Дома / Приложение
  • fxguide Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    fxguide Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Take fxguide on the road. With a clean, simple design, our app is designed to focus on the great content you've come to expect from fxguide. Save your favorite articles for offline viewing, easily share content via social media, and activate notifications so you know whenever new content is available for you to check out.

    Since 1999, fxguide has covered the production, post, and visual effects industry. With the support of the community we have published thousands of articles, podcasts, tips and other content.
  • 2ちゃんねるまとめサイトビューア - MT2 Мод APK 1.7.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    2ちゃんねるまとめサイトビューア - MT2 Мод APK 1.7.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The definitive edition of 2ch Summary site viewer!

    Simple and intuitive operation.
    Display is fast easy to see articles.
    Enormous amount of information and rich features.
    It is 2ch Summary site viewer, which is the most selected Thanks.
    The paid version does not appear app bottom of the ad.
    (Article in or destination of the ad will be displayed)

    You can see the more than 2 million articles in more than 100 registered blog "New Order" in the "popularity"!
    In addition, the article of the site will be displayed optimized for Android.

    Such function to others!
    - 2000000 From the above article can cross-search
    - by date, browse articles by blog
    Storage function of-article in the image (long press)
    Bookmarks feature

    ※update information
    > Version1.8.1
    And optimization of UI
    · Image Fixed a problem of storage
    • When the theme was changed, correct the matter which character of the tab can not be seen
    • Adding the setting of the presence or absence of the scroll in the volume buttons
    · Add the left and right position you can change the settings of the scroll button

    > Version1.7.5
    • Some terminals Bug that operation and the scroll of the article becomes heavy in
    Articles and speed of reading
    And stabilization of the operation

    > Version1.7.2
    - Modify the point where the crash at the time of reproduction of Youtube videos on some devices

    > Version1.7.1,1.7,0
    - corresponding to the view of Youtube videos
    Network Fixed point fall in unstable

    > Version1.6.1
    • Some Bug that crashes on the screen Press and hold the terminal

    > Version1.6
    · Character scaling function of
    And functions to open the original article
    And optimization of image size when the image was open
    And correction of the matter that is returned to the top of the page when the image came back to open the

    I do twitter. Please be if good Foro. : @ Matome_2
  • Earthquakes Alert pro Мод APK 1.0.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Earthquakes Alert pro Мод APK 1.0.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Erthquakes Recommendation:
    Place the Earthquakes App on furniture, düring the earthquakes monitoring.

    This app is designed to prevent danger from earthquakes and human Protect!
    You can share our app by WhatsApp with their friends

    Our app uses the same physical sensor and additionally generate a differential-oriented software sensor so that real-time earthquake warnings are generated.

    The program provides a real-time protection for earthquakes and tsunamis. You just need to start the protection and the program works as a sensitive seismograph with alarm.
    If they can, it wishes the application also issue a tsunami warning.

    The advantage of the application is to monitor while you sleep, the sensitivity is so high that even those quakes are registered you do not notice yourself. The phenomenon how the animals feel earthquakes before man notices it is given in this application.

    Among other things, you can also track the history of the latest earthquakes in a list and create your own analysis.

    Earthquakes in other Languages:
    " Deprem , Earthquakes, Esrthquakes, Earthwuakes, Terremoto , earthquake , Erdbeben , aardbeving , lurrikara , tërmet , zemljotres , Linog , tranbleman , tè gempa bumi , jarðskjálfti , terratrèmol , potres terremot , cutremur , jordskalv , lindu , zilzila , daeargryn ,Σεισμός tremblement de terre , girgizar kasa , maanjäristys , aardbewing , tërmet , երկրաշարժ , zəlzələ , земетресение ,
    地震 , भूकंप , 大地震 , зілзала , 지진 , земјотрес , Газар , хөдлөлт , भूकम्प , землетрясение , Земљотрес , заминларза , แผ่นดินไหว ,
    động đất , daeargryn , землятрус , zilzal , zelzele , deprem
  • aText-TV Pro Мод APK 16.11 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    aText-TV Pro Мод APK 16.11 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Over ten years of service for Android teletext fans!

    aText-TV is very fast mini-browser for browsing teletext pages.

    All channels are navigable by gestures, links and page number input. Other features include for example zoom and a page content change watch.

  • Slide for Reddit Pro Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Slide for Reddit Pro Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    IMPORTANT NOTICE: You must have the free version of Slide for Reddit installed to use Slide Pro, this is only an unlock key and contains no application

    Slide for Reddit Pro unlocks some awesome features on Slide for Reddit!

    • Shadowbox mode: Cut the clutter. Shadowbox lets you view images, gifs, and albums in a simple, easy-to-use swiping layout!

    • Gallery mode: View image subreddits in a minimalistic gallery layout!

    • Auto Night Theme: Give your eyes a rest and let Slide automatically change the theme during night hours!

    • Full backup and restore to Google Drive: Sync settings across devices and always keep your configurations backed up to the cloud! This feature utilizes Google Drive for privacy, only you can access your data!

    • Multi-column view: Choose the amount of columns you want in landscape mode, and set multiple columns in portrait mode!

    • Draw on photos to upload!

    • Supports ad-free and open sourced software!
  • Policenews Worldwide Мод APK 2.1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Policenews Worldwide Мод APK 2.1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Policenews contains the most important police messages from currently 12 countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France, England, Scotland, New Zealand, Australia, the US, Canada and Liechtenstein.

    Customize your Policenews and stay as up to date what is happening in your area. Thanks to the automatic news update and timely sources such as RSS, Twitter and other social media sources, police news is always up to date of the current security situation.

    Activate the emergency function, which works on all call-enabled devices. Keeps you in no time connected to the nearest police office. Or find the next station on a map.

    Policenews is one of the most important apps for your smartphone or tablet shortly.
  • Tekst TV Pro fra DR Мод APK 1.10 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Tekst TV Pro fra DR Мод APK 1.10 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Danish text tv. Only useful if you understand danish.
    Udviklet til alle fans af tekst tv.

    Som gratis versionen, bare uden reklamer.

    Hurtig overblik over dagens nyheder med lav dataoverførsel og hentning af sider i baggrunden.

    En uofficiel udgave af DR's tekst tv.

    BEMÆRK: Da indholdet på denne app er hentet fra DR's hjemmeside kan der i sjældne tilfælde være manglende data og app'en vil derfor ikke virke korrekt. I sådan et tilfælde skift kanal eller prøv igen senere.

    Indhold taget fra DR/Tv 2's net tekst tv.

    TekstTv med følgende features:
    - Tryk på sidenummeret for at hoppe direkte til siden. Hold inde indtil rigtig sidenummer er ramt.
    - Knapper til frem/tilbage op/ned
    - Kan også gøres med gestures dvs. flyt fingeren henover skærmen i den retning man vil
    - Springer automatisk over sider der ikke eksisterer
    - Glidende overgang
    - Wdigets
    - Indtast sidetal
    - Favoritter/bogmærker
    - Del billede af Tekst tv side via Twitter/Facebook/MMS/E-mail etc.
    - Mulighed for at et tryk på skærmen for links til alle sidetal på den viste side. Vælges gennem menuen.
    - Henter næste og foregående side i baggrunden. Minimerer ventetiden.

