Дома / Игра
  • Fairy Tale Mysteries Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked][Full] 4.0

    Fairy Tale Mysteries Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked][Full]


    વિચિત્ર છુપાયેલા ઓબ્જેકટ પજ્જલ એડવેન્ચર ગેમ ઇન્ટ્રેગ્રેટિસ અને ગ્રીમ લેગ્રેન્ડ્સના ક્રિએટર્સ દ્વારા!

    અદ્ભુત, ક્લાસિક સાહસ રમતની રિમેસ્ટર કરેલી આવૃત્તિનો પ્રયાસ કરો!

    જ્યારે દુષ્ટ પપ્પીટિયર નિર્દોષ બાળકોના આત્માનું અપહરણ કરે છે, ત્યારે તમારે બ્રધર્સ ગ્રિમની તપાસકર્તા તરીકે તમારું પ્રથમ મિશન સોંપ્યું છે - દુષ્કર્મને હરાવવા અને જરૂરિયાતમંદ લોકોને બચાવવા માટેનો માર્ગ શોધો. જાદુગરની ઘટનાઓના ટ્રેસને જાદુગરનો અંધ સ્થળ શોધવા માટે અનુસરો. તેને હરાવવા અને ગુમાવેલા બધાને ઘરે લાવવા માટે તેનો ઉપયોગ કરો!

    તે મફતમાં અજમાવો, પછી રમતથી સંપૂર્ણ સાહસને અનલKક કરો!

    એક સમયે, ત્યાં એક વ્યક્તિ હતો જે બાળકોમાંથી આત્માઓને કબજે કરતો ગીતો અને કવિતાઓ લઈને એક બીજા શહેરમાં ગયો. પે generationી દર પે generationી, વાર્તા કહેવામાં આવતી. પરંતુ દરેક પરીકથાની તેની સાચી કડવી શરૂઆત હોય છે. હવે નવી દુષ્ટતા એ આર્બોર્શાયર શહેરની મુલાકાત લીધી છે, અને બાળકો ગુમ થયા છે. એક ગુપ્ત પપેટ થિયેટર તેમના અદ્રશ્ય થવાનાં કેન્દ્રમાં હોવાનું જણાય છે. શહેરમાં ખળભળાટ મચી ગયો છે! એક ટોળું શેરીઓમાં ફરે છે અને બ્રધર્સ ગ્રિમ તમને ફેરી ટેલ મિસ્ટ્રી પાછળનું સત્ય શોધવાનું કામ સોંપ્યું છે! દંતકથા પાછળનું સત્ય શોધો અને બાળકોને બચાવો!

    Others બ્રધર્સ ગ્રીમ ડિટેક્ટીવ તરીકે તમારા પ્રથમ કેસની તપાસ કરો!
    Pped બાળકોનું અપહરણ કરી બચાવ!
    Mini 19 મીની-રમતોમાં છુપાયેલા રહસ્યોને ઉકેલો!
    Hidden 22 હિડન ઓબ્જેક્ટ સીન્સમાં કડીઓ શોધો!
    Soul આત્મા ચોરી પપેટિયરને હરાવો!

    +++ અમે અહીં +++ છીએ
    ડબલ્યુડબલ્યુડબલ્યુ: http://artifexmundi.com
    ફેસબુક: http://facebook.com/artifexmundi
    ટ્વિટર: http://twitter.com/ArtifexMundi
    ફોરમ: http://forum.artifexmundi.com
    યુટ્યુબ: http://youtube.com/user/ArtifexMundi
    પિનરેસ્ટ: http://pinterest.com/artifexmundi
    ઇન્સ્ટાગ્રામ: http://instગ્રામ.com/artifexmundi
  • Dark Hero : Another World Мод APK 1.08 [Free purchase][Cracked] 3.9

    Dark Hero : Another World Мод APK 1.08 [Free purchase][Cracked]


    Dark Hero : Another World is a retro, side scroll action adventure platform game that maximizes the fun of manipulation.

    It traverses various terrains, including rocks, hills, water, and clouds, to identify traps and devices,
    You will clear chapters by recognizing patterns of normal monsters and final boss monsters and defeating them.

    It was created as a 2D game, and focused on gaming performance and feeling rather than splendor,
    We tried to make the most of the feel of the classic retro game and the gaming nature of the game.

    Right Now!

    * Avoid the various traps on the map by walking around rocks and hills.
    * Defeat the monsters that are blocking you.
    * The final boss monster is waiting for you.
    * Good luck.
  • The Emerald Maiden: Symphony o Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked][Full] 3.9

    The Emerald Maiden: Symphony o Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked][Full]



    Kompleksi nënujor i quajtur Emerald Maiden fsheh shumë sekrete dhe mistere të zymta. Në sipërfaqe duket se është një parajsë, por nuk është gjithçka që duket të jetë.

    Provojeni FALAS, PASTAJ SHTYPNI Aventurën e plotë nga brenda lojës!

    Provoni edicionin e rimastruar të lojës së mrekullueshme, klasike të aventurave!
    Në procesin e përmirësimit të lojës:
    • shtuam më shumë gjuhë
    • rriti grafikët
    • përmirësuar lojën
    • optimizoi lojën për celular

    Lojë magjepsëse e objekteve të fshehura në një mjedis unik nënujor!

    Londër 1957. Ju ishit të braktisur në pragun e një jetimoreje si fëmijë. Tani, 25 vjet më vonë, ju merrni një letër enigmatike që përmban një ftesë për të shkuar në një udhëtim misterioz dhe një fotografi të vjetër të ju dhe nënës tuaj së bashku.

    25 skena të objektit të fshehur të pikturuar me dorë për të eksploruar!
    Pse mamaja juaj ju la dhe si është e lidhur me organizatën sekrete? Merrni rolin e detektivit për të zbuluar të vërtetën e frikshme dhe filloni një udhëtim në Emerald Maiden.

    19 lojëra mini sfiduese për të provuar aftësitë tuaja për zgjidhjen e enigmave!
    Së shpejti bëhet e qartë se diçka e frikshme dhe misterioze po ndodh brenda këtij "sheshi lojrash për të pasurit dhe elitën" e supozuar. Varet nga ju për të hetuar!

    Hetoni sekretet e Emerald Maiden!
    Vendosni kapelën e detektivit tuaj për t'u përballur me sekretet më të errëta të objektit, mësoni të vërtetën për familjen tuaj dhe ikni para se të jetë tepër vonë!

    Zgjidh enigma të ndryshme për të gjetur prindërit e tu!
    A jeni aq i fortë sa të sfidoni të keqen misterioze antike që fshihet thellë nën det në The Emerald Maiden?

    Provoni edicionin e rimaster të lojës klasike të sendeve të fshehura drejtshkrimore!
    Loja është në dispozicion në anglisht, gjermanisht, italisht, frëngjisht, polake, ruse, kineze, japoneze dhe koreane me grafikë të rritur dhe lojë të përmirësuar.

    Sillni me vete të gjitha lojërat e objekteve të fshehura!
    Optimizuar për telefona dhe tableta, të mbushura me objekte të fshehura, të përsosura për të luajtur gjatë udhëtimit. Jo - kërkohet wifi për këtë lojë jashtë linje!

    Regjistrohuni në gazetën tonë për lojëra të reja me objekte të fshehura çdo muaj!
    Aventura magjepsëse, histori, përralla dhe mistere të frikshme presin në zgjedhjen tonë të lojërave gjithëpërfshirëse të objekteve të fshehura!

    Kërkoni për "Artifex Mundi" për të marrë më shumë lojëra me objekt të fshehur si kjo!

    • Histori emocionuese në një mjedis unik nënujor!
    • 19 minigame sfiduese për të provuar zgjuarsinë tuaj!
    • 25 skena origjinale të objekteve të fshehura për të eksploruar!
    • Një robot personal do t'ju ndihmojë në kërkimin tuaj!

    +++ JEMI KERETU +++
    WWW: http://artifexmundi.com
    FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/artifexmundi
    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/ArtifexMundi
    FORUMI: http://forum.artifexmundi.com
    YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/user/ArtifexMundi
    PINTEREST: http://pinterest.com/artifexmundi
    INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/artifexmundi
  • Sea of Lies: Burning Coast (Fu Мод APK 1.0 [Full] 3.5

    Sea of Lies: Burning Coast (Fu Мод APK 1.0 [Full]


    Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!

