Дома / Оплаченный
  • Hydra Remix Keyboard for G4,G5 1

    Hydra Remix Keyboard for G4,G5

    Aceasta este o temă tastatură personalizată pentru dispozitivele LG care acceptă tema tastatura Chooser. Dacă dispozitivul nu are această opțiune, NU INSTALATI !!!! Restituirile nu vor fi emise pentru cei care au ignorat acest lucru!

    Pentru a aplica tastatura pur și simplu instalați și apoi deschideți aplicația Setări. Setări interioare navigați la Limbă și tastatură. Asigurați-vă că tastatura curentă este LG tastatură. Și sub rubrica LG tastaturii selectați opțiunea: Temă pentru tastatură. Apoi selectați și aplicați această tastatură! Asta e! Simplu și ușor. Vă rugăm să rețineți că această aplicație nu are o pictogramă de aplicație, deoarece nu este nevoie cu modul în care tastaturi sunt puse în aplicare!
  • 3D New York Live Wallpaper 4.5

    3D New York Live Wallpaper

    แมนฮัตตัน (นิวยอร์ก) เส้นขอบฟ้าเป็นวอลล์เปเปอร์
    ด้วยวอลล์เปเปอร์สดมันเกือบจะเหมือนคุณจริงๆบินอยู่เหนือแมนฮัตตัน หากคุณหมุนโทรศัพท์มือถือหรือแท็บเล็ตผลที่ได้คือแม้จะสวยงามมากขึ้น ผลกระทบที่ไม่ซ้ำกัน - ไม่ควรพลาด!

    - ผลกระทบเชิงลึก 3 มิติ (ใช้วัดการหมุนวน senors accelerometer)
    - การเปลี่ยนมุมมองทางอากาศของนิวยอร์ก:
    - * เมื่อคุณหมุนอุปกรณ์ของคุณ
    - * เมื่อคุณเปลี่ยนหน้าจอที่บ้านของคุณ
    - ภูมิทัศน์และการสนับสนุนแนวตั้ง
    - ความละเอียดถึง 1920x1080 พิกเซล
    - เหมาะสำหรับโทรศัพท์มือถือและแท็บเล็ต
  • La Porta del Paradiso 4.0

    La Porta del Paradiso

    L'applicazione ufficiale del Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, che ti consente di esplorare in maniera del tutto nuova il capolavoro di Lorenzo Ghiberti, tornato visibile dopo un restauro durato 27 anni.
    Puoi visualizzare la Porta del Paradiso e le singole formelle ad altissima risoluzione ed apprezzarne così tutte le eleganze e le finezze non visibili ad occhio nudo.
    Puoi scoprire il racconto delle dieci storie dell'Antico Testamento condensate nei grandi rilievi di forma quadrata in due modalità:
    - leggendo le informazioni dettagliate di ciascuna formella e dei singoli episodi, nella sezione "Scopri le storie"
    - ascoltando il tour audio, nella sezione "Esplora la porta"
    Attivando la funzionalità "Fils Rouge" (presente sui dispositivi tablet) puoi muoverti tra i dettagli più interessanti della Porta e visualizzare particolari tematici affini. Puoi vedere dove e quante volte ricorre lo stesso personaggio all'interno di questa maestosa opera; puoi avere una panoramica delle meravigliose strutture architettoniche rappresentate dal Ghiberti oppure scoprire tutti quei dettagli che rimandano a precisi simboli teologici.

    L'applicazione ti offre inoltre una biografia sintetica di Lorenzo Ghiberti, un inquadramento sulle Arti a Firenze ed in particolare sull'Arte di Calimala.
    Puoi infine apprendere i momenti salienti del lungo e complesso intervento di restauro nella specifica sezione.

    Per il funzionamento dell'applicazione è necessaria una connessione dati a internet.
  • آموزش پایه پنجم دبستان (نکته ب 3.2

    آموزش پایه پنجم دبستان (نکته ب



    + ویژگیها





    ایادنشاط، شادمانیوتقویتقوهتفکر


    یادگیری، تمرینوتکراراصطلاحات

    + امکانات

    بابیشاز 88 مرحلهمختلف

    بابیشاز 528 سوالمتنوع

    + پایهپنجمابتداییشاملبخشهایزیراست:

    +++ درسفارسی

    معادلفارسی - بخش 1 (آدرس، کوپن، پاراگرافو ... )

    معادلفارسی - بخش 2 (کامپیوتر، ویزاو ... )

    نامهایکلماتوعباراتمناسب - بخش 1 (مادرمهرروزغذامیپزدو ... )

    نامهایکلماتوعباراتمناسب - بخش 2 (خدانعمتهایزیادیآفریدهاستو ... )

    معادلفارسیکلماتعربی - بخش 1 (مخفی، معلمو ... )

    معادلفارسیکلماتعربی - بخش 2 (تعجب، مختصرو ... )

    فعلهایهممعنی - بخش 1 (دید، گفتو ... )

    فعلهایهممعنی - بخش 2 (گشت، شستو ... )

    کلماتجایگزین - بخش 1 (رفتنبهجاییو ... )

    کلماتجایگزین - بخش 2 (آشتیکردن، خواندنمطالبو ... )

    ضربالمثلها - بخش 1 (سالیکهنکوستازبهارش .... )

    ضربالمثلها - بخش 2 (آشپزکه 2 تاشدآشیاشور .... )

    مراکزاستانها - بخش 1 (مرکزی، مازندرانو ... )

    مراکزاستانها - بخش 2 (فارس، گلستانو ... )

    مناسبتهایهرماه - بخش 2 (بهمن، شعبان، رمضانو ... )

    کلماتهممعنی - بخش 1 (نظر، رای، آرمانو ... )

    کلماتهممعنی - بخش 2 (خاموش، آرام، یواش، آهستهو ... )

    همخانواده - بخش 1 (صلح، مصالح، مسالهه، مصلحو ... )

    همخانواده - بخش 2 (نظم، نظیر، ناظم، منظمو ... )

    گفتارکوتاه - بخش 1 (گرسنهام، خداحافظو ... )

    گفتارکوتاه - بخش 2 (هست، نمیآیدو ... )

    معنیهراصطلاح - بخش 1 (ازالفتایراگفتنو ... )

    معنیهراصطلاح - بخش 2 (ازشیرتاپیرراسلامکردنو ... )


    +++ درسعلوم

    کاملکردن - بخش 1 (فرضیهایکهدرستدرآیدو .... )

    کاملکردن - بخش 2 (درمراحلآزمایشحتما ... کنیدو .... )

    پاسخصحیح 1– بخش 1 (اکسیدآهنچهمادهاستو ... )

    پاسخصحیح 1– بخش 2 (آهندرمجاورت ... ورطوبتزنگمیزندو ... )

    پاسخصحیح 2– بخش 1 (درگروهاهرمهاقرارنداردو ... )

    پاسخصحیح 2– بخش 2 (... یکموتورالکتریکیاستو ... )

    پاسخصحیح 3– بخش 1 (زندگیابتداازکجاآغازشد؟ و ... )

    پاسخصحیح 3– بخش 2 (موادمعدنیموردنیازگیاهانازکجاتامینمیشود؟ و ... )

    پاسخبهسوالات 1– بخش 1 (بیشترچشمههایآبگرمرادرکجامیتوانیافت؟ و ... )

    پاسخبهسوالات 1– بخش 2 (قارچهایچتریازچهطریقیتولیدمثلمیکنند؟ و ... )

    پاسخبهسوالات 2– بخش 1 (عاملبیماریحصبهچیستو ... )

    پاسخبهسوالات 2– بخش 2 (هواازراههایانتقالکدامبیماریاستو ... )


    +++ درسریاضی

    حلمساله - بخش 1

    حلمساله - بخش 2

    ضربها - بخش 1

    ضربها - بخش 2

    جمعوتفریقعددهایاعشاری - بخش 1

    جمعوتفریقعددهایاعشاری - بخش 2

    تبدیلعددهایمخلوطبهکسروکسربهمخلوط - بخش 2

    عددنویسی - بخش 1

    عددنویسی - بخش 2


    +++ درسقرآن

    اشارهآیات - بخش 1 (وافوابالعهدو ... )

    اشارهآیات - بخش 2 (فاسئلوااهلالذکرو ... )

    معانیلغات 1 - بخش 1 (حی، یومو ... )

    معانیلغات 1 - بخش 2 (نار، مسمیو ... )

    معانیلغات 2 - ب، 1 (غنی، سمیعو ... )

    معانیلغات 2 - بخش 2 (والدی، عبدو ... )

    ترجمهآیات 2 - بخش 1 (ورحمتهللمحسنینو ... )

    پاسخبهسوالات - بخش 1 (معنیلغتعسرو ... )


    +++ هدیههایآسمانی

    کلماتمناسب - بخش 1 (پنالتیبهنفعتیم ... گرفتهمیشودو ... )

    کلماتمناسب - بخش 2 (نیمهاولبازیبه ... تمامشدو ... )

    پاسخبهسوالات 1– بخش 2 (یکیازاصولاعتقادیو ... )

    جاهایخالی 1 - بخش 1 (یونسهمسایهی ... بودو ... )

    جاهایخالی 1 - بخش 2 (حلهشهریدر .... بودو ... )

    پاسخبهسوالات 2– بخش 2 (فرشتهوحیچهنامداشتو ... )

    جاهایخالی 2 - بخش 1 (پادشاهحبشه ... نامداردو ... )

    جاهایخالی 2 - بخش 2 (نمایندهمسلمانان ... نامداشتو ... )

    پاسخصحیح - بخش 2 (مادرحضرتعیسیچهنامداردو ... )


    +++ تعلیماتاتماعی

    پاسخصحیح 1 - بخش 1 (مهمتریننشانهجامعهاسلامیچیستو ... )

    پاسخصحیح 1– بخش 2 (یکیازنشانههایجامعهاسلامیچیستو ... )

