Дома / Приложение
  • Speed Indicator Мод APK [Premium] 3.6

    Speed Indicator Мод APK [Premium]

    If you find a bug please send a feedback to [email protected]. It will be better with your help!

    Speed Indicator is a simple and beautiful app to display your internet speed on status bar and view your data usage for the past days, months and years.

    Some devices will kill background processes to save memory and battery. Please add it to the whitelist.

    ★ Show internet speed (up and down) on status bar.
    ★ Show internet speed (up and down) on floating window.
    ★ Show current apps using internet.
    ★ Beautiful UI.
    ★ Very little battery consume.
    ★ View data usage for the past days, months and year.
    ★ More feature developing.

    If you like this app please rate a 5-star. If you have any question or feature requesting please email to [email protected] for help.
  • Publisher - ВК Постинг Мод APK 1.3.7 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Publisher - ВК Постинг Мод APK 1.3.7 [Unlocked]


    Apendicele VC Publisher Detașarea - un instrument mobil SMM Vkontakte, concepute special pentru administratori, grupuri și pagini publice Vkontakte. Aplicația vă va salva o mulțime de timp și va deveni un instrument indispensabil pentru gestionarea paginilor, grupuri și rețele sociale publice Vkontakte.
    Caracteristici principale:
    * Crearea de noi publicații, cu posibilitatea de a adăuga poze, audio, imagini gif
    * Postarea întârziată Vkontakte (avtoposting, programul de publicare)
    * Filtrarea de posturi în popularitate pentru perioada de timp selectată pentru a găsi cel mai bun conținut
    * Copiere (funcția gheară) sau posturi reposting create de banda din grupurile, pagina de Facebook publice și private
    * Crearea feed-uri unice de știri, constând din, de grup, și pagini selectate de utilizator public - agregator de știri Vkontakte
    * Monitor mesaje grupurile VC într-un calendar convenabil
    * Copierea simultană / crearea de știri în câteva pagini Vkontakte
    * Instant adăugarea de legende la copierea / crearea postare FaceBook
    * Adăugarea și ajustarea flexibilă a filigranului pe imaginea din postările tale
    * Configurarea unui program pentru a selecta automat mesajele în așteptare

    Acorde o atenție!
    Aceasta nu este o aplicație oficială, iar noi nu avem nici o legătură cu VK. Numele și marcă VK (VC, Vkontakte) sunt proprietatea deținătorilor respectivi.
    Introduceți informațiile personale care trece prin forma oficial SDK-VK, făcând imposibilă hack pagina ta.
  • Dynamic Rotation Мод APK 1.5 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Dynamic Rotation Мод APK 1.5 [Unlocked]


    Wanneer u automatisch roteren uitgeschakeld, wordt de rotatie van de telefoon vergrendeld, waarschijnlijk portret-modus op het eerste. Echter, als je je telefoon binnen een app draaien, je een rotatie suggestie aan de onderkant rechterbenedenhoek van de telefoon die u toelaat om de rotatie spiegelen krijgen. Als u op de knop tikt, vervolgens draait u de richting en sluit het aan dat tot je terug draaien en opnieuw tik die suggestie knop.
  • Zipify: Skedarët Arkivi rar Мод APK 1.6 [Unlocked] 3.5

    Zipify: Skedarët Arkivi rar Мод APK 1.6 [Unlocked]


    Zipify është menaxheri i skedarëve Archiver rar Zip Unzip menaxher i skedarit, si dhe skedar explorer së bashku me mbështetjen e ekstraktuesit të skedarëve. Ekstraktuesi i skedarëve për android mund të funksionojë si aplikacion zip unzip gjithashtu. Zipify ndihmon në skedarët Arkivi i skedarëve të rar, Zip, Unzip. Nxjerrja e skedarëve të skedarëve zip mbështetet me programin arkivues të shikuesit dhe ekstraktuesit. Zipify po punon si aplikacion zip unzip për nxjerrës. Skedarët e arkivuar të formateve të kompresimit të shumëfishtë janë mbështetur. Fshi skedarët në zip, rar, 7zip, dhe formate të tjera të kompresimit për android. Detyra e ekstraktuesit të zipifikimit është që të skedojë skedarët në aplikacionin nxjerrës. mbështetje zip, unzip, unarar, dhe rar unzip. Zipify unzip app është gjithashtu një menaxher skedar që përdoret për nxjerrjen e skedarëve në lexuesin e skedarëve zip.
    Zipifikoni: Skedarët Arkivi rar zip Dosjet e Unzip:
    Nxjerrësi zipifikues ka për qëllim nxjerrjen ose kryerjen e ekstraktimit në mënyrë që të konvertohet skedarët e rar, unzip nga hapësit e skedarëve zip. Në këtë mjet zip mund të ekstraktoni dhe të hiqni skedarët zip, arkivat në formate të shumta. Zipify është një unarchiver për skedarët 7zip, zip, rar dhe të tjera të kompresuara. Nxjerrësi i rar mbështet winzip, shikuesin e skedarëve zip, ekstraktuesin e arkivit, arkivin e rar dhe nxjerrësin e skedarëve për android.
    Ekstraktuesi i skedarëve për android
    Hapni nxjerrësit e skedarëve zip, rar, unzip për të hequr skedarët ose hapur skedarin zip për të dekompresuar skedarin. Skedarët janë gjithashtu të pakompresuar dhe të kompresuar në arkë dhe arkivore. Për të ekstraktuar dhe hequr skedarët përmes kësaj aplikacioni, thjesht duhet të trokitni lehtë mbi skedarin e kompresuar të cilitdo format dhe zgjidhni opsionin për të hapur dhe ekstraktuar skedarin. Shtë shumë e lehtë për të zipur dhe hequr skedarët e rrallë në winrar, 7z, zip, 7zip, winzip dhe çdo format tjetër.

