Дома / Приложение
  • Big Font (change font size) Мод APK 3.19 [Unlocked][Pro][AOSP compatible] 3.9

    Big Font (change font size) Мод APK 3.19 [Unlocked][Pro][AOSP compatible]


    Does the default system font look too small or too large? Do you want to globally change the text size?

    This app allows you to scale system font size from 25% (smaller) to 500% (bigger).

    ★ change display zoom ratio on Android 7.0 or greater devices
    ★ change system text to bold or thin on Android 12.0 or greater devices
    ★ turns your device into a magnifying glass by using camera zoom, auto-focus, and LED flash
    ★ preview the scaled text before applying
    ★ show a notification icon describing the current font size. An option is also provided to hide it
    ★ switch system font size by tapping the notification
    ★ customized the font size scale value

    • CAMERA: used for the magnifier function
    • WRITE_SETTINGS: change the font size, prevent the screen rotation during the automatic function

    You can upgrade to the PRO version by purchasing a PRO license from Google Play. PRO version adds the following additional features:
    ★ no ads
    ★ unlimited font scaling values
    ★ unlimited zoom ratio values
    ★ unlimited font weight values
    ★ 251% or above font size

    We have been selected as a Google I/O 2011 Developer Sandbox partner, for its innovative design and advanced technology.

    If you are interested in helping us to translate this app into your native language, please let me know. Thanks.

    Arabic - Ibrahim almamo
    Danish - Christian Stangegaard Kappelgaard
    Dutch - Niko Strijbol
    French - Alex...
    German - Michel Müller
    Italian - Michele Mondelli
    Japanese - Yuanpo Chang
    Polish - Dawid Zieliński
    Portuguese brazilian - Wagner Santos
    Russian - Идрис a.k.a. Мансур (IDris a.k.a. MANsur), Ghost-Unit
    Spanish - Tomás de la Puente López
    Tagalog - Angelo Laus
    Turkish - Kutay KuFTi
    Vietnamese - Nguyễn Trung Hậus
  • Mobile Counter | Internet Data Мод APK 2.3 [Premium] 3.5

    Mobile Counter | Internet Data Мод APK 2.3 [Premium]


    Avoid unnecessary costs - no mobile operator offers completely unlimited data usage. This app can save your money. Mobile Counter is the best data counter to monitor and measure your Internet traffic. The best and easiest way to check your data consumption. Mobile Counter is compatible with all providers and operators on the world
    Practical solution for a limited data volume. You can measure your data package.
    The data counter have the perfect solution to control your Internet data usage for mobile connections and WiFi connections. Helps you monitor the already consumed and remaining data volume in the current billing period.
    Mobile Counter shows the current consumption for limited data on the progress bar with a percentage. Display of daily, monthly data usage. Application can check your Internet speed for mobile and wireless connections

    Track your data usage to save money on bills - download app now.
    This is the same app like Mobile Counter 3G, WiFi but with material design (new Android 5.0 layout).

    Features of Mobile Counter app

    Bandwidth monitor for 2G, 3G, 4G (EDGE, GPRS, HSDPA,HSDPA+, LTE), monitor WiFi, GSM, CDMA data usage, internet Speed in notification, tethering data traffic via WIFI, mobile data tracker for roaming, hotspot data usage - measure wireless traffic for one SSID, schedule plan (your limited Internet data) for mobile traffic. Quota for plan is set with expiration time. Flexible solution if your Internet is limited. Alarm notification can be triggered for various events like daily usage bigger than some value, plan data less than configured value, left days to plan expiration less than defined value and much more. Each alarm can work separate, so you can define several alarm notifications in application.
    Data usage for applications, billing cycle configuration for mobile and wireless data usage
    Widgets for plan data usage, mobile and wireless traffic, notifications (support Wear devices), track historical consumption, alerts for plan data limits, real time traffic monitor (display speed for download and upload transfers)

    Facebook profile for Mobile Counter 4G Premium:

    Official website:
  • Hotspot VPN - Unlimited Proxy Мод APK 2.2.8 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.7

    Hotspot VPN - Unlimited Proxy Мод APK 2.2.8 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Hotspot VPN (bezmaksas neierobežots VPN starpniekserveris) - labākais VPN android, 100% bezmaksas VPN lietotne, 100% neierobežots VPN

    Ko jūs sagaidāt no lieliskas VPN lietotnes?
    - Neierobežots joslas platums
    - bezgalīgs to valstu saraksts, ar kurām var izveidot savienojumu visā pasaulē!
    - Vienkāršs viens klikšķis, lai izveidotu savienojumu
    - Ļoti ātrs ātrums vpn
    - atbloķējiet visas lietotnes un vietnes jebkurā valstī
    - VPN privātumam, WIFI drošībai
    - IP izzūd / IP Fake
    - Hotspot VPN
    - atbloķēt VPN VOIP (pamatojoties uz openvpn, atbalsta visu balss zvanu un videozvanu)
    - atbloķējiet APP un vietni skolai

    - 100% neierobežots bezmaksas VPN starpniekserveris!
    - Nav nepieciešama kredītkartes informācija. Netika piedāvāti izmēģinājumi.

    Vairāki VPN serveri
    - vpn Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm, ASV
    - VPN Vācijai, DE
    - vpn Indijai, IN
    - vpn Singapūrai, SG
    - vpn Kanādai, Kalifornijai
    - vpn Krievijai, RU
    - Japānas vpn, JP
    - vpn United Kindom, Lielbritānijā
    - vpn par Nederland, NL

    - Patiesi neierobežots, sesijas ātruma un joslas platuma neierobežošana, straumēšana un failu koplietošana ir atļauta.

    - atbloķējiet vietnes ar bezmaksas VPN starpniekserveri.
    - Apmeklējiet ugunsmūrus kā skolas pilnvaru, kamēr atrodaties skolā vai darbā.
    - VPN var arī atbloķēt video, kas nav pieejams jūsu valstī.
    - Atbloķējiet bloķētās vietnes, piemēram: Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook, Viber, Skype, WhatsApp, Wechat utt.

    - BEZ MAKSĀJUMU! Tas nozīmē, ka, lietojot mūsu lietotni, jūs esat absolūti anonīms un aizsargāts.
    - Visa jūsu trafika (UDP / TCP) tiek šifrēta, kamēr ir ieslēgts BEZMAKSAS VPN. Pamatojoties uz Openvpn.
    - BEZMAKSAS VPN aizsargā jūsu privātumu, pasargā jūs no trešās puses izsekošanas.
    - BEZMAKSAS VPN aizsargā tīkla trafiku, izmantojot WiFi tīklāju, pārlūkot anonīmi un droši, bez izsekošanas.

    Stabils un ātrs VPN
    - Lielākā ātruma VPN un stabils savienojums
    - Lielisks atbalsts Saūda Arābijai (SA) un Apvienotajiem Arābu Emirātiem (AAE)

    Ātrs VPN
    - 100+ bezmaksas mākoņa starpniekserveris, lai nodrošinātu labāku tīkla pakalpojumu. 100% maksimālā ātruma VPN serveris.

    - Viegli lietojams, vienkārši nospiediet pogu un pievienojiet betternet


    Kāpēc izmantot VPN

    Izmantojot VPN, jūs varat atbloķēt ne tikai ģeogrāfiski ierobežotus vai cenzētus pakalpojumus, piemēram, Facebook, Pandora un Youtube; jūsu tiešsaistes privātums un drošība tiks ievērojami nostiprināta, jo jūs sērfosiet tīmeklī pilnīgi anonīmi.

    Kāpēc Hotspot VPN

    Hotspot VPN ir 100% bezmaksas, neierobežots, nodrošināts un ļoti ērti lietojams. Lai izbaudītu neierobežotu privātumu un brīvību tiešsaistē, varat izveidot savienojumu ar jebkuru no tālāk minētajiem serveriem (Zviedrija, Lielbritānija, Dānija, Amerikas Savienotās Valstis, Nīderlande un Kanāda). Izmantojot Hotspot VPN, varat

    Piekļūstiet jebkurai vietnei jebkurā valstī. Apiet ģeogrāfiskos ierobežojumus, lai atbloķētu jebkuru vietni neatkarīgi no atrašanās vietas! Piekļūstiet vietnēm, kuras bloķē vai cenzē valdība, skola vai darbavieta. Izvairieties no ugunsmūriem, lai atbloķētu Facebook, skatītos YouTube un apietu VoIP ierobežojumus.

    Aizsargājiet savus datus no hakeriem. Kad esat izveidojis savienojumu ar publisku Wi-Fi tīklāju, jūsu vārdu, paroles un personisko informāciju var viegli apdraudēt. Hotspot VPN šifrē jūsu datus un nodrošina bankas līmeņa drošību, lai nodrošinātu vislabāko aizsardzību.

    Hotspot VPN ir viena klikšķa VPN starpniekserveris. Hotspot VPN satur tikai vienu pogu. Poga savieno jūs ar vienu no daudziem anonīmiem serveriem ar ātrumu ātrāk nekā tīmekļa starpniekserveris. Kad nedarbojaties ar mūsu lietotni, mēs palīdzēsim ietaupīt ierīces akumulatoru. Mēs esam pilnīgi neierobežots un bezmaksas VPN!

    Sērfot tīmeklī anonīmi. Izvairieties no tā, ka jūsu interneta pakalpojumu sniedzējs to pieskata, un neļaujiet vietnēm veikt reklāmu izsekošanu un mērķauditorijas atlasi. Hotspot VPN maina jūsu IP adresi, tāpēc jūsu tiešsaistes identitāte ir anonīma, un jūsu interneta aktivitāte nav pieejama ziņkārīgajiem un uzņēmumiem.

