Дома / Игра
  • WAR! Showdown RTS PREMIUM Мод APK [Paid for free][Unlocked] 3.7

    WAR! Showdown RTS PREMIUM Мод APK [Paid for free][Unlocked]

    WAR! Showdown este o strategie rapid-paced în timp real (RTS) joc conceput pentru a se juca pe tablete și telefoane cu un accent pe distracție, gameplay tactic

    5 Stele - Acest joc este într-un cuvânt minunat
    5 Stele - joc uimitor. Simplu, dar captivant.
    5 Stele - Marele joc! RTS distracție și ar trebui să fie o necesitate de download.
    5 Stele - joc uimitor, una dintre cele mai bune pentru Android :)

    Aceasta este Răspundeți la Pirates! Showdown, jocul care PocketGamer , numit " destul de poruncitor " și Digital Trends numit ca fiind unul dintre cele mai top 3 jocuri Android comprimat!

    SuperGameDroid.com a avut de spus:
    "Ca un hibrid de Command & Conquer și de mare mic joc de război, război! Showdown oferă jucătorilor toate măreția tactic de un adevărat joc de strategie timp, fără toate muss și tam-tam de gestionare a resurselor micro."

    Se confruntă cu off împotriva inamicului în cap-la-cap bătălii palpitante! Fabrici de captare, buncăre, mortare, și mult mai mult de creștere a ofertei de resurse și de a consolida apărarea dumneavoastră. Captură de baza inamicului pentru a câștiga, dar asigurați-vă că sunt, de asemenea, apărarea ta de bază! 93 de niveluri de campanie de pe câmpuri, deserturi, tundra înghețată, și teren stancos în 4 campanii, plus un număr infinit de hărți generate aleator în modul skirmish!

    raționalizate RTS PROIECTAT pentru telefoane mobile!
    Rapid paced gameplay RTS fără de gestionare a resurselor complicate sau controale greoaie. Unități vor avansa și ataca pe cont propriu sau puteți prelua controlul și dirijarea lor

    tipuri de unități mai multe!
    Unități de infanterie, elicoptere, tancuri și mai mult. Fiecare are arme unice sau abilitati, cum ar fi lunetistul care poate ataca pe distanțe lungi și grenadier care poate arunca grenade peste ziduri. Utilizați unitățile potrivite pentru a câștiga!

    Fabrici, centrale electrice, și cufere cu comori chiar uitate vă de aprovizionare cu resurse. Turnulete si mortare va ataca inamicul. Captură de antene de satelit pentru a îmbunătăți capacitatea de unități locale de atac și mai mult!

    Upgrade fabrici pentru a crește producția de resurse. Upgrade turnulete pentru a crește puterea de foc lor. Upgrade antene de satelit pentru a crește gama lor de efect. Etc

    Vă va capta agresiv fabrici pentru a furniza trupele tale sau investesc în fabricile pe care le au pentru a crește producția lor? Un război cu echipe de infanterie, trimite un escadron de elicoptere de atac, sau juca o bătălie defensivă deține la sol și de a construi lanțul de aprovizionare?

    93 de nivele unice în patru CAMPANII!
    Urmărească inamicul peste câmpuri, deserturi, tundra înghețată, și teren stancos. Odată ce ați bătut toate cele patru campanii există încă niveluri generate aleator așteaptă în modul skirmish.

    Setați ca jocul să fie la fel de ușor sau la fel de dificil, după cum doriți. Încercați să bată la fiecare nivel de dificultate în plus greu dacă îndrăznești!

    HD Graphics
    Vezi fiecare unitate, pistă de fum, trasor, și explozie în rezoluție full pe fiecare dispozitiv. Suporta full HD pe dispozitive cu ecrane HD.

    În orice moment, puteți accelera sau încetini timp pentru a juca pe propriul ritm. Permiteți-vă mai mult timp pentru a pregăti strategia dvs. sau accelera deces adversarului!

    MODURI încăierare!
    Două moduri de skirmish oferă un număr infinit de hărți generate aleator și vă permite să alegeți ceea ce dimensiune hartă pe care doriți să joace. Utilizați strategie pe tot noi campuri de lupta!

    Nu reclame sau achiziții în-app
  • War of the Zombie Мод APK 1.3.96 [Unlimited money] 3.5

    War of the Zombie Мод APK 1.3.96 [Unlimited money]


    ઝોમ્બીનું યુદ્ધ એક રહસ્યમય ઝોમ્બી ફાટી નીકળવાની શરૂઆતમાં, સમગ્ર વિશ્વમાં વળાંક આધારિત સિમ્યુલેશન અને રીઅલ-ટાઇમ વ્યૂહાત્મક ગેમપ્લે ક્રિયાને શ્રેષ્ઠ રીતે એક સાથે લાવે છે.

    સેફ ઇન્ડસ્ટ્રીઝના ગ્લોબલ rationsપરેશન્સ ડિરેક્ટર તરીકે, તેના આર્ક કેરિયરનો હવાલો લો અને દરિયાઇઓ અને અન્ય કર્મચારીઓની ભરતી કરો, રીઅલ-લાઇફ લશ્કરી ઉપકરણોની ખરીદી કરો, અદ્યતન તકનીકીઓનું સંશોધન કરો, દુનિયાભરમાં રીઅલ-ટાઇમ મિશનની શ્રેણીમાં, ન્યુકે, સ્કેવેન્જ, ચેપ, ઝોમ્બી રોગચાળો અને પરિણામે અંધાધૂંધીથી માનવતા બચાવવાના પ્રયાસમાં વિશ્વની દેશની સરકારો સામે લાંચ અને બચાવ.

    મુખ્ય ગેમપ્લે સુવિધાઓ:
    - 4 દરિયાઇ અને વાહનોની ટીમને રીઅલ-ટાઇમ લડાઇમાં પસંદ કરો, સજ્જ કરો અને છોડો
    - મંદબુદ્ધિ અને ભાવશૂન્ય માણસથી પીડિત, સંપૂર્ણ વિનાશક મિશન ઝોનમાં જીવિત રહેવું, મરી જવું અથવા અનડેડ ફેરવું
    - હમ્વીઝ, બી.એમ.પી., એમ.આર.પી.એસ., એમ.એલ.આર.એસ. અને ટાંકીઓમાંથી દાખલ કરો, વાહન ચલાવો અને આગ લગાડો
    - તમારા વૈશ્વિક વ્યૂહાત્મક નકશા તરીકે, મિશન ઝોનમાં / બહાર ચૂંટવું ઝૂમ
    - નક્કી કરો કે તમારી દરિયાઇઓને ક્યા સ્થાને રાખવી અને તે ક્રમ અને અનુભવમાં વધારો થતાં તેમનો વિકાસ કેવી રીતે થાય છે
    - અનડેડ દુનિયાને છૂટકારો મેળવવા માટે તમારી શોધમાં સહાય માટે ભરતી અને ટ્રેન મરીન, સલાહકારો, સંશોધનકારો, રાજદ્વારીઓ અને ડોકટરો.
    - સંશોધન અને તમારી મિશન સફળતામાં સહાય માટે અદ્યતન નેનોટેક, જિનેટિક્સ, એન્જિનિયરિંગ અને શસ્ત્ર તકનીકોનો વિકાસ કરો
    - લાંચ, ચેપ, સફાઇ, ન્યુકે, એરસ્ટ્રાઇક વિશ્વભરમાં 200 દેશ સરકારો
    - તમારા ડબલ-હુલ્ડ કમાન્ડ કેરિયર પર વાસ્તવિક લશ્કરી શસ્ત્રોના શસ્ત્રાગાર બનાવો
    - સૌથી વધુ બોલી લગાવનારાઓને વેચવા માટે આર એન્ડ ડી અને ફેબ્રિકેટ ટેકનોલોજીનો સરપ્લસ પૂર્ણ કરવા માટે વિશેષ પ્રયોગશાળાઓ બનાવો
    - તમારી મિશન જમાવટને વધારવા માટે કોઈપણ સમયે 5 ફોરવર્ડ ratingપરેટિંગ બેસો બનાવો
    - અપ્રગટ મિશન હાથ ધરવા અને પીએમએફ મરીનને વિવિધ દેશો માટે તાલીમ આપવી
    - અન્વેષણ કરો અને સ્કેવેન્જ પ્રક્રિયાગત રીતે પેદા ત્યજી દેવાયેલ સલામત અને સિન્ડિકેટ ભૂગર્ભ પાયાને સક્રિય કરો
    - ઇંગલિશ, રશિયન, જર્મન, ફ્રેન્ચ, સ્પેનિશ અથવા પોર્ટુગીઝમાં કોઈપણ સમયે રમતમાંનો ટેક્સ્ટ બદલો

    WOTZ હંમેશા વિસ્તરણ છે:

    ઝોમ્બીનું યુદ્ધ 'નજીક' ઓપન-એન્ડ તરીકે વિકસાવવામાં આવ્યું છે (જ્યારે ત્યાં કોઈ પણ હયાતી માનવ વસ્તી રહેતી નથી ત્યારે સમાપ્ત થાય છે), દરેક મિશન, નકશા અને સુવિધાઓ સાથે સાથે દરેક મનપસંદ ચાહકોના સૂચનો સાથે રમતનો વિસ્તૃત વિકાસ થાય છે. અમે નવા નકશા અને મિશન પ્રકારો તેમજ અતિરિક્ત સુવિધાઓ પરના તમામ પ્રતિસાદ અને સૂચનો સાંભળીએ છીએ.