    پاسخبهسوالات - بخش 1 (قوهمقننهشاملچهنهادهاییاستو ... )

    پاسخبهسوالات - بخش 2 (قوهمجریهشاملکیستو ... )

    پاسخصحیح 2– بخش 1 (موسسسلسلهصفویهکهبودو ... )

    کاملکن 1 - بخش 1 (... پایتختآذربایجاناستو ... )
  • Nue Fi - PA/CM11 Theme 4.9

    Nue Fi - PA/CM11 Theme

    หมายเหตุสำคัญ: เฉพาะสำหรับใช้กับเครื่องยนต์ตัวเลือกธีมสนุก / รากรอมที่กำหนดเองกับเครื่องยนต์สนุก / ตัวเลือกที่จำเป็นในการใช้โปรแกรมนี้ ถ้าคุณไม่เข้าใจเงื่อนไขเหล่านี้และพวกเขาเพียงแค่ไปกว่าหัวของคุณโปรแกรมนี้ไม่ได้สำหรับคุณ

    รุ่นเหนือนี้มีสายสีแดงองค์ประกอบ / นี่คือความแตกต่างของสีแดงเหนือ (Carribean เดิมสีเขียว)

    เหนือต่อไปนี้ UI แบนเรียงราย - Monotone ภาษาการออกแบบ มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อให้ประสบการณ์การใช้งานที่ดีเหนือได้รับการออกแบบการรักษาในใจความสามารถของตามนุษย์ - มันก็ทำให้แน่ใจว่าสีที่ไม่อิ่มตัวเกินไป / การที่แข็งแกร่งแม้องค์ประกอบแนวที่ผิดปกติดูบอบบาง

    เหนือจะเร็ว ๆ นี้จะเปิดตัวใน 1 สีที่แตกต่างกัน - สีส้ม มันมีอยู่ในปัจจุบันต้นฉบับ Carribean สีเขียวสายสีแดง, สีฟ้า Qua และเครื่องสีขาว Variant

    ใส่ใจในรายละเอียดไปในเหนือเป็นที่น่าทึ่ง แต่ละคนและทุกวาด (องค์ประกอบแกน) ได้รับการวิเคราะห์อย่างรอบคอบใน 4 หน้าจอที่แตกต่างกันเพื่อให้ได้สีที่สมบูรณ์แบบความคมชัดและคุณภาพป้องกัน aliasing มีองค์ประกอบต่างๆเหนือจะต้องเขียนอย่างถูกต้องและแน่นอนการออกแบบ

    เหนือที่เหมาะสำหรับอุปกรณ์ XXHDPI และ xhdpi
    หากต้องการทราบความหนาแน่นของหน้าจอของคุณคุณสามารถไปที่: http://goo.gl/alcpMv

    สำคัญ: ผู้ที่ใช้อุปกรณ์ที่มี 512mb หรือแรมน้อยผมขอแนะนำให้ไม่ใช้ bootanimation นอกจากนี้เมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้รอมทั้งหมดตั้งค่าอย่างรวดเร็วตายตัวและแถบสถานะไอคอนแบตเตอรี่ - ดังนั้นรูปแบบนี้ไม่ได้รวมถึงไอคอนที่

    นอกจากนี้รอมทั้งหมด hardcoded กระเบื้องแบตเตอรี่ (AOSP พฤติกรรมปกติ) ดังนั้นการแก้ไขสำหรับคำพูดคำจาเป็นไปไม่ได้โดยใช้กรอบรูปแบบที่เลือกใหม่ - PA จะเร็วจะเขียนมันเพื่อให้ themeable


    เหนือวอลเปเปอร์ (ค่าเริ่มต้นและ Lockscreen)
    เหนือเสียง (เหนือ 'สร้างขึ้น Ringtone, ประกาศเสียงและโทนเสียงเตือนภัย)
    Fi / เหนือแถบนำทาง Dot ไอคอน (Minimalistic Dot Navbar รายการที่มีการเปลี่ยนแปลงของรัฐ - การจับคู่ที่สมบูรณ์แบบชุดรูปแบบ)
    เหนือที่กำหนด Lockscreen
    เหนือ / Layars bootanimation
    สกินคีย์บอร์ดแบบเหนือของ Google


    ค่า Holo Holo มืดและแสง
    ไอคอนการตั้งค่า (PA, CM11)
    Glowdots (Lockscreen, Google ตอนนี้รูดขึ้น)
    การดำเนินการแบนบาร์ (สี & Light)
    ปุ่มและช่องทำเครื่องหมาย (ปุ่มปุ่มวิทยุ, ช่องทำเครื่องหมาย, แท็บ Scrubber)
    แถบนำทางโกลว์ (แบนไม่มีเงา)
    แผงการแจ้งเตือน (สี - Fi - สีแดง)
    โต้ตอบของ Windows
    ชั้น lockscreen (พื้นหลัง Player)
    เมนู Windows / รายการ / dropdowns
    บาร์ความคืบหน้า (สายสีแดง)
    scrubbers (Fi - สีแดง)
    ดาวคะแนน (Fi - สีแดง)
    เครื่องคิดเลข UI
    การตั้งค่า AppWidget
    Google อย่างรวดเร็วการค้นหาขนมปังกรอบ

    โบนัส: Whatsapp กระทำบาร์ - มืด

    เหนือ Fi เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของโครงการธีม Layars ชุมชนและการสนับสนุน - http://goo.gl/rkYOwq

    หมายเหตุ: รูปแบบนี้เหมาะสำหรับหวาดระแวง Android (PA) - http://goo.gl/XXr3gv
  • آموزش پایه هفتم دوره اول متوسط 3.4

    آموزش پایه هفتم دوره اول متوسط

    کمک آموزશી નિته به نکته برای پایه هفتم دوره اول متوسطه

    જો દાનેશ એમોઝાન મે توانિન્દ મેઝ બાઝિ કર્ડન અને બેસ્ટ مستقન સીટિમ آمમોઝશ બબિનند

    વિભાજન પ્રશ્નો 6 વર્ષ પહેલાં

    + વીઝગી હા

    تقویت هوش

    لذت بردن از دروس

    تقویت درک و دریافت

    افزایش گنجینه واژه ها

    ایجاد نشاط ، شادمانی و تقویت قوه ی تفکر

    یادگیરી અને آموزش نکات در قالب بازی

    یادગીરી, تمرین અને تکرار શબ્દો


    બા બેશ અને 125 સ્ટેલા એ વિવિધ

    750 سوال متنوع

    + સમાહ હفتમ ઇનોસ્ટિએકયિયલ સમાવાયેલ

    +++ فارسی





    +++ علوم





    +++ ریاضی





    +++ عربی





    +++ پیام های آسمانی





    +++ مطالعات اجتماعی





    +++ કાર અને فناوری





    +++ ઇંગલિસી



  • Particle Plexus 3D (PRO) 4.6

    Particle Plexus 3D (PRO)

    เลือกธีมของคุณรูดนิ้วของคุณและเอียงโทรศัพท์ของคุณในการโต้ตอบกับนี้นี้ HD ที่น่าตื่นตาตื่นใจอย่างเต็มที่อนุภาคจำลอง 3 มิติวอลล์เปเปอร์! นี้เป็นรุ่น PRO เต็มไปด้วย ทั้งหมด คุณสมบัติปลดล็อค.

    ลองก่อนที่จะซื้อด้วย ฟรี รุ่น อนุภาค Plexus 3D (Lite) .


    ครบ 3D: Realtime อนุภาค "ช่องท้อง" จำลอง
    โต้ตอบ: ลากนิ้วของคุณเพื่อสร้างเส้นทางฟุ่มเฟือยของอนุภาคไหล

    สนับสนุน Gyroscope: เอียงอุปกรณ์ของคุณจะหมุนไปรอบ ๆ มีผลใน 3 มิติ!

    กราฟิก HD: ดูดีแม้ในนิ้ว 10 '' และ 4k (3840 x 2160) อุปกรณ์!
    เพิ่มประสิทธิภาพ: ทำงานได้ถึง 60fps บน Samsung Galaxy S5

    อัตราส่วนอิสระ: รองรับทั้งโทรศัพท์มือถือและแท็บเล็ตแนวตั้ง / แนวนอน
    ปรับแต่ง: นุ่มสลับบานสีและการจัดลำดับ

    คุณลักษณะ (Pro เท่านั้น):

    ทั้งหมด คุณสมบัติจากรุ่นฟรี
    เพิ่มเติม การปรับแต่ง: เลือกระหว่างการหลายรูปแบบเช่น "นัวร์" และ "กรด" ฯลฯ


    ดูวิดีโอนี้สำหรับแท็บเล็ต: https://youtu.be/-RNliUqHOUg


    หากคุณมีปัญหาใด ๆ คำถามหรือข้อสงสัยกรุณาส่ง e-mail ฉันมีความสุขที่จะช่วยให้!
  • UT Promoter- Get subscribers, 1.5

    UT Promoter- Get subscribers,

    આ ચેનલ બૂસ્ટર યુટ્યુબ સર્જકોને તેમની યુટ્યુબ ચેનલ્સ વધવા માટે પરવાનગી આપે છે.
    તમારી યુ ટ્યુબ ચેનલમાં કાયદેસર ચેનલ સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ છે તે ખૂબ સારું છે. યુટી પ્રમોટરમાં તે જ માનવામાં આવે છે - સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ, પસંદ અને સંપૂર્ણ દૃષ્ટિકોણ મેળવો
    જેમ કે તમે જાણો છો કે યુટ્યુબ સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સને ખરીદવું એ 100% કાયદેસર છે, આ વિશે ચિંતા કરવાની જરૂર નથી.

