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  • SuiteBNA Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    SuiteBNA Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    Herramienta de trabajo pensada para todo tipo de agricultores, ganaderos, empresas del sector, administraciones, investigadores, universidades: nativos digitales e inmigrantes digitales, para las actividades de: Apicultura, Agropecuario, Agricultura, Alimentación, Sostenibilidad, etc. Lleve una trazabilidad completa desde una única app ayudándole a minimizar sus pérdidas tomando las mejores decisiones para aumentar la productividad y maximizar las ganancias.

    ★ SuiteBNA te ofrece:

    ☞ Consultar los últimos y futuros módulos desarrollados.
    ☞ Acceder a más de 10 módulos independientes.
    ☞ Y mucho mas por descubrir eligiendo la categoría que desees.


    Filtra por las categorías disponibles según la actividad de tu trabajo.

    ★ MODULOS:

    ☞ Descripción detallada del módulo desde la ficha en la app o en la store.
    ☞ Los futuros módulos sólo estarán disponibles desde la suite.

    ★ LOTES DE MUESTRAS: Ahora la opción de importar lotes es gratuita. Podrás elegir desde 5 Uds. hasta 1000 Uds. de muestras a la explotación elegida.


    ☞ BioAnillaMobile: Módulo de control de aves.
    ☞ BioCaprinoMobile: Módulo de trazabilidad en ganado caprino.
    ☞ BioCazaMobile: Módulo de Caza deportiva y Comercial.
    ☞ BioCítricos: Módulo para gestión de cultivos.
    ☞ BioCrotalMobile: Módulo para gestión de ganado vacuno.
    ☞ BioEquidos: Módulo para gestionar su ganado de Equinos.
    ☞ BioLiquid: Módulo de control de agua embotellada.
    ☞ BioOvinoMobile: Módulo para gestión de explotaciones de ganado ovino.
    ☞ BioPescaMobile: Módulo de Pesca deportiva y Comercial.
    ☞ BioPorcinoMobile: Módulo de control y trazabilidad porcina.
    ☞ BioRabbits: Módulo de gestión de explotaciones de conejos.
    ☞ Vespa Velutina: Módulo de trazabilidad en apicultura.


    • Horticultura simplificada para frutas y hortalizas.
    • Algas, producción intensiva y extensiva de algas y microalgas.
    • Gestión de granjas de insectos.
    • Gestión y trazabilidad en desperdicio alimenticio.
    • Rutas de agroturismo en las propias explotaciones.
    • Trazabilidad en explotaciones helicícolas.

    * Consulta la categoría próximamente y te informará de los módulos en desarrollo.


    ☞ Adopción de versiones.
    ☞ Medir la audiencia por Ubicación.
    ☞ Estudiar el crecimiento futuro.
    ☞ Llevar un recuento y retención de los últimos 100 usuarios nuevos y más productivos.
    ☞ Comparar el porcentaje total por plataforma.
    ☞ Analizar el recuento de tareas registradas.
    ☞ Controlar el número total de visitas (entradas/salidas).
    ☞ Historial de Sesiones de las últimas 100 conexiones.
    ☞ Cronología de las últimas 100 tareas registradas.
    ☞ Datos demográficos por ocupación, país para los idiomas soportados.
    ☞ Informe de errores y recomendaciones.

    MARKETPLACE: Localiza productos y cosechas.

    ☞ Conoce el histórico, ubicación y trayectoria del producto.
    ☞ Explora por distintas opciones.
    ☞ Crea publicaciones de forma rápida y sencilla.
    ☞ Pasarás directamente al plan platinum (para siempre).


    ☞ Funciones específicas por módulo y tipo.


    ☞ Descubre las últimas novedades.

    ★ VIDEOS:

    ☞ Reproduce los últimos videos promocionales y sus últimas actualizaciones.


    ☞ Recibirás notificaciones cuando haya nuevas categorías, módulos, videos y nuevas funcionalidades.

    ⚑: ES Gallego US UK PT FR , CH , RU , Catalán, IT , DE, NL

    ⚠ Para más información, novedades y soporte visita:


  • Squares Designs Мод APK 1.1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Squares Designs Мод APK 1.1.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    XlContactImport is an application dedicated to import your contacts datas on your Android smartphone using a formatted Excel file as an input. The input file must be available from your phone SD card, from a FTP site or from a website.

    It can be used as :
    - a contacts restore solution
    - an alternate solution to migrate the data from one android device to another, used conjointly with sister application XlContactExport.
    - a solution to refresh easily your contacts data, used conjointly with sister application XlContactExport.

    Try it using the sample file. It contains a few test lines for a few test contacts.

    This app is the Pro version of "XlContactImport". "XlContactImport Pro" contains special and exclusives features :
    - XLSX format support, as an alternative to the old XLS format
    - Dropbox support, to retrieve a import file stored on your Dropbox account
    - Improved speed of work, visible on small or medium-sized contact databases
    - No ad banners

    All information on our website :
    Tutorial : http://www.squares-designs.com/apps/xci/tutorial.htm
    FAQ : http://www.squares-designs.com/support/xci.htm
    Contact us : http://www.squares-designs.com/contact/contactus.htm
  • Materials: Repair Manager Мод APK 1.0.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Materials: Repair Manager Мод APK 1.0.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    A program to calculate the necessary amount of building materials

    Materials will help to calculate the following:
    • The material flow which is listed as the number of liters or kilograms per square meter. Examples include paints, varnishes, enamels, primers, antiseptics and other coating materials.
    • Materials consumption which is listed as the number of kilograms per square meter at a certain thickness. Such materials often include dry mixes, such as plaster, putty, cement, sand concrete, screed, tile adhesive, etc.
    • Soft materials consumption which represents the amount of space they occupy. An example may be materials such as wallpaper, lining for laminate, various insulating films and other materials in rolls.
    • The solids flow which represents the amount of space they occupy. For example drywall, plywood, hardboard, particle board and other similar materials.