    Reader File Zip:
    Tani ndjeheni të relaksoheni dhe lehtë pasi ekziston një lexues i fuqishëm i skedarëve zip, hapës i skedarëve Unrar, nxjerrës i rar dhe një menaxher falas i skedarëve brenda shikuesit dhe ekstraktuesit të rar të Zipify për android. shfletoni shumë skedarë në menaxherin e skedarëve rar. Mjet unarchiver është që të nxjerr skedarë, ndërsa aplikacioni i menaxherit të skedarëve është që të organizojë skedarë në skedarë Archiver rar Zip Skedarët Unzip janë menaxher i skedarëve falas në ruajtjen e skedarëve për arkivat në skedar. Menaxheri i skedarëve të menaxherëve të mi të skedarëve ndihmon në shfletimin e skedarëve, eksploruesit e skedarëve dhe menaxherin e skedarëve.
    Zipify është mjet unzip për nxjerrësin e arkivuesit, skedarin e skedarit unzip për android dhe arkivin e skedarëve për ekstraktuesin rar. Arkivi i skedarëve dhe ekstraktuesi është një mjet shumë i fuqishëm për të zëvendësuar skedarët rar, zip, skedarë 7zip dhe skedarë Unzip, rar, Zip, 7zip. skedarë të rar unarar lehtësisht në këtë hapës fotografi rar zip për lexuesin e skedarëve android dhe rar, krijues të skedarëve rar për rar unrar në rar unrar unzip të formatit të skedarëve të shumëfishtë.
    Nxjerrësi i skedarëve për android rendit si depozitimin e brendshëm dhe të jashtëm. Ju mund të shikoni dhe hyrni në ruajtje dhe të kryeni kompresim dhe dekompresion në skedarë.
    Karakteristikat e ekstraktuesit të skedarëve:
    - Mbështetje e shumë gjuhëve
    - Menaxheri i të gjithë skedarëve / Menaxheri i dokumenteve
    - Pamja / Kompresimi / Arkivi / Dosjet e kompresimit / Rar / Unrar skedarët
    - Mbështetje për ngjeshje të shumë skedarëve në një kohë
    - Seksione të veçanta për të gjithë skedarët e kompresuar dhe të gjithë skedarët e ekstraktuar
  • Panda Keymapper - Gamepad,mouse,keyboard Мод APK 1.2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 2.9

    Panda Keymapper - Gamepad,mouse,keyboard Мод APK 1.2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    With Panda Keymapper, you can play android games with gamepad/mouse/keyboard.
    FPS, MOBA, Sport games are all supported!

    Highlight Features:
    * No root or activator required!

    * Support various brands of gamepads, keyboards & mouses, like Xbox One/360/One S, PS Dualshock/Sixaxis, IPEGA, Gamesir, Razer, Logitech...

    * Preset keymap for 30+ featured games.

    Permissions Usage:
    Panda Keymapper needs the same permissions with games you play. To run all games properly it will request many permissions in the first place. It's a safe and professional tool, no permission will be abused.
  • USB/BT Joystick Center 2023 Мод APK 1.0027 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    USB/BT Joystick Center 2023 Мод APK 1.0027 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    USB/BT Joystick Center is the only app that has an Unique Driver Editor & Programmable Byte Filter and can use Wii Remotes also with Android 5.1 and higher (also Android 10), PS4 / PS3 DualShock / Sixaxis (Wireless and without Root!) and XBox One Controllers (USB). It has TOUCH EMULATION / GAMEPAD EMULATION (X360,PS3,NAT) / HID / IME support to use nearly all USB Joysticks/Gamepads/Racing Wheels and ANY paired and connected BT Gamepad with HID Mode support to play Games with TOUCH ONLY, GAMEPAD or IME Support

    Android 9 Pie and higher: if you are using Android 9 or higher, then you must disable "Manage automatically" in the Android Settings: Battery, App launch, USB/BT Joystick Center, and then disable "Manage automatically"

    Please read this carefully:
    Not all Android Devices, Stock Roms and Custom Roms are compatible with this app.

    For the main feature you do not need root (Keymapping). Also for the Wireless Wii Mote and PS4/PS3 Dualshock you don't need a rooted device. For all Touch + Search HID + Gamepad Emulation features you need root.

    Prevent the App from closing:
    Android Settings -> Battery -> App launch -> USB/BT Joystick Center, and then disable "Manage automatically"

    USB PS3/Sixaxsis Controller + Android 8.x
    Since Android 8.x the PS3/Sixaxis Controller is not working with USB. With Android 9 (Pie) +10 all is working fine.

    Here are some features of the App:

    - Unique: Driver Editor + Filter (you can create your own Gamepad Driver easily)
    - New: Very Easy Joy2Touch GUI (Add/Move/Delete)
    - New: Gamepad Emulation Modes (X360,PS3,NAT)
    - New: Search HID (use ANY paired & connected HID Gamepad)
    - New: Overlay Keyboard (Movable/Resizable)
    - New: Automatic Save/Load each Game Touch-Setting
    - New: Joystick to Mouse Emulation (Touch & Real Mouse)
    - New: Universal Touchscreen Driver (for the most Devices with and without Touchscreen)
    - New: Touchscreen Rotation Correction (-180°/-90°/0°/+90°/+180°)
    - New: Touch Swipe/Slide Buttons
    - Updated: Wii-Remote IR Pointer 2 Touch

    Tested Joysticks/Gamepads:

    - Amazon FireTV Gamepad
    - iCade (Search HID)
    - iControlPad (SPP Mode)
    - iPega 9017 / 9025 (Search HID: Home + X)
    - Logitech (Rumble, F310,F510,F710)
    - Logitech Racing Wheel FX
    - Moga Pocket / Pro / Power / Hero (Mode "A" or Search-HID + "B")
    - MS SideWinder Pre 2
    - Nintendo NS Pro Controller (USB Only)
    - NVidia Shield
    - Nyko Playpad/Pro (Search HID)
    - N64 Dual "Adapter for PC USB"
    - PhoneJoy
    - PS3 Sixaxis (Wireless with USB BT CSR Dongle)
    - PS4 Dualshock (Wireless also for Android 5.1 and higher with USB BT CSR Dongle)
    - PSX 1/2 "USB Gamepad Converter Dualschock"
    - PSX 1/2 "Super Dual Box Advanced"
    - R/C Remote Control (Graupner/Spektrum)
    - Rockband (USB Guitar/Drums)
    - Samsung Wireless Gamepad (Search HID)
    - SNES "Adapter for PC"
    - Speedlink Xeox (Wireless "PS3" Mode)
    - Wii Remote (also for Android 5.1 and higher with USB BT CSR Dongle)
    - WikiPad
    - XBox 360 Controller (Wireless with Microsoft Wireless Gaming Adapter only)
    - XBox One Controller (USB Only)
    - XBox One S Controller (USB Only)

    Hint: Bluetooth Mouse & Keyboard are not supported, only USB Mouse & Keyboard (you have to create your own driver in the driver screen).

    All trademarks are property of their respective holders and are used only to directly describe the app and the features. These trademark holders are not affiliated with this app in any way.
  • StorySave Мод APK 1.26.2 3.7

    StorySave Мод APK 1.26.2


    NEW: StorySave now supports downloading IGTV !

    StorySave let's you relive those moments again, by allowing you to save your friends Instagram Stories, Posts and their Live Streams.

    Once you have logged in with your Instagram account, use the tabs at the bottom to navigate between Posts, Stories and Live Streams.

    From there, you can see content of people that you follow on Instagram. If you want to save a Post, Story or Live Stream of someone you don't follow on Instagram, tap the search button in the toolbar to search Instagram users.

    When you save a Post, Story or Live Stream it will also be added to your Gallery.