    A strange plague has been sweeping through coastal towns and you have traveled to Port Talbot to help find a cure. Upon your arrival, the town is evacuated to the neighboring Wellport and you find yourself trapped in a madman's plan!

    You've been informed that the epidemic occurred decades ago, but being wary of this accepted belief, you soon discover that someone is behind the disease. Find the culprit and save Port Talbot before it's too late!

    Get closer to discovering the city's shameful past by searching through enticing hidden object scenes.

    Find the clues you need to close in on the chemist by playing through entertaining mini-games and unique puzzles!

    Continue to fight against evil in the bonus game and also enjoy Collector's Edition exclusives including souvenirs and collectible items.

    • Find thousands of hidden objects, plus solve tons of mini games and puzzles!
    • Unlock this incredible Collector's Edition to gain access to all of the amazing bonuses and additional gameplay!

    *** Discover more from Big Fish Games***

    Sign up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: http://bigfi.sh/AndroidSplash

    Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: http://bigfi.sh/BFGAMGoog

    Visit Big Fish Games, a leading developer, producer, and publisher of puzzle, adventure, casual, card & casino games!

    VISIT US: www.bigfishgames.com
    WATCH US: www.youtube.com/bigfishgames
    FOLLOW US: www.twitter.com/bigfishgames
    TALK TO US: www.facebook.com/bigfishgames
  • Ruined Town Escape  Premium Мод APK 1.3 [Unlocked][Premium] 3.8

    Ruined Town Escape Premium Мод APK 1.3 [Unlocked][Premium]


    You are shut in in the deserted ruins.

    This game can challenge the next unknown stage whenever I clear one stage by the escape game of the long piece consisting of plural stages, and, in the early stages, it is easy, but a degree of difficulty becomes difficult as it is in the latter half.

    In the game, there are the building which collapsed by a left deserted house and earthquake, the stone passage where the moss grew, various stages such as the stairs which are not used for a long time.

    You decipher a mystery and a code hidden in these ruins; light; may escape from this place?

    There is not an advertisement than a free version and can play comfortably.

    ●It is recommended in such one
    ・The person who likes atmosphere game.
    ・The game who wants to regard a view of the world as important.
    ・The person who likes decadent scenery.
    ・The person who likes real graphic of illustration and 3DCG.
    ・The person who is the ruins and a disused road, a power spot, the enthusiast of the spirit spot.

    The free copy is

    ●How to play

    I can use it by a red frame being displayed around when the item which I obtained taps it, and tapping a different place in this state.

    In addition, when a red frame taps a displayed item in this state once again, I enlarge an item and can display it.

    I tap a different item in the state that spread and can put items together by tapping the item which spread.

    When an arrow whitens, I can move to the direction.

    I am turned on with volume adjustment of the volume when I push the button of the top right corner and can be off.

    I return to a screen of the stage select when I push the left upper button.

    Please refrain from the spoiling about the demystification of the game with the comment column.

    Music by

    Horror Sounds
    Sound effects laboratory
    Pocket sound
  • Fairy Tale Mysteries (Full) Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked][Full] 3.9

    Fairy Tale Mysteries (Full) Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked][Full]



    Try the remastered edition of the wonderful, classic adventure game!

    When evil Puppeteer kidnaps souls of innocent children, you're assigned your first mission as Brothers Grimm's investigator - find a way to defeat the malefactor and bring rescue to all in need. Follow the trace of magical events to discover sorcerer's blind spot. Use it to defeat him and bring home all who have been lost!

    Once upon a time, there was a man who went from town to town with songs and poetry, capturing the souls of children. From generation to generation, the tale was told. But every fairy tale has its true bitter beginning. Now a new evil has visited the town of Arbourshire, and children have been going missing. A mysterious puppet theatre seems to be at the centre of their disappearance. The town is in an uproar! A mob roams the streets and the Brothers Grimm have assigned to you the task of discovering the truth behind the Fairy Tale Mystery! Discover the truth behind the myth and save the children!

    • Investigate your first case as Brothers Grimm detective!
    • Rescue kidnapped children!
    • Resolve mysteries hidden in 19 Mini-Games!
    • Find clues in 22 Hidden Object Scenes!
    • Defeat the soul-stealing Puppeteer!

    +++ WE ARE HERE +++
    WWW: http://artifexmundi.com
    FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/artifexmundi
    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/ArtifexMundi
    FORUM: http://forum.artifexmundi.com
    YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/user/ArtifexMundi
    PINTEREST: http://pinterest.com/artifexmundi
    INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/artifexmundi
  • Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Мод APK 1.0.2136938 [Free purchase][Unlocked][Full] 3.7

    Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Мод APK 1.0.2136938 [Free purchase][Unlocked][Full]


    ***NOTICE TO players on specific devices running AndroidOS 8 (Oreo).*** Graphic issues and instability issues have been observed on newer Galaxy devices, Pixel models, and the OnePlus. There is currently no update to resolve those issues but you can send your proof of purchase to our support team for a full refund.

    Guilt is a chilling feeling…

    Originally released in 2005, Fahrenheit (known as Indigo Prophecy in North America) was a breakthrough in interactive narrative, teetering between the worlds of cinema and gaming while also embracing them, carving its own unique genre in the entertainment landscape. This newly remastered edition features updated graphics, full controller support AND is based on the uncut/uncensored international version of the game.

    With a rich multilayered narrative, innovative presentation, and a chilling musical score by famed Hollywood composer Angelo Badalementi, Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered serves as the definitive version of the supernatural murder mystery and (re)introduces the groundbreaking title to old and new fans alike.

    • Interactive Drama — An intuitive control scheme and spectacular split-screen presentation complement the game's mysterious noir narrative.
    • Extensive Replayability — With branching dialog and multiple endings, each playthrough of the game yields a different outcome.
    • Multiple Characters — Take control of the narrative through four different playable characters, each illuminating a different perspective of the story.
    • Fully Voiced Script — Every line from the extensive script is voiced by professional actors in English, French, German, and Spanish.
    • Cinematic Score — Fahrenheit features a fully orchestrated [check] score composed by Angelo Badalamenti, famous for his extensive work with director David Lynch.
    • Uncut version of the game — Unlike the original North American release, Remastered contains all of the game's original scenes, uncensored and uncut.

    Key Upgrades:
    • High-definition Graphics - All of the in-game textures have been meticulously recreated in HD
    • Widescreen Support - A true widescreen (not cropped) view strengthens the game's cinematic qualities while also providing players with a better sense of their surroundings.
    • Controller Support
    • Live Graphics Comparison - Players can switch between the updated visuals and the original art assets with an in-game menu option.
  • Rayman Classic Мод APK 1.0.0 [Free purchase] 3.9

    Rayman Classic Мод APK 1.0.0 [Free purchase]


    To celebrate its 20th anniversary, the original Rayman is back… and for the 1st time on your mobile!
    Embark on epic adventures with Rayman in one of the most influent platform game of all times and relive the experience of playing the original version of the 1995 hit.
    “Rayman is side-scrolling, comic animation at its finest” Gamespot 1996
    “Rayman ranks as one of the most visually appealing games of this or any year” Gamepro 1995
    “This will probably go down in the history books as the brightest platform game ever” Playstation Magazine 1995
    “One of the greatest platformers games to come out on PC” Joystick 1995
    The evil Mr Dark has stolen the Great Protoon and captured the Electoons! Play as Rayman, the legendary limbless hero, free the Electoons, defeat Mr Dark and restore the world's harmony.

    • EMBODY Rayman, your favorite hero born in 1995
    • REDISCOVER the fantasy cartoon worlds of the original game: The Dream Forest, The Band Lands, The Blue Mountains, The Candy Castle…
    • RUN, dodge, jump, punch your way through the various levels of this classic platform game.
    • UNLEASH Rayman's special powers from the telescopic fist to the helicopter and defeat hostile creatures.
    • SEEK OUT & FREE the Electoons to complete each level and restore the cosmic balance.
    • HELP iconic and funny side characters in each world: The fairy Betilla, Tarayzan, Joe the extraterrestrial.
    • DEFEAT each and every boss (Moskito, Mister Sax, Mr Dark…) in epic showdowns to free your friends.
    • BEAT the Hardcore mode with one single life or choose the Casual mode for infinite tries.

    You are a Rayman's fan? Go check out our other awesome Rayman games from Ubisoft: Rayman Jungle Run, Rayman Fiesta Run & Rayman Adventures!