    Basic information:
    • Calculations are universal and abstract from a particular material.
    • calculates the required material based on the flow of the material. For example, through the calculation of materials in rolls can be calculated as the wallpaper and, for example, linoleum. Through the calculation of drywall, you can also calculate the number of tiles, or laminate.
    • Any calculation can be made for both the walls and the floor or ceiling or individual walls.
    • You can tell the program to take into account whether the door or window openings.
    • You can also specify the desired material as a percentage of the stock and add a note to the calculation.
    • Since the calculations are mutable, they are very convenient to manage. At any time you can open and modify the calculation of the original data.

    Performing calculations should be remembered that all the calculations are always exemplary. The actual required amount of material depends on many factors that can not be taken into account in the program. Carefully insert the source data, specify the necessary reserve, visually check the result obtained for plausibility - and then you can never go wrong in the calculation.

    Pleasant to use!
  • NiceLock (Ad-Free) -  Launcher for Good Lock Мод APK 2.10.16 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    NiceLock (Ad-Free) - Launcher for Good Lock Мод APK 2.10.16 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ---- NiceLock ---

    NiceLock is a launcher application for goodlock customization modules for Samsung devices.

    Good Lock is an incredible official app by Samsung for customizing Samsung devices. It consists of modules which edit and change many things in the UI such as task changer, notification panel, lockscreen, split screen and more. Unfortunately it is only available in a few countries. Even if you install them manually, most of them does not appear in your app drawer. That is where NiceLock comes into play, by acting as a launcher for all of your modules, allows you to access them.

    NiceLock (Ad-Free) is ad-free and paid version of NiceLock.

    Important Note:

    •NiceLock does not install Good Lock modules due to Google Play Store rules, and you need to install these modules manually if you are outside Korea, the United States, UK, Singapore, Australia, and Canada.

    •Adding shortcuts to homescreen

    •Night Mode
    NiceLock has a Night Mode option to be easier on your eyes and if you just prefer darker layouts.

    •Cloud Database
    When opened, NiceLock checks its own database to see if your modules have updates available.

    •Cloud Rollout
    When a new module is published, you will be able to see it on NiceLock instantly without even needing to update NiceLock!

    •Push Notifications
    When a module update is available, NiceLock will send you push notifications.

    •Material Design UI
    NiceLock is updated with a fresh, clean Material Design UI.

    Good Lock © is a trademark of Samsung.
  • Ittiam Systems Pvt Ltd Мод APK 2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Ittiam Systems Pvt Ltd Мод APK 2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ClearRecord – The ultimate voice recording App for your Android phone.
    ClearRecord brings the unique feature of Ambient Noise Reduction (ANR), which allows user to record conversations in any harsh noisy environments like street, train, classroom or an airplane while still maintaining clear voice. ClearRecord also features the ability to control play-speed without modifying pitch quality. All the voice and audio recordings can be effectively stored either .wav or .aac formats. These unique features, combined with the ability to record in background, make ClearRecord a must have App for voice and audio recording.

    In addition to unique noise reduction feature, ClearRecord supports voice notes features like voice tagging, editing and photo insertion, which help us remember the context of the discussion/recordings. With all these features supported makes ClearRecord the must have voice recorder App for students, journalists, transcribers, lawyers, doctors, educationalists and many more.

    With already 1 million users ClearRecord establishes itself at the next must have app on the list, for both iOS and Android users.
    What reviewers are saying:

    “Listed as one of the 18 life-changing Android Apps” – Brainline.org
    “There are lots of smart phone apps you can use to record conversations and presentations, unfortunately not all of them can enhance the audio recording process to ensure that the playback is clear and useable. One of the best Android apps for recording college lectures is one called ClearRecord” - bestandroidappsfor.com
    “Automatic gain control acts perfectly leveling the loud sounds, even yelling a few inches from the microphone: no clipping, no distortion.”
    “Excellent. This was also the only one I could find that had the functionality of being able to continually repeat a track.”


    ClearRecord Pro supports:
    - ANR to produce noise-free voice recordings in harsh noisy environments
    - Editing feature to cut/trim recorded audio
    - Auto resume recording when interrupted by a phone call
    - Sampling frequency of 16 kHz for voice recording and 48 kHz for HD recording using presets
    - Categorize recordings and flag as favourite for easy access to important recordings
    - Click images, insert tags and write notes to easily recollect the context of the recording
    - Share recordings via Dropbox, e-mail and Wi-Fi
    - One tap quick record feature
    - Simple and intuitive UI
    - WAV and AAC format
    - Supports finer play speeds of 0.5x, 0.75x, 1.25x or 1.5x without modifying pitch quality
  • CardDAV-Sync free Мод APK 0.4.23 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    CardDAV-Sync free Мод APK 0.4.23 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    CardDAV-Sync is a CardDAV client for Android to synchronize contacts. Due to its implementation as sync adapter it integrates seamlessly with the default contacts app.
    (Also check out CalDAV-Sync)

    Samsung S5 users: Please note that some S5 devices come with a broken contacts app that crashes when opening a contact synced by this app. Please report any crashes to Samsung.

    HTC One users please check out this site first: http://dmfs.org/wiki/index.php?title=HTC_Sense_issue

    Please do not install the Workaround app when you use the free version of CardDAV-Sync. It's for the paid version only

    Get support and news via Twitter https://twitter.com/dmfs_org

    If you find a bug send me an email, please. Without detailed error description I often can't do anything especially when I can't reproduce it. It's also possible that your server has a bug that CardDAV-Sync can not (yet) tolerate or work around. If you report bugs I can fix them quickly and everyone will benefit.

    Also check out the paid version CardDAV-Sync. It syncs some additional fields (like company/organization and notes). For details see my website.

    Please uninstall the free version before you install the paid one (and vice versa).

    Note to Yahoo!® users: Due to the many issues on Yahoo!'s servers, Yahoo! is no longer officially supported by this app.