    Please make sure you have your friends permission before you save their Posts, Stories or Live Streams :)

    The "Instagram" name is copyright to Instagram, Inc. StorySave is in no way affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by Instagram, Inc.
  • Mouse Toggle for Android TV Мод APK 1.52 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Mouse Toggle for Android TV Мод APK 1.52 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Use your regular remote as a mouse. Add a mouse pointer mode to the remote control for Android TV.

    NOTE: The original hardware remote control is REQUIRED for this app to function. Gamepads are NOT supported!

    Use your regular remote as a mouse
    Works just like a regular mouse that can click, long click, and drag.
    Simple to toggle between regular remote and mouse modes.

    1.) Android TV device(see below for supported devices).
    2.) Stock / original hardware remote control.

    Supported devices:
    NVIDIA Shield TV (all models are supported including the new 2017 versions)
    Nexus Player
    Mi Box

    Do you have an unsupported device? Please contact me with the model info you would like to add support for.

    Please note that not all apps are supported but if you submit the app details via email this will help to improve the app for future updates.

    This app uses Accessibility services.

    Thank you
  • KWGT Kustom Widget Pro Key Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    KWGT Kustom Widget Pro Key Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]



    Make your Android Launcher or Lockscreen look unique with Kustom the most powerful Widget creator ever! Use its awesome WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to create you own designs and display any data you need, at once and without draining your battery as many others tools do! You want animations too? Then check out KWGT little brother Kustom Live Wallpaper!

    This key unlocks the following extras in KWGT:
    - Remove the ADS
    - Support the dev!
    - Unlock import from SD and all external skins
    - Recover preset
    - Buzz Launcher import support
    - Save the world from alien invasion

    With Kustom Widget you can create customized Digital and Analog Clocks, Live Map Widget, Weather Widget, Text Widget, sophisticated Battery or Memory meters, randomly changing images, Music Players, World clocks, Astronomy widgets and much much more. Imagination is the limit.

    You get:
    - Some skin to start with and some Komponent (a Widget in Kustom)
    - Text with custom fonts, colors, sizes and effects
    - Shapes like Ovals, Rects, Arcs, Triangles, Exagons and more
    - 3D flip transformations, curved and skewed text
    - Gradients, shadows, tiling and color filters
    - Zooper like progress bars and series
    - Layers with overlay effects like pro image / photo editors (blur, clear, xor, difference, saturation)
    - Touch actions / hotspots on any object you create
    - PNG / JPG / WEBp Image and SVG (scalable vector graphics) support
    - Google Fitness support (segments, calories, steps, distance, sleep)
    - Complex programming language with functions, conditionals and global variables
    - Change Widget Background or aspect based on touch, time, location, weather, anything!
    - Dynamic download of content via HTTP (live maps, weather and so on)
    - Native music utilities (current playing song title, album, cover)
    - Weather with wind chill, feels like temperature and more
    - RSS and free XML / XPATH / Text download
    - Tasker support (load preset via Tasker, change variable via Tasker and so on)
    - A huge amount of data to display such as: date, time, battery (with duration estimation), calendar, astronomy (sunrise, sunset, illumination, stardate), CPU speed, memory, countdowns, WiFi and cellular status, traffic info, next alarm, location, moving speed, rom/device, ip, network data and much more)

    Similar apps (go check them out, KWGT is better, full comparison HERE):
    - HD Widgets
    - Zooper Widgets
    - UCCW Ultimate Custom Widget
    - Make your own widget
    - Buzz widget
  • Panda Keymapper 64bit -  Gamepad,mouse,keyboard Мод APK 1.2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 2.6

    Panda Keymapper 64bit - Gamepad,mouse,keyboard Мод APK 1.2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    With Panda Keymapper, you can play android games with gamepad/mouse/keyboard.

    ***IMPORTANT: This version is Panda Keymapper for 64bit games.

    Highlight Features:
    * No root or activator required!

    * Support various brands of gamepads, keyboards & mouses, like Xbox One/360/One S, PS Dualshock/Sixaxis, IPEGA, Gamesir, Razer, Logitech...

    * Preset keymap for 30+ featured games.

    Permissions Usage:
    Panda Keymapper needs the same permissions with games you play. To run all games properly it will request many permissions in the first place. It's a safe and professional tool, no permission will be abused.
  • Proxy Server Pro Мод APK 3.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Proxy Server Pro Мод APK 3.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Ejecutar su propio servidor proxy en su dispositivo con Proxy Server Pro! La aplicación puede manejar los protocolos HTTP y HTTPS y GET / POST peticiones. Incluso puede configurar la aplicación para reenviar todas las conexiones a un host y el puerto por defecto para que pueda utilizar otros protocolos, así través de la toma!

    Nota. Si encuentra un error o tiene un problema por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros por correo electrónico, ya que no podemos ayudar si usted publique en los comentarios.

    Pero no hemos mencionado todavía todas las características; incluso se puede establecer un actualizador DNS dinámico! Para que siempre pueda acceder a su dispositivo desde cualquier lugar, incluso si cambia la IP!

    También tiene una amplia funcionalidad de registro, e incluso se puede configurar la aplicación para que el registro de un correo electrónico de forma automática!

    Resumen de características:
    - Iniciar / Detener el servidor proxy de forma automática cuando se conecta / desconecta de una red WIFI especificada, o en el arranque
    - reglas configurado para remitir una solicitud a un host a otro host o bloquean la solicitud
    - Opcionalmente sólo permiten cierta IP
    - registro detallado (filtro, correo electrónico, etc.)
    - Añadir un DNS dinámico de actualización utilizando la IP pública local o de su dispositivo

    Todas las características:
    - Añadir varios servidores proxy

    - Por cada servidor proxy establece lo siguiente: puerto, permitir el acceso sólo para ciertos IP, vibrar en nueva conexión, habilitar el registro, registrar sólo errores, permitir solicitudes HTTPS, la conexión de tiempo de espera (segundos), mantener la conexión viva, transferir todas las peticiones al mismo host (permite que otros protocolos también), comienzan en el arranque, arranque / parada del servidor cuando se conecta / desconecta a una red WiFi especificada

    - Añadir múltiples actualizadores dinámico DNS (establecer una URL personalizada, o elegir entre ChangeIP, DNSdynamic, DNSexit, DNSMadeEasy, DNS-O-Matic, DNSPark, DtDNS, DynDNS, easyDNS, eNom, HE.net, Joker, Namecheap, No-IP , ZoneEdit)

    - Por cada actualizador DNS dinámico establecer el nombre, tiempo de espera (en minutos), nombre de host, nombre de usuario, contraseña y si se debe actualizar con la dirección IP local o pública, se inicia el DNS de actualización dinámica cuando está conectado a una red WiFi específica, información actualizada sobre el cambio conectividad , inicie en el arranque

    - En la página de configuración de la aplicación se puede configurar los elementos de registro máximo para mantener, si desea mantener un bloqueo WIFI (prevenir WIFI se desconecte automáticamente), mantener el dispositivo con vida, mantener el dispositivo con vida completa (Dejar la pantalla encendida, la batería intensiva ), establecido para iniciar la aplicación en el arranque

    - Puede buscar / filtrar el registro, o configurarlo para que se enviará automáticamente cuando se alcanza el límite de registro.