    Game available in: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Russian.

    Stay on top of your game! Get the latest news, deals, and more at....
    FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/rayman
    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/raymangame 
    YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/user/Ubisoft
  • Avoid It Мод APK 1.1.7 [Free purchase] 3.7

    Avoid It Мод APK 1.1.7 [Free purchase]


    Nomination and Selection

    - MomoCon 2015 - Indie Game Award Showcase Finalists
    - 2015 BicFestival (Busan Indie Connect Festival)


    The ultimate test for survival has just begun!

    There is no safety. Every single step is a new daring maneuver as you run, jump and roll through the hills of an ancient civilization, featuring a variety of traps that only grow in difficulty. Run for your life from a nightmarish tentacled horror that wants to see you exterminated!

    You are Zero, the lone survivor of your people, tasked by the spirit of your father to take your family's ethereal light energy to the top of the mystic hill. Beware adventurer; the road will be an uphill battle, with jaw dropping surprises around every corner of this beautifully stylized challenge.

    “Bounce like your life depends on it” - Pocket Gamer
    "Press the wrong button and a grisly end could be met." - Dual Shockers
    "The controls, art, music and game play are top notch." - DroidGamers


    Endless thrilling traps installed throughout each exciting stage
    Plot your best strategy on the run, as you jump and roll your way to survival
    Challenge yourself to 30 stages of increasing difficulty, and 20 even more challenging stages to come
    Finish without a scratch? Receive the ultimate title of official GREAT!!!

    Tap to jump
    Press and hold to roll
    Release to slide

    Immersive tribal ambiance
    Pansori soundtrack of traditional Korean instruments and African rhythms
    All SFX recorded live and acoustically
    More stunning AVOID IT original tracks to come

    A compelling story-driven aesthetic created by some of today's finest graphic artists
    A beautifully illustrated, mesmerising world
    Astonishingly stylish design

    The story of supernatural beings struggling to protect nature's light
    An intricate narrative told through stylized graphics and cutscenes

    Studio RO appreciates all of your time and interest in playing AVOID IT!
    We are grateful for your feedback, ratings, and support!

    Time to get your game face on... AVOID IT if you can!

    To get more info about all our upcoming events,
    Like us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/AvoidIt
    Follow us on Twitter at https://www.twitter.com/Avoid_it_
  • Nice Revenge Мод APK 3 3.9

    Nice Revenge Мод APK 3


    Experience the adventures of Mr. Nice, a humble rabbit who has to rescue his family from a dark destiny against all odds.


    Play this action-adventure game, which includes elements of a classic “Beat 'em up”. Clear your path of multiple types of enemies with your fists and other weapons you'll find on your way. Evolve your arsenal to keep up with the challenges of higher levels and big bosses. Use all your abilities using touch commands.


    Explore the world of Mr. Nice, where animals and humans coexist. But not everyone is good and kind, especially when you are transformed into a killer cyborg. Use weapons inspired by the simple life of a rabbit. Anything goes when it comes to saving your wife and children.

  • Leave Me Alone Мод APK 1.03 3.5

    Leave Me Alone Мод APK 1.03


    Somewhere between 1980 and 1990 there was a world that never was. The world of punk skateboarders, mutants and bandits that roam the streets, causing terror and chaos. The world in which its citizens have only one battle cry against the outside world: Leave me alone! Will you be able to survive on the dangerous streets?
  • Princess Curse Мод APK 1.70 [Free purchase][Full] 3.6

    Princess Curse Мод APK 1.70 [Free purchase][Full]


    Join a brave knight in his quest to rescue the princess, in this classic point and click adventure game

    Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess,
    But Grimma, the evil witch, locked her in a tower,
    A brave knight went on a quest to rescue the princess,
    However, he didn't know about the ancient curse that was placed upon this tower...

    *** WINNER ***
    Best Mobile & Tablet Emerging Studios Game
  • Maze Zombie Мод APK 4.0 [Unlimited money] 3.6

    Maze Zombie Мод APK 4.0 [Unlimited money]


    Kill zombies in this survival inside a maze. Collect coins, buy weapons, maps, ammunition, life and seeks the key to exit the maze.
    Care zombies are slower, but they can smell you at a distance, so they will be grouped to get kill you, before you can leave.

    -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
    Move your mobile to move the player, touch the screen to shoot.
    Buy Weapons, life, grenades and you need to survive.
    Tip: Do not leave even one zombie alive and collect coins or what they give you.

    -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
    * All content and resources of this application are public domain, or have the consent of the use of the author.
    * All intellectual property rights belong to their respective owners. The application is not official.
    * This application created for educational purposes.

  • The Room 51 Мод APK 1.1 [Free purchase][Full] 4.0

    The Room 51 Мод APK 1.1 [Free purchase][Full]


    Full version of Room 51

    The Room 51 is a "survival horror" game. You will wake up in a strange room and you will have to escape and avoid the creatures that are living there, they will try to kill you and eat you, run, be fast and smart, use the objects that you find, combine them and solve puzzles..

    Non-apt for children under 12 years old and people sensitive to frights. We suggest play with headphones 3D surround sound and total darkness or in dim light (if you are brave enough).

    The game menu includes a section to reduce the graphics load of the game, making the game more fluid for those devices that are more limited.
  • Toysburg Мод APK 1.2.7 4.0

    Toysburg Мод APK 1.2.7


    There's a new maker in Toysburg; someone who possesses the arcane artistry of mystical manufacture that allows Toys to be made. That's you I'm talking about; surprised? Me too, I nearly sheared my moustache off. I'm Mr. Mustard. I have been a maker in Toysburg since I was but a wee scruffamuffin like you. Don't know what a scruffamuffin is? Use your imagination and be creative, because in Toysburg you'll be QUESTING! The children of the city need your toys to get through the most bizarre situations. Your toys transform them semi-literally and give them somewhat-super powers Are they more trouble than they're worth?NO! You'll collect coins and candies and crates of junk. But it isn't junk to you, it's CRAFTABLES! You'll take a bit of this toy, and bit of that toy and make an epic toy with a crafting system that's so fun you'll only leave your workshop when duty calls: Toy maker duty.But who will appreciate it?JUDGES AT COMPETITIONS! They'll laud your toys until their laud glands run dry. They'll reward you candies, which are like bitcoins but better because they're SWEET. What will you do with all that sugar energy?EXPLORE! Unlock the zones of the city, mingle with the monsters (kids), and make your own story.Aspire to be the best Toymaker you can be, byCOLLECTING over one hundred toy characters! From Scurvy Pirates and Tooth Fairies, to Ancient Cyclops and Giant Robots. Plus your Magical Unicorns, of course!_______________________________________Please note that Toysburg is completely free to play, but you can purchase some in-game items with real money. If you don't want to use this feature, you can disable in-app purchases in your device's settings.
  • Survival Island 2016: Savage Мод APK 1.1.2 [Free purchase] 4.0

    Survival Island 2016: Savage Мод APK 1.1.2 [Free purchase]


    You will have to use all your skills for survive in this island! Create items with crafting system, collect resources, hunt and repulse from wild animals in new game with sandbox elements Survival Island 2016 : Savage.

    Follow the news in our groups:

    Survival on the island reaching a new level! So many features you will not find in any similar game! You will have to collecting, mining diverse resources,crafting a lot of items: tools, wear, weapon, resources for more dificult for the more complicated craft. Defend yourself from wild animals and other dangers of the island. Survival Island 2016 : Savage - this is new adventure simulator of island survival with sandbox elements.

    ✓Complete freedom of action!
    ✓Hunting, building, gathering, craft, research - lets do what you like!
    ✓Building houses on the island!
    ✓Huge number of resource for crafting!
    ✓Huge number of weapon for fight with wild animals!
    ✓Explore Wilderness island!
    ✓Create weapon and armor for survival!
    ✓Use axe, circ, spear and knife for all kinds of craft.
    ✓The diverse fauna of the island: elephant, rhino, mandrill, Crocodile, Panther!
    ✓If you hungry you become rust!
    ✓Regular updates with new content!

    How to play:
    For the interaction with object use screen ( For tree felling just press on it with axe in your hand). Watch your health, satiety and thirst,so as not get into stranded.

    Collect stones and sticks for your first craft.