    તે એક YouTube શિખાઉ માણસ હોય કે યુટ્યુબ સેલિબ્રિટી, તમે તમારી જાતને તમારી યુ ટ્યુબ ચેનલ પ્રમોશનને લગતા ઘણા પ્રશ્નો પૂછી શકો છો. ઘણા યુ ટ્યુબ શરૂઆત કરનારા પોતાને આ પ્રશ્ન પૂછે છે.
    1000 હું કેવી રીતે 1000 YouTube સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ સુધી પહોંચી શકું?
    My મારી YouTube ચેનલથી મુદ્રીકરણ શરૂ કરવા માટે હું 4000 જોવાનાં કલાકો ક્યાંથી મેળવી શકું છું?
    My હું મારા યુ ટ્યુબ ચેનલ પરના યુ ટ્યુબ ચેનલના સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ, પસંદ અને દૃશ્યો મને ક્યાંથી મળી શકે છે?
    My શું મારી YouTube ચેનલને પ્રોત્સાહન આપવા માટે કોઈ યોગ્ય રીત છે?
    ઠીક છે, યુ ટ્યુબ ચેનલ બૂસ્ટર વિશેના મગજને લગતા આ પ્રશ્નો સાથે, યુટી પ્રમોટર - યુ ટ્યુબ ચેનલ બૂસ્ટિંગ એપ્લિકેશન એ આનો એકમાત્ર શ્રેષ્ઠ ઉપાય છે.
    યુટી પ્રોમોટર, વાસ્તવિક યુટ્યુબ સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ, પસંદ અને યુટ્યુબ દૃશ્યો આપીને યુટ્યુબ ચેનલને ત્યાં વધવા માટે યુ ટ્યુબર્સને મદદ કરે છે. ઘણા યુ ટ્યુબર્સ સાથે આ એપ્લિકેશન રાખવી એ તેમના માટે આશીર્વાદરૂપ રહ્યું છે.
    એક સમુદાય કે જે ઝડપી YouTube ચેનલ વૃદ્ધિની ખાતરી કરવા માટે YouTube સર્જકો સાથે ensureભો છે.
    ઘણા યુટી પ્રમોટર વપરાશકર્તાઓ તેને તેના ગ્રાહકોના સ્વભાવ દ્વારા પસંદ કરે છે, આમ જ્યારે તમે યુટી પ્રમોટર પાસેથી સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ મેળવો છો, ત્યારે તમારી યુટ્યુબ ચેનલને અનસબ્સ્ક્રાઇબ કરવાની ચિંતા કરવાની જરૂર રહેશે નહીં, એકવાર તમે યુટીપ્રોમોટર પાસેથી સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ પ્રાપ્ત કરો ત્યારે તમને આજીવન YouTube સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સની ખાતરી મળશે. આ યુટ્યુબ ચેનલ બૂસ્ટર સાથેની શ્રેષ્ઠ બાબત એ છે કે તમે હંમેશાં તમારા યુટ્યુબ ચેનલમાં કોઈપણ નવા અપડેટ્સ પર અમારા સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ દ્વારા પ્રથમ વાર જોવાયાની ખાતરી આપવામાં આવે છે.

    યુટી પ્રમોટર- યુ ટ્યુબ ચેનલ બૂસ્ટર, ઘણા નવા પ્રારંભિક વ્યક્તિઓને સેલિબ્રિટીમાં પરિવર્તિત કરે છે, કારણ કે અમારા તરફથી અમે અમારા ગ્રાહકોને પહોંચાડાયેલી ગુણવત્તાવાળી સેવાઓ પર વિશ્વાસ કરીએ છીએ, અમે વ્યાવસાયિક પરિણામો પર વિશ્વાસ કરીએ છીએ. આ ચેનલ બુસ્ટિંગ એપ્લિકેશન વિશ્વસનીય છે. અને એકવાર તમારી યુટ્યુબ ચેનલની લિંક સબમિટ કર્યા પછી, તમે તમારી YouTube ચેનલ પર યુટી પ્રોમોટર દ્વારા જોવાઈ, પસંદ અને સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ પ્રાપ્ત કરવાનું પ્રારંભ કરો.
    આ સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ અમારી ટીમના વાસ્તવિક કર્મચારી છે અને આથી બનાવટી / કમ્પ્યુટર દ્વારા બનાવેલા મંતવ્યોની ચિંતા કરવાની જરૂર નથી.

    અમે અમારી એપ્લિકેશનમાં શું ઓફર કરીએ છીએ:
    YouTube 50 યુટ્યુબ ચેનલ સબ્સ્ક્રાઇબર્સ
    YouTube તમારી YouTube વિડિઓઝ પર સંપૂર્ણ YouTube વિડિઓ દૃશ્યો.
    Your તમારી YouTube વિડિઓઝને વિડિઓ પસંદ કરે છે.
    જો એવું થાય છે કે તમારી ચેનલમાં તમારી પાસે ઓછી વિડિઓઝ છે, તો બાકીની પસંદગીઓ અને દૃશ્યો તમારી ઉપલબ્ધ સામગ્રી પર બમણી થશે.
    આ પ્રક્રિયા કેટલાક કલાકોમાં અથવા કેટલીક વખત તમારી YouTube સામગ્રી લંબાઈ અનુસાર કરવામાં આવે છે.
    અમારી યુટી પ્રમોટર ટીમ એપ્લિકેશનમાં તમારા દ્વારા પ્રદાન કરેલી તમારી યુટ્યુબ ચેનલ પર નેવિગેટ કરે છે.
    પ્રક્રિયા પૂરી થાય ત્યારે, અમે તમને પૂરા પાડેલા તમારા ઇમેઇલ સરનામાં દ્વારા સૂચિત કરશું નહીં
    તમને તમારી યુ ટ્યુબ ચેનલ તપાસો. આ પુષ્ટિ હેતુ માટે છે. એક વિશ્વસનીય પ્રતિસાદ ચેનલ છે, આમ જ્યારે તમે અમારી એપ્લિકેશનની અંદર કોઈપણ nonપરેશનનો અનુભવ કરો છો ત્યારે તમે યુ.ટી. પ્રમોટર વિકાસકર્તાને વોટ્સએપ દ્વારા સમયસર પહોંચી શકશો. મુદ્રીકરણ શરૂ કરવા માટે YouTube ચેનલોને પ્રોત્સાહન આપો
    મારી પાસેથી [email protected] પર વધુ પૂછપરછ કરવા અને ત્વરિત જવાબ પ્રાપ્ત કરવા માટે મફત લાગે .
  • PS-Xplay PS Emulator-English 3

    PS-Xplay PS Emulator-English

    ફક્ત આર્મ સીપીયુ માટે

    To.૦ પર અપડેટ કરો: [લોલીપોપ પર સોલ્વ ક્રેશ બગ, નવું મેનૂ બટન]
    અમારા Snes અને આર્કેડ અનુકરણો પણ તપાસો!


    જો તમે મારું PS-XPlay Emulator ખરીદ્યું છે, અને "BIOS મળ્યું નથી, ભૂલોની અપેક્ષા છે" સંદેશ અને બીજી મૂળ સમસ્યાઓ કેવી રીતે હલ કરવી તે જાણવાની જરૂર છે, તો આ વિડિઓ જુઓ:


    મહેરબાની કરીને! મને ફક્ત 1 સ્ટાર આપતા પહેલાં, [email protected] પર ઇમેઇલ મોકલો.
    અને તેને રેટ કરવાનું ભૂલશો નહીં!

    Android 2.3+ માટે
    શ્રેષ્ઠ "જૂની શાળા" રમત રમવા માટે શ્રેષ્ઠ ગ્રાફિક્સ અને audioડિઓમાંનું એક!

    સરસ ટચસ્ક્રીન જોયસ્ટિક અને સોની એરિક્સન એક્સપિરીયા પ્લે સાથે ઉચ્ચ સુસંગત.

    આનંદ કરો!


    BIOS ને કેવી રીતે ગોઠવો:

    ટચ સ્ક્રીન જોયસ્ટિકને કેવી રીતે ગોઠવો:

    ચેતવણી: જો એપ્લિકેશન સાથે કોઈ ભૂલ થાય છે, તો કૃપા કરીને, નીચે આપેલા વિષય સાથે એક ઇમેઇલ મોકલો: "ભૂલ" ભૂલ વર્ણન "":
    [email protected]

    કૃપા કરીને, મને BIOS / ROMS માટે પૂછશો નહીં! Tks!

    સ્રોત: http://sourceforge.net/projects/psxplay/
    સપોર્ટ: [email protected]
  • Dark Nova 3.7

    Dark Nova

    Joc clasic în stil RPG SciFi. Proiectați-vă personajul și formați-vă în jurul unui Univers cu peste 100 de sisteme și aventuri noi la fiecare rând!

    Jocul RPG deschis încheiat inspirat de jocurile spațiale clasice la care ne-a plăcut să jucăm în anii 80 !!!

     Fii comerciant, pirat, contrabandist, poate vânător de recompense. Construiește-ți nava și abilitățile și urmează-ți destinul! Căutați printre stele în căutări și aventuri. Comerț în spațiu și în porturi! Întâlnire cu rase extraterestre misterioase. Transportați pasageri, dar aveți grijă că unii vă pot atrage atenția nedorită.

    Dark Nova este conversia oficială a clasicului comerciant Palm Pilot Space Space Trader cu conținut nou de grafică, sunet și gameplay.

    *** Mulțumesc tuturor celor care ne-au trimis prin email sugestii! Lucrăm constant pentru îmbunătățirea aplicației!

    Vă rugăm să vizitați http://darknova.net și să ne trimiteți sugestiile dvs.