    Lūdzu, nelādējiet BitTorrent un jebkuru P2P. Pretējā gadījumā jūs bloķēsit!
    Porno vietnes un pieaugušajiem paredzēts saturs (ieskaitot Porno Torrent un Sex vietnes) nav atļauts, jūs tiksit bloķēts!
  • Power Clean - Antivirus & Phone Cleaner App Мод APK [Unlocked] 3.6

    Power Clean - Antivirus & Phone Cleaner App Мод APK [Unlocked]

    Power Clean is a light, fast & smart android phone cleaner and booster app that clean phone memory and storage space with simply 1 tap.

    Join 130+ Million users who enjoy faster phone speed & get more space on phone!

    ★Ads-free Subscription
    - Get a 3-day no ads trial for FREE!
    - Remove all ads and enjoy the premium experience.

    Power Clean phone cleaner main features
    Speed phone cleaner for Android – integrates advanced junk cleaner engine & super fast cleaners;
    Smart phone cleaner and booster – 1 tap boost & auto clean phone memory and storage space;
    Clear cache junk on Phone – system cache cleaner and clean cache creek app junk;
    Residual storage cleaner – detect & auto clean residual file by deleted app on phone;
    Advanced memory cleaner (Power boost) – cleaning junk files & optimize storage in depth.

    How does Power Clean help to clean my phone?
    ☑ Clean apps unwanted – the cleaner batch uninstall apps of less usage & auto clean their residual files;
    ☑ One tap phone cleaner – easy-to-use cache cleaner, residual file cleaner, memory cleaner, etc.;
    ☑ Memory storage cleaner – phone memory cleaner boost Android device & clear space;
    ☑ Clean cache – clear system cache, AD cache & clean apps' cache junk files;
    ☑ Obsolete APK cleaner – clean up the uninstalled APK files on your device;
    ☑ Junk photo clean up – 1 tap to scan & auto clean duplicated junk photos on your device;
    ☑ Notification clean – move & storage wanted app notification to a clear notification bar.
    ☑ Residual file cleaner app – auto clean residual junk from deleted apps;

    How does Power Clean professional cleaner help to speed up my phone?
    ⬆ 1 tap boost for slow phone – fast clean phone junk & speed up phone with one tap;
    ⬆ Storage Cleaner – optimizer for phone memory space & effective memory cleaner;
    ⬆ Clean RAM – RAM cleaner & RAM booster to clean phone RAM & speed phone;
    ⬆ Cleaner Boost – advanced phone speed boost that clean phone junk thoroughly.

    Power Clean antivirus booster and cleaner
    Antivirus for android phones free that clean phone virus;
    Virus scanner - virus detector to scan virus in depth;
    virus cleaner - clean virus effectively protect phone security;
    24/7 virus protection - virus cleaner to protect against virus all the time.

    Power Clean phone cleaner more Android utilities
    App manager for Android with phone app cleaner to clean app
    App lock pro: app lock with password and gesture to protect app privacy;
    CPU monitor & CPU cooler for android that stops overheating apps & settings;
    Within the cleaner, Power Battery saver that optimize power consumption & battery charging.

    Power Clean phone cleaner Facebook
    Power Clean phone cleaner Google+

    Power Clean App fights against deceptive ads
    Power Clean is committed to fighting against misleading downloads.
    Official policy
    [email protected]
  • TorrSE - Torrent Search Engine Мод APK 1.7.5 3.5

    TorrSE - Torrent Search Engine Мод APK 1.7.5


    The TorrSE app can help you with the torrent client to download your favorite torrents to your device. It can search for torrentss faster and more easily from multiple torrent search sites. You can choose the search type that is right for your device. You can easily view a list of torrent files, control your favorite torrent search site, set your favorite theme, have a beautiful user interface, and have no ads. This app does not integrate any third-party services, so won't get any of your private information, as this is a local crawler tool app.

    Key Features:
    Ability to search from multiple torrent search sites simultaneously
    Support setting search type
    Support for RSS subscriptions
    Support for setting application theme (can be random)
    Support for setting the default torrent client
    Can Free to move and modify the search source (search source is the website)
    Can view torrent file list and tracker list
    Can save and search suggestions for the keywords you enter
    Can collect your favorite torrent information
    Can save the torrent information you browse (supports query by day)
    Can Protects the information you enter and view (pattern lock)
    Support for quick search (TorrSE Search will be displayed after copying text)
    No ads, the best user experience

    Explain the local crawler
    The local crawler is similar to the browser on your phone, and everything is done locally, but the browser renders the page. The local crawler only takes some separate data from the webpage. All the rules for crawling the webpage are local. As long as the webpage changes its structure, these rules will be invalid and no data will be displayed.

    This software is a local crawler tool. Users need to take full responsibility for the results searched by this software. This application does not support downloading, not providing, does not store any torrent files, and only crawls website data to provide search service. If there is any infringement, please contact the website.

    1️⃣ Magnetic link needs to be used with the torrent client
    2️⃣ If you do not remember the previous configuration after modifying the search source, you can synchronize the search source.

    If the TorrSE app is helpful, please rate me .
    If you need feedback, please send an email to [email protected] and I will make it even better.

    Thank you for using TorrSE.
  • Fast Battery Charging Мод APK 1.10 [Premium] 3.9

    Fast Battery Charging Мод APK 1.10 [Premium]


    Tired of slow charging? Fast Battery Charging definitely will help you getting your mobile charged faster atleast by 20-45% faster then your regular charging speed. The app automatically activates fast charging when you connect your mobile to the charger. You can customize Fast Charging mode between Saving Mode, Sleeping Mode and Customize mode. Each mode has different settings and you can choose the one which suits you best. In Customize mode your can set your own settings.
    How does this app Charge Faster ?
    It has simple working mechanism, On connecting your phone to the charger, the app changes the phone settings to minimize the use of your battery so charging becomes faster. On disconnecting the charger the phone settings get back to normal.

    How to charge fast.
    - On connecting the phone, a screen saver appears. You just need to click on the Optimize Now to fast charge your phone. The app works only when you click Optimize Now.
    - You can choose from settings Fast charging mode from Saving mode, Sleeping mode and Customize mode (You own settings).
    - The app displays Battery percentage, Mobile Temperature, Battery Voltage and Battery Health.
    - The app has short cut buttons of Wifi, Bluetooth, GPS, Flight Mode, Mobile data, Ringtone Volume, Brightness and Screen timeout. You can adjust all these functions from the app itself.

    Do let use know how much the Fast Charging has helped you for Faster Charging your Phone, in the comment section.
  • Szybkie Memo Мод APK 1.7.5 [Unlocked] 3.9

    Szybkie Memo Мод APK 1.7.5 [Unlocked]


    Możesz zostawić notatkę tak szybko, jak szybko konieczności stosowania zawsze na wierzchu.
    Można również napisać tylko z dłoni łatwo.

    * Funkcja
    - Uruchom aplikację z paska powiadomień
    - Uruchom aplikację z długim naciśnięciu klawisza wyszukiwania
    - Napisz notatkę na ekranie widać już teraz
    - Biały, Żółty tło jest dostępna
    - Zapisz notatkę i podzielić się nim ze znajomymi

    * Używaj funkcji przechwytywania w telefonie komórkowym, gdy tło jest przezroczyste

    / / Jak wziąć zrzuty ekranu Android / /

    * ICS wersja
    klawisz zasilania + głośności,

    * Wersja 2.x
    Galaxy HD, Galaxy S2: przycisk zasilania + klucz do domu
    Galaxy S: moc + klawisz z powrotem klucz
    Galaxy Tab: powrót + klawisz głośności w górę klucz
    vega racer: moc klucz + klucz do domu
    Atrix: przechwytywania ekranu z 'grabber ekranu' aplikacji
  • GCam Tool Мод APK 2.33 [Unlocked] 3.5

    GCam Tool Мод APK 2.33 [Unlocked]


    GCam Tool จะย้ายรูปภาพที่ถ่ายด้วยกล้อง Google ไปยังโฟลเดอร์ใด ๆ ที่คุณต้องการโดยอัตโนมัติแม้กระทั่งการ์ดหน่วยความจำ มันสามารถป้องกันการพลิกภาพเซลฟี่เพื่อให้รูปถ่ายของกล้องด้านหน้าถูกบันทึกเช่นเดียวกับที่คุณเห็นในภาพตัวอย่าง

    นอกจากนี้ยังจะย้ายภาพถ่ายแนวตั้งที่ถ่ายด้วย Google Camera ไปยังตำแหน่งแกลเลอรีที่ถูกต้องโดยอัตโนมัติ นี่คือวิธีการทำงาน:

    เมื่อคุณถ่ายภาพบุคคล (ด้วยกล้อง DSLR เช่นพื้นหลังเบลอ) ด้วยกล้อง Google มันจะถ่ายภาพในโหมดถ่ายภาพต่อเนื่อง - ภาพปกติหนึ่งภาพและภาพเบลอหนึ่งภาพ รูปภาพเหล่านี้จะถูกบันทึกไว้ในโฟลเดอร์ใหม่ (สร้างทุกครั้งที่คุณถ่ายภาพ) ภายในแกลเลอรี่ภาพถ่ายของคุณ

    GCam Tool จะย้ายรูปภาพที่คุณต้องการ (ปกติแนวตั้งหรือทั้งสองอย่าง) ไปยังตำแหน่งที่คุณเลือกและลบที่เหลือ

    ✔หมุนเซลฟีเพิ่มเติมสำหรับโทรศัพท์ Xiaomi
    ✔ตัวเลือกเพื่อลบโฟลเดอร์ย่อยที่สร้างโดย Google Camera

    ดาวน์โหลด GCam Tool วันนี้และลดความซับซ้อนของการจัดระเบียบรูปภาพที่ถ่ายด้วย Google Camera!