    If you like first-person games as survival island, then our game Survival Island 2016: Savage sure to please you!
    Attention! In development is a online multiplayer!
  • Aurora: Quarantine Мод APK 1.0.1 [Free purchase][Full] 4.0

    Aurora: Quarantine Мод APK 1.0.1 [Free purchase][Full]


    An unconventional game, that tests the skill and cleverness of a player, while merging the balance ball genre with an adventure game and an intriguing detective story, taking place in a realistic environment.
    Challenge yourselves while avoiding a variety of realistic traps, searching for secrets, earning a high score and upgrading your robotic ball. Can you overcome all challenges and complete your mission while saving the city?

    The year is 2098. For a long time, humans have been polluting Earth ,destroying air, water, soil, even one each other. In order to stop it, one day, authorities introduced new ecological cities. But the new homes were available only for wealthy families. Eventually, a gap between the rich and poor was enormous. Cities were guarded by a security institution The S.I.G.H.T.. They built walls around them and applied strict rules inside.

    One of the new towns, Silverpolis, has become the target of a rebel group called The Association. Their members have infiltrated into Aaronsohn Laboratory, stole the toxic substance and modified it into a weapon of mass destruction. They placed it inside the city to wipe out all inhabitants. When the bomb exploded, in a few minutes every citizen was dead. The aftermath of the disaster was larger than anyone had anticipated. The toxic nanoparticles have remained in Silverpolis and kill every life form entering the city.

    In an attempt to save Silverpolis, the S.I.G.H.T. developed robots to explore the city and enter places that humans cannot. Your mission is to find a substance that will neutralize the toxic environment and bring the city back to life. You will find the substance where the toxic nanoparticles have been developed, in Aaronsohn Lab. The only way to get in, is through the old solar power plant. You'll find supplies on your way, but the city is now in lockdown, all the security measures have been automatically launched and will hinder your progress.

    1. GamePad Support
    2. Adaptive Joystick
    3. Accelerometer
    4. Sliding

  • Timeless Journey Мод APK 1.6 [Free purchase][Full] 4.0

    Timeless Journey Мод APK 1.6 [Free purchase][Full]



    “With elegant environments and timely parallax effect, a good deal of deadly traps and a tough challenge to your reflexes, Timeless Journey is a charming game…” - pocketmeta

    INFO: Try the free "Timeless Journey Demo" to get some first impressions.

    Dive into a world, where time seems to stand still.

    “Timeless Journey” is a physics-based side-scrolling-action adventure and offers a deep atmosphere, unique gameplay experience and wonderful sound landscapes. Prove your skills by overcoming the force of gravity and challenge a variety of deadly traps. Stranded – try to survive on a tropical island, discover the african savanna, dive into the ocean and much more.


    - sidescroller / platformer with realistic physics
    - Beautiful graphic design
    - Every single Level offers a unique atmosphere and gameplay experience
    - Parallax effects
    - Complex organic sound landscapes
    - A variety of music genres from jazz to cinematic orchestral soundtracks
    - Elegant and timeless menu design

    You get a complete and save product…

    - No in-app purchase
    - No advertising
    - No registration required
    - No collection of personal data

    Watch the official trailer 2015 on YOUTUBE


    Get more impressions on FACEBOOK


    Stay up to date on GOOGLE +


    You are welcome to contact the developer for any questions:
    [email protected]
  • Adventures of Poco Eco - Lost Мод APK 1.7.1 [Free purchase][Full] 3.7

    Adventures of Poco Eco - Lost Мод APK 1.7.1 [Free purchase][Full]


    Get a full-length 7 track LP (Lost Sounds) with your purchase bundled with this relaxing, exploratory audio-visual design experience for all ages!

    Discover a new world where there's a lot to see and even more to hear. Help Poco Eco, the curious explorer complete his mission. Your goal is to help Poco Eco and his tribe find their Lost Sounds that they've lost by solving the mini puzzles and completing all twelve 3D animated levels. By downloading Adventures of Poco Eco you also get free access to Iamyank's new LP.

    This experience is built around a mixture of electronic music, fine art and design, placing you into its unique atmosphere. Adventures of Poco Eco was designed and developed by POSSIBLE Games & it features Iamyank's newest LP - the Lost Sounds.

    Iamyank is a highly acclaimed multi-talented artist: designer, musician, producer and composer from Hungary, notorious for filling venues he's playing at the capital's nightlife. He describes his music genre as dreamy electronic - influenced by all kind of soulful music. His newest album, the Lost Sounds is already available on Bandcamp.

    POSSIBLE Games creates quality mobile games that entertain and challenge gamers of all levels up until the edge. Adventures of Poco Eco was designed by visual artists with years of experience in 3D, fine art, street art, fashion, typography and of course mobile game design.

    Download Lost Sounds - Adventures of Poco Eco and help Poco Eco in his mission!

    For more info visit us at

    Tune in to Iamyank at

    We are excited to hear your opinion on Adventures of Poco Eco, please rate & review on the app page, or leave your comment at [email protected]!
  • Reality Show: Fatal Shot (Full) Мод APK 1.0.0 [Free purchase][Full] 3.6

    Reality Show: Fatal Shot (Full) Мод APK 1.0.0 [Free purchase][Full]


    Unlock the complete adventure with a single purchase! No in-app purchases!

    Everyone knows that breaking into showbiz can be tough. But for participants on Fright Reality Show, it can be murder! After a man is killed on the set of the hit series, you are called in to uncover the truth behind the crime!

    Delve into this fast-paced thriller and solve the mystery of a strange murder on reality TV!

    A tearful woman arrives at your office one morning begging you to investigate the death of her spouse. It's up to you to collect evidence to solve this murder and bring the killer to justice!

    Follow the clues and solve challenging puzzles and mini-games, from the city streets to the top floors of the station's headquarters to uncover the truth behind this shocking crime.

    Unlock this Collector's Edition to access exclusive extras such as beautifully drawn wallpapers, replayable mini-games and puzzles, concept art sketches, and more!

    • Find thousands of hidden objects, plus solve tons of mini games and puzzles!
    • Unlock this incredible Collector's Edition to gain access to all of the amazing bonuses and additional gameplay!

    *** Discover more from Big Fish Games***

    Sign up for our newsletter and never miss a new release or promotion again: http://bigfi.sh/AndroidSplash

    Check out our entire game library with our Big Fish Games app absolutely FREE here: http://bigfi.sh/BFGAMGoog

    Visit Big Fish Games, a leading developer, producer, and publisher of puzzle, adventure, casual, card & casino games!

    VISIT US: www.bigfishgames.com
    WATCH US: www.youtube.com/bigfishgames
    FOLLOW US: www.twitter.com/bigfishgames
    TALK TO US: www.facebook.com/bigfishgames
  • Moorish Kingdom Мод APK 4 [Free purchase][Full] 4.0

    Moorish Kingdom Мод APK 4 [Free purchase][Full]


    Moorish Kingdom is a game that makes playing in a fantasy kingdom an epic adventure. Taking you back to the Middle Ages, Moorish Kingdom is a brilliant mix of action and adventure, an experience unlike any other with amazing graphics, vicious combat and staggering boss fights.

    A new era is upon us, the age of the just and brave. Summoning the power of man and magic to help free the beloved King and his Royale family and reclaim the lands from the Evil Sorcerer, Baalim.

    Put your skills to a test and navigate your warrior through suspension bridges, ancient towns and majestic forests on your way to Baalim and unlock the secrets of the magical Moorish Kingdom. Can you clash with the evil forces & save the Royale family from death?

    ◉ 4 playable heroes & heroine to choose from
    ◉ Multiple medieval stages & boss fights
    ◉ Unlock special abilities to fight against hordes of evil army
    ◉ Intelligent boss fights with unique AI system

  • SecondDay Мод APK 1.4 [Free purchase][Full] 3.9

    SecondDay Мод APK 1.4 [Free purchase][Full]


    What will end the story of Robert? What happened to Emmy? As the epidemic began, and what will all this chaos? All the answers players will learn in the final episode of the game SecondDay!

    the Story tells the story of Robert, who rides in a car with his friend max to his daughter. And not just going and trying to get home as soon as possible. The fact is that Max, a scientist in a government organization, I learned that the military are going to drop bombs on several towns. Including the one where the little daughter of Robert Amy. And why suddenly the government has decided on such measures – is to learn during the game.

    the Game is made in the genre of action-adventure. During gameplay, the player initially need to get to daughter of the main character. Be thoughtful to wander through the locations, explore the world, find things and solve puzzles.
    from time to Time you will need to decide what to do or where to go next? From the player's choice will depend on the further narration of the story. Sometimes, the decision will have to be taken quickly, otherwise Robert will die and have to start from the last AutoSave.
    Pretty backgrounds, three-dimensional interactive rendering Unity3D and the author's own original music create a mood. If you are a fan of horror, adventure quests, mysterious atmosphere and a good graphics - this game is definitely worth playing!

