Дома / Приложение
  • Weather & Clock Widget Plus Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Weather & Clock Widget Plus Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    Stay updated with the latest weather observations and the most accurate future weather forecast.

    Personalize your phone/tablet with the most elegant and customizable widgets, showing current weather, hourly/daily forecast, moon phase, time and date, your calendar events, next alarm, battery level.

    - Automatic location detection
    - Locate by network and GPS (Global Positioning System).
    - Manually search for location by name or zip code.
    - Weather notification alerts.
    - Multiple weather providers.
    - Current weather condition.
    - Hourly weather forecast.
    - 10-day weather forecast.
    - Temperature.
    - Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature unit.
    - Relative humidity percentage.
    - Atmospheric pressure.
    - Visibility distance.
    - Precipitation.
    - UV-Index.
    - Dew point.
    - Wind speed and direction with different units.
    - Sunrise and Sunset times.
    - Display temperature in status bar (Notification bar).
    - Share weather and location information with friends.
    - Elegant home screen widgets.
    - Customize font for clock and date.
    - Moon phase.
    - Update on WiFi only and stop while roaming.
    - Automatic update intervals: 15, 30 min, 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 hours or Manual update.
    - Follow weather and forecast for multiple locations.
    - Weather map.
    - Android Wear support.
    - Themes.
    - Chart graphs.
    - Localized to many world languages.

    FAQ page: http://devexpert.net/weather/FAQ
    For more information: http://devexpert.net/weather/
    Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Weather-Clock-Widget-182414791859010/
  • Earthquakes Tracker Pro Мод APK 1.9.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Earthquakes Tracker Pro Мод APK 1.9.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Earthquake alerts and information at your fingertips:

    * Near real time seismic events notification.
    * Analyze seismic activity by plotting on the graph various seismic data spanning from hours to days, month and years.
    * Custom proximity and magnitude alerts so you never miss an important event.
    * My Zones - define your own zones to monitor by selecting center coordinates and a radius. Use zones list to filter message, sound, voice notification and earthquakes list plus many other features.
    * Push notification with custom filter to receive only events that meet your criteria.
    * Earthquake historical data back to 1900 to analyze by using filters as magnitude, depth, location and time.
    * Voice announcer will speak event parameters so you don't have to read each time an earthquake take place.
    * See at a glance global seismic activity in real time by using double bar charts. There are two charts: frequency and magnitude. For a complete overview, each chart displays activity vs calmness by using double colored bars.
    * Antipodal map.
    * P and S waves arrival time at your location.
    * Moon information and position as sub-lunar point in real time and at event time.
    * Calculate and display various seismogram and plots for selected event by downloading and analyzing data from nearby seismic stations sensors.
    * Space weather(estimated planetary K index bar chart and graph )

    And more.. Discover for yourself.

    notice: The technology used by this app offers the possibility to sent earthquake notifications as soon as they are issued by data centers. Sometime data is delayed due to processing time on those data centers.

    Art Credits:

    Onboard images:
    Designed by Freepik
    Seismic data button icon:
    Flaticon - https://www.flaticon.com/authors/flat-icons
    Photo by Andrea Rizzo - Unsplash.com
    Photo by Adam Chang - Unsplash.com
  • Weather Мод APK 2.6.2 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Weather Мод APK 2.6.2 [Unlocked]


    Realtime weersvoorspelling biedt u altijd nauwkeurige weersinformatie, waar u ook bent.

    Hoofdkenmerken van de weer-app:
    - Tijdige en nauwkeurige algehele weersomstandigheden: real-time temperaturen, weer, temperatuurbereik, etc.
    - 24-uurs voorspelling: geef 24-uurs weersvoorspelling over temperatuur en weer.
    - 10 dagen voorspelling: verstrek een voorspelling van 10 dagen over het temperatuurbereik en het weer.
    - Meer informatie: zonsopgangtijd, zonsondergangtijd, vochtigheid, neerslagkans, zichtbaarheid, windsnelheid, redelijke temperatuur, etc.
    - Wereldwijde dekking: omvat tienduizenden steden, weer en steden over de hele wereld.
    - Nauwkeurige locatie: lokaliseer uw positie automatisch.
    - Aangepaste melding: maakt u op de hoogte van het weer van de plaats die u aanbelangt.
    - Duidelijke gebruikersinterface en intuïtieve navigatie.

    - Veeg op en neer voor meer informatie
    - Veeg naar links en rechts om van locatie te wisselen
    - Voeg meer locatie toe met de knop in de linkerbovenhoek
    - Wijzig de eenheid in instellingen (metrische eenheid / Engelse eenheid)

    Weersverwachting app, uw persoonlijke weer radar steward!

    Hoe Weather App Forecast helpt:
     ⁃ Reisvoorbereiding: voordat u uw tickets of hotels boekt, kunt u het plaatselijke weer bekijken en beslissen wanneer en waar u het eerst moet gaan, bij weer moet u dikke kleding meenemen.
     ⁃ Weekendplannen: u wilt misschien gaan vissen of naar het strand gaan of gaan wandelen als het mooi weer is, en binnenblijven met uw vriend vanwege slecht weer. Dus gebruik deze app voordat je een zet doet.
     ⁃ Uw uitgaande keuze: u kunt misschien wel waterdichte schoenen dragen en een paraplu meenemen als het regent.
     ⁃ Andere activiteiten: buitenspellen, sport, gazononderhoud en meer
     ⁃ herinner je vrienden het aanstaande slechte weer door Facebook, Twitter of Instagram en laat zien hoeveel je om hen geeft

    Ongeacht of u een reiziger of huisvrouw bent of een liefhebber van het buitenleven, de app Weather Forecast is uw trouwe helper.

     Als u een probleem tegenkomt of een suggestie hebt van de weer-app, neem dan contact met ons op
     ⁃ Facebook http://www.facebook.com/WeatherRadar2017
     ⁃ Twitter http://twitter.com/WeatherRadar2017
     ⁃ Instagram http://www.instagram.com/WeatherRadar2017
  • Weather + Мод APK 1.1.3 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Weather + Мод APK 1.1.3 [Unlocked]


    Weather + :: Lock Screen, Live Wallpaper, Photos and Backgrounds
    Kick off your day with accurate weather information and beautiful photos near you.

    Weather at your glance

    Experience a whole new Lock Screen UI—weather, stunning photo near you—and then swipe to unlock through beautiful screen.

    • Find out accurate weather report including current temperature, high and low temperature and probability of precipitation forecast based on your current location.
    • Discover beautiful cities of the world from the famous to just the fabulously obsessed everyday.
    • Just swipe to unlock. You can easily go to home screen or quickly launch camera.

    If you like our app, Follow us via @weatherlocker on Twitter, on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/weatherlocker for tips and tricks and other helpful information.

    Have any questions or feedback? Reach out to us at [email protected]

  • RadarNow! ® Мод APK 6.0 [Unlocked] 3.9

    RadarNow! ® Мод APK 6.0 [Unlocked]


    Fedezze fel az azonnali időjárási információkat a RadarNow!® segítségével. Akár a szabadban dolgozik, akár biciklizik, akár szeretne naprakészen tartani az aktuális időjárást, a RadarNow!® pontos, valós idejű animált NOAA radarképeket és naprakész körülményeket kínál, hogy tájékozódjon.

    A RadarNow!® megjeleníti a National Weather Service (NWS) legújabb radarképeit a NOAA WSR-88D NEXRAD és TDWR telephelyeiről az Egyesült Államok Puerto Ricóban, Guamban, Kanadában, valamint Mexikó és a Karib-térség egyes régióiban. Az opcionális helymeghatározási szolgáltatások bekapcsolásával a RadarNow!® automatikusan megjeleníti az Önhöz legközelebbi hely radaradatait, amikor megnyitja az alkalmazást. Nem kell keresgélni a közeli időjárás után, a RadarNow!® egy kék pontot dob, amely megmutatja, hol tartózkodik, és a közeli időjárást a legközelebbi radar mutatja.

    A RadarNow!® segítségével animált radarokat és helyi viszonyokat érhet el az aktuális tartózkodási helye körül. A továbbfejlesztett funkciók jobb élményéhez vegye fontolóra a "RadarNow!® Lifetime" bérletet, amely 12,99 dollárért kapható. Fedezze fel ezeket a prémium szolgáltatásokat egy 5 napos ingyenes próbaverzióval.

    A RadarNow!® célja a legpontosabb radarképek, aktuális állapotok és óránkénti előrejelzések továbbítása közvetlenül a NOAA szervereiről, biztosítva, hogy Ön megbízható adatokat kapjon. A TDWR oldalak (nagyobb felbontás, de rövidebb hatótávolság) iránt érdeklődők számára ezeket a vízikonok jelzik, amelyek érintéssel könnyen kiválaszthatók.

    Visszajelzés vagy javaslat? Azért vagyunk itt, hogy segítsünk. Használja a "Kapcsolatfelvétel" opciót a RadarNow!®-on belül (a menü-beállítás-kapcsolatfelvétel alatt található). Elkötelezettek vagyunk a legmagasabb szintű ügyfélszolgálat mellett, jellemzően mindössze tíz percen belül és mindig két munkanapon belül válaszolunk a támogatási kérésekre. Az Ön meglátásai inspirálják folyamatos fejlesztéseinket, segítve a RadarNow!® mai legjobb verziójának kialakítását.
  • Weather app Мод APK 4.5 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 4.0

    Weather app Мод APK 4.5 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Ky aplikacion moti është një nga aplikacionet më të mira të motit falas me karakteristika të plota: Moti lokal, harta e motit (shërbimi i hartës së motit) dhe widget e motit.
    Parashikimi: Parashikoni tani, parashikimin për orë dhe aplikacionin e parashikimit ditor
    Widgets për Android: widget e radarit të motit pa pagesë dhe widget me orë me stil të bukur.
    Harta e motit, harta e radarit të motit: Aplikacioni i radarit lokale të motit falas me shumë shtrirje të radarit: Shi / dëborë, temperaturë, presion, me erë, vranësira, lagështia, valë,… dhe radari i stuhisë.

    Itsshtë kaq e thjeshtë për të marrë kushtet e motit në vendndodhjen tuaj aktuale.
    Parashikimi i motit parashikon parashikimin e detajuar lokal dhe parashikimin e motit në të gjithë botën, aplikacioni siguron temperaturën aktuale në Celsius dhe Fahrenheit, kohën e lindjes së diellit dhe perëndimit të diellit sipas zonës së qytetit.
    Aplikacioni i motit gjithashtu siguron presion atmosferik, kushte të motit, distancën e dukshmërisë, lagështi relative, reshje në bashkime të ndryshme, pikën e vesës, shpejtësinë e erës dhe drejtimin, përveç dhjetë ditëve në parashikimin e motit në të ardhmen dhe orë.
    Temperatura në kohë reale, lagështia, presioni dhe drejtimi i erës janë të gjitha në bazë të aplikacionit të motit.