    After the installation got to "Settings" > "Accounts & Sync" and create a new Account.

    Important! If your phone removes the accounts on reboot, move the App back from SD card to the phone. Some phones (if not all) can't handle sync adapters on SD Card properly.

    For users who are unable to edit or create synced contacts I published an editor at the market. Just search for "Contact Editor" or see my website.

    Once this app reaches version 1.0, I'll make it open source.
    See http://dmfs.org/wiki/index.php?title=Open_source_status for details on the open source status.


    * Sync contacts from a CardDAV-server (tested and reported to work with DAViCal, SOGo, egroupware, Zimbra, david.fx, Fruux, ownCloud ... and more. See my website for details)

    * basic support for self-signed certificates

    * auto-provisioning

    * two-way-sync

    * syncs names, phone numbers, email addresses, postal addresses, photos and birthdays (but please visit "date formats" on my website first)

    * automatic address book discovery (works with most servers in default configuration)

    * one-way-sync of Apple-style groups

    * Support for Apple-style custom labels (X-ABLABEL)

    * stores passwords encrypted

    * supports efficient sync-collection request

    It is still under development and some important features may be missing. Known limitations are:

    * organizations, instant messengers, categories, notes and websites are *not* synced by the free version

    * SOGo Contact lists are not supported yet (work is in progress)

    * only "server wins" and "phone wins" (default) conflict resolution available (that is when a contact is updated on server and on phone between two syncs)

    * and maybe more

    Please report bugs. Feedback is very welcome.

    Btw: just writing a comment like "Doesn't work on..." won't help neither you nor me to get it running on your device. Please contact me if you have problems.

    known issues:

    * @david.fx users: david.fx returns all links to contacts from sub-folders. Currently this leads to the situation that some contacts may appear multiple times (joined to one contact)
  • QR - Barcode Pro: Reader, Generator & Export Excel Мод APK 3.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    QR - Barcode Pro: Reader, Generator & Export Excel Мод APK 3.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    QR - Barcode Pro: Lector, Generador y Exportar Excel:

    ★ Características principales:

    + Escanee cada código: código de barras 1D / código QR 2D.
    + Lea el código de barras del producto y busque la información del producto por Google Search.
    + Leer imagen de código de barras y código QR por otra aplicación compartida.
    + Exportar código de lista después de escanear a Excecl o archivo CSV.
    + Quick Scan puede escanear muchos códigos de barras / códigos QR en pocos minutos, use para escanear el código de barras del Producto.
    + Código de tipo múltiple Creat: Producto de código de barras, Texto / URL, Contacto, Correo electrónico, Compartir ubicación, Wifi .....
    + Guarda el código de barras de la imagen / código QR y compártelo con tus amigos por mensajería, correo electrónico, google +, ..... si lo deseas.
    + Comparte el nombre de usuario / contraseña de tu Wifi con todos.

    ★ interfaz amigable.

    ★ Ahorre tiempo y rápido con el modo de escaneo rápido.

    ★ Fácil de usar:
    Simplemente tome un teléfono inteligente y elija Escanear normal / Escaneo rápido / Escanear imagen.
    Puede buscar información sobre el código de resultado mediante la herramienta de búsqueda.
    Imprima código de barras / QR con contenido si lo desea.

    ★ Si esta aplicación no funciona o se ha detenido, infórmenos:
    Configuración del usuario / Desarrollador y producto de soporte / Problema y falta una característica /

    ★ Envíe comentarios sobre esta aplicación para apoyar al desarrollador y mejorarla.

    ★ No recopilamos ninguna información personal sobre el usuario.

    ★ Puedes donar para Desarrollador en la aplicación.

    Gracias por instalar la aplicación!
  • Docs Viewer Pro Мод APK 17.9.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Docs Viewer Pro Мод APK 17.9.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Docs Viewer allows you to quickly view documents on Android, including PDFs and Microsoft Office Files. An internet connection is required.

    Supported file types:

    • Portable Document Format (.PDF)
    • XML Paper Specification (.XPS)
    • PostScript (.PS, .EPS)
    • ePub (.EPUB)
    • FictionBook (.FB2)
    • DjVu (.DJVU, .DJV)
    • TeX, LaTex (.TEX, .LATEX)
    • Comic Book Archive (.CBZ)
    • Microsoft Reader (.LIT)

    • Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint (.DOC, .XLS, .PPT, .PPS, .DOCX, .XLSX, .PPTX, .PPSX)
    • OpenOffice/StarOffice Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw (.SXW, .SXC, .SXI, .SXD, .SDW, .SDC, .SDD, .SDA)
    • OpenDocument Text, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Graphics (.ODT, .ODS, .ODP, .ODG)
    • WPS Office Writer, Presentation, Spreadsheet (.WPS, .DPS, .ET)
    • Apple iWork Pages, Numbers, Keynote (.PAGES, .NUMBERS, .KEY)
    • Rich Text Format (.RTF)
    • Hanword Document (.HWP)
    • Corel WordPerfect (.WPD)
    • IBM Lotus Word Pro (.LWP)
    • Microsoft Works (.WPS)
    • AbiWord (.ABW)
    • HTML files (.HTM, .HTML)
    • Text files (.TXT, .JS, .CSS, .XML, .JAVA, .C …)
    • Delimiter-separated Values (.CSV, .TSV, .SSV)

    • Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000 (.JPEG, .JPG, .JPE, .JP2, .JPX)
    • Portable Network Graphics (.PNG)
    • Graphics Interchange Format (.GIF)
    • Google WebP (.WEBP)
    • Tagged Image File Format (.TIFF)
    • High Efficiency Image File Format (.HEIC)
    • Microsoft Bitmap, Icon, Cursor (.BMP, .DIB, .ICO, .CUR)
    • Microsoft DirectDraw Surface (.DDS)
    • Portable Anymap (.PBM, .PGM, .PPM, .PAM, .PNM)
    • Radiance HDR (.HDR, .RGBE)
    • Truevision TARGA (.TGA)
    • Softimage PIC (.PIC)
    • WAP Bitmap (.WBMP)
    • GIMP (.XCF)
    • Adobe Photoshop (.PSD)
    • Adobe Digital Negative (.DNG)
    • Raw Photo (.ARW, .CR2, .CRW, .DCR, .ERF, .MOS, .MRW, .NEF, .NRW, .ORF, .PEF, .RAF, .RW2, .RWL, .SRW, .X3F, .3FR)