    - dark style with its visual style,
    - creepy atmosphere
    - non-linear passage,
    - search for items and solve puzzles
    - combination of 2D and 3D graphics
    - interactive screen saver
    - music, to better feel the world of the game.

    This and much more includes SecondDay from ImpressPeople.

    - Grim stylistics with own visual style
    - Great atmosphere
    - Nonlinear story
    - Search for items and solving puzzles
    - An interesting combination of 2D and 3D graphics
    - Interactive cutescenes,
    - Beautiful music.

  • Dimension Painter Мод APK 1.08 [Free purchase][Full] 3.8

    Dimension Painter Мод APK 1.08 [Free purchase][Full]


    Use the dimension pencil to escape the maze and save the Gnome Planet from disaster.

    Through the map editor, you can create and share your own stages.
    Make your own game using various traps and blocks. And compete with others.

    129 stages! Various levels of difficulty! If it's too hard, don't worry. We have walk throughs to help!

    # Precautions
    To play the game, you need an internet connection.
    You can purchase dimension crystals by in-app purchase. If you don't want to use this function, please disable it.
    The paid version does not contain ads. Plus, you start the game with more dimension crystals.
    The free version contains ads, but ads are removed upon any purchase.

    # Features
    ● 6 regions, total 129 stages are provided.
    ● You can make and share your own game with map editor.
    ● Gather dimension crystals and raise a tier, you can create completely new maps.
    ● You can record your play and share it! Show off with your own walk through!
    ● You can also communicate freely with other users through the in-game community.
    ● Traps, blocks, and skins will be continuously added.
    ● Solve the puzzle with unique characters!
    ● Sometimes you may need to rely on your reactions over your brain!
    ● A console game's feeling on your mobile device!

    # Access instructions for playing the game
    Ask permission to regist a profile photo in app community.
    Ask permission for identify the user.
    Ask permission to use face cam for recording a game play
    Ask permission to use voice recording for a game play

    - Unsupported device -

    Iconia Tab A501– picasso
    Iconia Tab A100 (VanGogh)– vangogh
    Iconia Tab A200– picasso_e
    Eee Pad TF101– TF101
    Eee Pad TF101-WiMAX– TF101-WiMAX
    Eee Pad Slider– SL101
    Dell Streak 10 Pro– Streak10Pro
    Dell Streak 7– streak7
    XOOM– stingray
    XOOM– wingray
    Optimus 2X– star_450-05
    Optimus 2X– p999
    Optimus 2X– p990_CIS-xxx
    Optimus 2X– p990
    Optimus 2X– p990hN
    Optimus 2X– p990_262-xx
    LG Revolution– bryce
    Optimus 2X– p990_EUR-xx
    Droid X2– daytona
    XOOM– umts_everest
    Photon 4G– sunfire
    Atrix– olympus
    XOOM– umts_hubble
    XOOM– wifi_hubble
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– GT-P7310
    Galaxy Tab 10.1– SHW-M380K
    Galaxy Tab 10.1– SCH-I905
    Galaxy Tab 10.1– SHW-M380S
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– SGH-I957R
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– SHV-E140S
    Galaxy Tab 10.1 v– p3
    Galaxy Tab 10.1– GT-P7500D
    Galaxy Tab 10.1– SGH-T859
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– GT-P7320
    Galaxy Tab 10.1 N– GT-P7501
    Galaxy Tab 10.1– SC-01D
    Galaxy Tab 10.1 N– GT-P7511
    Galaxy Tab 10.1– SHW-M380W
    Galaxy Tab 10.1– GT-P7503
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– SHW-M305W
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– GT-P7300
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– SGH-I957D
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– SHV-E140L
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– SGH-I957M
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– SHV-E140K
    Galaxy Tab 10.1– GT-P7500
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– SCH-P739
    Captivate Glide– SGH-I927
    Galaxy Tab 10.1– SHW-M300W
    Galaxy Tab 8.9– SGH-I957
    Galaxy Tab E
    Sony Tablet P– nbx02
    Tablet S– nbx03
    Thrive 7– tostab04
    Grand X– P175A20

    Please contact us by below contacts about game.

    Walkthrough video : https://goo.gl/5Pq1iX
    Any question? : [email protected]
    Official facebook : http://facebook.com/dimensionpainter
  • Into Light Мод APK 1.5 [Free purchase][Full] 3.7

    Into Light Мод APK 1.5 [Free purchase][Full]


    When the bombs began to fall, they sent me to the tunnels. They said I'd be safe there...

    Into Light is a magical adventure game that plays with words and puzzles. Caught inside a warzone, you escape to the tunnels beneath your city, and discover a locked gate...

    In the darkness beyond is a labyrinth of rooms and tunnels and a strange magician who promises to help you find a way home, if you promise to help him in return.

    But as he leads you deeper into the caves, you begin to wonder if he's really leading you back to the light. And you can't shake the feeling that something is following you...


    Epic story - Imprisoned in a mysterious and fantastical labyrinth, can you unlock the gates that stand between you and freedom?

    Word puzzles – construct the story as you play, solving anagrams and letter searches to push the story forward

    Magical door puzzles – unlock a series of increasingly complex gate puzzles to progress through the labyrinth. Spin the lights into their correct positions to open up the magical locks

  • Pixel Island Survival 3D Мод APK 1.10.0 [Unlimited money] 3.7

    Pixel Island Survival 3D Мод APK 1.10.0 [Unlimited money]


    To save your game progress tap «save» button in the pause menu
    Be a man survived after a storm! Now you are on a lost desert island full of wild animals and other dangers! Provide yourself with food, explore neighboring islands, battle against predators and try to stay alive playing Pixel Island Survival 3D!

    Are you ready for an island adventure? Picturesque ocean, jungles and mountains looks nice, so explore this desert land with this awesome survival simulator! Salvage survival tools and weapons, to protect yourself, hunt or battle against wild animals. Walk around this survival island trying to find something that could help you to get out of this uninhabited place! Enter the wilderness, face dangers, meet wild animals, hunt, fish and gather to stay alive playing Pixel Island Survival 3D!

    You main goal is to survive, so try to make your life comfortable and safe. Build shelters to hide from predators' attack, find or craft weapons, hunt, gather or fish to provide yourself with wood. Explore neighboring islands with a boat and try to collect all the pieces of map that could help you to get out of this survival island! Are you ready to stay alive on this island? Upgrade an exploration, battling and survival skills and prove your worth as a real survivor playing Pixel Island Survival 3D!

    Dive into wilderness and be ready for island adventure! Mind indicators - health, energy, water and fullness. If one of these drops – no chance to survive in wild harsh conditions! Some survivor's indicators are easy to fill - for example, there is many sources of fresh water here. Find food is not as easy as it seems – you need to gather plant food or even battle against animals to kill them! Craft weapons and tools in your inventory bar or using special workshops - survival tools such as an axe or fish rod would help you to stay alive! Fish, hunt, gather, battle against animals and explore this desert island full of secrets! Upgrade your survival skill – find water, hunt for wild animals to make them your next meal, find weapons, craft other useful tools and try to make your life better with this island survival simulator in 3D!

    It's easy to control character playing Pixel Island Survival 3D! Use joystick to walk around the island and press «attack» to hunt or battle against wild animals. This survival island is full of dangers, so keep your weapons alert! Find or craft different survival tools and weapons such an axe, fish rod that could help you to protect yourself from predators and provide with food. Quarry resourses such as wood and stone to build shelters and try to make this island your home! Upgrade your survival skills spending time on lost desert island – hunt, fish, gather, battle and explore! Pixel Island Survival 3D will give you tones of fun!
    Get home with this island survival simulator in 3D!