    ફેસબુક પર વોટઝ ફેન બનો:

    અમારા ફેસબુક.com/warofthezombie ચાહક પૃષ્ઠને પસંદ કરીને યુદ્ધના ઝોમ્બીના ચાહક બનો. તમને ઘણી મદદગાર રમત ટીપ્સ તેમજ અદ્ભુત ચાહકો મળશે, અને તમે આગળના અપડેટ્સમાં તમે જે વસ્તુઓ જોવા માંગો છો તેના પરની એક નોંધ અમને મૂકી શકો છો, રમત પર ટિપ્પણી કરી શકો છો અથવા તમારી શ્રેષ્ઠ એક્શન સ્ક્રીન કેપ્સ પોસ્ટ કરી શકો છો અને તમારો ચહેરો આમાં મેળવી શકો છો. દરિયાઈ ભરતી તરીકે રમત!

    ડાઉનલોડ અને ઇન્સ્ટોલિંગ:

    કૃપા કરીને આ નવીનતમ સંસ્કરણ પર અપડેટ કરતા પહેલાં કોઈપણ વર્તમાન મિશન-ઇન-પ્રગતિ સમાપ્ત કરો અથવા બહાર નીકળો, કારણ કે નવી સામગ્રી તમારી વર્તમાન મિશન સ્થિતિને અસર કરી શકે છે.

    કૃપા કરીને ખાતરી કરો કે પ્રથમ વખત ગેમ ડાઉનલોડ / ઇન્સ્ટોલ / લોંચ કરતી વખતે તમારી પાસે સારું ઇન્ટરનેટ કનેક્શન છે. તે પછી, તમારે હવે રમવા માટે ઇન્ટરનેટ કનેક્શનની જરૂર રહેશે નહીં.

    નવા ઇન્સ્ટોલર્સ માટે, કૃપા કરીને રમત શરૂ કરતા પહેલા પ્રથમ રમતની સંગ્રહ પરવાનગીને સક્ષમ કરો. વૈકલ્પિક રીતે, તમે રમત શરૂ કરી શકો છો અને પછી પૂછવામાં આવશે ત્યારે 'મંજૂરી આપો' પસંદ કરી શકો છો, રમતમાંથી બહાર નીકળો, પછી રમત ફરીથી લોંચ કરો.

    પાકની મેનુ બાર્સ ?:

    ચિંતા કરવાની જરૂર નથી, આ સરળતાથી ઉકેલી શકાય છે, કારણ કે તમારી પાસે રમતના મેનૂ બારની સ્થિતિઓનો સંપૂર્ણ નિયંત્રણ છે, જે વિકલ્પો સ્ક્રીનમાંથી એડજસ્ટેબલ છે.

    ભૂલ શોધવા અથવા કોઈ અન્ય પ્રશ્ન અથવા મુદ્દો છે?

    તમે અમારા ફેસબુક ફેન પેજ પર એક વધારાનો FAQ શોધી શકો છો, અથવા વધુ વિગતો સાથે અમને ઇમેઇલ કરવા માટે નિ feelસંકોચ અનુભવી શકો છો જેથી કરીને તમે જે સમસ્યાનો સામનો કરી રહ્યાં છો તે હલ કરવામાં મદદ કરી શકીએ.
  • Lock's Quest Мод APK 1.0.480 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Lock's Quest Мод APK 1.0.480 [Unlocked]


    Prepare your defenses and battle against the Clockwork horde in the next generation remake of the critically acclaimed console title, Lock's Quest! You play as Lock, a boy who stumbles upon an invasion of his village, which triggers a wider war between Kingdom Force and a revived Clockwork Army, led by the nefarious Lord Agony.

    A gripping story unfolds as you progress through 75 days of warfare, across a dozen unique maps, aided by a collection of turrets, traps and special attacks. Experience the game in unprecedented quality, with a first-class soundtrack, new high-resolution portraits, and revised gameplay.

    ● Place Kingdom Force units to defend your capitol in a brand new Endless Mode - Antonia Defense!
    ● Build up your fortifications each day to defend against a timed Clockwork assault. Use dozens of Turrets, Traps, and Helpers to stop the advance.
    ● Fight alongside your defenses, using context-sensitive Special Attacks, and devastating Super Attacks, which impact a wide range of enemies.
    ● Unlock the secrets of Kingdom Force and the Archineers via an engrossing story with a multi-character cast, told by hand-drawn cinematics and cutscenes.
    ● Full tablet support

    Supported languages: EN, DA, FI, FR, DE, IT, NO, RU, ES, SV

    Thank you for playing ‘LOCK'S QUEST'!

    © HandyGames 2019
  • Horde Defense Мод APK 1.7.6 3.8

    Horde Defense Мод APK 1.7.6


    Horde TD: The best strategy/arcade castle/tower hero defense ever!
    Commander, our clan is in great danger which we've never faced! You must face the forces of Darkness and stop the Fire Lord before he acts on his terrible schemes! Build your defense and stop them now!

    Powerful Towers:
    8 special tower skills! Multishot, Revive, Missiles...

    Fantastic Props:
    There are 4 fantastic props for you. They can be good options no matter you want to destroy all enemies or just heal yourself.

    Merciless boss fights:
    Fight with 8 bosses in Great Plains, Ice Fields, Deserts and Dungeons using variety of defense strategies and skills!

    Hard Mode:
    Intense boss fights! Are you up for a real challenge? Go with Hard mode!

    Mission Mode:
    There are 20 different challenging missions, different ways of playing, gathering, protecting, attacking and more!

    Endless Mode:
    Facing endless waves of monsters, how long can you survive?

    3 unique skills including Warrior, Mage & Firerain
    4 gorgeous props which help you turning defeat into victory
    8 bosses
    12 epic battlefields
    24 powerful towers
    27 monsters
    30 achievements
    90+ challenging levels
    And more...
  • Defense of Egypt TD Premium Мод APK 1.2.1 [Unlimited money] 3.5

    Defense of Egypt TD Premium Мод APK 1.2.1 [Unlimited money]


    Defend the Egyptian land from the huge troops of enemies.
    This battle game (tower defense game) is not just the battle of powerful weapons but also the game of strategy.
    You need to plan strategically and use all possible tactics to safeguard your land at the TD game.
    Enemies are very strong than you actually think.
    Use the weapons smartly and keep upgrading your weapons to the powerful ones.
    The gameplay is lined up with an interesting story plot which will excite the players and make this epic battle of Egypt and Rome very indifferent.
    The TD game is designed with great colorful 3D graphics and awesome sound effects to give the real experience of the battlefield.
    The controls are made easier for the player to control and fight against their enemies.
    Use the right weapon and attack the enemies with a strategy to protect your land and people.
    Every level is going to be lot more challenging with more than 16 types of killer enemies and almost 6 types of deadly weapons that are used during the battle. The game is designed with more than 60 adventurous fierce battles and exciting quests. "Defense of Egypt" also features 5 types of established gears for influencing the characteristics of combat vehicles, with an option to improve them.
    The Egyptian dynasty now lies in your hands.
    Make smart and strategic plans to win over your enemies.
    Upgrade your weapons to the more deadliest weapons like grenades, guns, rifles, bombs, fire, frost and lot more. Set up the ancient Egypt by fighting against your enemy.
    The game is available in 5 other languages English, French, German, Spanish and Russian to make the gameplay more interesting.
    With 60+ challenging levels, 16+ types of killer enemies, 6+ types of deadly weapons and 5 types of gear establishments the game is perfect for players from all age groups.
    You will love the TD game!
    Help the beautiful Cleopatra!

    Features List:
    - Non-linear storyline!
    - More than 60 levels, several difficulty levels
    - The setting of ancient Egypt
    - 16 types of enemies
    - 6 types of fighting weapons with a variety of system upgrades
    - 5 types of established gears for influencing the characteristics of combat vehicles, with an option to improve them
    - Exciting quests
    - Ability to personally intervene in the fighting, using grenades, Tribolos, lightnings, fire, frost.
    - English, French, German, Spanish and Russian languages.
    - Its nice tower defense ( TD ) game !