    • Scalable Vector Graphics (.SVG)
    • Microsoft Visio (.VSD, .VSX, .VSDX)
    • Microsoft Windows, Enhanced Metafile (.WMF, .EMF)
    • Adobe Illustrator (.AI)
    • CorelDRAW (.CDR)
    • Skencil (.SK, .SK1)
    • Autodesk AutoCAD (.DXF, .DWG)
  • sgh Мод APK 8.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    sgh Мод APK 8.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    For those who have a cover over your smart-phone for protection, every-time you want to use, you need to lift up the cover press power button and swipe to unlock in order to use. This is very troublesome.

    This app aim to resolve the problem by trying to use the proximity sensor. Idea is simple. Once you lift up the cover, the screen is turned on for immediate use.

    To configure, close and open cover to calibrate first and then tap Start to start the service.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.

    Important points to note:
    - Use the 15 minutes trial to see if your smart-phone has a proximity sensor.
    - If you install third party keylock app, this app is unable to unlock them.
  • Check Browser Мод APK 10.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Check Browser Мод APK 10.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    For users who use the Android default Browser app to surf Internet, the bookmark and history URL is a commonly used feature. However sometimes you accidentally delete the bookmark or history URL and then one fine day you desperately want to go to some URL but it is no longer in the bookmark and history URL anymore.

    This app serve as a "bookmark and history URL back-up app" for the Android default Browser. To search all bookmark and history URL in Android default Browser, just tap Srch Browser. At the search results screen, tap Save All to save them to this back-up app.

    To search all bookmark and history URL in this app back-up, just tap Srch This App. At the search results screen, tap Delete All to delete them from this back-up app. To copy individual URL so as to paste them elsewhere, tap and hold and tap Copy URL .

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Interval Camera Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Interval Camera Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This app does not aim to compete as a full-featured camera. What it does is to provide a cheap way to do monitoring of say your baby sleeping posture, baby playing alone by themselves etc by using the camera to take pictures automatically.

    Since it is cheap, the idea is simple, you set a start and end time and how often between that time span to start up the camera to start taking pictures.

    To configure, set Start Time, End Time, fixed time interval (minutes) to occur, repeating, folder to store the taken pictures.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.

    Important points to note:
    - If you configure too often between a short time span, the app will function very badly.
    - To prevent shaking too much in the taken pictures, mount your smart-phone in a stable position and the lens facing the area you intend to take pictures.
    - Please note since it is a cheap way, space the frequency over a longer time span so the app can perform efficiently as expected.
  • sgh Мод APK 14.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    sgh Мод APK 14.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This app provides a count "down" timer to count down the number of days to the item/event date. It does not require any Internet connection so it is useful for users who live in areas where Internet connectivity is poor or unstable.

    To configure, tap New Item, enter an item description and a start date, checkbox to show in Live Folder and Save. To search, tap Search to search all or key in a partial item description to do some simple filtering. To edit/delete items, you can tap and hold on those entries in the result screen and a pop-up window appear. Tap Delete All to delete all.

    A Live Folder is added so you can add to the Home screen and leave it open. Whenever there are changes to those events dates as you edit the records using the app or as each day passed by, it will be updated automatically.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Housekeep Files Мод APK 7.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Housekeep Files Мод APK 7.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    For some people who want to do simple housekeep of deleting un-wanted files in your sd-card mass volume based on files are how old, this app is to serve that need.

    To configure, set the folder (at least one), file extension (optional), file time-stamp in terms of how many days,hours,minutes old at least. Tap Execute Rule to start deleting those files fulfilling the criteria or tap Save Rule to save the configuration to be re-used later.

    Important points to note:
    - During the 15 minutes trial, create a dummy folder where those files to be deleted to verify the deletion is correct before using it actual
    - If you wish and want to be extra safe, make a copy of the folder you set to delete so you can recover your files if the app delete the files wrongly

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Download Many Мод APK 9.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Download Many Мод APK 9.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Some users need to download a series of pdf, doc, png etc hosted on some URLs every now and then. Repeating this download task every now and then is tedious and troublesome. This app is to make that mundane task faster and easier.

    To configure, tap Setup. enter a URL description and the actual URL. Tap Add.

    To trigger download, tap Execute. You can then tap the Download button besides each URL or tap Download All to download all of them.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Show All Media Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Show All Media Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    There are apps that help users to hide pictures,videos,ringtones from the Android Gallery, Music apps. This app is to serve the reverse and that is attempt to "un-hide" them so you can see them appearing in the Android Gallery, Music etc apps.

    This will be useful when you are outside of your house or don't have the time and luxury to connect a USB cable to the Android smart-phone to find them. To configure, just tap Start Scan For Hidden To Unhide and let it run in the background. You can then exit the app and do other things else.

