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  • Eye Trainer & Eye Exercises fo Мод APK 3.0 [Unlocked] 4.0

    Eye Trainer & Eye Exercises fo Мод APK 3.0 [Unlocked]


    Ochi obositi? Greu de concentrat? Ai nevoie de un ochi personal? Faceți o scurtă pauză și relaxați-vă ochii în timp ce vă păstrați sănătatea ochilor în același timp! Cu această aplicație veți avea un propriu medic ochi pentru îngrijirea ochilor!

    La fel ca orice alți mușchi din corpul nostru, mușchii ochilor au nevoie, de asemenea, de exerciții fizice regulate pentru a-i menține sănătoși și puternici. Știm cu toții că a face lucruri precum înotul, jogging-ul sau mersul la sală ne menține corpul în formă. Dar știați că puteți exercita și ochiul uman? Cu un antrenament ocular sau o terapie simplă a vederii? Sau cu această aplicație pentru ochi?

    Cu această aplicație puteți descoperi cât de repede și ușor este să vă îmbunătățiți vederea și să vă păstrați sănătatea ochilor făcând acest antrenament ocular de 6-7 minute în fiecare zi! De asemenea, îți vei simți instantaneu ochii înviorați după fiecare antrenament și poate fi eficient și înainte de un test ocular.

    Eye Doctor (Eye Trainer) este o aplicație foarte ușor de utilizat. Trebuie doar să începeți antrenamentul cu un singur clic și vocile încorporate vă vor gestiona prin toți cei 12 pași, astfel încât să puteți finaliza cu ușurință antrenamentul pentru ochi. Mai mult, există cifre care indică metoda corectă de a face fiecare pas!

    De asemenea, este posibil să întrerupeți antrenamentul ocular pentru o vreme sau să treceți la orice alt pas pe care doriți să îl faceți dacă trebuie să întrerupeți unul dintre exerciții.

    Dacă ați finalizat cursul, îl puteți distribui cu ușurință pe Facebook!

    Această aplicație pentru ochi poate fi utilizată ca antrenor de vedere sau ca terapie a vederii pentru recuperarea vederii. Puteți obține de la rezultate ușoare până la chiar grave în recuperarea vederii cu ajutorul antrenamentului nostru vizual care conține exerciții atent alese (cum ar fi mișcarea mingii ochiului). Acesta este propriul tău medic ochi!

    Antrenamentul poate fi, de asemenea, util, reducând simptomele a numeroase tulburări oculare (probleme oculare), cum ar fi miopie (miopie), hipermetropie (hipermetropie), astigmatism sau oboseală. De asemenea, este util dacă faceți antrenamentul înainte de un test ocular (tester ocular).

    Sfaturi, avertismente și informații suplimentare despre fiecare etapă sunt incluse în Ajutor.

    Începeți să folosiți Eye Trainer astăzi! Pentru o viziune îmbunătățită și ochi sănătoși.

    Versiunea PRO conține 9 antrenamente complete, cum ar fi masaje oculare, un test de orbire a culorii sau antrenamente care reduc simptomele multor tulburări oculare. Încearcă-l azi!

    „Sănătatea este bogăție” - și acest lucru este valabil și pentru protecția ochilor sau pentru îngrijirea ochilor. Ochiul uman are nevoie de tratament frecvent pentru ochi, de aceea este recomandat să efectuați antrenament vizual (sau terapie vizuală) în fiecare zi pentru rezultate adecvate la îmbunătățirea vederii. Mușchii ochilor trebuie antrenați adesea pentru a vă câștiga vederea înapoi (test ocular). Veți vedea, va fi ca unul dintre jocurile pentru ochi.

    Despre ochiul nostru:

    Ochii sunt organe care detectează lumina și o transformă în impulsuri electrochimice în neuroni. Cei mai simpli fotoreceptori din viziunea conștientă conectează lumina la mișcare. În organismele superioare, ochiul este un sistem optic complex care colectează lumina din mediul înconjurător, reglează intensitatea acesteia printr-o diafragmă, o focalizează printr-un ansamblu reglabil de lentile pentru a forma o imagine, transformă această imagine într-un set de semnale electrice.

    Acuitatea vizuală sau puterea de rezolvare este „capacitatea de a distinge detaliile fine” și este proprietatea celulelor conice. Este adesea măsurată în cicluri pe grad (CPD), care măsoară o rezoluție unghiulară sau cât de mult un ochi poate diferenția un obiect de altul în ceea ce privește unghiurile vizuale.

    Un manual pentru ochi vă poate ajuta pentru mai multe informații despre ochi (sau urmărirea ochilor).

    Versiunea Pro este ca o aplicație de magie a ochilor cu 8 antrenamente noi, inclusiv recunoașterea dominantă a ochilor și un test de orbire a culorii ochilor! Un test ocular cu iluzii oculare interesante va fi adăugat mai târziu!
  • Ponto por Ponto - Dieta Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Ponto por Ponto - Dieta Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    Point by Point is an easy way to control your feeding and ensure a healthy weight loss. All you need to know is your daily points limit (using our calculator) and register everything you eat. At the end of the day you will know how many points you have consumed. For example, if your limit is 300 points you should eat per day not more than 300 points. If you exceed the target, try to make up the next day. Use the points calculator, it will display your daily points limit so you can lose weight, your BMI and ideal weight.
    The tool allows you to track what you eat and the number of total points you eat per day. It allows you to track your weight day by day and plots in a chart your weight evolution, to motivate you more and more.
    The Points Diet was created to simplify the diet based on calories. One point is around 3.6 calories. So, if you miss a food/beverage in our database, just add the new food/beverage, inform a food description including the unit of measure (example 1 cup, 1 tsp (table spoon) and fill with number of calories of this portion. Select the correct food category and this new food will be stored in your local database.
    Points Diet. Healthiness. Good shape.
  • Brain Waves Pro Binaural Beats Мод APK 4.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Brain Waves Pro Binaural Beats Мод APK 4.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    આ એપ્લિકેશન દ્વારા તમે સરળતાથી શુદ્ધ તરંગો ઉત્પન્ન કરી શકો છો જે તમારી સાંદ્રતા, ધ્યાન અથવા રાહતને ઉત્તેજિત કરશે.

    ખૂબ જ મહત્વપૂર્ણ
    better વધુ સારા અવાજ અનુભવ માટે હેડફોનોનો ઉપયોગ કરો

    Driving ડ્રાઇવિંગ કરતી વખતે અથવા ભારે મશીનરી ચલાવતા સમયે આ એપ્લિકેશનનો ઉપયોગ કરશો નહીં.

    Hearing તમારી સુનાવણીની કાળજી લો, આ અવાજો ઉચ્ચ વોલ્યુમમાં સાંભળવું જરૂરી નથી.

    તમે બે સ્વતંત્ર cસિલેટરનો ઉપયોગ કરીને તમારી પોતાની ફ્રીક્વન્સીઝ બનાવી અને બચાવી શકો છો, બે આડી બાર દ્વારા નિયંત્રિત, દંડ ગોઠવણ બટનો સાથે અથવા સીધા ઇનપુટ દ્વારા ઇચ્છિત મૂલ્ય (ઇનપુટ સંવાદ ખોલવા માટે ડાબી અથવા જમણી આવર્તન મૂલ્યને ટેપ કરો).
    તમે બે દશાંશ પોઇન્ટ (દા.ત. 125.65) સાથેના મૂલ્યોનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકો છો.

    અવાજો વાસ્તવિક સમયમાં ઉત્પન્ન થાય છે, તે પૂર્વ રેકોર્ડ અવાજ નથી. તમે ઇચ્છો ત્યાં સુધી આને અવરોધ વિના ચલાવવા માટે સક્ષમ કરે છે.

    તે કેવી રીતે કાર્ય કરે છે
    દ્વિસંગી ધબકારા અથવા દ્વિસંગી ટોન, ચોક્કસ શારીરિક ઉત્તેજનાને કારણે auditડિટરી પ્રોસેસિંગ આર્ટિફેક્ટ્સ અથવા સ્પષ્ટ અવાજો છે.
    આ અસર હેનરીક વિલ્હેમ ડવ દ્વારા 1839 માં મળી હતી અને 20 મી સદીના અંતમાં વૈકલ્પિક ચિકિત્સા સમુદાય દ્વારા કરવામાં આવેલા દાવાને આધારે બાયનોરલ ધબકારા હળવાશ, ધ્યાન, સર્જનાત્મકતા અને અન્ય ઇચ્છિત માનસિક સ્થિતિઓને પ્રેરિત કરવામાં મદદ કરી શકે છે તેના આધારે વધુ લોક જાગૃતિ પ્રાપ્ત કરી હતી.

    મગજના તરંગો પરની અસર દરેક સ્વરની આવર્તનના તફાવત પર આધારીત છે: ઉદાહરણ તરીકે, જો એક કાનમાં 300 હર્ટ્ઝ અને બીજામાં 310 રમવામાં આવે, તો પછી બાઈનોરલ બીટની આવર્તન 10 હર્ટ્ઝ હશે.