    Premium Version:
    - No advertisements
    - Double level rewards
    - Double quest rewards
    - Instant upgrades in the workshop
    - Double the storage in the workshop for your gears
    - Opens all description of enemy soldiers!

    Epic Battle of Egypt and Rome will not leave you indifferent.

    We are constantly working hard on making the TD “Defense of Egypt” game better and more entertaining for you. We need your constant support to get going our tower defense game. Please feel free to email us for any queries/suggestions/problems or if you just want to say hello. We would love to hear from you. If you have enjoyed any feature of the “Defense of Egypt” TD app, do not forget to rate us on play store and share among your friends.
  • Clash of Cats Мод APK 0.0.30 3.6

    Clash of Cats Мод APK 0.0.30


    Clash of Cats - Battle Arena is latest fight game of kitties' army.
    Face to hundreds of battles and collect various kinds of adorable cat army. Command your Cats with simple controls in a battle in the intense war field. No sign up or long process to make your own Cat Army, which will do battle with all other cats. Just merge cat with cat and start car fight. It is very easy to play and win the game, Just tap on the Cat you want to fight for you and move forward. Start using axe to blast bodies getting too close to your enemies. Have mind teasing weird enemies with the right Cat squad and take down the enemy base. It has a super simple leveling system. Clear level to get power and items to level up the Cats to fight. Unlock new items and new levels. Have unlimited with this amazing cat battle game. Merge cats like cat tycoon game Collect glorious treasures while you take over the world. Form a great cat army by recruit dozens of rare and exotic Cats and enjoy battle cats everywhere wining for you. Hundreds of levels and legendry challenges to make you awesome.

    Challenges & Events
    Cat Battle has all kind challenges, to play like an unlimited game. It has all the essential modes and features for fight game. Arena has the online users to fight with them live. There are hundreds of users all time, so never be bored and enjoy battle cats. It is an unlimited cats kingdom game, you have to fight & defense cat. Have powerful kitties force and play intense cat war like a battle commander. The explosive birth of new cat game on the start of each game. Potion Desert is the event base challenge where you can enjoy battle cats ranger to win high prices. Frozen throne and other events are also coming soon. Easy to play for anyone but really hard to master this super cute Cat. Unlock new kitties. If you are beginners to fight game, then no issue it's very easy in the start.

    How to play Clash of Cats
    This Clash of cats game has a very easy battle system. Drag to move forward and tap the screen to hit enemies. Easy to play for anyone, so let's beat all enemies to reach goals. Direction is very important, you have to look on your enemies. Select challenge if you want to plat challenge mode. There are hundreds of different cat battle challenges with huge prices. Be the battle commander and fight bravely. There are 30 different cats to keep you entertain in this cat crowed battle. Unlock naughty kitties, unlock new levels, play events and challenges, as all these features are FREE for you.

    Features of Battle cats
    - The world of classic fight with axes and other typical weapons
    - FREE for everyone
    - Different cat characters for crowed fight
    - ‎Full of blasting fun game ‎
    - ‎Single finger touch
    - ‎Amazing hd graphics ‎
    - ‎Free to play game
    - ‎Unlimited gameplay with events, levels and challenges ‎
    - ‎Play anywhere and anytime ‎
    - ‎Simple controls game, just drag and tap

    Our developers have put a lot of efforts to create this amazing Cat Fight game ‎to challenge you and engage you on a journey of precision. If you like this game, please post a review ‎and share this game with your friends and family. If you have any suggestions regarding this game ‎please contact us at [email protected] and let us know. PLAY and ENJOY
  • Newlywed Happy Couple Family Мод APK 1.0.7 3.7

    Newlywed Happy Couple Family Мод APK 1.0.7


    For those who loved playing family games, this is a treat to play Newlyweds Happy Couple Wedding Games. You've carried your love story a long way now in new fashion trends in your wedding games. It's time to get married this summer in wedding games 2022. Let's play the role in happy couple games soon to married in couple games and marriage games. You own a house in the middle of the city just like in the adventure games. You've spent quite a time as a bachelor so finally, you decide to marry your girlfriend. Buy your Indian girlfriend expensive presents just like in the dress up games and make up games and take her out for a party in Indian wedding games. Spend life with your love and let's build a happy family Indian wedding games.

    The wedding simulator game begins with your life in the middle of a time when you are planning to get married and start a newlywed life in Indian wedding games. You are close to the big wedding day of your life so play dress up games makeup games. Go and buy the wedding ring to propose to your girlfriend like a newlywed couple and ask her if she will marry you in the marriage games. The wedding day is near and you want a perfect wedding day ahead. Go for the dress selection for yourself and your loved one. Begin your happy life with your housewife as the newlywed happy couple games.

    Time to have some adventure when you feel blessed just like in the housewife games. Play both roles a husband and a loving wife in Happy Couple Wedding Games.

    Newlyweds Happy Couple Wedding Games features:
    -3D graphics and smooth gameplay
    - HD voice quality and wide range of indian dress selection
    - Fun levels and interesting wedding story
  • Kung Fu Karate Street Fighting Мод APK 4.0.1 [Unlimited money] 3.9

    Kung Fu Karate Street Fighting Мод APK 4.0.1 [Unlimited money]


    Are you ready for the fun of ring battle championship and enjoy playing the role of boxing star to thrash against evil robots? Can you manage the most powerful robot in this combat ring fighting game? Create the most powerful robot history and battle your way to victory. Grand robot fighting game gives you an amazing experience of ring battle with modern robot fight tournaments. Grand modern robots are especially prepared to enjoy the wrestling experience for battle championship and prove yourself an ultimate superhero wrestler.

    Grand GYM fighting games are arranging boxing, karate, wrestling, new ring fighting tournament of grand arena fighting games in which all modern ring gym robot games and powerful robots of Boxing arena battle games are taking place. You have 3d boxing game to take part in this robot ring fighting battle of modern kung fu fight ring fighting games to expand your vision as gym wrestling games in offline women fighting games of robot combat wrestling games. Get yourself engaged into this ultimate kickboxing champion, Bodybuilder GYM Fighting Boxing Games of robot ring games and make it robot boxing games known for gym women fight actions to all other contesters of advance robot ring battle games about your strong internal robot ring fighting powers of tag Team Karate Ring Fighting Games.

    Take part in this ring battle of modern futuristic grand robots to knockout your opponents in wrestling games. Engage in this ring fighting game and let the world know of your boxing skills. Advance with your grand robot fight and prove your strong ring fighting powers of wrestling.

    Start your ring battling of robot ring wrestling games by bringing out kick boxing games tournament of offline fighting games and knacks of grand robot battle games and tell them that you can bring real challenging situation against tough Ultimate gym karate ring Kung Fu fighting Champion Games and tiring contesters of Kung fu fight karate boxing offline games. Present Kick boxing games as new martial arts techniques of ultimate robot arena games by smashing and thrashing in gym fighting games action boxing game your opponents of robot ring attack games in professional mode of tag kung fu games. You have boxing combat game of real opening of Bodybuilder street arena games which empowers you with free and four sided movements of robot wrestling games in this modern Bodybuilder gym wrestling fight of grand Champions games.

    Choose from multiple robots and play in ring wrestling games by bringing out your ultimate fighting skill in grand robot ring battle. Smash and thrash your opponent's grand robot as professional fighting master. There are different kinds of realistic movements of grand wrestling in ring fighting game of mech robot arena. Inheriting an above-average combat system in street from the ring fighting unique tag modes, supercharges the action with more powers, wrestler technology, grand robot ring types and fight revolution different modes make this game more interesting.

    Don't be Kung Fu tiger boxing game 3d for second as your Kung Fu king Street Karate tournaments of grand robot championship games possess grand robotic aptitudes of karate fight, karate king killing games which bring open counter action of robot ninja games against your super robot karate king games. Feel much more thrills from robot games vs machine games as this new episode of robot fighting games and robot karate king boxing games attracts you with Kung Fu king boxing Street Karate tournaments features of robot street fight games. Utilize all modern smacks of robot street war games to knock down all your contenders of robot kung fu games in no time by making grand campaign of robot karate fighting game.

    Features of Grand Robot Ring Battle: Robot Fighting Game:
    - High resolution quality 3D graphics
    - Ultimate steel robot fighting
    - Multiple fighting power modes
  • Pull Pin - Save the girl Мод APK 1.0.1 [Unlimited money] 3.9

    Pull Pin - Save the girl Мод APK 1.0.1 [Unlimited money]


    Pull Pin - Save the girl

    Do you like rescue games? Of course, they are great. Help the man rescue the princess and get the treasure in the newest hero game - Hero Rescue. Pull the sticks to rescue the princess, to kill the goblins, to get treasure, ... You will become a rich hero in this latest rescue game.