    Si tiene preguntas, comentarios o peticiones sólo en contacto con nosotros!

    Visítenos en: https://www.icecoldapps.com/
    Síguenos en Twitter: https://twitter.com/IceColdApps
    Al igual que nosotros en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IceColdApps
  • Fill RAM Memory Ad free Мод APK 1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Fill RAM Memory Ad free Мод APK 1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Application helps developers easily reproduce low memory situation.
    So, just pushing one button you can check how other application behave in low memory situation and recover after it.
    Also it makes you phone work faster! By filling your ram and then exit of application helps clean your phone memory without root and killing app due to it's done by android OS.
  • Fulscrn Pro Мод APK 4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Fulscrn Pro Мод APK 4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]



    - No Ads, No Tracking
    - Shortcuts
    - Tile
    - Third party apps integration (Tasker etc.)

    Fulscrn lets you use every pixel on the screen to provide better experience for reading books, watching videos and playing games.

    However, Fulscrn isn't a perfect solution. Due to System's limitation, when fullscreen mode on, Back and Keyboard are disabled. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Enjoy :-)


    Start Fullscreen (Send Intent)
    Action: me.dt2dev.fullscreen.action.START_FULLSCREEN_SERVICE
    Cat: Default
    Package: me.dt2dev.fullscreen
    Class: me.dt2dev.fullscreen.ShortcutActivity
    Target: Activity

    Stop Fullscreen (Send Intent)
    Action: me.dt2dev.fullscreen.action.STOP_FULLSCREEN_SERVICE
    Cat: Default
    Package: me.dt2dev.fullscreen
    Class: me.dt2dev.fullscreen.ShortcutActivity
    Target: Activity


    - Force all apps to Immersive Full-Screen Mode (Hide Status Bar & Navigation Bar)
    - Notification Control Bar
    - Material Design
  • IPv6 and More (PRO) Мод APK 20 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    IPv6 and More (PRO) Мод APK 20 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Have you ever wondered if a device in your home or work network has failed silently? Do you wish there was an easy and efficient way to monitor Internet Things, devices and applications at work and at home and get an alert if something bad happens? Has it ever happened that you discovered a failed device or application on your work or home network right when it was badly needed? Servers and security cameras and routers and NAS and streaming devices and applications and websites fail all the time. You need to be alerted when that happens. In short if you have felt the need for a simple IP/TCP/HTTP monitoring application and dashboard on a mobile device/tablet (your primary device or a spare) OR just want to support the development of IPv6 and More, the PRO app is for you.

    With 'IPv6 and More (PRO)' you enjoy ALL the features of the highly-rated free app (v6 and v4 network scanning, recursive whois, ping, traceroute, TCP/UDP/HTTP probing, dig/nslookup for many record types, IPv6/v4 address enumeration and examination, IPv6 address reference, IPv6 private address generation, latest tech/IPv6 news and much more) PLUS you also get:
    -Configurable dashboard of all targets that you want to probe.
    -On demand Cloud Syncing of Targets between multiple devices.
    -Customizable Failure Notification and Logging
    -Configuration And Customization Of Unlimited Targets On Unlimited Networks. You Pick Which Target Is Probed On Which Network.
    -Turns Your Smartphone/Tablet Into Fully Customizable IP/TCP/HTTP Monitoring Station With Intuitive Color Coded Dashboard
    -100 Item Autocomplete History To Save On Typing
    -Even More Features Are Added Constantly!

    Thanks For Supporting The Development Of IPv6 and More.
  • Bit Web Server (PHP,MySQL,PMA) Мод APK 2.4.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Bit Web Server (PHP,MySQL,PMA) Мод APK 2.4.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    *Not Working On Android Oreo and Up*
    *No need root privileges*
    *Support for devices that use ARM or Intel x86 processor*

    This application is a web server application for android which is a tool for web developers, include:
    - LIGHTTPD as Web Server ,
    - PHP as PHP Server ,
    - MYSQL as MySQL Server ,
    - PhpMyAdmin as MySQL Client , and
    - MSMTP as SMTP Client
    It all wrapped into one application called Bit Web Server. So easy to run on android device, just single click then you can run web applications with PHP scripts and MySQL database.

    This application is specially designed for mobile and tablet, so this application requires very small memory.

    For running this application the first time after you download it from Google Play Store the Internal memory in your device should not be less than 50MB. Because this application does not download any data after installation finish, all data is wrapped into (apk).

    This application runs without an internet connection, requires the Internet only when the first time to check the license, after this application has a legitimate license then this application can run without the Internet connection (OFFLINE).

    The Bit Web Server can run a variety of CMS like Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, Prestashop, etc. Besides CMS can also run PHP frameworks like Code Igniter, YII, CakePHP, etc.

    This app same like WAMP or LAMP or XAMPP on your computer or laptop, but this is for android device.

    Modules/extensions which compiled on PHP is:
    - bcmath
    - bz2
    - calendar
    - cgi-fcgi
    - Core
    - ctype
    - curl
    - date
    - dom
    - ereg
    - exif
    - filter
    - ftp
    - gd
    - gettext
    - gmp
    - hash
    - http
    - iconv
    - json
    - libxml
    - magickwand
    - mbstring
    - mcrypt
    - mhash
    - mongo
    - mysql
    - mysqli
    - openssl
    - pcre
    - PDO
    - pdo_mysql
    - pdo_sqlite
    - Phar
    - posix
    - Reflection
    - session
    - shmop
    - SimpleXML
    - soap
    - sockets
    - SPL
    - sqlite3
    - ssh2
    - standard
    - sysvmsg
    - sysvsem
    - tokenizer
    - wddx
    - xdebug
    - xml
    - xmlreader
    - xmlrpc
    - xmlwriter
    - xsl
    - zip
    - zlib
    - and more libraries like as freetype, jpeg, png, openssl, etc.

    Storage Engine support on MySQL is:
    - MyISAM
    - CSV
    - MEMORY
    - INNODB

    *And If you get a bug, request feature, etc. Please sent to my email with detail description*

    I thanks for all developer PHP, MySql, Lighttpd, PhpMyadmin, MSMTP, and Busybox.
  • WorldToPE Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    WorldToPE Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    WorldToPE is a tool to convert Minecraft Desktop Edition's worlds for Minecraft Pocket Edition.


    - Convert worlds from Minecraft PC 1.2 and above to worlds compatiable with MCPE 0.9.0 and above.
    - All blocks that exist in both PC and PE are converted directly - any blocks that do not exist in PE are turned into wools
    - Horizontal size of the convertion area is not limited - any chunks that were generated in PC will be converted.