    หลังจากที่คุณถ่ายภาพกล้องหน้าโปรดตรวจสอบในแอปแกลเลอรีของบุคคลที่สามเช่น QuickPic หรือ Piktures แกลเลอรี่ใน Google Camera บางครั้งช้าเพื่อรีเฟรชภาพพลิก แต่ในความเป็นจริงแล้วภาพจะต้องพลิกอย่างถูกต้อง

    เพราะเหตุใดเครื่องมือ GCam จึงหยุด / หยุดเอง
    โทรศัพท์บางรุ่นอาจฆ่าแอปในพื้นหลังเพื่อประหยัดแบตเตอรี่ โปรดไปที่ www.dontkillmyapp.com เพื่อเรียนรู้วิธีตรวจสอบให้แน่ใจว่าระบบ GCam Tool ไม่ถูกฆ่าโดยระบบ

    นี่อาจเป็นกรณีของแกลเลอรีในแอป Google Camera อีกครั้งไม่ได้รีเฟรชรูปภาพอย่างถูกต้อง หลังจากที่คุณถ่ายเซลฟี่แล้วโปรดตรวจสอบในตัวจัดการไฟล์ของบุคคลที่สาม (Solid Explorer, ES File Explorer) หรือแกลเลอรี่ (QuickPic, Piktures) พวกเขาจะต้องย้าย

    แอพ Google Camera ที่ถูกดัดแปลงบางตัวบันทึกภาพถ่ายแนวตั้งใน DCIM / Camera แทนการสร้างโฟลเดอร์ย่อยใน DCIM / Camera เปิด Google Camera ค้นหา การตั้งค่า -> ขั้นสูง -> บันทึกภาพโหมดแนวตั้งทั้งหมดไปยังโฟลเดอร์เดียวกัน และ ปิดการใช้งาน

    ฉันต้องบันทึกเฉพาะภาพถ่ายบุคคล (พื้นหลังเบลอโบเก้) ฉันควรเลือกการตั้งค่าแบบใด
    ในการตั้งค่าภายใต้ "Portrait Photos" โปรดเปิดใช้งาน "ย้ายรูปถ่ายแนวตั้งไปยังโฟลเดอร์เป้าหมาย" ในขณะที่ปิดการใช้งาน "ย้ายรูปถ่ายปกติไปยังโฟลเดอร์เป้าหมาย" ตอนนี้เฉพาะภาพพื้นหลังเบลอที่จะถูกย้ายไปยังโฟลเดอร์เป้าหมายในขณะที่ภาพปกติจะถูกลบ

    ข้อตกลงกับ Motion Photos คืออะไร
    เป็นรูปแบบกรรมสิทธิ์ที่พัฒนาโดย Google ซึ่งมีการฝังวิดีโอไว้ในรูปภาพ ไม่ควรมีปัญหาใด ๆ กับการย้ายภาพเคลื่อนไหวไปยังโฟลเดอร์เป้าหมาย แต่หากคุณเปิดใช้งาน "ป้องกันการพลิกภาพเคลื่อนไหว" ภาพถ่ายเคลื่อนไหวดังกล่าวจะถูกแปลงเป็นไฟล์ JPEG ปกติและจะทำให้วิดีโอที่ฝังอยู่หายไป

    เพื่อป้องกันไม่ให้เซลฟีพลิกเครื่องมือ GCam พยายามระบุว่ากล้องถ่ายรูปมาจากไหน เพื่อที่จะเข้าถึงโมดูลกล้องและอ่านพารามิเตอร์ของกล้องด้านหน้าและด้านหลัง แต่โทรศัพท์บางรุ่นไม่ได้ให้ข้อมูลนี้อย่างถูกต้อง ในกรณีเช่นนี้เครื่องมือ GCam จะอ่านพารามิเตอร์จากรูปภาพที่คุณเลือกในโหมดแมนนวลแทน

    ไม่มีปัญหา. โปรดส่งอีเมลฉันที่ [email protected] ฉันชอบที่จะทำงานกับผู้ใช้ของฉันเพื่อแก้ไขปัญหาของพวกเขา

    พัฒนาโดย Naveen Naushad, AppTuners

    คำเตือน: - Google Camera เป็นทรัพย์สินของ Google LLC แอพนี้ไม่ได้เชื่อมต่อกับ Google หรือ Google Camera มันเป็นเครื่องมือที่พัฒนาอย่างอิสระที่สามารถใช้ในการจัดระเบียบรูปภาพที่ถ่ายด้วย Google Camera
  • Smart Lockscreen protector Мод APK 2.4.3 [Premium] 4.0

    Smart Lockscreen protector Мод APK 2.4.3 [Premium]


    Ram cleaners must exclude my app
    Android M introduced doze and may affect the app from running on background, some users added to the "whitelist" or not optimize for better performance

    The first app to fix a security flag from your android, prevent to unwanted users turn off, mute or set airplane your device when they are in the lockscreen and bypassing the code.
    *This app will not block for Long press power button (10 seconds) since its hardware related.*
    "Ideal for avoiding shut down the device in the pocket"
    *This app can block status bar (it may not work on all devices) only in the lockscreen
    * Battery Friendly
    *Small and compact
    * Useful for security apps like Cerberus or find your phone from Google, you don't want people can turn off the device so easily

    This App may work or may NOT work (working on 90% of devices including lollipop and marshmallow) .
    *No root
  • Text Repeater Мод APK 5.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][Pro][No Ads] 3.7

    Text Repeater Мод APK 5.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][Pro][No Ads]


    કી સુવિધાઓ:

    - પુનરાવર્તન લખાણ: ટેક્સ્ટ રિપીટર મોડ! લખાણ અથવા ઇમોજિસ એક જ વાર લખો અને તમને ગમે તેટલી વાર પુનરાવર્તન કરો!
    - રેન્ડમ ટેક્સ્ટ: રેન્ડમ અક્ષરો, ઇમોજિસ, નંબર અથવા તે બધા બનાવો!
    - ટેક્સ્ટ rationsપરેશંસ: બદલો, મેચ કરો, ઉલટા કરો અને ઘણા વધુ શબ્દમાળા કામગીરી કરો!
    - સ્ટાઇલિશ ટેક્સ્ટ: તમારા ટેક્સ્ટને સ્ટાઇલિશ કરવા માટે ઘણી શૈલીઓમાંથી પસંદ કરો!
    - ઇમોજી અનુવાદક: ટેક્સ્ટને ઇમોજીમાં કન્વર્ટ કરો અને ઘણું બધું!
    - ઇમોજીને ટેક્સ્ટ: ઇમોજીસ અથવા અક્ષરોથી ટેક્સ્ટ બનાવો!
    - ASCII ઇમોટિકોન્સ: ASCII ઇમોટિકોન્સ દ્વારા તમારી લાગણીઓ વ્યક્ત કરો!
    - ખાલી ટેક્સ્ટ: ખાલી ટેક્સ્ટ મોકલો અને તમારા મિત્રોને આશ્ચર્ય આપો!

    - જનરેટેડ ટેક્સ્ટ સંશોધિત કરો !
    - બધા મોટા સામાજિક પ્લેટફોર્મ પર શેર કરો અથવા તેને ક .
    - વ onટ્સએપ પર લોકોને તેમના નંબરો બચાવ્યા વિના મોકલો !
    - કોઈપણ મેસેજિંગ એપ્લિકેશન પર તમે મિત્રો સ્પામ .
    - << કોઈ બેકગ્રાઉન્ડ સેવાઓ નથી બેટરી બચાવવા માટે.
  • Magisk Manager Мод APK 7.3.0 3.5

    Magisk Manager Мод APK 7.3.0


    Magisk Manager is the official app for managing root on Android devices. After unlocking the boot loader and flashing the corresponding file to root your device, Magisk Manager allows you to manage root permissions and grant them to the applications that request it. For added security, you can enable biometric verification in Magisk Manager, so that only the super-user permission is granted via fingerprint or face detection.

    Magisk Manager also allows you to install additional root-related modules. For example, you can install SafetyNet Fix, which helps you to hide certain apps that your device is rooted, as well as the boot loader is unlocked.

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    From Magisk Manager's settings, you can also install Magisk with Zygisk, which allows developers to create more efficient modules by preloading the resources to be used in the system's memory. You can also choose the apps in which to hide the root, so that you can use them without problems or limits. Among them, you find games and banking and payment apps, which can limit functions if your device is rooted.

    The root offered by Magisk is "systemless", i.e., it does not modify the system partition and is less intrusive than other methods in the past. However, the user-side functionality is the same.

    If you want to manage the root on your Android device, download Magisk Manager APK.

    Translated by Uptodown Localization Team Requirements (Latest version) Android 6.0 or higher required Frequent questions What is Magisk Manager for?

    Magisk Manager is the most widely used root tool on Android. With this app, you can manage apps with superuser permissions, as well as hide the root to other apps so that they work properly.

    Is it possible to root a device with Magisk Manager?

    With Magisk Manager, you can root your Android device. However, it's necessary to unlock the bootloader and flash a modified boot that allows superuser permissions.

    Is Magisk Manager the best Android root app?

    Magisk Manager is the best tool for root permissions on Android. It is the most widespread, flexible, and easy-to-use option thanks to its "systemless" flashing mode, which does not modify the Android system partition. In addition, it is compatible with all devices on the market after Android 8.

    Is it possible to install Magisk Manager without root?

    It's possible to install Magisk Manager without having root permissions on the device, but you can't root your device unless you've completed the previous steps. So it will tell you if you've successfully completed the steps you need in order to enjoy root permissions.

  • Handwriting memo 4.0

    Handwriting memo "a Paper" Мод APK 1.3.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][Unlocked][No Ads]


    Această aplicație oferă o foaie de hârtie pentru a scrie pamflete ideile tale fără limite.
    zona de desen și senzație de scriere nețărmurit naturale sunt cele mai mari caracteristici.