    Karakteristika të shkëlqyera:
    - Kanali i motit: temperatura, era, rrezet e diellit të ajrit, lagështia, pika e vesës, reshjet, shikueshmëria, presioni i atmosferës, uji, perëndimi i diellit, stuhia, stuhia, alarmi i shiut në një aplikacion më të lagësht
    - Parashikimi i orës ose të përditshme: ne ofrojmë 7 ditë informacione, moti tani, moti në orë pa orë në çdo orë, moti i sotëm, moti i nesërmës
    - Kushtet e animuara të motit me imazhe të sfondit live
    - Parashikimi i orës dhe javës, veçanërisht artikulli i motit në orë për 7 ditët e ardhshme.
    - Raporti botëror i motit: ne ofrojmë parashikimin e motit në të gjithë botën
    - Alarme për motin: siguroni njoftime lokale për motin 3 herë në ditë.
    - Jo GPS: jo një problem, aplikacioni mund të zbulojë vendndodhjen e rrjetit, jo aq të saktë, por është në rregull për disa raste
    - Paralajmërimi dhe njoftimi i stuhisë: Radari i stuhisë, gjurmuesi i stuhisë, paralajmërimi i tornados dhe alarmi i shiut - radari i shiut
    - Raportimi: lajmet për motin mund të shfaqen çdo ditë nëse e aktivizoni atë.
    - Koha e lindjes së diellit, koha e perëndimit të diellit dhe koha e ujit
    - Konvertuesi i temperaturës: Kalimi pa temperaturë midis Celsius dhe Fahrenheit, për të zbuluar automatikisht vendin tuaj duhet të përdorni Celsius ose Fahrenheit për cilësimet e paracaktuar.
    - Shpejtësia e erës dhe drejtimi i erës në njësi të ndryshme
    - Mjet guru i erës: parashikimi i erës nga njehsori i shpejtësisë së erës, zbuluesi i erës
    - 1 ditë, 7 ditë parashikim në të ardhmen me saktësi el tiempo, plus të dhëna tempo për motin e ardhshëm në orë
    - widget e motit (moti në ekranin e shtëpisë) dhe njoftimi i vazhdueshëm me shiritin e parashikimit, vend i shumëfishtë në pajisje.
    - Rimbushja automatike e të dhënave për njoftim madje edhe aplikacioni është në tokë
    - Shiriti i njoftimit të motit: Mban motin të rrjedhë nëntokë për në kohë reale, mund të shihni temperaturën në shiritin e sistemit android pa aplikacionin e hapjes
    - Kyçja e ekranit me informacione: temps, shi, reve dhe moti për widget e orës
    - Ndiqni nëse në vende të shumta
    - Mundësia e shiut, fraza e hënës, cikli i hënës
    - Radar i madh me lagështirë me harta të animuara

    Shkarkoni aplikacionin e saktë të motit tani për të planifikuar udhëtimet, punën dhe jetën tuaj!
  • Amber Weather Elite Мод APK 4.4.6 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Amber Weather Elite Мод APK 4.4.6 [Unlocked]


    Amber Weather is your personal weather station that provides today's current weather as well as daily and hourly weather forecasts based on your current location or any location in the world.

    The application has the following features:
    - Get current weather and weather forecasts around the world
    - Detailed weather report: current temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity

    If you have any advice or suggestions, please send your feedback to [email protected]. Your feedback will be fully appreciated. We are looking forward to improving our product with your help.
  • Weather Мод APK 61 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 4.0

    Weather Мод APK 61 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Weather forecast app has weather information with temperature, atmospheric pressure, weather condition, visibility distance, relative humidity, weather radar.
    Weather forecast is best weather app for android. Weather forecast is very important for life. With a reliable weather channel, You will have weather information to prepare your plan.

    If you want to know the weather today. Please download weather forecast app then open the weather app, you will get accurate answer. Weather today will be showed clearly with every hours. Weather forecast app also has a weather report on weather tomorrow, weather for today, also 10 day weather forecast
    With weather forecast you can see weather of your location and also you can know weather of many places on the world. If you are in New York, You can see London weather, Paris weather, San Francisco weather, Houston weather...

    Weather app is best choise for you. It is easy to understand, please open app, turn on location then you will get the weather forecasts in your current location. You also can open weather radar to get more forecast.
    Then weather report has many helpful information. Weather information includes current weather forecast, weather observation for all world locations. Weather forecast searches for your address automatically, you can choose temperature unit is Celsius or Fahrenheit.
    There are many information in weather forcasts which includes atmospheric pressure, weather condition, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation in different unites, dew point, wind speed and direction, in addition to ten days future forecast, also hourly weather forecast.
    Realtime temperature, humidity, pressure, wind force and wind direction are all in this weather app based.

    Features of weather forecast app:
    - Reliable. This app is a reliable Weather channel, weather network.
    - Know weather everywhere. Show weather in any places you like, ex: London weather, Paris weather, San Francisco weather, Houston weather
    - Provice many weather information: location time, temperature, atmospheric pressure, weather condition, visibility distance, relative humidity, precipitation in different unites, dew point, wind speed and direction
    - This weather and climate app offers daily weather, hourly weather forecasts and monthly weather forecasts. Meanwhile, it also provides interstate travel weather forecasts and forecast weather and wind.
    - Today, tomorrow, 3 days later, 7 days later. Weather for today, tomorrow's weather, … hourly weather in each hour.
    - Automatic location detection by network or GPS.
    - Add and track the weather reports in multiple locations
    - Weather notifications. Show you warnings and alerts updates, if you don't like you can make it invisible
    - Don't need to enable GPS. the app can detect right location over network then give exactly info of your cities. Maybe you live in New York, London, Paris... you need use this weather app.
    - Support weather radar

    please download weather forecast app, and get weather information daily to prepare your plan.
  • Weather Мод APK 1.5.1 [Premium] 3.8

    Weather Мод APK 1.5.1 [Premium]


    -- The Accurate Weather Channel --

    Weather Channel - the accurate weather forecast: real-time live weather report, weather online, minute-by-minute weather forecast, hourly weather forecast, 9 day's weather forecast and weather details from the national weather service(noaa).

    Are you hunting apps to see what the forecast? Weather Channel is a reliable weather live and wide weather network forecast, your best choice to get comprehensive weather information, best free weather app(weather pro) let you know today weather, tomorrow weather and future weather info.

    -- Local & Global Weather --

    Weather Channel - weather forecast is a local weather app, and also you can know weather of many places on the world, this means that you can see: US Weather, India Weather, New York Weather, London Weather, Paris Weather...It is really helpful when you is a tourist(aviation weather).

    -- Weather Radar & Forecast --

    Weather Channel - weather forecast is a fast, easy-to-use weather radar app that displays animated weather radar around your current location, from the doppler radar, you can see the storm radar and what the forecast is coming your way, so you can tell if storm is headed toward or away from you, and how fast.

    Weather Channel - weather forecast is one of the best radar weather apps with the standard pinch/zoom capability which allows you to smoothly zoom and pan around the weather underground and see what the forecast is like anywhere.

    Weather Channel - weather forecast also has the real-time hurricane tracking from the national hurricane center(noaa), it's great for the start of hurricane season or windy season.

    -- Weather Widgets & Clock --

    Weather Channel - weather forecast has the weather widgets can display the current temperature, time and date of current location, simple weather information, daily and hourly forecast.

    -- Weather Channel Main Features --

    The Real-Time Current Weather: Weather condition now. Temperature in status bar.
    Hourly/Daily/Weekly Weather Forecast: Minute-by-minute & hourly & 9 day's weather forecasts.
    Weather Radar Maps(Satellite Weather): Fast-loading radar maps show clouds, temperature, clima, waves, pressure, wind speeds, wind direction, water temperature readings, rain & snow cover and more. Helpful for ski reports, travel forecasts, aviation weather...
    Local Weather Details: temperature and "feels like" temperature, humidity readings, pressure, barometric pressure charts, dew point readings, UV index readings, air quality, wind forecasts and more.
    Weather Clock Widget: Various weather clock widget with real-time weather, weather forecast, city, clock & calendar.
    Notifications View: See current weather conditions & receive weather alerts in your notifications area.
    Weather Alerts: Inform you the real-time weather alerts and warnings.
    Precipitation Forecast(Rainy Weather Forecast): Tell you to bring an umbrella with you before it rains.
    Air Quality & Pollen Alert
    National Weather Service(noaa)
    Sunrise/sunset Time
    Moon phase
    Weather Live Wallpapers: such as dark sky
    Funny weather app
    Weather lock screen

    -- How To Use Weather Channel? --

    Weather Channel - weather forecast is very easy to use. Please open app, enable location then you can receive the weather channel and weather radar and tell you what the forecast.

    -- Customize Your Weather Channel --

    ☀Local Conditions: Access to local weather conditions, weather map & weather radar
    ☀Multi-language Support: Get your weather in English, Spanish & Portuguese …
    ☀Temperature Units: Fahrenheit (°F), Celsius (°C)
    ☀Wind Units: MPH, KPH, Knots and MPS
    ☀Pressure Units: Inches and millibars

    What the forecast? Weather Channel, the accurate weather forecast, live weather report, weather radar app.

    Stay In Touch
    Email: [email protected]
  • Gold Transport City Train Game Мод APK 1.5 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Gold Transport City Train Game Мод APK 1.5 [Unlocked]


    Whiplash Mediaworks gives you brand new GOLD TRANSPORTER TRAIN 2020: TRAIN SIMULATOR GAMES an addition in Google Play games in a realistic 3D environment to simulate your world in Travel & local where you will experience Adventure in Public Transportation to Get a ride in this Train Driving Simulator game 2020. These GOLD transport train games are now entering into a world of train driving games to load gold into cargo train transport. Unlike other train transportation games, this train game is highly recommended for you in Maps & GPS one of the best train driving games on google play store This cargo train game of gold transportation will give you huge loading experience of real gold & will also improve your train simulator driving skills. Perform all the transporter task assigned to you as a real train simulator driver & best gold truck transport driving simulator as a cargo driver who reaches the destination on time to load/unload gold on train simulator game & trailer truck driving.

