Мод APK 8.0.239 [Unlocked]


    ઝટપટ અને ડ્રગના ઓવરડોઝની સ્થળ પરની સારવાર માટે તમે ત્વરિત-જવાબ માર્ગદર્શિકા ચાલુ કરી શકો છો

    ઝેર અને ડ્રગ ઓવરડોઝ, છઠ્ઠી આવૃત્તિ દવા સંબંધિત કટોકટીઓ અને રાસાયણિક સંપર્કમાં અસરકારક નિદાન અને સારવાર અંગેની ગંભીર માહિતી પહોંચાડે છે.
    ચાર વિભાગમાં વહેંચાયેલું:

    * વિભાગ I પ્રારંભિક કટોકટી વ્યવસ્થાપનને આવરી લે છે, જેમાં ગૂંચવણોના ઉપચારનો સમાવેશ થાય છે; શારીરિક અને પ્રયોગશાળા નિદાન; અને ડિકોન્ટિમિનેશન અને ઉન્નતીકરણ પ્રક્રિયાઓ
    * વિભાગ II એ 150 સામાન્ય દવાઓ અને ઝેરની વિગતવાર માહિતી પૂરી પાડે છે
    * વિભાગ III ઝેરની સારવાર માટે એન્ટીડdટ્સ અને ઉપચારાત્મક દવાઓનો ઉપયોગ વર્ણવે છે
    * વિભાગ IV 500 થી વધુ industrialદ્યોગિક રસાયણોના કોષ્ટક સાથે, રાસાયણિક અને વ્યવસાયિક સંપર્કના તબીબી સંચાલનનું વર્ણન કરે છે

    ઝેર અને ડ્રગ ઓવરડોઝ, છઠ્ઠી આવૃત્તિને અસંખ્ય કોષ્ટકો, ચાર્ટ્સ અને સામાન્ય, રાસાયણિક અને બ્રાન્ડ નામોવાળા વ્યાપક અનુક્રમણિકા દ્વારા વધારવામાં આવે છે, જે ડ્રગથી સંબંધિત કટોકટીઓ અને રાસાયણિક સંપર્કમાં પ્રતિસાદ આપતા કોઈપણ માટે આવશ્યક સંસાધન બનાવે છે.

    "ઝેર અને ડ્રગ ઓવરડોઝ દરેક કટોકટી ચિકિત્સકના વર્કરૂમમાં છે." - અગાઉની આવૃત્તિની સમીક્ષા કરતા એકેડેમિક ઇમરજન્સી મેડિસિન

    "… ઝેરવાળા દર્દીની સારવાર અને નિદાન માટે જ્યારે ઝડપી સંદર્ભની જરૂર પડે ત્યારે કોઈપણ કટોકટી વિભાગના પુસ્તકાલયમાં મોટો ઉમેરો." - પ્રારંભિક આવૃત્તિની સમીક્ષા કરતી ઇમરજન્સી મેડિસિનની એનોલ્સ

    નવું! હવે એક અનુકૂળ હોમ પેજ, એક આકર્ષક અને વધુ સાહજિક દ્રશ્ય લેઆઉટ, તેમજ શોધની ગતિમાં નવીનતાઓના ઉમેરા સાથે તમે વધુ ઝડપી અને વધુ સરળ કરતાં પહેલાં શોધી શકો છો!

     તેમાં અદ્યતન શોધ અને ભાષાનાં સાધનો પણ શામેલ છે જે મોબીસિસ્ટમ્સ, ઇન્ક. તરફથી ગુણવત્તાવાળી ભાષાની એપ્લિકેશનોનું મુખ્ય બની ગયું છે.

    શોધ ટૂલ્સ - સ્પષ્ટ, વિધેયાત્મક અને ઉપયોગમાં સરળ ઇન્ટરફેસને આભારી શબ્દો શોધો.

    બુદ્ધિશાળી શોધ ઘણા સાધનોને એકીકૃત કરે છે અથવા તમે જે શોધી રહ્યા છો તે સૂચવવા માટે:
    & # 8195; & # 8226; સ્વતomપૂર્ણ શોધ કરો તમે લખો છો તેમ આગાહીઓ પ્રદર્શિત કરીને શબ્દોને ઝડપથી શોધવામાં સહાય કરે છે
    & # 8195; & # 8226; કીવર્ડ લુકઅપ તમને સંયોજન શબ્દો અને શબ્દસમૂહોમાં શોધવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે
    & # 8195; & # 8226; શબ્દ જોડણી સુધારવા માટે સ્વચાલિત 'ફઝી ફિલ્ટર' , તેમજ વાઇલ્ડ કાર્ડ ' (' * 'અથવા'? ') અક્ષર અથવા તેના સંપૂર્ણ ભાગોને બદલવા માટે શબ્દ
    & # 8195; & # 8226; ક Cameraમેરો શોધ કેમેરા વ્યૂફાઇન્ડરમાં શબ્દો જુએ છે અને પરિણામો દર્શાવે છે
    & # 8195; & # 8226; જ્યારે એન્ટ્રી કેવી રીતે જોડણી કરવામાં આવે છે તે તમે જાણતા નથી ત્યારે અમારી વb>ઇસ શોધ નો ઉપયોગ કરો
    & # 8195; & # 8226; તમારા ઉપકરણ પર ઇન્સ્ટોલ કરેલી એપ્લિકેશનો દ્વારા શબ્દ શેર કરો વ્યાખ્યાઓ
    & # 8195; & # 8226; તાજેતરના અને ફેવરિટ મેનૂઝમાં કાર્યક્ષમતા સ્વાઇપ-ટુ-ડિલીટ કરો.

    લર્નિંગ ટૂલ્સ - આકર્ષક સુવિધાઓ જે તમને તમારી શબ્દભંડોળને આગળ વધારવામાં સહાય કરશે.

    & # 8195; & # 8226; વિસ્તૃત પુસ્તકાલયના શબ્દોની સૂચિ સાથે કસ્ટમ ફોલ્ડર્સ બનાવવા માટે ‘મનપસંદ' સુવિધા
    & # 8195; & # 8226; અપડેટ શબ્દોની સમીક્ષા માટે ‘તાજેતરની' સૂચિ
    & # 8195; & # 8226; તમારી શબ્દભંડોળ દરરોજ વિસ્તૃત કરવા માટે ‘વર્ડ ઓફ ધ ડે' વિભાગ
    & # 8195; & # 8226; હોમ સ્ક્રીન વિજેટ એક નજરમાં રેન્ડમ શબ્દ પ્રદાન કરે છે
    & # 8195; & # 8226; Android 7 માટે સ્પ્લિટ સ્ક્રીન સપોર્ટ તમને અન્ય એપ્લિકેશનો સાથે મળીને શબ્દકોશનો ઉપયોગ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે

    *** આ એક સંપૂર્ણ વિધેયાત્મક પરીક્ષણ સંસ્કરણ છે ***

    ઝેર અને ડ્રગ ઓવરડોઝનું સંપૂર્ણ સંસ્કરણ ખરીદીને વધુ મેળવો:

    & # 8195; & # 8226; કાયમી ધોરણે સંપૂર્ણ સુવિધાઓની સૂચિને અનલlockક કરો
    & # 8195; & # 8226; lineફલાઇન મોડ - ઇન્ટરનેટ કનેક્શન વિના શબ્દો જુઓ
    & # 8195; & # 8226; પ્રીમિયમ સપોર્ટ - એપ્લિકેશનથી સંબંધિત કોઈપણ સમસ્યાઓ માટે ઝડપી સપોર્ટ મેળવો
    & # 8195; & # 8226; જાહેરાત મુક્ત
  • Renal Dose Adjustment & CrCl Мод APK 2.4.1 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Renal Dose Adjustment & CrCl Мод APK 2.4.1 [Unlocked]


    Have a handy access to information on drug dosage adjustment in renal impairment through this app.

    The app also contains:
    • CrCl (creatinine clearance) calculator
    • eGFR (MDRD) calculator
    • CrCl (paediatrics) calculator
    • SCr (creatinine) SI unit (mg/dL and μmol/dL) converter
    • Appendices from guidelines

    Other features:
    • Free and offline
    • Adding your own notes on drugs
    • Adding bookmarks for quick finding in the future
    • Transferring database from old phone to new phone
  • Basic Survival Medicine Мод APK 2.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 4.0

    Basic Survival Medicine Мод APK 2.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Basic Survival Medicine is an app from the series of "Survival Kit" apps. It contains information about basic medicine and first aid that can be used during survival situation

    One man with a fair amount of basic medical knowledge can make a difference in the lives of many. Without qualified medical personnel available, it is you who must know what to do to stay alive.
  • Mosby's Drug Reference Мод APK 9.0.274 [Premium] 3.9

    Mosby's Drug Reference Мод APK 9.0.274 [Premium]


    From Abilify to Zyrtec and nearly every drug in between, Mosby's Drug Reference for Health Professions, 3rd Edition is the must-have item for every current or aspiring health professional in the field today. Filled with the details you need to know about your clients' or patients' medications, this edition features concise, reliable information that is easy to navigate and simple to follow. Key details are presented in short monographs for 1,000 generic drugs (including 4,500 trade-name drugs) that are listed alphabetically. Precautions and considerations sections are written with health professionals in mind to ensure that you have the most relevant and current content applicable to your field of practice.

    * Up-to-date information throughout includes new chemotherapy, ophthalmic, and other pertinent drugs.
    * Monograph sections include: drug name, pronunciation, trade name(s), category and schedule, classification, mechanism of action, pharmacokinetics, availability, indications and dosages, contraindications, interactions (drug, herbal, and food), diagnostic test effects, side effects, serious reactions, and precautions and considerations.
    * The precautions and considerations sections for each drug monograph are written specifically for the health professions and include important information on storage and administration, highlighting those drugs that require special care in order to maintain potency.
    * Useful appendices cover topics such as Error-Prone Drug Name Abbreviations with the Joint Commission's most up-to-date "Do Not Use" list, Normal Laboratory Values, English-to-Spanish Drug Phrase Translator, and more.
    * Lifespan content presents geriatric, pediatric, and pregnancy considerations, providing the answers you need when working with a variety of clients.
    * Easy-to-spot icons identify special drug information, including IV compatibilities/incompatibilities and high alert warnings.

    NEW! Look up words in any other Android app with the Tap to Translate feature, and do it in style with any of the four colorful new themes.

    Also includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from MobiSystems, Inc.

    SEARCH TOOLS - effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

    Designed to provide the most comprehensive search experience the dictionary combines several search tools to match or suggest what you are looking for, including:
    * Search autocomplete helps find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type
    * Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases
    * An automatic ‘Fuzzy filter' to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card' ('*' or '?') to replace a letter or entire parts of a word
    * Camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder
    * Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled.
    * NEW! Tap to Translate entries in other apps
    * Share word definitions via installed apps on your device
    * Swipe-to-delete functionality in the Recent and Favorites menus.

    LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.

    * Designed to give you the freedom to structure your studies the way you see fit the 'Favorites' option allows you to create custom folders with lists of words from the vast library of entries
    * ‘Recent' list to easily review looked-up words
    * Learn a new word every day with our ‘Word of the day' option
    * Home screen widget provides random words at a glance

    ***This is a fully functional 30-day trial version***

    Get even more with PREMIUM:

     • Permanently unlock the complete features list.
     • Offline mode - look up words without an internet connection
     • Premium Support – Get expedited support for any app-related issues
     • Ad-free
  • Blood Pressure Diary Мод APK 3.1.3 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Blood Pressure Diary Мод APK 3.1.3 [Unlocked]


    બ્લડ પ્રેશર ડાયરી બ્લડ પ્રેશરના માપને શોધવા અને તેનું વિશ્લેષણ કરવા માટેનું એક વ્યક્તિગત સાધન છે. તે લોહીના રુધિરાભિસરણ તંત્રના વિવિધ રોગોથી પીડાતા લોકોને મદદ કરે છે, દા.ત. હાયપરટેન્શન અથવા હાયપોટેન્શન. આ એપ્લિકેશન અનુરૂપ રોગોની વહેલી તકે તપાસ માટે અને માવજત પ્રવૃત્તિઓની દેખરેખ રાખવાનાં સાધન તરીકે ખૂબ ઉપયોગી છે.
  • MyATLS Мод APK 2.4 [Paid for free][Unlocked] 3.6

    MyATLS Мод APK 2.4 [Paid for free][Unlocked]


    DISCLAIMER: Before downloading this application, please check your wireless connection and data plan. This app contains a large amount of content including video and animations. Download speeds will depend on the type of connection and your carrier. This app will be updated frequently so please check iTunes App Store periodically.