    - Zona de desen Nemărginită
    - Senzație de scris natural de o perioadă de trei tipuri de stilou
    - Interfață simplă și intuitivă de utilizare
    - Pornire rapidă și răspuns
    - Undo nelimitat / redo
    - Spune-le prietenilor ca imagine
    - Vizualizare Zoom si linefeed
    - Marcatorul stilou (pen semitransparent) suport
    - Sprijin peisajului
    - Salvare automată prin butonul înapoi Android lung transvazare
    - Cinci tipuri de linii: Nici unul condus / Orizontal / Vertical / Cross / Muzică (notație personal)
  • Purchased Apps (Reinstall your Мод APK 2.4.2 [Premium] 3.6

    Purchased Apps (Reinstall your Мод APK 2.4.2 [Premium]




    & # 8226; & # 8195; ดูจำนวนเงินที่คุณใช้จ่ายในร้านค้า
    & # 8226; & # 8195; เลือกสกุลเงินที่คุณต้องการ
    & # 8226; & # 8195; กรองแอปที่ติดตั้งไว้แล้วหรือการซื้อในแอปออก
    & # 8226; & # 8195; ส่งออก / แบ่งปันรายการแอปที่ต้องชำระเงินของคุณ
    & # 8226; & # 8195; รองรับหลายบัญชี


  • INTERNET SPEED TEST Мод APK 5.5.0 [Premium] 3.7

    INTERNET SPEED TEST Мод APK 5.5.0 [Premium]


    This tool allows you to measure your Internet connection easily and quickly.

    Main features:
    * Results in real time.
    * Compatible with Wi-Fi router networks: DSL, ADSL, fiber or cable.
    * Compatible with mobile networks: 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G.
    * Includes download speed, upload and ping.
    * History with the most recent tests.
  • Easy VPN | Free 195 countries VPN Мод APK 6.3.2 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.6

    Easy VPN | Free 195 countries VPN Мод APK 6.3.2 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Easy VPN app lets you to choose from 195 countries for free to surf Internet.

    This VPN app is super fast VPN, total free VPN for client.
    Easy to use, one click to connecting VPN.
    Unlimited bandwidth and unlimited free use time.

    * Protect your privacy, keep you safe from 3rd party tracking
    * Unblock geographically restricted websites
    * No registration required, no settings required
    * No speed limitation, no bandwidth limitation
    * One-click to connecting VPN
    * No root access needed
    * Encrypts your internet traffic
    * Top server speed & reliability
    * Using most secure VPN solution

    # Unlimited Bandwidth to use
    # Endless list of countries to connect to worldwide!
    # Simple one click to connect
    # Super fast speed proxy
    # Proxy any apps and sites in any country
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    Where are you? Doesn't matter!
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    Easy VPN - is all you need!
    This beautifully made app will hide your real IP thus you can
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    Your privacy is our only goal !!!

    Its Free and will always be for life time so please bear the ads.

    free vpn
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  • Auto Call Recorder Мод APK 6.6 [Premium] 3.9

    Auto Call Recorder Мод APK 6.6 [Premium]


    How to record a telephone conversation? Let's record the voice while you're on a phone call now! You can record calls at both ends of the call in unlimited time with our FREE Android call recorder.
    Auto Call Recorder is a free application to record calls.
    Call Recorder offers a unique set of functions that will allow you to record any call automatically. It's one of the best call recorders in the Play Store.
    This is a free automatic call recorder application that receives and receives the best sound quality.
    You can record calls automatically, record anonymous calls, record important calls.
    The call logger is very easy to use, you can define which calls are recorded in the whitelist and which are ignored.
    Our outbound call recording applications are easy to use with a simple and intuitive interface.
    You can choose phone numbers from the phonebook or record automatically.
    The list of recorded files will be stored and optimized for you in the phone call recorder while on the phone.
    Key Features of the Telephone Recorder on Both Sides of the Conversion:
    A. Automatically calling incoming and outgoing recording

    2017 automatic call recorder with many functions.
    - Record calls automatically with high quality during your incoming or outgoing calls.
    - Organize your call records. You can see the list of files in order by hour, by name.
    - You can listen to recordings, see detailed information about files such as: size, location
    - You can record recordings on an SD card.
    - Call the control with volume control inside the calling application.
    - Call Log History
    - Record all phone conversations.
    - Play recorded audio conversations.
    - Mark records how important
    - Keep calling the call without affection, the application will run smoothly in the background
    - Displays the confirmation dialog box to save the recorded call. Ask immediately after the call and set the options.
    - Supports many recording formats (mp3, AMR, WAV)
    - Support white list, all numbers or contacts in the white list will be saved.
    - Support the blacklist, the blacklisted number will be ignored
    - Able to adjust the source (microphone, voice call, video camera)
    - Option to activate / deactivate the recording of an incoming call
    - Option to enable / disable logging of outgoing calls
    - Set password to protect privacy
    - Locks and protects registered items to prevent automatic cleaning.
    - Record a phone call (phone recorder)
    - Audio recorder, voice recorder for both parts of the call.
    - Possibility of making a hidden call recorder without alert or notification during the call
    - record one-touch phone calls, record a call to start or stop services, activate the automatic call recording mode
    - File Sharing: you can easily share your file to remember through popular services like SMS, Email, Dropbox, ...

    Available soon:
    - Fix and launch a new free call to all devices, currently does not work for some devices, honestly!
    - Call record with noise elimination.
    - Programmer for call recorder
    - Record phone calls to VOIP applications, not just for phone calls
    - Identify the caller ID, look for the true caller ID, the unknown caller ID, and the unknown number, a way of knowing who is calling you.

    Download the phone recording application in two ways at this time, the best call recorder for you and I hope you enjoy this 2 way phone recorder application.

    Note: This phone book record does not support you when you make video calls on the SocialNetwork.
    Download the call recording application right now to save.
    If you have any personal registration requests, please contact the developer.
    Sincerely thank you, do not forget to rate 5 *.
  • Deleted Photo: Recovery & Restore Мод APK 1.7 [Unlocked] 3.6

    Deleted Photo: Recovery & Restore Мод APK 1.7 [Unlocked]


    Live life tension free even if you have deleted your important or precious photos from your device. Coz we have created a specially designed app to recover all your lost, deleted or hidden photos from your device with a single click. View and select the images you would like to restore from your phone.

    - Search for Lost, Hidden & Deleted photos or images.
    - Find your images from the folder.
    - Select multiple photos you want to restore.
    - Have a peace of mind after getting your images back with you.

    Download it now. Its Free. No need to root your phone.
  • Androoster (Tweaking Toolbox) Мод APK 1.3.18 [Unlocked] 4.4

    Androoster (Tweaking Toolbox) Мод APK 1.3.18 [Unlocked]


    એન્ડ્રોસ્ટર શું છે?
    એન્ડ્રોસ્ટર એ ઓપન સોર્સ એન્ડ્રોઇડ ટ્વીક ટૂલબોક્સ છે.
    તે તમારા ઉપકરણને ઠંડુ, ઝડપી અને પ્રતિભાવશીલ રાખવામાં તમારી સહાય કરવા માટે બનાવવામાં આવ્યું છે.

    આદર્શ રીતે, તમારા ઉપકરણના હાર્ડવેર અને તમારી વ્યક્તિગત જરૂરિયાતોને આધારે, તમે એન્ડ્રોસ્ટર માટે તમારા મૂલ્યની વસ્તુઓને સુધારવા માટે અને તમને જરૂરી ન હોય તેવા અન્યને ઘટાડવા માટે પરિમાણોનો સમૂહ શોધી શકો છો.

    ઑન-ઑફ ટ્વિક્સનો સંગ્રહ હોવાથી, તમે ઇચ્છો તે પરિમાણોના સેટને સક્ષમ/અક્ષમ કરી શકો છો. સુયોજનોને ટ્યુન (અથવા આંખની કીકી) કરવા માટે અમુક ચોક્કસ ડિગ્રીની કુશળતાની જરૂર હોવા છતાં, તમે સતત અનુભવો છો તે પ્રદર્શન ફેરફારો અનુસાર તમે તમારા ટ્વિક્સને રિફાઇન કરી શકો છો.

    મુખ્ય ટેકઅવે એ છે કે સાર્વત્રિક ઝટકો / બૂસ્ટર જેવી કોઈ વસ્તુ નથી. તેના બદલે, તમે તે નિયુક્ત વિસ્તારોમાં કાર્યક્ષમતા વધારવા અને અનિવાર્ય પરિણામોને અધોગતિના સ્વીકાર્ય માર્જિનમાં રાખવા માટે તમે જે વસ્તુઓને સૌથી વધુ મૂલ્યવાન છો તે મુજબ તમે સેટિંગ્સને ટ્યુન કરી શકો છો (અને જોઈએ).
    (એટલે ​​​​કે, મજબૂત પ્રદર્શન સુધારણા બેટરીની અવધિને ઘટાડે છે, અને તેનાથી વિપરીત, દરેક ઉપકરણ અને OS માટે અલગ રીતે)

    એન્ડ્રોસ્ટર સુવિધાઓ
    • CPU ટ્યુનિંગ
    • ગવર્નર સ્વિચર
    • લો મેમરી કિલર એડિટર
    • રનટાઇમ મેમરી સુધારણા
    • સ્લીપ મોડ ટ્યુનર
    • સ્લીપર્સ ઓપ્ટિમાઇઝેશન
    • કર્નલ એડવાન્સ્ડ એડિટર
    • FStrim ઉપયોગિતા
    • I/O બૂસ્ટર
    • હોસ્ટનામ સંપાદક
    • નેટવર્ક બફર
    • ઝડપી નિષ્ક્રિયતા
    • અદ્યતન ડીબગ મોનિટર
    • GPS રૂપરેખાંકન
    • એનિમેશન સ્પીડ ટ્વીકર
    • JPEG ગુણવત્તા ઑપ્ટિમાઇઝર
    • 270° પરિભ્રમણ સક્ષમ
    • 16 બીટ પારદર્શિતા સક્ષમ
    • બેક બટન લાઇટ ટ્યુનર

    - રૂટ કરેલ ઉપકરણ
    - BusyBox ઇન્સ્ટોલેશન

    એન્ડ્રોસ્ટર શું છે?
    એન્ડ્રોસ્ટર એ ગ્રાઉન્ડબ્રેકિંગ ટૂલબોક્સ છે, જે નવીનતમ સુવિધાઓ અને ફેરફારોથી ભરપૂર છે.
    તે તમારા ઉપકરણને ઠંડુ, ઝડપી અને પ્રતિભાવશીલ રાખવામાં તમારી સહાય કરવા માટે બનાવવામાં આવ્યું છે.