    દ્વિસંગી ધબકારાની અનુભૂતિ અનુભવવા માટે, મધ્યમથી નબળા વોલ્યુમ પર હેડફોનો સાથે આ ફાઇલ સાંભળવી શ્રેષ્ઠ છે - અવાજ સરળતાથી સાંભળવો જોઈએ, પરંતુ મોટેથી નહીં. નોંધ કરો કે બંને ઇયરફોન દ્વારા સાંભળવામાં આવે ત્યારે જ ધ્વનિ પલ્સટેટ થાય છે.
    વધુ માહિતી માટે આની મુલાકાત લો: https://en.wikedia.org/wiki/Binaural_beats


    શ્રેષ્ઠ પરિણામો માટે કૃપા કરીને હેડફોનોનો ઉપયોગ કરો.
    તમારી સુનાવણીની કાળજી લો, આ અવાજો ઉચ્ચ વોલ્યુમમાં સાંભળવું જરૂરી નથી.
    તળિયે સ્લાઇડ બાર વોલ્યુમને નિયંત્રિત કરે છે, પરંતુ તે તમારા ઉપકરણના વોલ્યુમથી સ્વતંત્ર છે, તેથી જો ત્યાં અવાજ ન હોય અથવા તે ખૂબ highંચો હોય, તો ધ્વનિને સંતુલિત કરવા માટે તમારા ઉપકરણનું વોલ્યુમ પણ સેટ કરો.

    મહત્વપૂર્ણ પણ છે
    નવીનતમ Android સંસ્કરણો, સિસ્ટમ રિકોર્સને મેનેજ કરવા માટે વિકસિત થઈ રહ્યા છે અને સ્રોતોને .પ્ટિમાઇઝ કરવા માટે આપમેળે સીપીયુ વપરાશ ધીમું કરશે.
    રીઅલ ટાઇમ audioડિઓ સિંથેસિસ, જેમ કે આપણે અમારી એપ્લિકેશનોમાં ઉપયોગ કરીએ છીએ તે ખૂબ જ સંવેદનશીલ પ્રક્રિયા છે જ્યારે ઓએસ આ મુખ્ય થ્રેડ માટે સીપીયુ વપરાશને રોકવા અથવા ઘટાડવાનો પ્રયાસ કરે છે.

    જો તમને audioડિઓ ચલાવવામાં કોઈ સમસ્યા હોય, તો કૃપા કરીને આ લિંકની સૂચનાઓને અનુસરો:


    પ્રીસેટ્સનું સંચાલન કરો

    તમે ટોચનાં બટન "સેવ ટ Tapપ કરો" પર ક્લિક કરીને મુખ્ય સ્ક્રીનથી સીધા પ્રીસેટને સાચવી શકો છો, વર્તમાન કિંમતો આગલી સ્ક્રીન પર આપમેળે લોડ થશે.
    પછી ફક્ત નામ લખો અને સાચવો ક્લિક કરો.

    પ્રીસેટ લોડ કરવા માટે, મુખ્ય સ્ક્રીનમાં પ્રીસેટ્સ પર ક્લિક કરો અને પછી તેના નામ પર ક્લિક કરીને પ્રીસેટ પસંદ કરો.

    કોઈ પ્રીસેટ કા deleteી નાખવા માટે ફક્ત ટ્રshશકન બટન પર ક્લિક કરો.

    પૃષ્ઠભૂમિમાં ચાલી ો
    એપ્લિકેશનને પૃષ્ઠભૂમિમાં ચાલવા દેવા માટે, ફક્ત તમારા ઉપકરણ પર "હોમ" બટન દબાવો.
    જો તમે Back "પાછળ \" બટન દબાવો છો, તો એપ્લિકેશન બંધ થશે.

    માત્ર મિનિટમાં મૂલ્ય લખો. જ્યારે સમય સમાપ્ત થાય છે ત્યારે એપ્લિકેશન આપમેળે બંધ થઈ જશે.

    મોજા પ્રકાર

    અંતર્જ્ .ાન

    ડીપ સ્લીપ
    અલગ જાગૃતિ

    આલ્ફા -

    અંતર્જ્ .ાન

    ઉચ્ચ શિક્ષણ


    મુખ્ય લાક્ષણિકતાઓ :

    - ધ્યાન સહાયક;
    - અભ્યાસ માટે એકાગ્રતા;
    - oundsીલું મૂકી દેવાથી અવાજો;
    - નિદ્રાધીન થવામાં મદદ;
    - અવાજ અવરોધિત કરો;
    - તણાવ વિરોધી;
    - તે સતત અવાજ પ્રદાન કરશે, રીઅલ ટાઇમમાં દ્વિસંગી ધબકારા પેદા કરશે, કોઈ આંટીઓ નહીં;
    - પૃષ્ઠભૂમિમાં કાર્ય કરે છે, ફક્ત "હોમ" બટન દબાવો અથવા એપ્લિકેશન શોર્ટકટમાં વાપરો;
  • Binaural Beats - Pro Мод APK 3.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Binaural Beats - Pro Мод APK 3.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Activate your brain by binaural beats meditation according to what you need to do ore perform.
    this application includes 5 binaural beats frequencies of your selection :
    * alpha waves - relaxation while awake , pre-sleep and pre-wake.
    * beta waves - active , busy or anxious thinking , active concentration and cognition.
    * gamma waves - higher mental activity , perception , problem solving , fear release.
    * theta waves - dreams , deep meditation , REM sleep.
    * delta waves - deep dreamless sleep , loss of body awareness.

    * It also include sounds of a nature that you can add as a background relaxation sound to the binaural waves.

    what are binaural beats ?

    Binaural beats occur when we hear two different frequencies, one in each ear. A binaural beat is defined as the difference between the two pitches. When you hear a 200Hz sound in one ear and a 190Hz sound in the other, you'll hear a 10Hz binaural beat ( 200 - 190 = 10).

    Binaural beats are auditory artifacts. In our example above, there is no 10Hz sound yet we “hear” one anyway. You must use headphones to have stereo separation. Speakers won't work, you have to use stereo headphones or ear buds.

    Why listen to binaural beats? Because they can increase specific brainwave frequencies as our brain mimics the frequencies we hear within the binaural beat. Let's say you want to increase your alpha brainwaves. Listen to a binaural beat in the alpha range (8-12 Hz). This phenomena is called entrainment or frequency-following response.
  • Blue Light Filter Pro Eye Care Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Blue Light Filter Pro Eye Care Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Eyes feel tired during night reading on the phone?

    Have trouble in sleeping after long time watching phone screen?

    Eye Care -Blue Light Filter Pro may be a best solution!

    All the problems are caused by blue light which is produced by phone screen . And Blue Light is very harmful to your eye .
    Blue light from your phone and tablet screen is the visible light spectrum (380-550nm) for circadian regulation. According to the scientific studies, exposure to blue light imposes serious threats to retinal neurons and inhibits the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that influences circadian rhythms. It is proven that reducing blue light can greatly improve sleep.

    Blue Light Filter App is built to reduce the blue light . All you need is to shift to Enable Bluelight filter in the app. You can also adjust color temperature, blue light filter intensity and screen dimmer to adapt to your eyes.
    Blue light filter is used to reduce blue light by adjusting the screen to natural color. Shifting your screen to night mode can relieve your eyes strain, and your eyes will feel at ease during night reading. Also blue light filter will protect your eyes and help you sleep easily.

    Top Features:

    ► Reduce blue light - The screen filter can change your screen into natural color, so it can reduce the blue light which will affect your sleep.
    ► Adjustable filter intensity-You can easily adjust the filter intensity to soften the screen light .
    ► Save power -Practice shows it can greatly save power because of reducing screen blue light on AMOLED screen.
    ► Very easy to use - Handy switches and access shortcut from notification & floating button will help you turn on and turn off the app in one tap. Very useful app for eye care.
    ► Built-in screen dimmer -You can adjust your screen brightness accordingly & dim backlight. Get better reading experience.
    ► Eye protector from screen light -Screen shift to night mode to protect your eyes and relieve your eyes in no time.
    ► Startup Automatically :Blue Light Filter automatically starts after boot if it was enable before shut down app.

    *** CAUTION***
    Eye Care -Blue Light Filter may cause some secured buttons (Install APK, grant permissions…) to be inaccessible.
    Please Turn OFF Blue Light Filter before tapping the button .
    When capturing a screen (screenshot) turn off the filter first, otherwise it will apply to the captured screen as well
    Sorry for the inconvenience..
  • 3rd Eye Guardian Мод APK 5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    3rd Eye Guardian Мод APK 5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This a meditation app that will over time help you relax and at the same time awaken the third eye. The Third eye is a mystical, invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight and sound. The 3rd eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms of consciousness.

    The 528 frequency contained in this app awakens the third eye. According to theory humans in far ancient times had a third eye. To the Hindus it was the Brow Chakra. Today it is known as the Pineal Gland. It is believed that by tuning into the gland via a 528 frequency over time you will regain the third eye.

    Simply click, play and listen and relax.

    Features 3 free different ambient meditation sounds to suit your mood or environment and you can download 3 more free premium meditations.

    This paid version of The 3rd Eye App also has 9 optional premium meditation sounds which you can download as you require. This allows the app download size to be minimal.