    Pixel Island Survival 3D features:

    - Different survival tools to find or craft – weapons to hunt wild animals, fishing rods, knifes, lighters and more
    - Health, energy, water and fullness indicators – gather plant food, hunt or fish, find water and sleep well to mind it!
    - A group of desert uninhabited islands to explore – collect all the map pieces to get home
    - Amazing crafting system – special WorkShop, Chemistry Table and Weapon Table
    - Awesome island survival simulator in 3D

    Swim, hunt, battle and explore to stay alive! Ever wanted to explore lost island as a survivor? Spend time on uninhabited survival island and fight for your life living in harsh conditions! Upgrade your hunting, battling and exploring skills playing Pixel Island Survival 3D! Explore neighboring islands, find weapons and tools, build shelters and hunts to hide from the sun and aggressive predators. Dive into the atmosphere of survival adventure and try to find your way home! Thrive in this hostile environment – lost desert island!

    Privacy policy:
  • Tibetan Quest: Beyond the World's End (Full) Мод APK 1.0 [Free purchase][Full] 3.8

    Tibetan Quest: Beyond the World's End (Full) Мод APK 1.0 [Free purchase][Full]



    Journey to the mystical city of Shangri-La and find your missing niece! Embark on an adventure at the edge of the world to save Larisa from the clutches of the ancient labyrinth!

    Tibetan Quest: Beyond the World's End is a captivating hidden object game that blends together the elements of the thriller and adventure genres with oriental esotericism and lore.

    When you were seeing off your beloved niece three weeks ago as she embarked on an archeological trip to Tibet, nothing could have foreshadowed the dramatic events that were about to unfold. Only yesterday you received a mysterious letter from which you learned that Larisa and her crew had gotten lost in a snow storm. Without hesitation you leave your family estate to come to your protégé's rescue. The inhabitants of Lhasa's Tibetan temple guide you toward the legendary city of Shangri-La where Larisa and her expedition were last seen. Discover what really happened in Shangri-La and what secrets are hidden in the labyrinth beneath this ancient city brimming with magic. Beat the obstacles and puzzles, face the supernatural powers dwelling in the vast corridors, and find the clues about your niece's disappearance.

    Will you find the courage to travel to mysterious Tibet? Will you face the dangers lurking in Shangri-La to save your family beyond the world's end?

    • Explore 55 picturesque locations to find Larisa!
    • Complete 48 puzzles and unique Hidden Object Scenes!
    • Become a master by unlocking 18 achievements!
    • Put the troubled souls to rest in the extra adventure!
    • High-end, immersive gameplay, optimized for tablets and phones!

    +++ WE ARE HERE +++
    WWW: http://artifexmundi.com
    FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/artifexmundi
    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/ArtifexMundi
    YOUTUBE: http://youtube.com/user/ArtifexMundi
    PINTEREST: http://pinterest.com/artifexmundi
    INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/artifexmundi

  • Spirit Walkers: Curse of the Cypress Witch (Full) Мод APK 1.3 [Free purchase][Full] 3.6

    Spirit Walkers: Curse of the Cypress Witch (Full) Мод APK 1.3 [Free purchase][Full]


    Inspired by the legend of a hiker-attacking ghost living in the forest, Maylynn and a group of friends decide to go on an entertaining, investigative trip. Almost immediately, things take turn for the worse when one of the friends gets seriously injured. In order to survive, they must travel between times and dimensions to overcome an ancient evil and save the souls of the innocent. Help these friends solve brain-twisting puzzles and explore the world of ghosts and lost souls in this heart-pounding Adventure game.

    ● 32 Gorgeous locations
    ● Nearly 20 ingenious puzzles
    ● Eerie, engaging atmosphere
    ● Intriguing storyline
    ● Astonishing 3D graphics

    Game available in: English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

    COMPATIBILITY NOTES: This game performs best on high-end smartphones and tablets.


    Sign up now for a weekly round-up of the best from G5 Games! www.g5e.com/e-mail

    G5 Games - World of Adventures™!

    Collect them all! Search for "g5" in Google Play!


    ▶ Mahjong Journey: A Tile Match Adventure Quest
    ▶ Homicide Squad: Hidden Crimes
    ▶ Pirates & Pearls: A Treasure Matching Puzzle
    ▶ The Secret Society - Hidden Mystery
    ▶ Survivors: The Quest


    ▶ Supermarket Mania Journey
    ▶ Farm Clan®: Farm Life Adventure
    ▶ Virtual City Playground: Building Tycoon
    ▶ Stand O'Food® City: Virtual Frenzy
    ▶ The Island Castaway: Lost World®

    VISIT US: http://www.g5e.com
    WATCH US: http://www.youtube.com/g5enter
    FOLLOW US: http://www.twitter.com/g5games
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    Terms of Service: http://www.g5e.com/termsofservice
    G5 End User License Supplemental Terms: http://www.g5e.com/G5_End_User_License_Supplemental_Terms
  • Vampire Slasher Мод APK 1.3.0 [Unlimited money][Free purchase] 4.0

    Vampire Slasher Мод APK 1.3.0 [Unlimited money][Free purchase]


    **VAMPIRE SLASHER, a new concept AOS game**

    Vampire Slasher is new type defense game defeating the vampire and destroying their camp. You can develop your army of vampire slasher, and create strategy, learn skill for win in the war with bloodthirsty vampire!!

    -26 Talent Points available to create your own character.
    -Variety of gear just like in RPG games.
    -Strategically resettable Talent Points according to the stage you're in.
    -Items of various grades.

    -18 mercenaries with different characteristics.
    -Upgradable mercenaries/skills (up to level 10).
    -Mercenaries given as a reward when a stage/dungeon is cleared.

    - 18 Unique skill against vampire and perfect effect.
    - 1:1 combat skills like Dash and wide range/magic skills.
    - Skills upgradable through properties.

    - 6 different themed fantasy worlds, each of which comprises of many stages.
    - Dungeon Mode obtainable advanced grades items.
    - Reward items given when a stage/dungeon is cleared.

    [TAG] hunter,wars,action,hero,vampire,slasher,free,card,defense,AOS,RPG,dragon,zombie,blood
  • Jungle Jack Мод APK 1.75 [Unlimited money] 3.7

    Jungle Jack Мод APK 1.75 [Unlimited money]


    Jungle Jack is a fun puzzle adventure game in which you use strategy and skill to battle villains who have kidnapped your love! As you progress you will be able to rebuild your village, gain powerful spells, and reclaim your stolen girlfriend. An endless runner take on gem matching, you gain experience and put your earnings to use by upgrading your weapons and spells.

    Fight through hordes of ferocious beasts and neanderthals to save your beloved.
    Collect resources and arm yourself to venture deeper into the prehistoric jungle.

    Buy powerful weapons after rebuilding your ruined village.
    Upgrade your building and unlock a dinosaur, new spells, shields, magic potions and more.
    Rebuild all buildings and choose the best strategy.

    Invite your friends and compete with them, earn rewards and see who's the best.
    For each invited friend you will receive a bonus in the game.

    Save your stolen girlfriend and defeat the the Evil Shaman!

  • 【推理ゲーム】YASU-第7捜査課事件ファイル- Мод APK 1.0 3.8

    【推理ゲーム】YASU-第7捜査課事件ファイル- Мод APK 1.0


    ■ Synopsis
    This is a department where difficult work is difficult to complete. "7th Investigate Division"
    This story is about a fallen criminal, relying on “a criminal intuition” who is belong to such extreme departments.
    It's a talented and wicked junior criminal case file with the name "YASU"

    ▼ file01 Neo-Neat Murder
    A former Meet who made a lot of money in stocks was killed by a robber! ?
    However, the victim was covered in a lot of money...

    ▼ file02 Popular bandman murder
    Popular bandman kills himself! ?
    Shadow of a woman… as 7 lessons progress! ?

    … And many more! Uncover the truth with your partner!