    Indhold på text tv:
    - Nyheder(Finans, Gossip, Sport, Indland, Udland etc.)
    - Live Sport(fodbold/golf på Tv2's)
    - Oddset(Håndbold/tennis etc.)
    - Vejr/Vejrudsigter fra DMI
    - Kurser på Aktier, Valuta og Obligationer. Kun på Tv 2.
    - TV, Tv guide og Radio
    - Trafik info
    - Nyhederne
    - Rejse/ferie
    Plus alt der nu ellers findes på tekst tv.

    I tilfælde af fejl eller andre uhensigtsmæssigheder(ved f.eks isssues på skærmstørrelser jeg ikke har testet) så kontakt mig venligst, så jeg kan få rettet op.

    Giv venligst en karakter hvis du kan lide denne tekst tv app eller bare sig tak:-)

    Hent evt. også min Vejr app med vejret fra DMI:
  • ОБЗОР Pro NT Baykal Apps Мод APK 3.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    ОБЗОР Pro NT Baykal Apps Мод APK 3.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]



    REVIEW Pro HT - Overview of New Technologies

     - A news portal with unique features ORGANIZATION AND STORAGE NEEDED

    In today's world we are surrounded by a wealth of information to sort and choose the really useful and necessary only to you, to help our application.

    ANNEX "REVIEW Pro HT" you can:

    SAVE ANY article in "list." Stored in the cache device or card CD.

    In the "elite" - create an unlimited number of folders, and rename and move.

    CLASS 21 (section)-helps to quickly find an interesting article on the topic.

    LARGE BASE (over 75,000 articles and videos) - available even in the Off-Line (without the internet).

    SEARCH - quickly find the desired text or video (by date of publication, title of the news on a word or sentence in the article.)

    VIDEO - download videos from YouTube in CASH or CD memory card of your smartphone or tablet.

    In the "boot" - to order all the videos in the folder you created.

    OPPORTUNITY - create folders in the folder. Convenient for storing large amounts of information.
                                - Save the data in the cloud.
                                - Share with friends in social networks.

    UNIQUE OFFER FOR ALL USERS: Revision "Review Pro HT" is ready to be placed (free) Your articles, reviews and videos appps in Annex "Review Pro NT" and on the website www.obzor.pw www.iappstee.com and if they do not contradict the laws of the Russian Federation and will be useful for the users.

    In categories (sections) of the application - you can find the most relevant and interesting information on virtually any subject. All the latest developments in the world of new technologies in various fields of human activities, from sports to PROGRAMMING.

    REVIEWS -Browse applications for mobile devices
    TIPS / LayfHak
    Books and Authors
    EDUCATION and video tutorials
    Tools and Technology

    Write to us: [email protected]
  • The Black Vault Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    The Black Vault Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    The Black Vault Companion App offers users a long list of features and EXCLUSIVE content not available on TheBlackVault.com - one of the internet's largest destinations for all things government secrets, cover-ups, and the unknown!

    This app features:

    - A massive research archive of declassified government documents, already more than 1,500,000 pages in size.
    - Recent and past case files like UFO sightings, alien abductions, chem trail reports, ghost reports, cryptozoology and much more.
    - Videos and streaming media on all sorts of topics
    - REAL-TIME updates on a popular Message Forum at TheBlackVault.com


    The Black Vault is a massive research center archiving what the U.S. government is trying to hide... from YOU.

    One of the biggest sections on The Black Vault is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Government Document archive, spanning more than ONE MILLION pages of material. You will also find a popular message forum, a case file database to submit your own cases along with viewing others (like UFOs, Paranormal and Military Activity etc.), a chat room, a radio network, and much more!
  • Earthquake Alerts Tracker Pro Мод APK 1.1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Earthquake Alerts Tracker Pro Мод APK 1.1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Earthquake Alerts Tracker Pro allows you to track when a earthquake occurs around the world.
    With a Holo interface you can have the latest earthquakes, have notifications when they happen based on the time frequency you chose.


    - Track latest earthquakes from around the world
    - Notification Alerts
    You will receive a notification when a earthquake happens, based on the frequency and magnitude you chose
    - Select the minimum magnitude
    - Three Holo themes to chose from
    - No ads
  • Terremoti Italia No Banner Мод APK 3.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Terremoti Italia No Banner Мод APK 3.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Try the free version first. But then uninstall it before purchase.
    Stay up to date on the latest earthquakes in Italy and view them on the map along the active faults and seismic hazard map of Italian.
    Check the distance from your home, the instrumental duration of the shock and the people involved in the event.
    Share on Facebook, Twitter or Wathsapp, or via email or SMS.
    Search earthquakes occurred from the year 1000.
    Always keep an eye on the map widget with the latest events (may not work if the app is moved to SD).
    Watch as she seismic sequences are performed.
    Available notice of new shocks and automatic updating of the list when the application is inactive.
    From time to time it may be included in the list even very strong earthquakes occurred in other parts of the world but also recorded by Italian instruments.
    The data are taken from the National Institute of Geophysics site that publish them at least 15-30 minutes after the quake.

    frequently asked questions

    1) Do not I receive notifications of new shocks: why?
    Increasingly we come across energy saving systems on Android phones that bring into "hibernation" the applications. To properly receive notifications must avoid Earthquakes Italy ends the list of those to be "put to sleep".

    2) Because it does not work anymore the widget?
    You probably have moved the application on SD. Android does not allow the operation of widget app that are on SD.

    3) Sometimes the alerts do not arrive or arrive late.
    If the app is moved to SD, there may be some disruption when the SD is removed.

    4) When I open the map the application crashes.
    There are some Android devices on the market with a defect in the Google map display software. If the problem also occurs with other applications may be due to this.

    5) Why is there a half-hour delay between the shock and the notice in the application?
    Is there a minimum delay with which the public INGV data. There are currently more rapid sources. Sometimes the delay may also increase (1 hour); rarely decrease.

    6) The application would be more useful if it gave the warning BEFORE the quake. It can be done?
    It sounds like a joke, but occasionally is asked this question (even among the app comments). Unfortunately the scientific knowledge today DO NOT ALLOW TO PREDICT time and place of the shock. In Italy we are the forefront of research in this field and we know very well, however, what are the areas most at risk where you have to build with due caution!

    7) Why is the time reported is different from that of the INGV site?
    The time of the INGV site is to Greenwich without DST. The application, however, shows the correct time with the phone settings (+2 in Italy with DST).

    8) You may have added a filter about the places of interest?
    Locations are added by INGV technical and not necessarily follow a well-defined convention: there is a distance-based filter and the distance display of shock.