    City Train Game Gold Transport you will forget all other Train driver simulator game 2020 after playing this Gold Train Transporter 2020: Train Simulator Game in USA. Get ready to play the most anticipated Euro Train transporter gold train driving games to transport raw gold from mines to the factory on your truck & train driver duty assigned. Load the truck with gold and transport that to the Train driving simulator and gold transport train games to the other city & become the best train transporter of Euro Train games train simulator gold truck driver. Become a real locomotive train driver and control huge locomotive train travel to transfer the gold safely to their destination. As a real Euro Train City Diver you will build your driving experience in transporting gold from the mines to the factory area in 3D night train driving games.

    City Train Game Gold Transport features

    • Challenging Gold Train Transport games levels with extreme time limit.
    • Euro Train Driving Simulator game for all with Realistic HD graphics & engaging sound effects.
  • Weather Liveº Мод APK 5.8 [Premium] 3.6

    Weather Liveº Мод APK 5.8 [Premium]


    Meet Weather Live. The most beautiful weather app. Ever.

    Don't let bad weather take you by surprise! Set the gorgeous animated wallpapers with live weather conditions on your home screen and be aware of any weather that is coming your way. Whether it is cloudy, rainy, snowy or even stormy outside, Weather Live will provide you with current weather conditions and forecast in your city and multiple locations all around the world.

    Cold or warm weather, it will magically come alive on the crisp screen of your device. You won't even have to look out the window as Weather Live will make you feel like you are already outside! With an innovative technology Weather Live implemented into the app, we made it possible!

    • Weather forecasts for multiple locations all around the world
    • Live weather scenes reflecting real-time weather conditions
    • Beautiful weather widgets
    • Fabulous animated wallpaper with live weather conditions right on your home screen
    • Cloud, satellite, rain maps
    • Animated weather radar for any location in the USA
    • Bad weather warnings and alerts to warn you about severe weather in your area. Data provided by National Weather Service
    • Customizable layout. Choose weather parameters you want to be displayed in the layout settings
    • Local time in 12 or 24-hour format
    • 7-day and 24-hour weather forecast
    • "Feels Like" temperature. Today's Min and Max
    • Wind direction and speed. Visibility details
    • Humidity and precipitation information. Pressure in inches, mm or mbar
    • Fahrenheit or Celsius and Miles or Kilometers
    • Easy navigation between cities: swipe either to the left or to the right to switch between locations
    • New York, Los Angeles, Chicago or any other location worldwide – get accurate weather forecasts wherever you are!

    Get Weather Live and be prepared for any weather!

    Privacy Policy: http://apalon.com/privacy_policy.html
    EULA: http://www.apalon.com/terms_of_use.html
    AdChoices: http://www.apalon.com/privacy_policy.html#4
  • Car Robot Transport Truck Мод APK 1.2 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Car Robot Transport Truck Мод APK 1.2 [Unlocked]


    You might have transported a variety of cars and bikes on a heavy truck on the new york city roads. In this futuristic truck transport game, your duty is to transport cars, bikes, and robots from one point of the city to the other in a given time. Experience an amazing transformation of the car to robot and robot to car. Controlling a futuristic robot inside the city is an amazing experience. Move around the city like a gigantic robot.

    The city is big, the distance is long and there is a time restriction to reach the destination. The best part about Robot Car Transport Truck is the transformation of the Robot Car and from robot to car. Now you can transform to bike as well. So fasten your seat belt and get ready for an extreme car, truck driving, and Robot Transform on city road. Drive the big transport truck loaded with the futuristic robot and cars and drop them to the final point carefully and timely. Be the best truck driver of the truck transport story.

    This unique robot truck transport game will let you move through the city roads as a giant robot. Transform your robot into cars and upload them on the heavy duty truck then as a skilled and professional truck driver. Take the truck to the final spot without hitting or delaying. Experience this amazing transformation from car to robot and from robot back to the car in this extreme robot car transport truck game.

    • Amazing Transformation of Cars into Robots and Robots into Cars!
    • Realistic Truck Driving Simulation & Robot Control!
    • Amazing 3D City Environment and Engaging Sound Effects!
    • Exciting and Challenging Truck Transport Missions!
    • High-Quality 3D Graphics and best Animation!
  • Weather Мод APK 1.8.9 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Weather Мод APK 1.8.9 [Unlocked]


    ⛅ Weather Radar & Forecast: A useful & needful weather app for you! ⛅

    Weather Radar & Forecast app: accurate real-time weather report, minute-by-minute forecasts, 9 day's weather forecast, weather radar, weather details, severe weather alerts, weather widgets and weather lock screen, is your best choice to get comprehensive weather information.

    ------Main Features------

    Real-Time Weather: Weather condition now. Temperature in status bar.
    Weather Forecast: Minute-by-minute & hourly & 9 day's weather forecasts.
    Weather Radar Maps: Fast-loading radar maps show clouds, temperature, waves, pressure, wind speeds, water temperature readings, rain & snow cover and more. Helpful for ski reports, travel forecasts...
    Weather Details: Humidity readings, pressure, barometric pressure charts, dew point readings, UV index readings, air quality, wind forecasts and more.
    Weather Widget: Various weather widgets with real-time weather, weather forecast, city, clock & calendar.
    Severe Weather Alerts
    Sunrise/sunset Time
    Moon phase
    Crowd Reporting
    GoRun Sports Report
    Ski Report
    Airport Report
    Global Coverage
    Weather Alarm
    Weather forecast videos
    Pollen forecasts
    Disease outbreak alerts

    ------Personalized Design------

    Modern UI Design: Different weather special effects for better user experience.
    Weather Forecast on Lock-Screen: Keeps your Android lock screen beautiful and useful.
    Various Weather Widgets on Desktop
    Weather Camera: Camera with weather stickers.

    Modern UI design of Weather Radar & Forecast, easier for you to know the local weather and weather forecast. By using this Weather Radar & Forecast app, you can not only know today's weather, but also see 9 days weather forecast. Just like put a weather channel in your pocket.
    Smart weather radar maps detect your current located city accurately. You can not only know the local weather, but also search for other cites' weather information and weather forecast.

    Weather Radar & Forecast is useful & needful for everyone. No matter you are parents or a farmer or a guide or a traveler or a outdoor sports enthusiast or...

    With the help of Weather Radar & Forecast, make your daily schedule properly. The weather information is all in your control!

    Contact US :
    Email : [email protected]
    Privacy Policy: http://tianqi.mdc.akamaized.net/weather.html
  • Weather Wiz: Accurate Weather Forecast & Widgets Мод APK 1.0.011 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Weather Wiz: Accurate Weather Forecast & Widgets Мод APK 1.0.011 [Unlocked]


    Stop looking for the best weather app and accurate weather forecast app, as Weather Wiz not only delivers weather 10 Day forecast and local weather radar features, it also provides you with free weather widget (transparent weather widget with ultimate customization options), real-time weather information and a lot more.

    Are the weather information and local forecast reliable and accurate?
    We use IBM weather data to deliver accurate local forecast. This accurate weather forecast app comes in real time, hour-by-hour and 10-day, so you can keep track of the local weather conditions in advance. Free weather widgets are for those who prefer getting the latest weather updates right on their home screens, and the theme options let you make your dreams real.

    Track your location to Deliver Accurate Weather Forecast in Real-Time
    Simply turn on auto location feature and let Weather Wiz follow your location in real-time and deliver weather 10 day forecast as well as current weather information for your location. Weather forecast updates in the app, widgets and notification bar as you move to different places and locations. It's perfect for travelers, so they don't need to manually update their location to get the accurate weather updates and local forecast.

    Free Weather Widgets with Ultimate Customization Options
    This beautiful, free and best weather app, comes also with free weather widgets in different sizes including 2x1, 4x1, and 4x2. After choosing the weather forecast widget size, you get to choose the layout, change the color of texts and numbers, and change the opacity of the background. To have a fully transparent weather widget, simply use the opacity slider and set it to the minimum.
    Available customization options for both weather widgets and weather in notification area are to make sure the final result will go with your current launcher's theme and wallpaper.

    Local Weather Radar For More Detailed Weather Report
    Launch the Weather Radar and wait for the magic to begin. You get to set different layers and view the weather condition on a satellite map. Available filters are: Clouds, Temperature, Precipitations, Wind and Sea Level Pressure. The local weather radar feature delivers professional weather data in easy to understand layout.

    Detailed and Full Weather Info and Accurate Weather Forecast
    All the essential info related to the current weather and future weather is available within this best weather forecasting app. Some of the available weather condition info are:
    Current temperature, maximum temp, minimum temp, current weather condition, feels like temperature, wind speed and wind direction, precipitation, UV index, Cloud cover, dew point, sun status, and moon phase.

    Exclusive Themes with Stunning Graphics and Animations
    One of the most distinguished graphical features of the Weather Wiz is the way to show the weather condition. For example, if you choose the United States theme and say it's thunder storm out there, you will see the minimal design of the White House with ducks playing on the pool and fun thunders on sky.