    મુખ્ય લક્ષણો
    નવા નિશાળીયા અને અદ્યતન વપરાશકર્તાઓ બંને માટે ઘણા બધા ફેરફારો છે, જે સક્ષમ થવાથી તમારા ઉપકરણને ઓછી પ્રોફાઇલ રાખીને તેની ટોચ પર પહોંચી જશે.
    તમામ હેક્સ સરળતાથી અલગ-અલગ કેટેગરીઝ જેમ કે “CPU”, “મેમરી”, “કર્નલ” અથવા “ગ્રાફિક્સ” હેઠળ જૂથબદ્ધ કરવામાં આવે છે, જેથી તેઓને શોધવા અને મેનેજ કરવામાં સરળતા રહે.

    સંપૂર્ણ સુસંગતતા અને સુરક્ષા આપવા માટે, દરેક એક ઝટકો ઉલટાવી શકાય તેવું છે. તમારું ઉપકરણ કાયમી ધોરણે બદલાશે નહીં, અને જ્યારે પણ તેની જરૂર હોય, ત્યારે તમે હંમેશા અને ઝડપથી તમારી મૂળ સિસ્ટમ સ્થિતિને બેકઅપમાંથી પુનઃસ્થાપિત કરી શકો છો જેને તમે એન્ડ્રોસ્ટરમાં સમર્પિત પૃષ્ઠથી મેનેજ કરી શકો છો.
    વધુમાં, AES256 એન્ક્રિપ્શનનો ઉપયોગ આંતરિક રૂપરેખાંકન ફાઇલોને સુરક્ષિત રાખવા માટે થાય છે.

    એન્ડ્રોસ્ટર ઓપન સોર્સ છે અને કોડ https://github.com/cioccarellia/androoster પર ઉપલબ્ધ છે

    ઉપયોગ અને અસ્વીકરણ
    એન્ડ્રોસ્ટરનું પરીક્ષણ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે અને તે કાર્યક્ષમ અને સલામત હોવાનું સાબિત થયું છે: જો કે, તેની સાથે કોઈ વોરંટી આવતી નથી. તમે તમારા કાર્યો માટે જવાબદાર છો. જો તમે તમારા ઉપકરણને ઈંટ લગાવો છો, તેને બિનઉપયોગી બનાવો છો, તેને નુકસાન પહોંચાડો છો, તમારો ડેટા ગુમાવો છો અથવા કોઈપણ અન્ય ઘટનાને કારણે તમે એક માત્ર અને એકમાત્ર જવાબદાર વ્યક્તિ હશો. તમે કોઈપણ રીતે તમારા ફોનને જે પણ નુકસાન પહોંચાડી શકો છો તેના માટે હું જવાબદાર નથી.
  • File Manager Мод APK 1.38 [Unlocked] 3.8

    File Manager Мод APK 1.38 [Unlocked]


    File manager is the one of best file explorer, file tool for android device manager with powerful features: Copy, cut, paste, rename, compress, transfer, upload …
    File manager app is free, really easy to use with file organizer by category: Images, Music, Movies, Documents, Apps,...
    You can easily manage your files and folders on device, manage local and remote/cloud storage.

    - Browser files easily by category: documents and data, images, videos, music, applications, downloaded, and favorites.
    - Manage all files and folders in local device storage, files and folders in SD Card. Browse file system, whole storage systems via the app
    - Support Wi-Fi mode & created hotspot for file sharing
    - Storage analysis: analyze local storages to clean up useless files.
    - File transfer: Transfer apps, images, music, documents, movies via Wifi
    - File manager: Manage your files with cut, copy, paste, rename, and compress operations from a microSD card, LAN, or Cloud storage
    - Access file in LAN: Manage files within your LAN Wifi via HTTP
    - Cloud storages: Supports cloud drive accounts such as Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, Box
    - Images: Manage image and picture files your storages. Preview: bmp, gif, jpg, png...
    - Audios: Manage music and sound related files. Audio formats: wav, mp3, ogg, es, flac, m4p, wav, wma...
    - Videos: Manage video files in device. Video formats: asf, avi, flv, mp4, mpeg, wmv...
    - Document organizer for my documents, document storage: Manage all document files in device. File formats: doc, ppt, pdf, es...
    - Apps: View all applications installed in device. You can stop or delete apps, delete data or cash of apps, backup app as apk file.
    - Downloads: Manager all files, that were downloaded in your device
    - PC file transfer (shareit via wifi): Easy to transfer files, music transfer, transfer photos to PC, fastest way to sharefile, share photos & share music.
    - Store analyzer: analyzer files and folders
    - Audio manager, document manager
    - Zip tools: Easy to compress files by using various zarchiver tools like zip, winzip, rar, winrar, 7zip
    - Compress formats supported: zip, rar, 7z, 7zip, tar gz, tgz
    - Integrated file unzipper, unarchiver tools: You can extract files immediately within the app and don't need install third-party app
    - Easy to unzip files, unrar using zip file extractor like 7z extractor, zip file opener free
    - Sd card manager: Tools for sd card manager like: usage volume, copy, cut, paste, move files & send to sd card
    - Data manager & data transfer: file sharing using various methods: email, sms, … & file transfer to PC via http file transfer protocol
    - Fileshare by creating a shere link, file upload from local to cloud
    - File search: search for file & folder

    Download file manager app now if you want a great file manager, file explorer tool of Android.

  • FE File Explorer - Document, Apps, File Manager Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked] 4.0

    FE File Explorer - Document, Apps, File Manager Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked]


    FE File Explorer - Document, Apps, Data, File Manager and file manager is easy and powerful file explorer for Android devices. File explorer features a material design UI and new ways to transfer your files between devices or computers. A secure tool that helps you find file faster, manage files easily and share them offline with others. It supports a cool feature is a quick search, moving, deleting, opening, and sharing files, as well as renaming, unzipping, or copy-paste. The file manager also recognizes multiple file formats, including music, videos, images, documents, APKs, and zip-files. It also lets you backup installed apps and see the running process info from developer tools section within the app. Now available with custom colors select and use your favorite color. All your files whether they are stored in your device's memory, microSD card, local area network, and cloud storage accounts.

    Features of File Explorer - Document, Apps, Data, File Manager:

    # Customized your own file manager completely.
    # You can now apply the themes of your choice.
    # Let you manage hidden file and folder.
    # Settings from the system without rooting.
    # All directory information with all details.
    # Files are organized into categories by their formats.
    # Media player and pop-up audio player.

    File manager & Folder manager: Manage your files with cut, copy, paste, rename, and compress operations. Sender transfer apps, images, movies, documents, without using mobile data and cables. Support same Wi-Fi mode and auto-created hotspot.

    File transfer & File explorer: The ultimate set of file management tools for root users. Provides access to the entire file system and all data directories, and allows the user to change permissions. You can copy and paste files between Bluetooth-ready devices. Wi-Fi file transfer uses your pc to wirelessly edit your mobile files using FTP.

    Manage your apps: You can manage the apps installed on your mobile device. Compress files to save space of your storage and extract compressed files in zipping and RAR formats.

    Remote file access: Storage supports Dropbox, box.net, SugarSync, google drive, one drive(Skydrive), amazon s3, Yandex and more clouds platforms. Functions as FTP and WebDAV client have managed files on FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and WebDAV servers just like you manage files on your SD card. Access your home pc through your smartphone via wifi with smb.

    Analyze & manage your storage: File explorer provides visualized storage analysis so that you can quickly scan the available space and manage it. The recycle bin also helps you easily manage your storage.

    Easy file browsing: Browse files easily by category right from file manager's home screen applications, downloaded, and favorites.

    Disk tools: Storage analyzer, recycle bin and hidden cabinet let you manage your disk easily with file explorer - document, apps, data, file manager.

    This is es file explorer pro with file organizer for file browser and file master to best file manager app. App analyzer or astro file manager tools to file explorer for pc for memory file and my files app like android file transfer for windows explorer or app files. This is google file manager form file manager simple mobile tools with material file manager and remote file manager basic. A solid explorer unlocker is a solid explorer file manager unlocker with EZ file explorer pro is file transfer app. A download files app with file downloader app and storage manager app or android file browser app for file commander app download to sd file manager HD. App manager move to sd card to app lock. An access files by category to all kinds of files and browse files by category. The local explorer with file manager zip rar to remote file explorer and root file explorer is iPhone file explorer to download file manager android.

    Download and give us a review of File Explorer - Document, Apps, Data, File Manager.
  • XZip - zip unzip unrar utility Мод APK 0.2.9182 [Unlocked] 3.5

    XZip - zip unzip unrar utility Мод APK 0.2.9182 [Unlocked]


    XZip is an application to unzip and unrar archives and extract original set of files.
    * XZip can open .zip, .rar, .b1, as well as 34 other formats;
    * open password-protected zip, rar and 7z;
    * browse files inside archives without actual extraction;
    * partial extract - extract only selected files, not the whole archive;
    * create password-protected zip and b1 archives.