    Currently not supported - possible future additions
    - Mobs and other entities are not transferred.
    - Inventories of chests and furnaces are not transferred.
    - Signs are not transferred.
    - only the lower 128 blocks of a world is converted, because MCPE's world height is lower than MCPC's.
  • Stream Play Мод APK 1.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Stream Play Мод APK 1.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This is the Android player mainly made for Screen Stream Mirroring application.

    It provides following main features:
    - Live stream: Play live streams
    - Recording: Record while you play a stream
    - Video player: play your recorded streams
    - Network discovery (from Android 4.1): automatically discovers "Screen Stream Mirroring" devices on network
    - Stream bookmarks management

    It can play and record many streams formats:
    - Protocols : RTSP, RTMP, HTTP, ...
    - Video formats: MP4, MKV, AVI, FLV, TS, ....
    - Codecs: H264, MPEG-4, AAC, MP3, ....

    Provides settings to enhance playing:
    - control latency
    - hardware acceleration
    - use internal or external player
    - etc...

    Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you need support.
  • Shouter Pro- The Announcer. Мод APK 4.00 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Shouter Pro- The Announcer. Мод APK 4.00 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Τι μπορεί να κάνει η εφαρμογή:
    1) Αναγνώριση ειδοποιήσεων. (ζελέ (4.3) και άνω)
    2) Αναγγελία ονόματος καλούντος ενώ το τηλέφωνο κουδουνίζει.
    3) Ανακοίνωση αναπάντητων κλήσεων εάν λάβετε μια αναπάντητη κλήση.
    4) Ανάγνωση μηνυμάτων κειμένου.
    5) Αναγγελία ώρας σε διαστήματα καθορισμένα από το χρήστη.
    6) Αναγγελία κατάστασης μπαταρίας
    7) Αναγγελία κατάστασης φόρτισης συσκευής
    8) Φωνητικές υπενθυμίσεις

    Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε το περιεχόμενο έτσι ώστε η εφαρμογή να φωνάζει μόνο αν βρίσκεστε σε ακουστικά.
    Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε το περιεχόμενο του μηνύματος.
    Μπορείτε να προσαρμόσετε σε ποια ειδοποίηση εφαρμογών πρέπει να διαβάσετε. .

    Αυτή η εφαρμογή δεν θα εμφανίζει διαφημίσεις. Εξαιρετικά βελτιστοποιημένο, ώστε να μην επιβραδύνει τη συσκευή σας.

    Στείλτε μου email με το αίτημα και τα σχόλιά σας για τα προσαρμοσμένα χαρακτηριστικά. Θα προσπαθήσω να το υλοποιήσω.

    TAGS (όνομα καλούντος, εκφωνητής, ομιλητής, shouter, ανιχνευτής αναπάντητων κλήσεων, αναγνώστης χρόνου, αναγνώστης κατάστασης μπαταρίας)

    Μη διστάσετε να δοκιμάσετε την δωρεάν έκδοση μας.
  • 50X Game Booster Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    50X Game Booster Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Welcome to 50X Game Booster & Enjoy your favorite game in any Android Smartphone.

    Features :

    1) One Tap And Play
    2) Amazing Animation
    3) Boost Before GamePlay
    4) Auto Booster (comming soon)
    5) Notification Blocker (comming soon)
    6) Call Blocker (comming soon)
    7) Ram Booster
    8) App Booster
    9) Background Apps Cleaner
    10) Realistic 3d effect while boosting
    11) Smart And Intelligent Boosting System

    Note :

    Alpana Srivastava App Solutions Team Is Not Responsible For Any Purchase Out Of Google Play.

    Privacy Policy :


    Give us 5 stars rating for encouraging us to improve the game continuously.

  • Droidbug Pentesting & Forensic PRO Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Droidbug Pentesting & Forensic PRO Мод APK 6.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Droidbug Pentesting is an innovative tool developed by the team of Bugtraq. The main features of this apk, is that it has more than 200 Android and Linux tools (PRO) for pentesting and forensics through its Smarthphone or tablet.

    As other Bugtraq projects we are always trying to bring the best tools in his section. BugtrDroidbug Pentesting oid offers you a big range of section for a complete ethical hacking.

    Some of the section you will find:

    - Anonimity & Investigation
    - Enumeration
    - DDOS
    - Remote
    - Vulnerability detection
    - Pentesting
    - Sniffers
    - Brute force attack
    - Commnunication
    - Forensics Analysis

    We have been adapted Bugtraq-2 blackwidow to ARM Technology, creating this wonderfull application for ethical hackers.

    In bugtraq we have working hard to get all pentesting tools for android. The resulta is more than 200 tools for ethical hacking no matter where you are, no laptop needed
    At the same time you can find Linux tool that have been compiled in ARM to have ti avalible in you Android, without needed a virtual emulator for linux.

    ***Android version compatible: 2.x, 3.x , 4.X, 5.X and 6.X
    ***ROOT needed
    ***Network Access needed (For the license)
  • KLWP Live Wallpaper Pro Key Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    KLWP Live Wallpaper Pro Key Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This is just a PRO Key, you will need Kustom Live Wallpaper app too!

    Make your Android Launcher look unique with Kustom the most powerful Live Wallpaper creator ever! Use its awesome WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor to create you own designs and display any data you need, at once, and with wonderful animations too! If you were looking for Rainmeter or Conky on Android, this is it! Need just widget but as powerful? Check out KWGT.

    Unlock the following extras in KLWP by purchasing KLWP Pro Key:
    - Remove the ADS
    - Support the dev!
    - Unlock import from SD and all external skins
    - Allow exporting skins to SD and creation of APK preset packs
    - Save the world from alien invasion

    With Kustom you can create customized Digital and Analog Clocks (with seconds hand), Animated Patterns, Live Map background, Weather Widget, Material Wallpaper, Text Wallpaper, sophisticated CPU/Memory meters, randomly changing images, scrolling images, gyroscopic effects, astronomical data and much much more. Imagination is the limit.

    Launcher support
    Animations works only on launchers that fully supports the Android standards, so for example Google Now Launcher and Nova Launcher are fully supported. Some others might have problems, the only known launcher with issues right now is GO Launcher (and this cannot be fixed by us).