    Weather WIZ Features at a glance:

    • Best Weather App
    • Local Weather Radar
    • Auto Locate (To give you a real time local weather information)
    • Current, Tomorrow, Hour-by-hour and weather 10 day forecast
    • Moon Phase
    • Sun Status
    • Home screen free weather widgets
    • Measurement units: Metric (Celsius, Kilometer, meter) or English (Fahrenheit, Mile, Inch)
    • Change update interval: manual, every 15 minutes, 30 minutes, hour, 2 hours
    • See weather information or current temperature in the status bar
    • Detailed weather condition info and local forecast in the notification panel

    Weather Wiz is literally the best weather app you can find, as it provides you with accurate weather forecast, local weather radar, transparent weather widgets, weather 10 day forecast (as well as current and hourly forecasts), cool themes with great animations and a lot more.
  • Amber Weather Pro Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Amber Weather Pro Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked]


    Amber Weather Elite is your best personal weather channel providing current weather for today and daily & hourly weather forecasts based on your current location or any location in the world. Amber Weather Elite does not only offer real-time forecasts but also comes with different features for you to customize the weather as you want.The weather app features the following:-Get current weather and weather forecasts for any location in the world.EX: Chicago weather, London weather, Shanghai weather,Tokyo weather,and so on. (The app is translated into over 30 languages for you to easily use it)-Detailed weather report: temperature(Fahrenheit/ Centigrade), wind speed and direction, humidity, visibility, atmospheric pressure, air quality index (AQI), dew point and UV index.-Hourly forecasts, 7 days forecasts and long range weather forecasts-Climate overview: to check monthly H/L temperature in a year-Set personalized live weather alerts,like heavy raining&Typhoon-Warmly outdoor sports tips based on real-time Air Quality. Tell you the local health information for your area, and the suitability for different kinds of outdoor activities.-Offer daytime & Moon Phase graphics, and sunrise & sunset time help you know weather better-Send you with brief weather tips in the morning before work, and in the evening before sleep-Save your favorite locations to quickly get forecasts -Current weather for today notification-Over 90 home screen widgets in different sizes and themes (try-before-you-buy-service available)-Refreshing Material Design-based UI -Optimized for tablets Install this weather app,let it be your work,travel's good helper!FeedbackIf you have any advice or suggestions, please send your feedback to [email protected]. Your feedback will be fully appreciated. We are looking forward to improving our product with your help.You can also like us on Facebook to send your great ideas: https://www.facebook.com/AmberWeatherAPP
  • Weather Clock Мод APK 1.8.1 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Weather Clock Мод APK 1.8.1 [Unlocked]


    New Weather app from MobileRise

    Current weather and weather forecast all around the world.
    Clean and stylish design

    • 50+ different app widgets! (Customizable)
    • 30+ different notifications
    • Next 12 hours in a beautiful analog clock.
    •Thermometer , pressure and humidity widgets¬ifications for Galaxy S4 and Note3

    And more features...
  • Forecast Мод APK 2.0.0 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Forecast Мод APK 2.0.0 [Unlocked]


    Forecast is a new material design weather app that gives you hourly, daily and minutely weather forecasts depending on which weather provider you select. It comes with the following additional features:

    Forecast has a radar section which can be accessed from the navigation drawer. The radar shows a map of the world and allows you to include a cloud, rain, wind and temperature layer to graphically represent global weather conditions.

    Dashclock Extension & App Widget
    Forecast comes with a Today widget which gives you a summary of the weather forecast for the current day in any location, as well as a Daily widget that summarises the upcoming weather forecast in any location for the next couple of days. In addition, if you have already installed DashClock, you can use the Forecast Current Weather extension to view a summary of the weather forecast for the day, along with the current temperature, from your home screen.

    Quick Setting Tile
    For users with devices that run Android 7.0+, the Forecast tile gives you a summary of the weather for your current location in your quick settings.

    Weather warnings
    This lets you know if any of the Places on your weather list have any weather warnings. It can be accessed from the navigation drawer on the main screen.

    Graphs allow you to easily view the changes in precipitation, wind speed, humidity, temperature and pressure during the course of a day or a week. If you have Forecast Pro and you are using Dark Sky, then you'll see a graph with the rain forecast for the next 15 minutes if it is available, once you select a place.

    Weather Alerts
    Weather alerts allow you to setup alerts for any of the places that you have added. For example, you could use this feature to create an alert that warns you if it is going to rain in your location up to a week before so that you are prepared beforehand.

    Time Travel
    Forecast also has a Time Travel feature which allows you to view historical weather data from the past, as well as weather forecasts for dates in the distant future.

    Daily Notifications
    Weather notifications sent on a daily basis that tell you about the weather conditions for your current locality.

    Forecast allows you to choose between a light and a dark theme. You can configure this in the settings section of the app. This feature isn't available for tablets yet, but will be soon.

    So far, this app has been translated into: Dutch, English, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish and Turkish
    If you are interested in helping to translate the app into your language, please contact me on [email protected]

    Ask questions, put foreword suggestions and stay updated: https://twitter.com/kbuneme
  • Weather Radar - Meteored News Мод APK 5.2.1 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Weather Radar - Meteored News Мод APK 5.2.1 [Unlocked]


    Trusted by Millions of Android users worldwide and hailed by Meteorology fans, Weather Radar - Meteored News is the official free Weather App from Meteored. Featuring its own forecasts produced and Weather Alerts, using the Best Prediction Model in the world. You will have an accurate weather forecast and you can enjoy an original layout based around Material Design to access detailed and highly accurate local weather data quicker and easier than ever before, such as Weather Maps, Rain Radar, Hurricane Tracker, 14-day Forecast and much more. With over 20 years of forecasting experience, we won't let the weather surprise you.

    If you have a Wear OS device, you can wear our app on your wrist. Check the rain, temperature, wind or even add a Tile to your watch to have access to all the weather information.

    With our weather app you receive Official Weather Alerts and live radar alerts for your area from the National Weather Service, including storm warnings, strong winds, hurricanes, tropical storms and other incoming severe weather forecast. In addition, our Assistant can notify you about important weather variations.

    An animated world weather map based on the ECMWF Model showing the weather forecast for the coming days and alerts in any region. Enjoy our Live Radar service and also our Hurricane and Storm Tracker, access animated weather radar of the last few hours provided by the NWS along with visible and infrared satellite images provided by the NOAA.

    Check our daily news to be up to date with the latest meteorologic events. Be informed about trending topics and the most recent forecast. Furthermore, you can watch impacting videos about severe weather events around the world and, last but not least, you will learn about the weather phenomena thanks to our science articles.

    Complete In-App Achievements to unlock new Color Themes, designed to help you discover all the available features. The app automatically changes color when the temperature changes!

    Check the weather conditions forecast for the next 14 days and 6-day Future Radar. Select a day to view detailed hourly information including heat index or temperature, rain and precipitation, wind speed and direction, wind chill, pressure, cloudiness, humidity, air quality index, pollen levels, UV index, sunset and sunrise times and even the phase of the moon. Turn your device sideways to see how the local weather evolves throughout the day with our amazing graphics.

    You can customize your desktop with the most modern widgets currently available. You will have access to up to 8 widgets with different sizes and weather data, where you can check your local weather forecast.

    ✉️ SHARE
    Share weather forecasts with your friends and family anytime using any device or social network, such as: iMessage, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat or WhatsApp.

    Find the most relevant forecast to your current location or search for your favorite locations from over 6,000,000 all around the world. Available in over 70 countries and 20 languages.

    This app collects location data to enable weather forecasts, weather alerts, temperature display in the notification bar, widgets and notifications for the location you currently are.

    The human team behind Meteored is what makes it possible.

    About US

    To use this app you must agree to the privacy policy, as well as the terms and conditions of Meteored.

    Privacy Policy


    Legal notice

  • Real Mercury Thermometer Мод APK 2.20 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.7

    Real Mercury Thermometer Мод APK 2.20 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Real Mercury Thermometer is a location and physics based thermometer app for devices with or without an ambient temperature sensor.

    All devices will show the temperature outdoors at your location or at any location world-wide. Construct a list of your favorite locations and watch the mercury rise or fall according to the laws of real mercury column physics.

    If your device is equipped with an ambient temperature sensor you will automatically get the temperature for your immediate vicinity. Devices without the sensor will default to collect the temperature outdoors.

    ☆ Includes a digital thermometer.

    ☆ Great for following the weather at home or abroad!

    Another fun and useful app from DS Software.
  • Arcus Weather Мод APK [Unlocked] 3.8

    Arcus Weather Мод APK [Unlocked]

    Arcus will be shutting down in the near future.

    The source of Arcus' data, Dark Sky, was recently purchased by Apple.

    In their infinite wisdon, they've decided to shut down the API by end of 2021. I wont be waiting that long to stop paying Apple a penny of any earnings.

    Disappointed by this terribly, but thank you to those who have supported me through the years.

    It's been fun!
  • Amber Weather Lite Мод APK 3.6.2 [Unlocked][Premium] 3.9

    Amber Weather Lite Мод APK 3.6.2 [Unlocked][Premium]


    Amber Weather is your personal weather station providing current weather for today and daily & hourly weather forecasts based on your current location or any location in the world. Amber Weather does not only offer real-time forecasts but also comes with different features for you to customize the weather as you want.

    The app features the following:
    -Get current weather and weather forecasts for any location in the world (The app is translated into over 30 languages for you to easily use it)
    -Detailed weather report: current temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity, visibility, atmospheric pressure, air quality index (AQI), dew point and UV index.
    -Hourly forecasts, 7 days forecasts and long range weather forecasts
    -Climate overview: to check monthly H/L temperature in a year
    -In-advanced severe weather for today alerts,like heavy raining & Typhoon
    -Warmly outdoor sports tips based on real-time Air Quality
    -Offer daytime & Moon Phase graphics, help you know weather better
    -Send you with brief weather tips in the morning before work, and in the evening before sleep
    -Save your favorite locations to quickly get forecasts
    -Current weather for today notification
    -Over 90 home screen widgets in different sizes and themes (try-before-you-buy-service available)
    -Refreshing Material Design-based UI
    -Optimized for tablets

    If you have any advice or suggestions, please send your feedback to [email protected]. Your feedback will be fully appreciated. We are looking forward to improving our product with your help.
  • Weather Now Мод APK 2.2.2 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Weather Now Мод APK 2.2.2 [Unlocked]


    Weather Now is the Simplest Weather app you could find. It is a straight to the point weather app that shows you only the information relevant to you: The Weather !

    Get Weather Now Translated in your language
    If you want to help translate Weather Now in your language please send me an email at [email protected] . The app is translated in the following languages:
    • English

    • Easy to understand with temperature info, feels like, wind speed, humidity, and summaries for the next hour, the day and week
    • The weather for any location translated in your language
    • Works offline for upto 24 hours
    • 24 hours and 7 days forecast
    • Favorite locations and search
    • Weather maps with precipitation info, wind and temperature
    • Metric and Imperial unit systems (Can be changed in the settings)
    • Local weather notification with custom widgets in expanded mode
    • Custom weather widgets

    What do I get with the AdFree Version ($0.99 only) ?
    • No more ads
    • Light / Dark themes
    • Change weather provider to Darksky (Coming soon)
    • More colors for your widgets in addition to Black and White

    Upcoming features
    • Android Wear Support
    • Custom theme (AdFree only)

    I need help ! What do I do ?
    If you have any question or suggestion regarding Weather Now just send me an email at [email protected] and I will do my best answer as fast as I can.

    Try new features before they are released
    New features will be first available to Beta Testers before they are released to everyone. If you want to try new
    features before they hit the playstore Join the Google+ Community (https://plus.google.com/communities/103818336494526047782) to receive news and updates about Weather Now
    And signup as a beta tester https://play.google.com/apps/testing/io.github.charly1811.weathernow After the signup you will receive beta versions of the app as regular updates

    Special thanks to:
    Kamil Stefaniak : Polish Translation
    Tiago Realinho: Portuguese Translation
  • Weather - Quick Settings Tile Мод APK 2.5.1 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Weather - Quick Settings Tile Мод APK 2.5.1 [Unlocked]


    Ta aplikacja pozwala ci dodać niewielką Płytka pogodzie do szybkich ustawień Bar na Androida Nugat (7,0)!