    Urmăriți @dead_jim pe Twitter pentru actualizări Dark Nova
  • GNV Brasil 4.3

    GNV Brasil

    ความสนใจ - ใบอนุญาตภาคการศึกษา

    เข้าถึงแอปพลิเคชันเป็นเวลา 6 เดือน
    อาจจะเป็น SEMESTER [BRL 17.99]
    หรือรายปี [BRL 31.99]

    อัล: 32
    น.: 6
    ปริญญาตรี: 69
    ส.ศ.: 63
    ดีเอฟ: 2
    อีเอส: 35
    ไป: 1
    มกรา: 65
    นางสาว: 8
    มอนแทนา: 1
    พีบี: 34
    EP: 73
    ประชาสัมพันธ์: 38
    อาร์เจ: 601
    อาร์เอ็น: 71
    อาร์เอส: 85
    เซาท์แคโรไลนา: 128
    ถ้า: 34
    SP: 272
    สถานีทั้งหมด: 1635

    โปรดทราบ: สถานะอื่นๆ ที่ไม่ได้ระบุไว้ในรายการด้านบนยังไม่ได้ติดตั้งเครือข่าย CNG

    สำหรับผู้ที่ไม่มีบัตรเครดิต คุณสามารถชำระเงินการซื้อครั้งแรกผ่าน MERCADOPAGO (สลิปธนาคาร, การโอน ฯลฯ) โดยไปที่ลิงก์ต่อไปนี้:


    - ลิงก์ด้านบนใช้สำหรับการซื้อแอปพลิเคชันครั้งแรกเท่านั้น (6 เดือนแรก) และไม่ได้ใช้สำหรับการต่ออายุ (การสมัครสมาชิก) ซึ่งต้องทำผ่านแอปพลิเคชันเอง

    - หลังจากชำระเงินแล้ว ให้ส่งหลักฐานการชำระเงินไปที่อีเมล [email protected] เพื่อให้เราปล่อยรหัสการติดตั้ง

    - สถานที่: เราจำเป็นต้องรู้ว่าคุณอยู่ที่ไหนเพื่อแสดงสถานีรอบตัวคุณ
    - ติดต่อ: เราจะรวบรวมเฉพาะอีเมลของคุณเองที่ลงทะเบียนในบัญชี Android ของคุณเพื่อวัตถุประสงค์ในการสนับสนุนด้านเทคนิค

    - แอปพลิเคชันได้รับการพัฒนาเพื่อแจ้งตำแหน่งของสถานีได้อย่างน่าเชื่อถือ
    - ราคาและเวลาเปิดทำการได้รับการอัปเดตร่วมกันโดยผู้ใช้เอง ดังนั้นจึงใช้เป็นข้อมูลอ้างอิงเท่านั้น

    มันทำงานอย่างไร ?
    ฐานข้อมูลเริ่มต้นของเราได้รับการแมปผ่านบันทึกของผู้รับสัมปทานที่ดำเนินการ CNG ในแต่ละรัฐของบราซิล แต่พวกเขามีเพียงที่อยู่ ซึ่งมักทำให้ยากต่อการค้นหาสถานี นอกจากนี้ มักจะล้าสมัย ซึ่งบ่งชี้ว่าสถานีต่างๆ ไม่จัดหา CNG อีกต่อไป .

    ด้วยเหตุนี้ เราจึงตรวจสอบพิกัดเป็นรายบุคคลและเผยแพร่ไปยังฐานข้อมูลสาธารณะสำหรับการเข้าถึงระยะไกล (ระบบคลาวด์) โดยแอปพลิเคชัน สิ่งนี้รับประกันความน่าเชื่อถือและความแม่นยำในตำแหน่งของสถานี

    ปัจจุบันมีแอปพลิเคชันอื่นๆ ที่ประเมินตำแหน่งตามที่อยู่ ซึ่งมักจะทำให้ผู้ใช้ขับรถเป็นระยะทางหลายกิโลเมตรและไม่พบปั๊มน้ำมัน ฐานของเรามีการตรวจสอบทีละโพสต์เพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าโพสต์นั้นมีอยู่จริง แน่นอนว่าโพสต์ใหม่จะเปิดและปิดทุกวัน ซึ่งเป็นเหตุผลว่าทำไมทรัพย์สินที่สำคัญที่สุดของแอปคือการอัปเดตที่แนะนำโดยผู้ใช้เอง

    เราพึ่งพาการทำงานร่วมกันของผู้ใช้เองในการอัปเดตราคา สถานีที่ปิด (ยกเว้น) และลงทะเบียนสถานีใหม่ เมื่อผู้ใช้ทำการเปลี่ยนแปลงในฐานข้อมูล การเปลี่ยนแปลงนี้มีผลทันทีสำหรับเขา แต่การเปลี่ยนแปลงนี้จะขึ้นอยู่กับการกลั่นกรองของเราซึ่งได้รับการตรวจสอบและอาจได้รับการอนุมัติภายในเวลาอันสั้น

    - โพสต์ที่แก้ไขโดยผู้ใช้จะพร้อมใช้งานสำหรับผู้ใช้ที่ลงทะเบียน และหลังจากการวิเคราะห์โดยผู้ดูแล หากได้รับการอนุมัติ จะถูกซิงโครไนซ์กับฐานข้อมูลสาธารณะ

    - จำเป็นต้องมีการเชื่อมต่ออินเทอร์เน็ตสำหรับการดำเนินงาน เนื่องจากแผนที่และข้อมูลตำแหน่งทั้งหมดได้รับการอัปเดตบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์คลาวด์และจำเป็นสำหรับ Google Maps เพื่อให้สามารถติดตามเส้นทางไปยังสถานี CNG
    - อุปกรณ์ของคุณต้องมี GPS เพื่อตรวจสอบตำแหน่งของคุณ

    เวอร์ชันนี้เป็นเวอร์ชันเสถียรของแอปพลิเคชัน ซึ่งจะได้รับการปรับปรุงอย่างต่อเนื่อง ด้วยเหตุนี้ เราจึงขอให้ผู้ใช้เข้าใจในกรณีที่มีปัญหาด้านความเข้ากันได้

    ลองใช้แอปและแจ้งให้เราทราบว่าคุณคิดอย่างไร เราจะพยายามปรับปรุงแอปอย่างต่อเนื่องตามความคิดเห็นของคุณ


    [email protected]
  • Easy Offset 4.2

    Easy Offset

    Gemakkelijk Offset is een makkelijk te gebruiken programma ontworpen voor Sheet Metal Workers dat snijden gewrichten, ell middellijnen, en de algehele lengtes voor offsets van elke hoek berekent gebruiken. Je hoeft enkel fundamentele dimensies en de app doet de rest.
 Bespaar tijd en geld:
-sneller dan het gebruik van een rekenmachine
         -Verbeterde nauwkeurigheid
-geen multipliers of trig formules te onthouden
-vermindert de fout
         -Minimaliseren snijden in het veld en verspilde materiaal
         -Gebruik elke hoek
-nuttig voor lay-out en detaillering
    -Compound offsets worden automatisch berekend.
         -Arc lengten zijn toegevoegd waaruit blijkt hoeveel aan beslag voor een bepaalde hoek te rollen.

    Soorten offsets:
-el met elke straal of hoek voor ronde buis
         -El met radius hiel en keel voor rechthoekig kanaal
         -El met rechte hak en keel 
 voor rechthoekig kanaal
         -Tik op een hoek 
 voor ronde buis
         Gewalst negentig 
 graden ellen
         -Wye takken voor ronde buis en rechthoekig kanaal

    Deze berekeningen doen met de hand kan worden tijdrovend en moeilijk. Deze app zal het gemakkelijker maken.

    Voor de HVAC industrie.
  • My Roster unlocker 3.8

    My Roster unlocker

    Unlocker จะปลดล็อคคุณสมบัติทั้งหมดของบัญชีรายชื่อของฉัน App

    ☆กรุณาติดตั้งบัญชีรายชื่อของฉัน App. ☆

    - ขยาย:
    ★ส่งออกเป็น iCalendar
    ★แผนบริการหลาย (สมาชิก)
    ★การสำรองข้อมูลและการกู้คืนการทำงาน Herstellunges
    วันหยุด★จะแสดงตามคำขอ (เยอรมนี, ออสเตรีย, เนเธอร์แลนด์) (ที่ระบุไว้ในสีแดง)
    ★มีวันหยุดตามคำขอ (เฉพาะเยอรมนี) แสดง (ชายแดนสีเขียว)
    ★แผนบริการสามารถลงทะเบียนโดยอัตโนมัติเมื่อมีการร้องขอในปฏิทิน (สามารถใช้ได้จาก Android 4.0 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH))
    ที่นี่ได้รับอนุญาต "READ_CALENDAR / WRITE_CALENDAR" เป็นสิ่งที่จำเป็น
    HOWTO ขนาดเล็กฟรีเพื่อให้บัญชีรายชื่อในปฏิทินของ Google
    http://www.fruecht.eu/?s=mdhg&l=en # เนื้อหา
    หน่วยความจำไม่ได้ทำผ่าน app บัญชีรายชื่อของฉันในปฏิทิน

    1 - คำขอจากเมนูแอปพลิเคบัญชีรายชื่อของฉันมาก่อน - ออกจากใกล้
    2 - หลังจากที่ซื้อ Unlocker บัญชีรายชื่อของฉันในเป้าหมายการเล่นที่มีการติดตั้งโดยอัตโนมัติ
    3 - ตอนนี้คุณสามารถเริ่มต้นการตรวจสอบบัญชีรายชื่อของฉันใหม่และใช้ประโยชน์อย่างเต็มที่
  • Orbit Alpha Watch Face 3.8

    Orbit Alpha Watch Face


    * ไฮบริดแบบอะนาล็อก / การออกแบบระบบดิจิตอล
    * หน้าปัดลึกลับโคจร
    * ชั่วโมงกระโดดบิ๊ก
    * ระดับแบตเตอรี่ที่ถูกต้อง
    * การใช้งานแบตเตอรี่ที่น้อยที่สุด
    * แสดงวันและวันที่
    * เลือกหนึ่งของ 12 สีสำเนียง
    * โหมดโดยรอบเพื่อป้องกัน OLED
    * ตัวเลือกเต็ม Ambient สีจอแอลซีดี
    * Android สวมใส่นาฬิกาสมาร์ทต้อง
  • Theme for ExDialer GlossB Cyan 4.4

    Theme for ExDialer GlossB Cyan

    આ થીમ તમને ચળકતા કાચના બટનો સાથે કાળા અને સ્યાન એઝ્યુર આછા વાદળી રંગમાં એક અલગ દેખાવ આપશે.
    તમારો ફોન ડાયલર દરેક કી પર ગ્લોસ ઇફેક્ટ સાથે સર્વોપરી અને ચમકદાર દેખાશે.