    The app includes a sleep timer which you can set from 15 to 300 minutes. Start the app, relax, fall asleep and the app will automatically switch off.

    Each of the premium tracks can be selected and previewed however they can only be downloaded in 3rd Eye Guardian app. Just follow the onscreen instructions.
  • CaloryGuard Pro Мод APK 3.4.11 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    CaloryGuard Pro Мод APK 3.4.11 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    CaloryGuard Pro - Twój osobisty trener kalorii i fitness, łatwo i trwale schudniesz i zyskasz wymarzone ciało!

    Z ponad 750 000 zadowolonych klientów na całym świecie i wieloma niesamowitymi opiniami z ogólnokrajowych czasopism, gazet, stacji telewizyjnych i blogów, CaloryGuard jest teraz jeszcze bardziej skuteczny!

    Wysoce zoptymalizowany do codziennego użytku na telefonie lub tablecie z Androidem sprawia, że ​​śledzenie twoich nawyków żywieniowych jest znacznie szybsze i łatwiejsze niż kiedykolwiek. Ustaw swoje indywidualne cele i przestrzegaj diety niskowęglowodanowej, Atkinsa, Paleo, diety wysokobiałkowej lub diety niestandardowej.
    Synchronizuj swoje pozostałe urządzenia z Androidem, iPhone'a, iPada lub Maca z wbudowaną bezprzewodową synchronizacją z chmurą!

    Nasza unikalna baza danych online jest automatycznie aktualizowana o nowe produkty spożywcze i nowe sporty regularnie, aby pomóc Ci policzyć kalorie swoich ulubionych produktów spożywczych i połączyć je z codziennymi zajęciami sportowymi, które najlepiej odpowiadają Twoim potrzebom.

    - Łatwe i szybkie wprowadzanie i śledzenie danych
    - Automatyczne dostosowanie do twoich potrzeb
    - Ogromna baza danych żywności zawierająca. Baza danych USDA (ponad 25 000)
    - Częste aktualizacje online
    - NOWOŚĆ: integracja RunKeeper i Strava
    - Synchronizacja w chmurze między nieograniczoną liczbą urządzeń ($)
    - Zintegrowany skaner kodów kreskowych (tylko Europa, $)
    - Kompleksowe statystyki z eksportem
    - Zoptymalizowany dla tabletu i telefonu

    Dalsze funkcje:

    - Monitoruj swoją wagę, tkankę tłuszczową i talię
    - Twórz własne przepisy kulinarne lub wpisy żywności
    - Lista ulubionych dla szybkiego dostępu
    - Kopiuj i wklej posiłki i zajęcia
    - Wsparcie dla wielu użytkowników ($)
    - Integracja ze skalą Withings
     + Obejmuje kupon o wartości 9 USD na wagę
    - Ochrona hasła
    - Zintegrowane tworzenie kopii zapasowych / przywracanie
    - W pełni funkcjonalny nawet bez połączenia z Internetem
    - Wszystkie aktualizacje są bezpłatne!
    - Wsparcie dla jednostek amerykańskich i metrycznych
    - Obsługa kilokalorii i kilodżuli
    - Wielojęzyczny: angielski, niemiecki, hiszpański i francuski

    Znajdź nas w Internecie: http://www.caloryguard.com
    Na iPhone'a / iPada: http://appstore.com/caloryguardpro
    W systemie Mac: http://appstore.com/mac/caloryguardpro

    Śledź nas na Twitterze: http://twitter.com/caloryguard
    Polub nas na Facebooku: http://facebook.caloryguard.com
  • StressLocator Pro Мод APK 2.38 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    StressLocator Pro Мод APK 2.38 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    - biofeedback coherence training
    - Measure and enhance your concentration and relaxation levels
    - Free ebook http://download.happy-electronics.eu/ebooks/ebook-stresslocator-en.pdf?pro
    - Use the expert mode to access detailed information on your physical and mental state
    - Instantly and precisely measure your pulse rate
    - Track your results over time
    - Share your results via Facebook, Google+ or Twitter
    - Compare your results with other users from around the world and compete for a place in world Top 10!
    - Check your ability to concentrate with integrated Save Astronauts game
    - Learn to relax using our meditation tool
    - non-medical use, only for general fitness/wellness purpose

    Compatible with StressLocator Oximeter.

    StressLocator - find out more about your mental and physical condition. Decrease your stress. Together, your phone camera or one of our sensors and our application can measure and evaluate your pulse waves. It is an ideal tool for planning your activities, since it can tell you, in which part of a day you are most effective. You can quickly improve your concentration or relaxation level with biofeedback training, having an immediate check of your progress, and see whole history to be able to follow the long-term development.

    Quick results, easy to use. You can test many of the features in the free version. Biofeedback training with breathing exercises will help you to reach concentrated or relaxed state. You have an immediate overview of your progress. The data interpretation is based on deep research, study and analysis of known work in this field.

    StressLocator Pro is a paid application with several advantages - you get access to the expert view, which includes graphics and precisely measured data, not just a simplified description of your condition; you may view your previous results and compare them; when you use biofeedback to improve your state of mind, you are not limited by time and you can reach much better results. It offers you a possibility to train relaxation in meditation-training, see your improvement in concentration in the Save Astronauts game and to export RR intervals to KubiosHRV.
    It is also a way to contribute to the developers, for which we are very thankful.


    The whole application with its results is based on a wide range of calculations, which precisely determine your condition. The weakest point is the sensor you use for measuring. We strongly recommend the purchase our blue-tooth oximeter or ear sensor. The oximeter offers the best precision and comfort. It also measures your blood oxygenation levels, and so you get the highest possible amount of information. Buy the blue-tooth oximeter sensor here http://www.happy-electronics.eu/shop/home/10-stresslocator-oxi-8594171220081.html. The ear sensor is a cheaper, decent alternative: http://www.happy-electronics.eu/shop/en/home/30-stresslocator-oxi-8594171220197.html


    We thought it would be fun to anonymously share our results and see where are the lowest or blue-tooth oximeter sensor here http://www.happy-electronics.eu/shop/home/10-stresslocator-oxi-8594171220081.html highest levels of stress. You can compare it worldwide, but also zoom to cities. We are so curious to see the results and find out which is the best place to live. Hope you are too! Check our maps on http://www.stress-locator.com/maps.
    Are you competitive? You can easily get into the world Top 10! :) Try breathing exercises, improve your mental condition and score in relaxation or concentration levels. You can repeat the training as many times as you want. You can see the world Top 10 in your application under the button "Contest". There's a content for the Save Astronauts game as well.
    Good luck!
  • Nöbetçi Eczane Pro Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Nöbetçi Eczane Pro Мод APK [Paid for free][Free purchase]

    Η pro έκδοση του δωρεάν εφαρμογή μας. Σε αυτή την έκδοση οι διαφημίσεις αφαιρούνται. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε να κατεβάσετε την δωρεάν έκδοση πριν την εγκατάσταση της εφαρμογής.

    μπορεί να προσεγγιστεί φαρμακείο σε 81 πόλεις στην Τουρκία και τη Βόρεια Κύπρος διεύθυνση, τον αριθμό τηλεφώνου και άλλες πληροφορίες.

    Κωνσταντινούπολη, Άγκυρα, Σμύρνη, Προύσα, Αττάλεια σε περισσότερες από 60 πόλεις στις οποίες μπορείτε να βρείτε στο φαρμακείο για την τοποθεσία σας αυτόματα στο χάρτη.

    Αν η τοποθεσία του φαρμακείου, μπορείτε να πάρετε τις κατευθύνσεις μέσω του Google Map εφαρμογή.

    Οι υπηρεσίες έκτακτης ανάγκης για τα φαρμακεία, όπου μπορείτε να βρείτε τον κατάλογο των πόλεων των Αδάνων, Adıyaman, Αφιόν, Ακσαράι, Αμάσεια, Άγκυρα, Αττάλεια, Artvin, Aydın, Μπαλικεσίρ, Bart, Batman, Bayburt, Μπιλετζίκ, Μπινγκόλ, Μπιτλίς, Μπολού, Burdur, Προύσα, Τσανάκκαλε, Çankırı, Çorum, Ντενιζλί, Diyarbakır, Düzce, Κωνσταντινούπολη, Ελαζίγκ, Erzincan, Erzurum, Εσκί Σεχίρ, Γκαζιαντέπ, Giresun, Γκουμούσανε, Χατάι, Iğdır, Ισπάρτα, Mersin και τη Μερσίνα, την Κωνσταντινούπολη, τη Σμύρνη, την Κωνσταντινούπολη, Karabük, Καραμάν, Καρς, Κασταμονής, Kayseri, Kırıkkale, Kırklareli Kırşehir, Kilis, Kocaeli, Konya, Κιουτάχεια, Μαλάτια, Manisa, Μαρντίν, Κωνσταντινούπολη, Mus, Νεβσεχίρ, Νίγδης, του Στρατού, Osmaniye, Rize, Sakarya, Σαμψούντα, Σιίρτ, Σινώπη, Σίβας, Σανλιούρφα, Σιρνάκ, Tekirdağ, Τοκάτ, Τραπεζούντα, Τουντσελί, στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, Van, Κωνσταντινούπολη, Υοσγάτης, Ζονγκουλντάκ

    Κύπρος: Αμμόχωστος, Κερύνεια, Μόρφου, Λευκωσία

    Σημείωση: AGRI, Αρνταχάν, Χακάρι, Igdir και Tunceli επαρχίες από καιρό σε πληροφορίες για την ώρα δεν μπορεί να είναι το φαρμακείο.