    Tekst pokazuje aktualną temperaturę, podczas gdy mała ikona wyświetla jeden z 12 różnych warunkach pogodowych.
    Kliknięcie płytki będą aktualizować dane pogodowe. Po kliknięciu otworzy się małe Prognoza na najbliższe trzy dni.

    Można skonfigurować płytki dotykając go i zmienić, czy chcesz używać stopniach Celsjusza lub Fahrenheita, jeśli nie powinien być krótki opis pogody i jak często należy odświeżać automatycznie. Można również wybrać jeden z pięciu kolorów tła okna prognozy.

    Dane pogodowe opiera się na bieżącej lokalizacji i zostaje pobrana automatycznie z http://openweathermap.org lub http://darksky.com

    Ikona aplikacji i UI Adama Łapińskiego: http://www.yeti-designs.com
    Ikony pogodowe Austin Andrews: https://twitter.com/Templarian~~HEAD=pobj
  • ArabiaWeather Мод APK 2.2 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.5

    ArabiaWeather Мод APK 2.2 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Welcome to the official "ArabiaWeather​" App! The first Weather​ App in the Middle East​ and in the Arab​ World​! With ArabiaWeather you can easily find out everything related to the weather​ conditions ​in your area​ every​day and every season​.

    Reasons to use ArabiaWeather app:

    Dedicated to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, All the Arab countries in the world!

    The most accurate weather ​app in the Middle East and in the Arab world.

    Displaying the daily weather conditions ​through a private ­alert window in almost real time.

    Weather Notifications feature allows you to receive notifications in case of sudden weather or when a change of weather forecast occurs.

    Gives hyper-local forecast and live national news for all the Middle­ East region​ and Arab countries.

    Get to know all lifestyle activities, such as: Sports, Health and more according to weather.

    Enjoy the ArabiaWeather App, and don't forget to share the weather with the rest of your friends.

    Prayer times with notifications for selected countries from the Arab World.


    Now we introduce the Yearly Subscription* service in ArabiaWeather's App. Upon subscribing, you'll get the following benefits:

    An advertising-free version of the app.

    Extended weather forecast for 14 days instead of 9 days.

    30 days text forecast.

    Monthly weather reports.

    Seasonal weather reports.

    * Subscription is available only through the Arabic interface of the App.

    Your Google Play account will be charged at confirmation of purchase. Your subscription automatically renews and you will be charged 24 hours prior to the end of your current subscription unless auto-renew is turned off before this 24 hour period. You can turn off and manage auto-renewals by going to your Google Play Account. By subscribing, you agree to ArabiaWeather's Terms fo Service and Privacy Policy.
  • Barometer & Altimeter Мод APK 19.0 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Barometer & Altimeter Мод APK 19.0 [Unlocked]


    Barometer & Altimeter.-- PLEASE THIS APP IS ONLY UPLOADED ON GOOGLE PLAY. NEVER DOWNLOAD FROM ANY OTHER SITE.-- IF YOU FIND THIS APP ON OTHER SITE IS NOT MY ORIGINAL WORK.THANKS.-- ABOUT --This is a free app with little advertise on the bottom of the screen.If you don't like the advertisement, Pro version doesn't have ads and doesn't check ad blocker.I have to thank those who have helped me in translations and made ​​suggestions on new features and / or bug reports.- Thanks to Cristiano D. for Spanish translation.- Thanks to Jiří Sedláček for Czech translation and fine report on some improvements .- Thanks to T. Dygacz for Polish translation.- Thanks to Tamás Peczöli for Hungarien translation- Thanks to rootik for Ukrainian translation.If you are intrested to collaborate at translation you can follow this link http://www.getlocalization.com/OSB/-- Disclaimer --This app is not FAA approved and should not be used for navigation. All information is presented for reference only. You assume total responsibility and risk associated with this application.- Widget.- Wait at least 48 hours before blue bar graph is complete.- Click on "ALT" button for view relative and absolute altitude.- Blue bar graph show variation of atmospheric pressure in the time.- You can see the last 24/48 hours.- Refresh time is about 1 hour for prevent battery drain.- Refresh operation is very fast and optimized for minimal load - Moon/Sun phase set/rise and direction- Barometer needle is draggable (for initial forecast setup)- QNH/QFE function (mbar only)- LCD contrast/backlight- Language customization - Temperature & Humidity (live for some device, such as Galaxy S4)- Autosetup wizardBuild & Tested on Samsung Galaxy S3
  • InstaWeather: Your Weathershot Мод APK 5.1.3 [Free purchase][Premium] 3.6

    InstaWeather: Your Weathershot Мод APK 5.1.3 [Free purchase][Premium]


    This is not another boring weather forecast app ;)!
    Welcome to the best Weather Photo Editor, featuring weather overlay edit.

    Create your own weather channel in your social network.

    How does it work?
    With Weathershot you can edit photo and share the weather report from the place where your are now – on top of your favorite photo that you have just snapped with your smartphone camera. Then you can use photo editor to crop, filter and apply weather text.

    Edit inspirational & informational photos to share quickly and easily. In seconds you can check the weather edit weather overlay and talk about weather.

    App knows where you are in certain moment and show it on overlay added to your photo!

    Text editor - add your own text or comment to photo customized by Weathershot? No problem!
    Photo editor - crop and apply camera photo filters.

    Share it to any social channel in a flash or send it via SMS or e-mail.
    Make your friends jealous, place a perfect weather report on top of your edited photo!

    Use weather editor with over 100 different skins.
    You can easily choose your favorite skin, various weather data: from current temperature and simple info about the location to very detailed forecast with air pressure, temperature, rain, wind strength and direction.

    You can also choose the period of the displayed forecast: today, next few days or a whole week.
    Photo editor with filters & weather overlay editor with custom skins for every weather situation.

    Weather works in Celsius & Fahrenheit, kilometers, miles.

    Install and share the weather with friends! Let the good weather be always good for you!
  • Live Weather Forcast : Weather Widget for Android Мод APK 1.0.3 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.6

    Live Weather Forcast : Weather Widget for Android Мод APK 1.0.3 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Live Weather Forcast : Weather Widget for Android Free application display a Real TIme Weather and this app is One of the most popular weather apps and best weather forecast apps is waiting for you!Hourly weather forecasts. A set any Loation of World and see latest Weather Forcast Information. Whatever your plans, and wherever you are, stay one step ahead with the Weather & Radar App. Enjoy rainfall radar and satellite maps.FEATURES of Live Weather Forcast : Weather Widget for Android Free- Various weather information: temperature, wind, humidity, dew point, precipitation, visibility, pressure, sunrise, sunset and many more..- View weather information at multiple locations with hourly or daily (Display 7 Days Weather Information)- Weather supports geo-positioning, retrieving the latest weather conditions for your current location and other your choise location.- Weather app multiple Widget for Information of Weather.- A news weather app with news weather and updates daily: News weather and temperature with location display. - An option to manu- Add and track the weather conditions in multiple locations- Animated weather conditions - see how the weather comes alive!- Hourly and weekly forecasts by Live Weather Forcast - Temperature: switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit- You can allow and disable the notifications- Choose by yourself what will be the next feature of Weather.- Current weather condition, hourly Live Weather Forcast and 10-day weather forecast.- Atmospheric pressure in many different units- Wind speed and direction in different units- 1 day, 10 days future forecast and hourly weather forecast.- Sunset and Sunrise times.- Shares weather, location information with friends.- Display weather forecast or moon phase- Localized to most of the world languages.- Chart graphs for hourly weather forecast and daily weather forecast- Weather widget and ongoing notification, multiple location on widgetLive Weather Forcast : Weather Widget for Android is literally the best weather app you can find, as it provides you with accurate weather forecast, local weather radar, transparent weather widgets, weather 10 day forecast (as well as current and hourly forecasts), cool themes with great animations and a lot more.
  • Weather Live Pro Мод APK 1.3 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Weather Live Pro Мод APK 1.3 [Unlocked]


    Live background weather pro version:
    - No ads
    - Full features
    - 30 days money back guarantee

    What's the weather today, what's the weather tomorrow and weather for the week ? So simple answer for you by downloading our todays weather forecast app, the weather online app that provide realtime todays weather update & long range weather forecast in many days.

    Weather forecast live is super accurate forecast app, best of weather forecast apps with local weather, weather map and weather widgets on home screen.
    Whether forecast: Current weather forecast now, hourly forecast, today's forecast and daily forecast app in 7 days.
    Home screen widgets for android: The weather radar widget free and clock widget weather with beautiful style.
    Weather map: Local weather radar app free, radar scope: Rain/snow, temperature, pressure, windy, clouds, humidity, waves, wind map, hurricane … and storm radar, weather satellite.

    Weather forecast app gives local forecast & weather forecast world wide, the app provides the current temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit, sunrise and sunset times according to city time zone.
    Its so easy to receive the weather conditions in your current location. Very important fishing weather, storm warning, storm tracker for fishermen to know what is the weather & ocean conditions.