    The medical care of trauma patients demands fast thinking and accurate, up-to-date resources. And there is no more reliable resource for trauma information than the American College of Surgeons (ACS). This app was developed alongside their seminal course, Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS). ATLS has trained more than 1.5 million participants in more than 75,000 courses around the world.

    ATLS provides the essential information and skills for doctors, nurses, and other health professionals to identify and treat life-threatening injuries under the extreme pressures of the trauma environment. The international nature of the program means that the content is adaptable to a variety of geographic, economic, social, and medical practice situations.

    Whether in a hospital trauma bay, on the highway at a motor vehicle crash, in a disaster area after a bombing, or in a foreign country's war zone, clinicians need ready access to critical resources and references. The content and skills presented in this app will add to the armamentarium of doctors and other clinicians who treat trauma patients.

    The app includes a free preview of the 1st chapter.

    Additional content can be purchased to instantly gain full access to the following:
    •Interactive visuals, such as treatment algorithms and x-ray identification
    •Just in Time video segments capturing key skills in minutes
    •Calculators, such as pediatric burn calculator and the Parkland Formula to determine fluid administration
    •Animations, such as airway management and surgical cricothyroidotomy

    For those who have purchased the 9th edition of the ATLS Student Course Manual, simply enter the book code that was packaged in the book to gain free access to all the content.
  • MedHand Mobile Libraries Мод APK 3.2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase][Unlocked] 3.6

    MedHand Mobile Libraries Мод APK 3.2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase][Unlocked]


    Join thousands of healthcare professionals from all over the world and start using MedHand Mobile Libraries. Our patented technology allows you to instantly and intuitively access the information you are after whenever you need it. It is your ideal “on the go” resource whether on-call, at the hospital, in your surgery, at your medical school, while travelling or at home - the information you need in the palm of your hand.
    • In MedHand Mobile Libraries you will find more than 200 of the world's leading medical, nursing and other healthcare titles available for purchase
    • Build your own optimized bookshelf with the resources of your choice
    • Full offline access to your leading medical guidelines – no internet access required once titles have been downloaded
    • The feature set includes powerful search, bookmarks, highlighting, notes, history, tables, high resolution pictures and a hierarchical content structure for optimal reading & search
    MedHand works with leading publishers such as Oxford University Press (worldwide exclusive partner), Wiley, McGraw Hill, PharmPress and others to offer a wide range of leading medical, nursing, dentistry and other healthcare titles in the palm of your hand.
    Examples of titles:
    •The complete Oxford Medical Handbook series (including titles such as Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia, Oxford Handbook of Emergency Medicine etc.)
    • BNF and BNFC
    • The Wiley Rapid Series (Rapid Medicine, Rapid Psychiatry, Rapid Obstetrics & Gynaecology etc.)
    • The Wiley at a Glance Series (Anatomy at a Glance etc.)

    • TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours
    • Harrison's Manual of Medicine
    • Current Practice Guidelines in Primary Care
    • Clinical Anaesthesiology
    • The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines
    •and many more …

    Enjoy easy browsing with our patented technology with all your favourite information only a couple of “clicks” away. The App has high resolution pictures, clear tables, and allows you to make highlights and notes easily, even add images or consult over 30 medical calculators. The content is implemented in a hierarchical structure that ensures optimal reading as well as optimal search time for all types of medical references.
    Get instant access to answers, via powerful category and cross-title searches. Search across all your titles or across the titles of your choice. You can also search in the in-built medical, nursing and dentistry dictionaries.
    The application is also used to support institutional customers where the users have access to content within their institutional or corporate subscription.
    Users: Please download this free application and contact your subscription administrator for your institutional log-in details.
    MedHand has 10+ years of experience of mobility creating user-friendly, quick and intuitive applications which has been numerous 5 star reviews praising the interface and layout.
    For customer support email us directly on [email protected] or Call us at +46 8 664 44 02 We're available 8:30 am to 5:30 pm (Central European Time).
  • Diseases and Disorders Guide Мод APK 1.0.1 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Diseases and Disorders Guide Мод APK 1.0.1 [Unlocked]


    Ta darmowa aplikacja zapewnia przewodnik dogłębnej chorób i zaburzeń obejmująca ponad 3000 wysokiej jakości artykułów i obrazów wyszczególnione w dobrze podane i proste w obsłudze sposób.

    Istnieje 12 kategorii treści zawarte w tej aplikacji.
    Tematyka Choroby te obejmują typach nowotworów, skórne / warunki skóry, chorób endokrynologicznych, chorób oczu i Chorób Zakaźnych.

    Zaburzenia te obejmują zaburzeń komunikacyjnych, Choroby genetyczne, zaburzenia neurologiczne, zaburzenia głosowe, schorzenia wątroby, choroby serca i choroby psychicznej.

    W typach nowotworów należą: Dodatek raka, ostra białaczka, guz mózgu, raka oka, pęcherzyka żółciowego, rak żołądka i wiele innych.

    Każdy artykuł obejmuje różne obrazy, które, gdy pokaże powiększoną wersję obrazu pozwalając na bliżej przyjrzeć zapukał.

    Ta aplikacja pozwala na wyszukiwanie i zapisać wybrany temat dla szybszego dostępu pomaga badać różne choroby lub zaburzenia w bardziej intuicyjny sposób.

    Jeśli uważasz, że są jakieś braki, które chciałbyś zobaczyć dodanej lub masz jakiekolwiek problemy z tej aplikacji prosimy o przesłanie e-mail.

    Dane źródłowe wykorzystane do kategorii informacji pochodzi z Wikipedii.
  • Physicians Cancer Chemotherapy Мод APK [Subscribed] 4.0

    Physicians Cancer Chemotherapy Мод APK [Subscribed]

    સંપૂર્ણપણે સંશોધિત અને અપડેટ કરાયેલ, ફિઝિશિયન્સ કેન્સર કીમોથેરાપી ડ્રગ મેન્યુઅલ એ માનક ઉપચાર અને ક્ષેત્રમાં તાજેતરની પ્રગતિ વિશે નવીનતમ માહિતી માટે અપ-ટૂ-ડેટ માર્ગદર્શિકા છે. ક્લિનિકલ કેન્સર થેરાપ્યુટિક્સમાં વિશ્વ-વર્ગના નિષ્ણાતો દ્વારા લખાયેલ, આ આવશ્યક સંદર્ભ તમામ મોટા કેન્સરની સારવાર માટે 100 થી વધુ દવાઓ અને સામાન્ય રીતે ઉપયોગમાં લેવાતી દવાની પદ્ધતિ-ઓન- અને ઑફ-લેબલ- બંનેની સંપૂર્ણ, ઉપયોગમાં સરળ સૂચિ પ્રદાન કરે છે. .

    લક્ષણ અને લાભો
    • પાછલા વર્ષમાં FDA દ્વારા મંજૂર કરાયેલા 10 નવા એજન્ટોનો ઉમેરો અને અગાઉ મંજૂર થયેલા કેટલાક એજન્ટો માટે નવા સંકેતો માટે અપડેટ
    • વિસ્તરણ અને સુધારેલ દરેક એજન્ટ માટે સંકેતો, દવાની માત્રા અને સમયપત્રક, ઝેરી દવા અને વિશેષ વિચારણાઓ
    • તીવ્ર અને વિલંબિત ઉબકા/ઉલ્ટી બંને માટે એન્ટિમેટીક સારવારની પદ્ધતિ પર ધ્યાન કેન્દ્રિત કરેલું ચોક્કસ પ્રકરણ
    • ઘણા એજન્ટો માટે દવાની રચના અને માર્ગોના આકૃતિઓ
    • ક્લિનિકલ ફાર્માકોલોજી, વિશેષ વિચારણાઓ, સંકેતો અને ડોઝની વ્યાપક ચર્ચા
    • ઝેરી અને દવા-દવાઓની ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયાઓને આવરી લે છે
    • તમામ મોટા કેન્સર માટે કીમોથેરાપી રેજીમેન્સ પરનો વિભાગ
    • કેન્સર દવા ઉપચારના મૂળભૂત સિદ્ધાંતોની ઝાંખી પૂરી પાડે છે.

    સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન્સ એક વર્ષ માટે $39.99 છે. તમારું સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન દરેક વર્ષ-લાંબી મુદતના અંતે વાર્ષિક સ્વતઃ રિન્યૂ થશે, સિવાય કે રદ કરવામાં આવે. ખરીદીના કન્ફર્મેશન પર તમારા Google એકાઉન્ટમાંથી ચુકવણી વસૂલવામાં આવશે. સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન ઑટોમૅટિક રીતે રિન્યૂ થાય છે સિવાય કે વર્તમાન સમયગાળાના અંતના ઓછામાં ઓછા 24-કલાક પહેલાં ઑટો-રિન્યૂ બંધ ન થાય. વર્તમાન સમયગાળાની સમાપ્તિના 24-કલાકની અંદર તમારા એકાઉન્ટને નવીકરણ માટે $39.99 ચાર્જ કરવામાં આવશે. સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન્સ મેનેજ થઈ શકે છે અને ખરીદી પછી "Play Store app > Menu > Subscriptions" પર જઈને ઑટો-રિન્યુઅલ બંધ થઈ શકે છે. સક્રિય સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન સમયગાળા દરમિયાન વર્તમાન સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શનને રદ કરવાની મંજૂરી નથી. મફત અજમાયશ અવધિનો કોઈપણ ન વપરાયેલ ભાગ, જો ઓફર કરવામાં આવે તો, જ્યારે વપરાશકર્તા તે પ્રકાશનનું સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન ખરીદે ત્યારે જપ્ત કરવામાં આવશે. કૃપા કરીને નીચે અમારી ગોપનીયતા નીતિ અને સેવાની શરતોની લિંક્સ જુઓ.

    ગોપનીયતા નીતિ - http://www.jblearning.com/privacy/

    ઉપયોગની શરતો - http://www.jblearning.com/use/

    પુસ્તક છાપો - http://www.jblearning.com/catalog/9781284144963/
  • MIMS Мод APK [Subscribed] 3.7

    MIMS Мод APK [Subscribed]

    MIMS is the essential prescribing and drug reference guide. For over 50 years MIMS has provided medical professionals with information on medicines licensed in the UK including drug dosages, warnings, contraindications and adverse events.

    • MIMS now offers a 30-day FREE trial
    • Buying a 12-month renewing subscription provides access to over 300 content updates every month for only £9.99

    MIMS is the perfect clinical reference for all healthcare professionals and people in the healthcare industry.


    * The MIMS app downloads the whole database so you don't need a data connection to use the app
    * Updated constantly with over 300 changes every month


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    * Search or browse by brand or generic name
    * Find products by manufacturer and therapeutic area
    * Bookmark entries for quick access or see your last searches


    Essential drug comparison tables including:

    * Switching and withdrawing antidepressants
    * Contraceptives
    * Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
    * Emollients – potential sensitisers
    * Insulin preparations and choosing the right glucose meter and test strip


    Key clinical calculators for clinical practice including BMI, pregnancy due date and unit converters

    Privacy Policy - http://mims.co.uk/go/privacy/

    Terms of Use - http://mims.co.uk/go/TermsAndConditions/
  • Micromedex Drug Interactions Мод APK 2.8.0 [Subscribed] 4.0

    Micromedex Drug Interactions Мод APK 2.8.0 [Subscribed]


    માઇક્રોમેડેક્સ ડ્રગ ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયાઓ આમાં સમજ આપે છે:
    • પ્રશ્નમાં રહેલી દવાઓ શા માટે ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયા કરે છે.
    • તે ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયાઓના પરિણામો દર્દીમાં કેવી રીતે રજૂ થશે.
    દર્દીના પરિણામો પર દેખરેખ રાખવા માટેની ભલામણો.