    You get:
    - Some skin to start with and some Komponent (a Widget in Kustom)
    - Text with custom fonts, colors, sizes and effects
    - Shapes like Ovals, Rects, Arcs, Triangles, Exagons and more
    - 3D flip transformations, curved and skewed text
    - Gradients, shadows, tiling and color filters
    - Zooper like progress bars and series
    - Layers with overlay effects like pro image / photo editors (blur, clear, xor, difference, saturation)
    - Touch actions / hotspots on any object you create
    - PNG / JPG / WEBp Image and SVG (scalable vector graphics) support
    - Google Fitness support (segments, calories, steps, distance, sleep)
    - Animations such as fading, scaling and scrolling based on screen position, accelerometer, touch, events...
    - Magnetic sensors / gyroscope support for wallpaper motion or objects animations
    - Complex programming language with functions, conditionals and global variables
    - Change Wallpaper based on time, location, weather, anything!
    - Dynamic download of content via HTTP (live maps, weather and so on)
    - Google Fitness support (segments, calories, steps, distance, sleep)
    - Native music utilities (current playing song title, album, cover)
    - Weather with wind chill, feels like temperature and more
    - RSS and free XML / XPATH / Text download
    - Tasker support
    - A huge amount of data to display such as: date, time, battery (with duration estimation), calendar, astronomy (sunrise, sunset, illumination, stardate), CPU speed, memory, countdowns, WiFi and cellular status, traffic info, next alarm, location, moving speed, rom/device info and much more)
  • System Font Changer Мод APK 2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    System Font Changer Мод APK 2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This app is realy works fine. You can change your system fonts to onother by choosing from the list.
    Only for ROOT users!

    How to use:
    1. Install the usual way.
    2. Agree with root-rights to the application.
    3. Select your favorite font.
    4. Resize font if you want to.
    5. Press "Set" button.
    6. Wait for message about completed procedure.
    7. Reboot.

    Now you reached new function - fonts resizing. Some fonts are really need in this function.

    Some models of Samsung and LG are not compatible. They have font changer engine from producer.
  • Sixaxis Enabler Мод APK 1.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Sixaxis Enabler Мод APK 1.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    NO ROOT, NO PAIRING. Enable supported devices to use wired PS3 DualShock 3/Sixaxis Controller natively. All you need is an Android device with USB-Host support, and connection cable (USB-OTG cable is needed for device with no built-in USB Host port). You can avoid the need of rooting, and skip the hassle of pairing the controller when switching between devices.

    After the controller is enabled you can use it with games and mapping tools which support native controller.


    If it is working with your device please share the information in comments, otherwise please get a refund and report to [email protected].

    Common Problem
    1. The #1 reason for failure is an incorrect/incompatible cable, if the app cannot detect the controller please go through the troubleshooting section.
    2. Another common problem is insufficient power provided by the device, in this case an external powered USB Hub is needed.
    3. Finally, incompatibility mainly come from lacking Sixaxis support from Firmware, in this case only the device manufacturer can fix the problem through Firmware update.

    General Troubleshooting Tips
    1. make sure your PS3 controller is working with the USB cable properly, when plugging into a PC, windows should detect and add it as new gamepad although windows won't response to button press.
    2. make sure your OTG cable is working with your device, test with an USB keyboard/mouse if possible
    3. make sure nearby PS3 (or any other devices you have paired with the controller) is powered off, otherwise the controller may try to connect with those device through Bluetooth instead.
    4. if you have ever installed any other apps which can work with PS3 controller directly, you may need to uninstall them.
  • Settings Editor Pro Мод APK 2.13.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Settings Editor Pro Мод APK 2.13.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This is an Xposed Module which requires the Xposed Framework to work. You can find more about the Xposed Framework here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=3034811
    Devices below Android 5.0 (Lollipop) are not supported

    This app allows you to easily add, change or remove items in (close to) stock Android Settings.

    On first launch this app will get a list of all the settings items. You can add one by simply clicking the plus button. You can remove an item by long pressing it or edit one by clicking it. You can change the name, category, icon and application/fragment to launch. You can also change the order of the items and categories.

    Other settings
    • Change amount of columns
    • Only show icons
    • Change icon size
    • Remove icon background
    • Enable or disable color filter of icons
    • Change the background color of the main settings screen
    • Change text color
    • Hide status text
    • Launch an app by clicking its icon in the InstalledAppDetails activity
    • Show the apps package name in the InstalledAppDetails activity
    • Hide app icon from launcher

    You can easily modify a setting by just clicking it or remove the modification by long clicking it.
  • App UI Designer Мод APK 1.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    App UI Designer Мод APK 1.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Easily build and edit Android app user interfaces with this visual app UI designer.

    This app can run standalone and is also fully integrated into "AIDE - Android IDE" if both are installed. It can import and export Android layout XML files, which are used by the Android SDK to define user interface layouts.

    - WYSIWYG UI editing
    - Android SDK compatible layout XML import&export
    - Add/delete views
    - View hierarchy
    - Edit view and layout properties
    - Undo&redo
    - Theme switching (dark/light, small/large)
  • UltraPixel - Precision editing Мод APK 12.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    UltraPixel - Precision editing Мод APK 12.1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    No subscriptions, and no in-app purchases.

    *To use the iOS version, please visit the App Store at the following URL: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ultrapixel-precision-editing/id1074587629

    *In this version, the maximum long-edge resolution is 4096.

    Transform your photos with UltraPixel. Apply high-quality photo filters, rich color and monochrome functionality, and drawing effects like pencil, wave, pixelate, and sketch to bring your creative vision to life. Share your images with ease using social integration.

    *Click on the photo on the screen to automatically save it to your album.

    Enjoy the benefits of the app together! Whether you're a pro or casual user, appreciate the ease of use and high-resolution output.

    Privacy Policy:

    For more details, visit https://hanchanglin.wixsite.com/website
  • Phone Apps Launcher Provider P Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Phone Apps Launcher Provider P Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The "Phone Apps Launcher Provider" which is uised with "Phone Apps Launcher" app on Samsung Gear s3 devices.

    This app help you manager phones application on your Samsung Gear S3 devices:
    - Show list apps in circle list
    - Open app from Gear
    - Show app information from Gear
    - Uninstall app on Gear screen
    - Auto update list apps when any app is installed or uninstall
    - Support sort list apps display on Gear device.
  • Jit Screen On License Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Jit Screen On License Мод APK 1.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This is the license for Jit Screen On application, not the application itself.
    You must have Xposed framework installed for Jit Screen On to work.

    Jit Screen On is a cool Xposed mod that lets you select specific apps for which the screen will stay turned on as long as the app is in the foreground.

    ☆ Select whether screen stays on for selected apps as long as the app is active or set a timeout after which the screen will turn off
    Does not use wakelocks
    Does not change system settings

    This license removes the trial period of 30 days

    Screen on, keep screen on, Jit screen on
  • MyURemote Universal Remote Con Мод APK 3.3.180 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    MyURemote Universal Remote Con Мод APK 3.3.180 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The Ultimate Universal Remote Control App for Tech Enthusiasts and Professionals!

    MyURemote (My Universal Remote Control) is a powerful smart remote app with an easy to use interface for Android and IOS. It provides control of home theatre and home automation devices like TV's, projectors, receivers, bluray, media servers, domotics, etc ...
    MyURemote comes with a great set of features designed to make your Audio Video setup as User-Friendly as possible. MyURemote does not offer in-app purchases. All functionalities and timeless support are included.