    Main features:
    * open zip files (unzip), open rar files (unrar);
    * open 7z, apk, a, ar, arj, bz2, bzip2, cab, deb, gz, gzip, jar, iso, lha, lzh, lzma, mtz, rpm,
    tar, tar.bz2, tbz, tbz2, tar.gz, tgz, tpz, taz, tar.lzma, tar.xz, tar.Z, xap, xar, xz, Z, zipx;
    * open password-protected zip, rar and 7z (Pro version only);
    * browse files inside archives without actual extraction;
    * partial extract - extract only selected files, not the whole archive;
    * support for zip with non-Latin symbols;
    * open multi-part (splitted) rar and b1 archives;
    * compress files into zip archive;
    * compress files into b1 with smart compression;
    * create password-protected zip and b1 archives;
    * progress in notification area and work in background mode;
    * file navigation, copy/paste, delete/rename, file properties;
    * multi-selection of files and folders;
    * favorite folders;
    * hiding files from media scan;
    * and much more…

    Version differences:
    The Basic version provides you with 5 successful unpackings. After that you still can use XZip to create archives and preview their content as well as move, copy, rename and delete files.
    The Pro Version includes:
    * Unlimited number of unpackings;
    * Full support for password-protected archives.

    EULA - http://xzip.org/eula.html
  • Only Back Button - Single touch back button Мод APK 1.46 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Only Back Button - Single touch back button Мод APK 1.46 [Unlocked]


    “Only Back Button” application can replace a failed and broken button for those people who has
    trouble using buttons or navigation bar panel is not working properly.

    ★ The System Back Button.
    If the physical buttons of your phone can not work properly, Only Back Button can continue work your phone with simulating same as system back button.

    ★ Set position of button where your want.
    the back button can be set vertically or horizontally any where your want.

    Key Features:
    ★ Show Back Button
    ★ One touch back button

    Note: This app uses Accessibility Services for Back functions.

    Thank for your support
    Thank you for your download, please give feedback if you like Only Back Button - Single touch back button.
  • Smart Finder - Search for Apps,Contacts,Files, etc Мод APK 1.591 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.9

    Smart Finder - Search for Apps,Contacts,Files, etc Мод APK 1.591 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Smart Finder is a powerful universal search for Android devices. It is supported by all the launchers which supports widget.It helps you search apps, call or message (SMS or even Whatsapp) contacts,search videos and other files including your settings.

    Smart finder is a universal searching app which scans your entire device for your searched term and shows useful and meaningful results to you.

    Use the Smart Finder universal search widget to place in your home screen and easily do your tasks.

    Type on the search bar and it will list out all the following for the query:
    ★ Apps if any installed
    ★ Contacts with same or similar phone numbers or names
    ★ Relevant Music files
    ★ Relevant Video files
    ★ Relevant Files
    ★ Suggestions to search in.
    ★ Easily open it by long pressing HOME button for faster access.

    You can also set this application as your "assist app" - (which gets triggered by long pressing the HOME Button) by going into the application settings.

    Smart Finder searches through your huge storage smartly for relevant files only.You can also search for specific file types by typing the extension in the search bar.

    Main Features of the app:-

    Launch apps faster
    Type a portion of the app name and all the relevant apps will be shown. Click on the app to launch it or long click to open app options.

    Universal search
    Searches your entire device for contacts,files or even settings.

    Advance File Search
    Search for media or any other files on the go with our fast and smart scanning technique.Open,Share or view the files directly with a single tap.

    Call or SMS contacts
    Search for contact on the go and perform any function which you want. Send SMS or whatsapp contact easily or view the contact by a single tap.

    Lite sized app
    The app which includes all this functionalities is also compact in size.

    Try now! For any queries you can contact us at the given contact email.
    Thank you.
  • Power VPN Free VPN Мод APK 6.61 [Unlocked] 4.1

    Power VPN Free VPN Мод APK 6.61 [Unlocked]


    Now You Can Access Blocked Internet Content easily with just a click using PowerVPN's Secure & Fast VPN Tunnels.
    Power VPN is the fastest VPN with secure worldwide server network.

    enjoy Power VPN Service with unlimited speed and bandwidth for Lifetime.

    1) This is the fastest VPN ever made.
    2) Simple Interface. Just click to connect
    3) 30+ different worldwide server locations to connect to.
    4) Torrents, P2P and file sharing are allowed.
    5) Unblocks any blocked website such as: Netflix, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Viber, Skype, WhatsApp, etc...
    6) NO LOGS! you're completely anonymous and protected.
    7) All features of Premium paid-up VPN service for ABSOLUTELY FREE!

    If you need Custom Brand VPN Apps. We can do that
  • CPU Information - My Device Hardware Info Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked] 3.7

    CPU Information - My Device Hardware Info Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked]


    CPU Information - My Device Hardware Info gives you all the information you need about your hardware and operating system in a clear, accurate and organized way. Monitor your hardware in real time and get complete information about your device model, cpu, gpu, memory, battery, camera, disk, network, sensors, and operating system. This app provides the most detailed cpu and system on chip (soc) info available. See specifications for bluetooth, gpu, ram, storage and other hardware in your phone or tablet. Find all the details about your wifi and mobile networks, including dual sim info. Get real-time sensor data. Learn about your phone's operating system and architecture.

    Feature of CPU Information - My Device Hardware Info:

    # Battery information for battery status and percentage.
    # Camera information for camera resolution and features.
    # Cpu information for the number of core and frequency.
    # Device information for device model and manufacturer.
    # Display information for display size and resolution.
    # Feature information for supported feature e.g. wifi,nfc,bluetooth,fingerprint.
    # Memory information for sd card, phone memory, and ram.
    # Os info for os version, kernel, and version name.
    # Sensor information for supported sensors.
    # Sim information for sim number and provider.

    Cpu information - my device hardware info is elegant, accurate and simple, the beautiful user interface doesn't stand between you and the information. Each section is split into four smart categories, for ease of access and fast switching. These categories are usage, software information, device information, and connectivity. It's trying to detect components of your smartphone to provide complete information about the device's hardware. The app displays the most advanced camera specifications, including sensor size, pixel size, aperture, focal length, iso range, raw capability, face detection and more.

    The internal temperature of your smartphone infos 3dmark cpu specs tool use fast cpu hardware test. How to check system configuration server hardware components system performance. Cpu and gpu frequencies density and orientation monitor system viewer 64 bit cpu z standalone portable cpu materiel. What is a device driver? cpu configuration governor and kernel information system status cpu processors. cpu temperature monitor widget a clock frequency of each core monitor cpu frequencies total running processes memory and system load memory usage. Hardware information software cpu check app performance cpu speed test cpu utilization. Cpu identification tool is hardware specification.

    Hardware and software device information systems cpu detector check multiples windows cpu z exe. Cpu/ram/device/memory type and bandwidth cpu z online latest version of processor system info tool. Motherboard information cpu test device status cpu z android app mobile performance meter cpu activity cpu temp software. All software & hardware details computer benchmark test cpu ram app information. Cpu z device & system info hardware identifier smart device cpu mediatek cpu monitor app system information software. Cpu information device info android cpu monitor mobile detail. Hardware check software my device info cpu architecture or cpu monitor widget.

    Cpu information - my device hardware info search devices will see the most detailed specifications of other android smartphones. Internet speed monitor will see current download & upload speed in notifications and combined speed in the status bar. Articles will helpful how-to guide and informative articles. Question and answer forum a special dedicated forum to solve problems and queries. Widget a semi-transparent widget on home screen displays at glance at the information on the device's important status.

    Download and give us a review of CPU Information - My Device Hardware Info.
  • Timbload - All video downloader (Tumblr & Twitter) Мод APK 1.48.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.8

    Timbload - All video downloader (Tumblr & Twitter) Мод APK 1.48.1 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    All in one video downloader 2️0️1️9️

    Worry about your favorite videos & photos in Twitter / Instagram / Tumblr/ Facebook / Vk will be deleted ⁉️ Install Timbload now to download these videos & photos from Twitter / Instagram / Tumblr/ Facebook / Vk to your phone ❗❗❗

    Feature :

    ⇨ Download all videos with the built-in video sniffing browser(Reddit、Pinterest、XN2X、XVids etc) ✔️
    ⇨ Download Twitter videos ✔️
    ⇨ Download Vk videos ✔️
    ⇨ Download Facebook videos ✔️
    ⇨ Download Videos, Audio, Photos and Gifs from Tumblr ️ ✔️
    ⇨ Download all videos and photos from Instagram ️ ✔️
    ⇨ Share the downloaded file
    ⇨ Share the blog post's original link
    ⇨ Review the original blog post ️‍️
    ⇨ Manage the media file that has been downloaded ✔️

    Tip: YouTube videos can not be downloaded due to legal restrictions

    Easy use :

    Option 1:

    1.Open official Tumblr / Instagram / Twitter application
    2.Tab the post's share button which you want to download
    3.Choose Timbload from the app list
    4.Click the download button once the media is loaded

    Option 2:

    You can also copy your favorite blog posts url ,and then paste to Timbload's input box and download.

    ⚠️ Warnning :

    - This application is not a Tumblr/Instagram/Twitter official application
    - Any unauthorized activity (re-uploading or downloading of content) or infringement of intellectual property shall be the sole responsibility of the user
  • Network Tester Мод APK 1.0 [Premium] 3.7

    Network Tester Мод APK 1.0 [Premium]


    A complete network tool that will help you test your network performance with check of internet speed. Network tester also validates whether you are connected to real web or a fake. This test is done by downloading a specific dedicated file. It will check if your network has downloaded the right information.

    And for troubleshooting you can validate hostname resolution and TCP connection.