    માઇક્રોમેડેક્સ ડ્રગ ઇન્ટરેક્શન્સ એ આરોગ્યસંભાળની સૌથી વિશ્વસનીય દવાની ક્રિયાપ્રતિક્રિયાની માહિતીની મોબાઇલ ઍક્સેસ માટે એક વિશ્વસનીય સંસાધન છે, જે વપરાશકર્તાઓને સંભાળના તબક્કે વધુ જાણકાર સારવાર નિર્ણયો પ્રદાન કરે છે. ઇન્ટરનેટ કનેક્શન આવશ્યક નથી, જે તમને ગમે ત્યારે, ગમે ત્યાંથી વિશ્વાસ સાથે નિર્ણયો લેવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.

    Merative Micromedex® ગ્રાહકો, પાસવર્ડ મેળવવા માટે આ પગલાં અનુસરો:
    1. તમારી સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબિંગ સુવિધા દ્વારા Merative Micromedex પર લૉગિન કરો.
    2. હોમપેજની મધ્યમાં ગ્રે "મોબાઇલ એપ્લિકેશન એક્સેસ" બટનને ક્લિક કરો.
    3. વિગતવાર ડાઉનલોડ સૂચનાઓનો સંદર્ભ લો, જેમાં આ એપ્લિકેશનને કોઈપણ શુલ્ક વિના સક્રિય કરવા માટે તમારો પાસવર્ડ શામેલ છે.

    ખાતરી નથી કે તમારી સંસ્થા માઇક્રોમેડેક્સ ડ્રગ ઇન્ટરેક્શનમાં સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરે છે કે કેમ? ક્લિનિકલ સંદર્ભ માહિતી માટે જવાબદાર તમારા ફાર્મસી નિયામક, મેડિકલ લાઇબ્રેરિયન અથવા તમારી સુવિધા પરના અન્ય કોઈની સાથે તપાસ કરો.

    જો તમે "મોબાઇલ એપ્લિકેશન ઍક્સેસ" બટન શોધી શકતા નથી અથવા તમારા પાસવર્ડમાં સમસ્યા આવી રહી છે, તો કૃપા કરીને https://merative.my.site.com/mysupport/s/micromedex-support પર તમારા સ્થાનિક પ્રતિનિધિ અથવા Merative Micromedex સપોર્ટ ટીમનો સંપર્ક કરો. - વિનંતી
  • OSCE Reference Guide Мод APK 1.1.2 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.9

    OSCE Reference Guide Мод APK 1.1.2 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    This free application is designed to help prepare Medical students with the Clinical skills for the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).

    Detailed reference material is included for 'History' preparation describing the type of questions students are expected to ask patients in order to evaluate a thorough diagnosis.

    Step by Step instructions of how to perform Physical Examinations is included in a simple structured manner making each topic easy to digest and follow.

    The top level categories included are: General, Alimentary, Cardiovascular, Endocrine, Hematological, Integumental, Nervous, Pulmonary, Rheumatoid, Urogenital, Obstetrics, Pediatrics.

    Each category includes information covering Reference, History and Examination among several topics.

    Learning material can be saved to a saved list for quicker access for those that you are keen to master.
    An Abbreviations list is available to help you remember key phrases commonly used throughout medical practice.

    If you feel there are any omissions that you would like to see added, or have any issues with that app please send us an Email.
  • IBM Micromedex IV Comp. Мод APK 2.3.0 [Subscribed] 3.8

    IBM Micromedex IV Comp. Мод APK 2.3.0 [Subscribed]


    When multiple IV medications are combined, the risk of complication is very real. Efficacy of one or more drugs can be reduced or a potentially dangerous incompatibility can occur. With this app you will have access to the largest, most comprehensive IV compatibility resource which:

    • Enhances patient safety by pinpointing potentially dangerous combinations
    • Helps clinicians interpret conflicting compatibility results by identifying contributing factors such as the physical compatibility, storage, study period, container and chemical stability
    • Includes drug-solution compatibility results as well as drug-drug compatibility results when creating an admixture or administering via Y-Site.

    IBM Micromedex IV Comp. is a reliable resource for on-the-go access to the industry's most trusted clinical reference information, providing users with more informed treatment decisions at the point of care. An internet connection is not required, allowing you to make decisions with confidence at anytime, from anywhere.

    Not sure if your institution subscribes to IBM Micromedex? Check with your Chief Medical Officer, Director of Pharmacy, Medical Librarian, or anyone else at your facility responsible for clinical reference information.

    If the facility you work at subscribes to Micromedex, follow these instructions to obtain a password:

    1. Login to IBM Micromedex through your subscribing facility
    2. Click “Download Center” near the top of the application
    3. Refer to the detailed downloading instructions, which include your password for activating the application at no charge.

    If you cannot locate the “Download Center” link please contact support to receive your password at https://www.ibm.com/support/home/pages/support-guide/?product=4592217

    Existing paid customers will continue to have access to the content going forward.
  • IBM Micromedex NeoFax Мод APK 1.2 [Subscribed] 3.7

    IBM Micromedex NeoFax Мод APK 1.2 [Subscribed]


    IBM Micromedex NeoFax app is available free to online subscribers of IBM Micromedex NeoFax.

    IBM Micromedex NeoFax is a reliable resource for on-the-go access to evidence-based drug information to efficiently and safely manage drug therapy for neonatal patients. It allows clinicians to make accurate and more informed treatment decisions at the point of care, while minimizing errors in this vulnerable patient population. This neonatal-specific app has clinical value for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. An internet connection is not required, allowing you to make decisions with confidence at anytime, from anywhere.

    IBM Micromedex is a trusted source for neonatal drug dosing, based on the strict editorial policies and practices that have guided Micromedex for more than 30 years. Evidence-based, fully referenced neonatal-specific drug information enables clinicians to make informed treatment decisions. The drug monographs cover information including: dose, administration, uses, contraindications/precautions, adverse effects, monitoring, pharmacology, special considerations/preparation, solution- and drug-drug compatibility/incompatibility information, and references. This mobile app also includes a comprehensive enteral formulas component providing nutritional information for approximately 60 different neonatal and infant formulas, and human milk fortifiers.

    IBM Micromedex NeoFax drug information is intended for full-term babies up to 28 days of age (PNA) and preterm babies up to 44 weeks postmenstrual age (GA + PNA).

    Do you work at a facility that subscribes to IBM Micromedex NeoFax? Check with your Chief of Pediatrics, Director of Pediatrics, Director of the NICU, Directory of Pharmacy, Chief Medical Officer, Chief Nursing Officer, Medical Librarian, or anyone else at your facility responsible for clinical reference information.

    If you work at a facility that subscribes to IBM Micromedex NeoFax, FREE access to these apps requires a password. To obtain the IBM Micromedex NeoFax password contact support at https://www.ibm.com/support/home/pages/support-guide/?product=4592217

    Existing paid customers will continue to have access to the content going forward.
  • The BMJ Мод APK 1.0.1 [Free purchase][Subscribed] 3.6

    The BMJ Мод APK 1.0.1 [Free purchase][Subscribed]


    The BMJ Android app brings you the latest from the journal, including latest research, education, news, views, audio, video, and infographics. Read our FAQs at the BMJ Support link below.Key benefits:- Free to BMA members- Easy to read summaries of research papers- Embedded audio, video, and infographics- Searching, bookmarking, and social media linksDownload the app to access a selection of free back issues. If you like what you see, take out a subscription to The BMJ on Android for £10.49. This provides you with instant access to the current issue plus the 3 subsequent issues. You can also buy the current or past issues at the single issue price of £3.99. Free to BMA members. Follow the support link below for full information.The BMJ is the flagship journal of BMJ with a vision to help doctors make better decisions. Published since 1840, The BMJ is available in print weekly and updated daily online at thebmj.com. The BMJ was the first general medical journal to have a website, with an online presence dating back to 1995.If you experience any other problems accessing your issues, please email customer support on [email protected]
  • English<>Spanish Medical Мод APK 4.3.136 [Unlocked] 3.8

    English<>Spanish Medical Мод APK 4.3.136 [Unlocked]


    Break the language barrier between healthcare professionals and Spanish-speaking patients.

    This pocket-sized book contains virtually all health-related terms likely to occur in a conversation between a health worker and a Spanish-speaking patient, including common colloquialisms and slang terms not found in similar dictionaries.

    *** Fully Functional 7-Day Trial ***

    The Third Edition contains over 20,000 entries and 5,000 new terms have been added. Scanning the fields of medicine, nursing, and dentistry, this essential, pocket-sized book contains virtually every health-related term likely to occur in conversation between a healthcare professional and a Spanish-speaking patient. In addition, you'll find common colloquialisms and hard-to-find phrases, along with helpful labels that identify terms unique to a specific Latin American country.

    Biographical note:

    Glenn T. Rogers, MD, currently directs a clinic for the underserved located in rural northern California. He attended UC Berkeley, majored in mathematics. He was accepted to the PhD program there, but decided to start a business importing embroidered clothes from Mexico. He perfected his Spanish by spending 3-4 months of the year in Mexico, tending to his import business. After doing some soul searching he decided he wanted to something more important, and applied to medical school. Dr. Rogers was accepted and attended the University of Cincinnati, and did a residency in Internal Medicine at L.A. County+USC. Many of the many patients were Spanish-speaking only, and again he was able to work on his medical Spanish. The first edition of his best selling dictionary was authored and published during his residency. DR. Rogers later worked in the ER for 3 years at LAC+USC, then private practice in Bakersfield for 2 years.

    The MSDict Dictionary Format

    The English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary is here presented in MSDict electronic format. MSDict offers best experience in mobile reference and is available for any handheld platform.

    * Quick dynamic search of words while you type
    * Ability to add bookmarks to favorite words
    * Hyperlinks between different related words
    * History to see the last 50 words you have looked up
    * Filters to help you locate the word you are searching for:
    * Fuzzy filter- used when you are not sure of the correct spelling of a word
    * Keyword-used to locate the instances of a key word within other compound words
    * Wild card - "?" and "*" replace a letter and group of letters in words
    * Convenient two pane design for tablets
    * Fast article scrolling
    * Online and offline modes supported; the offline mode allows you to download the whole dictionary and work independently from data connections
    * Ability to have dictionary Word of the day as a widget on the phone home screen
    * Ability to search words in the installed dictionaries through the standard phone search feature
    * Support for memory cards
  • Super Infusion Calculator Мод APK 1.1.5 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Super Infusion Calculator Мод APK 1.1.5 [Unlocked]


    1. Dose/rate calculator: get the infusion rate from body weight, desired dose, drug amount and total volume. Built-in commonly used drug information. Custom drugs, backup/restore function (only for Full-version).

    2. Infusion time calculator: get the infusion time from fluid volume and desired rate ; tap screen to get the drops and drip rate spontaneously.

    3. Infusion rate calculator: get the infusion rate from fluid volume and desired infusion time.
  • My Calendar - Period Tracker Мод APK 4.0.2 [Unlocked] 2.3

    My Calendar - Period Tracker Мод APK 4.0.2 [Unlocked]


    પિરિયડ કેલેન્ડર - માસિક ટ્રેકર

    પીરિયડ કેલેન્ડર એ અત્યંત ભવ્ય અને ઉપયોગમાં સરળ એપ્લિકેશન છે જે સ્ત્રીઓને પીરિયડ્સ, ચક્ર, ઓવ્યુલેશન અને ફળદ્રુપ દિવસોનો ટ્રેક રાખવામાં મદદ કરે છે. ભલે તમે ગર્ભધારણ, જન્મ નિયંત્રણ, ગર્ભનિરોધક અથવા પીરિયડ ચક્રની નિયમિતતા વિશે ચિંતિત હોવ, પીરિયડ કેલેન્ડર મદદ કરી શકે છે.