    To manual trigger Media Scanner, just tap Start Media Scanner. You can then exit the app and do other things else.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Aadhi PDF to Word Converter Pro Мод APK 0.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Aadhi PDF to Word Converter Pro Мод APK 0.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Adhi PDF to Word Converter es una herramienta ideal para convertir archivos PDF a MS Word con dos clics! Elija un archivo PDF y de prensa Menú de conversión de PDF.
    A continuación se presentan las principales características de Adhi PDF to Word Converter:
    - Un fácil utilizar PDF Converter Aplicación para convertir PDF a Word (PDF a MS Word)
    - Se puede convertir directamente archivos PDF desde el móvil al abrir el archivo PDF, pulse en el PDF Compartir (o Abrir en el menú) y seleccione Copiar en el menú PDF a Word Converter.
    - Adhi PDF Converter App permite convertir archivos PDF a partir de una URL web directo. Para convertir PDF a partir de URL Simplemente escriba la dirección URL PDF y pulse el menú PDF Convert permite convertir PDF a archivos DOC.
    - Convertir PDF a partir de la unidad compartida. Convertir archivos de icloud Drive, Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.
    - Una de las características avanzadas de Adhi PDF to Word Converter es convertir las páginas personalizadas de archivos PDF. Puede convertir todas las páginas impares y pares de archivo PDF y puede convertir las páginas personalizadas de PDF a RTF (DOC)
    - Adhi PDF a Word Converter para iPhone permite convertir archivos PDF protegidos con contraseña al DOC.
    - Si no es necesario descargar el archivo convertido en el dispositivo, la aplicación puede enviar directamente el archivo de palabras convertida a la dirección de correo electrónico especificada después pdf convertir. Después pdf convertir el archivo de aplicación va a enviar el archivo PDF convertido a la dirección de correo electrónico.

    Una herramienta ideal como PDF to Word Converter, PDF a RTF Converter, convertidor de PDF a DOC
  • Dream Journal Pro Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Dream Journal Pro Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Had a Dream early Morning ?? Quickly write it down every details in your Dream Journal. This will improve your recollection of dreams over the period of time.

    Dream Journal is simple app maintain a Record Data for your Dreams (& Nightmares). Every morning wake & write your dreams before you forget it.

    **** This is Ad-Free Vesion****
    If you like my work then Don't forget to Rate 5 Stars :)

    Website: http://www.ephrine.in
    If you have any feedback, suggestion, complains feel free to tell us : http://goo.gl/forms/CJvLGFXOEE
    Bug Report : http://goo.gl/forms/K5o2cr0cxk
    if there is any problem with app submit a bug report instead of giving low rating

    Follow Me on Google+: https://plus.google.com/+DeveshChaudhari95
    Follow Me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ephrineapps
  • Jums Rombaon Мод APK 4.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Jums Rombaon Мод APK 4.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Yes Contacts & Prospect List

    Amazing contacts management app for business, sales, direct-selling, multi-level marketing and network marketing professionals.


    * Prospect Management List

    * Customer & Client Management List

    . * Associate / Downline Management List

    * Import contacts from phone's contact app

    * Effective sales funnel management: categorize your contacts depending on their status and decision.

    * Filter contact list by category

    * Save unlimited contacts, phone numbers, email addresses and prospecting notes

    * Powerful contacts management using the search and filter button

    Watch the promo video for tutorials on how to create a powerful prospect list.

    Yes to success! !

    I appreciate your comments or suggestions.
    Feel free to contact me: [email protected]
    If you liked Yes Contacts & Prospects Lists, please give it a 5-Star rating and review. I would highly appreciate it.
  • Carpenter Aid Мод APK 10.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Carpenter Aid Мод APK 10.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This app provides a feature that some carpenters or those in the wood log industry may need. Given a log, how many different dimension rectangular board size can be 'get' out from it. By varying the dimension size and quantity, the most optimal number of boards can be determined from the log without too much wastage. Feature to set price per sq ft, per sq m etc is also provided so that carpenter/wood seller can determine the total cost for all the boards versus the cost for the log itself.

    Tap Convert log to get the total volume for the log. It can have different measurement units in it's computation. Tap Set unit price to set the price per sq ft, per sq m. This value will be used in the computation later on in Add board screen.

    Tap Add board and set the length, width, thickness, quantity and the price. Tap total price and at the bottom there is a price and volume running total computed as you save more boards. Tap Board summary to see all the records you have saved in Add board screen. From this screen, long tap to edit or delete the individual record.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • sgh Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    sgh Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    There are many reward systems parents have for kids. Instead of giving monies for job/homework/spelling/test etc well done, some parents adopt the "seal chop" rewards system. Basically whenever the kid has done something well, parent award a seal and chop on a booklet. The kid will keep the booklet and accumulate more seal chops. Parents would then say for every 20 seal chops accumulated, the reward will be the kids will have a good meal at the fast food restaurant.

    This app is NOT to duplicate that booklet feature. This app is for parents to keep track of the seal chops each kid have accumulated. Very resourceful kids have 'faked' or do their own seal chops on their booklet behind their parents back. It is also easier to have a smart-phone with an app on hand to check than to bring along all the kids booklet out to check on an outing if rewards is to be realized.

    To use, tap New Seal. Enter a seal description e.g Child A, Child B etc. Tap Add/Del chop to add or delete chop. Tap Save. Tap Clear then Save when say 20 seal chops have been rewarded and the reward system should start from zero again. Tap View Seal to see all the children seal chops. Long tap on each entry to do edit for that child record.

    This app is designed primarily for parents to keep track of children rewards. This does not mean it cannot be used for parents themselves. E.g some eateries or grocery stores etc also adopt some kind of accumulated seal chop etc concept. Although you need to redeem with the actual store card and seal chops later on, this app can still serve as a monitoring tool during the interim period where you still have not reached the limit to do a full redeem.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Interval Audio Мод APK 7.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Interval Audio Мод APK 7.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This app does not aim to compete as a full-featured audio recorder. Neither does it aim to compete as a comprehensive 24x7 monitoring audio recorder. What it does is to provide a cheap way to do monitoring of say your baby sleeping posture, baby playing alone by themselves etc.

    Since it is cheap, the idea is simple, you set a start and end time and how often between that time span to start up the audio recorder to start record and record for how long for each start up. There will be no video and hence no waking up of the device to record images, it is just pure audio recording.

    To configure, set Start Time, End Time, fixed time interval (minutes) to occur, repeating, folder to store the recorded video, how long each record duration is.