    --- આ થીમનો ઉપયોગ કરવા માટે ExDialer ઇન્સ્ટોલ કરેલ હોવું આવશ્યક છે ---
    એપ્લિકેશન ખોલો અને થીમ પસંદ કરવા માટે સ્ક્રીન પરની સૂચનાઓને અનુસરો.

    આ થીમમાંના ગ્લાસ આઇકોન્સ ડીજેસેડ્રિક દ્વારા ડિઝાઇન કરવામાં આવ્યા છે અને તેનો ઉપયોગ તેની પરવાનગી સાથે કરવામાં આવ્યો છે.
    આ થીમમાં તેના ચિહ્નોનો ઉપયોગ કરવાની પરવાનગી માટે DJCedric નો આભાર

    કોઈ સૂચનો/સમસ્યાઓ? કૃપા કરીને કોઈપણ સમયે અમને ઇમેઇલ કરો અને અમે તમને જે પણ સમસ્યાઓ હોઈ શકે તેને ઠીક કરવા માટે શ્રેષ્ઠ પ્રયાસ કરીશું!
    જો તમને com.modoohut.dialer.theme માટેની મુખ્ય એપ્લિકેશન ન મળે અથવા તમે ExDialer ગેલેરીમાંથી વધુ થીમ્સ જોવા માંગતા હોવ તો કૃપા કરીને અમારો સંપર્ક કરો.
  • Bleentoro Pro 4.7

    Bleentoro Pro

    Bleentoro is a simple logic game about abstract minimalist factories. It has no advertisements or microtransactions.

    - Easy to learn
    - Campaign and sandbox modes
    - Level editor
    - Simple user interface
    - Good optimization
  • Sunrise Sunset Watch Face 3.6

    Sunrise Sunset Watch Face

    Acest Face ceas pentru Android Wear vă permite să vedeți răsăritul și apusul soarelui ori pentru a doua zi, precum și perioadele de amurg.
    Puteți vedea dintr-o privire lumina zilei ai plecat și când să aștepte răsăritul sau apusul soarelui.

    Lumina soarelui Watch Face este destinat pentru o SmartWatch uzură Android, cum ar fi Asus ZenWatch, LG G, Sony SmartWatch 3, Moto 360, Samsung Gear Live.

    Pentru a alege noile Faces Watch, alegeți-l în aplicația Wear pe telefon, sau pe termen lung Click pe fata de ceas pe ceas. Ar trebui să vedeți "Răsărit de soare", ca una dintre alegerile.
    Vă rugăm să permiteți un anumit timp după descărcare să arate acolo.

    Acesta nu este destinat pentru cei care nu sunt ceasuri Wear Android, cum ar fi Gear 2 sau Gear S sau Pebble. Ea nu are nici widget pentru telefonul sau tableta, dar un ceas similare, Sunlight Watch Face și Widget, nu.

    Ceasul lumina zilei prezentată este calculată funcție de locația dvs. aproximativă, ora curentă, și o mare de matematică. Nu este nevoie de recuperarea constant de calendar internet sau apus de soare. Ganditi-va ca un calculator răsărit și apus de soare în formă grafică.

    Următoarele informații sunt afișate pe ceas:
    -Contravaloarea Timp în format analogic
    -Contravaloarea Timp in format digital
    -Contravaloarea Ziua săptămânii
    Simbolul baterie -A arată durata de viață a bateriei la stânga pe ceas.

    Subliniază culoare în jurul marginii cadranului ilustrează ziua solar. Include:
    -Contravaloarea Timpul zilei evidențiate în albastru deschis
    -Civil Twilight Perioada - galben precedent răsărit și apus de soare portocaliu urma
    -Nautical Twilight Perioada - albastru inchis, înainte sau după Twilight Civil
    Twilight -Astronomical - se arată în mov.
    -Nighttime Ore- afișate ca întuneric.

    Există trei subcategorii comune de crepuscul, reprezentate pe ceas răsărit apus de soare (cuprinse de la Wikipedia):
    Twilight civilă este un moment în care soarele este sub orizont, dar nu este, în general, suficient de ușor pentru a desfășura activități în aer liber, fără lumină artificială. Cele mai stralucitoare stele devin vizibile ca acest lucru se termină.
    În Twilight Nautical, orizontul este neclar, și contururi generale de caracteristici de teren poate fi văzut, se consideră să se încheie atunci când navigare prin orizontul pe mare nu mai este posibil.
    Astronomic Twilight poate părea a fi pe deplin întuneric. Surse punctuale de lumină, cum ar fi stele sunt ușor observabile la începutul său, dar surse Dimmer, cum ar fi galaxii îndepărtate, sunt vizibile numai ca se termină.

    Acum, că ceasul Android Wear vă spune răsărit și apus de soare ori, puteți utiliza aceste informații pentru a sprijini activitățile în aer liber.

    Folositi-l pentru a stabili ori de vânătoare, pescuit, ori ori drumeții, sau ori de fotografie. Orice activitate care se bazează pe o anumită cantitate de lumina soarelui ar trebui să fie consolidată.

    Recomandat pentru fotografie Peisaj.

    Utilizați pentru a găsi timp de un apus de soare mare sau timpul o mare răsărit. Faceți fotografii sau pur și simplu bucurați-vă de setarea sau creștere a soarelui. Uita-te la apus sau răsărit.

    Fața ceas are o fata alternativă pentru dim modul / înconjurător pentru a salva viața bateriei.
    Aceasta este o fata ceas 12 oră ilustrând răsărit dimineața și apus de soare seara.
    Înainte de amiază, acesta va fi un calculator răsărit, și după amiază, un calculator apus de soare.

    Obține acest Răsărit de soare Ceasuri Face pentru Android Wear azi!
  • TweetCaster Pro for Twitter 3.1

    TweetCaster Pro for Twitter

    TweetCaster Pro มีรูปลักษณ์ที่สวยงามด้วยอินเทอร์เฟซที่ใช้งานง่ายซึ่งทำให้ง่ายต่อการใช้งานในขณะที่บรรจุข้อมูลเป็นตัน ๆ

    * จัดการและโพสต์ได้ง่ายสำหรับหลายบัญชี
    * เอฟเฟ็กต์ภาพถ่าย - เพิ่มตัวกรองและคำอธิบายภาพที่เย็นลงในรูปภาพขณะที่คุณอัปโหลด
    * Zip It - ลบคนที่น่ารำคาญหรือคำหลักออกจากไทม์ไลน์โดยไม่ต้องยกเลิกการติดตาม
    วิดเจ็ต * - เลื่อนและปรับขนาดได้
    * ธีม - สิบสองสดใสตัวเลือกที่มีสีสัน
    * ตัวกรองอัจฉริยะ - กรองไทม์ไลน์ของคุณเพื่อดูเฉพาะทวีตที่มีรูปภาพลิงก์วิดีโอหรือซ่อน retweets หรือการตอบกลับ
    * ภาคีการค้นหา - ช่วยให้คุณสามารถค้นหาเฉพาะเส้นเวลาของคุณเองบุคคลอื่นหรือ "ทั้งหมด"
    * รายการอัจฉริยะ - รวมทั้งการจัดการรายการที่มีประสิทธิภาพและเครื่องมือดู
    * สถิติของฉัน - การนับครั้งต่อนาทีสำหรับ retweets, mentionions และ favorites
    * ตัวอย่างภาพถ่าย - รองรับบริการภาพรวมถึง Instagram
    * Speech to Text - แตะไมโครโฟนบนหน้าจอเพื่อเริ่มต้น
    * ตาราง - ส่งภายหลังหรือส่งไปยังบัฟเฟอร์
    * อ่านต่อ - บันทึกลิงก์ไปยัง Pocket, Instapaper หรือ Readability
    * สตรีมมิ่ง - ไทม์ไลน์ของคุณอัปเดตแบบเรียลไทม์เมื่อเชื่อมต่อผ่าน WiFi
    * ความสามารถในการอ่าน - ช่วยให้มีมุมมองที่เหมาะกับอุปกรณ์เคลื่อนที่
    * รหัสสี - ใช้ได้สำหรับ Tweets และ Mentions
    * ใครควรติดตาม - คำแนะนำยอดนิยมสำหรับความสนใจของคุณ
  • Most expensive drawing game 3.1

    Most expensive drawing game

    રાજાની જેમ ચિત્રો દોરવા માટે સૌથી વધુ વિસ્તૃત રમત
    VADAAA તમને વિશ્વમાં સૌથી વધુ રસપ્રદ ઇન્ટરેસ્ટિંગ ગેમ ધરાવવાની તક આપે છે!

    તે આટલું મોંઘુ કેમ છે?
    કારણ કે અમે રમતમાં તમે કલ્પના કરી શકો તેવો દરેક પ્રકારનો રંગ મૂક્યો છે અને અમારી તમામ તસવીરોમાં ઘણી બધી વિગતો છે

    પ્રેક્ટિસ કરવા માટે ઘણા ચિત્રો
    - રમુજી પરંતુ દોરવાનું મુશ્કેલ
    - સુંદર ડિઝાઇન
  • Fault Finding with Multimeter 4.9

    Fault Finding with Multimeter

    Ne-am re-filmat recent și ne-am actualizat DVD-ul cu o greșeală de găsire a defecțiunilor și acum puteți obține cea mai recentă versiune de înaltă definiție pe telefon și pe tabletă.

    Puteți obține acces la toate cele 21 de capitole, în total 77 de minute, care vă arată totul despre multimetre, cum să efectuați complet testele de siguranță electrică în patru părți, cum să testați statisticile, senzorii și pompele, despre supapele de deviere, de operare și multe altele.