    What makes Universal Remote App highly recommended?
    •Universal Remote Control
    •Simplify the use of your Home Theatre system.
    •Add recognizable labels to your Rooms, Inputs and Macros, so that buttons become familiar and easy to use.
    •Integrate ALL your remote controls into ONE easy to use lay-out.
    •Lay-out for tablet and for smartphone.
    •Editing is local on the device or online.
    •Cloud-based: configuration is retrievable from any device using the same login.
    •Activity based
    •Direct network control with live feedback.
    •Easy and quick setup.
    •Supports built-in IR blaster
    •Universal Remote Control IR Global Caché and IP
    •Auto DLNA (network devices) discovery.
    •Create your own macros and scenarios.
    •Add your favorite channel buttons and icons.
    •Highly customisable, and flexible.
    •Both home-automation and audio/video control in one app.
    •No line of sight requirements (InfraRed: when using Global Caché IR controller)
    •Free technical superb (cloud based) support.
    •All functions in one price - No in-app purchases!
    •the best universal remote control app on the market.

    *Official Global Caché partner: http://www.globalcache.com
    *Winner of the VEZO award 2012 for universal remote control app.
    *Devices that are not in our IP compatibility list need a built-in IR blaster or a Global Caché controller - www.myuremote.com/compatibility.
  • LED Control Pro [ROOT] Мод APK 1.3.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    LED Control Pro [ROOT] Мод APK 1.3.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Turn your phone's LED into a charging indicator!

    *Does NOT support Samsung/LG/Asus/others phones. Only for Motorola devices.*

    Didn't know that your Nexus 6/Moto X has an LED? You'll be hooked!
    Use this app to select kernel specific "charging triggers" for the device's LED which will make it light up when plugged in depending on the specific charging triggers.



    · Motorola Google Nexus™ 6
    · Motorola Moto™ X (2013)
    · Motorola Moto™ G (2013)
    · Motorola Moto™ E
    · Motorola Droid™ MAXX/Ultra


    · Motorola Moto™ X2/G2
    · Non - Motorola devices

    This app MIGHT work on your MOTOROLA device even if it is not listed here, although it is not recommended to be installed on devices other than those in the Supported Devices list, because those are the devices on which it has been tested.

    Please understand that if it doesn't work on your device I cannot magically make it work (eg. Moto X 2nd Gen.) and refrain from leaving poor ratings. Thank you.


    · Clean, simple, Material Design inspired UI
    · Brightness Slider: Control your 'charging' LED's brightness while charging, if your device supports it. Currently works only on Moto X and Nexus 6.
    · Set On Boot: Automatically sets the last chosen trigger on a reboot, since the values are reset each time the kernel restarts. Available in Pro version only.
    · LED Color: Choose between 3 LED colors if your device supports it (Nexus 6, Droid Ultra, Moto X). Available in Pro version only.

    • AVAILABLE TRIGGERS: (Varies by device)

    · While Charging
    · While Charging through Adapter
    · Battery Full
    · While Charging or Battery Full
    · While Charging (Blnking) or Battery Full
    · While connected to USB
    · When Bluetooth is enabled
    · When Display is on
    · On Internal Storage I/O Activity
    · On External Storage I/O Activity
    · When flashlight (rear LED) is on
    · When camera flash (rear LED) is on
    · Always on

    *** If you haven't heard of root access your device is probably not rooted ***

    Support: http://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/4-3-led-control-motorola-devices-t3036823

    This app is open source! Grab it here : https://github.com/KDB223/LEDControl

    This app has the potential of blocking your notification LED if you use a Moto G/ Moto E (a separate LED blinks just beside the dedicated charging LED but you might not notice it).
    Please be aware that I (KDB), nor Google Inc. nor anyone but you yourself are responsible for the consequences of you missing an important notification due to this app.

    Send your feedback about this app to [email protected]

    · "Nexus" is a registered trademark of Google Inc.
    · "Moto" is a registered trademark of Motorola Mobility LLC
    · "Droid" is a registered trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. and a registered brand name of Verizon Wireless
  • Smart Screen On/Off Pro Мод APK 3.9.9 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Smart Screen On/Off Pro Мод APK 3.9.9 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Smart Screen On Off application is simple utility to automatically On or Off screen using proximity sensor, instead of having to press the power button manually. Smart Screen On Off have a power head floating in a convenient location is also provided to quickly turn off the screen.
    Sometimes difficult to press the power button, or you want to preserve the physical power button. Smart Screen On Off application and the power head floating can help you minimize the use of the power button anytime, anywhere.

    "This app uses the Device Administrator permission." It is necessary and used only for locking the device when you use feature turn off the screen. You need to enable Administration before it can be used that feature. To uninstall the app, please open my app and click the "Uninstall" button.

    "This app uses Accessibility services." It is necessary and used to detect home screen.

    Function have in Smart applications on/off screen auto:
    - The sensor will automatically detect, and auto power on / off screen to help you.
    - You can disable the feature when the screen rotates horizontally.
    - You can set separate delays when the screen on / off to avoid accidentally enabled.
    - Support power to quickly head off the screen.
    - Support for using the same cover.
    - Auto screen off when put your phone into pocket.
    - Add feature to fix issue with fingerprint and smart lock.
    - Improve best performance. Only use a maximum of 5 MB RAM.
  • Droidbug Haunter PRO Мод APK 3.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Droidbug Haunter PRO Мод APK 3.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Droidbug Haunter is the unique APP for Android with more than 500 tools in malware laboratory for its analysis and lab.

    Offers a big complete colection compatible with Linux/Windows/Mac/Android/Iphone.

    The sections you can fin, are:

    - Crypters
    - Webshells
    - Anti-Malware
    - Botnets
    - Droppers/Spreaders/downloaders
    - PCAP
    - Encoders/Decoders
    - Joiners/Blinders
    - Keyloggers
    - OCX-LIBS
    - PhoneBots
    - Simple Backdoors
    - Tools
    - Trojans
    - Trojans Phone
    - Win/linux/Mac Virus
    - Android virus
    - Binaries
    - Modding

    You can find powefull projects like, Darkcomet, Multiple Bifrost Versions, Demonio, AndroRat, Flux etc...

    The Downloable software of this application is orientes on purpose for analysis in a controlled laboratory and isolated systems from sensitive information. We are not responsables for the bad use of this application. We recommend have a controlled use.

    *** ROOT is no required
    *** Compatible Android versions: 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x y 6.x
  • Fake Location PRO (Mock GPS) Мод APK 5.2.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Fake Location PRO (Mock GPS) Мод APK 5.2.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    If you like our application, upgrade Fake Location (Mock GPS) PRO - Sponsored version!