    With all network testing you can also get complete :
    - Device information like, device model name, device make brand, motherboard details, CPU information, hardware information, device imei number, device serial number and much more.

    - Other Network Information : Roaming or local, network operator name, operator phone type like GSM or CDMA, etc,.

    - WiFi Information: Know the connected WiFi network, its IP address, gateway, DNS1/2, netmask, etc,.
  • Unique Controls Мод APK 2.5.0 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Unique Controls Мод APK 2.5.0 [Unlocked]


    Unique Controls NEVER EVER collects your personal data despite the capability of accessibility service, it just takes advantage of it to click system buttons such as back, home or recents.

    Unique Controls - Change the way you use your device

    This app provides 2 great features, they change the way you use your device as soon as you get used to them you will never want to live without them again.

    The first one "Halo" is a little chat head that hovers over all your apps. Halo gives you quick access to your notifications (similar to facebook but for every app) by showing them in a beautiful and intuitive way. You can launch, dismiss and scroll trough all of them. if the notification is from a messenger such as WhatsApp, Hangouts Telegram or Facebook you can also reply to the person from whereever you are without opening the actual app.

    The second feature is "Pie Controls". Pie controls gives you the power of gesture navigation in whatever app you are. Simply swipe up from the bottom of the screen to reveal a beautiful menu with your favorite actions.

    Both of them are extremely customizable so that you can really make them your own.
    So what are you waiting for, try it out and use android as it should be:)

    Full Version Features
    • Custom colors for Halo and Pie that you can make them look like you want.

    • Ninja mode for Halo to hide the Bubble while you have no notifications.

    • Pinned Apps for Halo to launch your favorite apps whenever you want from where
    ever you are.

    • Access to the notification manager which allows you to customize which
    notifications should be shown in halo for example only messaging notifications,
    no on going notifications, no low priority notifications. Also included is a
    notification blacklist from where you can completely hide notifications from
    specific apps.

    • Access to the Pie manager to add custom buttons to your pie controls such as your favorite
    apps, shortcuts, or system toggles like a Wifi toggle.

    • Styling tweaks for Pie controls to customize it further.

    • Application blacklist to completely disable Halo and/or Pie controls in selected apps and
    automacigally let them reappear if you leave the blacklisted app.

    And much much more. So what are you waiting for get the full version and
    enjoy the full experience!!

    Unique Controls NEVER EVER collects your personal data despite the capability of accessibility service, it just takes advantage of it to click system buttons and to detect the foreground app.

    INTERNET: this is for Crashlytics only, which will automatically send me stack trace logs if the app crashes. No other information is being sent.
    VIBRATE: To providehaptic feedback.
    SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW: To draw halo and pie controls over other apps.
    ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: To show you the wifi state in pie controls
    ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: To show you your network connection in pie controls
    RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED: To automagically start the halo and pie controls goodness after reboot
    BILLING: To provide in app purchases
    ACCESS_WIFI_STATE: To toggle wifi
    CHANGE_WIFI_STATE: To toggle wifi
    BLUETOOTH_ADMIN: To toggle bluetooth
    BLUETOOTH: To toggle bluetooth
    PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS: To switch to the last app with pie controls
    BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE: To read notifications and show them in halo

    Google + community
  • TomVPN- fast stable simple VPN Мод APK 1.4.9 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.7

    TomVPN- fast stable simple VPN Мод APK 1.4.9 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]



    - Simple and convenient one-click connection
    - Multiple lines are available
    - Automatic agent breakthrough GFW
    - Small software size, small memory footprint
    - Secure and secure, encrypt all traffic
    - Long-term stable update to ensure availability
    - Use it to understand!

    This software may not work properly in some countries. If it does not work properly, please contact the author by email or uninstall. Please don't comment negatively. Thank you.

    Please comply with local and server local laws and regulations.
  • Hotspot VPN - Free Unlimited Fast Proxy VPN Мод APK 1.1.6 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Hotspot VPN - Free Unlimited Fast Proxy VPN Мод APK 1.1.6 [Unlocked]


    Totally free and unlimited VPN service!
    Easy to use, one tap to connect VPN.
    Stable service, reliable servers to provide quality VPN proxy.

    Why Install Hotspot VPN - Free Unlimited Secure Proxy VPN?
    √ Large number of servers, high-speed bandwidth.
    √ Unblock sensitive websites and bypass apps, watch online videos.
    √ Protect WiFi hotspots and browse internet privately&anonymously.
    √ One-click to connect VPN.
    √ No registration or configuration required.
    √ Smart choose server.
    √ Encrypts your internet traffic.

    Hotspot VPN (Free Unlimited Secure Proxy VPN) bring a high speed and encrypted VPN connection to your smartphone or tablet.

    Bypass the firewalls as school free VPN proxy for school WiFi and school computer.
    Unblock websites with free VPN proxy server. It can also unblock video not available in your country.
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    Free download this light android VPN APK now.

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    Note: Due to the policy, Hotspot VPN is not available in China. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
  • Calculator with many digit Мод APK 1.9.6 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Calculator with many digit Мод APK 1.9.6 [Unlocked]


    [Simple Calculator with many digits]
    This is simple calculator, but we do not limit the number of digit.
    12 digit ? 14 digit ? 16 digit ? 18 digit ? No, Unlimited (the decimal is up to 9999 digit).

    It is a calculator that can calculate many digits, both large numbers and small numbers.

    [Calculation history function]
    The formula and results are saved each time you press the equal button so you can check it later from the history list screen.

    You can copy values by holding down the value display part of the calculator.
    You can also copy expressions and answers by tapping items on the calculation history screen.

    [Colorful Theme]
    You can choose the appearance color of the calculator from six colors, Orange, Pink, DarkGray, Blue, Light blue and Black.

    [Customize decimal point calculation]
    You can change how many decimal places to calculate, truncate or round off, etc. by setting.

    [Memory function]
    This simple calculator has a memory function. You can clear the memory including the long press of the CA button on the calculator.

    [Other calculation function]
    %(Percent), log, square root, factorial, exponentiation calculation function is also supported by this calculator.

    [About the number of digit]
    We do not intentionally limit the number of large digit. Therefore, it is theoretically possible to calculate it as far as the given memory area allows. However, if I continue to calculate large digits, I will not know at all what will happen.

    Those who love to try out the limits of the calculator are self-responsible. I am not responsible.

    No disturbing advertisement will be displayed at the end of the application.
  • CCSWE App Manager (ROOT) Мод APK 3.3.2 [Unlocked] 3.8

    CCSWE App Manager (ROOT) Мод APK 3.3.2 [Unlocked]


    CCSWE App Manager was designed for users who want disable applications and packages to improve performance. It also allows you to hide icons for applications they do not use without uninstalling the entire application. You can also hide icons for stock system applications which will allow you to continue to receive system updates while saving space in your application drawer.

    ★★ NOTE: You must have root access in order to use CCSWE App Manager ★★

    Contact [email protected] if you have any issues (we cannot provide any assistance with rooting your device). We are more than happy to offer any help we can but cannot do anything if you simply give us a low rating instead of contacting us.

    ★★ Features ★★

    ★ Clear data for any application
    ★ Disable services and receivers
    ★ Export and import package lists (Pro version only)
    ★ Hide (disable) application icons without uninstalling the application
    ★ Home screen widget (Pro version only)
    ★ Favorites list (Pro version only)
    ★ Freeze (disable) applications
    ★ Password protection (Pro version only)
    ★ Uninstall applications

    ★★ Frequently asked questions ★★

    ★ Why does CCSWE App Manager require root access?

    Unfortunately the Android security model does not make it possible for one application to enable/disable components for another application. This makes sense for standard applications because you wouldn't want a competing application to be able to disable yours. That is why CCSWE App Manager requires root permissions in order to achieve this.
  • CCSWE App Manager (SAMSUNG) Мод APK 3.3.2 [Unlocked] 4.0

    CCSWE App Manager (SAMSUNG) Мод APK 3.3.2 [Unlocked]


    CCSWE App Manager was designed for users who want disable applications and packages to improve performance. It also allows you to hide icons for applications they do not use without uninstalling the entire application. You can also hide icons for stock system applications which will allow you to continue to receive system updates while saving space in your application drawer.

    ★★ NOTE: You must have a stock Samsung device in order to use CCSWE App Manager (SAMSUNG) ★★

    Contact [email protected] if you have any issues. We are more than happy to offer any help we can but cannot do anything if you simply give us a low rating instead of contacting us.

    ★★ Features ★★

    ★ Clear data for any application
    ★ Disable services and receivers
    ★ Export and import package lists (Pro version only)
    ★ Hide (disable) application icons without uninstalling the application
    ★ Home screen widget (Pro version only)
    ★ Favorites list (Pro version only)
    ★ Freeze (disable) applications
    ★ Password protection (Pro version only)
    ★ Uninstall applications

    ★★ Frequently asked questions ★★

    ★ Why does CCSWE App Manager (SAMSUNG) require device admin privileges?

    Unfortunately the Android security model does not make it possible for one application to enable/disable components for another application. This makes sense for standard applications because you wouldn't want a competing application to be able to disable yours. That is why CCSWE App Manager requires device admin privileges in order to achieve this.
  • Translate All Languages Мод APK 1.14 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Translate All Languages Мод APK 1.14 [Unlocked]


    Accurate and Powerful 100+ Languages Text, Voice and Photo Translator

    ✔️ Text to text translator feature to easily translate any text.
    ✔️ Voice translator to translate voice conversations.
    ✔️ Translate any picture or sign boards through a photo translator.
    ✔️ Conversation feature to translate voice between two persons instantly in real-time.
    ✔️ Share your OCR photo translation and text translation with others.
    ✔️ Import photos from the gallery to translate into 100+ languages

    100+ languages supported worldwide some of the famous ones are as follows:

    English Translator
    Spanish Translator
    Japanese Translator
    Russian Translator
    Hindi Translator
    Arabic Translator

    Text Translator : You can easily translate any text into your required language with this language translator. You just have to type the required text to get translated text with the help of a translation app. You can share your translation with others through the sharing feature. You can mark your favorite translation for future use.