    Important points to note:
    - If you configure too often between a short time span, the app will function very badly.
    - If you configure the record duration to many mins each time, the app will function very badly as in before it can finish, the next interval will be triggered.
    - Please note since it is a cheap way, space the frequency over a longer time span and restrict each record duration to say 1-3 minutes so the app can perform efficiently as expected.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Whose Turn Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Whose Turn Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Muy a menudo en nuestra vida cotidiana, tenemos tareas diarias que se convierten en base. Por ejemplo, el lavado de inodoro se va a girar entre usted y su cónyuge. Moping de toma suelo de la vuelta. Lave los platos toman turno. Quién para tomar el baño primero, cola, etc se va a girar entre sus hijos y muchas más tareas son por turnos. En cualquier momento, usted quiere saber quién es la persona actual supone para emprender esta tarea. Después se lleva a cabo de este tiempo, la persona siguiente será el siguiente para hacer la misma tarea.

    En la sección Configuración, toque en Tareas para entrar en una nueva tarea. Los datos de configuración se utilizan en la sección Proceso cuando toque Añadir. En la pantalla Agregar, seleccione la tarea y añada la persona y su orden de turno para la tarea. Esto preparó el pedido inicial a su vez.

    Para utilizar, en la pantalla de inicio de tomas largas Widgets -> A quién le toca. Aparecerá una pantalla para que seleccione una tarea. Una vez seleccionado, un widget mostrará la persona actual de trabajo responsable es quién. Al tocar el widget, aparece una pantalla y se puede ver a la otra persona por orden de turno. Pulse Siguiente Ronda para girar a la siguiente persona en la cola a la primera. Esto es crucial, de lo contrario el orden de turno persona no se cambia.

    Los soporte de aplicaciones en inglés, chino simplificado, chino tradicional pantalla.
  • sgh Мод APK 7.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    sgh Мод APK 7.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    For users who are not satisfied with the provided set of date and/or time format in your Android phones, this little app helps to make it easier. You get to setup your own user-defined date and/or time format. Then you get them to be copied to clipboard so you can paste that date format string in all your notes or any app that require different timestamp.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Random Pick Мод APK 9.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Random Pick Мод APK 9.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Very often in our daily lives, we have daily decisions to be made. Sometimes we just want to randomly pick one among our options. Instead of flipping a coin for head and tail, this app provides another way to do that choice for you. It also support choosing more than 1 random items for your options.

    At the Setup section, tap List to enter a new list. Then at the list item, you select the list you added earlier and add items for that list. Then to use, tap Randomize button under Process section. Enter the number of items to randomize and tap randomize button and you get your random option.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • DeFit Мод APK 0.8.1 [Remove ads][Infinite] 2.7

    DeFit Мод APK 0.8.1 [Remove ads][Infinite]


    No more shaking your phone! DeFit can automatically add running activity to fitness service.

    Do you feel annoying on adding activities when developing apps? DeFit can automatically add activity records to the fitness database to make your life easier. You may also specify the running speed and/or steps of the activity. You don't have to hire a runner to test your app or shake testing phones anymore.

    How to use DeFit?
    1. Login your fitness account
    2. Turn on the switch "Sync fitness data"
    3. User can check the status of the latest sync and remaining time

    - DeFit is a third-party app using Google Fitness API and service. DeFit is not affiliated with the Google company.
    - DeFit does not collect, store any user data including name, photo or email address on the server side.
    - User takes full responsibilities using DeFit when the user does not use DeFit for software development.
  • Mitered Pipe Мод APK 1.9.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Mitered Pipe Мод APK 1.9.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Get all our apps in one here:

    The Pocket Pipe calculator is designed for Pipefitter/ welders/fabricators.
    - Mitered Cut on end of a piece of pipe
    - Mitered Offset
    - Mitered 180 Return
    - Wye Connection
    - Orange Peel
    - Custom Concentric Reducer
    - Custom Eccentric Reducer
    - Mini Pipe chart reference in-screen
    - NPS Metric Pipe chart
    - NPS Imperial Pipe chart
    - Contact Form (suggestions and feedback)

    Find Me on Facebook

    ** See our other calculator as well for common offsets and rolling offsets in the android Market***
    *** Also Available is the Fishmouth and Lateral Calculator***

    Your feedback is always welcome on this app, as we are always improving its functionality. if for any reason your device has an issue on install or functionality please let us know. We will fix it. We want everyone to be able to utilize this tool at work to improve their productivity and value as a pipefitter/Fabricator.

    Contact us either by:
    Phone: 207-200-1556
    Text: 207-200-1556
    email:[email protected]
    Web: www.pipefittercalculator.com


    Please note we make no claim or responsibility in the values generated and the user takes sole responsibility when using this application. Thank you.
  • Natural Notes + Мод APK 2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Natural Notes + Мод APK 2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    We are aware that there are many notes app for Android, what makes our different?
    This is our attempt of combining useful and the easy to use.

    It is probably not the notebook with most features, but we wanted to write things down in 2 seconds and have them always handy.
    That is why we made Natural Notes, a free notebook app and you're welcome to try it.

    If you liked it, you may feel the need to have some more features, like protect your notes with a password, export note to txt file, import a note from another txt file, you may want the text size a bit bigger ... we have added the options that we realized we needed in a natural way.

    If we are lucky and you choose Natural Notes + to manage your notes on your mobile device, your comments and suggestions are welcome at [email protected] email

    We have been very careful to not make it too complicated but we have not lost functionality.

    This app is not cloud based, so the information you enter into the app will be saved on the internal memory of your device.

    Your backups use the internal memory. This app needs access permission during backup or restore operations. You, the user, choose the destination where to save the backup copy in Settings.

    Added option to open any .txt file on the device with Natural Notes + and save it as a note (.txt files you receive via Bluetooth, as an email attach, etc).
    Added option to share your notes as .txt files for email attach, Bluetooth, etc.

    Added option to import / export whole folders of .txt files
    Added option to install or mover the app to the SD card (on Android versions that allow this)
    Improved design for large 10 inch tablets
    You can now password protect whole folders
    All password protected notes and folders have new icons
    Improved italian translation. Thank you Vittorio!