    9) you may have a longer historical?
    The historian is based on data of the Italian Seismic Bulletin dating back to 2002 and a historical database with data up to the year 1000.

    10) What have earthquakes of other nations?
    In some cases the INGV also includes these earthquakes, evidently because of considerable intensity and also detected by us.

    11) When I open the map app crashes.
    There are some devices on the market with ROM badly made, on which the app using Google maps (except Google Maps) do not work.
    One of these is the Mediacom 715 (first version),

    12) To what scale is the magnitude?
    Richter scale
  • London Review of Books Мод APK 3.3.2288 [Free purchase][Unlocked][AOSP compatible] 3.8

    London Review of Books Мод APK 3.3.2288 [Free purchase][Unlocked][AOSP compatible]


    The London Review of Books este cea mai importantă revistă europeană de cărți și idei.

    Publicat de două ori pe lună, LRB găzduiește cele mai interesante scrieri despre literatură, istorie, politică, filozofie, artă, poezie și multe altele.

    Ești deja abonat? Pur și simplu instalați aplicația și conectați-vă cu detaliile de conectare pe site-ul dvs. LRB.

    Caracteristicile aplicației
    - Citiți LRB oriunde, chiar și offline
    - Primiți cel mai recent număr miercuri, înainte de a ajunge la chioșc de ziare
    - Salvați articolele pentru referințe ulterioare
    - Redimensionați textul pentru o citire ușoară
    - Opțiunea mod întunecat
    - Accesați zece ani de LRB care datează din 2014
  • Q Alerts: QAnon Q Drops, QAlerts Notifications App Мод APK 4.1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Q Alerts: QAnon Q Drops, QAlerts Notifications App Мод APK 4.1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Q Alerts notifies you quickly when Q Anon makes new drops. It also allows you to search, browse, share and research QAnon posts & much much more.

    Q Alerts is the first & original Q Android app as well as the most downloaded & actively developed. See why the top researchers rely on Q Alerts.

    كما يدعم اللغة العربية. বাংলা ভাষাও সমর্থন করে। 还支持中文。 Prend également en charge la langue française. साथ ही हिंदी भाषा का समर्थन करता है। Também suporta idioma português. Также поддерживает русский язык. También es compatible con el idioma español. Unterstützt auch die deutsche Sprache. Juga mendukung bahasa Indonesia. Supporta anche la lingua italiana. 日本語にも対応。 Türk dilini de destekler. اردو زبان کی بھی حمایت کرتا ہے۔


    » Q Alerts will send a push notification to your device within a few minutes of when QAnon makes a new drop.

    » New Q posts are marked as unread allowing you to easily see which drops are unread.

    » Swipe left or right, use the bottom navigation or use the volume rocker to view the next or previous Q Anon drop.

    » Add any Q post to your list of favorites Q drops by tapping the Punisher Skull icon when viewing a post. Easily view a list of all of your saved favorites with a single tap.

    » Record analysis, notes or decodes for any drop by tapping the Notepad icon. Easily view a list of all Q posts & their notes with a single tap. You can also export your notes for safe keeping or further research elsewhere.

    » Share any post via email, social media, clipboard, browser link & more. You can also easily generate & download an image of any post for uploading to social media, thus overcoming censorship.

    » Links to the original Q drop on 8kun.net as well as menu options to view post on other popular sites. The full version also allows viewing the post on 8kun via the Tor & Loki networks (requires Tor Project and/or Loki.Network software to be installed).

    » Tap an image to view full-sized.

    » Links within posts are tap-able & are opened in the appropriate application.

    » Long-press sections within a Q drop to copy to your clipboard. Long-press images to save the image to your device.

    » Choose from 12 color schemes; Dark, Light, QMap.pub, QMap.pub Light, QAnon.pub, QAlerts.app, Pink Camo, Gab, Gab Dark, Discord & MARPAT.

    » Adjustable Font size

    » Icons are displayed along with each Q post, allowing you to easily identify the properties of each drop.

    » You can choose to show or not show image thumbnails in the list. You can also opt to show thumbnails at full device width.

    » Q Alerts can also optionally automatically save all images associated with Q drops that you view to your camera roll.

    » Searchable list of acronyms/abbreviations that are often used. Not sure what +++ or RR means? Easily find the answer. Many definitions also have thumbnails. Long-press a definition to copy it to your clipboard. This list may also be shared.

    » For newbies, the globe icon includes links to the original boards, other consolidated research sites as well as popular YouTube channels who do a great job at decoding Q Anon crumbs.

    » Not interested in loading all posts from back to 10/28/2017? Use "Max Posts to Show". This can also greatly speed up load times.

    » Offline mode & resiliency: The app will detect if you do not have an Internet connection & automatically load the most recent downloaded data, images Android has automatically cached or images you have opted to have auto-downloaded as well as a locally stored list of acronyms/abbreviations, sites & YouTube channels. The app will also automatically detect if our primary site goes down due to attack & move onto built-in pre-planned resiliency protocols.

    …and many more features designed by a Patriot for Patriots. Be sure to visit “Settings” to explore them all & make your QAlerts installation your own.

    * Note: Some features/options may require enabling in Settings.

    Enjoy the show, WWG1WGA!
  • Pure news widget (scrollable) Мод APK 1.5.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Pure news widget (scrollable) Мод APK 1.5.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Pure news widget is a scrollable widget for news reading (Rss/Atom) compatible with Feedly and your own RSS list (OPML) .

    - Connected to Feedly reader to retrieve your prefered news, or get your feeds from your own RSS feed list in text format (OPML)
    - Scrollable widget with most alternative launchers like ADW, LiveHome, Go Launcher, LauncherPro or Android 3.x/4.x/5.x/6.x/7.x
    - Click on a news title to open the full story in the browser or in internal viewer (works in offline mode too !)
    - Show news thumbnails
    - Multiples skins (including fully transparent) and widgets sizes to make a fancy widget
    - Lot of options to customize rendering
    - Can use Google Mobilizer to reduce used bandwidth when reading full article
    - Support mark as read
    - Optional local cache of articles
    - Can restrict sync to Wifi connection
    - Support multi-widget with as many feeds as you want
    - Support Android up to 8.1 (ICS / Ice cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat, Lollipop, Marshmallow, Nougat, Oreo)

    A problem ? Please, mail me for support.