    Many missions are waiting for you. Help the man find his love. Hundreds of fascinating pull the pin puzzles not to be missed. Do you think you are smart enough to overcome all obstacles? Let's get started!

    The hero rescue gameplay will make you hooked on this hero game!
    Simple to control. You can play with one hand very fast. It is easy to get started, but challenging to complete all the hero puzzles. Just take the hero escape from danger, enlight be winner.

    ★ Train your brain. Try many ways to play because these are logical puzzles.
    ★ The music, sounds, visuals and graphics are outstanding
    ★ Play thousands of decadently fun levels!
    ★ Team up with friends and other players - an easy way to help the hero.

    I promise you this is the most innovative rescue game available today. If you've been looking for a pull the pin puzzle game for a long time, it's time to explore it.

    Help the hero rescue the princess now. Amazing hero game is ready here
  • Rabbit in the moon Мод APK 1.2.84 [Free purchase] 3.5

    Rabbit in the moon Мод APK 1.2.84 [Free purchase]


    A brand new battle RPG for your strategic mind!

    Bored with repetitive automatic battles?
    Tired of complex and difficult strategy games?

    Join the adventures of Lunhare, the world's strongest rabbit.
    Rebuild the ruined Holy Land of Eternity
    with 150+ awesome heroes.

    Highly recommended for those who are interested in turn-based games or JRPG.
  • Mega Ramp Stunts - Impossible Car Racing & Stunts Мод APK 5.0 [Unlimited money] 4.0

    Mega Ramp Stunts - Impossible Car Racing & Stunts Мод APK 5.0 [Unlimited money]


    Mega Ramp Stunts is a realistic, immersive driving game offering near-limitless possibilities. Our car racing physics engine simulates every component of a vehicle in real time, resulting in realistic behavior for the car, speed, and ramp. Racing games don't get any better than this. The driving feel is authentic and visceral, and crashes are realistic and violent; yet the physics are accessible enough to drive cars and race them on your mobile phone while still having authentic racing with uncompromising realism compared to other racing games 2020.

    Why is this one of the best racing games of 2020 ?
    As a car simulator, this game has new-age car racing features with next-gen racing game-play and covers a large array of vehicular disciplines - everything from the best high octane GT car collection, combative racing physics to a high speed rally race or a destruction derby. There are a lot of different types of gameplay we want to implement beyond just racing and crashing, such as car chases, stunt challenges, and other specialized minigames - which has the exciting aspect of racing against the opponents on the mega ramp.This 2020 racing game surely has features, never seen before in racing games.

    In some ways, the new car range will allow you to do anything you want with a car or monster truck. You can go racing against the opponents on the mega ramp, drive a hoverbike or hurl a jetbike around a racing circuit, over take the opponents from the narrow gaps, all with beautiful soft-body simulation physics on the biggest ramp track of the world. You can mod those same vehicles to be racing beasts, derby monsters, or off-road monster trucks - or just thrash them stock. At the end of the day, you need to win the race and this 2020 racing game, gives you the gameplay you want, so buckle up your seat belt to defeat aggressive opponents.

    Winners drive first, so get to speed faster in this race and remember that winners - they start winning, by choosing the best racing car! The new range of racing vehicles offers you the chance to get the best racing car, each time for the race. Choose your racing car on the basis of the challenge to win:

    The best car driver and racers choose the best cars to compete with in this ramp racing game of 2020. Choose a car with quick acceleration to win against your rival. Fuel your passion for racing. Use Nos and fly through your mega ramps, watch Nos help multiply the car's speed. GT racing games with real super cars are quite uncommon but this car game has the best super cars of the world.

    Play as a car stunt driver, in possibly the worlds best car stunts game - that tasks driving cars such as: Monster trucks , GT racing cars , & ramp car through mega ramps in the sky. These real world stunt cars need to maneuver through jumps and fly through the air to complete tasks.

    It combines realism and fun driving physics to create the best car driving simulator on mobile with its advanced car driving physics engine. The Challenge is impossible mega tracks. Perform vertical ramp extreme car jumps, dangerous stunts, backflips, and crazy drifts.
  • Spells word Cards: Origins Мод APK 1.88 [Unlimited money][Unlocked] 3.9

    Spells word Cards: Origins Мод APK 1.88 [Unlimited money][Unlocked]


    Embark on a card combat challenge and become a strategy player to defeat the Lich and his minions, or die trying in card wars!
    Featuring 500+ cards and counting, 10 classes, 6 races, and 5 paths to follow along with hundreds of unique strategy player battles.

    Upgrade your cards and use the unique card fusion system to create any combination of cards imaginable and unlock real mix power like card wars! As you make each run you will need to carefully manage your deck, to include just what you need to survive in this strategy player game.
    To combat the problematic “bad draw” a voluntary like card discard and resource recovery system has been developed.

    Adventure across the lands of Port Haven in this solo card strategy player combat roguelike. Crawl through swamp, fight over mountains, and swim through the seas all in search of loot, fame and fortune. Show the real mix power like card wars to demolish your enemies as you go through different twists and turns in this game.
    Game play focuses on being a perfect crawler and real mix power like card wars deck builder for all roguelike and roguelite loving dungeoneers.

    Climb your way up the Leaderboards to show just how far your character can go and use real mix power like card wars.

    The main quest with two classes are available to try. Then a one time purchase will unlock the remainder of the classes and all further content so that you can polish your strategy player skills. This will ensure we can adequately support the development of the game you love!
    Native English, Spanish and Chinese languages can be selected in the settings menu
    "It's really well done thank you for creating it." - Dilolan
    "Just wanted to drop in and say I'm enjoying this more than StS, thanks for creating fun game" - Gorgredor
  • Farmify Мод APK 1.0.5 [Unlimited money] 4.0

    Farmify Мод APK 1.0.5 [Unlimited money]


    Farming simulation game

    + Plant, grow and upgrade over 25 fruit and vegetables!
    + Merge plants together to upgrade, The bigger your plants the more they will produce
    + Sell your fruit and veg to customers for coins.
    + Encounter various customers and Special bosses along the way.
    + Endless fun, play for as Long as you like, and grow your farm as big as you want!
  • Simple Kingdom Мод APK 1.1.78 [Free purchase][Free shopping] 3.9

    Simple Kingdom Мод APK 1.1.78 [Free purchase][Free shopping]


    You can build a great kingdom and decide the fate of its citizens in this unique game mix of a city builder and rpg!

    Gather diferent resources and enjoy the multiple scenario enviroments.
    Free building in a large enviroment with more than a hundred different constructions to unlock and choose from, no grids os selected positions !
    Fight the invaders and monsters to protect the kingdom and defeat dozens of different types of enemies, including mighty bosses, loot them to get awesome rewards!
    Unlock, recluit and level up dozens of different characters.
    Collect more than 1000 gear items to equip your citizens with.
    Get and ride 20 types of fantastic mounts.
    Use all sorts of powerful spells and build wer machines.
    Craft potions, beer or grow mushrooms.
    Pray to the gods and get their favor.
    Day-Night cycle.
    Random events and awesome rewards!

    Multi language and different dificulty modes!!
    Everything on a full 3D enviroment with a configurable camera settings!!
    Tuning down graphic options for less resourceful devices.
  • Touch SkateBoard: Skate Games Мод APK 1.2.0 [Unlocked] 3.8

    Touch SkateBoard: Skate Games Мод APK 1.2.0 [Unlocked]


    Skateboarding is the best!
    Skating games bring the thrill of touch skateboard skate games to your mobile devices! Ride on your touch skateboard skate games and perform grind stair stunts with crazy skate games through the streets. Get the pleasure of skating games and explore some new simulation games. As a touch skateboard boy, rack up impressive high scores in simulation games and unlock stunning trick sequences of offline games. Get the taste of the touch skateboard and unlock some amazing skate games.
    In the skate games, unlock stunts & locations by performing superb allies & crouches just like in other skate games. Ride, run, dodge, jump and practice the action and the thrill with your touch skateboard and impress your skate games friends with kickflips, ollies, and slides in these endless fast-paced touch skateboard skate games. Becoming a pro skater is all about physics and speed on a touch skateboard! Learn & perform professional techniques and earn coins by landing safely in skate games. There are plenty of roadblocks and super fun touch skateboard obstacles to claim in skate games. In these extreme stunts skate games, improve your skills & ability by powerful grinding & sliding over rails, ledges, and realistic trucks in touch skateboard skate games. Play the offline skate games as well so that you can taste the other side of the touch skateboard as well
    Jump over obstacles by performing touch skateboard pack stunts in touch skateboard games. Perform pop shuvits, kickflips, and lip tricks on stunt half pipe in skating games. Accelerate skate games speed with endless craziest skateboarding stunts like heel flips, power slides & Indy grab of touch skateboard.
    Craft nerve-wracking grind rails with skate experience and brag results with tricks to master in skate board simulation games. Claim for skateboarding offline game party by thrilling next-generation ride experience and earn unlimited points in skateboard games.
    Surprise yourself with the amazingly realistic 3D graphics during the skating games! You'll think that you are skating for real in this runner skate game! Become the best street touch skateboard player in town and dodge all the obstacles of simulation games!
  • War Tower : Defend or Die! Мод APK 1.0 3.6

    War Tower : Defend or Die! Мод APK 1.0


    War Tower is a strategic 3D game. Fend off hordes of orcs who came from distant lands. Use various towers and traps to fight the invaders! To win, you will need not only strategic thinking but also a quick reaction!