    Potrivit pentru noii intrați, cei care se deplasează de la instalarea la reparații și inginerii defalcați existenți. Aflați în ritm propriu.

    1. Echipamente de testare
    2. Setările multimetrului
    3. Teste de siguranță electrică
    4. Testarea continuității pământului
    5. Test de scurt circuit
    6. Rezistența la testul Pământului
    7. Testul de polaritate
    8. Procedura de izolare a defectelor
    9. Secvența de operare
    10. Pompe
    11. Comutatoare de testare
    12. Întrerupătoare de presiune a apei
    13. Comutatoare de debit
    14. Întreruperi de presiune a aerului
    15. Ventilatoare
    16. Statistici și senzori
    17. Supape de deviere
    18. Schimbătoare de căldură de uz casnic
    19. Nave de expansiune
    20. Hammer de apă
    21. Dulapuri de aerisire
  • PASS Workout 4.8

    PASS Workout

    પાસ વર્કઆઉટ, એપ્લિકેશન કે જે તમને ઇયુ દ્વારા સમીક્ષા એમસીક્યુનો ઉપયોગ કરીને, નોંધણી વગર અને ઇન્ટરનેટ કનેક્શન વિના, કોઈપણ જગ્યાએ દવા પ્રોગ્રામના પ્રથમ વર્ષ (પાસ / પેસ) ની સમીક્ષા કરવાની મંજૂરી આપે છે.

    સ્વાસ્થ્ય અધ્યયનના પ્રથમ વર્ષના આખા પ્રોગ્રામ પર બહુવિધ પસંદગીના પ્રશ્નોના સ્વરૂપમાં 1300 થી વધુ પ્રશ્નો:
    - યુઇ 1: રસાયણશાસ્ત્ર અને બાયોકેમિસ્ટ્રી
    - યુઇ 2: સેલ બાયોલોજી અને હિસ્ટોલોજી-એમ્બ્રોલોજી
    - યુઇ 3: ભૌતિકશાસ્ત્ર અને બાયોફિઝિક્સ
    - એકમ 4: બાયોમેથેમેટિક્સ, બાયોસ્ટેટિક્સ અને સંભાવનાઓ
    - યુઇ 5: એનાટોમી
    - યુઇ 6: inalષધીય ઉત્પાદનોના જ્ toાન માટેની દીક્ષા
    - યુઇ 7: માનવ અને સામાજિક વિજ્ .ાન અને જાહેર આરોગ્ય
    - યુઇ 8: વિશિષ્ટ યુઇ (પેલ્વિસ અને બ્રેસ્ટ એનાટોમી, હેડ અને નેક એનાટોમી, માસો-કિનેસાઇથેરાપી, મેયોસિસ અને ગેમટોજેનેસિસ, ક્રેનોફેસિયલ મોર્ફોજેનેસિસ, દાંત અને મૌખિક પર્યાવરણ, દવાઓની રસાયણશાસ્ત્ર, ફાર્મસી, મ Maઓયુટીક્સ).

    એપ્લિકેશનમાં જાહેરાતો શામેલ નથી.
    કોઈ પરવાનગીની જરૂર નથી.
    કોઈ ડેટા એકત્રિત કરાયો નથી.

    સામાજિક નેટવર્ક:
    -ફેસબુક: https://www.facebook.com/PASSWorkout
    -ઇન્સ્ટાગ્રામ: https://www.instagram.com/passworkout
    -ટવીટર: https://twitter.com/PASSWorkout
  • Bead It! HD 2.6

    Bead It! HD

    ตรวจสอบออกลูกปัด It! HD ในการกระทำ!

    ลูกปัด It! HD เป็นโปรแกรมที่จะแปลงภาพถ่ายดิจิตอลของคุณหรือภาพที่เป็น Perler ลูกปัดและ / หรือรูปแบบ Hama ลูกปัด! คุณสามารถเลือกภาพได้โดยตรงจากแกลเลอรี่ของคุณบนอุปกรณ์ Android ของคุณ

    (Nabbi ลูกปัดคริสตัลสวารอฟสและ Flatback เร็ว ๆ นี้!)


    ลูกปัด It! HD นอกจากนี้ยังจะช่วยให้คุณสามารถแบ่งปันรูปแบบของคุณกับคนอื่น ๆ ! คุณจะสามารถส่งอีเมลถึงรูปแบบกับครอบครัวและเพื่อนของคุณผ่านทาง app และจะรวมทั้งภาพของรูปแบบของคุณพร้อมกับรายการของสีลูกปัดจำเป็นต้องกรอกข้อมูลในโครงการ!

    ใช้ลูกปัด It! HD เพื่อแปลงผีเกมที่ชื่นชอบของคุณให้เป็นผีลูกปัด!

    TIPS *** ***

    - เลือกภาพถ่ายที่สดใส! ภาพถ่าย Bright จะให้ผลดีมาก

    - ภาพถ่ายที่มีสีสันด้วยสีตัดกันจำนวนมากยังจะให้ผลลัพธ์ที่ดีกว่า

    - ขยายเพื่อใบหน้าและรอยยิ้มที่จะจับรายละเอียดมากขึ้นและทำให้คนในโครงการลูกปัดของคุณเป็นที่รู้จักมากขึ้น (คุณจะมีความสามารถในการขยายเข้าไปในภาพภายใน App!)

    F คุณมีปัญหาใด ๆ กับแอพลิเคชันและต้องการความช่วยเหลือโปรดส่งอีเมล beadit.support @ gmail.com สอบถามรายละเอียดทั่วไปโปรด [email protected] อีเมล์
  • Fast VPN 3.8

    Fast VPN

    Highlights of Fast VPN
    ✔️ No Subscriptions: Pay only once when downloading, No hidden trials or monthly subscriptions.
    ✔️ Unlimited: Truly unlimited. No session, speed or bandwidth limitations.
    ✔️ Simple: Unblock the world with just one touch of the “Connect” button.
    ✔️ Secured: Be fully anonymous and secured.

    ⚫VPN Premium , Yes It's FREE!
    Access to unlimited VPN proxy service for FREE.

    ⚫Fast VPN , Oh Yes It's Fast!
    You can connect to fastest VPN proxy servers from around the world. More VPN proxy servers are added to your list constantly. Experiencing not ideal connection speed? Don't worry, simply choose another VPN proxy server will normally solve your problem. Free VPN is one of the fastest VPN proxy service providers on Play Store. Hotspot VPN Master Pro.

    ⚫Fast VPN , Yes It's Secure!
    Fast VPN proxy secures your sensitive data with cutting-edge encryption technology, which hides your IP address so no malicious hacker can track your Internet activity!
    With VPN Premium proxy, your IP address is hidden and all your online traffic is securely encrypted to ensure totally protected privacy.

    Unblock All Your Favorite Sites
  • Dental Assistant Quiz Prep Pro 4.0

    Dental Assistant Quiz Prep Pro

    Dental Assistant Quiz Prep Pro

    Key Features of this APP:
    • At practice mode you can see the explanation describing the correct answer.
    • Real exam style full mock exam with timed interface
    • Ability to create own quick mock by choosing the number of MCQ's.
    • You can create your profile and see your result history with just one click.
    • This app contains large number of question set that covers all syllabus area.

    DANB exams and certifications give you the opportunity to advance in your career; maintaining certification helps you stay current on new technologies and issues in the dental assisting profession.
    Get a jump-start on your career and earn DANB's NELDA certification. Learn more about eligibility requirements and the three component exams: Anatomy, Morphology and Physiology (AMP); Infection Control (ICE); and Radiation Health and Safety (RHS).
    Successful completion of the CDA exam will lead to a national certification that is highly valued by both employers and patients.

    National Entry Level Dental Assistant (NELDA®)
    Certified Dental Assistant™ (CDA®)
    Certified Orthodontic Assistant (COA®)
    Certified Preventive Functions Dental Assistant (CPFDA®)
    Certified Restorative Functions Dental Assistant (CRFDA®)
    Dental Assistant, Dentist, DANB, NELDA, CDA, COA, CPFDA, CRFDA

    This application just is an excellent tool for self-study and exam preparation. It's not affiliated with or endorsed by any testing organisation, certificate, test name or trademark.
  • Shikhondo - Soul Eater 4.4

    Shikhondo - Soul Eater

    Shikhondo - Soul Eater is a Korean bullet-hell shoot 'em up set within a beautiful and bizarre world of Asian mythology.
    Armies of demons known as yokai have escaped from Limbo. They are spreading like a plague across the land, sowing fear and stealing souls. You must destroy the pestilent invaders and free the captured souls from eternal torment.

    Key features:
    • Five stages of intense bullet-hell action and hypnotic barrage patterns
    • Game modes include: Arcade, Hardcore, Boss Rush
    • Skilfully graze enemy bullets to fill the Soul Gauge and unleash a super attack for high scores
    • Two playable characters, each with their own types of attack
    • Online leaderboards for high score glory
    • Supports Bluetooth Controllers for ultimate precision
    • Demonic enemies and bosses inspired by Asian mythology Stunning and intricate Oriental artwork

    Experience action that would not be out of place in the arcades Asia. The anime art style used in the game is some of the best we've ever seen in the bullet hell genre.