    અમારું ટ્રેકર વાપરવા માટે સરળ છે અને તમને જોઈતી દરેક વસ્તુ પ્રદાન કરે છે: અનિયમિત સમયગાળો, વજન, તાપમાન, મૂડ, રક્ત પ્રવાહ, લક્ષણો અને વધુને ટ્રૅક કરો.

    સમજદાર રીમાઇન્ડર્સ તમને આગામી સમયગાળા, ઓવ્યુલેશન અને ફળદ્રુપ દિવસો માટે માહિતગાર અને તૈયાર રાખે છે.

    પ્રજનનક્ષમતા, ઓવ્યુલેશન અને પીરિયડ્સની આગાહી કરવા માટે કૅલેન્ડર મહાન છે. એપ્લિકેશન તમારા ચક્ર ઇતિહાસને અનુરૂપ બનાવે છે અને તમને રસ હોય તેવા મુખ્ય દિવસોની ચોક્કસ આગાહી કરે છે.

    કૅલેન્ડર હોમ પેજ પર તમને જોઈતી દરેક વસ્તુ એક નજરમાં જુઓ.

    પીરિયડ કેલેન્ડર તમારા સૌથી ખાનગી ડેટાને સુરક્ષિત કરે છે—કેલેન્ડરને પાસવર્ડ લૉક કરી શકાય છે, તમારી માહિતીને અસ્પષ્ટ આંખોથી છુપાવી શકાય છે.

    ઉપકરણના નુકશાન અથવા રિપ્લેસમેન્ટ સામે રક્ષણ આપવા માટે તમારા ડેટાનો સરળ બેકઅપ અને પુનઃસ્થાપિત કરો.

    મુખ્ય લક્ષણો:
    પીરિયડ ટ્રેકર, કેલ્ક્યુલેટર અને કેલેન્ડર
    - સાહજિક કૅલેન્ડર જેમાં તમે બિન-ફળદ્રુપ, ફળદ્રુપ, ઓવ્યુલેશન, અપેક્ષિત સમયગાળો અને સમયગાળાના દિવસોની કલ્પના કરી શકો છો
    - કેલેન્ડર, સાયકલ અને સેટિંગ્સ ઝડપથી બેકઅપ અને પુનઃસ્થાપિત કરી શકાય છે. તમારો કેલેન્ડર ડેટા ગુમાવવાથી ક્યારેય ડરશો નહીં
    - અમારું સાહજિક આરોગ્ય ટ્રેકર એક નજરમાં મહત્વપૂર્ણ માહિતી બતાવે છે

    વિગતવાર ટ્રેકિંગ સાથેનો દૈનિક સમયગાળો લોગ
    - દૈનિક કેલેન્ડર પ્લાનર તમને પ્રવાહ, સંભોગ, લક્ષણો, મૂડ, તાપમાન, વજન, દવા, PMS, અન્ય ડાયરી નોંધો વિશેની માહિતી સાચવવા દે છે.
    - કૅલેન્ડર દિવસો વચ્ચે સરળતાથી ખસેડો
    - આગામી સમયગાળા, પ્રજનનક્ષમતા વિન્ડો અથવા ઓવ્યુલેશન માટે સૂચનાઓ
    - અનન્ય પિન કોડનો ઉપયોગ કરીને તમારા પીરિયડ કેલેન્ડરને સુરક્ષિત કરો

    ટ્રેકર સાથે હંમેશા અપ-ટૂ-ડેટ માહિતી રાખો
    - તમારા કૅલેન્ડર પર પીરિયડ ડેટા અને ઓવ્યુલેશન ચિહ્નોને ટ્રૅક કરો
    - માપનના વિવિધ એકમોમાંથી પસંદ કરો
    - નવી શરૂઆત કરવા માટે ટ્રેકર ડેટા રીસેટ કરો
    - સેટિંગ્સ વિભાગમાં સમયગાળા અનુમાન અંતરાલોને સમાયોજિત કરો
    - લ્યુટેલ તબક્કાની લંબાઈને સમાયોજિત કરો
    - સર્વાઇકલ અવલોકનો ટ્રૅક કરો
    - કસ્ટમ "અઠવાડિયાના પ્રથમ દિવસે" (સોમવાર અથવા રવિવાર) પર ટ્રેકર શરૂ કરો

    ત્યાગ મોડ સાથે પીરિયડ ટ્રેકર
    - ઓવ્યુલેશન, ફર્ટિલિટી અને ઇન્ટરકોર્સ સંબંધિત ડેટા છુપાવો
    - આ કેલેન્ડરને છોકરીઓ અને કિશોરો માટે સંપૂર્ણ પીરિયડ ટ્રેકર બનાવો

    ભવ્ય અને સુસંસ્કૃત, તમારી જેમ જ! આ અત્યંત વૈવિધ્યપૂર્ણ સમયગાળો ટ્રેકર અને ગર્ભાવસ્થા આયોજન કેલેન્ડર દરેક સ્ત્રી માટે યોગ્ય છે.

    અમારું પીરિયડ કેલેન્ડર આજે જ મફતમાં ડાઉનલોડ કરો!

    પર અમને અનુસરો:
  • Dictionary Diseases&Disorders Мод APK 1.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.6

    Dictionary Diseases&Disorders Мод APK 1.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    રોગ અને વિકાર શબ્દકોશ લક્ષણો તપાસવા, રોગો અને દવાઓનો અભ્યાસ કરવા, સારવાર અને નિદાન શોધવા માટે એક આધુનિક આવશ્યક આરોગ્ય એપ્લિકેશન છે.
    સારા નિદાનની ખાતરી કરો અને ઉદ્ભવતા રોગો માટે અસરકારક સારવાર પ્રદાન કરો.

    તમારા સ્વાસ્થ્ય અને તમારા પ્રિયજનોના સ્વાસ્થ્યનું ઝડપથી મૂલ્યાંકન કરો.
    દિવસના કોઈપણ સમયે, અઠવાડિયાના કોઈપણ દિવસે તમારા લક્ષણોના સંભવિત કારણો શોધો - કોઈ મુલાકાતની જરૂર નથી. ચિંતાથી માંડીને માથાનો દુખાવો અથવા માઇગ્રેન સુધીની તમારી ચિંતાઓ ગમે તે હોય, આરોગ્યનો શબ્દકોશનું મફત લક્ષણ વિશ્લેષક તમને જવાબો શોધવામાં અને તમને ડૉક્ટરને મળવું જોઈએ કે કેમ તે જણાવવામાં મદદ કરશે.

    "આરોગ્યનો શબ્દકોશ" એવા કોઈપણ માટે અનિવાર્ય છે જે રોગો વિશે વધુ જાણવા માંગે છે. તે સંભાળ અને સારવારને સમજવા માટે તેમને થોડી ક્ષણોમાં રોગનું ઝડપી વર્ણન કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.

    નવીનતમ ક્લિનિકલ એડવાન્સિસને સમાવિષ્ટ કરવા માટે આ આવૃત્તિ સુધારી અને અપડેટ કરવામાં આવી છે.

    આરોગ્ય શબ્દકોશ: લક્ષણો એ એક તબીબી શબ્દકોશ છે જે લક્ષણો, રોગો અને સારવાર વિશે તમામ માહિતી પ્રદાન કરે છે.

    રોગો અને વિકૃતિઓનો શબ્દકોશ - તબીબી એપ્લિકેશન સુવિધાઓ:
    ✓ લક્ષણ તપાસ - લક્ષણો પસંદ કરો, સંભવિત બીમારીઓ અથવા સમસ્યાઓ વિશે જાણો અને સારવાર અને સંભાળના વિકલ્પો શોધો.
    ✓ શરતો - તમને રસ હોય તેવી પરિસ્થિતિઓ વિશે તબીબી માહિતી મેળવો અને કારણો, સારવાર અને સંકળાયેલ લક્ષણો વિશે જાણો.
    ✓ આ શબ્દકોશ ઑફલાઇન કાર્ય કરે છે – તમારે ઇન્ટરનેટ કનેક્શનની જરૂર નથી.
    ✓ તમામ મુખ્ય તબીબી પરિસ્થિતિઓ અને રોગોનું વિગતવાર વર્ણન:
    - વ્યાખ્યા
    - લક્ષણો અને નિદાન
    - કારણો
    - જોખમ પરિબળો
    - ગૂંચવણો
    - તમારી એપોઇન્ટમેન્ટ માટે તૈયારી કરી રહ્યા છીએ
    - પરીક્ષણો અને નિદાન
    - સારવાર અને દવાઓ
    - જીવનશૈલી અને ઘરગથ્થુ ઉપચાર

    અમારી એપ્લિકેશન તમામ પ્રકારના સ્વાસ્થ્ય પ્રશ્નોના જવાબ આપે છે. અહીં સૌથી વધુ વારંવાર પૂછાતા પ્રશ્નો છે:

    સામાન્ય લક્ષણો:
    - તાવ
    - ભૂખ ન લાગવી
    - માથાનો દુખાવો
    - પેટનો દુખાવો
    - ગર્ભાવસ્થાના લક્ષણ
    - માંદગી
    - થાક
    - ઉલટી
    - ચક્કર
    - ઉધરસ

    તબીબી પરિસ્થિતિઓ:
    - ઠંડી
    - તાવ
    - વાયરલ સાઇનસાઇટિસ
    - આધાશીશી
    - ચિંતા અને હતાશા
    - વાયરલ ગેસ્ટ્રોએન્ટેરિટિસ
    - તીવ્ર બ્રોન્કાઇટિસ
    - તીવ્ર ફેરીન્જાઇટિસ
    - ક્રોનિક ગેસ્ટ્રાઇટિસ
    - એન્ડોમેટ્રિઓસિસ

    સામાન્ય શ્રેણીઓ:
    - ત્વચા: ફોલ્લીઓ, ખીલ, જંતુ કરડવાથી
    - મહિલા આરોગ્ય અને ગર્ભાવસ્થા
    - બાળકનું સ્વાસ્થ્ય
    - માનસિક સ્વાસ્થ્ય
    - ઊંઘ
    - અપચો: ઉલટી, ઝાડા
    - શ્વસન રોગો

    નવીનતમ ક્લિનિકલ એડવાન્સિસને સમાવિષ્ટ કરવા માટે આ આવૃત્તિ સુધારી અને અપડેટ કરવામાં આવી છે.
    શ્રેષ્ઠ માહિતી. સારું સ્વાસ્થ્ય.
    આરોગ્યનો શબ્દકોશ: લક્ષણો તબીબી સલાહ, નિદાન અથવા સારવાર પ્રદાન કરતું નથી. કોઈપણ સ્વાસ્થ્ય-સંબંધિત પ્રશ્નો માટે હંમેશા તમારા ચિકિત્સક અથવા અન્ય લાયક હેલ્થકેર પ્રોફેશનલનો સંપર્ક કરો. તમે મોબાઇલ એપ પર જે વાંચો છો તેના કારણે વ્યાવસાયિક તબીબી સલાહ મેળવવામાં ક્યારેય અવગણશો નહીં અથવા વિલંબ કરશો નહીં.