    Features now:
    - Current weather in hourly forecast.
    - Today's forecast & 7 day weather forecast, detail in hourly weather for next 7 days in weekly forecast.
    - Lot of weather station by the national weather service (nws) using our nws weather app official
    - The weather channel: temperature, wind, humidity, dew point, precipitation, visibility, pressure, water, sunrise sunset, storm, stormshield, hurricane, rain alert in one wetter app
    - Minutecast, hourly, daily prediction & long range weather forecast: we offer upto 7 days - 14 day weather forecast: today's weather, tomorrow's weather, … and weather now, hourly weather free in each hour.
    - Realtime update for live weather report
    - News weather today: get news weather daily at the morning, give weather watch quickly.
    - Animated weather conditions - see how the weather com alive!
    - Weather in my location & world weather report, like news weather UK, us weather, …
    - Weather for cities: London, toronro, nyc, chicago, sydney, new york, houston, boston, washington dc, seattle, ottawa, las vegas, orlando, dallas, denver, philadelphia, atlanta, san francisco, san diego, in los angeles, birmingham, in phoenix, nashville, nashville tn, in miami, san jose, in minneapolis, in new orleans, florida, liverpool weather, ...
    - Noaa weather app free: It's noaa weather app official from windyty
    - 360 weather alerts: provide local weather alerts 3 times a day.
    - Storm warning & notification: Storm radar, storm tracker, tornado warning and rain alarm
    - Report: wind report, the weather news
    - Sunrise time, sunset time, water time
    - Ocean conditions forecast for fishing
    - Temperature free switching mode: Celsius and Fahrenheit
    - Wind speed and wind direction
    - Wind guru tool: wind forecast by wind speed meter, wind finder
    - Weather widget & multiple place on widgets
    - Transparent widget, widget with background & its very accuweather widget
    - Ongoing weather notification
    - Whether lock screen: temp, rain, clouds & clock widget weather
    - Track the whether in multiple locations
    - Default current location weather
    - Local radar: weather channel radar, radar weather map

    Features next:
    - Weather red alert, hurricane tracker & more weather warnings
    - Sunrise sunset time daily in weather next week.
    - Live weather radar thats auto-running
    - 10 day weather forecast & 14 day weather forecast

    Lets plan your weekend with sunday weather info now, plan your long business trip with up to 7 day weather forecast, all is fit your need of work and life.
    Any issue, send weather bug report to us, we will fix it asap.
  • The Weather Channel App Мод APK 1.19.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.8

    The Weather Channel App Мод APK 1.19.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    The Weather Channel App for Android is your best option for getting accurate weather information. Now with Mesh Network Alerts, you can receive severe weather alerts even without the internet or data. Make confident decisions, whether you are planning for the day, the entire week, or the next 15 days! We've improved the app so that it runs faster, offers offline access, gives you more control over data settings, and keeps you safe with the most accurate and up-to-date severe weather alerts.

    • Small Download: Don't waste storage space on your phone with a huge weather app - This app is only a 4MB to download!
    • Improved Speed: Get the weather information you need faster than ever before. The Weather Channel app for Android is optimized for performance.
    • Beautiful Design: Navigate the app quickly and smoothly with clean interfaces designed for Android devices.
    • Intuitive Forecast Graphs: Know weather for the next hour, to the next 15 days, with new and improved weather forecast graphs.

    Weather Map: Fast-loading radar map allows you to quickly see any precipitation in your area, including rain, sleet, and snow.
    Current Conditions: See “feels like” temperature, heat index, humidity, wind speed, and more.
    Forecasts: Hourly, daily, weekly, 10-day, and 15-day weather forecasts.
    •Track and read detailed weather information from multiple locations around the world.
    • On-going temperature notification in the Android status bar for follow me and favourite locations.

    • Optional Offline Access: No internet access? No problem! The app now offers optional offline access for up to 24 hours from the last time the weather was updated.
    • Control Data Settings: Customize the app's data usage based on your needs. Choose to get weather updates on all connections, only over WiFi, or you can set the app to only refresh manually.

    • Weather Glance Home Screen: Get all the weather alerts you need at a glance, directly on the home screen!
    • Severe Weather Alerts: Stay safe with real-time notifications and warnings for rain, wind, lightning, hail, flooding, heat waves, and severe storms, including tropical storms, cyclones, and hurricanes.
    • Changing weather conditions: Even if you're on the go, you can get up-to-the-minute weather information warnings and alerts based on wherever you are.
    • Mesh Network Alerts: The world's first platform to deliver weather alerts even in areas with limited internet or cell connection. Stay safe with emergency weather alerts, even if you're offline.

    New and exciting widgets, in 4x1 and 4x2 available to have all your important weather information at the palm of your hand without increasing the size of the app on requiring to be always connected to a network.
    Now including a weather clock so you can track weather and time on the same widget!!

    Forgot your phone? Access many of the top app features on the web, wherever you go: find us at weather.com.

    We love feedback! If you love our weather app, please rate and review us in the Google Play Store. If you have questions or suggestions, please submit them by sending us an email at [email protected]

    We respect your privacy! Please check out our Privacy Policy, which can be found here: https://weather.com/en-GB/intl-privacy and our Terms of Use, which can be found here https://weather.com/en-GB/terms
  • Paris Weather Live Wallpaper Мод APK 1.04 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Paris Weather Live Wallpaper Мод APK 1.04 [Unlocked]


    The atmospheric landscape with a view of the Eiffel Tower, the most popular attraction of Paris. There is everything that makes this city so romantic: the lights of the Eiffel Tower, the river with tourist ships and embankment, magnificent trees, birds singing, rose petals and a stunning starry night.

    It is a realistic landscape of high quality, on which precipitation, fog, cloudiness, moon phases, the changing of the times of the day are dynamically displayed.

    — In the free version: live wallpapers change the time of day, the weather forecast is displayed in the application by double clicking on the wallpaper. You can view the weather for the next 10 days in that menu also.

    — To see the current weather forecast on the desktop, purchase the PRO version of the scene. After buying any PRO version in the app, ads will be disabled.

    — In order to reduce battery drain we added some special settings: brightness, weather notifications, the blackout of the background of the widgets, the number of additional particles (raindrops, flower petals and others), the number of frames per second, the volume and deactivation of sounds - everything can be adjusted.

    — 3 sources of weather forecast are available for obtaining weather data. You can choose and use the one that shows the most accurate forecast for your location.

    —According to your location, the animated landscape changes.
    • times of day, sunrises and sunsets, moon phases at night;
    • rain, sight and strength of precipitation and wind, clouds and clouds;
    • there is the Eiffel Tower in the middle of the landscape, the illumination of which is smoothly switched on with the approach of night, also lights on the embankment;
    • small tourist boats sail along the river;
    • rose petals fly when you touch the screen;
    • branches of trees swing in the wind;
    • stunning night sky decorates the screen at night.

    It is supported on phones and tablets in both portrait and landscape modes. Tested on Samsung Galaxy S7, S6, S5, Note 7 8, Sony Xperia Z2, M4 Aqua, C5 Ultra, Z3, Z5, LGE, Asus ZenFone, Xiaomi Redmi 3, Note 4, 4A, 4X.

    Be the first to know what's new with upcoming Bastion7 releases:
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcgn2eGZnRQcb__UTc3vF7A
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bastion4you
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bastion7studio
    VK: https://vk.com/bastion4you
  • Weather & Animated Widgets Мод APK 11.4 [Premium] 3.8

    Weather & Animated Widgets Мод APK 11.4 [Premium]


    View only the weather information that you care, using an application with a simple and clean design.

    Animated Widgets are awesome, they will get a lot of “wows” from your friends. The clean, simple and beautiful widgets shows you the current weather for cities worldwide and the current time. The widgets use the latest android tools to animate the weather icons.


    - Digital Clock
    - Current weather conditions
    - In widget animated weather icons
    - Weather data received from global Meteorological broadcast services and more than 40 000 weather stations
    - Celsius / Fahrenheit weather units
    - Automatically detection of location
    - Manual setting of the widget location
    - Manual or automatic weather update
    - Re-sizable widgets
    - Transparent background
    - Universal app made for tablets and phones! No need to purchase again
    - Hot spots for alarm clock, weather refresh and widget configuration
    - build only for ICS (built on sdk 17)
    - multiple weather providers OWM and YR.NO (is the joint online weather service from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation)

    - android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION
    - android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
    - android.permission.INTERNET

    These are required for getting your local weather using networking & WIFI location services.

    - com.android.alarm.permission.SET_ALARM

    Used to set the alarm when you press on the clock.

    - com.android.vending.BILLING

    Used for in app payments

    For suggestions or bugs please contact us at: [email protected]

    If you want to translate the application to your language please contact us at: [email protected]
  • AlertsPro Мод APK [Premium] 4.0

    AlertsPro Мод APK [Premium]

    Be warned and be prepared! AlertsPro is the innovative app from MeteoGroup which forewarns of severe weather conditions such as storms, heavy rain, thunderstorms, hail, heavy snow, freezing rain and extreme temperatures.

    Also behind the best selling WeatherPro app, MeteoGroup is one of the few private weather companies to operate its own Severe Weather Centres – including the very popular www.severe-weather-centre.co.uk. AlertsPro now brings this online warning service direct to your portable device with coverage of most of Europe (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain and the United Kingdom) and the USA (National Weather Service).

    • Get push notifications whenever there are alerts
    • Accurate, dependable warnings
    • Warnings clearly displayed on a nationwide map
    • Widget which displays the latest warnings for the chosen favourite
    • Unlimited favourite locations and ‘Locate me' function
    • Social media share feature
    • High-definition radar and satellite view

    The Premium option allows you to choose which alert level you would like to be notified of, for each severe weather condition. You can activate the lightning layer, and animate the radar and satellite maps. When you long press on any coloured area on the warning map, further details of the severe weather for that location will be displayed. The Premium version also gives users a better viewing experience by removing all ads!

    One subscription covers Premium services on all weather apps by MeteoGroup: WeatherPro, MeteoEarth and AlertsPro.

    For more details please visit www.alertspro.com or our help center https://meteogroup.zendesk.com.
  • Barometer Reborn 2024 Мод APK 1.9.1 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Barometer Reborn 2024 Мод APK 1.9.1 [Unlocked]


    Simple barometer and atmospheric pressure tracker.

    Monitoring of atmospheric pressure can improve your life
    - people suffering of migraine or headache can monitor how barometric pressure impacts on their overall mood
    - barometric pressure is important for fishermen - you can adjust your fishing technique according air pressure trend to get best results
    - change of atmospheric pressure sometimes indicates weather change

    - nice and modern material design
    - shows current atmospheric pressure according info provided by your phone sensors
    - supports multiple units: millibars, hectopascals, inches of mercury, torrs and millimeters of mercury (more units to follow)
    - supports mean sea level air pressure (to be comparable with other barometric stations or weather forecast servers)
    - tracks history up to one week
    - simple widget for your home screen

    Optional paid features:
    - My Places functionality - barometric data can be separated into multiple charts according place where they were recorded. It prevents from showing data outliers if traveling.
    - Fine grained configuration - you can fine tune look and feel of the app
    - Weather changes alerts - you can be notified if important atmospheric pressure change occurs. You can be warned when storm or gale is coming. Or be warned that your migraine or other health problems may get worse.

    Using this app is easier than using aneroid or mercury barometer as it tracks history and can be calibrated to mean sea level air (MSLP).

    Please note that some phones don't have barometer sensor so they are not compatible with this app.
  • eWeather HD - weather, hurricanes, alerts, radar Мод APK 7.0.1 [Unlocked] 3.5

    eWeather HD - weather, hurricanes, alerts, radar Мод APK 7.0.1 [Unlocked]


    eWeather HD is the ad-free version of the eWeather HDF:
    - No ads
    - No in-app purchases
    - 30 days money back guarantee

    The high accuracy of the weather forecasting is achieved through the use of data from two independent weather agencies.

    eWeather HD is the most informative Android app about weather and your environment. It includes current weather and weather forecasts from different weather providers, NOAA radar, weather alerts, latest earthquakes, geomagnetic storm forecasts, pressure changes indicator, wind and moon and sun calendar, visibility on the roads and METAR etc.