    We know you're going to have as much fun playing it as we've had making it!
  • 恋恋京城(专业版) - 你的北京爱情故事 4.0

    恋恋京城(专业版) - 你的北京爱情故事



    - 手机注册,数据专业审核,杜绝机器人
    - 针对北京同城单身男女
    - 左滑无视,右滑喜欢,简单便捷
    - 互相喜欢才可聊天,防止骚扰
    - 发送喜欢次数无限制,增加配对几率
    - 更改定位,结识世界各地的朋友

    1个月订阅费: $14.99

    iOS开发: Jack Wang, Ocean Zhang, Andy He

    平面设计: Judy Huang

    测试 & 支持: Annie Zhang, Evan Wang

    制作人: Annie Zhang

    希望您能给予理解,我们一直在改进和优化我们的产品,如果在您的使用过程中发现任何问题,欢迎您发送邮件至[email protected]告知我们。我们会尽快解决问题并提供免费更新。




  • Morels Мод APK 1.20.02 [Paid for free] 4.5

    Morels Мод APK 1.20.02 [Paid for free]

    Foray is now available! Foray expands Morels with 13 new types of cards including new items, characters, weather, and a more dynamic forest.
    Last fall, crackling fires wreathed the mountains. This spring, light-wielding thunderstorms roiled the valleys. Now, with summer come early and a glowing moon overhead, the soil is moist and black and delicious mushrooms are peeking up all over the forest. The Foray is on!
    The official digital adaptation of the beloved card game Morels.
    The woods are old-growth, dappled with sunlight. Delicious mushrooms beckon from every grove and hollow with many tasty varieties awaiting the savvy collector. Forage, sautée with butter over the fire, and cook your way to victory!

    Awards & Honors:
    2014 International Gamers Award - General Strategy: Two-players Nominee
    2014 Games Magazine Best New Card Game Winner
    2014 Fairplay À la carte Winner
    2012 Golden Geek Best Card Game Nominee
    2012 Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game Nominee

    -Elegant digital conversion of the card game by Brent Povis
    -Online asynchronous or real-time 2 player games
    -Local pass & play
    -Solo play against 3 AI difficulty levels
    -Game modifiers: try a new way to play!
    -Interactive tutorial
    -In-app rulebook
    -Translated into: English, German, French, Italian and Spanish
    -No ads or microtransactions.
  • Truth Or Dare Pro Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Unlocked][Full] 4.3

    Truth Or Dare Pro Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Unlocked][Full]

    Truth Or Dare Pro One of the best game to play in a groups of couples, friends, families and lovers. Truth Or Dare is also well-known with Spin The Bottle name.

    This is the ideal Truth or Dare app for parties, dates, sleepovers and breaking the ice.

    Truth Or Dare Pro contains hundreds of fun and challenging Truth and Dares ranging from clean to dirty.

    Note: Do not try Adult Mode if you are below 18.

    Play the game and take a revenge with players, reveal their secrets, Ask them questions about their past or dare to do some crazy challenges.

    ★★ Features ★★
    ✔ Hundreds of Truth and Dares questions
    ✔ Add your own clean or dirty dares into the app!
    ✔ Set player names - perfect for large groups and parties!
    ✔ Frequently updated with more content
    ✔ Play with up to 15 players
    ✔ Completely free to play
    ✔ Keep track of who is winning with a scoreboard displayed after each round
    ✔ 3 different game modes - Kids, Teens and Adult (18+)
    ✔ NO ADS

    Share this app/game with friends on Facebook, Instagram and on other social apps.

    ★ SUPPORT★
    In case of any problems with the Truth or Dare, instead of giving us the negative opinion, please send us an e-mail and review briefly the problem. It will help us to solve it in the next updates of game.
    Email : [email protected]
  • Flamingo KWGT Мод APK 5.0 [Donate][Cracked][Mod Menu] 4.7

    Flamingo KWGT Мод APK 5.0 [Donate][Cracked][Mod Menu]

    This is not a stand alone app. Flamingo widgets require KWGT PRO application ( not free version of this app)

    What you need:

    ✔ KWGT PRO App
    KWGT https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget
    Pro key https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget.pro

    ✔ Custom launcher like a Nova launcher (Recommended)

    How to install:

    ✔ Download Flamingo and KWGT PRO application
    ✔ Long tap on your homescreen and choose Widget
    ✔ Choose KWGT Widget
    ✔ Tap on the widget and choose installed Flamingo
    ✔ Choose widget which you like.
    ✔ Enjoy!

    Special Thanks to:
    Illusioniz.team for the beautiful icon

    If the widget is not right sized use the scaling in the KWGT option to apply correctly size.

    Please contact me with any questions/issues before leaving a negative rating.
  • What Lies Underground Мод APK 1.3 4.1

    What Lies Underground Мод APK 1.3

    What Lies Underground is a first person point and click adventure. Waking far from home in an unknown place, POINT, TAP, PUZZLE and EXPLORE to access something DEEPER within. Can you discover the SECRET underground entrance?

    "This is nothing short of amazing" - Big Boss Battle

    One of the "Best new games on our forums" - TouchArcade

    Driven under cover of darkness, you awake at a mystery location. You leave the limo with a letter from the redhead driver. A secret group has set puzzles, designed not to arouse suspicion. Explore your surroundings, use objects and solve puzzles to uncover the secret underground entrance.

    Experience unique puzzles you won't find in other escape room games.

    Contains non-linear gameplay: All puzzles must be solved, but you have some flexibility over the order. A number of puzzles can be solved little by little, room by room, in a different order. This gives you a level of freedom to overcome puzzles you may find challenging and make your experience unique.

    • Many objects to collect, including the odd red herring!
    • Original soundtrack.
    • Lots of text feedback (in English).
    • Inventory Screen to select and inspect items.
    • Zoom Screen to look at clues & books.
    • Challenging puzzles to solve.
    • 16 achievements.
    • An independent game created by one person.
    • Explore and experiment, solve certain puzzles in any order.
    • Progress auto-saving.
    • Hints available at www.WhatLiesUnderground.com/hints



  • Horse Show Jumping Premium Мод APK 3.2.2841 [Paid for free][Unlimited money][Unlocked][Full][Cracked] 3.6

    Horse Show Jumping Premium Мод APK 3.2.2841 [Paid for free][Unlimited money][Unlocked][Full][Cracked]

    The world's jumping courses are waiting for you! No matter whether it's Sydney, Paris, or New York: there are no limits to you and your horse's adventures. Prove your talent and win every tournament!

    Trot, gallop and jump – show your skills on the course
    The world's biggest cities are waiting for you and your horses! Exciting and challenging courses with water obstacles and oxers demand perfect timing and team work from you and your equine companion. Can the two of you master the challenge?

    The show jumping simulation from the Horse World series!
    Following the successful horse simulation game Horse World 3D comes Horse World: Show Jumping, with even more fun and more challenges for all horse lovers! In addition to the caring for the horses in the green meadows, you'll have to face exciting tournaments and derbies all around the world.

    Equip your horses
    Each of your horses deserves its very own special equipment! Discover various saddles, saddle pads, bridles and leg wraps. Don't forget to customize your mighty steed's mane according to your taste! Happy with your new gear? Then make the most of it at the next tournament!

    Build and design your own tournament courses
    If the game's riding tracks become too easy after some practicing, we have the perfect solution for you: simply build your own courses! With our building tool, you can easily create tracks and obstacle courses for your own tournaments and competitions.

    Ride and care for a lot of different horses!
    Beautiful horses, such as Palominos, Hanoverians, Thoroughbreds, Arabians and Andalusians, are just waiting for you to care for them! These majestic horses can only do their best if they're taken good care of and if they like you. Of course, plenty of cuddles and treats are a good strategy here! As soon as the feeding and caring is done, it's time for the big tournament.

    Magical Variety
    Every now and then you need some rest from the turmoil of the big city. We have the perfect sanctuary for you and your horse. On Fantasy Island, a mystical forest awaits you with a magical waterfall. There is also a beautiful show jumping track there! Try it with the magical unicorn.

    ★ Various beautiful horses, such as Hannoverians, English Thoroughbreds, Arabians and Andalusians, are just waiting for you to care for them!
    ★ Build your own jumping courses!
    ★ Take part in the world's best derbies in New York, Paris, and many other cities
    ★ Brush and feed your companions
    ★ Together you'll win all the tournaments and set new course records
    ★ Customize your horses' equipment and manes!

    Saddle up your favorite horse and participate in the world's best and most challenging show jumping tournaments!

    Premium games offer players endless gaming fun with their favorite animals, without any in-app purchases, annoying ads, or external links. This is why premium games are perfectly suited for even our littlest animal fans. For a set price, you can get all the content and all the objects in the game from the start – just waiting to be played with! What are you waiting for? Let's start playing!
  • Arthea Wallpapers Мод APK 1.7 [Donate][Cracked][Mod Menu] 4.8

    Arthea Wallpapers Мод APK 1.7 [Donate][Cracked][Mod Menu]

    Any setup starts with a proper wallpaper. The image you see on your homescreen creates main atmosphere of a theme you want to achieve

    With Arthea this aspect is elevated to a whole new level. Thanks to custom-crafted designs with precisely picked color palletes your Android has vivid, highly aesthetic base on which you can build the dream setup!

    - elevating homescreen experience with incredible wallpapers
    - some wallpapers with pitch-black backgrounds to take full advantage of OLED displays
    - bespoke color palletes in each wallpaper
    - visual diversity organized into in-app collections
    - 400+ unique designs

    Arthea is for personal use only. Any unauthorized redistribution is highly restricted. Please respect the work of any Android developer
  • Murphy Laws Guessing Game PRO Мод APK 6 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 2

    Murphy Laws Guessing Game PRO Мод APK 6 [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    Play entertaining guessing game or just browse through hundreds of Murphy's laws! Challenge other people from all around the world and try to make it into TOP 20 highscores!

    Do you like Murphy's Laws and challenges? Our guessing game Murphy's Laws Guessing Game combines both. You can choose if you want to play a challenging guessing game in which you can compare your points with points of other people or if you just want to browse through the hundreds of best Murphy's laws in a BROWSE mode.

    There are a few different categories of Murphy's laws including love laws, technology laws, cars laws, mother laws, computer laws, teaching laws, commerce laws, toddlers laws and many other entertaining laws!

    Murphy Laws Guessing Game has no ads and no In-App purchases and can be played without internet.


    * Challenge - a must for all the people that love puzzles and guessing games.
    * Browse - browse through the hundreds of best Murphy laws.