    મેડિકલ ડિસ્ક્લેમર
    સેવાઓ તબીબી સલાહની રચના કરતી નથી
    મેડિસિન બુકની મફત સામગ્રી, ટેક્સ્ટ, ગ્રાફિક્સ, છબીઓ, તૃતીય-પક્ષ સંસાધનોની લિંક્સ અને અન્ય સામગ્રી ("સામગ્રી") સહિત, ફક્ત માહિતીના હેતુઓ માટે છે. સેવાઓનો હેતુ વ્યાવસાયિક તબીબી સલાહ, નિદાન અથવા સારવારનો વિકલ્પ બનવાનો નથી. તબીબી સ્થિતિને લગતા કોઈપણ પ્રશ્નો માટે હંમેશા તમારા ચિકિત્સક અથવા અન્ય લાયક આરોગ્ય પ્રદાતાની સલાહ લો. જો તમને લાગે કે તમારી પાસે તબીબી કટોકટી હોઈ શકે છે, તો તમારા ડૉક્ટરને કૉલ કરો. અમે દવા પુસ્તક પર મફતમાં પોસ્ટ કરાયેલ કોઈપણ વિશિષ્ટ પરીક્ષણો, ચિકિત્સકો, ઉત્પાદનો, પ્રક્રિયાઓ, અભિપ્રાયો અથવા અન્ય માહિતીની ભલામણ અથવા સમર્થન કરતા નથી. તબીબી એપ્લિકેશન્સ પર પ્રદાન કરવામાં આવેલી કોઈપણ માહિતી પર નિર્ભરતા, પછી ભલે તે અમારા અથવા સેવાઓના અન્ય વપરાશકર્તાઓ દ્વારા પોસ્ટ કરવામાં આવી હોય, તે ફક્ત તમારા પોતાના જોખમે છે.
  • Dosecast - Pill Reminder App Мод APK 5.9 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Dosecast - Pill Reminder App Мод APK 5.9 [Unlocked]


    2010 માં સ્થપાયેલ, હજારો લોકો ડોઝકાસ્ટ - પિલ રીમાઇન્ડર અને મેડિકેશન ટ્રેકર એપ્લિકેશન નો ઉપયોગ કરવાનું ચાલુ રાખે છે, જેને અને તેમના પ્રિયજનોને મેનેજ કરવામાં સહાય માટે સૌથી સરળ દવા રીમાઇન્ડર એપ્લિકેશન છે. દવાઓ, વિટામિન અથવા જન્મ નિયંત્રણની ગોળીઓ સમયસર - ઉપકરણો વચ્ચેના અનન્ય લાઇવ સિંક સાથે.

    ડોઝકાસ્ટ - પિલ રીમાઇન્ડર અને મેડિકેશન ટ્રેકર એપ્લિકેશન ન્યુ યોર્ક ટાઇમ્સ, રીઅલ સિમ્પલ મેગેઝિન, રીડર ડાયજેસ્ટ, ડોટકોમ, ફિયર્સ મોબાઇલ હેલ્થકેરમાં દર્શાવવામાં આવી છે. , અને iMedicalApps.com. આ ગોળી રીમાઇન્ડર સાથે યોગ્ય દવા, યોગ્ય રીત અને સમય લેવાનું યાદ રાખો.

    . ડોઝકાસ્ટ મફત સંસ્કરણ:

    વિશ્વાસપાત્ર સૂચનો: ડોઝકાસ્ટ વિશ્વસનીય રીતે તમારા ફોન, ટેબ્લેટ અથવા Android Wear ઉપકરણ પર ડોઝ રીમાઇન્ડર્સ મોકલે છે અને તમને સ્નૂઝ બટનની જેમ તેમને મુલતવી રાખે છે. જો તમે પ્રથમ રીમાઇન્ડર ગુમાવશો, તો તમે પ્રતિસાદ ન આપો ત્યાં સુધી તે તમને ઝૂંટવી શકે છે. તે સતત અલાર્મ પણ સંભળાવી શકે છે. ડોઝકાસ્ટ પિલ રીમાઇન્ડર, તમે સમય ઝોનની મુસાફરી કરતી વખતે તમારા રીમાઇન્ડરના સમયને અપડેટ કરે છે.

    ફ્લેક્સિબલ શિડ્યુલિંગ: કેટલીક એપ્લિકેશનો તમને દરરોજ એક નિશ્ચિત સમયે તમારી દવા લેવાનું યાદ કરાવી શકે છે. ફક્ત પીલ ટ્રેકર તમને દરરોજ / સાપ્તાહિક / માસિક શેડ્યૂલ પર દર અઠવાડિયે, અઠવાડિયાના અમુક દિવસો પર અથવા છેલ્લા ડોઝ પછીના કલાકો અથવા દિવસોની પૂર્વ-સેટ નંબર પછી પણ ડોઝ લેવામાં મદદ કરે છે. દિવસ દીઠ મહત્તમ સંખ્યાની માત્રા નક્કી કરીને જોખમી ઓવરડોઝ ટાળો.

    B> કસ્ટમાઇઝ ડોઝ એમેંટ્સ અને સૂચનાઓ: ડ્રગનું નામ, ડોઝ માહિતી, દિશાઓ અને નોંધો કે જે દરેક ડોઝની રીમાઇન્ડર્સમાં દેખાય છે તે સેટ કરો. તમે દરેક ડ્રગની સમાપ્તિ તારીખને પણ ટ્ર trackક કરી શકો છો.

    B> પોસ્ટપPન મેડિકેશન રીમાઇન્ડર: તમે ગોળીની રિમાઇન્ડર તે બંધ થાય તે પહેલાં અથવા પછી મુલતવી રાખી શકો છો.

    સ્માર્ટ સાઇલેસીંગ: જ્યારે તમે સૂતા હોવ અથવા તમારી સારવાર શરૂ થાય અને સમાપ્ત થાય ત્યારે ડોઝકાસ્ટ ટ્ર traક કરે છે.

    B> ખાનગી અને સુરક્ષિત: પીલ રીમાઇન્ડરનો ઉપયોગ કરતી વખતે કોઈ વ્યક્તિગત માહિતી એકત્રિત કરવામાં આવતી નથી. સંક્રમણ કરતી વખતે બધી ડ્રગની માહિતી એન્ક્રિપ્ટ થયેલ છે, તેથી તેનો ઉપયોગ સાર્વજનિક ક્ષેત્રમાં પણ સુરક્ષિત છે.

    ક્લાઉડ સિંક સાથે પ્રો એડિશનની સુવિધાઓ:

    મલ્ટિ-ડિવાઇસ સિંક: ડોઝકાસ્ટ - પીલ ટ્રેકર અને મેડિકેશન રીમાઇન્ડર ક્લાઉડ સિંક સેવા તમારા ડેટાને અમર્યાદિત સંખ્યામાં Appleપલ અને Android ઉપકરણો પર અદ્યતન રાખે છે.

    B> મલ્ટિપલ ડ્રગ ટાઇપ્સ: તમે ઇન્જેક્શન, ઇન્હેલર્સ, ટીપાં, સ્પ્રે, મલમ, પેચો, લિક્વિડ ડોઝ અને વધુ દ્વારા લેવામાં આવતી દવાઓ ટ્ર trackક કરી શકો છો.

    B> ઇતિહાસ અને અનુપાલન: ડોઝકાસ્ટ - પિલ રીમાઇન્ડર અને મેડિકેશન ટ્રેકર તમે લેતા ડોઝની તારીખ અને અવધિ, અવગણો અથવા મુલતવી રાખે છે જેથી તમે કોઈપણ સમયે ઇતિહાસને જોઈ અથવા ઇમેઇલ કરી શકો. તે અંતમાં અને ચૂકી ડોઝ પણ લsગ કરે છે જેથી તમે તમારા ડ્રગના પાલનને સચોટ રીતે ટ્ર trackક કરી શકો. જો તમે કોઈ ડોઝ લો ત્યારે તે લ logગ ઇન કરવાનું ભૂલી જાઓ છો, તો પછી તમે ઇતિહાસને સંપાદિત કરી શકો છો.

    ક્વોન્ટિટી ટ્રેકિંગ અને રિફિલ એલર્ટ્સ: ડોઝકાસ્ટ તમે દાખલ કરેલી દરેક ડ્રગનો બાકીનો જથ્થો ટ્રcksક કરે છે અને નીચું ચાલતું હોય ત્યારે રિફિલ ચેતવણી પહોંચાડે છે. તે બાકી રિફિલ્સની સંખ્યા પણ ટ્ર trackક કરશે અને જ્યારે તમારી પાસે કોઈ રિફિલ્સ બાકી નહીં હોય ત્યારે તમને ચેતવણી આપશે!

    ‍‍ મલ્ટિ-પર્સન સપોર્ટ: વિવિધ લોકોને (અથવા પાળતુ પ્રાણી પણ) ચોક્કસ દવા રિમાઇન્ડર સોંપો. તમારી દવાઓને વ્યક્તિ, આગલા ડોઝનો સમય, ડ્રગ નામ અથવા ડ્રગના પ્રકાર દ્વારા સortર્ટ કરો - જેથી તમે તમારા આખા કુટુંબની દવા શેડ્યૂલ ગોઠવી શકો.

    B>‍ ડોક્ટર અને ફARર્મસી ટ્રેકિંગ: કયા ડોક્ટર કઈ દવા સૂચવે છે તે ટ્રેક કરવા માટે તમારા સંપર્કોનો ઉપયોગ કરો, તેમજ દરેક માટે ફાર્મસી અને પ્રિસ્ક્રિપ્શન નંબરને ટ્ર trackક કરો.

    B> ડ્રગ ડેટાબેઝ: ડ્રગની માહિતી દાખલ કરવી સરળ છે! ડ્રગના નામ, પ્રકાર, રકમ, શક્તિ અને માર્ગને પૂર્વ-વસ્તી બનાવવા માટે અમારા ડ્રગ ડેટાબેઝમાંથી ફક્ત તમારી દવા પસંદ કરો.

    કસ્ટમ ડ્રેગ ફોટા: તેને વધુ સરળતાથી ઓળખવા માટે દરેક ડ્રગના તમારા ફોટા લો. ડ્રગના ફોટા સાથે, તમે ખાતરી કરી શકો છો કે જ્યારે કોઈ ડોઝ લેવાનું હોય ત્યારે તમે યોગ્ય દવા લઈ રહ્યાં છો.

    પ્રો આવૃત્તિ 7-દિવસની મફત અજમાયશ સાથે આવે છે. તે કોઈપણ સમયે રદ કરી શકાય છે.
    આત્મવિશ્વાસપૂર્વક યોગ્ય દવા, યોગ્ય રીત, યોગ્ય સમયે, દર વખતે ડોઝકાસ્ટ - પીલ રીમાઇન્ડર અને મેડિકેશન ટ્રેકર એપ્લિકેશન સાથે લો!
  • EMS Pocket Drug Guide Мод APK 9.0.275 [Premium] 3.8

    EMS Pocket Drug Guide Мод APK 9.0.275 [Premium]


    This is the first EMS pocket drug guide that contains the detailed information typically found only in much larger reference books. EMS Pocket Drug Guide is a true must-have for any level EMS provider from basic to advanced. Small enough to fit in a shirt pocket, it should always be with you for quick, reliable reference in the field.

    ***This is a fully functional 1-day trial version***


     • The detail you need without sacrificing ease of use
     • Essential information on 1000 of the most commonly prescribed medications and more than 70 drugs most often used in the pre-hospital setting
     • Drug-specific EMS pearls, including signs and symptoms of overdose and specific overdose management
     • Sections on street drugs and medicinal herbs
     • Quick field reference tables, including cardiac algorithms, weight conversion, and injury severity scores

    An amazing amount of content packed in this excellent reference: EMS Field Medications, Commonly Prescribed Medications: Classification, Commonly Prescribed Medications: Generic and Selected Brand Data, Commonly Used Medicinal Herbs, Common Street Drugs, Reference Tables, Adult Emergency Cardiac Care Medications.

    NEW! Translate words in any other Android app with the Tap to Translate feature, and do it in style with any of the colorful new themes.

    Also includes advanced search and language tools that have become the staple of quality language apps from MobiSystems, Inc.

    SEARCH TOOLS - effortlessly find words thanks to a clear, functional, and easy-to-use interface.