    If you have issues with disappearing widgets on Samsung devices, please read this: http://goo.gl/woDKcx
  • Teletext International PRO Мод APK 2.1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Teletext International PRO Мод APK 2.1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ********************************* LEA ESTE PRIMER ************** *******************
    Esta aplicación no es más APOYADO POR FAVOR comprar este CARACTERÍSTICAS APP DENTRO DE LA VERSIÓN LIBRE (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ivn.com.teletextinternationalfree LINK) en el menú SECCIÓN "Eliminar anuncios" Por favor, no ENVÍANOS EMAIL PARA ERROR O FUTURA ACTUALIZACIÓN INFO PARA ESTE APP NOSOTROS NO ACTUALIZAR ESTA APP MÁS.
    ************************************************** *****************************************

    Teletexto PRO Internacional es la aplicación rápida y fácil (sin bandera) por mirar el teletexto como su televisor:
    - No utilizar el navegador por defecto que es lento para más teléfonos inteligentes (especialmente cuando se utiliza la red 3G)
    - Ahorro de tiempo y el tráfico de Internet se cargue sólo la página de teletexto
    - Las páginas que no existen se saltan automáticamente mostrando sólo las páginas pertinentes

    Cómo funciona:
    Para el control de carga de las páginas es muy simple:
    Toque la parte derecha de la pantalla para ir a la página siguiente sub (100.01> 100.02), mucho toque para ir a la siguiente página principal (100.00-> 101.00)
    Toque la parte izquierda de la sreen para ir a la página anterior sub (100.02-> 100.01), mucho toque para ir a la página principal anterior (101.00-> 100.00)
    Toque el borde superior de la pantalla se puede:
    toque normales - Feria salvado página
    mucho tacto - guardar la página visualizada como página de inicio

    - Elección de más de 10 canales europeos
    - Página directo espectáculo introduciendo el número de página
    - Posibilidad de guardar una página como favorita
    - Actualizar la página de forma automática con intervalo de tiempo ajustable
    - Gestión rápida y fácil de los favoritos desde el que se puede ver o eliminarlos con un clic

    Teletexto disponible para los siguientes canales de europa:

    - Italia: nacional o regional (Rai), Abruzzo, altoadige, Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Emilia, friuli, Lacio, Liguria, Lombardía, Las Marcas, Molise, Piemonte, Puglia, Cerdeña, Sicilia, Toscana, trentino, umbría, Aosta, veneto
    - SUIZA: SRF 1, zwei srf, información srf, rts 1, 2 rts, RSI la 1, la 2 RSI, sixx (CH) ProSieben maxx (CH), sentó 1 oro (CH)
    - Alemania: mdr, eins kabel, sáb 1 (DE), sáb 3, ProSieben, einsfestival, n24, ProSieben maxx (DE), sáb 1 oro (DE), viva, Nickelodeon, Comedy Central, eurosport, sport1, Tele5, sixx , los cables de acero de peso corporal, rp SWR
    - Países Bajos: infothuis, Brabante Omroep, Holanda rtv, oost rtv
    - Croacia: hrt, BHT, federalna (premier Kladionica página 659)
    - ESPAÑA: Antena3, laSexta, tve
    - Austria: ORF, ORF III, deporte ORF, eins kabel (AT), sáb 1 (AT), ProSieben maxx (AT), sixx (AT), ProSieben (AT)
    - REPÚBLICA CHECA: ct1, ct expreso, deporte ct
    - Portugal: rtp
    - SUECIA: NY-TV, TV3, la televisión 4
    - FINLANDIA: yle, MTV3, tv nar
    - Bélgica: lienzo, een, RTBF
    - Norwey: nrk
    - POLONIA: telegazeta 1, telegazeta 2, kultura TVP, polonia TVP, el deporte TVP, Telewizja dolnoslaska
    - Turquía: telegun trt

    Idiomas disponibles:
    - Inglés
    - Italiano
    - Alemán
    - Francés
    - Nederlands
    - Español
    - Croacia

    Gracias a:
    Jochen Schaefer para la traducción al alemán.

    además de información y errores, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros o hacernos saber qué características que le gustaría tener en versiones posteriores son los más demandados será añadido.
  • World Newspapers (12.000+ News Мод APK 1.18 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    World Newspapers (12.000+ News Мод APK 1.18 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


      The World's Newspapers app includes 12.000+ newspapers from all countries in the world!

    The World's Newspapers app have a great library of newspapers from all over the world and is very easy to use. Great for people who want to stay up to date, research or study linguistics.

    All newspapers are located in the menu under their own region of the world. Pick a region and scroll through the list. If you like, you can search for newspapers by their name and their country name. Just click on a newspaper to go to it! There is a personal favorite menu for you to personalize with newspapers. You can add newspapers to your favorites list or add your own with the + button in the upper right corner.

    What is in the app?
    ✓ 12.000+ Newspapers
    ✓ 200 Countries
    ✓ All US states
    ✓ All US and British territories
    ✓ Trusted websites
    ✓ Support for all mobile screen sizes
    ✓ Different world regions for easier overview
    ✓ Search by newspapers name or country name
    ✓ Bookmark newspapers to your personal favorites list
    ✓ Add your own websites to the favorites list
    ✓ Different themes
    ✓ Offline viewing - Visit a webpage once to remember it
    ✓ External browser
    ✓ Internal browser with support of
      •  Javascript
      •  Zoom
      •  Caching for offline reading
    ✓ Language selector:
      •  English
      •  Swedish
      •  Greek
      •  Korean

    ✓ No Ads

    ◼️ Newspapers per region ◼️
      •  USA & Canada : 5200+
      •  Europe : 3100+
      •  Central & South America : 1400+
      •  Asia : 850+
      •  Middle eastern : 700+
      •  Africa : 550+
      •  Australia : 200+
      •  Russia : 200+

    Want to improve World's Newspapers?
    Got ideas or improvements for the application?
    Found a newspaper that should be added?
    Found broken links?

    Yes? E-mail the message to [email protected].
  • InoList Мод APK 1.2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    InoList Мод APK 1.2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    InoList is a lightweight, fast and simple RSS client for Inoreader, with material design, offline support and more !

    === NOTICE===
    If there are lots of unread articles in your account, decrease their quantity first, otherwise your sync period will be much longer even though you choose to sync unread articles within one day.

    - Lightweight, fast and extremely smooth
    - Material design
    - Night mode
    - Offline reading support
    - Auto background sync
    - Mark articles as read on scroll
    - Swipe left and right to navigate between articles
    - Mark articles as read/unread, or star them for later reading
    - Share your articles
    - No ads
    - and more

    * Share this app with your friends if you like it
    * You can report bugs, require new features and receive newest information about InoList in google+ community (https://plus.google.com/communities/101614605257187204464)
    * You can also send your problems or requirements via email
    * Help translate this app to your language: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3Sn6Oi2Iah-UUFMVTdvczZJS0k/view?usp=sharing
  • DoggCatcher Podcast Player Мод APK 1.2.4150 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    DoggCatcher Podcast Player Мод APK 1.2.4150 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Manage your podcasts and news feeds with the first Android Podcatcher.