    ▶ Freedom! Build towers on any cell, and create a unique battle strategy at each level!
    ▶ Enjoy simple 3D graphics and cool effects
    ▶ Pierce, explode, freeze, poison, and burn orcs using 6 types of towers.
    ▶ Complete the entire story campaign of 3 Chapters and become the king of your lands!
    ▶ Each level has many ways to go! Combine different towers and traps to win!
    ▶ Buy improvements in the store and make your defense even more diverse!
    ▶ The game has three difficulty levels. Adjust the balance for yourself.
    ▶ Hardcore mod designed for veterans of Tower Defense and RTS games.
    ▶ Unique enemies with special abilities, doing everything to break through your defense. Look at both!

    Tired of the slow and monotonous Tower defense games? Then you've come to the right place! High dynamic battles will not let you get bored.

    Go ahead, hero! Explosions, fire, and glory are waiting for you!

    "War Tower" is an interesting tower defense strategy. Defend your castle from hordes of advancing enemies!

    You are the protector of the castle. Your task is to protect your castle from the Orcs. Orcs are scary creatures who only want to burn and kill. Do not let them get closer to the fortress! Defend your castle at all costs using various towers - from wooden towers with archers to magic towers and technological flamethrowers. The game also has the ability to set traps - mines, bombs, and spikes in order to inflict crushing damage to the enemy at an important moment!

    To create a strong defense system, you need gold! Surround the fortress with gold mines and get more resources for building new towers and traps that will crush the worst enemies - orcs!

    Orcs are evil creatures. They will do everything to break the gates of your castle! Orcs in armor, orcs on wolves, strong giants, and orc magicians advance from all sides!

    Use your knowledge and experience to create victory tactics and watch the battle in the 3D world with many colorful effects and realistic sounds. The game will immerse you in the atmosphere of a fantasy battle between orcs and people!

    Towers and traps are completely unique, have their own strengths and weaknesses. To withstand the siege, you will have to use various combinations of weapons.

    In the game, you can enjoy atmospheric music from composer Tyler Cunningham. Music will immerse you in the atmosphere of battle and help you focus!
  • Royal Roads 1 Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Royal Roads 1 Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Once upon a time in a kingdom far far away, where magic lives side by side with reality, lived princess Layna. Her kingdom was as large as it was magnificent, where every inhabitant was at peace, be it a super powerful gnome or tiny little fairy with powers to turn any boring old day into an unforgettable celebration. As the princess grew up, her advisors managed the kingdom before she came of age and was allowed to take the throne. Everyone knew of the young heiress' beauty and splendor, but unfortunately, Layna was uninterested in the lives of her future subjects. She spent her days in worry-free joy, blissfully unaware of the responsibility of her future position.

    Finally her special day arrived! Nowhere in the kingdom was a single girl more stunning and exuberant than the princess, and nobody could imagine something could ever go wrong... The coronation was held in the sun-soaked throne room, music filled the air, and gallantly dressed members of the court greeted their future queen with smiling faces. It was as if in a fairytale dream, pure joy sent the princess' head spinning, and she could hardly wait till she finally felt the weight of the crown upon her head. Then suddenly, the music stopped... Someone was flying through the crowd to the center of the room. Moments later, frightened to her core, Layna sees a witch before her. She had no idea what was going on. She couldn't even move a finger, almost as if she were under a spell. The uninvited guest's voice broke the deafening silence: "You, who calls themselves the rightful heir to the throne, are you truly prepared to rule the kingdom and answer for the fate of your simple subjects?! You live in a world of luxury, have never known greif, and at any moment hundreds of hypocritical smiles are ready at your beck and call to bring whatever you so desire on a silver platter... Well then, so it shall be that no spoiled brat shall ever rule us!" The witch flicked her wrist and a bright light flooded every inch of the throne room. Layna shut her eyes tight, and the floor disappeared... When the princess opened her eyes, she found herself on a haystack surrounded by endless fields instead of royal walls. A young man and his grandfather came rushing out of the nearby house to help her, but neither recognized the young girl as the future queen. Once Layna realized the evil witch's curse clouded the minds of her people, she resolved to hunt her down and prove she deserved to rule the kingdom! Find out if the princess ever manages to break the evil curse, or if the memory of princess Layna is destined to be forever forgotten!

    Get ready for:
    - Fun fantasy locations
    - 100 exciting levels with varying difficulty
    - Unforgettable characters
    - Gameplay for any age
  • Front Armies [RTS] Мод APK 1.10.0 [Paid for free][Unlimited money][Free purchase] 3.8

    Front Armies [RTS] Мод APK 1.10.0 [Paid for free][Unlimited money][Free purchase]


    Build up your base,
    explore the map to gather resources,
    research new technologies,
    build unique land, sea and air units,
    lead your army and conquer!

    • Campaign, Skirmish, Survival & Multiplayer for up to 4 players.
    • No unit or building limitation.
    • Stepless zoom to overview the whole battlefield.
    • Team up, for example 2 vs 2.
    • No in-app purchases.
    • No ads.
    • Optimized for phones and tablets.
  • Slime Must Die! Мод APK 1.14 3.7

    Slime Must Die! Мод APK 1.14


    A relaxed and enjoyable light mobile game "Slime Must Die!" is here!
    Heroes with various character gathered under your fingertips to complete the formation easily and survived the surging sea of slime!

    ◆Easy & Light
    Defeat the incoming slimes to accumulate energy, choose more heroes to join the battle, or merge the same heroes to advance them, everything is under your fingertips control!

    ◆Against Matched Opponents
    Contend with other players in the battle mode, the side that insists on eliminating more slimes will win.
    Match tactical teams with different ideas to deal with opponents' tricks!

    ◆Join Hand with Friends
    In the duo mode, the two work together to resist the slimes and bosses and stick to the last line of defense to receive rich rewards.
    Both sides use unbiased hero matches, which can flexibly deal with insidious and cunning enemies!

    ◆Unlock More Heroes
    By participating in battle and Duo, the acquired items can open treasure chests and purchase more hero fragments.
    Get more heroes with different abilities to unlock new combat tricks and upgrade them to make your team be the best!
  • Tower Battle: Tower Full Мод APK 1.10 [Paid for free][Free purchase][Unlocked] 3.9

    Tower Battle: Tower Full Мод APK 1.10 [Paid for free][Free purchase][Unlocked]


    The couriers reported that a huge threat was coming to your forest kingdom. You need to have time to build a defense and repel the attack of terrible trolls.

    For defense of the kingdom, sorcerers and builders specially created several types of enchanted towers, which showed their extreme effectiveness against forest demons.
    Several brave soldiers agreed to go to front line and best ballista would cover them.

    You are well prepared, it's time to start the battle!
  • Sky Battleships: Tactical RTS Мод APK 3.8

    Sky Battleships: Tactical RTS Мод APK

    Join Sky Battleships, a thrilling real-time strategy game where you build a defense base on a floating island and engage in epic battles with steampunk airships. Experience a unique blend of medieval and futuristic elements as you command your fleet from a top-down perspective.


    - Command a fleet of powerful airships in intense battles.
    - Destroy enemy airships with medieval cannons.
    - Fight with steam-powered ships resembling 17th-century Spanish galleons.
    - Build and upgrade your own fort on a flying island.
    - Engage in epic airship battles with friends.
    - Climb the ranks in the pirate league and become a legendary pirate strategist.
    Enjoy vibrant 3D graphics in high resolution.


    - Develop unique strategies by commanding various pirate vessels.
    - Capture enemy camps and destroy their defenses.
    - Collect gold coins to improve your fort's defenses with new towers, tents, bunkers, and cannons.
    - Recruit pirates and construct more airships for ultimate domination.
    - Showcase your strategic skills and rise to the top of the pirate rankings.