    Intelligent search integrates several tools to match or suggest what you are looking for:
     • Search autocomplete helps find words quickly by displaying predictions as you type
     • Keyword lookup allows you to search within compound words and phrases
     • An automatic ‘Fuzzy filter' to correct word spelling, as well as ‘Wild card' ('*' or '?') to replace a letter or entire parts of a word
     • Camera search looks up words in the camera viewfinder and displays results
     • Use our Voice search when you don't know how an entry is spelled.
     • Share word definitions via installed apps on your device
     • NEW! Tap to Translate entries in other apps.
     • Swipe-to-delete functionality in the Recent and Favorites menus.

    LEARNING TOOLS - engaging features that help you further enhance your vocabulary.

     • ‘Favorites' feature to create custom folders with lists of words from the extensive library
     • ‘Recent' list to easily review looked-up words
     • ‘Word of the day' section to expand your vocabulary daily
     • Home screen widget provides random words at a glance
     • Split screen support for Android 7 allowing you to use the dictionary simultaneously with other apps.

    Get MORE by purchasing the full version:

     • Permanently unlock the complete features list
     • Offline mode - look up words without an internet connection
     • Premium Support – Get expedited support for any app-related issues
     • Ad-free
  • Sanford Guide Collection Мод APK 2.1.17 [Subscribed] 4.0

    Sanford Guide Collection Мод APK 2.1.17 [Subscribed]


    Sanford Guide Collection provides subscribers to Sanford Guide Collection, Sanford Guide All Access, and Sanford Guide with Stewardship Assist with integrated coverage of Antimicrobial Therapy, HIV/AIDS Therapy and Hepatitis Therapy. Content is updated on an ongoing basis, so users will always have access to the latest information. A subscription is required.

    Full text search provides fast access while intuitive menus provide an alternative way to navigate our content. Interactive tables, calculators, and other tools are included and updated regularly. Institutional users of Sanford Guide to Stewardship Assist also have access to local guidelines and antibiograms.

    Coverage includes: clinical syndromes (by anatomic system/site of infection), pathogens (bacterial, fungal, mycobacterial, parasitic and viral), anti-infective drugs (dosing, adverse effects, activity, pharmacology, interactions), comprehensive coverage of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis, preventative therapy, all evidence-based, extensively referenced and updated as new information becomes available.
  • FM App Мод APK 2.0 [Unlocked] 3.5

    FM App Мод APK 2.0 [Unlocked]


    FM App je razvijen kako bi omogućio svim praktičarima da pregledaju mjesto CC i CF, brže pronalaženje informacija i bolji tretman vaših pacijenata.
    Ta će aplikacija omogućiti prikaz bodova po segmentu tijela ili slijedom \ dijagonale. Omogućit će vam da vidite najbolju poziciju za tretman za svaku pojedinu točku i pronaći svoj antagonist jednim klikom.
    Nadamo se da ćemo vam dati novi alat za poboljšanje vaše vještine u Fascial Manipulation.
    Lijepi pozdrav,

    Fascial Manipulation Institute iz Stecca
  • Guidelines Мод APK 3.2.37 [Paid for free][Unlocked] 3.9

    Guidelines Мод APK 3.2.37 [Paid for free][Unlocked]


    Clinical guideline summaries of the major primary and shared care guidelines in the UK

    FREE to UK registered healthcare professionals thanks to sponsorship, for more information: https://www.guidelines.co.uk/the-app.


    • Up to date content from the Guidelines handbook plus additional summaries from Guidelines.co.uk and Guidelinesfornurses.co.uk

    • Fully searchable

    • Receive notifications of new and updated summaries

    • Works offline so that your summaries are always available

    • Bookmark feature to keep track of your favourite summaries

    • Notes feature to annotate relevant summaries.


    1) Download and open the Guidelines app

    2) Log in with your EXISTING guidelines.co.uk account details: your email address and password.

    Access to content is FREE to UK registered healthcare professionals thanks to sponsorship.

    Privacy policy and terms of use: https://www.guidelines.co.uk/privacy
  • USMLE Exam Prep 2019 Edition Мод APK 1.9.5 [Remove ads][Free purchase][Unlocked][No Ads] 3.5

    USMLE Exam Prep 2019 Edition Мод APK 1.9.5 [Remove ads][Free purchase][Unlocked][No Ads]


    จริงๆคุณต้องการที่จะได้รับคะแนนสูงในการสอบ USMLE ของคุณหรือไม่

    สหรัฐอเมริกาออกใบอนุญาตการแพทย์ตรวจสอบ (USMLE) เป็นหลายส่วนการสอบมืออาชีพได้รับการสนับสนุนโดยสภาบอร์ดรัฐแพทย์ (FSMB) และคณะกรรมการแห่งชาติของแพทย์ชันสูตร (NBME)

    เตรียมสอบ USMLE ให้การฝึกอบรมหลายคำถามสำหรับผู้ที่ต้องการจะใช้การทดสอบและผ่านการสอบ USMLE เราจะใช้การสอบแต่ละครั้งและทำลายมันลงพื้นที่เพื่อให้ความรู้คุณสามารถกรองการประชุมการศึกษาของคุณขึ้นอยู่กับความต้องการของคุณ

    - ชีวเคมีและพันธุศาสตร์
    - รังสีวิทยาหน้าอก
    - Vignette คลินิก
    - การแพทย์
    - จุลชีววิทยา
    - ระบบประสาท
    - ประสาท
    - สูติศาสตร์และนรีเวชวิทยา
    - พยาธิวิทยา
    - กุมารเวชศาสตร์
    - การวินิจฉัยโรคทางกายภาพ
    - ศัลยกรรม
    - จิตเวชศาสตร์
    - พยาธิสรีรวิทยา
    - คลินิกสะเปะสะปะ
    - รังสีวิทยาหน้าอก
    - เวชศาสตร์ป้องกัน

    - กว่า 3000 คำถามที่จะปฏิบัติกับ
    - สมจริงเช่นเดียวกับการทดสอบจริงการทดสอบการปฏิบัติของเราจะขึ้นอยู่กับผลการทดสอบอย่างเป็นทางการ
    - คำอธิบายรายละเอียด: เมื่อคุณทำผิดพลาด app ที่จะบอกคุณทันทีถ้าคำตอบของคุณเป็นสิ่งที่ผิดและทำไม คุณเข้าใจและจำได้ทุกคำตอบที่ผิด
    - ส่วนบุคคลท้าทายธนาคาร: การทดสอบที่ทำขึ้นโดยอัตโนมัติคำถามพลาดของคุณจากการทดสอบการปฏิบัติของคุณ
    - คำถามใหม่ทุกครั้งที่: เพื่อให้คุณมุ่งเน้นไปที่เราสุ่มคำถามและคำตอบทุกครั้งที่คุณเริ่มต้นการทดสอบการปฏิบัติ
    - ไม่ต้องลงทะเบียน
    - การแจ้งเตือนการปฏิบัติ
    - ติดตามและตรวจสอบความคืบหน้าของ วิเคราะห์ผลการดำเนินงานของคุณและหาเมื่อคุณได้มาถึงมาตรฐานการทดสอบ

    หวังว่าคุณชอบ USMLE Exam Prep App

    เราชอบที่จะได้ยินจากคุณ กรุณาส่งความคิดเห็นของคุณเพื่อ [email protected]
  • Sobotta Anatomy Мод APK 2.10.5 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Sobotta Anatomy Мод APK 2.10.5 [Unlocked]


    Download the Sobotta Anatomy App free of charge and test its full functionality with 40 unrestricted anatomical figures for medical school training and testing.
    Try the apps two review and test approaches to see which works for you. After trying out the free basic version on the app you can purchase either the entire content or choose subchapters applicable to your medical specialization.

    The Sobotta App enables you to hone, review and test your anatomy knowledge on the go so that you are prepared, not only for your anatomy tests and exams but also in practice. Around 250.000 new users used the Sobotta Anatomy App to help them succeed in 2016 alone.

    Thanks to the constant feedback of existing and new users we have been able to develop the app further adding new features and optimizing existing ones. Together we have built one of the world's leading medical apps with predominantly five star ratings. Your input drives us to get even better at helping our users achieve their goals.

    The Sobotta Anatomy App, based on over 100 years of precision anatomical publishing knowledge, is the easiest and most enjoyable way to learn anatomy and test your skills. It is an anatomically-detailed app with over 25,000 precisely placed pins covering the complete human body:

    - General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System
    - Internal Organs
    - Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy.

    The Sobotta Anatomy App ranks among the best mobile anatomy atlas and training apps for the mobile and tablet use on the market today! It enables you constantly improve your knowledge in more than one way by allowing you to actively choose between two different study approaches:

    - The Classical Method: Study each figure step-by-step
    - The Elsevier Method: Choose the opportunity to cyclically repeat terminology you find difficult

    or hard to remember in order to increase knowledge intake

    The Sobotta Anatomy App is a learning-designed anatomy atlas that was developed and tested in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Jens Waschke and Prof. Dr. Friedrich Paulsen, two professors of human anatomy. Prof. Dr. Jens Waschke is MD Professor and Head of Department of Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology at Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich and Prof. Dr. Friedrich Paulsen is Head Department Anatomy II at the Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen.

    • The basic version includes 40 anatomy figures for FREE
    • In App purchase of entire content (around 1.600 figures) or choose relevant anatomic subsets
    • Unmatchable image and zoom quality
    • Pop-up clinical remarks and legends
    • Search (key words or plate numbers)
    • Use anywhere and choose between two training modes: classical step-by-step learning or via repetition using the Elsevier method
    • Create customized training lists
    • The content is available to you in 3 language combinations within your app: English/English, English/Latin, German/Latin
    • International anatomic standard terminology - Terminologia Anatomica
    • Buy once and use your purchase on up to 3 mobile devices.
    • Created for mobile and tablet use

    We want to know what you think. Write an app review or send your feedback to [email protected].
    If you have technical or feature problems please send the details of the problem along with the device and OS you use to the above mentioned email as well.
  • Mental Disorders Premium Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Mental Disorders Premium Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked]


    The application helps to boost your knowledge about mental disorders. Millions of people all over the world are affected by a wide variety of mental problems. Therefore, this app may be useful for everyone, both professionals and people who are just interested in good reading.
  • IBM Micromedex Drug Int. Мод APK 3.1 [Subscribed] 3.6

    IBM Micromedex Drug Int. Мод APK 3.1 [Subscribed]


    With IBM Micromedex Drug Int., clinicians can check a patient's entire medication list simultaneously for potentially harmful interactions and view severity ratings that range from contraindicated to minor. This app provides insight into:
    • Why the drugs in question interact.
    • How the results of those interactions will present in the patient.
    • Recommendations for monitoring patient outcomes.

    IBM Micromedex Drug Int. is a reliable resource for on-the-go access to the industry's most trusted clinical reference information, providing users with more informed treatment decisions at the point of care. An internet connection is not required, allowing you to make decisions with confidence at anytime, from anywhere.

    Not sure if your institution subscribes to IBM Micromedex via the internet? Check with your Chief Medical Officer, Director of Pharmacy, Medical Librarian, or anyone else at your facility responsible for clinical reference information.

    If the facility you work at subscribes to IBM Micromedex via the internet, follow these instructions to obtain a password:

    1.Login to IBM Micromedex through your subscribing facility
    2.Click on the “Download Center” link near the top of the application
    3.Refer to the detailed downloading instructions, which include your password for activating the application at no charge.