    Σημείωση: Το δωμάτιο είναι συνδεδεμένο με τις πληροφορίες φαρμακοποιό πόλη, δήμος, έχει αναλάβει τις Διευθύνσεις Υγείας.
  • DietCalendar(weight) Мод APK 1.4.11 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    DietCalendar(weight) Мод APK 1.4.11 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Diet Calendar.
    Manage diet & weight on a daily bases.
    Can save photos, take diet notes & arrow appears when it has changes in weight.
    Control daily diet confirming weight changes.
    Can set a target weight & manage diet.
    See the changes of weight in the diet graph.
    Let's put on a healthy diet & control weight.

    Add icons (symbols) on your calendar: press "Menu", select "Icon", select a icon you like and tap the
    date on which you want to add.

    DietCalendar changes first day
    DietCalendar take the camera auto-focus
    DietCalendar, image management (managed by the date the initial SD card)
  • Rebalance your Metabolism Мод APK 1.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Rebalance your Metabolism Мод APK 1.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This App is a guideline that will accompany you through the entire 21 Days of the Metabolic Diet – The Original.
    You will be provided with a detailed plan including meal suggestions / recipes for each diet day
    - An explanation and instructions on how to take your nutritional supplements
    - A record of the progress of your weight loss
    - A list of allowed foods
    - All the information to make your metabolic diet a success
    - You can start the app on any day of the metabolic diet, data can be entered later
  • Lunar Calendar PRO Мод APK 4.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Lunar Calendar PRO Мод APK 4.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    For Ukraine set up minimum price 1$
    Are you interested in the influence of the moon on man?
    Do you want to know what day of the Moon it is now?
    Do you want to live a more harmonious life?
    Do you want to have a simple and intuitive calendar close at hand?
    Then this app will help you!

    App shows properties of any day:
    * Health recommendations (e.g what food to avoid)
    * Relationship recommendations
    * General and business recommendations
    * Recommendations for planting
    * Recommendations for yogis
    * Water treatment and cleaning
    * Of course it shows day of moon
    * Of course it shows moon face
    * Of course it shows current zodiac sign
    * All info above is shown in both textual and graphic form
    * The app supports all Android devices with any screen sizes
    * Available in English, Deutsch and Russian
    * The PRO version has a dream-book on lunar days and aromatherapy
    * The PRO version has the ability to go to a random day.
    * The PRO version has improved navigation - guaranteed by the lack of advertising.

    It has touch actions - you can select days or actions.
  • JogTracker Pro Мод APK 4.2.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    JogTracker Pro Мод APK 4.2.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    JogTracker Pro unlocks additional features in JogTracker free edition.

    JogTracker is a simple and fun to use fitness tracker for your Android phone. Whether you run, walk, bike or any other outdoor activity, you will love JogTracker!

    Try before you buy! Download the free version and take advantage of these features:

    - Display distance in miles or kilometers
    - Calculates calories burned
    - Share your workouts on Facebook and Twitter directly from the app
    - Voice prompts at time intervals so you know how far you've gone without having to look at the screen
    - Uses GPS and Google Maps to help you find your way
    - View your jog history on the web
    - Integrates with Bluetooth Smart (BLE) heart rate monitors

    Upgrade to Pro to add these additional features:

    - Real time speed/pace charts
    - Voice prompts at distance intervals
    - Altitude (elevation) chart
    - No advertisements
    - Auto pause/resume
    - Prevent screen from dimming during workouts
    - All future Pro features

    **Free bonus app - JogTracker Pro also unlocks the full version of Sudokube! Just download Sudokube Demo after you buy JogTracker Pro to take advantage of this bonus offer.

    1. Must install JogTracker Free version 2.1.0 or higher.
    2. Must keep both JogTracker Pro and Free versions installed.
    3. Use JogTracker Free icon to launch.

    Like us on Facebook:

    Follow us on Twitter:

  • 7 Minute Workout PRO Мод APK 1.5.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    7 Minute Workout PRO Мод APK 1.5.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Have you ever thought it possible to work out your entire body in just 7 minutes, burn maximum calories and achieve your desired results? The science behind 7 Minutes not only says it's possible, but that it's one of the best ways you can work out ever!

    "More" doesn't always mean "Better." Even eating excess healthy food can be harmful to your body, and the same goes for excess exercise. Putting too much stress on your body for too long by working out for hours on end can be harmful for anyone from the average person to the professional athlete. Just "7 Minutes" one or more times a day can be the turning point for anyone who wants to achieve maximum results and optimize their well being- and their time commitment!

    Stay motivated to achieve your fitness goals and unlock your maximum potential with 7 Minute PRO! Upgrade to PRO and access daily motivations, workout achievement tracking and tons of other great features to make sure you get your "7 Minute" in every day.

    Are you ready to burn maximum calories in minimal time? All it takes is 7 Minutes!


    Daily Motivation
    • Motivation is the key to success! Turn your smartphone into your personal gym buddy.
    • Daily motivations will help ensure you stay motivated to always put in your 7 minutes of exercise!

    • Stay motivated with 7 Minutes' workout Achievements!
    • Set goals and resolutions for yourself - make your weight loss goals a reality!

    Customize Workout
    • Customize your training session by editing the number of cycles, exercise and rest time.

    Activity Log
    • Keep track of your training sessions
    • Keep track of your unblocked achievements.

    Exercise Videos
    • Follow along with detailed fitness videos as you exercise
    • Keep track of your sets - videos will let you know how long until the end of your workout
    • Video player works in both landscape and portrait mode

    Video Tutorials
    • View from our extensive collection of video tutorials to make sure you are performing every exercise safely and correctly.
    • Easily play and pause your workout video tutorials to perfect your form!

    Workout Details
    • Whether you are working out your upper body, lower body, abs or arms- learn about every aspect of your workouts including a visualization of all muscle groups exercised.
    * Choose how you want to work out- whether you are beginning by reading a tutorial or are a seasoned workout pro and want to follow along with a video loop. It's all up to you!

    Fitness Tips
    • 7 Minutes is a revolutionary way to think about how we exercise. Learn insightful fitness tips from our experts to help you live a healthy lifestyle.

    Weight Tracker
    • Track your weight loss progress each day to monitor your results in the app.
    • Easy to use charts let you visually see your progress and stay motivated!

    7 Minutes has everything you need to get started, stay motivated and keep coming back to put in those 7 Minutes each day. Change the way you think about your daily exercise routine - all it takes is 7 Minutes!

    Brought to you by Passion4Profession - the largest fitness video provider on YouTube with over 600 million video views.

    7 Minutes has everything you need to get started, stay motivated and keep coming back to put in those 7 Minutes each day. Change the way you think about your daily exercise routine - all it takes is 7 Minutes!
  • KetoDiet Basic Мод APK 1.7.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    KetoDiet Basic Мод APK 1.7.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    What is the Ketogenic (keto) Diet?

    The ketogenic (keto) diet is high in fat, adequate in protein and low in carbohydrates. Most people follow the keto diet in order to lose weight. However, weight loss is just one of the many benefits and the ketogenic diet has been shown to help manage or treat several health conditions.

    What is KetoDiet Basic?

    KetoDiet includes 300 exclusive keto recipes plus over 650 FREE recipes from our integrated keto blog. With the option to purchase additional recipes via in-app purchases. All our recipes are keto friendly, easy to follow and are accompanied by amazing photos and detailed descriptions for each step. All of the recipes are either paleo/primal friendly or include dairy-free suggestions. Additional recipe packages can also be purchased separately.

    Keto Diet Guide
    The ketogenic diet explained thoroughly - for complete beginners to advanced keto dieters. Discover the science behind the ketogenic diet, find out what ketosis is, why it works best, what to eat on a keto diet, and much more all backed up by scientific references.

    Free meals & articles
    Continuous updates from our online KetoDiet Blog, including FREE recipes, informative articles and KetoDiet competitions & giveaways!

    Shopping Basket
    KetoDiet includes a shopping basket to help you manage your shopping. No need to take your Android with you, you can print out your shopping list directly from the app!

    Will KetoDiet work for me?

    Unlike other diets, KetoDiet is focused on eating real food suitable for the ketogenic diet. The aim is to achieve a metabolic state known as ketosis, where your body uses fat for fuel and you naturally lose weight. Based on studies, the ketogenic diet has been found to perform best with real long-term weight loss and health benefits. We provide a complete overview of the diet including scientific references and several sources of information.

    About the KetoDiet recipes

    Keto diet recipe highlights:

    • The average net carbs content of KetoDiet meals is 5 grams per serving
    • Suggestions and nutritional facts
    • Optional ingredients offer more flexibility to suit your ketogenic diet
    • Serving size adjustment
    • Star recipes to never lose your favorite meals again!