    Voice Translator : Visiting some foreign countries or meeting someone who does not speak the same language conversation is not a problem anymore. With our accurate voice translator, you can speak 100+ languages on the go.

    Photo Translator : Just take a picture of any text you want to translate and our accurate and powerful OCR technology translate that text into your required language. Whether it is a signboard, restaurant menu, grocery store, or airport you can easily translate anything with a picture translator. You can also import photo from gallery to translate. Share your translated OCR photo with your friends and family.

    The history feature stores all of your previous translations so you can easily view and use previous translations. The convenience of our users is a top priority.

    Our app is a multi-language app and understandable worldwide made with love ❤️. If you have any suggestions related to our all language translator, you can contact us at [email protected]
  • Network Signal Alerts & Battery Alerts Мод APK 1.2 [Premium] 3.7

    Network Signal Alerts & Battery Alerts Мод APK 1.2 [Premium]


    A very simple that gets your alerts of your network change in WiFi connection or on your SIM network connection. Also get alerts when you have low network connection. This feature mainly helps you connect to the highest receiving signal strength. Also get battery alerts on low and full charge battery. And your device information and battery information.

    Main features:

    - Get Low Sim Network Alerts.
    - Change of Sim Network Alerts.
    - Find best signal strength WiFi Connection.
    - Get alert on change on WiFi Network.
    - Set your low battery alert and Full battery charge alerts.
    - Get complete device information like: Screen Resolution, Display size, camera pixel, CPU speed, RAM, internal storage and lots more information of your device.
    - Also get complete battery information like: Battery capacity, battery charging, its temperature, voltage etc.,
    - Sim card details like phone number, dual sim details, IMEI number, sim serial number, sim operator, network code, country code, network type - 4g, 3g or 5g.
    - Also get SIM Signal strength data in graphical form to understand in more detail.

    A very simple app but most useful to have it in your phone.
  • Fast Delete: Files & Folders Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked] 3.7

    Fast Delete: Files & Folders Мод APK 1.0 [Unlocked]


    Easy & smart tool that file help clear lots of space of your phone. This app will give you all your large files, duplicates files, unused data, empty folder, etc,. You can choose to delete all of these above options to clear your phone or choose what you may not need. Delete that unwanted files, videos, images, etc, from your phone.

    It is always very tiring and time consuming process to clear phone from the files you do not need or create space from large files that may by occupying maximum space on your phone. Use this app to help clear your phone and run smoothly.

    Main Features:

    -- Scan Images: Find large, duplicate, unused images to delete and create phone space.
    -- Find Videos : Scan for large or duplicates videos to delete them.
    -- Scan Documents: Check for unused files, duplicate files or large files if any on your phone.
    -- Remove Empty Folders: Scan and remove empty folders in a single click.
    -- Audio files Scanner: Scan and remove large or unwanted audio files to create storage space.
    -- Remove unused apks: Scan for apk files to delete them.
    -- Scan & Deletes all other files to create storage space.

    This is an easy app that will sort your problem of having fully loaded phone. Will help you to scan those hidden files, images, videos, documents, audio tracks, apks, pdf, or any others folders occupying large space on your smart phone.
  • Full Charge Alarm Мод APK 4.3.9 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.5

    Full Charge Alarm Мод APK 4.3.9 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    This application give alert with high volume alarm when the battery is fully charged and You will never forget the phone on charger for a long period In today's busy schedule it is very hard to check the battery status again and again. This is an unique app which notifies the mobile phone user with he help of battery alarm

    The Overcharging of battery can damage battery so it should be plugged out when it reaches 100%. So Full Charge Alarm will help you to keep your phone's Battery healthy.
    There is no need to turn on battery alarm. The Full Charge Alarm app is based on automation so it will do everything automatically and give battery alarm
    NOTICE: If you use any task killer or Ram cleaner app, please add this app to ignore list or white list. Otherwise, battery alarm may not work properly

    NOTICE : In the security settings, please include the app for auto start. In some phones you need to turn on auto start option in background run setting.
    It is high efficient in terms of performance and battery usage and sound of battery alarm is specially designed which can be easily hear by user without irritation
    When you running on battery the app will be closed automatic so it will never consume battery.
    Battery alarm solve the problem of battery damage.

    This application give following information about your battery

    * Battery alarm
    * Battery temperature
    * Battery health
    * Technology
    * Status charging or not charging
    * Notification bar option.
    * Support All Major Languages.
  • Gallery photo: Gallery lock Мод APK 2.27 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads] 3.6

    Gallery photo: Gallery lock Мод APK 2.27 [Remove ads][Free purchase][No Ads]


    Органайзер фотографий галереи и приложение «Заблокируйте секретный фотосейф и хранилище»

    Галерея — приложение «Фотоальбом и хранилище» с наиболее научным и AI-способом управления видео и фотографиями, а также с функцией блокировки папок на телефоне.
    В дополнение к обычным функциям, таким как личное хранилище фотографий, восстановление удаленных фотографий, просмотр фотографий, сохранение видео, скрытие изображений, заблокированный фотоальбом. пользователи также могут создавать частное хранилище фотографий, редактировать фотографии и профессионально создавать слайд-шоу из фотоальбома.
    Откройте для себя элегантность нашего приложения для безопасного хранения фотографий — приложения «Галерея», созданного для обеспечения удобного и визуально приятного управления файлами видео и изображений. Приложение фотогалерея с потрясающими 3D-изображениями и ультрасовременной графикой предлагает больше, чем просто решение для хранения изображений и видео.

    ✅ Блокировка фотографий: сохраняйте личные фотографии в безопасности:
    Приложение «Галерея скрытых фотографий» — «Хранилище галереи»:
    Это передовое дополнение меняет подход к защите ваших самых личных и конфиденциальных изображений со скрытыми изображениями, как в галерее «Скрытый глаз».
    ✔ Легко и надежно спрячьте свои личные фотографии, видео и важные документы.
    ✔Настройте блокировку на основе PIN-кода для дополнительного уровня защиты.

    Основные возможности приложения Галерея:
    ✔ Создатель хранилища личных фотографий для конфиденциальных фотографий, видео и важных документов блокировки приложений.
    ✔ Поддержка скрытия фотографий различных форматов, включая JPEG, GIF, PNG, SVG и другие фотохранилища.
    ✔ Секретный фоторедактор и пользовательские эффекты для фотографий и фонов.
    ✔ Создавайте слайд-шоу с неограниченным количеством фотографий, например в галерее Samsung.
    ✔ Считайте фотографии и считайте видео.
    ✔ Легко сортируйте фотокниги и видео по названию, дате, размеру, возрастанию/убыванию.
    ✔ Быстро делитесь своими воспоминаниями в социальных сетях.
    ✔ Множественный выбор перемещения и копирования файлов
    ✔ Шаблоны постеров для создания уникальных плакатов для скрытия фотографий
    ✔ Создатель видеоисторий из видео и фотографий
    создатель фотоколлажей
    Создатель цитат и добавление цитат к изображениям
    Быстро обрезайте изображения и поворачивайте фотографии, редактируйте изображения по своему вкусу.
    Устанавливайте фотографии в качестве обоев, погружайтесь в детали и меняйте темы.

    медиа с нашей блокировкой галереи

    ✔ Надежно защитите фотографии и секретное видео с помощью блокировки с помощью PIN-кода.
    ✔ Установите контрольные вопросы для восстановления пароля частного хранилища фотографий.
    ✔ Доступ к конфиденциальному хранилищу осуществляется через определенные настройки, позволяющие скрыть фотографии.
    ✔ Создайте свой секретный альбом «Медиа-шедевры»

    Создатель фотоплакатов и цитат из картинок

    ✔ Улучшите мои фотографии с помощью рамок, косметических средств и создателя фотоколлажей из книг.
    ✔ Применяйте стильные эффекты, настраивайте черты лица и играйте с фонами 4K.
    ✔ Различные шаблоны плакатов для трендовых изображений
    ✔ Выражайте свои творческие способности с помощью забавных изменений и создания мемов.
    ✔ Улучшите свои видео с помощью музыки, эффектов и наложений текста, особенно с помощью функции создания цитат с картинками.
    ✔ Мощные инструменты редактирования для обрезки, интеграции музыки, добавления текста и хранения фотографий.
    ✔ Создатель видеоизображений без ущерба для качества.

    Создание статуса видео и слайд-шоу из фотографий

    ✔ Храните видео и создавайте уникальные дни рождения, забавные видеоролики или мобильные воспоминания с трогательными видеостатусами.
    ✔ Делитесь интересными видеороликами на различных платформах.
    ✔ Легко превращайте свои пото в увлекательный инструмент для создания фотоколлажей.
    ✔ Создатель мотивационных и любовных цитат с изображениями

    Удалить дубликаты файлов и восстановить удаленные фотографии и видео:

    ✔ Восстановление фотографий и видео с легкостью
    ✔ Быстрое обнаружение и удаление дубликатов фотографий и видео в библиотеке фотографий.
    ✔ Извлеките случайно удаленные носители из корзины.
    ✔ Легко восстанавливайте потерянные изображения и видео.

    В заключение отметим, что наше приложение для хранения фотографий «Галерея» по-новому определяет ваше взаимодействие с медиафайлами. От простого шкафчика для фотографий до художественного таланта, такого как создание уникальных цитат из картинок или плакатов, — это путь к раскрытию вашего творчества. Благодаря интуитивно понятным функциям и захватывающим визуальным эффектам это не просто приложение для блокировки галереи — это ваш холст для рассказывания историй.
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