    Additional Information:

    Requires an Internet connection.
    Downloadable via Wi-Fi or mobile data (3G, H+/4G/4G+).
    Available Languages:

    English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Polish, Turkish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean.
  • Toy Commander: Army Men Battle Мод APK 1.27 3.7

    Toy Commander: Army Men Battle Мод APK 1.27


    Couch, playroom, kitchen or a backyard - everywhere is a battlefield for your toy soldiers! Unleash an epic toy war with legions of army men, use tactics, strategy and unique units to dominate the battlefield. War games with toy soldiers go to a whole new level with our new epic battle simulator - Toy Commander: Army Men Battles!

    Features of Toy Commander: Army Men Battles:

    Play toy soldiers and army men that fight under your command

    Take one of three sides with unique units and heroes

    Create and unstoppable formation of toy soldiers to crush the enemy

    Command your army men in various modes and numerous battle missions

    Playroom battle simulator!
    Toy soldiers clash on the battlefield under your command! Play with your army men like never before in our battle simulator - assemble and form toy soldiers and they'll fight a real war. Battle simulator has only one main rule - the last of army men standing on the battlefield wins!

    Assemble army men!
    Three army men factions with unique toy soldiers clash in the battle simulator. Choose your side in the playroom war and crush army men of the enemy. Use money and battlefield capacity with tactics and strategy and your army will be victorious over enemy toy soldiers in the battle simulator!

    Call for heroes!
    Your toy soldier need every edge on the battlefield to with the war in the battle simulator. Use unique heroic army men and unit upgrades to make the war even more epic! Take into your strategy and tactics and let your army fight and epic battle in the toy soldiers simulator.

    Command toy soldiers in an epic playroom war of army men in Toy Commander: Army Men Battles!
  • HyperRogue Gold Мод APK 11.3 [Premium] 3.9

    HyperRogue Gold Мод APK 11.3 [Premium]


    You are a lone adventurer in a strange, non-Euclidean world. Gather as much treasure as you can before the nasty monsters get you. Explore several different worlds, each with its own unique treasures, enemies, and terrain obstacles. Your quest is to find the legendary treasure, the Orbs of Yendor. Collect one of them to win! Or just ignore your quest and collect smaller treasures.

    The twist is the unique, unusual geometry of the world: it is one of just few games which takes place on the hyperbolic plane. Witness a grid composed of hexagons and heptagons, straight lines which seem to be parallel, but then they diverge and never cross, triangles whose angles add up to less than 180 degrees, how extremely unlikely is it to reach the same place twice, and how the world seems to be rotated when you do return. All this matters for the gameplay.

    Play HyperRogue Gold to support the development of HyperRogue (it also has online achievements and leaderboards via Google Games Services, although leaderboards do not work correctly at the moment). HyperRogue Gold is also updated more frequently. If you want a small app, download HyperRogue Lite without music. Also play the desktop version of HyperRogue!
  • Arkheim – Realms at War: RTS Мод APK 1.3.4 3.5

    Arkheim – Realms at War: RTS Мод APK 1.3.4


    Discover Arkheim - Realms at War, the new fantasy MMO war game from the makers of the MMO strategy classic, Travian. Build your empire, form an alliance, raid and battle in true cross-platform PVP – the depth of online strategy games, with the accessibility of a mobile app.

    Build your army to command and conquer the world. Form a tactical alliance with mighty warlords and battle for the realm in this game of war. Your empire awaits your guidance as a war commander as it faces powerful foes. This team based war strategy game lets you join your forces in an epic fantasy battle for Arkheim's domination. 4X Strategy, PvP battles and MMO gameplay will decide the fate of your kingdom.

    Arkheim, once a legendary empire, has been destroyed by warfare with remnants of its kingdom floating in the sky. Its ancient relics have enthralled new explorers such as yourself, promising power and answers about the past. A prophecy foretells that once all three moons align into the Full Moon Trinity, those worthy will ascend into a Kingdom of Eternal Light. In this fantasy war strategy game, you must gather mystical orbs that let you channel the energy of the moons, and transfer them into a colossal relic at the center of your realm: the Ark. The stronger your Ark, the more powerful your empire will become.

    Build your empire, command a fantasy army and enter total war. Dungeon battles will have you face-to-face with twisted demons. Battle demons to gain ancient knowledge and powerful items in return. Command warlords with unique sets of abilities and send your army into tactical PvP battles. Raid other realms to gain powerful orbs and increase the power of your Ark.

    Fantasy war tactics will make or break your empire. Create an alliance and discuss MMO strategy, and fight alongside players all over the world. 4X strategy will lead your empire to the Kingdom of Eternal Light...or to destruction. You hold the fate of your people in your hands.

    Will you be deemed worthy to ascend into the Kingdom of Eternal Light?


    Fantasy RTS Games:
    - Strategy and fantasy war tactics are needed to build your empire
    - Command an army of fallen soldiers & harvest the power of the three moons
    - Build up your economy & train a mighty military
    - Raid other realms and steal their orbs to increase the power of your Ark
    - Conquer strategy war games to progress in this epic fantasy

    Empire Games:
    - War Commander, Pioneer & Ascendant: Gifted with rare abilities, you're destined to turn your settlement into a flourishing city
    - Elves vs. Dwarves: Battle as ruthless elves or inventive dwarves and enter war over an ancient prophecy
    - Build a powerful kingdom and unite your realm with players from all over the world
    - Kingdom defense and expansion: Fight for territorial conquest & epic loot

    Alliance Strategy:
    - MMO strategy: Join a realm and meet allies to battle with
    - Build mighty alliances within your realm in this fantasy MMO strategy game
    - Team-based 4X strategy game - where teamwork is key
    - Alliance strategies will decide your fate in warfare and your role in history

    War & Dungeons:
    - Raid other realms and goblin towers to gather mystical orbs to channel the energy of the moons
    - Battle twisted demons, gain ancient knowledge and collect powerful items
    - Command mighty warlords and clash with other players in fantasy warfare
    - PvP battles: Devise tactical strategy to conquer enemy towers and build your empire

    Create a prosperous future for you, your people and your realm. Prove yourself in battles in the war for the world.

    Arkheim - Realms at War offers in-app purchases. You can disable this by turning off the in-app purchases in your device's settings.

    Privacy Policy: https://agb.traviangames.com/privacy-en.pdf
  • Bike vs. Train – Top Speed Tra Мод APK 9.1 [Unlimited money] 3.5

    Bike vs. Train – Top Speed Tra Мод APK 9.1 [Unlimited money]


    Pull up your socks and brace yourself for the deadliest, most challenging and exhilarating Motor Bike racing experience. In this stunt racing simulator, the extent of your survival relies solely on how expertly you can handle the bike stuntman moves on high speed racing on a various number of tracks. Hit the race button and ride at full speed to beat the trains in this deadly impossible stunts train racing game. From letting you choose your favorite bike to offering a number of racing tracks, this stunt racing simulator becomes more challenging as you move forward in the motor bike racing levels.

    Try Bike Vs Train – Top Speed Train Race Challenge now!

    Deadly Train Racing Challenge
    Have you got the guts to drive at insane speeds and overcome the train racing beside you? In this stunt racing simulator, you get to experience the zest of high speed motor bike racing and perform impossible stunts to surprise everyone around you. Test your motor bike control at extremely fast speeds as you attempt to overtake the racing train while dodging the obstacles.

    Perform Impossible Stunts on Your Bike
    Tune you ride to give you the maximum power so that it can go head to head with the huge engine of a train. Try to ride the bike as skillfully as you can so that you can take maximum advantage of your route flexibility. Try to find hidden shortcuts which will give you a head start in the race. With every level, you will face different tracks. Use your best motor bike racing skills to be on top of your bike stuntman performance and become better at performing deadly stunts.

    Progressively Challenging Stunt Racing Simulator
    As you progress, you will face challenges from even faster trains and more challenging tracks. Luckily, you can choose from different bikes from the garage to cope with the increasing challenges of the game. Get ready to change or upgrade your bike to a better model which can face competition from the more powerful trains.

    Realistic Bike Stuntman Game
    In this train racing game, you will face a number of challenges and the only way to overcome them is to perform impossible stunts. Ride into dark tunnels with the train but be alert and watch the sides so that you don't crash. Earn extra points for passing the train and shifting sides. Defeats trains from all over the world and in different conditions.