    Annual archives of air and sea temperature for any city in the world allows you to choose the best time and place for your travel. You can compare the weather so far in the current year with the weather in the last year.

    eWeather HD has a barometer. A diagram shows the atmospheric pressure changes for the past and next 24 hours. A warning will be displayed when the barometer detects pressure changes causing a headache.

    The unique feature in this application is the Weather Clock Dial. It is very interactive.

    The app helps to predict illness caused by pressure changes, geomagnetic storms, air pollution and weather deterioration.

    • Two world-renowned weather providers
    • Future weather radar based on NOAA radar (The USA and Japan only) with one-hour radar prediction
    Air quality and pollution information including PM2.5, PM10, Ozone, NO2, NO, CO concentration
    Twenty original widgets of the weather, radar, barometer, geomagnetic storms, alerts etc
    • Earthquakes
    • Hurricane tracking
    • Tornado and hail probability
    • Tides forecast
    365 day weather archive
    • Weather buoys: wave height, direction and period, wind and gust, pressure, water and air temperature, tides etc
    • Geomagnetic storm forecast
    • Solstice, equinox, polar night, polar day, solar and lunar eclipse
    Sea surface temperature on weather map, widgets, notification area
    • Barometer with headache indicator and pressure changes graph
    • Map with radar, cloud satellite layer, sea and air temperature, wind, alerts, hurricanes, humidity, earthquakes etc
    • Ten notification indicators in the status bar, including temperature, moon phase, earthquakes, alerts, barometer etc
    • Weather alerts (advisory, watch, or warning) from NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), including black ice and freeze warnings
    • Moon phase, moon rise and moon set times
    • Sunrise and sunset times, time to sunrise or sunset
    Duration of the day and day length changes
    • Wind speed and directionality indicators
    • 20 KBytes of internet traffic per city for each weather update only
    • World clock
    • METAR from weather stations
    • UV index
    Visibility on the roads
    • Dewpoint hour by hour graph
    • Probability of precipitation and precipitation amount: rainfall and new snowfall amount
    • Follow by location (uses GPS or cell network location determination)
    Share forecast, alerts, earthquakes by e-mail and SMS
    • Alarm clock time on clock dial and graph

    Payment is one time. There are no ads and no in-app payments. Updates are always free.

    If you have ANY questions, there is an FAQ section that takes you directly to the website. If your question is specific to your customized set up, customer service is courteous, knowledgeable, willing and able to help with fast turn around time.
  • RainToday - HD Radar Мод APK [Premium] 3.5

    RainToday - HD Radar Мод APK [Premium]

    RainToday features real-time rain alerts and a high resolution radar which is built on the newest technical innovations from MeteoGroup, Europe's leading private weather service. Whenever there is rain expected for the UK, RainToday forewarns you in time! Give it a try!

    • Rain alerts up to 60 minutes in advance
    • Widget showing the latest rain alert for your current or chosen location
    • Modern interface showing you when rain will start and where from
    • High-quality data also presented in a graph
    • Optional push notifications for current or chosen location
    • High resolution, animated radar including forecast
    • Deep zoom and perfect orientation thanks to Google maps

    With RainToday you always get the most important weather info up to 60 minutes in advance. A must have for anyone who spends a lot of time outdoors, whether at work, playing sports or travelling etc. Download RainToday and make sure that you never again will be caught in a shower or thunderstorm.

    The Premium version gives users a better viewing experience by removing all ads! One subscription covers Premium services on MeteoEarth and AlertsPro.

    For more details please visit http://raintoday.weatherpro.de or visit our help center https://meteogroup.zendesk.com.
  • Euro Cargo truck Simulator Мод APK 1.11 [Unlimited money] 3.8

    Euro Cargo truck Simulator Мод APK 1.11 [Unlimited money]


    ટ્રક રેસિંગ એ માત્ર એક સિમ્યુલેટર નથી, તે તમારી ડ્રાઇવિંગ કુશળતાને સાબિત કરવાનો સમય છે કારણ કે આ એક તદ્દન નવી 3D ટ્રક ગેમ છે, જ્યાં તમે અન્ય વિરોધી ટ્રેક્ટરથી યુદ્ધ કરશો અને રસ્તાની બહાર ટ્રક ચલાવીને તમારું રેસ પ્રદર્શન બતાવશો, કાર્ગો ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર . નવી પેઢીની ટ્રક રમતો માટે અનંત ગેમપ્લે અને આગલા સ્તરના સાહસોનો આનંદ માણો. આ રમત ખરેખર આનંદપ્રદ અને અદ્ભુત છે રેસ ઑફ, કાર્ગો ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર વધારાના 3D ગ્રાફિક્સ અને વાસ્તવિક ટ્રક ભૌતિકશાસ્ત્ર તમને તમારા હરીફોને હરાવવા માટે ડ્રાઇવ કરવા અને રેસ કરવા માટે સમજાવશે, ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ, ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર 3D. રમવાના વિવિધ ગ્રાન્ડ ટ્રક મોડ્સ છે, તેથી તમારી રેસિંગ ટ્રકને ઝડપી બનાવો અને તમારે ફક્ત ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ કાર્ગો ટ્રાન્સપોર્ટ સિમ્યુલેટરની તમારી ગ્રાન્ડ ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર અલ્ટીમેટ રેસિંગ ગેમને ઓવરટેક કરવાની જરૂર છે. રોમાંચક અને પડકારજનક મિશન તમારી રાહ જોઈ રહ્યું છે ઓપન વર્લ્ડ ગેમ્સ ટ્રક ઇવોલ્યુશન ઑફરોડ ગેમ્સ, ઇવેન્ટ ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર 3D. બધી રમતો પ્લે સ્ટોરમાં ઉપલબ્ધ છે, એવું વિચારશો નહીં કે ફક્ત નવી ગ્રાન્ડ ટૂર રેસિંગ ગેમ ડાઉનલોડ કરો.

    ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ સિમ્યુલેટર
    અમે તમને ઓપન વર્લ્ડ ગેમ્સનો પરિચય કરાવવા માંગીએ છીએ, જે કાર્ગો ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર રમવા માટે ખૂબ જ સરળ છે. સુંદર ટ્રક ગેરેજમાંથી તમારી સવારી પસંદ કરો, અને આ પછી બસ સિમ્યુલેટર વ્હીકલ ગેમ્સ, ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર જેવા અન્ય સ્પર્ધકો ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર સાથે કેવી રીતે ઝડપથી વાહન ચલાવવું અને રેસ કરવી તે માર્ગદર્શિકા વાંચો. તમારા યુરો ટ્રકને એક આંગળી વડે નિયંત્રિત કરો અને જુઓ કે તે ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટરના માર્ગ પર કેવી રીતે ફ્લિપ થાય છે. આ એટલું સરળ છે કે તમે સ્ક્રીન જોઈ શકો છો અને તે જ સમયે આ ગેમ રમી શકો છો. તમે તમારી યુરો ટ્રક શરૂ કરો તે પહેલાં રેસિંગ 3D સંપૂર્ણ રીતે વાસ્તવિક ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર રમીને તે તમામ રમતના સ્તરોને અનલૉક કરો, તેથી સમય નજીક આવે તે પહેલાં તમારા હરીફોને ફટકારીને ચાલાકીપૂર્વક તમારી ફિનિશ લાઇન સુધી પહોંચો નહીંતર તમે યુરો ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર નિષ્ફળ થશો.

    ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ સિમ્યુલેટર ગેમ્સ
    આ રમત આત્યંતિક ડિમોલિશન સ્ટંટ, કાર ક્રેશ અને કારના વિનાશ વિશે છે તેથી શહેરમાં તમારા મોન્સ્ટર ડ્રિફ્ટ ફ્યુરિયસ ડ્રાઇવિંગ પર સવારી કરો અને તમે જ્યાં પણ જાઓ ત્યાં તમારા યુદ્ધને બરબાદ કરે છે વાહનોની રમતો કાર્ગો ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર. જો તમે ઑફ-રોડ ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવર વિશે ગાંડા છો, તો આ એક સુવર્ણ તક છે કે તમે ગંતવ્ય સ્થાન, ભવ્ય ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર સુધી પહોંચવા દરમિયાન ઑફ-રોડ રેસિંગ સાબિત કરો. આ રમતમાં ભારે લોખંડની ટ્રકો અને અનન્ય વાહનો છે જે રેસિંગ હાઇવે ટ્રેક પર દોડી રહ્યા છે જે તમારા ટ્રક સિમને આશ્ચર્યચકિત કરશે. સુંદર ગ્રાફિક્સ પર્યાવરણને વધુ ઉત્તેજક બનાવે છે ઇવેન્ટ્યુઅલ ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર ડ્રાઇવિંગ કાર્ગો ટ્રાન્સપોર્ટ અને અદભૂત યુરો ટ્રક બેકગ્રાઉન્ડ સાઉન્ડ વાસ્તવિક ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ ગેમ્સ કાર્ગો ટ્રાન્સપોર્ટ સિમ્યુલેટર જેવો દેખાશે.

    ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ કાર્ગો કેવી રીતે રમવું
    સૌ પ્રથમ, તમારે નવી ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ ગેમ્સ, ગ્રાન્ડ ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર ઇન્સ્ટોલ કરવું જોઈએ. પ્લે બટનને ટેપ કરો અને ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગની રેસ શરૂ કરો અને તમારા ચેલેન્જરને તમારી સાથે યુદ્ધ કરવા દબાણ કરો, પછી તમે રાક્ષસ હરીફો ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવર કાર્ગો ટ્રાન્સપોર્ટ સિમ્યુલેટરને હરાવી શકો છો. તમારી રેસિંગ ટ્રકને તમે કાર્ગો ટ્રાન્સપોર્ટ ચલાવી શકો તેટલી ઝડપથી ચલાવો, સોનાના સિક્કાઓ એકત્રિત કરો અને ફિનિશ લાઇન ટ્રક ઇવોલ્યુશન, કાર્ગો ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર સુધી પહોંચો. અપગ્રેડ યુરો ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવરને અનલૉક કરવા માટે તમારા સિક્કાઓનો ઉપયોગ કરો જેમાં બોનસની લાંબી અવધિ, વધારાની લાઇફ ગ્રાન્ડ ટ્રક અને સર્વાઇવલ મોડ ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ સિમ્યુલેટર ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ, કાર્ગો ટ્રાન્સપોર્ટ સિમ્યુલેટરનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. અવરોધો અને અવરોધોથી સાવધ રહો અને રેસિંગ સ્ટંટ જીતવા માટે તમારી ટ્રકને સભાનપણે ચલાવો, તેથી એવન્ચ્યુઅલ ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર ડાઉનલોડ કરવાનું શરૂ કરો અને ઑફરોડ ગેમ્સ રમો.