    All Keto Diet recipes contain:

    • No grains
    • No sugar
    • No white potatoes
    • No legumes (peanut-free options)
    • No additives
    • No unhealthy oils
    • No artificial sweeteners
    • Dairy-free options
    • Reduced carb options
  • Navy PFA Calc Мод APK 3.07 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Navy PFA Calc Мод APK 3.07 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Fully updated to support new Plank exercise and Row alternative cardio option.

    Best and most fully featured US Navy Physical Fitness Assessment(PFA) / Physical Readiness Test(PRT) / Body Composition Assessment (BCA) Android application.

    Only BCA calculator that supporting measurements to the 1/4 inch with proper rounding performed per the CFL guide and OPNAV.

    Full cardio option support (run, row, swim, and bike)!

    Goal seek: See individual event PRT results needed to make a specific score!

    Updated for latest PFA instruction (OPNAVINST 6110.1J) and Physical Readiness Program Newsletters.

    -Height/weight Body Composition Assessment(BCA) results.
    -BCA taping results.
    -PRT results for all officially supported bikes, all cardio options, and new Plank event (NOV2020).
    -Individual event scores to make a user selected score.
    -Can easily share calculator output via Menu->Share feature

    *** Neither the United States Navy nor any other component of the Department of Defense has approved, endorsed, or authorized this product . ***
  • Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson Мод APK 4.2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson Мод APK 4.2.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Start your journey to a better sleep here. If you're having trouble sleeping, whether through stress or anxiety, this app will help you relax for a better sleep experience.

    This guided and gentle meditation is designed to lower stress and take away anxiety, so that you fall into a restful sleep, meaning you wake up the next day feeling energised, refreshed and ready to take on the day.

    Ultra-relaxing, this app is designed to help with insomnia and sleep anxiety. Listen in bed for a state of deep calm – use this sleep meditation to relax, switch your mind off and stay asleep all night.

    Destress, improve your mindset, sleep better, grow your confidence and be healthier with guided meditations, mindfulness sessions and positive messages – and much more.

    Mindfulness expert, coach and therapist Andrew Johnson has been helping people deal with life's challenges with guided relaxations, meditations, self-care tools and breathing exercises for many years.

    His best-selling range of mindfulness apps have a variety of content to help you, whether you are looking for ways to reduce stress and anxiety, lose weight, improve your health & confidence, learn relaxation techniques, etc.

    Key features:

    • Short meditations you can do anywhere: at work, commuting, at home, walking.

    •Inspirational sessions to help you tackle life's challenges, to be calm and find clarity.

    •Mindfulness stories and talks to help you build better, healthy habits.

    •Meditations to help you feel inspired and find motivated to eat well, workout and stay
    healthy both in body and mind.

    •Relaxation techniques and tools to help you sleep better every night, to wake feeling
    energised and refreshed.

    •Breathing exercises and calming meditations for anxiety, panic attacks and stress relief.

    •Meditation sessions to stop anxiety in its tracks and release stress.

    How do I get more?

    Start your day mindfully, keep feeling positive and be inspired throughout the day with a range of guided meditations to help during tough or stressful moments. Boost your energy with a Power Nap, stay focussed to Beat Procrastination, and then drift off using a Deep Sleep meditation for a restful night.

    Think of Andrew as your personal mindfulness coach, always there to help when you need him most.

    Search for Andrew Johnson to unlock more daily mindfulness and guided meditation sessions.
  • Water Drink Reminder - Hydro+ Мод APK 1.2.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Water Drink Reminder - Hydro+ Мод APK 1.2.5 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The Hydro+ application is a simple water drink reminder, to motivate you to regularly drink the correct amount.

    If you do not drink the correct amount of water, this is the perfect application, which will restore your healthy habits and will help you care for proper hydration.
    After installing, the application calculator will calculate and suggest the water demand of your body, which will become your daily goal to achieve.
    Reminders that you can adjust to your needs will ensure that you will never again forget about regularly drinking water and additionally monitor and compare your results on charts and statistics.

    Due to its functionalities as well as the possibility of full personalization, Hydro+ is the most advanced application of this type on the market. Try it yourself!

    App features include:
    ★ Water demand calculator – will calculate and suggest the amount of water to drink each day
    ★ Reminders – will ensure regular hydration
    ★ Charts and statistics - will show your progress as you regularly drink water
    ★ Adjustable sizes of containers - adjust them to your needs
    ★ Multilanguage (Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Русский, Polski, Português, 中文, 日本語)
    ★ Automatic backup copies in a cloud
    ★ Data transfer between various devices
    ★ Access to analyses and charts from web browser (http://hydro-app.com)
    ★ Data backup to SD card
    ★ Data export and send via e-mail
    ★ No Ads

    Regular consumption of fluids may increase your efficiency and vitality, and affect your health and condition.

    The demand for fluids depends on the individual dispositions of each person, so the calculations of the Hydro+ application calculator should be treated solely as auxiliary guidelines.
  • Paced Breathing Pro Мод APK 2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Paced Breathing Pro Мод APK 2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    THIS APP IS GOING AWAY SOON, replaced by the new Paced Breathing app:
    (existing 'Pro' app users, see these instructions for switching: https://pacedbreathing.app/pro)


    Featured in James Nestor's best-selling book, Breath, Paced Breathing uses visual, audio and haptic cues to guide you through your practice. Whether meditating, strengthening your lungs or simply relaxing - join the thousands who love using Paced Breathing everyday.
  • FitCloud Мод APK 5.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    FitCloud Мод APK 5.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Track your training and keep your workouts synced with your own cloud storage.

    Record GPS and Sensor based workouts and store in local storage (/Documents/FitCloud/) or Google Drive or Dropbox.

    For all outdoor (using GPS) and indoor sports (using sensors). For running, cycling, mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, sailing, biking and indoor gym workouts and fitness classes. The best featured app to record your GPS track and monitor your performance and fitness.

    ★ Recording of all GPS based activities.
    ★ Recording of sensor based activities using bluetooth, BLE SMART and ANT+
    ★ Track speed, distance, heart rate, time, pace, altitude gain/loss and more

    ★ Customize speed, pace and heart rate based training plans in the app
    ★ Race previous tracks
    ★ Receive highly customizable and detailed audio coaching and voice feedback

    ★ Track workouts on your calendar and see your monthly totals

    ★ Android wear support (HR support on Moto360 and Gear Live)
    ★ Bluetooth Zephyr HxM and Polar Wearlink BT and Zephyr BioHarness
    ★ Bluetooth low energy SMART heart rate monitors, bike and running sensors
    ★ Polar Wearlink® + transmitter with Bluetooth®
    ★ Polar H7 and Zephyr Hxm SMART
    ★ ANT+ heart rate monitors, bike and running sensors

    ★ Export workouts in GPX and KML to your local storage, Google Drive or Dropbox

    For bluetooth sensors see http://sportstracklive.com/help/heart-rate for more info.

    For Bluetooth SMART (Bluetooth low-energy) sensors. See http://sportstracklive.com/help/bluetooth-smart

    This app is ANT+ certified and supports ANT+ enabled heart rate sensors, footpods and bicycle speed & cadence sensors. Visit http://www.thisisant.com/directory for compatible devices.

    Email [email protected] if you have any problem

    Help, Feature requests and forum http://getsatisfaction.com/sportstracklive

    Blog http://blog.sportstracklive.com
  • WomanLog Baby Pro Мод APK 1.0.6 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    WomanLog Baby Pro Мод APK 1.0.6 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    WomanLog Baby (Baby) is a calendar of child development for parents.

    User interface languages:
    English, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Español, Português, Dansk, Nederlands, Svenska, Русский, 简体中文, 繁體中文

    Key features:
    Child Development Calendar
    Descriptions of child development phases from birth to 3 years
    Calendar for multiple babies

    WomanLog Baby Pro:
    Photo Gallery
    Bottle feeding
    Doctor's appointments
    Send PDF file to e-mail
    No ads

    All the main functions are accessible via the calendar. Tapping a finger on the calendar date, you can add and edit the settings for each day.

    Turn the phone horizontally and you will switch to the list of events.

    Application developers are not responsible for any direct or indirect losses which have arisen or may arise related to using this application.

    Child development phase descriptions and drawings are to be understood as general and theoretical information that may not be the same or may differ significantly in comparison to each particular child's actual development.

    General technical data such as phone model, etc., are transferred to www.womanlog.com solely for testing purposes and for statistics.

    contacts: [email protected]

    www.womanlog.com © 2016
  • Press Strength Training Мод APK 1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.9

    Press Strength Training Мод APK 1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Press Strength Training is a fitness companion app featuring Strength Standards, Calories & Macros, and a routine journal featuring Starting Strength, StrongLifts 5x5, GreySkull LP, The Texas Method, MadCow 5x5, and 5/3/1.

    Strength Standards allows you to measure your performance in the Overhead Press, Deadlift, Bench Press, and Squat, according to your body weight.

    Calories & Macros is a nutrition calculator which will calculate how many calories you should use a day according to body composition, activity level, and caloric goal, as well as allowing you to choose how you want to split your macronutrients.