    -Lifehacker finds DoggCatcher to be "The Best Podcast Manager for Android"
    -Android Central's Editors' Choice podcatcher of the year
    -Android Central's Readers' Choice runner up podcatcher of the year

    -New material redesign
    -ChromeCast and Android Auto support
    -Easy to subscribe new podcasts
    -Light/Dark theme
    -Auto download and cleanup of media files
    -Offline playback of audio and video podcasts
    -Customizable audio playlists
    -Supports devices of all sizes
    -Highly configurable
    -Build in variable speed playback
    -Home screen widget for easy access to playback controls
    -Podcast categorization

    -Automatically updates podcasts on your schedule
    -Automatically download new media
    -Automatically deletes media

    Add podcasts by
    -Browsing Top 100 DoggCatcher podcasts
    -Personalized recommendations
    -Searching podcast and news directories
    -Importing from OPML

    Integrated Audio/Video Player
    -Plays downloaded audio/video
    -Streams audio over network (wifi/cell)
    -Remembers play position of media file
    -Plays video formats supported by Android - http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html

    -Audio playlist for continuous playback of new media
    -Video/News playlists for easy navigation of new media

    Community and support
    -Frequently updated - http://mantis.doggcatcher.com/changelog_page.php
    -Very active user community in forums - http://www.doggcatcher.com/forum
    -Support via forums and email

    -Battery/data plan friendly - can limit downloads based on network/power connections
    -Media download queue can be viewed and managed
    -Bluetooth support (A2DP/AVRCP)
    -Supports authenticated feeds (username/password)

    For any questions about application permissions, please see http://www.doggcatcher.com/permissions

    Community and support at doggcatcher.com
  • Broadcastify Police Scanner Pr Мод APK 1.42 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Broadcastify Police Scanner Pr Мод APK 1.42 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Broadcastify is world's largest source of scanner radio communication streams. Features in this app include:

    - NO advertising or pop-ups. Fully uninterrupted listening.
    - Full access to the Broadcastify network of over 6,500+ police, fire/EMS, aviation, weather rail, marine and amateur radio streams
    - Search for feeds by name and location
    - Show feeds close to your location
    - Favorites list - save your favorite feeds for easy access and later play back
    - Push notifications for major incidents
    - Real time updated statistics for all streams
    - Listings for feeds with alerts, new feeds, and top 25 feeds
    - Full access to up to 180 days of archives for Broadcastify Premium Subscribers (Broadcastify Premium subscription required)
  • VR Browser for Reddit Мод APK 1.116 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    VR Browser for Reddit Мод APK 1.116 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Navegar por sus favoritos subreddits en Realidad Virtual con Splash VR. Rodéate últimas noticias del mundo, los gatos más lindos, memes dankest y un montón de varios otros de alta calidad y cosas interesantes que se pueden encontrar en Reddit.
    Desarrollado para Daydream (que necesita Daydream VR para ejecutar esta aplicación)

    • Infinito Pergamino de genialidad
    • subreddits introducidos manualmente
    • El zoom de inmersión para las imágenes
    • Deslizar entre los postes
    • Temas (dos temas) y la personalización
    • El control de brillo para guardar sus ojos.
    • Control de Ángulo de inclinación
    • Inicio de sesión: ahorrado, querido, voto, subscribtions
    • vídeos de YouTube y álbumes Imgur se abre en aplicaciones correspondientes
    • Filtros de contenido (se puede bloquear NSFW y / o el 86% de la política)
    • apoyo Gifv
    • Tres dimensiones-comentario de árboles (niño comentarios colocados un poco más allá. Nada especial)
    • Tres opciones de ambientes (uno de los cuales es la ausencia de medio ambiente)
    • Ligeramente silla cómoda virtuales (gris).
  • The Daily Mash Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    The Daily Mash Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Shiny thing make it all better!

    Hello and welcome to the official Daily Mash Android App, the thing you can put on your Android from Britain's biggest satire website.

    What's in it?

    * All the latest stories from the Daily Mash listed in an easy to use list.

    * Stuff about sport, if you enjoy that kind of thing

    * Advice from our ten year-old Agony Aunt Holly Harper

    * Your astrological week ahead with Psychic Bob

    * News in pictures and news briefly

    * Random story generator

    * The entire Mash archive. Every single story the Daily Mash has ever written, available for you to finger at will.

    * Email and share things for Facebook and Twitter.

    What's not in it?

    * Banner adverts

    The purchase price is for a one-year subscription. After 12 months the subscription will need to be renewed for a further 12 months at the discounted price of 82p.

    Thank you and good day
    The Daily Mash - It's news to us

  • myNews Pro Мод APK 1.0.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    myNews Pro Мод APK 1.0.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]



    Be up to date with today's news by reading the most popular newspapers of your country or overseas. More than 80 countries and 5000 newspapers are available online for you to enjoy on Android device.

    Main features:
    myNews is the best way for you to browse online newspapers from your Android device.

    Read more than 5000 newspaper websites from all over the world in your native language for FREE. Go to the news source and find out what they are saying!

    By automatically translating the newspapers websites, it allows you to read a Chinese newspaper in Russian, an English tech magazine in Spanish or a Thai economic newspaper in French!

    All features:

    -Varied selection of your home country newspapers;
    -Get access to more than 5000 newspapers of the most renowned titles in the world, in more than 80 different countries, in their native language or in your language;
    -Search and filter newspapers by name, country, city and genre;
    -Have access to the top 100 most influential blogs in technology;
    -Automatic language translator for 60 different languages;
    -Listen to more than 1000000 podcasts in more than 80 different countries;
    -Add newspapers to your favorites list;
    -Archive the recent newspapers you have browsed through;
    -Share on Facebook or by e-mail;

  • Diarios de España Pro Мод APK 1.3.6 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Diarios de España Pro Мод APK 1.3.6 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Diarios de España es la aplicación que necesitas para estar siempre informado. Algunos de los periodicos que puedes encontrar son: 20 Minutos, ABC, ADN, Agencia EFE, ARA, AS, Avui, Berria, Canarias7, Cinco Días, Cotizalia, Diari de Girona, Diario Córdoba, Diario de Avisos, Diario de Cádiz, Diario de Ibiza, Diario de Leon, Diario de Mallorca, Diario de Navarra, Diario de Noticias de Navarra, Diario de Sevilla, Diario Hoy de Extremadura, Diario Información, Diario Sur, El Comercio Digital, El Confidencial, El Correo, El Correo Gallego, El Dia, El Dia de Cordoba, El Diario Montañés, El Diario Vasco, El Economista, El Periodico Extremadura, El Periodico de Aragon, El Mundo, El Norte de Castilla, El País, El Periódico de Catalunya CAT, El Periódico de Catalunya ES, El Singular, Elle, Euronews, Expansión, Faro de Vigo, Google Noticias, Heraldo de Aragón, Hoy Tecnología, Ideal, La Gaceta, La Nueva España, La Opinión Coruna, La Opinión de Granada, La Opinión de Malaga, La Opinión de Murcia, La Opinión de Tenerife, La Opinión de Zamora, La Razon, La Región, Las Provincias, La Vanguardia, La Verdad, La Voz de Galicia, La Voz, LevanteEMV, Libertad Digital, Marca, Menéame, Mundo Deportivo, Muy Interesante, Público, Qué, RTVE, Sport, Super Deporte, Terra, Ultima Hora...