    If you cannot locate the “Download Center” link please contact support at https://www.ibm.com/support/home/pages/support-guide/?product=4592217

    Existing paid customers will continue to have access to the content going forward.
  • Micromedex Drug Reference Мод APK 2.1 [Subscribed] 3.6

    Micromedex Drug Reference Мод APK 2.1 [Subscribed]


    การเข้าถึง Micromedex Drug Reference ต้องใช้รหัสผ่าน เมื่อคุณดาวน์โหลดแอปแล้ว ให้ทำตามคำแนะนำเหล่านี้เพื่อรับรหัสผ่าน (ซึ่งจำเป็นต้องป้อนเพียงครั้งเดียวต่อปี):

    1. เข้าสู่ระบบ Merative Micromedex ผ่านการสมัครสมาชิกออนไลน์ของคุณ
    2. คลิกที่ลิงค์ “การเข้าถึงแอปพลิเคชันมือถือ” ใกล้ด้านบนของแอปพลิเคชัน
    3. โปรดดูคำแนะนำในการดาวน์โหลดโดยละเอียด ซึ่งรวมถึงรหัสผ่านของคุณสำหรับการเปิดใช้งานแอปบนอุปกรณ์เคลื่อนที่โดยไม่มีค่าใช้จ่าย

    หากคุณไม่พบลิงก์ "การเข้าถึงแอปพลิเคชันบนมือถือ" หรือมีคำถามอื่นๆ เกี่ยวกับแอปนี้ โปรดติดต่อฝ่ายสนับสนุนผ่านทาง https://merative.my.site.com/mysupport/s/micromedex-support-request
    เข้าถึงเนื้อหาตามหลักฐานที่คุณเชื่อถือในโซลูชันออนไลน์ของ Merative Micromedex ได้ทุกที่ ทุกเวลา ผ่านอุปกรณ์ Android ของคุณ

    การอ้างอิงยาของ Micromedex ช่วยให้ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านการดูแลทางคลินิกสามารถเข้าถึงข้อมูลยาที่น่าเชื่อถือที่สุดในอุตสาหกรรมได้ทุกที่ทุกเวลาที่จำเป็นที่สุด ผู้ใช้จะรู้สึกอุ่นใจเมื่อรู้ว่าเนื้อหาได้รับการสนับสนุนโดยกระบวนการบรรณาธิการที่ละเอียดถี่ถ้วนและเป็นกลางเช่นเดียวกับโซลูชัน Merative Micromedex ทั้งหมด

    เมื่อดาวน์โหลดหรืออัปเดตเนื้อหาแล้ว ไม่จำเป็นต้องมีการเชื่อมต่ออินเทอร์เน็ต ช่วยให้เข้าถึงได้ทุกที่ทุกเวลา

    แอปนี้เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของชุดแอป Micromedex Medication Management ซึ่งรวมถึง Micromedex Drug Interactions และความเข้ากันได้ของ Micromedex IV แอปทั้งสามนี้เป็นโซลูชันที่ยอดเยี่ยมสำหรับความต้องการในการจัดการยาขณะเดินทางของคุณ

    แอปอ้างอิงยาของ Micromedex ประกอบด้วยข้อมูลที่กระชับเกี่ยวกับคำค้นหากว่า 4,500 รายการ ซึ่งครอบคลุมความต้องการทั่วไป เช่น:

    • ปริมาณผู้ใหญ่และเด็ก
    • ผลกระทบ (แยกเป็น "ทั่วไป" และ "ร้ายแรง")
    • ปฏิกิริยาระหว่างยา

    • การบริหาร
    • คำเตือนเกี่ยวกับกล่องดำ
    • การให้นมบุตร
    • ชื่อทางการค้าทั่วไป
    • ข้อห้ามใช้
    • การปรับขนาดยา
    • ชื่อทั่วไป รวมถึงผลิตภัณฑ์แบบผสมผสานที่เลือก
    • วิธีการจัดหา
    • ข้อบ่งใช้ (แยกเป็น “ฉลาก อย.” และ “ฉลาก อย.”)
    • กลไกการออกฤทธิ์
    • การตรวจสอบ
    • ข้อควรระวัง
    • หมวดการตั้งครรภ์
    • ชั้นเรียนบำบัด

    • อัพเดททุกเดือน
    • ความสามารถในการใช้งานโดยไม่ต้องใช้ WiFi หรือการเชื่อมต่อเซลลูลาร์
  • Quick Medical Diagnosis Мод APK 10.0.413 [Premium] 3.6

    Quick Medical Diagnosis Мод APK 10.0.413 [Premium]


    เมื่อทุกคนนับสองหันไป ด่วนแพทย์วินิจฉัยโรคและการรักษา - สุดยอดการโทรและสำนักงานสหาย นี้คล่องตัวอ้างอิงการจัดตัวอักษรให้วินิจฉัยและการรักษาข้อมูลตามหลักฐานมากกว่า 950 โรคและความผิดปกติที่พบเป็นประจำในโรงพยาบาลและผู้ป่วยนอกการตั้งค่า

    *** นี่คือการทำงานอย่างเต็มที่รุ่นทดลอง 1 วัน ***


    & # 8226; & # 8195; ทันทีเข้าถึงข้อมูลที่สำคัญเนื้อหามาจากปัจจุบันการแพทย์การวินิจฉัยและการรักษา (CMDT) ที่เชื่อถือได้มากที่สุดข้อความยาภายในการปรับปรุงเป็นประจำทุกปีของโลก
    & # 8226; & # 8195; รายการโรครวมถึงคุณสมบัติที่สำคัญ, ผลการวิจัยทางคลินิกการวินิจฉัยการรักษาผลและหลักฐาน
    & # 8226; & # 8195; การปรับปรุงวารสารเพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าข้อมูลทางคลินิกที่มีความถูกต้องและทันสมัย

    แม็กซีนเอ Papadakis - ศาสตราจารย์แมรี่แลนด์ของแพทย์รองคณบดีของนักเรียนโรงเรียนสาธิตแห่งมหาวิทยาลัยแพทย์แห่งแคลิฟอร์เนียซานฟรานซิส
    สตีเฟ่นเจ McPhee - ศาสตราจารย์นพแพทยศาสตร์กิตติคุณกองกรมสามัญอายุรศาสตร์มหาวิทยาลัยแพทย์แห่งแคลิฟอร์เนียซานฟรานซิส

    ใหม่! แปลคำใน Android app อื่น ๆ ที่มีแตะเพื่อแปลคุณลักษณะและทำในรูปแบบใด ๆ ของรูปแบบใหม่ที่มีสีสัน

    นอกจากนี้ยังรวมถึงการค้นหาและภาษาเครื่องมือขั้นสูงที่ได้กลายเป็นแก่นของปพลิเคชันภาษาที่มีคุณภาพจาก MobiSystems, Inc

    เครื่องมือค้นหาที่. - ง่ายดายพบคำขอบคุณที่อินเตอร์เฟซที่ชัดเจนการทำงานและง่ายต่อการใช้งาน

    & # 8226; & # 8195; การเติมข้อความอัตโนมัติค้นหา ช่วยให้คุณค้นหาคำได้อย่างรวดเร็วด้วยการแสดงการคาดการณ์ขณะที่คุณพิมพ์
    & # 8226; & # 8195; ค้นหาคำหลัก ช่วยให้คุณค้นหาภายในคำสารประกอบและวลี
    & # 8226; & # 8195; กำลังมองหาคำที่เฉพาะเจาะจง แต่ไม่ทราบวิธีการที่จะสะกด? เราได้มีคุณครอบคลุมด้วยโดยอัตโนมัติ "ฟัซซี่กรองของเรา เพื่อแก้ไขการสะกดคำเช่นเดียวกับ 'บัตร Wild' ( '*' หรือ '?') แทน ตัวอักษรหรือทั้งชิ้นส่วนของคำ
    & # 8226; & # 8195; ค้นหากล้อง เงยหน้าขึ้นมองคำในช่องมองภาพกล้องและแสดงผลในไม่กี่วินาที
    & # 8226; & # 8195; ใช้ของเรา ค้นหาด้วยเสียง เมื่อคุณไม่ทราบว่ารายการจะถูกสะกด
    & # 8226; & # 8195; ใหม่! แตะเพื่อแปล รายการในปพลิเคชันอื่น ๆ
    & # 8226; & # 8195; คำจำกัดความแบ่งปัน คำผ่านทางแอพพลิเคติดตั้งบนอุปกรณ์ของคุณ
    เครื่องมือการเรียนรู้ -. คุณลักษณะของการมีส่วนร่วมที่ช่วยให้คุณส่งเสริมคำศัพท์ของคุณ

    & # 8226; & # 8195; ได้รับการออกแบบเพื่อให้คุณมีอิสระในการจัดโครงสร้างการศึกษาของคุณวิธีที่คุณเห็นพอดีกับตัวเลือก 'ชื่นชอบ' ช่วยให้คุณสามารถสร้างโฟลเดอร์ที่กำหนดเองกับรายการของคำจากห้องสมุดใหญ่ของรายการ
    & # 8226; & # 8195; รายการ ‘ล่าสุด' เพื่อให้ง่ายต่อการตรวจสอบคำเงยหน้าขึ้น
    & # 8226; & # 8195; เรียนรู้คำใหม่ทุกวันด้วย ‘คำพูดของวัน' ตัวเลือกของเรา
    & # 8226; & # 8195; เครื่องมือหน้าจอหลักให้คำที่สุ่มได้อย่างรวดเร็ว


    & # 8226; & # 8195; ถาวรปลดล็อคสมบูรณ์รายการคุณสมบัติ
    & # 8226; & # 8195; โหมดออฟไลน์ - ไม่มี WiFi ไม่มีปัญหา เซฟคำบนอุปกรณ์ของคุณจะดูโดยไม่จำเป็นต้องมีการเชื่อมต่ออินเทอร์เน็ต
    & # 8226; & # 8195; การสนับสนุนลำดับความสำคัญ - การใช้งานเร่งด่วนสำหรับปัญหาใด ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับการตรวจสอบ
    # & 8226; & # 8195; ไม่มีโฆษณา - ไม่มีโฆษณามากขึ้นในแอป
  • Thérapeutique en Médecine Générale Мод APK 1.0.2 [Unlocked][Cracked] 3.6

    Thérapeutique en Médecine Générale Мод APK 1.0.2 [Unlocked][Cracked]


    Ouvrage de thérapeutique en médecine générale. Il comporte 18 chapitres concernant les situations de soins aux patients en médecine générale. Chaque texte reprend des rappels cliniques, les ressources et les stratégies thérapeutiques. Ils sont illustrés d'exemples accompagnés de modèles de prescriptions.
    Cet ouvrage est destiné aux internes de médecine générale, aux jeunes professionnels comme aux médecins generalistes soucieux de se tenir à jour.
  • Synthesis Repertory (ENG) Мод APK 1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Synthesis Repertory (ENG) Мод APK 1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The most reliable and comprehensive Homeopathic Repertory for accurate prescribing and best results. Create initial analysis at the patient bedside - easy to use, intuitive interface.

    This full version contains all (41) chapters including veterinary* symptoms.

    Synthesis App Features
    • The Full Synthesis edition 2009V
    • More than 2.500 pages, 180.400 rubrics, 1.077.000 remedy entries
    • Veterinary* rubrics and additions (*only in the English and German versions)
    • Kent's Treasure corrections and additions
    • Künzli dots
    • Take up to 25 symptoms in a symptom clipboard
    • Place and keep bookmarks for later reference
    • Create initial analysis at the patient bedside
    • Send your analysis as PDF to your email
    • Search on words, and find anything quickly and easily
    • No rubrics remain hidden
    • Find and browse as you would in the real book
    • Possibility to save up to 30 analysis in the App
    • Clipboard List management
    • Day/night mode

    • Search for a remedy in multiple Materia Medica
    • Apply the remedy search to the repertory
    • Search for a remedy with maximum rubric size or different degrees
    • Increased storage from 30 to 100 cases
    • Copy/paste a remedy

    NOTE: some features need an internet connection

    Key Benefits
    • Always the full repertory with you, wherever you go
    • Find rubrics as you would in the book
    • Search on keywords and find anything
    • Work offline, no phone network costs
    • Symptom clipboard and bookmarks
    • Create initial analysis at the patient bedside
    • Send to your email as PDF
    • Independent standalone application
    • Companion to RadarOpus
    • Send analysis to RadarOpus and continue
    • Show Remedies and Authors on or off
    • Remedy list with all abbreviations and full names
    • Select display in 5 font sizes

    Quickly find symptoms
    - Browse or look up symptoms as you would in the book
    - Search for symptoms on one or more words
    - Search on a part of a word or full word
    - Search the whole repertory or just in one chapter
    - Jump via cross references and synonym rubrics

    Companion to RadarOpus
    - This is a standalone app, yet compatible as Companion to RadarOpus
    - Send the symptom clipboard to your RadarOpus
    - Continue in RadarOpus and add, delete, underline symptoms and analyze, save clipboards in your patient file.