    * Original puzzle guessing game for all ages
    * 2 game modes - Challenge and Browse
    * Hundreds of best Murphy's Laws included
    * Each game is different
    * Global leaderboards - compare your points with points of other people
    * No ads + no In-App purchases

    Thank you for choosing our app Murphy's Laws Guessing Game! If you have any question regarding our app please contact us directly via our email.

    Thank you and have fun!
  • Codewords Paid Мод APK 1.31 4.8

    Codewords Paid Мод APK 1.31

    Codeword puzzles to keep you busy during coffee break.
    This full version has 1000+ complete puzzles.

    Codewords are crossword puzzles with a twist - there are no clues.

    Instead, each letter A-Z is represented by a random number 1-26, with the same number representing the same letter throughout the puzzle.

    All you have to do is decide which letter is represented by which number.

    For example, all the 1's may be T's, all the 2's E's and so on. You are given some letters to help start off. All the letters A-Z are present in the early puzzles, with one number for each letter (later puzzles don't necessarily have all 26 letters in the grid).

    The codewords grid is displayed in full. If you are really stuck then you can reveal a letter. A great way to while away your commute!

    - zooming grid
    - cheats and answer checking
    - landscape mode

    Levels of difficulty:

    - Easy puzzles have commonly used words, and words are repeated regularly through the pack. The 'given' or starter letters are also carefully selected to make the first word or two easier to work out.

    - Medium puzzles generally have fewer repeated words throughout the pack, and some puzzles don't have all 26 letters represented, so for example Q, X and Z are often crossed off because they don't appear in that puzzle. (Excluding those uncommon letters allows us to use a greater range of words, and thus less word repeats throughout the pack.)

    - Harder puzzles have less common words, names, abbreviations, initials, multi-words, plurals, US and UK spellings, and often less starter letters. In fact, all the tricks in the book to make them a little more challenging.

    Codewords is also known as Enigma Code, Code Breaker, Cipher crosswords, Code Crackers and Kaidoku.

    If you're after a different challenge, try our Crossword apps - casual, cryptic, spiral and US style versions are all available.
  • Unicorns on Unicycles Мод APK 1.2.0 [Full] 3.4

    Unicorns on Unicycles Мод APK 1.2.0 [Full]

    Turn your horns into swords in this wacky and sweet physics-driven rainbowcore fighting game featuring jousting unicorns. Battle against other colorful unicorns on many unique levels while balancing on your trusty unicycle. Sharpen your horn and get ready for a bloody, mythical rainbow showdown!

    Game Features:
    •Single-player adventure through the multiverse where no two levels are alike.
    •More than 30 -joust levels, each with unique physical properties that change up your unicorn-sword tactics.
    •Play with your favorite Playstation, Xbox, or MFi controller.
    •Rainbows! Lots of unicorn rainbow blood.
  • Lockscreen Widgets and Drawer Мод APK 2.13.1 [Paid for free] 4.0

    Lockscreen Widgets and Drawer Мод APK 2.13.1 [Paid for free]

    A (very) long time ago, Android introduced a feature to allow you to show certain widgets on the lock screen. For some reason, this useful feature was removed with the release of Android 5.0 Lollipop, confining widgets to the home screen only.

    While some manufacturers, such as Samsung, have brought back limited versions of lock screen widgets, you're usually limited to the widgets the manufacturer has already created for you.

    Well, no more! Lockscreen Widgets brings back the functionality of yore, with some extra features. Note that Lockscreen Widgets is not designed to function on the Always-On Display.

    - Lockscreen Widgets appears as a paged "frame" on top of your lock screen.
    - Add a widget by tapping the plus button in the frame. This plus button will always be the last page.
    - Each widget you add gets its own page, or you can have multiple widgets per page.
    - You can press, hold, and drag widgets to reorder them.
    - You can press and hold widgets to remove them or edit their size.
    - Tap the frame with two fingers to enter the editing mode where you can resize and move the frame.
    - Tap the frame with three fingers to temporarily hide it. It will show up again once the display turns off and back on.
    - Any home screen widget can be added as a lock screen widget.

    Lockscreen Widgets also includes an optional Widget Drawer!

    Widget Drawer has a handle you can swipe to bring it up from anywhere, or you can use the Tasker integration or shortcut to open it however you want. The drawer is a vertically scrolling list of widgets that can be resized and moved the same way as in the Lockscreen Widgets frame.

    And this is all without ADB or root! All the basic privileges can be granted without even thinking about using a computer. Unfortunately, with Android 13 and later, you may need to use ADB or Shizuku to enable Masked Mode.

    On the topic of privileges, these are the more sensitive permissions that Lockscreen Widgets needs to function:
    - Accessibility. In order to display on the lock screen, Lockscreen Widgets' Accessibility Service must be enabled. You will be prompted to enable it if needed in the initial setup, and any time you open the app.
    - Notification Listener. This permission is only required if you want the widget frame to hide when notifications are displayed. You will be prompted if it's needed.
    - Dismiss Keyguard. In order to improve the user experience, Lockscreen Widgets will dismiss the lock screen (or show the security input view) when it detects an Activity being launched from a widget, or when you press the "Add Widget" button. This will not compromise your device's security in any way.

    And that's it. Don't believe me? Lockscreen Widgets is open source! The link is at the bottom.

    Lockscreen Widgets only works on Android Lollipop 5.1 and later because the necessary system features for displaying on the lock screen didn't exist in Lollipop 5.0. Sorry, 5.0 users.

    If you have a question, send me an email, or join the TG group: https://bit.ly/ZachareeTG. Please be as specific as possible with your problem or request.

    Lockscreen Widgets source: https://github.com/zacharee/LockscreenWidgets
    Help Translate: https://crowdin.com/project/lockscreen-widgets
  • Iris Monet [Substratum] Мод APK 1.2.9 [Paid for free][Patched] 4.8

    Iris Monet [Substratum] Мод APK 1.2.9 [Paid for free][Patched]

    Change the look of your device with this unique theme, designed with attention to every detail.

    Accent and background colors based on wallpaper.
    Custom color options for dark background.
    Support for third-party apps.
    Multiple options for quick settings panel.
    Multiple customization options for settings icons and more.


    • Support for Android 12 and higher Stock (Pixel-AOSP) and Custom ROMs AOSP based.
    • Oxygen OS, One UI, MIUI or any other OEM Skin is not currently supported.
    • Compatible with Substratum Lite engine only.
    • If you don't know how the Substratum Lite theme engine works, don't download this app without looking for information first.
    • No refunds are made after 3 days from purchase.

    List of themed apps:

    Contact: [email protected]
  • Sam Walls Мод APK 4.7.8 [Optimized] 4.0

    Sam Walls Мод APK 4.7.8 [Optimized]

    " Elevate Your Screen with Joy! Sam Walls Wallpapers

    Experience an extraordinary mobile journey with Sam Walls' unique HD wallpapers. Our collection offers a burst of colors, from dark to light ☀️, vector to abstract . Each wallpaper adds joy to your home screen.

    ✦ Custom-made HD wallpapers ️
    ✦ 1700+ high-quality options (and growing)
    ✦ Daily/weekly new arrivals
    ✦ Organized categories, with more added regularly
    ✦ Exclusive wallpapers you won't find elsewhere
    ✦ High-quality choices in various categories

    You'll love this app, and we're constantly adding stunning new wallpapers to keep you smiling whenever you glance at your screen.

    Still unsure? We offer a 100% refund if you're not satisfied. Contact us via email.

    For any issues, contact us using the options below.

    To maintain uniqueness, our app only allows setting wallpapers for the home and lock screens, no downloads or sharing.

    Artworks on Sam Walls are for personal use only. For commercial purposes, please contact us.

    ▶ **Communities:**
    Join our Discord, Facebook, and Telegram communities for updates:
    Discord: [Link](https://discord.gg/KnyQGsEF)
    Facebook: [Link](https://web.facebook.com/groups/442521436281228/)
    Telegram: [Link](https://t.me/joinchat/EdJcoQ_v24595nJnUHP7Bw)

    ▶ **Contact:**
    Feel free to reach out with requests, questions, or suggestions:
    Twitter: [Link](https://twitter.com/knocksamsummer?s=09)
    Instagram: [Link](https://www.instagram.com/knock.sam.summer/?hl=en)
    Email: [email protected] "
  • Dynamic light A12 icon pack Мод APK 2.5.3

    Dynamic light A12 icon pack Мод APK 2.5.3

    OnDynamic — это адаптивный пакет значков, предназначенный для динамического изменения цветов в зависимости от ваших обоев. Эта версия не изменяется с темной/светлой темой, поэтому сохраняет светлый вид. Если вам нужна версия, которая сохраняет темный вид или меняет цвета с темной темой, ознакомьтесь с другими моими пакетами значков.

    Значки представляют собой векторную графику, что означает, что они обеспечивают наилучшее качество изображения и детализацию.

    Поддерживаются все современные программы запуска, поддерживающие пакеты значков. Этот пакет значков не работает со стандартной программой запуска, если у вас нет возможности применять пакеты значков. Это относится к стандартному средству запуска Pixel в Android 12.

    Виджеты, показанные в предварительном просмотре, являются частью Android 12 и не включены в пакет значков!

    Обязательно повторно примените пакет значков, если значки не меняют цвет после смены обоев. Это ограничение программы запуска, а не пакет значков.

    Он включает в себя более 12000 иконок, и их число продолжает расти.

    Следующие программы запуска несовместимы:
    ABC, Action, Atom, Aviate, Evie, Flick, Lucid, M, Microsoft Launcher, Mini, Next, Google Pixel Launcher, Solo, Zero. Большинство предустановленных лаунчеров также не поддерживаются. Перед покупкой проверьте, поддерживает ли ваша системная программа запуска динамические значки.

    Убедитесь, что в вашей программе запуска есть возможность изменять форму значков. В противном случае вы получите квадратные значки.

    Рекомендуемые лаунчеры:
    Nova, Lawnchair, Apex, Niagra, Smart, Posidon, Hyperion, ADW, Holo (HD), Square
  • "Лучший загрузчик файлов модов!"