    ટ્રક ગેમ્સની વિશેષતાઓ
    => અમેઝિંગ ટ્રક્સ (નેક્સ્ટ જનરેશન)
    => વાસ્તવિક આંતરિક અને ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ અનુભવ
    => હાઇવે ટોલ રસ્તાઓ હેવી ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર સાથે પસાર થાય છે
    => વાસ્તવિક ટ્રાફિક સિસ્ટમ ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર 3D
    => પ્રભાવશાળી ગ્રાન્ડ ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર કસ્ટમાઇઝેશન
    => વાસ્તવિક હવામાન ટ્રક ડ્રાઇવિંગ સિમ્યુલેટર
    => દેશના રસ્તાઓ, શહેરના રસ્તાઓ અને હાઇવે પર વાહન ચલાવો
    => અમેઝિંગ ગ્રાફિક્સ કાર્ગો ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર
    => વાસ્તવિક ટ્રક સાઉન્ડ ઇફેક્ટ્સ ઑફરોડ ગેમ્સ
    => સિદ્ધિઓ અને લીડરબોર્ડ્સ હેવી ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર
    => (ટિલ્ટ, બટન્સ અથવા સ્ટીયરિંગ વ્હીલ), ટ્રક સિમ્યુલેટર
  • Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games Мод APK 1.1 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games Мод APK 1.1 [Unlocked]


    Dragon Hunting Game is a Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games . It is the time to start a hunting adventure and become a real deadly dragon hunter. The dragon hunting season is started so get ready to shoot some different dragons before they fly in Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games !

    Hunt Dragons :
    Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games presenting modern animal hunting patterns and customs to make the admirers of animal hunting games mindful with all animal hunting approaches. In the event that you have additionally interest to become ensured and expert animal hunter, this new application of animal hunting games will most likely engage you to full degree. Make a long visit through this post modern hunting of wilderness shooting games and transform into expertly prepared and genuine wild jungle hunter in brief timeframe outline. Investigate new chasing heaven of jungle hunt deer games by expecting the uncommon job of forest fps shooter who wants to compose his name in animal hunting legends of animal games and Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games.

    It is an offline hunting game with sniper shooting. In every level of Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games, the number of shooting dragon shows on a mobile screen, shot dragons complete level and because of all hunted dragon your next level be unlocked.

    Weapons Range :
    Have please in this animal hunting adventure by uncovering all secret segments of this hunting world of gun assault games and don't think about any recover before the culmination of all animal hunting missions of extreme hunting simulator. Try not to trouble much about the accessibility of ammo as you are with the reinforcement ceaseless projectiles in your firing firearm of wild hunt jungle games. Be the principal contester to cross all boundaries of extreme Hunter free games and compose new accomplishments of your valiance. Feel the of late tuned natural animal hunting environment of wild experience games and come out with certifiable hunting plans to be the legend of hunt jungle deer.

    Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games gives you real animal jungle experience in which you come in live contact with moving animals of animal shooting games 2021. Your new character of African deer shooter 2021 is multidimensional as it includes extensive lists of animal hunting challenges for you. Bring your hunting standards under pragmatic trial of Safari shooter 3d parameters to leave all the proper sorts of creature shooter a long ways behind. Move about in the jungle like extraordinary wild animal hunter to make brisk animal hunting moves in designated time period. Be bold and prudent to hunt down however many animal as you can to fill your animal hunting sack with hunted animals of hunting games 2021.

    In this Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games, wild dragons are flying and roaming freely and the sniper shooter is all set for bird shooting. This dragon game takes you to a whole new concept where you search and shoot for dragons.

    So, jump into the jungle it is the time to show your skills of animal shooting and have extreme fun. You may be scared in the jungle but do not hesitate to shoot dragons in this extreme dragon hunting adventure.

    Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games Features :
    · Select Career Mode or Free Mode.
    · Pick Up & Unlock All the Weapons.
    · Real Dragon Shooting.
    · Dragon Hunting Game with FPS Shooting Skills.
    · High-Quality Dragon 3d Graphics.
    · Easy to Play.
    · Amazing fps sniper rifle.
    · Awesome background music.

    Expectation you have delighted in safari hunting game a great deal by having viable animal hunting experience of this new scene of offline gun games. If it's not too much trouble, call attention to any bother identified with this item to raise it totally trouble free in future.
    DISCLAIMER: This Flying Dragon Hunting Simulator Games is just for fun, we do not support killing animals and especially endangered species.
  • Local weather Forecast Мод APK 2.52 [Premium] 4.0

    Local weather Forecast Мод APK 2.52 [Premium]


    A simple and easy-to-use weather app for you! With it, you can get weather.

    A simple and easy-to-use weather widget for you! With it, you can get weather information Conveniently. Provide accurate local meteorological information tomorrow as the highest / lowest temperature and current climatic conditions, definitely your best choice in daily life.
    Real-time temperature, feels like temperature, current clock / time, tomorrow time,The time in 6 days is all in this weather widget based on time server. It is very practical.

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  • Météo-France Мод APK 6.0.4 [Remove ads][Free purchase][Unlocked][No Ads] 4.0

    Météo-France Мод APK 6.0.4 [Remove ads][Free purchase][Unlocked][No Ads]


    મેઇનલેન્ડ ફ્રાન્સના તમામ નગરો, વિદેશમાં અને સમગ્ર વિશ્વમાં, તમારી એપ્લિકેશન પર METEO FRANCE આગાહીની ગુણવત્તા શોધો. ભૌગોલિક સ્થાન, કલાકની અંદર વરસાદ, તેમજ તકેદારી સૂચનાઓ સાથે જીવંત આગાહી.

    - એપ્લિકેશન મફત છે, આગાહીઓ જીવંત અપડેટ કરવામાં આવે છે, તમને તમારી આસપાસ અથવા તમારી પસંદગીના વિભાગ માટે દરેક તકેદારી માટે ચેતવણી આપવામાં આવે છે.
    - મેટ્રોપોલિટન ફ્રાન્સના દરેક શહેર માટે, વર્તમાન હવામાનની આગાહી, વર્તમાન દિવસ અથવા આગામી 15 દિવસ માટે "કલાક દ્વારા" આગાહીને અનુસરો
    - ફક્ત અનુભવાયેલ તાપમાન, યુવી ઇન્ડેક્સ, હિમ અથવા વરસાદની સંભાવનાને ઍક્સેસ કરો
    - યુરોપ અને યુનાઇટેડ સ્ટેટ્સ માટે મેઇનલેન્ડ ફ્રાન્સના શહેરો, વિદેશીઓ માટે તકેદારી જુઓ અને ઝડપથી ખતરનાક ઘટનાને ઓળખો
    - રડાર અને સેટેલાઇટ છબીઓને એનિમેટ કરો (ઝૂમ કરવા યોગ્ય)
    - સહભાગી અવલોકન સાથે હવામાનના અભિનેતા બનો અને હવામાન રડારને આભારી હવામાનને અનુસરો
    - તમે તમારા વિસ્તારમાં હવામાનની આગાહી કરવા માટે ભૌગોલિક સ્થાનનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકો છો
    - તમારા મનપસંદ શહેરોને પસંદ કરીને સ્વાગત સ્ક્રીનને વ્યક્તિગત કરો: બધા મુખ્ય શહેરો ઉપલબ્ધ છે (પેરિસ, માર્સેલી, લ્યોન, તુલોઝ, નાઇસ, મોન્ટપેલિયર, સ્ટ્રાસબર્ગ, બોર્ડેક્સ, લિલી, રેન્સ, નિમ્સ, ટૂલોન, લે હાવરે, નૌમિયા , પેપેટી, સેન્ટ- ડેનિસ) પણ તમામ ફ્રેન્ચ શહેરો
    - ફ્રાન્સના શહેરો માટે સૂર્યોદય અને સૂર્યાસ્તના સમય સાથે ક્ષણિક
    - તમે રીઅલ ટાઇમમાં અપડેટ કરેલા તમારા વિજેટ્સને કસ્ટમાઇઝ અને પસંદ કરી શકો છો, જેનો તમે તમારી હોમ સ્ક્રીન પરથી સીધો સંપર્ક કરી શકો છો
    - દરેક વિજિલન્સ પર આપમેળે સૂચનાઓ બનાવો અને તેનું સંચાલન કરો
    - નજીકના શહેર (ભૌગોલિક-સ્થાન) અથવા તમારા મનપસંદ શહેરોમાંથી એક માટે હવામાનની આગાહી માટે સીધા જ એપ્લિકેશન લોંચને ઍક્સેસ કરો, તમે જે માહિતી જોવા માંગો છો તે પસંદ કરો: કલાકની અંદર વરસાદની આગાહી, તાપમાન, હવામાનની સ્થિતિ, પવનની ગતિ અને દિશા, આગામી 15 દિવસની આગાહી, ફ્રાન્સના ઝૂમ કરી શકાય તેવા અનુમાન નકશા, દિવસની સેટેલાઇટ ઇમેજ, મેટિઓ-ફ્રાન્સ નિષ્ણાતો દ્વારા ટિપ્પણી, 3 ઝૂમ કરી શકાય તેવા કલાકો પર રડાર અને સેટેલાઇટ એનિમેશન, દરિયાઇ બુલેટિન અને દરિયાકાંઠાના વિસ્તારો માટે સલામતી, આલ્પ્સ માટે પર્વત બુલેટિન, બરફ અને હિમપ્રપાતની માહિતી સાથે પાયરેનીસ અને કોર્સિકા...

    Météo-France ની હવામાન એપ્લિકેશન દૈનિક અને સાપ્તાહિક ધોરણે વિશ્વસનીય હવામાન માહિતી પ્રદાન કરે છે. રીઅલ-ટાઇમ અપડેટ્સ અને કલાકદીઠ વરસાદ તમને સૂચનાઓ સાથે દિવસની દરેક ક્ષણે અપડેટ રાખે છે.
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