    Added option to import / export whole folders of .txt files
    Added option to install or mover the app to the SD card (on Android versions that allow this)
    New design for large 10 inch HoneyComb tablets.
    Improved opening speed of the app
    Improved french translation. Thank you Philippe!
    If there is no title for the note it will set automatically.
    Improved design on Android Ice Cream and Jelly Bean versions.
    Added more options to the Settings screen.
    Double tap note text to open edit mode.
    Added option to insert date and time to text, title or folder name on double tap.
    More control over your backups and exported txt files: you can now choose the folder on your device in the settings screen.


    - modernized look
    - added list items multiselect on long press
    - improved backup and restore functions
    - added duplicate note function
    - added tips
    - improved reorder list, now drag and drop
    - added automatic backup function
    - added an "export-notes-to-txt" screen, to make it easier to manage your data. From here you can export ALL your notes to txt files in one go
    - added optional biometric fingerprint protection instead of password protection for notes and folders
    - added a export-and-send a whole folder of notes as txt files with Drive, email, etc
  • Bluetooth Alert Мод APK 10.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Bluetooth Alert Мод APK 10.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Para algunas personas que utilizan Bluetooth en su teléfono inteligente Android para transferir archivos o utilizar auriculares Bluetooth, habrá veces por algunas razones inexplicables, el dispositivo Bluetooth local o remoto parece desconexión automática. Para los usuarios que están haciendo la transferencia de archivos largos, usted desea ser notificado inmediatamente por una señal de llamada sin interrupción continua para conocer la transferencia de archivos se ha detenido. Para los usuarios cuyas Bluetooth headset caen accidentalmente y se desconectan, desea que se le notifique de inmediato para que pueda empezar a volver a trazar los pasos que se te cae para que pueda recuperarla.

    Para configurar, establecer tono de alarma, seleccione desea ser notificado cuando Bluetooth local o un dispositivo Bluetooth remoto desconectar y toque Guardar. Finalmente recuerde pulse Inicio para iniciar el servicio.

    Puntos importantes a tener en cuenta:
    - Tiempo de espera de pantalla fija para ser más largo por lo que el tono puede jugar más tiempo para obtener su atención.
    - Desactive el bloqueo de la pantalla, ya que puede impedir la aplicación de la vigilia el teléfono inteligente para jugar la melodía.

    El apoyo Inglés de aplicación, Visualización simplificada chinos tradicionales.
  • Pranay Pradeep Paijwar Мод APK 1.0.10 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Pranay Pradeep Paijwar Мод APK 1.0.10 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This is the paid ADFREE version of App Saver,

    Try Free version before you buy

    Many times you need apk of application installed on your device.
    There may be many reasons for it
    When you want to format/reset your device you may not want to re download all the apps instead may want to install from your computer.

    This app will give you apk of installed applications or games, so you can take a backup of them.

    So now you can share not only the link of your favorite app but also you can share apk of that app.
  • Many Timer Мод APK 9.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Many Timer Мод APK 9.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This app provides 10 timers. Each timer can be configured to count-up or count-down and also the color to appear as the display. Uses for such app is to provide a single screen where a person can monitor multiple timer events going on.

    E.g a driver may have a count-up timer to count his time driving, another count-down timer to control his break etc. At any time, timers can be stopped (tap Stop) and then start again (tap Start)later and it will continue from where it last halted. To start a new cycle tap Reset and then Start.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Gift Manage Мод APK 7.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Gift Manage Мод APK 7.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Do you have a family tradition to give gifts to your relatives and friends for festive occasions like Christmas, New Year or birthdays etc? How often you set off with a budget and then as and when you buy the gift for that receiver, you record it somewhere on paper and the most important thing of all is to keep track of the total gift cost in case you cross your initial budget or if you need to revise your gifts cost or budget? This app is to serve that need.

    To use, at the Setup section, tap Occasion to enter a new occasion each time. Tap Receiver to setup the people you want to give your gifts to. These setup data will be used in the Process section when you tap Add. At the Add screen, you select the occasion and tap add to add receiver gift information. The Total gift cost is green color as long as all the gifts cost entered never cross the budget. Once it crosses, it will be in red color indicating you need to either revise budget or maybe swap gifts to lower value.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Checklist Planner Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Checklist Planner Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    In our daily lives, very often we uses something that resemble a checklist. Example for every grocery trip, there are some items like rice,bread etc that is a must-buy. For every trip overseas, there are some items like change money, tourist map etc. For every cooking, there are some items like sugar,salt,pepper,onions etc. We tend to prepare this list in advance and then as each item is fulfilled we will tick them off as done.

    This checklist routine repeat and repeat. This app is created to make our lives easier. It uses the concept of first creating a checklist template. Then every now and then we need a new checklist, we will use the pre-configured template to generate a new checklist. This help to save us time.

    First create the checklist template by tap New Checklist Template,View Checklist Template. After templates are created, we will use New Checklist,View Checklist to go about our task of checking off items from the checklist.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • XPrivacyLua Pro Мод APK 0.79 [Unlocked] 3.6

    XPrivacyLua Pro Мод APK 0.79 [Unlocked]


    This app allows you to purchase the following XPrivacyLua pro features individually or all at once:

    • backup and restore all settings
    • manage individual hooks per app
    • set custom identifiers globally/per app
    • allow (non) starred contacts globally/per app
    • set custom fake or coarse location globally/per app
    • view a global log of which restriction were applied and when
    • notify on applying an app restriction
    • dark theme

    Managing hook definitions and accessing the hook definition repository are free to use features.

    This app requires XPrivacyLua to be installed, see here for instructions:

    For support, please use this forum:
  • sgh Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    sgh Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This app is not created to replace Google Maps or other feature rich mapping apps. What this app does is to serve TWO simple needs for certain group of users.