    Features of Bike Vs Train – Top Speed Train Race Challenge
    1) Simple and easy motor bike racing game
    2) Train View to Track the Train racing in impossible stunts game
    3) Track Map as a bike stuntman to help you Stay on the Track
    4) Wide Variety of bikes to choose from, which will help you ride on all kinds of tracks including snowy and mountainous areas
    5) Realistic stunt racing simulator with 3D Graphics to enable you to experience a high speed Bike vs. Train chase
    6) Super Smooth Controls help you in following the train racing easily and also make turns smoother
    7) Challenging Levels and impossible stunts keep you glued to the Screen

    Are you ready to experience the best of fast speed motor bike and train racing? Download and play Bike Vs Train – Top Speed Train Race Challenge today!
  • Dinosaur Hunting Gun Games Мод APK 1.5 [Unlimited money] 3.7

    Dinosaur Hunting Gun Games Мод APK 1.5 [Unlimited money]


    Embark on a thrilling prehistoric safari adventure in our Dinosaur Hunting Game. Take on the role of a skilled hunter and explore the open-world of the Jurassic period, where you'll come face to face with some of the most fearsome predators that ever existed. Hunt for the mighty T-Rex, outsmart the cunning Velociraptor, and take down the mighty Triceratops. The fate of your tribe depends on your success, and only the strongest will survive in this fight for survival. Experience the thrill of the hunt in first-person shooter mode and test your skills against other players in multiplayer mode. Will you be the one to conquer the ultimate predator and secure your tribe's place in history? Download our Dinosaur Hunting Game now to find out.
    Experience the ultimate hunting adventure in the wild and untamed world of the prehistoric past. Play as a fearless hunter armed with a variety of firearms and ammunition, including a hunting rifle, revolver, and shotgun, as you navigate the dangerous open-world of the Jurassic era. Hunt down fierce predators like the T-Rex, Velociraptor, and Triceratops in a first-person shooter game where survival is key. But be careful, as you are also the prey in a world where extinction is always just one wrong move away. Join forces with other players in a thrilling multiplayer experience as you take on the ultimate challenge of hunting the ultimate game - dinosaurs. Be a part of an epic safari adventure where man is not the top predator.
    Step into the world of real dino hunting with a variety of gun games set in the prehistoric past. As a skilled hunter armed with a hunting rifle, revolver, and shotgun, you will embark on a thrilling safari adventure in a dangerous open-world filled with prehistoric creatures. Take on the role of predator or prey as you hunt down fierce dinosaurs like the T-Rex, Velociraptor, and Triceratops in first-person shooter gameplay. Survival is key in a world where extinction is always a possibility. Join forces with other players in multiplayer mode to take on the ultimate challenge of hunting the ultimate game. Experience the thrill of the hunt in the Jurassic era with Real Dino Hunting: Gun Games.
    Experience the thrill of the wilderness hunting in this realistic sniper game. As a skilled marksman, you'll use stealth and tactical gameplay to take down wild animals in a variety of hunting scenarios. This hunting simulation immerses you in the role of a hunter, complete with hunting equipment and gear. With first-person shooter mechanics and a focus on survival, the game challenges you to master the art of hunting in the wilderness. Whether you prefer bow hunting or rifle hunting, you'll need to hone your skills to become a trophy hunter. The game promises an authentic hunting experience with a high level of realism, making it the ultimate outdoor adventure for any hunting enthusiast.

    Why to play sniper gun dinosaur hunting zoo game:

    -New Free hunting animals in dinosaur shooting gun game.
    - Beautiful & stunning realistic graphics and gameplay.
    - Variety of Animals in hunting jungle animals.
    - Easy & smooth controls for sniper hunting game.
    - Animal Hunting training for New Dinosaur Hunting lovers.
    - Elite class HD graphical presentations of game scenes.
    - Matching animal sound effects for realistic game touch.
    - on screen one of the easiest possible game controls.
  • Roads of Time 1 Мод APK 1.9 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Roads of Time 1 Мод APK 1.9 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    A time travel adventure gone wrong! Brian and P.E.T. are thrown back in time after a miscalculation to the era of pharaohs in Ancient Egypt! Evil Anubis and his minions are terrorizing the people. Without a second thought, Brian and P.E.T. charge forward to stop the evil pharaoh's plots!

    Get ready for a wild adventure across ancient Egypt full of ancient relics and mysterious artifacts. Roads of Time is the exciting casual strategy game you've been waiting for!

    Tons of different tasks, more than 40 levels, a fun plot, simple and exciting gameplay, and a huge fantasy world… What more could you want! Hunt for treasure, restore historic monuments, look for mysterious artifacts, fight Anubis' evil henchmen, battle to the end and manage your resources. Simple controls and a clear tutorial will help you dive right into the game!
    Roads of Time — save time from collapse!!

    -A fantasy world full of mythical creatures and ancient artifacts, from totems and hyroglifics to pyramids, to help you uncover the secret of Anubis
    -A fun plot with cool comics and unforgettable characters!
    -Tons of different tasks you've never seen before
    -40+ unique levels
    -Dangerous enemies: Anubis' henchmen, warrior animals, and dangerous scarabs
    -4 fun locations: Ocean beaches, lush valleys, mystical oases and the hot savannah
    -Helpful bonuses: Walk and work speed boosts, building upgrades, treasure hunts and time travel
    -Simple controls and a clear tutorial
    -More than 20 hours of fun gameplay for any age
    -Awesome music and sounds
  • Ultimate Rocket Launcher Games Мод APK 1.0 [Unlimited money] 3.5

    Ultimate Rocket Launcher Games Мод APK 1.0 [Unlimited money]


    Try one the best and new type of action 3D game Army Bazooka Rocket Launcher: Shooting games 2020. An intense shooting game that will blow your mind away. In this action pack game shoot down enemy helicopter and fighter jet with Super Rocket launchers & Bazookas with unlimited ammunition. A new thrilling war pack waiting for you. Get the real experience of war zone attack on enemy with the help of rocket launcher and bazooka. Destroy your enemies and clear all the hurdles.

    You have to use different type of army bazooka and rocket launcher against enemies helicopter and fighter jet in this game. Experience exciting challenging missions that will test your skills on the battlefields of this Epic War game. You have played many army games but this Army Bazooka Rocket Launcher: Shooting game is really amazing full of thrilling missions. Time to defend your army. Are you ready for fight for your country? If yes then grab your guns to fight enemy troops, eliminate the enemy shooters.

    ★★Army Bazooka Rocket Launcher: Shooting games 2020 top features★★

    High-quality, interactive 3D graphics
    Realistic Shooting Experience
    Free to Play
    Offline Play Mode
    Different type of Bazooka and Rocket launcher
    Multiple Thrilling and Dangerous Missions
    Powerful Weaponry at your Command
    Intense Shooting Game
  • Pandemix Мод APK 1.02 [Unlimited money] 4.0

    Pandemix Мод APK 1.02 [Unlimited money]


    Play a strategic simulation of an infectious disease spreading around the world - begin your own journey!

    Get ready to feel the most adventure game in your life. Choose a country you want to start your infection in and begin your pandemic. Upgrade your health capacity and develop your own strategy to win the game. You country will try to do whatever they can to stop your disease from spreading. After they classify the disease as an epidemic danger, they will protect their country with your rules and start developing a vaccine that can provide immunity to the disease and thus save them.

    - %100 realistic biomedical conditions
    - Thousands of ways to play the game
    - Challenging missions and events
    - Intense gameplay with stunning visuals & sounds
    - Suitable for all age groups

    You have limited time so choose your strategy wisely. Survive the pandemic nightmare and save the world from this unprecedented pandemic plague outbreak!

    Stay tuned, frequent updates will keep Pandemix fun and fresh for years to come!

    Questions? Contact us;
    [email protected]

    Privacy Policy
    Terms of Service
  • Antihero Мод APK 1.0.26 [Paid for free][Unlimited money][Free purchase] 3.7

    Antihero Мод APK 1.0.26 [Paid for free][Unlimited money][Free purchase]


    มาเป็นจอมโจรผู้น่าเกรงขามและเป็นที่เคารพใน Antihero เกมกระดานดิจิทัลที่ดำเนินไปอย่างรวดเร็ว ใช้การลอบเร้น ไหวพริบ และการลอบสังหารเป็นครั้งคราวเพื่อสร้างกิลด์หัวขโมยที่ทรงพลังที่สุดในโลกใต้พิภพวิคตอเรียนที่สว่างไสวด้วยแก๊ส

    หนึ่งเป้าหมาย ศัตรูมากมาย เล่นผ่านแคมเปญที่ขับเคลื่อนด้วยเรื่องราว ต่อสู้กับ AI และกระโดดออนไลน์ในโหมดผู้เล่นหลายคน PvP แบบสบาย ๆ และจัดอันดับ

    ท้าทายเพื่อนของคุณ เชิญเพื่อนมาเล่นแบบอะซิงโครนัสหรือเพิ่มความกดดันในการแข่งขันสด ตั้งค่า "กฎประจำบ้าน" แบบกำหนดเองและปรับแต่งเกมให้เหมาะกับรสนิยมของคุณ!