    - The Synthesis App is available with the English, French, German, Italian or Spanish Synthesis.
    - By the creators of Radar and RadarOpus software and based on the Synthesis Repertory edition 2009, published by Dr. Frederik Schroyens.

    View, Try & Buy
    - View Screenshots of the App http://www.radaropus.com/synthesisapp
    - View the introduction video https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtCbL4PkRJvzMROF2tCDbQFOxR7pbT_Jt
    - Download the manual http://www.radaropus.com/synthesisapp
    - Try out the Synthesis App demo https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=be.archibel.synthesis.en.demo

    Minimum requirements:

    Android 6+
    Memory full version - 250 MB
  • Guia de Urinálise Мод APK 0.0.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Guia de Urinálise Мод APK 0.0.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The application has the main aspects of urinalysis: physical examination, chemical analysis and microscopic analysis. Ideal for biomedicine students, pharmacy and clinical analysis.


    - Physical exam:
    Specific gravity

    - Chemical analysis of urine:
    Reactive strips
    clinical significance

    - Urinary sediment:
    normal / abnormal crystals of acid / alkaline urine
    Epithelial cells

    - Reference values:
    chemical examination
    urinary sediment

    Biomedicando applications
  • Lab Values + Medical Reference Мод APK 3.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Lab Values + Medical Reference Мод APK 3.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    **The lab reference app with by far the most features on the app store!**

    Now available for Android!

    ** 3 in 1: Lab Values, Abbv, Prefix/Suffix is the premium resource for all healthcare professionals and students. Inside this one app you'll find Lab Reference Values, Medical Abbreviations and Medical Prefix/Suffix, all at hand and ready to use, anytime, anywhere.

    You're a busy healthcare worker on the go, seeing patients, helping people. You need answers and references fast, so you can keep the flow going and get to as many patients as you can. That's why you need 3 in 1 Lab Reference on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.

    This is really three medical apps in one. Lab Reference Values, Medical Abbreviations, and Medical Prefix and Suffix, are all inside this amazingly helpful application.

    Everything you need for fast reference is in here – 265 lab values organized into 16 classic categories as well as 12 common panels categories with links to Google, Clinilab Navigator, Lab Tests Online, Medline Plus, and WebMD for more information. Thousands of commonly used abbreviations. More than 400 prefixes/suffixes with the meaning, origin language, etymology, and examples. Vast resources and examples are right at your fingertips, ready for whenever or wherever you might need them, as reminders or as an educational tool.

    What separates us from the rest of the Lab Values apps? Our app is fully customizable. All of the data contained in 3 in 1 Lab Reference if fully editable, so go ahead and customize it to suit your needs or add notes to an entry.

    Look at the indispensable features you get in 3 in 1 Lab Reference:
    * Simple and easy to use interface
    * 3 apps in 1
    * 265 Lab Reference Values in 16 different categories
    * "Common Panels" section to look up lab values organized by commonly ordered lab panels
    * Labs values are presented in SI or US units
    * Thousands of medical abbreviations
    * Over 400 prefixes/suffixes with origin language, etymology, and examples
    * Only medical reference app with fully editable data!
    * Links to important resources including Google, Wikipedia, Medline Plus, Clinlab Navigator, Lab Tests Online, and WebMD
    * Recently viewed section, Favorites section, and powerful search for fast retrieval of data
    * The perfect reference tool for healthcare professionals and students

    Lab Value categories include:
    * Cardiac Labs (12)
    * Renal Labs (6)
    * Urinalysis (14)
    * Electrolytes (19)
    * Acid/Base Balance (8)
    * Iron Studies (9)
    * Pancreatic Disease (5)
    * Liver Disease (13)
    * Tumor Markers (9)
    * Hematology (38)
    * CSF Analysis (11)
    * Lipid Panel (8)
    * Drug Levels (27)
    * Toxicology (7)
    * Endocrine Labs (38)
    * Immunology Labs (23)

    Common Lab Panels include:
    * Acute Viral Hepatitis Panel
    * Arterial Blood Gas
    * Basic Metabolic Panel
    * Coagulation Panel
    * Complete Blood Count
    * Complete Metabolic Panel
    * CSF Analysis
    * Iron Studies
    * Lipid Panel
    * Liver Function Tests
    * Thyroid Function Panel
    * Urinalysis

    Information included for Lab Values includes:
    * Reference Values (SI and US)
    * Critical Values
    * Lab Description
    * Differential diagnosis for elevated values
    * Differential diagnosis for low values
    * Container information
    * Personal comments
    * Additional information section with links to Google, Clinilab Navigator, Lab Tests Online, Web MD, Medline Plus, and Wikipedia
    * Related Labs section

    If you are in the healthcare industry, this app is the one to help you heal others and get through your day productively.
  • Bugs & Drugs Мод APK 2.0.14 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Bugs & Drugs Мод APK 2.0.14 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    We are excited to announce a new subscription-based version of Bugs & Drugs. While we work to make this new version available to you, try our current app free of charge.

    Important News! The Bugs & Drugs Project has heard your feedback and is developing a new app that will include a number of changes to improve your overall Bugs & Drugs experience. The new app will only be available via a yearly subscription model. The current app you have installed will continue to function, but will no longer receive further content updates at some point in 2019. We will let you know when the new version of the Bugs & Drugs app is available and when the current version of the Bugs & Drugs app will stop being updated. At that time, you will be invited to download the new Bugs & Drugs app for the latest updates. We look forward to releasing the new version of the Bugs & Drugs app!

    Bugs & Drugs is a comprehensive, evidence-based reference for physicians, dentists, pharmacists, nurse practitioners and other health care practitioners. Bugs & Drugs provides practitioners with the latest recommendations for the appropriate use of antimicrobials and the optimal treatment and prevention of infectious diseases. It is also a key component of antimicrobial stewardship efforts. This reference can optimize patient outcomes and minimize the unintended consequences of antimicrobial use, including: toxicity, superinfections, resistance and unnecessary treatment costs.

    Bugs & Drugs is divided into six sections:

    1. Antibiotics
    2. Treatment recommendations for infections in children and adults (including selected ophthalmic, fungal, and parasitic infections),
    3. Recommendations for the prevention of infections,
    4. Treatment and prophylaxis of dental infections,
    5. Use of antibiotics in pregnancy/lactation, and
    6. Microbiology

    The Bugs & Drugs app is well suited for healthcare practitioners looking for an evidence based mobile reference and provides therapeutic options in a clear, concise manner.

    Once installed, you do not need internet access to utilize the content. Internet access is only required for initial installation of the app and to receive updates.

    The content was prepared by Dr. Edith Blondel-Hill (Medical Microbiologist/Infectious Diseases Specialist, Kelowna General Hospital) and Ms. Susan Fryters (Antimicrobial Utilization/Infectious Diseases Pharmacist, Alberta Health Services) with the help of over 40 reviewers with expertise in infectious diseases, microbiology, pharmacy, and Public Health. Design and implementation of the app was provided by Saint Street and The 42nd Street Group.
  • MemoIADE Мод APK 1.3.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    MemoIADE Мод APK 1.3.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Professional application for nurse anesthetists (IADE), nurses or other anesthesia professionals.

    This application required many hours of work. The price of this application is intended to support development. All subsequent updates are free and the application has no limited duration.

    !!! Functional application without internet connection !!! Without Advertising!

    This application contains practical sheets as various reminders useful in anesthesia.
    Cardiology: tracing of heart rhythm disturbances and tracing of blocks of branches. Reminders on cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
    Orthopedics: cement, tourniquet recovery of intraoperative blood.
    Gyneco-Obstetrics: CAT in postpartum hemorrhages, cesarean section under GA, Ag of pregnant women excluding childbirth.
    Urology: The turp syndrome.
    Digestive: Hepatic segments, bile ducts
    Miscellaneous: capnography, laparoscopy, standards for blood tests, Malignant hyperthermia, Intoxication with local anesthetics, Allegory difficult IOT
    Maxillo: Lefort's classification
    Operating Positions: DD, DV, DL, Proclive, Trendelenbourg, Gynocologique, Assise
    Ventilation: Abbreviations, VS, VSAI, VC, VAC, VACI, VACI AI, VCRP, VPC, VPAC, BIPAP
    Transfusion: ABO compatibility rules, massive transfusion.
    The Fields: the obese, the full stomach, the coronary, the hypertensive, the insufficient heart, the insufficient renal, the polytraumatized in the operating room, the insufficient respiratory, the elderly ......
    Waking up: Complications of waking up, extubation criteria.
  • Calcium Pro Мод APK 1.5.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Calcium Pro Мод APK 1.5.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Blood calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis are important health issues. The consequences of abnormal levels are often life-changing and occasionally life-threatening. Using this app is the equivalent to spending hours with the world's most experienced doctors teaching you about your calcium, parathyroid, osteoporosis, and vitamin D issues. Your tests results are analyzed to determine if a problem exists, what risks are associated, and what to do about it. Beautiful graphs make understanding these problems simple!

    Blood tests and bone density scans can be difficult to interpret—even many doctors do not diagnose calcium, vitamin D, and parathyroid problems correctly or timely. Hyperparathyroidism is a disease that affects 1 in 800 people and 1 in 250 women over 50 and is very often overlooked while patients suffer from chronic fatigue, memory loss, depression, osteoporosis, bone pain and many other symptoms. Calcium Pro is a powerful software program that will analyze your calcium health and provide you guidance about the status of your bones, kidneys, parathyroid glands, vitamin D, and other related health issues.

    You start by entering your test results for calcium, parathyroid hormone, and vitamin D. Then we look at your bone density (osteoporosis levels). CalciumPro will analyze and graph your tests making them easy to understand. It will let you know the status of your parathyroid glands and your chance of having hyperparathyroidism. Suggested next steps are given. Tracking tools will show your calcium and vitamin D levels over time, and will show if your bones are losing density (worsening osteoporosis), or gaining bone density. There are important learning tools on every page, and an extensive video and reading library at the end. The app will provide guidance about talking to your physician regarding the possible need for surgery and other important steps.

    A Risk Assessment Tool shows your relative risk for conditions associated with high blood calcium: Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Heart Arrhythmias and Palpitations, High Blood Pressure, Kidney Stones and Kidney Failure, GERD, several Cancers, and others. Watch your risk assessment graphs change as you address your calcium problems.

    This app was developed by doctors at the Norman Parathyroid Center, the world's leading parathyroid and calcium treatment center using over 4,000,000 data points from over 30,000 patients. Let the world's leading doctors help you understand these problems so you and your doctor can make important, informed decisions. Take control of your own health!
  • Bone Age Мод APK 1.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Bone Age Мод APK 1.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Метод Таннер-Уайтхаус является система подсчета очков костный возраст благоприятствует педиатров эндокринологов везде. Это занимает больше времени, чтобы сделать, чем Грейлиха & Пайл, и мы всегда отложим до конца клиники, потому что мы должны найти компьютер и получить из атласа.

    Теперь вы можете набрать его в клинике. Быстро. Кость Возраст содержит словарь критериев, чтобы напомнить вам о классах для каждой кости - просто выбрать один для каждой кости и перейти к следующему. Он сообщит вам, когда все кости были забиты и формировать костный возраст (либо ТВП или TWIII) для RUS или кости запястья, или если вы предпочитаете, ТВП а 'двадцать кости' забить, как хорошо.


Скачать 100% рабочие моды