    First need is under Setup New Map and View Map. Use case is you own jpg,png image files of tradeshow,house,store,apartment,garden etc map and you want to draw pins on different location within the map. Upon tap the pin you want to store some information for that location. So from user perspective, you see the map with pins on them.

    App works by assuming the jpg,png map image files are split into many squares along X and Y axis. Each square is then where the app will draw pin in them.

    Second need is under Setup New Floorplan and View Floorplan. Use case is you are selling concert or bus or cinema etc tickets, you want to keep track of which seats are available,sold or reserved. As floorplan varies greatly whether it is concert or bus or cinema seating arrangement, this app takes a very simplistic view of seating arrangement as many squares along X and Y axis. Each square represent a seat.

    Important points to note:
    - Since most map images are huge, try to scale the image in advance to dimension close to the smart-phone screen size. This ensure when the app render the image it is close to original and your pins drawn on top will look nice.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Graph Draw Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Graph Draw Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This app does not aim to be a full-featured graph drawing app. What this app provides is a quick way to visualize your series of numeric data in a line chart. This is useful when sometimes you just want a graph representation of your numeric data like say your bets statistics etc. Able to save it as an image for viewing later etc.

    You can key in your numeric data one by one at Setup section by tap List to create a list. Then tap List Item to create a series of numeric data for a specified list you configured in List earlier. Or if you already keep your numeric data in a simple text file, you can use the Import section List and List Item where you select a text file from your sdcard and import into the app.

    Lastly, at Process section, tap Graph to select the list and set some graph settings. Tap Draw Graph to see your line chart.

    Important points to note:
    - The format for the text file for import should be just one line one record separated by a newline for different records.
    - If you attempt to draw the graph with hundreds of numeric data, the app will crawl. Optimal data size should be around 40-60 numbers. This app is meant to be used simply not enterprise level kind of graph drawing.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • Country Codes Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Country Codes Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Sometimes you need to call to different countries for work or leisure. This app provides a quick way to get to the different country code for dialing purposes. You use it to search and then tap the item and the default phone dialer app will be launched with the country code you have selected pre-filled in. This app also does not require any Internet connection so it is useful for users who live in areas where Internet connectivity is poor or unstable.

    To use, enter the partial (at least 3 characters) country name and a list of potential matching entries will appear. Look for items icon that is from this app. Then you tap on that item and the default phone dialer will launch with the country code pre-filled in.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • SocialX - Screen Time Tracker Мод APK 1.3.20 [Premium] 3.7

    SocialX - Screen Time Tracker Мод APK 1.3.20 [Premium]


    Using social media apps is not an issue. But, over usage is!
    Looking for an app to limit your social media usage?
    Looking for a screen time blocker app to help with app usage?

    Then, you are at the right place. SocialX is here to help you with digital detox.
    It helps track and reduce your screen time on social media apps.

    With SocialX you can:

    limit social media usage
    increase your digital wellbeing
    limit whatsapp usage
    spend quality time with family
    increase efficiency and productivity
    reduce wasted time with digital detox and block youtube.

    Key features:

    1) Track screen time:

    With this app, you can track time spent on social media (you can also limit social media usage time) and other apps on a daily basis. You can see cool statistics of time spent on apps in the last 7 days. You can also find statistics of the time spent on each app (this is a premium feature).

    2) Set a daily limit on social media:

    This Android screen time blocker application you can set a daily goal on the amount of time you want to spend on social media. This way, you have more time to spend in the real world and with real people. Once the limit is set on this social media blocker app, whenever you open a social media app, you will see a timer at the top of the screen. This timer keeps you conscious of your goal of keeping your usage to less than one hour. When your usage is less than 50% of your goal, the timer will show in green color. Once you cross 50%, it switches to orange / amber. After your usage crosses 90%, the timer will switch to a cautioning red color.

    3) Block apps other than social media:

    Not just social media apps, you can also track and block other apps that take away your time. E.g. let's say you spend a lot of time on YouTube. But, Youtube is technically not a social media product. However, you can still add it to the list of apps to be tracked and the blocker tracks and limits your usage of youtube.To add more than 3 social media apps, you will need a premium subscription.

    4) Set appwise usage limit:

    SocialX has a total limit of time spent across all apps that you track. However, you might want to limit usage of a specific app, say, you want to limit Instagram, twitter usage to a certain duration. You can set an app specific usage limit as well (this is a premium feature). With this feature, you can ensure that a specific app doesn't steal away your productivity.

    5) Sleep peacefully:

    Block all social media apps during bed time to sleep peacefully and wake up refreshed. When this switch is on, social media apps won't be accessible during your sleep timings. You can set sleep timings according to your daily routine and limit your screen time and instagram usage.

    6) Premium for free:

    You can get premium features for free by referring friends and family members. When a friend joins, both of you get a week of free access to premium features.

    7) Benefits of premium:

    - With premium you can modify your timer which appears while using other apps
    - You can add unlimited apps to limit their usage
    - Setting appwise usage time limits. Suppose you want to limit instagram usage in particular, you can do it only with our premium plan.
    - Do you want to know what was your twitter usage or whatsapp usage for the day? You can get app wise statistics with premium plans.
    - No ads

    Permissions required by SocialX:

    Accessibility services: in order for SocialX to track the time of usage , accessibility services permission is needed(BIND_ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE).

    What are you waiting for? Install SocialX screen time blocker and reduce your social media usage.
  • My Sensors Мод APK 5.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    My Sensors Мод APK 5.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    For those Android smart-phones that have various sensors built-in, this app attempt to access and retrieve values for display. Three common sensors are shown. Light, Temperature, 3-axis Magnetic field.

    Use case for such app is to help some users whose line of work include the need to check for light lumen, temperature or magnetic field of the surrounding environment.

    Make use of the 15 minutes trial to determine if your Android smart-phones come with those sensors built-in. The value will appear and updated periodically once you tap Start for each sensor. Tap Stop to stop the sensor.

    The application support English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese display.
  • "Лучший загрузчик файлов модов!"