    Routines allows you to keep track of your current routine workout by workout, week to week. Currently supported routines are Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength, StrongLifts 5x5, GreySkull LP, The Texas Method, MadCow 5x5, and Jim Wendler's 5/3/1.

    Finally, My Info allows you to store your measurements, switch between metric and imperial units, and record your personal records.
  • Abs workout II PRO Мод APK 2.2.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Abs workout II PRO Мод APK 2.2.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Try it after daily ab workout - Caynax A6W, and forget about any other abdominal workouts.

    About workout
    This app helps you do workout known as 'Legendary Abs II'. This workout is result of four years' research at Stanford University. It guarantees greater effects than any other workout and doesn't take more than 5 minutes.

    The secret
    The secret of this workout is how exercises interact with each other. That way they are much more effective.

    Fat and diet
    You won't see your belly muscles if they are covered with belly fat. You need to get rid of that fat first. You can achieve it simply by burning more calories than you consume - proper diet and aerobic exercises. You can also try Caynax HIIT app for interval workouts.

    Belly muscles
    Belly muscles can be divided in two parts: upper abs and lower abs. You use both lower and upper abs when you do lower abs exercises and only upper abs when you do upper abs exercises. Always start with lower abs exercises.

    Pro app version has no ads and access to all workout levels.

    - READ_PHONE_STATE - used to detect incoming phone call and pause workout.
    - RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED - to start reminder service after phone start.
    - WAKE_LOCK - to ensure that workout works when screen is off.
  • CanIEatThis Мод APK 3.0.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    CanIEatThis Мод APK 3.0.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    - Is this product gluten free?
    - Is this ingredient vegan?
    - Where can I eat nearby?

    Find yourself asking these questions on a daily basis?

    Products & Ingredients
    CanIEatThis easily and efficiently let's you scan a product or search for a specific ingredient and let's you know whether you can eat it.
    Simply press the Scan Barcode button, point your phone at the barcode and bam! The app shows you the product's suitability for you! No more searching through tiny lists of ingredients!

    Or, press the search button in the top right and search for an ingredient (e.g. gelatin) and the app shows you it's suitability!

    Places to Eat
    Swipe left or press the places tab to view a map. You can either view places near your current location or search for a custom place, the app populates the map with markers. Click on a marker and it will tell you what options that place has and if it's suitable for you! You can also help other users out but submitting your experiences at a place! Simply press the window shown for a marker and it will ask you some simple questions!

    With thanks to Open Food Facts, you are also contributing to a universal database of products and information that is informative and helpful to others!
  • Get Rich or Die Smoking Gold Мод APK 2.0.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Get Rich or Die Smoking Gold Мод APK 2.0.8 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    If you like Get Rich or Die Smoking...get the Gold version for less than the cost of a pack of cigarettes!

    It comes with additional features and will be improved continously.

    * New Design!
    * Unlimited chat scrolling
    * Emoticons in community
    * Notification about replies in the community
    * No ads!
    * Thank the developer :)
    * ... and more coming

    Do you smoke?
    Why do you spend so much money on damaging your health? Why don't you spend this money more reasonably? This app helps you to stop smoking by showing what you can now afford with the money saved.

    - Sophisticated reward system
    - Configuration of smoking habits, quit time, etc.
    - Community to chat with other quitters
    - Relapse button
    - 2 Widgets displaying your progress
    - Support for several currencies
    - Manage your products
    - Product picture loaded automatically (Internet), via Camera or loaded from gallery
    - Detailed statistics
    - Enable trophys (time, money, cigarettes, products)
    - Track the positive effects on your health
    - Share achievements: Share your achievements via SMS, email, Facebook or many other applications.
    - Two info screens about costs caused by smoking

    Available in English, German, Frech, Hungarian and Polish

    Please don't hesitate to give feedback: [email protected]

    Note: If you move the application to the SD card the widget will not work properly! This is a well-known Android problem.

    Please rate the App if you like it!
  • Chakra Frequencies Мод APK 1.2.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Chakra Frequencies Мод APK 1.2.4 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Chakra Frequencies PRO is about Enjoying a blend of custom music and visualizations for each Chakra, without the need of WiFi or Data. The Chakra Frequencies App is also designed to give people an app that has ALL the Solfeggio Frequencies into one app. These are RAW Hz frequencies for the 7 chakras mixed with beautiful music.


    • 14+ Chakra songs, each with their own 3D/HD visuals
    • Fullscreen 3D & HD visuals, for each chakra
    • Play all chakra music and visuals at the same time (or separately)
    • Play all frequencies alone, from 1-7
    • Play all music in random order
    • Play All chakra music from 1-7 & from 7-1
    • Hide visuals (Battery saver mode)


    You need to plugin the headphones or plug the phone/tablet into Stereo speakers, but make sure you always, ALWAYS turn OFF the equalizer so their is no distortion.

    This goes for your phone/tablet as well, so never use these frequencies if your equalizer is on, to check: Go to your sound settings or multimedia settings and turn off all sound enhancement options that may cause distortion.

    *Please send an email if you encounter any bugs.
  • Get Running Мод APK 3.13 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Get Running Мод APK 3.13 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Get fit and feel fantastic. Get Running with a great “Couch to 5K” beginner's running app!

    With three enjoyable workouts a week, in nine weeks you'll be jogging continuously for half an hour, even if getting off the couch is a struggle today.

    Get Running breaks through the “beginning barrier” with the popular “C25K” beginner's running plan. With each new week, Get Running's human coach, Claire, gradually builds up your pace until you're running for a whole half-hour.

    Get Running:

    ✔ Coaches with a human voice – with hundreds of studio-recorded audio prompts.
    ✔ Supports and encourages you – talk with fellow running rookies on the Get Running forum.
    ✔ Helps you plan – rest days help you recover, and Get Running knows the best day for your next run.
    ✔ Displays your next move – the unique Run Clock, customised for each workout, gives complete visibility and understanding.
    ✔ Plays nicely with other apps, including your built-in music player, or apps like Spotify and Rdio.
    ✔ Runs in the background, and will keep on going with your phone locked.

    Get Running also:

    ✔ Publishes your success – send updates to Twitter or Facebook (built-in), and have your friends remind you when the next run is due!
    ✔ Fits your schedule – just three workouts a week of 20 to 30 minutes.
    ✔ Logs your achievements – with an illuminating visual record of your progress.

    Thousands of people have changed their lives with Get Running and you will too! Whether you're running for your health, training for a 5K, or taking your first step towards a marathon — Get Running!
  • Stark Resistance Мод APK 1.4.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Stark Resistance Мод APK 1.4.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    - Be inspired by 23 Resistance Band exercises presented in sharp HD video.
    - Create your own personal workout.
    - Start a workout and follow our interactive tabata and HIIT timers.
    - Keep track of your progress by earning points for completed workouts.
    - Find Resistance Band exercises targeting specific muscle groups.

    The Resistance Band Exercises are performed by Swedish professional instructor Jenny Ahlin.
  • Impetus Plus License Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Impetus Plus License Мод APK 1.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Impetus Plus is a licensing app that unlocks more features on Impetus Interval Timer.

    *** Plus will not appear on the devices app tray, start Impetus to access the paid features. ***

    Impetus is an advanced interval timer for any training regimen with intervals or other repetition; HIIT, Tabata, Fight Gone Bad, C25K, Crossfit, kettlebells, pyramid training, running, BodyRock, breath hold training, Beastmaker, boxing, martial arts, yoga etc.

    Current Plus features:
    - Presets can be imported and exported. Backup your presets, share them with your friends and download ready-made presets from the Impetus Preset Library.

    - Use playlists to play background audio according to the current interval (work or rest)
    **** NOTE **** The playlists must be made from local music files (mp3) on the device. Streaming from Spotify, Google Music etc. is not supported. The mp3 player must also
    have playlists that are accessible to other apps. E.g. Samsung Music and Poweramp have this functionality.

    You also need to have Impetus Interval Timer installed.
  • Simply Yoga Мод APK 5.27 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Simply Yoga Мод APK 5.27 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Simply Yoga is your own personal yoga instructor. The app contains twelve level 1 and level 2 yoga routines that step you through each pose, as well as streaming yoga classes. Each pose is demonstrated by a certified instructor, so simply choose your workout length and follow along in the comfort of your own home!

    • 12 predefined level 1 & 2 routines - 20 to 60 min
    • Great for all levels - beginners to advanced
    • Video & audio instructions throughout entire routines
    • Unlike most competitors, no in-app purchases or subscriptions!
    • 70+ poses
    • Create your own custom routines
    • Ad-free

    >>> Want more workouts? Also check out the "DAILY WORKOUTS" full version app for multiple workouts including ab, arm, butt, cardio, leg and full-body routines. Daily Workouts now also has Pilates, stretch, kettlebell and ball workouts and more!
  • SweetBeat HRV Мод APK 2.1.6 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    SweetBeat HRV Мод APK 2.1.6 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    The next big trend in bio-hacking is understanding the relationships between different metrics. By analyzing HRV
    and Stress in real-time. SweetBeat HRV provides a deeper dive into health and provides insight into what activities you engage in that effect the health metrics you care about.