    Funcionalidades :
    - Filtro por categorias.
    - Comparte las noticias con tus amigos.
    - Guarda tus diarios en favoritos.
    - Búsqueda rápida y eficaz de cualquier diario.

    Y recuerda que esta aplicación es gratuita!

    Atención: Se necesita conexión a internet

  • Voice Reading Pro Мод APK 1.0.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Voice Reading Pro Мод APK 1.0.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Voice Reading is a simple and intuitive app for read aloud text. Using the Android share feature you can send any data from other apps to Voice Reading.

    PRO version:
    * Support development
    * Remove advertising

    Text - Select a text from any apps (e.g. Message, Email, ...) and share it. The text will be read aloud.

    URL - While browsing a page you can share the url to Voice Reading. It will parse the main content and read it for you. It was never easier to read a page.

    File - Voice Reading also accept text files. Share the path and it will read the file content.

    Message: Show notification when new messages arrive.

    Please contact us if you have any questions or problems. And also let us know what we can do to make the app better for you.

    We hope you enjoy Voice Reading.

  • Deutsche Zeitungen Pro Мод APK 1.3.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Deutsche Zeitungen Pro Мод APK 1.3.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    German Newspapers is the application you need to keep you always up-to-date. Some of the newspapers you can find are: 4players, Aachener Nachrichten Aachener Zeitung, Abendzeitung Muenchen, AFP DE, All-in, Augsburger Allgemeine, auto Bild, Badische Zeitung, a regional newspaper, Berliner Kurier, Berliner Morgenpost, Berliner Zeitung, Bild, Borken newspaper, B. Z., Berlin, Capital, Chip, Computer Bild, The mirror, The star, The daily mirror, the West, Dewezet, Deutsche Welle, The world, time, Express, Focus, Frank post, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Frankfurter Neue Presse, Frankfurter Rundschau, Free press, General-Anzeiger, GEO DE, Giga, GMX, Goettinger Tageblatt, Golem, Google News, Hamburger Abendblatt, Hamburger Morgenpost Handelsblatt, HAZ, Heise, Today, HNA, Junge Freiheit, Junge Welt, Kicker, Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, newspaper, Lübecker Nachrichten, Leipzig people's daily, the Main Post office, Mindener Tageblatt, mittelbayerische Zeitung, mitteldeutsche Zeitung, N24, New osnabrück newspaper, Braunschweiger Zeitung, Neues Deutschland, the North-West newspaper, n-tv, OVB, Passauer Neue Presse, Reutlinger General-Anzeiger, area sports, Rheinische Post, Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, Rhein-Zeitung, RTL, Rundschau, Saarbruecker Zeitung, Sächsische Zeitung, Schleswig-Holstein, Schwäbisches Tagblatt, Sport1, Spox, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, Stuttgarter Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Tagesschau, TAZ, Thuringia, transfer market, TZ, Weser Kurier, West German newspaper, Westfälische Nachrichten, weather, weather Online, business week, Wolfsburg General...

    Features :
    - the Category filter.
    - Share your news with your friends.
    - Save it to favourites.
    - Quick search of any newspaper.

  • Audm Мод APK 1.0 [Subscribed] 3.5

    Audm Мод APK 1.0 [Subscribed]


    Audm presents the world's best long-form journalism, read aloud word for word by celebrated audiobook narrators.

    Listen to hours' worth of new stories every week.

    Add stories to your playlist to download them, then listen on the go — even with no internet connection. Within a story, jump to any paragraph by tapping on it. Choose the narration speed you like best.

    If you subscribe to Audm via Google, payment for your subscription will be automatically charged to your Google Play account upon confirmation. If you have a free trial, you will not be charged during your free trial period; however, after your free trial you will automatically become a paying subscriber unless you cancel during the free trial period. Subscriptions renew automatically 24 hours prior to the start of the next billing period. Billing occurs every calendar month for a monthly subscription or once yearly for an annual subscription. Subscriptions continue to renew automatically until canceled. You can manage and cancel subscriptions using the Google Play subscription center.

    By selecting a pricing option you agree to the automatic renewal terms stated above, the Audm Terms of Service and the Audm Privacy Policy.
  • The Spectator Magazine Мод APK [Free purchase][Unlocked] 3.7

    The Spectator Magazine Мод APK [Free purchase][Unlocked]

    સ્પેક્ટેટર એપ એક વિશિષ્ટ સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર છે જે તમને વિશ્વના સૌથી જૂના મેગેઝિનમાંથી શ્રેષ્ઠ સમાચાર, ટિપ્પણી અને સંસ્કૃતિ આપે છે.

    ફક્ત એપ્લિકેશન ડાઉનલોડ કરો અને સાઇન ઇન કરો.

    *નવું* 'વધુ' વિભાગમાં:
    • ડાર્ક મોડ
    • શોધો
    • તમારા ફીડને ચોક્કસ વિષયો અને વૈશિષ્ટિકૃત લેખકો સાથે અનુરૂપ બનાવો

    એપ્લિકેશન હાઇલાઇટ્સ:
    • રાજકીય ભાષ્ય, સાંસ્કૃતિક ટીકા અને રમૂજનું દૈનિક મિશ્રણ
    • દર ગુરુવારે સવારે 4 વાગ્યે પ્રકાશિત થતા સાપ્તાહિક સામયિકનો દરેક અંક.
    • બ્રેકિંગ ન્યૂઝ પર ચેતવણીઓ પ્રાપ્ત કરો – અને દર્શક લેખકો તરફથી નવીનતમ
    • બધા દર્શક પોડકાસ્ટ અને વર્ણન કરેલા લેખો સાંભળો
    • જ્યારે તમે ઑફલાઇન હોવ ત્યારે લેખો વાંચો
    • તમે પહેલેથી વાંચેલા લેખોનો ટ્રૅક રાખો

    આજે જ ડાઉનલોડ કરો અને વિશ્વના સૌથી જૂના સાપ્તાહિક મેગેઝિનમાંથી નવીનતમ મેળવો.
  • Poetry Magazine Мод APK 1.5.164 [Subscribed] 3.8

    Poetry Magazine Мод APK 1.5.164 [Subscribed]


    પોએટ્રી મેગેઝિન એક સદીથી વધુ સમયથી કવિઓ અને વાચકો માટે માસિક મેળાવડાનું સ્થાન છે. POETRY મેગેઝિન એપ્લિકેશન POETRY ની માસિક પ્રિન્ટ એડિશનમાં મળેલી તમામ કવિતાઓ, ગદ્ય અને વિશેષ પોર્ટફોલિયો, ઉપરાંત વિશિષ્ટ ડિજિટલ એક્સ્ટ્રાઝ, જેમ કે પોડકાસ્ટ, આર્કાઇવલ સામગ્રી પર તાજા દેખાવ અને યોગદાનકર્તા નિબંધો પહોંચાડે છે. તે તમને દરેક અંકમાં તમારી મનપસંદ કવિતાઓ અને ગદ્ય સાચવવા માટે પણ પરવાનગી આપે છે.