    ■ Recommended for:
    · Love free games to kill time with a little free time!
    -Addictive and free casual game
    ・Like criminal drama
    ・Like adventure games
    ・Like escape games and puzzle solving games
    ・Like games to guess and locate evidence
    -People who care about the truth of the case
    -People who're worried about records of justice
    ・Want to share your favorite apps on LINE, Facebook, or Twitter

    ■ background music, SE
    ・Music is VFR(http://musicisvfr.com/)
    ・ Sweet tea music studio (http://amachamusic.chagasi.com/)
    ・Pocket sound (http://pocket-se.info/)
    ・Demon Soul (http://maoudamashii.jokersounds.com/)

    ■ Voice Co-op

    * This story is fiction and is not affiliated with any real people or organization
  • Royal Trouble: Hidden Honeymoon Havoc (Full) Мод APK 1.1 [Full] 3.5

    Royal Trouble: Hidden Honeymoon Havoc (Full) Мод APK 1.1 [Full]


    Help a newlywed royal couple in this hilarious sequel to Royal Trouble: Hidden Adventures!
    Just married! Loreen and Nathaniel are on cloud nine on their honeymoon when they decide to make an ill-fated detour to the Merry Castle, touted for its rollercoasters and magic tents. Who would have known it was another trap that will land them in hot water yet again?
    Take control of both the Prince and Princess and try to turn the tables around. Explore the castle, pick up useful items, solve tricky quests, help other captives and play witty mini-games while making your escape. Find out what's really going on in the castle and test the marital bond like never before in this light-hearted hidden object adventure!

    ● 29 delightful locations to search
    ● 10 tricky mini-games to conquer
    ● Lively and endearing characters
    ● Humorous mysteries and a dose of romance
    ● Google Play game services support

    Game available in: English, Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

    COMPATIBILITY NOTES: This game performs best on high-end smartphones and tablets.

    Sign up now for a weekly round-up of the best from G5 Games! www.g5e.com/e-mail

    G5 Games - World of Adventures™!

    Collect them all! Search for "g5" in Google Play!


    ▶ Mahjong Journey: A Tile Match Adventure Quest
    ▶ Homicide Squad: Hidden Crimes
    ▶ Pirates & Pearls: A Treasure Matching Puzzle
    ▶ The Secret Society - Hidden Mystery
    ▶ Survivors: The Quest


    ▶ Supermarket Mania Journey
    ▶ Farm Clan®: Farm Life Adventure
    ▶ Virtual City Playground: Building Tycoon
    ▶ Stand O'Food® City: Virtual Frenzy
    ▶ The Island Castaway: Lost World®

    VISIT US: http://www.g5e.com
    WATCH US: http://www.youtube.com/g5enter
    FOLLOW US: http://www.twitter.com/g5games
    GAME FAQS: http://www.g5e.com/support_android
    Terms of Service: http://www.g5e.com/termsofservice
    G5 End User License Supplemental Terms: http://www.g5e.com/G5_End_User_License_Supplemental_Terms
  • Royal Trouble: Hidden Adventures (Full) Мод APK 2.2 [Full] 3.6

    Royal Trouble: Hidden Adventures (Full) Мод APK 2.2 [Full]


    Help two charming royal heirs escape from a secluded island in this hidden object quest!
    Princess Loreen and Prince Nathaniel find themselves locked in a dungeon without any idea of how they got there. She is bright, witty and rebellious. He is handsome, smart and brave. Unfortunately, they can't stand each other! Take control of both the Prince and Princess and help this hilarious bickering duo escape from their dastardly kidnappers.
    Search through the castle for exits and avoid being caught. Find suitable items to help manage their inventories, to solve puzzles, and play outstanding mini-games in search of answers. Solve the mystery of their captivity, and watch love blossom in this charming adventure game with fun twists and turns.

    ● 22 entertaining locations
    ● 16 intricate mini games
    ● Charming witty characters
    ● Explosive combination of mystery, romance and fun!

    Game available in: English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish

    COMPATIBILITY NOTES: This game performs best on high-end smartphones and tablets.

    Sign up now for a weekly round-up of the best from G5 Games! www.g5e.com/e-mail

    G5 Games - World of Adventures™!

    Collect them all! Search for "g5" in Google Play!


    ▶ Mahjong Journey: A Tile Match Adventure Quest
    ▶ Homicide Squad: Hidden Crimes
    ▶ Pirates & Pearls: A Treasure Matching Puzzle
    ▶ The Secret Society - Hidden Mystery
    ▶ Survivors: The Quest


    ▶ Supermarket Mania Journey
    ▶ Farm Clan®: Farm Life Adventure
    ▶ Virtual City Playground: Building Tycoon
    ▶ Stand O'Food® City: Virtual Frenzy
    ▶ The Island Castaway: Lost World®

    VISIT US: http://www.g5e.com
    WATCH US: http://www.youtube.com/g5enter
    FOLLOW US: http://www.twitter.com/g5games
    GAME FAQS: http://www.g5e.com/support_android
    Terms of Service: http://www.g5e.com/termsofservice
    G5 End User License Supplemental Terms: http://www.g5e.com/G5_End_User_License_Supplemental_Terms
  • Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake Мод APK 1.2.5 [Unlimited money] 3.9

    Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake Мод APK 1.2.5 [Unlimited money]


    Warning: This game is crammed full of monsters, cake, amazing powers, puzzly bits, epic adventure, witty repartee, secret paths, unlockable characters, silly hats and a wiener dog. Use caution if you are allergic to fun or overly sensitive to cake-related pathos.

    As so many of these things do, it all begins on a magical island. In this case, Gogapoe Island, a place populated by both humans and monsters. What starts out as a mission to get back Niko's birthday cake becomes a quest for the fate of Gogapoe itself. But, ya know, cake is still super important, too!

    Oodles of friendly monsters will join Niko's quest and use their kooky powers to demolish obstacles and humiliate enemies. Hordes of evil monsters will cause mayhem and generally be jerkfaces, but that's nothing you can't fix with headbutts, frost breath, stink clouds and rainbow barf.

    Even with powerful amigos at your side, you're gonna need your thinking cap to get past these cerebrum-tingling environmental puzzles. And did we mention the bonus challenges that give you these really swell stars? You like stars, don't you?

    If side quests are your jam, Gogapoe is packed with people—and monsters—in need of roadside assistance. Send a little love their way, and you might discover hidden paths, unlock extra levels or earn unique swag, including special costumes that give Niko nifty powers of his own!

    With innovative touch controls so buttery smooth they could grease a cake pan, it's never been easier to manage a crew of big, hairy behemoths. Just draw a path, and they'll follow your instructions to a T, even if you swap to another monster to cue up a different action.

    The icing on this big ol' cake is 60 sweet minutes of original music written by composer extraordinaire, Disasterpeace.

    Save the day and fulfill your monstrous cakelust all at once in MONSTERS ATE MY BIRTHDAY CAKE!


    If you're having any problems with this app, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Tell us about the issues you're running into as well as what device and OS version you're using.

    This app may contain ads for Cartoon Network & our partners' products & services.

    PRIVACY INFORMATION: Your privacy is important to us at Cartoon Network, a division of Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. This game collects and uses information as described in Cartoon Network's Privacy Policy linked below. This information may be used, for example, to respond to user requests; enable users to take advantage of certain features and services; personalize content; serve advertising; perform network communications; manage and improve our products and services; and perform other internal operations of Cartoon Network web sites or online services. Our privacy practices are guided by data privacy laws in the United States. For users residing in the EU or other countries outside the U.S., please note that this app may use persistent identifiers for game management purposes. By downloading this application, you accept our Privacy Policy and End User License Agreement, and you give permission for such uses for all users of your device. The Privacy Policy and End User License Agreement are in addition to any terms, conditions or policies imposed by your wireless carrier and Google Inc. Cartoon Network and its affiliates are not responsible for any collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information by Google or your wireless carrier.

    Terms of Use: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/legal/termsofuse.html
    Privacy Policy: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/legal/privacy/mobile.html

  • Life Of Black Tiger Мод APK 1.8 [Unlimited money][Unlocked] 2.6

    Life Of Black Tiger Мод APK 1.8 [Unlimited money][Unlocked]


    Stri પ્રહાર શક્તિ / રક્ષણાત્મક શક્તિ / ગતિની ક્ષમતાને અપગ્રેડ કરવાથી તે અમર્યાદિત શક્તિનો રાક્ષસ બનશે.
    Multi મલ્ટી પ્લે પીવીપીને ટેકો આપે છે
    All તમામ મિશનને સાફ કર્યા પછી, કાળા વાળને મલ્ટિ પ્લેમાં વિના મૂલ્યે પૂરો પાડવામાં આવશે.

    [ગેમ સમાવિષ્ટો]
    રમતની વાર્તા કાળા વાઘની છે, જે તેના માતાપિતા અને ભાઇઓ દ્વારા પરિવર્તનીય રૂપે જન્મેલી છે અને તે ત્યજી દેવામાં આવે છે, તે માણસની વિરુદ્ધ લડે છે અને તેના પરિવાર પ્રત્યેનો પ્રેમ દર્શાવે છે.