    IMPORTANT: SweetBeat HRV requires external hardware:
    A tested Bluetooth Low Energy Heart Rate Monitors along with Android version 4.4 or greater. While they work well for heart rate, wrist worn heart rate monitors are not accurate enough for HRV and so are not supported.

    - This version does not link to TrainingPeaks presently but it is coming soon.
    - There is no on-line calendar support for this version.
    - There is no sharing through email, Facebook or twitter.
    - There is no food or correlation feature.

    •Please visit www.BeatHealthy.com for a list of compatible Heart Rate Monitors.

    SweetBeat HRV has two main components:
    •Monitor Stress
    •HRV for Training

    Monitor Stress:
    With SweetBeat HRV, you can see your stress levels in real time, giving you the ability to take action to reduce stress. SweetBeat's Relax screen prompts you with a deep breathing screen that includes calming images.

    The monitor stats screen more widely referred to as the “geek” screen, shows all the metrics being measured.

    HRV For Training:
    In competitive sports, improved performance is often affected by alternating periods of intensive training with periods of relative rest. SweetBeat HRV measures HRV, an objective measure of your body's response to each workout and provides training recommendations based on the morning reading.

    SweetBeat Features:

    •Save and upload sessions to your secure account at www.BeatHealthy.com.
    •View your raw RRs, Stress, HRV, HR and HRV for Training graph with pinch and zoom graphs.
    •Watch in real-time your HRV, HR, LF, HF, Stress Score along with session quality.
    •Measure your HRV every morning using HRV for Training and receive recommendations on your recovery state.
    •Capability to view sessions both saved on the server and on your device.
  • Starting Strength Official Мод APK 1.17 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Starting Strength Official Мод APK 1.17 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ~~~~~~~ 4.9 Star Average Reviews from thousands of users ~~~~~~~~

    The "Starting Strength" series of books by Mark Rippetoe have sold over 500,000 copies worldwide and is considered the most productive method in existence for anyone beginning a strength training program.

    This is the app version of the book a workout log with the Starting Strength Novice Program Phase 1 and Phase 2 and the Female Novice Program.

    "The best book ever written on strength training" - Jim Wendler, champion powerlifter.

    The Starting Strength Method is the fastest, most efficient and straightforward way to increase total body strength for complete beginners.

    -- Complete, easy-to-follow instructions for performing the basic barbell exercises: the squat, press, deadlift, bench press and power clean
    -- Designed for use at the gym with quick access to multiple angle videos and photo instructions of each exercise.
    -- Lift instructions and diagrams from the Starting Strength Book by Mark Rippetoe.
    -- Interactive logging tools journal your strength progression.
    -- Warmup and workset calculator shows you exactly how many plates to put on each side of the bar.
    -- Workset Rest Timer, customisable for each exercise.
    -- Customise your progression for each exercise.
    -- Add and save additional notes for each workout, and access previous notes easily.
    -- Never lose your training data again! Cloud Sync backs up your training log data and restores it across multiple devices.
    -- Download training log data as CSV (requires cloud sync)
    -- Helpful hints and tutorials help you learn and progress safely.
    -- How to program the basic exercises into the most effective program for long-term progress.
    -- Metric (kgs) or Imperials (Lbs)
    -- Get Form Checks From Starting Strength Coaches!

    Have any comments, questions or suggestions? Please email us at [email protected]
  • Boxing Timer Pro - Round Timer Мод APK 1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 4.0

    Boxing Timer Pro - Round Timer Мод APK 1.3 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    A professional grade, fully configureable boxing timer for the Android. Designed for training any round interval or circuit sport such as boxing, martial arts, wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA), Muay Thai, or any other round timer needs such as crossfit HIIT or circuit training.

    * Fully configurable sounds and times
    * Beautiful interface with large time display
    * Set times and sounds for preparation, round, warning and rest
    * Color indication of phase
    * Blinking to alert warning
    * Screen stays on automatically
    * Works with screen on or off
    * Portrait and landscape support
    * Set sound volume and vibration
    * Pause and resume session

    * Round repeat mode
    * Scales for larger phones and tablets
    * Multitasking support
    * 6 programmable presets
    * 9 Authentic boxing sounds/bells


    Boxing Timer
    Round Timer
    Interval Timer
    Countdown Clock
    Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
    Muay Thai
    Personal Boxing Training Timer
    Gym Timer
  • Kontraksi Nyaman Мод APK 1.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    Kontraksi Nyaman Мод APK 1.0.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Bagi Anda yang kesulitan melakukan pembelian, karena tidak punya kartu kredit atau tidak dapat melakukan pembelian dengan pulsa, silakan kontak:

    bidan Yesie dari http://www.bidankita.com/
    via whatsapp (081329017009)

    "Kontraksi Nyaman"
    adalah aplikasi untuk para bunda yang ingin merasakan nyamannya proses persalinan.

    Dilengkapi dengan fitur pencatatan kontraksi dan sugestinya agar anda tetap nyaman dan rileks saat merasakan kontraksi

    Bagaimana mendapatkan pengalaman persalinan yang indah dan minim trauma?

    Bagaimana agar Anda merasakan nyamannya menikmati masa kehamilan?

    Hypnobirthing adalah salah satu cara untuk mewujudkannya.

    Pemberdayaan diri itu sangat penting

    "Pengetahuan adalah KUNCI& Kekuatan"

    "Knowledge is Power"

    Aplikasi ini saya persembahkan bagi anda para ibu agar tetap merasaka tenang dan nyaman saat melahirkan dan menikmati kontraksi

    Mari berdayakan diri
    Silahkan kunjungi website kami
    Di www.bidankita.con
  • Runtastic Sit-Ups PRO Trainer Мод APK 1.13 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Runtastic Sit-Ups PRO Trainer Мод APK 1.13 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Want to strengthen your abs? Eager to get started? Download the Runtastic Sit-Ups Abs Workout PRO app and turn your abs into a real eyecatcher. Your PERSONAL SIT UPS TRAINER, aka your smartphone, helps you stay on track - draw motivation from our app to ensure you reach your goal. Sit-ups are among the most popular strength exercises when it comes to a flat belly and ripped abs for a reason. They're a highly effective exercise and will help you take a big leap towards your six pack. Seize the moment, make the most of your motivation and kick-off your journey to perfect abs!

    * Accurate count of completed sit-up repetitions using accelerometer
    * Access to Level 1 sit ups workouts of the scientifically developed training plan
    * Automatic countdown timer for your rest between exercise sets
    * Voice Coach for constant feedback
    * Beat your best and set personal records
    * Upload workout activities to Runtastic.com
    * Share your success on Google+, Facebook, Twitter or via email
    * Integrate Runtastic activities to your MyFitnessPal account
    * Collect motivating badges for your performance

    * No advertisement
    * Three levels based on scientifically developed training plan to reach 100 sit-ups
    * Set a reminder for your next workout
    * Personal records & exercise statistics (i.e. monthly or yearly stats)
    * Leaderboard for personal records and overall repetitions: compare to others and see how you rank with your Runtastic friends

    Knowing the exact number of sit-ups you just knocked out can totally boost your motivation. Even better: You get a great overview on your fitness activities, allowing you to monitor your progress step by step. You got a thing for records? Increase your ambition with the Runtastic Sit-Ups Abs Workout PRO app and try to beat your personal bests time and again. Then, check out your records and draw motivation for your next abs workout session.

    Your sit-ups are automatically recognized using the accelerometer of your smartphone/tablet.

    Convenient: You can upload your fitness data to Runtastic.com, if you want. There you can access all your stats anytime, as well as monitor your success thanks to your personal training log. Remember, you can also share your achievements with your friends!

    Strong, defined abs won't just boost your self-esteem, they also stabilize your entire body. Rely on Runtastic Sit-Ups Abs Workout PRO for quick and efficient strength training for your midsection. What are you waiting for? Go get those abs!

    Runtastic Sit-Ups: All you need for a flat belly!

    Runtastic is all about health & fitness apps! Check out more of our apps to help you reach your fitness goals at http://play.google.com/store/search?q=pub:Runtastic
  • Period Calendar Pro Мод APK 1.574.125 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.5

    Period Calendar Pro Мод APK 1.574.125 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    • Period Calendar Pro with no ads.
    • New beautiful theme has been designed and published.


    The ★highest rating (4.7)★ period calendar!

    Top 1 in Health & Fitness Over 43 Countries.
    Top 5 in Health & Fitness Over 63 Countries.
    Over 40,000,000 Android Users love Period Calendar.

    Always know when is your next period, fertile and ovulation. Period Calendar, track your period, cycle ,ovulation and the chance of pregnancy, period tracker for women looking for conceive, or birth control.

    Period Tracker for irregular periods and regular periods. It can track pregnancy chance every day, cervical mucus, BMI, intercourse, weight, temperature, symptoms or moods, just like your personal period diary, help you keep fitness, lose weight, and keep healthy.