    POETRY મેગેઝિન એપ્લિકેશન ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે મફત છે. સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ POETRY ના સૌથી તાજેતરના 120 થી વધુ અંકોની અમર્યાદિત ઍક્સેસ મેળવે છે. માત્ર ડિજિટલ સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન પ્રતિ વર્ષ $29.99 છે. પ્રિન્ટ સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સને એપ્લિકેશનમાં દરેક વસ્તુની મફત ઍક્સેસ પણ મળે છે. બિન-સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર દરેક અંકના પ્રથમ લેખ, બધા પોડકાસ્ટ એપિસોડ્સ અને દર વર્ષે ઓછામાં ઓછા એક સ્તુત્ય અંકની ઍક્સેસ મેળવે છે.

    જો તમે પહેલેથી જ સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર છો, તો તમે એપ્લિકેશનમાં સાઇન ઇન કરીને સામગ્રીને ઍક્સેસ કરી શકો છો. સેટિંગ્સ મેનૂમાંથી સાઇન ઇન પસંદ કરો, પછી તમારું ઇમેઇલ સરનામું દાખલ કરો.

    ખરીદીની માહિતી:
    • વાર્ષિક સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન: $29.99. લેખો માસિક વિતરિત થાય છે, જ્યાં સુધી રદ ન થાય ત્યાં સુધી આપોઆપ નવીકરણ સાથે.
    • ચુકવણી તમારા Google Play એકાઉન્ટમાંથી લેવામાં આવશે.

    સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સની આપમેળે-નવીકરણ સુવિધા: તમારું સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન આપમેળે રિન્યૂ થાય છે સિવાય કે વર્તમાન સમયગાળાના અંતના ઓછામાં ઓછા 24 કલાક પહેલાં સ્વતઃ-નવીકરણ બંધ કરવામાં ન આવે. જ્યાં સુધી તમે તમારી એકાઉન્ટ સેટિંગ્સમાં તમારી સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન પસંદગીઓને બદલો નહીં ત્યાં સુધી તમારા Google Play એકાઉન્ટને વર્તમાન સમયગાળાની સમાપ્તિના 24 કલાકની અંદર નવીકરણ માટે આપમેળે સમાન કિંમતે શુલ્ક લેવામાં આવશે. તમે ખરીદી કર્યા પછી તમારા એકાઉન્ટ સેટિંગ્સ દ્વારા તમારા સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન્સનું સંચાલન કરી શકો છો. સક્રિય સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન સમયગાળા દરમિયાન વર્તમાન ડિજિટલ સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શનને રદ કરવાની મંજૂરી નથી.

    કવિતા વર્ષમાં 10 વખત પ્રકાશિત થાય છે.

    ઉપયોગની શરતો: https://reader.poetrymagazine.org/pugpig_assets/html/terms-of-use.html
  • 112-Nederland Pro Мод APK 2.21 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    112-Nederland Pro Мод APK 2.21 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ** THE P2000 pager for your mobile phone **

    Siren? With 112-Nederland you know what is going on. You hear the fire brigade, police or an ambulance passing by? Accident, accident or fire near you? Install the app and know what's going on. Now also with local background information (112 News). View Streetview, Google Maps and share the notifications with your friends.

    What does the Pro version have more than the free 112-Netherlands app:
    • Real-time notifications: Notifications, immediately after publication on the P2000 network, also on your device.
    • Capcode Support: Select notifications with capcode.
    • Ad-free: completely without advertisements and thus more space for notifications.
    • Separate infrastructure: The PRO app uses a separate server infrastructure to guarantee the best possible service. The PRO version is not free, but ad-free.

    Out of respect for privacy, house numbers have been anonymized. The content of the reports comes from the network of the emergency services (P2000) and is enriched as far as possible with specific data.

    Notification on your mobile with a 112 report? Siren? Do you hear the fire brigade, police or an ambulance passing by? Accident, accident or fire near you? Install the app and know what's going on. View Streetview, Google Maps and share the notifications with your friends.

    The 112-Nederland app reports 112 alarms in the vicinity of your mobile phone and at locations that you specify yourself. The app reports all relevant and current P2000 reports from the C2000 network of the emergency services: police, fire brigade, ambulance, KNRM and others in your area. Determine in the settings themselves which locations are important to you.

    The pro version of the 112 Netherlands offers the following additional functions:
    - Receive notifications based on a set set of cap codes. Cap codes can be entered as a comma separated string. If a notification is made for 1 of the chosen capcodes, you will receive the notification on your mobile device regardless of the location settings.
    - The app is ad-free.

    The P2000 messages in this app come from the public part of the C2000 network. The reports come from the control rooms of the emergency services. This app is not part of or linked to the control rooms or emergency services, but an independent initiative.

    112-Nederland app is the modern form of a 27MC bakkie. Turn your mobile into a pager for the pager 2000 network.

    By purchasing the app you have taken note of the following:
    Apart from the legal indemnification below, we will do everything we can to offer the end user the best possible user experience with the 112 app. If you have any complaints or problems, please contact the e-mail address included with this app publication or the website 112-nederland.nl. Legal indemnity has been included because the proceeds of this app are not sufficient to bear liability for the functioning and quality of the app(s).

    Prunen.net does not give any guarantees about the quality of the service and the duration of the service when purchasing the 112-Nederland app or 112-Nederland PRO app. 112-Nederland will, however, make a reasonable effort to try to provide a good service to its end users. Faults will be rectified on a Best Effort basis. Snoei.net is in no way liable for consequential damage if the 112-Nederland and 112-Nederland Pro app does not function properly or if it does not function properly. No rights can be derived from the content of the notifications and the content of the app. The costs you pay for the app are related to the development and hosting costs of the app. The service can be discontinued at any time by Prune.net.
  • The San Diego Union-Tribune Мод APK 4.0.11 [Subscribed] 3.6

    The San Diego Union-Tribune Мод APK 4.0.11 [Subscribed]


    નવા એપ્લિકેશન અનુભવમાં આપનું સ્વાગત છે, અમે અમારી એપ્લિકેશનને ઑપ્ટિમાઇઝ કરી છે અને તેને એક ફેસલિફ્ટ આપી છે! આ ઝડપી એન્ડ્રોઇડ મૂળ એપ્લિકેશનમાં હવે નીચેની નવી સુવિધાઓ છે:

    તમારા સમાચાર:
    - વપરાશકર્તાની પસંદગીઓના આધારે સામગ્રી માટે વ્યક્તિગત ભલામણો પ્રદાન કરો.