    [ગેમ સ્ટોરી]
    કાળા વાળ તરીકે જન્મેલા, મારા માતા-પિતા દ્વારા મારા જન્મના સમયથી જ હું ત્યજી ગયો હતો.
    હું એકલો રહ્યો છું અને કોઈ પણ મારી બાજુમાં નહોતું.
    મને જે વસ્તુઓ મળે છે તે બધી મારા દુશ્મન છે. હું તમને બધાને મારાથી ડરવીશ.
    માનવી તરીકે ઓળખાતા પ્રાણીને હું સૌથી વધુ નાપસંદ કરું છું. તેઓને દુર્ગંધ આવે છે.
    તમે જીવંત અહીંથી પસાર થવાના નથી.
  • Gods Of Egypt Game Мод APK 1.2 3.5

    Gods Of Egypt Game Мод APK 1.2


    Think you can survive in a war between the gods? Challenge your courage, strength, and stamina in Gods of Egypt: Secrets of the Lost Kingdom.

    Put your fighting skills to the test in this all-new action game, based on the upcoming film Gods Of Egypt. Play as Horus, god of the sky, and his human sidekick Bek. Together you'll battle against evil god Set and his otherworldly creatures.

    The Battle For Eternity Begins. Gods of Egypt – In Theaters February 26. Starring Gerard Butler, Brenton Thwaites, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Courtney Eaton, Elodie Yung and Chadwick Boseman.



    In this spectacular action-adventure, the survival of mankind hangs in the balance as an unexpected mortal hero Bek [Brenton Thwaites] undertakes a thrilling journey to save the world and rescue his true love. In order to succeed, he must enlist the help of the powerful god Horus [Nikolaj Coster-Waldau] in an unlikely alliance against Set [Gerard Butler], the merciless god of darkness, who has usurped Egypt's throne, plunging the once peaceful and prosperous empire into chaos and conflict. As their breathtaking battle against Set and his henchmen takes them into the afterlife and across the heavens, both god and mortal must pass tests of courage and sacrifice if they hope to prevail in the epic final confrontation.

  • Paranormal Territory Мод APK 1.0 [Free purchase][Full] 3.9

    Paranormal Territory Мод APK 1.0 [Free purchase][Full]


    Caution: this game is a test of your courage, at the end of you'll see your result.

    Does your mind starved for puzzles, and your nerves from thrill? Well, then horror "Paranormal Territory" from "AGaming+" will shake you to the core! Turn off the light and take your headset. But be careful, only your vigilance can help you to escape from the paws of the horror that is happening here.

    Our story begins in a small provincial city. Once upon a time, in the evening, returning while you were returning from work you found that your family is disappeared. Not wasting a minute you are starting quest of your family in the house. And it depends only on you, you will be able to find them or not!
  • Her Story Мод APK 1.2.4 [Free purchase][Full] 3.7

    Her Story Мод APK 1.2.4 [Free purchase][Full]


    તેણીની વાર્તા એ સેમ બાર્લો તરફથી વિવેચનાત્મક રીતે વખાણાયેલી રહસ્યમય રમત છે. એક ઇન્ટરેક્ટિવ ટ્રુ ક્રાઇમ ડોક્યુમેન્ટરીની જેમ રમતા, આ ગેમ તમને લાઇવ એક્શન વિડિયો ફૂટેજથી ભરેલા પોલીસ ડેટાબેઝ સાથે આગળ વધવા દે છે. તેમાં વિવા સેફર્ટ, અભિનેત્રી અને બેન્ડ જો ગિડીઓન અને શાર્કનો અડધો ભાગ છે.

    તે કેવી રીતે કામ કરે છે?

    તેણીની વાર્તા તમને મોથબોલેડ ડેસ્કટોપ કમ્પ્યુટરની સામે બેસે છે અને તમને પોલીસ ડેટાબેઝમાં લોગ કરે છે. સેંકડો વિડિયો ક્લિપ્સ દ્વારા શોધો જે 1994 ના સાત ઇન્ટરવ્યુને આવરી લે છે જેમાં એક બ્રિટિશ મહિલાનો તેના ગુમ થયેલા પતિ વિશેનો ઇન્ટરવ્યુ છે. શોધ શબ્દો ટાઈપ કરીને ડેટાબેઝનું અન્વેષણ કરો, તે જ્યાં તે શબ્દો બોલે છે તે ક્લિપ્સ જુઓ અને તેની વાર્તાને એકસાથે બનાવો.

    તમે પહેલાં જે કંઈપણ ભજવ્યું હોય તેનાથી વિપરીત, તેણીની વાર્તા એ સંડોવતો અને ગતિશીલ અનુભવ છે. એક જે તમને સાંભળવા માટે પૂછે છે.
  • Bulbman 2: Crossy Pipe APK Мод APK 1.0.7 [Free purchase][Full] 3.9

    Bulbman 2: Crossy Pipe APK Мод APK 1.0.7 [Free purchase][Full]


    Amazing Bulbman 2: Crossy Pipe (Rooftop Adventure) is very simple and addictive platform game with brand-new innovative game play than no other endless running game.

    WARNING: Extremely additive! YOU need the IQ of 140 to go beyond level 40

    How to play:
    Press & hold on screen to raise the pipe. Release your finger to lay the pipe to connect the roofs

    - How far can you go? Challenge yourself and share it with your Twitter followers.
    - Quirky character design and awesome HD graphics
    - The game is ads-supported. Only IAP is to remove Ads. Otherwise, it is absolutely free.
    - Login to Google Play game services for worldwide leaderboard
  • Myths of Orion: Light from the North  (Full) Мод APK 1.0.0 [Free purchase][Full] 4.0

    Myths of Orion: Light from the North (Full) Мод APK 1.0.0 [Free purchase][Full]


    Recover three powerful books and return peace and prosperity to the Realm of Orion! 
    The whole world is at stake, as the minions of an evil wizard are doing their best to deliver the Books of Knowledge, Law and Magic to their master. Help young enchantress Meredith fight to retrieve these important books and stop the thieves before the Realm of Orion is destroyed by this nefarious mastermind! Use your sharp eye, pure heart and all of your wits to collect magic items, hunt for hidden objects and solve tricky puzzles and quests! 

    ● Explore over 70 stunning scenes in four chapters
    ● Tackle 20 brain-teasing mini-games
    ● Meet 11 unforgettable characters
    ● Enjoy beautiful HD graphics and full motion video
    ● Four difficulty modes: custom, novice, adventure, challenge
    ● Google Play game services support

    Game available in: English, Chinese, Traditional Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish

    COMPATIBILITY NOTES: This game performs best on high-end smartphones and tablets.

    Sign up now for a weekly round-up of the best from G5 Games! www.g5e.com/e-mail

    G5 Games - World of Adventures™!

    Collect them all! Search for "g5" in Google Play!


    ▶ Mahjong Journey: A Tile Match Adventure Quest
    ▶ Homicide Squad: Hidden Crimes
    ▶ Pirates & Pearls: A Treasure Matching Puzzle
    ▶ The Secret Society - Hidden Mystery
    ▶ Survivors: The Quest


    ▶ Supermarket Mania Journey
    ▶ Farm Clan®: Farm Life Adventure
    ▶ Virtual City Playground: Building Tycoon
    ▶ Stand O'Food® City: Virtual Frenzy
    ▶ The Island Castaway: Lost World®

    VISIT US: http://www.g5e.com
    WATCH US: http://www.youtube.com/g5enter
    FOLLOW US: http://www.twitter.com/g5games
    GAME FAQS: http://www.g5e.com/support_android
    Terms of Service: http://www.g5e.com/termsofservice
    G5 End User License Supplemental Terms: http://www.g5e.com/G5_End_User_License_Supplemental_Terms
  • Trapped in the Forest Мод APK 2.021 [Full] 3.6

    Trapped in the Forest Мод APK 2.021 [Full]


    Застрявший в лесу – абсолютно новая игра с выживанием и ужасами! Срубайте деревья, добывайте еду при помощи охоты и постройте свою базу в лесу, обитаемом древним злом. Как долго вы сможете выжить в лесу?

    From the creators of Slender-Man comes an all new survival-horror game! Chop down trees, hunt for food and build your own base in a forest haunted by an ancient evil.

    How long can you survive for in the forest?


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