    ★ Pill Reminder & Period Reminder:
    - Customize the notification text to make it discreet, and never feels awkward in public.
    - Notification for period, fertility and ovulation tracker
    - Contraceptive pills reminder (include pill, ring, patch & injection)

    ★ Period & Fertile Tracker:
    - Menstruation, Cycles, Ovulation prediction, help you have everything in plan
    - Ovulation calculator and tracker
    - Period Calculator and Fertility Calculator

    ★ Trying to get pregnant & Birth Control:
    - Fertile symptoms tracker, like cervical firmness, cervical mucus, cervical opening
    - Check the pregnancy chance each day if you want birth control;

    ★ Loss Weight, Tracker Symptoms & Moods:
    - Intimacy tracker
    - Body temperature chart for determine ovulation date
    - Smart predict your ovulation date according to the ovulation test result

    ★ Never Lost Data:
    - With Google account data backup and Restoration
    - Backup and Restore your period data to phone or email

    ★ Multi Account & Security:
    - Multi accounts to track & Security protections
    - View or search all notes through timeline

    - To communicate and exchange ideas with each other about any topics

    ★ Support for Wear OS Complications & Tiles:
    Period & ovulation prediction, water drinking reminders, and pill reminders are all available by setting up complications and tiles on your wear OS devices.

    Free version is here
  • Meditate ॐ OM Pro Мод APK 7.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.8

    Meditate ॐ OM Pro Мод APK 7.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    This is a fully configurable Meditation Timer, Tracker and Chanter. You can add a mantra, prayer or chant and associate an image to be shown when playing the track in a loop. You can even record a chant using the built-in recording facility. You can set alarms for waking up with the magical chant sounds. It comes with elaborate tracking and reporting of your meditation routines to help you get more organised. Regular meditaion helps you strengthen your mind, improve concentration, boost self confidence and relieve stress. It also features a Silent Meditation mode to help Breathe Meditation.

    Extra Features in Pro (compared to Free version):
    - Add or record your own mantras
    - Edit individual mantras including pre-installed ones
    - Configure alarms for waking up
    - Optional status bar notification

    Your settings can be automatically imported if you are migrating from a free version.

    The number of chants to play, bell sound periodicity, pause between chants and several other parameters can be specified for each mantra. You could set a sleep timer for the application to auto exit after a specified time. You may also set it to auto play the next track after a certain number of chants. You can save your own description about the mantra such as the wordings for easy reference.

    To help you have a quick start, it comes pre-installed with several powerful OM mantras from Hinduism and Buddhism. The wordings and meanings of all these mantras are provided for your easy reference. You may change the tracks or pictures associated with these and revert back any time. Basc meditation instructions are provided as well, if you are new to meditation.

    Om is regarded as the eternal sound. It is the sound which is there in the universe all the time. It is said to be the only sound you would hear when you go into deep meditation. These time-tested Vedic Om (AUM) mantras will relax your mind and body and uplift your soul.

    Happy Meditation.
  • NutriData Nutrition & Calories Мод APK 3.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.6

    NutriData Nutrition & Calories Мод APK 3.2 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    Introducing NutriData - the modern way to learn more about the nutrients of food.

    NutriData lets you find out more about the nutrients in your food - and not just the generic ones (more than 150 nutrients)*. We have created a versatile, detailed database of over 27,000 food products sub-categorized in nine country databases*.

    We wanted to create a fluid application that puts you just a tap away from nutritional and caloric values of food, and that's what NutriData is. It's designed to give you the exact nutritional data of any food, in any specific portion*.

    With NutriData, you have access to one of the largest database of nutritional information on Android. It's all in your pocket - and never more than a tap away. Whether you are conducting scientific research or simply checking the facts on what you are eating, NutriData can help you.

    You can search for the food you want to find, or sort them in an alphabetical order. You can also see categories of food or search by what nutrients they contain. You can add foods to a favorites list and you can view the comparison of the nutritional information of two foods. Change the portion size and watch as the nutrients change to suit the new value - it's smart, intelligent and modern.

    NutriData provides you with the most extensive database of nutritional information and puts it all in your pocket. You can even see the Dietary Reference Intakes for each dietary component keeping you within your diet restrictions.

    NutriData - the ultimate database of nutritional and caloric values of food.

    ★ 9 country-based databases to search.

    ★ Filter foods alphabetically, by nutrients or in groups.

    ★ Search over 27,000 food products with a simple keyword.

    ★ Adjust the portion size to get accurate data.

    ★ See advanced data such as dietary fiber, caffeine content, lactose content and so much more*.

    ● Available databases from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and United States of America;
    ● You can choose the portion from 1 to 500 g/ml;
    ● Depending on the database, it is possible to use standard portions;
    ● Not all nutrients are available in all foods and in all databases. The nutrients available in all the different databases can be checked at http://nutridata.mgoyanes.com/images/nutrients/en.jpg

    If you encounter any problems and before leaving neutral or negative feedback, please contact [email protected].

    For critics, doubts, suggestions or sending nutritional information to update the databases please use the email [email protected]

    Check sources at http://nutridata.mgoyanes.com
  • Vita-mind Study Power Мод APK 3.3.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    Vita-mind Study Power Мод APK 3.3.0 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    ✔ Solely by word of mouth, Vita-mind Dr. Sleep shot up to become the No.1 paid app in the Health and Fitness category (iTunes Store Korea) just 10 days after launch!

    (Vita-mind Study Power)

    *Introducing a revolutionary audio product for anyone desiring to be mentally fit for a better performing study life, boosted by a soothing collection of beautiful ambient tunes.

    We're a group of composers and musicians who have not only worked on healing music and ambient sounds for the purpose of relaxation, we also discovered the power of brainwave entrainment many years ago, and wanted to create something that would be all the more effective in combining the strength of the two in an all-new application that can help you focus better when studying.

    *The result is a combination of powerful entrainment sessions and our own collection of ambient music custom made to diffuse ambient noise and bring about a fast brainwave response time, resulting in a potentially more effective entrainment experience to give your mind a boost.

    *The comprehensive Study Power package has sessions that cover a wide range of study/concentration needs, individually designed to gently bring your mind into a more attentive, mentally stimulating state to help you focus on learning, storing information, and creative brainstorming, not to mention aiding in better sleep and waking patterns. From students to businessmen, Study Power has sessions for everyone who needs to perform their best.

    The Vita-mind Study Power package includes 10 isochronic entrainment tracks (Powered By Transparent Corp.) for daily use, including…

    Energizing Morning
    IQ Increase Session
    Focused Reading
    Gentle Alpha Concentration
    Brainstorm Assist
    Memory Assist
    Stress Reliever
    Pre-test Anxiety Reducer
    Afternoon Energy Replenisher
    Late Night Study Sustainer

    -10 beautifully soothing music tracks we've written just for this series

    -10 ambient nature tracks

    - An easy-to-use, single-page interface
    - Custom alarm feature
    - Independent session and background volume controls
    - Pop-up description for use of each session
    - Seamless looping of entrainment sessions, music, and nature sounds
  • EyeFilter PRO - Bluelight Мод APK 2.2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase] 3.7

    EyeFilter PRO - Bluelight Мод APK 2.2.1 [Paid for free][Free purchase]


    * 광고 가 노출 되는 분들께 선 앱 을 삭제 후 2.0.1 버전 재설치 부탁 합니다 *
    * 지난번 아이 필터 시리즈 일괄 업데이트 때 버그 가 있었고 수정 된 버전 을 올렸 습니다 *
    * 번거롭게 해서 죄송 합니다 (__) *

    Гениальное приложение для exhaysted глаза rolledout !!
    Как смартфон становится неотделима суточная потребность в течение всего дня,
    Пожалуйста, найти betterway использования смартфона с Eyefilter, relieaving нагрузку на ваши глаза

    ■ Это приложение защищает пользователей смартфонов от BlueLight воздействия, вызывая бессонницу и амблиопии
     - Запрет экрана от излучающей Bluelight
     - Это хорошо для защиты остроты зрения смартфона пользователя, особенно для детей и офисных работников
     - Это не вызывает быстрый разряд батареи, потребляет меньше энергии батареи питания

    ■ Легкий доступ к настройке использования Eyefilter
     - Это легко получить доступ и изменить настройку использования (ON / OFF) с функцией виджетов
     - Можно настроить прозрачность, дважды щелкнув виджет

    ■ Разнообразные темы и изменения функции уведомления
     - Выскажите свое собственное indiviuality через разнообразие выбора тема
     - Установить темы виджета на обоях
     - Изменяйте уведомления комментарий и значок с вашими предпочтениями

    ■ BLUELIGHT фильтр для оптимального зрения
     - Оптимальный 5 вид фильтров доступен
     - запретить другим выглядывает экрана, регулируя прозрачность

    ■ Что такое Bluelight?
     - Bluelight синий цветной свет с очень короткой длиной волны и visibel между 380 и 500 нм (нанометров).
       Он используется в качестве медицинского лечения прыщей в дерматологии. Тем не менее, многие эксперты говорят, что постоянная экспозиция синего света довольно опасно.
      А именно, долгое время экспозиция BlueLight может привести к ксерофтальмии и даже привести к повреждению сетчатки глаза линзы над глазом.
      Кроме того, Bluelight облучение от smatphone и телевидения в конце ночи, здоровый сон будет interupted от затрудняло сна, индуцирующего гормоны секреции.


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