    વપરાશકર્તાઓને તેઓ જે વિષયોમાં ખરેખર રુચિ ધરાવતા હોય તેને પસંદ કરીને તેઓ જે સામગ્રી સાથે જોડાવા માગે છે તેને કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપવામાં આવશે.

    "યોર ન્યૂઝ" ટૅબ પર જઈને વપરાશકર્તા પ્રકાશિત થયેલા બધાના અવાજને બાયપાસ કરી શકે છે અને તેમને જોઈતી સામગ્રી પર ઘર કરી શકે છે.

    સાચવેલા લેખો:
    - સેવ ફીચર કે જે વપરાશકર્તાઓને પછીથી વાંચવા અથવા સંદર્ભ માટે લેખો અથવા અન્ય સામગ્રીને સાચવવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે

    પુશ સૂચનાઓ વપરાશકર્તાઓને તેમના સાચવેલા લેખો વાંચવા અથવા સંબંધિત સામગ્રી સૂચવવાનું યાદ અપાવશે

    કસ્ટમ પુશ સૂચનાઓ:
    - વપરાશકર્તા તેઓ કયા વિષયો વિશે સૂચિત કરવા માંગે છે તે પસંદ કરી શકે છે જેનાથી ઘણો ઓછો કર્કશ અનુભવ થાય છે.

    ટોચની નેવિગેશન બાર:
    - ટોચની નેવિગેશન બાર વપરાશકર્તાને સ્વાઇપ અથવા ટેપ કરીને વિભાગો વચ્ચે સ્વિચ કરવા દે છે.

    Enews ઇન-એપ:
    - અખબારના અનુભવની ઇચ્છા છે? અલગ એપ્લિકેશન ખોલવાની જરૂર નથી!

    ફક્ત સેટિંગ્સમાં જઈને અને E-News પસંદ કરીને વપરાશકર્તા દિવસના કાગળની ડિજિટલ પ્રતિકૃતિ બ્રાઉઝ કરી શકે છે.

    ઑફલાઇન વાંચન:
    - આ ફીચર યુઝર્સને સેટિંગ્સમાંથી ઓફલાઈન રીડિંગને સક્ષમ કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.

    ઑફલાઇન "વાંચન પસંદગીઓ" પણ સેટિંગ્સ માટે કસ્ટમાઇઝ કરી શકાય છે.

    ડાબે સ્વાઇપ કરો:
    - વધુ લેખો શોધવા માટે મુખ્ય વિભાગમાં પાછા જવાને બદલે, વપરાશકર્તાઓને વિભાગમાં તરત જ અન્ય લેખો ખોલીને, ફક્ત સ્વાઇપ કરવાનો વિકલ્પ છે.

    વિષયોને અનુસરો:
    - વપરાશકર્તાને તેઓ અનુસરતા વિષયો પરના લેખો બતાવવામાં આવશે.

    અનુસરવા માટે લેખ સ્તરે પસંદ કરો અને સંબંધિત લેખો સુસંગતતા પ્રાપ્ત કરશે અને વધુ વારંવાર બતાવવામાં આવશે.

    એટલી જ સરળતાથી "અનફૉલો કરો"
  • Chicago Tribune Мод APK 5.2 [Subscribed] 3.9

    Chicago Tribune Мод APK 5.2 [Subscribed]


    • Get Chicago news, politics, sports, business, entertainment as it happens
    • Follow your favorite Chicago sports teams: Bears, Bulls, Cubs, White Sox, Blackhawks
    • Build a personalized news feed by selecting topics that interest you
    • Keep up with the ever-changing Chicago dining and nightlife scene
    • Enjoy exclusive videos and photo galleries
    • Create your own personalized news feed with One-Tap Following
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  • Rolly RSS Reader Мод APK 35 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Rolly RSS Reader Мод APK 35 [Unlocked]


    Rolly is a RSS reader app

    Function List:
    Read all
    Custom body font
    High Definition Image Viewing Function
    Material Design Interface
    RSS Source Parse Customization (Name, Icon, Picture View Options, Thumbnail Options, Text Link Options)
    RSS Theme color
    Supporting ordering of rss
    Night mode
    Multi-device synchronous subscription
    Article list thumbnail mode (large/small)
    Support RSS cover
    mark read
    Recently read (including Search)
    Import/export OPML
    Support for cleaning up article data (avoid data overload and stuck)
    Read settings (font size, spacing, line spacing, margin)
    Support for changing reading background color
    Support for changing article list font size
    Support random theme
    Supports emphasis on hyperlinks and image hyperlinks (visible visual hints to prevent click)
    Supporting recovery reading Location
  • Foreign Affairs Magazine Мод APK 2.0.1751 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Foreign Affairs Magazine Мод APK 2.0.1751 [Unlocked]


    Get award-winning commentary on global news daily with the Foreign Affairs app.

    Download the Foreign Affairs app to stay up-to-date on the latest international news, commentary, and policy analysis from influential thinkers and world leaders. Foreign Affairs offers insightful articles, digital issues, podcast episodes, videos, and audio content on critical topics related to geopolitics, security, economics, science and technology, climate change, and more. Foreign Affairs has published globally renowned thinkers and world leaders over the past 100 years from around the world and across the political spectrum, including W. E. B. Du Bois, Eleanor Roosevelt, George Kennan, Madeleine Albright, Henry Kissinger, Nelson Mandela, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama, Jill Lepore, Eric Schmidt, Samantha Power, Fareed Zakaria, and more. Get new, relevant articles on international topics of interest daily. Subscribers get additional access to digital magazine issues. Podcasts and event videos are free for all users.

    Quality Content

    -New articles every weekday on pertinent international news topics
    -Subscriber-only access to Foreign Affairs magazine issues on a bi-monthly
    -Podcasts and videos featuring insightful conversations with leading scholars, historians, editors, and authors

    Anytime, Anywhere

    -Audio for select articles—perfect for listening on-the-go
    -Download options for offline reading and listening at all times
    -Bookmark for saving and sharing articles
    -Accessibility tools for a better reading experience for everyone, including light or dark display and text resizing
  • Barcroft TV Мод APK 2.0 [Remove ads] 3.9

    Barcroft TV Мод APK 2.0 [Remove ads]


    Amazing true stories. We are the home of the world's most inspiring and original true stories. Immerse yourself in documentaries with a difference, and be amazed at the lives of the most extraordinary humans and animals in the world today.
  • Opera News: breaking & local Мод APK 6.5.2254.140212 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.7

    Opera News: breaking & local Мод APK 6.5.2254.140212 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Des news personnalisées de source fiable, pour rester informé n'importe où

    Restez informé partout avec Opera News. Votre source d'infos personnalisée et de source fiable vous proposent les gros titres ainsi que les infos à l'échelle globale. Par ici les scores du football et les nouvelles compositions d'équipe, directement sur votre smartphone.

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  • 1RadioNews.com Мод APK 2.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    1RadioNews.com Мод APK 2.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


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