    ยึดครองเมือง ปกป้องสิ่งที่เป็นของคุณ แทรกซึมธุรกิจ แอบเข้าไปในที่ดิน วางกับดัก และขโมยทุกสิ่ง ความมั่งคั่งของเมืองเป็นของคุณ - หากคู่ต่อสู้ของคุณไม่ชิงไปก่อน

    สนีกเกอร์ แทงทะลุ และหัวกะโหลก! อัปเกรดกิลด์ของคุณ รับสมัครเม่นข้างถนน จ้างอันธพาล ตั้งแก๊ง… และติดสินบน แบล็กเมล์ และลอบสังหารฝ่ายตรงข้าม มีหลายเส้นทางขึ้นไปด้านบน

    จัดการเศรษฐกิจที่ดี ใช้ทรัพย์สมบัติที่หามาได้เพื่อจ้างทหารใหม่ อัปเกรดทักษะการขโมยของคุณ และรับอาวุธร้ายแรง โกลด์เป็นเพื่อนที่ดีที่สุดของหัวขโมย!
  • Retro Video Games Saga - Play Cool Video Games Emu Мод APK 6.0.0 [Premium] 3.4

    Retro Video Games Saga - Play Cool Video Games Emu Мод APK 6.0.0 [Premium]


    Retro video game emulator for Android devices.
    Support most popular platform, you can play cool video games on Android.
    Supports more than 25000+ video games for the best compatibility.

    * Hand-crafted optimized code to save battery life
    * Physical controllers supported
    * XPeria Play support
    * Cheat feature support
    * Customizable buttons (size and position)
    * Speed up
    * Save state supported

    Enjoy Gamecube and Wii games, play N64 and PSX games.
    Also You can play PSP and NDS game with this emulator.
    Emulator build In:
    - GBA Emulator (GameBoy Advance)
    - GBC Emulator GameBoy Color)
    - SNES Emulator (Super Nintendo)
    - NES Emulator
    - Sega Genesis Emulator

    --- No game included-----
  • Element Мод APK 2.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Element Мод APK 2.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Element is a realtime strategy space game for people who don't have time to play realtime strategy space games.

    Home no longer provides a means to survive.
    A fight for resources to escape our system has begun.
    The future lies beyond…

    Element is a visually stunning realtime strategy space game with a focus on sharp, accessible gameplay.

    Element is for lovers of beautifully crafted, original looking games. It is for people who are into space and strategy games but don't have hours of time to invest. It's also for gamers who enjoy launching missiles and blowing things up :)

    You are escaping a decaying solar system. You must visit each planet, mine enough element, and defeat the enemy to progress to the outer planets and beyond. Generate energy, mine element, build attack and defense units, and destroy the enemy while maintaining a balance between earth, air and water.

    A Flightless Game
    by John O'Reilly & Greg Harding.
    Copyright 2014-2020 Flightless Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

    [email protected]

    Published by The Label
  • Galaxy & Empire: Battle for Su Мод APK 123 3.5

    Galaxy & Empire: Battle for Su Мод APK 123


    Galaxy & Empire: Battle for Survival is a casual strategy game.

    It is necessary to extract resources on planets and spend them on the purchase of artifacts. The game is based on mechanics, a bit reminiscent of three in a row and a card game: within a certain time, you must manage to spend your moves and destroy enemy fighters under the control of the AI ​​or the player.

    Upgrade your heroes and weapons and get an advantage in battle. Choose your tactics and unique style of combat: send troops to planets or burn the jungle infested with monsters with napalm; destroy armored opponents with high-tech weapons or sacrifice your mercenaries for the sake of victory!

    You have a whole galaxy, several thousand planets at your disposal: discover new ones, search with the greatest amount of resources, get rewards for completing tasks and find rare artifacts. Your empire awaits!

    Install Galaxy & Empire: Battle for Survival and get a new gaming experience!
  • Mini Guns Мод APK 2.2.0 3.9

    Mini Guns Мод APK 2.2.0


    Mini Guns is a real-time multiplayer strategy game featuring the Minis, toy soldiers that come to life on the battlefield. Collect and upgrade over 100 figurines, from rifleman and infantry units to heavy tanks and bombers. Team up with your friends to destroy the enemy base in cooperative multiplayer and earn Honor for your Alliance to reach the top of the leaderboards.

    Please read this Terms of Service Agreement and our Privacy Notice before using our services as they govern the relationship between you and Kabam.

  • Wild Dino Hunter Animal Hunting Games Мод APK 1.11 [Unlocked][Premium] 3.8

    Wild Dino Hunter Animal Hunting Games Мод APK 1.11 [Unlocked][Premium]


    Welcome to all challenging players of animal shooting games in this wild animal hunting where they can have real animal hunting thrills and sensations of Dino hunting games in compact and well organized form.

    Stick to Dino hunting free to have practical experience of real wild animal hunting of animal shooting games and feel fresh and new wild animal hunting in professional mode. Walk in natural hunting manners of din hunting games to relish each hunting smack of Dino hunting free in which you can hunt real wild animal of animal shooting games in realistic style of wild animal hunting. Elite call hunting edition of Dino hunting games offers you trouble free animal hunting ride through this unique Dino hunting free to give you live feeling of real wild animal hunting of animal shooting games.
    Present wild animal hunting expands your animal hunting visions of din hunting games in practical way by making you busy with realistic hunting missions in which you are in eye to eye contact with your targeted animal.

    Matching background music with natural sound of firing of bullet makes your Dino hunting free look real and you enjoy every moment of real wild animal hunting in grand style of animal shooting games. Grab this occasion of wild animal hunting to explore which has been away from your eyesight in fast growing world of Dino hunting games. Take advantage of all player friendly game commands and controls to have free style Dino hunting free and become king of animal hunting kingdom by hunting down large scale real wild animal.

    Enter into this new animal hunting domain as real hunter and become live contestant of deadly dinosaur encounter to go through your life time hunting experience as legendary animal hunter of Jurassic games. Try to make accurate selection in shooting weapons to handle all affairs of hunting clash like an expert Dino hunter of hunter games. The automated loading of your selected gun make your hunting look very easy and you go through all animal hunting challenges of hunting games in franked manner. Absorb all real feelings of fps hunting in safari shooting game by making exact usage of aim lock luxury of animal shooting games and don't leave any animal away from the reach of your shot during wild animal hunting of Dino hunting games.

    You have additional option of selecting your game mode during Dino hunting free to hunt real wild animal by assuming true and legendary role of real hunter. Go far deep into the search of your target in deadly dinosaur encounter to become more than simple natures animal hunter in ever changing world of Jurassic games. Follow map during hunting clash like an educated Dino hunter of hunter games which saves your time and reduces your toil in order to give you real time bonus to complete upcoming missions of hunting games with plenty of time to spare. Don't wait anymore and have the live tang of fps hunting in safari shooting game and be professionally trained animal hunter.

    Wild Dino Hunter Animal Hunting Games features:
     New wild Dino hunter animal hunting 3d gaming experience.
     Real-world, physical, and practiced role of wild animal hunter.
     Fully planned and well coped animal hunting special missions.
     Grand and genuine animal hunting opening for hunting lovers.
     Single tap and very easy downloading and installation package.
     Exclusive class and actual high definition graphical presentations.
     Plenty of active customizable features at open and easy access.
     Long list of different, challenging and dissimilar game missions.

    Download this app totally free to enjoy real animal hunting thrilling of modern animal hunting 3d games 2021 and have real break from your tensions and frustrations of real world. Suggest any change, alteration or modification as we respond to you in quick succession to give your dream desire gaming experience without any delay.
  • Goblin Defenders 2 Мод APK 1.6.493 [Unlimited money] 3.5

    Goblin Defenders 2 Мод APK 1.6.493 [Unlimited money]


    Try the best TOWER DEFENSE game! Features dozens of levels, several PvP modes with cool prizes and high score tables, and hundreds of hero upgrades, towers, and bonuses!

    Join the best Tower Defense and you'll get:
    • 60 furious tower defense battles across three worlds!
    • Fearless heroes – Fox, Goblin, Robot, Necrom and Dragon – will reinforce your defense!
    • Regular updates with even more levels, heroes and towers!
    • 6 basic towers with a dozen of improvement options! Turn your tower into a lethal defense weapon!
    • Profitable mines and stone quarries! Provided that you have the strength to seize them, of course…
    • Special “Mega Cannon” – a gift from a friend that turns the tide of battle! Log in via Facebook and ask your friends for this exclusive weapon! Do help your friends as well!
    • Special Airborne Goblin Squad is always ready to help!
    • Unique Goblin Magic!
    • Super intense survival mode Arena! Respect and valuable prizes for the most enduring defenders!

    Join our official community https://www.facebook.com/goblindefenders2 – and be abreast of the latest news and events!

    Couldn't buy diamonds?
    Faced some technical issues?
    Got an awesome idea on how to make the game better?
    Tap "Report a problem" (in "Options" menu) and drop us an e-mail!

    Greenly Yours,
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