    You will also get a higher PRO exclusive features:
    - Professional
    -30 record My Favorites
    -30 record Location History
    - No Advertising

    === Sharing ===
    Using false position App, you can disguise your location, tap around the world will be able to Fake Location.
    1. Analog seating arrangement in any country Gps coordinates.
    2. You have to find their own place in disguise, whether street, the city where they can perform the most accurate positioning false.
    3. Transferring false position message to the community LINE, FB, Whatsapp, so you do not easily be tracked.
    4. Can check the location GPS position coordinates.
    5. Compass, direction accurately caught.
    6. The simple user interface, the fastest.
    7. My favorite feature, recording place, allowing you quick access.
    8. Fake location history.

    If you have any questions you can send Mail to us!
    [email protected]
  • Flash Game Player Pro KEY Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Flash Game Player Pro KEY Мод APK 2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Merry Christmas!

    This application is a pro KEY unlocker that need you install the bellow applications:

    New version(recommended): Flash Game Player NEW

    Classic version: Flash Game Player Classic

    This KEY support both 2 version.
    If you have buy the pro version before, please update this application and then install one of the Game Player application. New version is recommended.
  • GKM Touch Мод APK 1.5.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    GKM Touch Мод APK 1.5.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    For users looking for simply and easy to use touchscreen mapping tools to play Touchscreen games and other purpose, work with Gamepad, Keyboard and Mouse. FPS style games get much better camera control by playing with mouse, provides true PC gaming experience on Android. ** Need rooted device, and make sure SELinux is disabled on Android 4.3+ devices **.

    If your device is not compatible or have other problem please contact developer at [email protected]

    - simple and easy to use
    - edit touch points over captured screen or directly over games screen
    - emulate up to 5 simultaneous touch points
    - pan camera with mouse, map mouse buttons, and hide mouse cursor
    - save game profiles and exchange with other users
    - work with any input devices support by OS (e.g. Xperia Play Touchpad, USB XBox 360 Controller), Bluez-IME (e.g. Wiimote, iControlPad, PhoneJoy, iPega), or "system mode" of connecting tools like Sixaxis Controller (PS3) and Moga Universal Driver
    - work with devices which have no physical touchscreen
  • MagicCalc, Graphing Calculator Мод APK 4.31 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    MagicCalc, Graphing Calculator Мод APK 4.31 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    MagicCalc is a full functions full screen scientific and programmable graphing calculator for Phones and Tablets. It's composed by : Console window for input/output, and calculus operations. 2D graphic window for 2D functions and 2D parametric functions. 3D graphic window for 3D functions and 3D parametric functions. Program editor for scripting complex operations. You can save and load your programs.
    - We don't assume any responsabilities on copies installed outside the appstore.
  • WebMaster's HTML Editor Мод APK 1.7.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    WebMaster's HTML Editor Мод APK 1.7.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Have a handy HTML editor in your pocket! Source code editor for webmasters and web designers.

    - Code completion (IntelliSense-like)
    - Syntax highlighting for HTML, PHP, CSS and JavaScript files
    - Built-in preview feature and virtual keys for tags and popular keyphrases for editing your HTML, CSS stylesheets and JavaScript files
    - Dark and light color schemes available
    - HTML Editor supports Japan, Cyrillic, Chinese, Western and Central Europe text encodings
    - Undo/Redo feature
    - Built-in Help system for HTML, CSS and JavaScript
    - Code snippets for JS, PHP and HTML

    Ideal web editor for web authoring and programming on the go. Also, useful as source code, text, or XML editor with undo/redo feature. We recommend AndFtp ftp client to use with your server.

    We are working hard to add more new features to our html editor. Please feel free to email your wishes to us!

    WebMaster's HTML Editor is a set of tools: html, php, css and javascript editor in a one application with multiple text encodings. Website developer can use the code editor as a development software for programming and html5 web development.
  • GPS Keeper Pro Мод APK 2.4.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    GPS Keeper Pro Мод APK 2.4.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Это приложение постоянно поддерживает включение GPS даже при выключении экрана. Таким образом, вы не потеряете данные GPS, когда ваш телефон перейдет в спящий режим.

    Преимущества версии Lite:
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Без рекламы
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Уведомление отображает статус спутника и данные о текущем местоположении
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Меньший размер
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Пользовательская плитка, чтобы вы могли запускать / останавливать приложение так же, как запускаете / останавливаете Wi-Fi
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Поддержка виджетов, поэтому вы можете запускать / останавливать приложение с главного экрана
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Завершение работы приложения из панели уведомлений (Android 4.2 и новее)
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Автоматическое выключение, если экран выключен на указанное количество минут
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Автоматическое отключение, если уровень заряда батареи ниже установленного процента
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Может автоматически запускаться при загрузке
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Требуется меньше разрешений

    Это приложение очень полезно, когда вы используете любое приложение, использующее GPS, например, Google Maps, Geocaching, ...

    Для некоторых телефонов приложение даже ускоряет обновление данных GPS, поэтому вы получаете более точную информацию о местоположении и большую точность. Учтите, что такое бывает только на некоторых телефонах!

    Приложение требует некоторых разрешений. Позвольте мне объяснить почему:
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Хорошее местоположение по GPS: ну, вы хотите, чтобы он имел доступ к GPS, верно? :)
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Статус загрузки: чтобы иметь возможность запускаться при загрузке, если это установлено в настройках
    & nbsp; & nbsp; & diams; & nbsp; Измените системные настройки: чтобы получить фоновое изображение телефона. Я понимаю, что это нелогично, и я согласен, но приложение вылетает без этого разрешения на некоторых телефонах :(

    Конечно, когда вы используете это приложение, GPS постоянно включен, поэтому батарея может разрядиться быстрее.

    Это приложение может работать не со всеми телефонами, так как некоторые производители модифицируют Android таким образом, чтобы приложение не работало должным образом. Подобное поведение было замечено, в том числе, на некоторых телефонах Alcatel.
    Пожалуйста, сначала протестируйте Lite-версию этого приложения, чтобы убедиться, что она работает.

    В случае ошибок:
    В каждом приложении рано или поздно появляется ошибка. Если вы найдете его, сообщите мне, чтобы я мог решить проблему. Вы также можете связаться со мной, если у вас есть предложения по улучшению приложения. С удовольствием выслушаю ваши предложения!

    Если вы хотите оставить отрицательные комментарии или если вы недовольны своей покупкой, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, СВЯЖИТЕСЬ СО МНОЙ по [email protected], чтобы мы могли решить проблему (или добавить функцию). Я не могу отвечать на комментарии, поэтому не могу помочь с проблемами там.

    Если вы хотите помочь мне перевести приложение на другой язык, свяжитесь со мной!

    Имейте в виду, что приложение предоставляется «КАК ЕСТЬ». На него не следует полагаться, и я не буду нести ответственности за любые проблемы / расходы / опасные для жизни ситуации, которые он может вызвать.

    Особая благодарность:
    Роли Шиллер за перевод приложения на венгерский язык
    Мигель Алонсо за перевод приложения на испанский язык
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